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A trap ba woman in that apartment during the big raid. Abcs matt gutman has the very latest for us this morning from the french capital. Hi, matt. Reporter hey, good morning, paula. Just moments ago turkish officials telling us they arrested a Belgian National suspected of being the lookout on one of the attacks here in paris, that as they learn more about how some members of that terror cell infiltrated europe possibly blending in as refugees. Overnight we learned two of the three bombers who initiated that grisly series of attacks blowing themselves up through greece on the same day, october 3rd starting off in the same greek island of leros as so many syrian refugs. Since the attacks more than 800 raids in france alone hunting for Salah Abdeslam believed to be the man blasting away in this video obtained by dailymail. Com. Friends of abdeslam tell abc news he called them this week asking them to on the run from western authorities and according to those hearing retribution from isis for not detonating his suicide vest in the attacks one week ago that as french authorities work to identify a third man killed in this apartme wednesday. Thousands of bullets fired in a raid targeting paris attack ringleader abdelhamid abaaoud. It took police over 24 hours to identify his body, that of 26yearold hasna aitboulahcen, who s. W. A. T. Teams initially tried to convince to surreer. Where is your boyfriend . Hes not my boyfriend. Where is he . Hes not my boyfriend. Reporter speaking exclusively to abc news, eric gigot is the Deputy Commander of frances s. W. A. T. Unit saying the recently radicalize edd aitboulahcen tried to lure his men upstairs. Through the door when it opened so they really tried to kill us. Reporter moments later one of the three assailants detonated a suicide vest moments later blasting debris and flames out the windows. Explosion. We knew that they could do it again, against us. Reporter over an hour later, snipers took out the remaining suspect. A lot of people wondering how those terrorists were able to move so freely inside western europe. Well, once youre here, there are no border checks. You dont have to show a passport or i. D. When traveling between countries. Its a lot like traveling between states back in america. Dan, paula. And there is talk this morning about whether that should change, matt, thank you. Were going to move to the other country in a state of emergency. Mali in africa where terrorists stormed a hotel popular with westerners taking hostages and reportedly killing almost 20 people including an american mom, there she is, a Public Health expert, and abcs Alex Marquardt is there with the very latest. Alex, good morning to you. Reporter good morning, dan. This is the hotel where the attack took place considered to be one of the safest in the country popular with tourists, Business People and diplomats which these attackers were posing as when the deadly rampage started. This morning, mali waking up to a tenday state of emergency following the daylong siege at the luxury radisson blu hotel. Of the initial 170 staff and guests reportedly taken hostage, the president s office told abc news at least 19 people were killed as well as 2 attackers. We met businessman mukesh chellani. Inside a room with his employees. We covered the door with lot of heavy stuff and at some point we heard someone is knocking on the door and lots of bullets. Reporter around a dozen of americans were inside the hotel at the time. Among the dead, aid worker anita datar, a mother and former peace corps volunteer from maryland. We are devastated by the loss of our wonderful daughter who was doing the work she reporter traveling in malaysia president obama this is another awful reminder that the scourge of terrorism threatens so many of our nations and, once again, this barbarity only stiffens our resolve to meet this challenge. Heavily armed fake diplomatic license plates to get into the Hotel Grounds at 7 00 a. M. On friday morning. According to witnesses, they great, before opening fire. Sirens blared as mali gendarmerie and u. N. Forces as well as some americans responded. The day. At 3 30 in the afternoon, soldiers entered the building going floor to floor to escort the hostages to safety leading this group down the hotels grand staircase. One wounded employee carried out on a rescuers back. Friday night malis president just two militants were dead. An Al Qaeda Linked group linked to Mokhtar Belmokhtar has france believes it is possible theyre behind it. Those three americans who helped with the rescuer from the state and defense departments were told they made repeated entries into the hotel to rescue those american was work at the embassy. Telling citizens to limit their movements here. Paula. Thank you, alex. And all of this dominating the campaign trail. Shifted dramatically to terror and National Security since the paris attacks. Candidates have their own ideas on how to keep this country safe. Some more extreme than others and donald trump now trying to distance himself from a controversial comment that he says was misconstrued. Abcs devin dwyer at the white house for us. Hi, devin. Reporter hey, good morning, paula. You know, fear of terrorism here in the u. S. Is now near its highest level since 9 11. The threat from isis and what to do about it have become the top issues on the campaign trail. Testing the president ial candidates in new ways. Donald trump was asked about setting up a database of muslims in america. Should there be a database that tracks the muslims in this country . There should be a lot of system beyond databases. We should have a lot of systems and today you can do it. But for muslims specifically how do you actually get them registered into a database . It would be just good management. Reporter trumps answer set off a flurry of condemnation from his rivals. Should the federal government keep a registry of any religious group, the answer is, of course, not. I find it abhorrent that donald trump is suggesting we register people. Reporter ben carson said a database of all citizens in the u. S. Is a good idea. Hopefully we already have a database oevery citizen who is already here. If we dont, were doing a very poor job. Reporter trump later tweeted, i didnt suggest a database. A reporter did. We must defeat islamic terrorism and have surveillance including a watch list to protect america. In a new abc News Washington post poll, 81 of americans feel a major terrorist attack in the u. S. Is likely and a majority, 54 , are concerned about a potential threat from Syrian Refugees and want them to staout. In tennessee 1 of 31 states whose governors want to ban Syrian Refugees, Hillary Clinton said, it wont help. We got to do what works. And it doesnt work for us to act like were going to shut our borders andull up the gang plank. Reporter now, president obama says hes determined to allow in at least 10,000 Syrian Refugees this year. Meanwhile, donald trump tried to clarify his database comment overnight saying the only registry he wants is for Syrian Refugees that come to the u. S. Dan. Devin, thank you. With so much concern about terrorism here in the u. S. , and with the thanksgiving travel rush pretty much upon us, theyre boosting security at airports. Abcs david kerley reports on whats being done to keep travelers safe. Reporter already this morning, the thanksgiving more peoe flying home for the holiday, more than 25 million will take to the air, and in light of the recent terror attacks, many are leery. People are now in fear of whats happened, its the new reality. You do think do you really want to fly anymore or is it better to stay home. Reporter the most recent incident, a reported bomb threat on board a Spirit Airlines jet prompting an immediate return to ft. Lauderdale where a man was cuffed and taken off. But Authorities Say passengers misheard a phone conversation. It was all a mistake. Still, since that russian jetliner was brought down by a bomb, possibly in a soda can like this, there have been concerns about the possibility that that bomb was put on the jet by an insider, an airport worker. Could that happen in the u. S. . The responsibility for screening airport workers is left to airports. But this morning, just three of the u. S. major airports have decided that workers should be screened just like passengers. That means a 100 check, every employee has to go through devices like this before they can get into a secure area. 34,000 people work at miamis airport and are screened before entering secured areas. And you think it works . I know it works. Reporter miamis Security Director says the 3 million it costs each year is a small price. Our threat is less and we know what we have to do to deal with that. Reporter that is 100 screening which some wonder whether its time to for Good Morning America, washington. Peace of mind is worth that extra time in the tsa line, david, thank you. And heading into the holiday week weather could be a it already is in chicago where look at this, a monster prewinter storm has been hammering the midwest getting abcs phillip mena attempting to drive in all of this. Snow this morning. Can i just say that . Reporter we are right now and good morning. We are in libertyville about 40 miles north of chicago where the first snowstorm of the season is hitting just as many of us are hitting the roads for the thanksgiving holiday this week. And even though there are snowplows that have been out all night trying to clear the roads, as you can see, its still pretty treacherous out there. This morning, 20 million americans in the midwest and Northern Plains hammered by the first widespread wallop of Winter Weather. I cannot tell you in this neighborhood how many people i time. Reporter the chicago area just one of many major cities hit by more than 6 inches of snow. In iowa treacherous whiteout conditions proving to be problematic. This woman losing control of her car plunging into an icy river. Emergency crews rushing to the scene pulling her to safety with only minor injuries. The snowfall spreading across parts of 12 states from wyoming to michigan. The Winter Weather taking some by surprise. Yesterday we were picking up leaves, and today were plowing a foot of snow. Reporter overnight collisions in south dakota piling up as recordbreaking snowfall leaves motorists stranded as officials responded to 66 reported accidents in just three hours. As the temperature continues to will only become more dangerous and this area is expecting freezing temperatures in the coming days and, of course, thats when these roads can ice over and things can get really dangerous. Dan. As paula points out, youre behind a salt truck, which is probably the safest place to be driving. We intend to stay that way. Good. We hope you do. And that huge storm is on the move now and its barreling eastward and rob is, good morning, sir. The first big snowstorm of the relatively warm so will stick on look at that swath of heavy snow from just outside of chicago to southern parts of wisconsin. We saw 16 inches in southern south dakota and a foot of snow in iowa, and this will continue getting into detroit later on this afternoon, and theres that cold air behind, that wants to get lakeeffect snow and as a matter of fact now warnings for buffalo and michigan and winter storm warnings for parts of illinois including chicago and south of milwaukee. Foot of snow but a good swath of 5 to 10 inches from Northern Illinois in through parts of michigan. Definitely colder behind this, windchills will be below zero tomorrow morning in chicago. Well talk more about that in just a few minutes, dan, paula. We dont like to see snow. Its not even december. No. It feels wrong. But we do like to see ron and i know youve been tracking the other stories overnight. Ive been up all night. All night. All day, all morning. All night. Good morning, everyone. A utah man is under arrest charged with bringing an explosive device into a Federal Building in salt lake city. The Wallace Bennett Federal Building was evacuated thursday after security screeners found a device known as a cricket bomb inside the suspects jacket. That man Brandon Evert bushnell here for a Social Security Administration Hearing admitted to having the device according to federal prosecutors. Jonathan pollard convicted of spying for israel released from prison after spending 30 years behind bars. Within hours of his release, pollards attorneys went to court to challenge the terms of his parole which includes being required to wear an electronic gps ankle bracelet. And caught on camera, a terrifying afternoon for more than two dozen children on a school bus in texas, that bus bursting into flames and then exploding. The veteran bus driver is being praised today for his quick actions in getting off 30 kids out of that bus safely. He says he heard a sound, smelled smoke and then grabbed the vehicles fire extinguisher and tried to put out that fire. No word yet on what caused 9 blaze. And watch this. Dozens of High School Football players in miami fleeing the field after they heard gunshots in the distance. The game was held friday at the miamidade colleges north campus. That was friday night. It was ended early. Five people were taken in by police for questioning. No one luckily was injured in that incident. And elon musks spacex has just signed a deal with nasa to launch astronauts into space. The contract was approved despite spacexs failed rocket launch, you see i there in june, that was supposed to take supplies to the International Space station. The first private company led mission to space is planned for 2017. Sara will be on board with her baby. Yes, i will. And take a look at this. A clever brown bear figured out how to open nearly all of the doors of this car parked in the Great Smoky Mountains in tennessee. Its unclear whether the cars front door was opened by the bear prior to filming or if the curious animal sneaked up on the car while the people there were and finally, president obama is used to taking political jabs but theres one question that apparently really gets under his skin. A malaysian student was trying to ask a question about how to make older generations communictter with younger people. Since yourself is aging to a very senior life, what do you want to see from young People Like Us in the future when you get old . Well, the first thing i want from young people is to stop calling me old. When i came into office, i had no gray hair. I dont dye my hair and a lot of my fellow leaders do. I dont dye my hair either. The president did not disclose, though, what leaders he was referring to as dying the hair, saying thats between them and their hairdressers. Its actually a colorist. Im sorry. Its a colorist. Just want to point out very quickly that im wearing this purple tie for national pancreatic awareness month, the month of november and a shoutout to our friend camille moses, three years and going strong after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Incredible. Incredible. Down in ft. Lauderdale, florida. Nice work. Awesome. We should point out your gray wasnt gray before you started this job too. Thats how stressful it can be. Its gotten grayer today, in fact. I actually like it was your hair better this color than it was really . Its a progressive. You look fine and distinguished. Not going back. Authoritative. Mature. Distinguished. Im digging it. Now if we get a couple more grays on dan, he would look like a full adult. Wow. Wow. My colorist has taken good care of me. We left two seconds for weather here. Sorry, rob. Here we go. All right. Just did a little earlier. Because you guys are begging for more snow. Heres some video of it. No, were not actually. No, here you go. Even behind this system which is bringing that snow, snow falling on the back side through kansas and colorado. Maybe even down oklahoma might see flurries, as well. Windy and cold air is coming down and get yourself in the mood for wind advisories in effect for oklahoma, both playing also in norman today. Its going to be windy at least to start, and dying off later today but strong winds to houston and where the chilly temperatures are, obviously make it feel even colder than that. Freeze warnings out across the south. That means that the growing season pretty much is over, so this cold blast will infiltrate just about everyone in the eastern and lower twothirds of the country and then coupled its going to feel for the record i do not color my hair, but i pluck every gray hair i see so slowly but surely ill be going thats not a good idea, by the way. None of you guys actually color. Its just the ladies here. Oh, really . Yeah. Im sure america is fascinated by this. So let me tell you whats coming up on gma. Actually this is quite a story caught on camera. The extraordinary act of heroism on the streets of new orleans. What happened when a passing med student intervened to protect a woman from a mugger. And that mugger then putted a guy. Its really an incredible story. Plus, kitchen nightmare. The abc news fixer taking on the case of a woman who had big troubles with her fridge and had a hard time getting it fixed with her extended warranty. What you need tonow. Its all coming up. She said the fridge was possessed. It was possessed. Good morning america this is home. When youre living with diabetes, steady is exciting. Only glucerna has carbsteady, clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. When the flu hits, its a really big deal. The aches. The chills. The fever. An even bigger deal . Everything you miss out on. Family pizza night. The big game. Or date night. Why lose out to the flu any longer than you have to . 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We are never moving to the suburbs. We are never getting one of those minivan . We are never having another kid. Im pregnant. I am never letting go. For all the nevers in life, state farm is there. Look, the wolf was huffing and puffing. Like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. Symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. Symbicort contains formoterol. Medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. Symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. You should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. Watch out, piggies children giggle breathe better starting within 5 minutes. Call or go online to learn more about a free trial offer. If you cant afford your medication, we have a quorum now. Okay. Hometown trivia time. We are acknowledging, shouting out kfsn, our fresno affiliate channel 30 and the raisin capital of the world is in that region, produces 60 of the worlds raisins. You should have used that as one of your trivia questions. Okay. No, these are better. You should get this one, paula. This hall ofame pitcher won 311 games mostly for the new york mets. Cy young. Made up of tom seaver. Tom seaver. Someone is giving dan the answers. Any times there is a sports rob, this should be easy for you, the Central California valley where fresno is located considered the most productive agricultural area in the world. San bernardino. Rob. 2 for 2. Man, you win. You win a box of raisins from cant get e and we want to welcome you back to gma, the belgium capital of brussels is on the countrys highest terrorist alert. Down as officials warn of a serious and imminent threat. Emissions cheating scandal rocking volkswagen is widening. The epa says the automaker also used software to cheat on pollution porsche since 2009. Going to take two months paternity leave after his facebook allows its u. S. Employees to take up to four months of paid parental leave. I say good for him because there are so many studies that show earlier in life the fathers are involved the longer theyll be involved in the kids life and better fathers theyll be. Thats why youre such a good dad, right . Well, you know and also ahead, a fridge on the fritz. Dan, what did you say it was . The owners of this fridge believe its demonically possessed. It may be. It was randomly just spewing out ice cubes. Its a case for the abc news fixer with what you should know about those extended warranties. Thats coming up. But first the incredible images when a medical student thought he spotted trouble and just could not let it go. He stopped his car to help a woman and wound up staring down the barrel of a gun, and abcs Mara Schiavocampo is here with more on this remarkable story. Really is, guys. Good morning. That student is being hailed as a hero and for good reason, putting his life at risk to help a complete stranger during an Armed Robbery getting injured in the process. Well, now police are asking for the publics help in identifying that suspect. This morning Tulane University releasing this video showing an armed suspect dragging a girl down the street. Obviously the level of violence that we saw this morning is disturbing. Reporter watch as the car on the cross street drives past then turns around to come and help the woman. The man, peter gold, a fourth Year Medical Student gets out of his car to allegedly help the woman and stop the mugging. He stepped out of his vehicle to intervene. The individual that was attacking this other woman pulled a gun on him. Dr. Gold didnt have any property and he informed the subject of such at which time he reporter in the Surveillance Video provided by the new Orleans Police department, Officials Say gold can be seen pleading with the suspect that he had no money, then the armed suspect shoots gold in the stomach severely injuring him then tries to shoot gold twice more, but his gun never fires. Police saying it jammed. Everybody his gun did jam. Reporter the new Orleans Police are looking for the 25yearold man who took the womans purse and fled in a gray or silver suv. That video hard to watch. The suspect is described as a black male wearing a dark colored hooded sweatshirt considered armed and dangerous. Anyone with information should contact them immediately. As for gold, he is recovering at the hospital and making some progress. In a statement Tulane University describes him as an outstanding student. Clearly he is an outstanding human being as well, and this is being described as a completely random crime. Police are saying she was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. And he was in the right place at the right time. And so brave. Shes okay. She had minor injuries. Shes recovering, as well. But, you know, its so rare for people to intervene, especially at that level, to turn around, come back in your car. We certainly wish him the best. A really brave guy. Dont let that hinder you from doing the right thing, though, after seeing that. Thank you, mara. Thanks. Appreciate it. Well send things back over to rob. Do you have more snow or can we watch . Well talk about snow but were halfway through football season and a lot of injuries. They often talk up the next man up. This is the next storm up for the Pacific Northwest coming on later and that will drop colder air, not as potent as the last couple, thank goodness, but it will cool off the southern part of california, which is heating up right now with offinsure santa ana winds cranking in tonight and tomorrow. Red flag warnings are posted so might be high fire risk there. And look at the temperatures in burbank today. Mid80s will drop down to the 60s. Monday, tuesday and wednesday. A lot of big games, the horned frogs are in norman taking on the sooners. Windy to start but by the time game time starts at 8 00 p. M. It will be chilly and clear. Northeast, dry, rain and snow across the great lakes and maybe some showers down across parts of florida. S are this Weather Report brought to you by petco. Other big games happening today, northwestern taking on wisconsin where its snowing right now. So there might be a little snowen 0 the field, and i believe michigan is taking on penn state. In happy valley. Going to be a big game. Maybe some rain. I dont think theyll see snow there. Dan, you got your plans cut out for you. Yeah, big sports day for me. Coming up here on gambrill im changing the subject yet the fridge with a mind of its demonically spitting out ice cubes. Its a case for the abc news fixer, slash exorcist and a lesson we can all learn about and making your Holiday Travel as painless as possible. What you need to know before you pack up and go. Keep it right here. Mastering irresistibly smooth. The lindor truffle. Created with passion. By the lindt master chocolatiers. A hard outer shell with a smooth center. Luscious. Flowing. Welcome. To the best time of your day. Unwrap. Unwind. Experience the melt. Only the lindor truffle. From the lindt master chocolatiers. With my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. Thinking about what to avoid, where to go. And how to deal with my uc. To me, that was normal. Until i talked to my doctor. She told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications havent worked well enough. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infectio and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Raise your expectations. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, control is possible. Hey whiskers, did you hear about the toysrus 2day sale this friday and saturday . Whaaaaaaat . All Little Live Pets are on sale like clever keet, for just 44. 99. And save 35 on a skylanders starter kit and get a free figure. Ah, there they are. Appliances, they are one of the most expensive things we buy for our homes, and lots of us also spring for those extended warranties. Yes, but what if your fridge or Something Else is a dud and your extended warranty isnt helping. Its a case for the abc news fixer. Francie lathams refrigerator looks good on the outside but it seemed to have a mind of its own. It would make so much ice, it would flood the freezer. Reporter extra ice was annoying enough but then the fridge went on the attack. I would open the door, and it would shoot ice at me. It shot ice at my husband one time. Reporter francie bought the fridge at home depot for about 1800 and also less than two years in, it would shoot out over to the stairs. That extended warranty so she called for a repair and another and another. He said, i think you have a possessed refrigerator. Reporter after six months home depot said the solution from the manufacturer was for francie to just keep emptying the ice every day. I said, but, wait a minute, and they said, no, were that were done repairing it. Reporter francie was frozen out so she called in the abc news fixer. Our fixer, stephanie zimmermann, got on the case contacting home depot. Home depot agreed to investigate and in the end they decided to refund the full price and gave her a 100 gift card to make up for the hassle. Home depot said it should have been handled better and apologized and appreciated the opportunity to make it right. Its fixed another satisfied customer. Lets bring in the fixer herself, stephanie, good morning and good job getting this fixed. A question for you. For anybody else planning a big live purchase, what are the different kind of warranties on offer . Product you get something called thats just that you can expect that the product will function. And beyond that theres usually a Manufacturers Warranty and in the case of a fridge that usually lasts about one year. And after that, you have the option to buy an extended warranty, which is supposed to give you even more protection. You know, i thought there was an implied warranty when we hired sara haines, but shes still picking on me, so what about these extra extended warranties that weve been discussing this morning. Are they worth the price . Well, it really depends on the product and depends on the plan. If its a really well made product that has a good history of performing well, then i think you should just save your money because the amount you would spend on the extended warranty spend on repair, however, if you really are worried and find a good plan, go for it but consider how long does the warranty last and will it cover any kind of repair, and are they going to charge you a service fee if they come out to repair and, finally, make sure you dont have to perform any extra maintenance in order to keep the warranty in effect. Those are all things to consider. As always, the fine print is important. Stephanie, we appreciate it and, by the way, if you have a Consumer Problem for the abc news fixer, you can find her at abcnews. Com fix ir. Maybe shell fix your problem right here on gma. My mom would just say, they dont make them like they used to speaking about refrigerators or pop news anchors. She broke the mold. Sara, you definitely broke the mold. And coming up on Good Morning America, tips to make your thanksgiving were right back. What if there was another way to look at relapsing multiple sclerosis . This is tecfidera. Tecfidera is not an injection. Its a pill for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. Imagine what you could do tecfidera may cause serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, pml, which is a rare brain infection that usually leads to death or severe disability, and decreases in your white blood cells. The most common side effects are flushing and stomach problems. Tell your doctor about any low white blood cell counts, infections, any other medical conditions, or if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. Learn more about the most prescribed pill for relapsing ms in the us, at tecfidera. Com. Talk to your doctor about tecfidera, and take another look her nurse. Her personal assistant. Her housekeeper. Her cook. Her accountant. When i starled taking care of mom, i didnt realize the challenge of playing so many roles. But above all, im still. Her daughter. [announcer] visit aarp. Org caregiving to connect with experts and other caregivers. Together we can better care for ourselves, and the ones we love. Today, 1 out of every 4 American Kids is hispanic. That means many of the future doctors who will care for us, the engineers who will build our cities, the scientists and entrepreneurs of our country can be your kids. We all know how hard it is for you to send them to college. This is why we want you to know you are not alone, and every day, more people support you to make it happen. Many support you, and the Hispanic Scholarship Fund helps you prepare, plan, and pay for your kids college education. All right. Welcome back. Everyone, it is final for the weekend download. Traveling for thanksgiving, you wont be alone because almost 47 be on the move by train, plane and automobile. Travel as easy as possible is editor genevieve brown. Okay, welcome, genevieve. Thanks for joining us, so if you are going to drive, there is a best way to travel. Correct . Yes, and it is not wednesday. You want to avoid wednesday at all costs. Thats according to an analysis of traffic by google maps. However, there is one exception. If you live in boston, you want to avoid tuesday instead. But if i leave today im good. Leave now. Ill stay and then leave after the show. If you fly with family, what are some suggestions you have to get through tsa in an expeditious manner . Different rules apply to kids under 12 and over 75 dont have to remove their shoes and can leave on light jackets so that will make getting through security a little bit faster. All right. And in terms of tech i know theres a lot of new tsa rules. What should you do with the tech . Should laptops stay in or out. They stay out unless you get for prechecking. Youll know whether youve been selected or not on your boarding pass. If not they can stay in your bag. A quick note. To make sure your bags dont get lost, what do you suggest . You want to make sure you put your Airline Itinerary inside your bag in case all the tags get ripped off and get there early enough to let the staff get the bag on the flight. Happy thanksgiving. You too. Enjoy that turkey i know youll be baking. And coming up on Good Morning America in pop news with sara. When your cold makes you wish. You could stay. In bed all day. You need the power of. New theraflu expressmax. The power to feel better. Morning ted scott ready to hit some balls . Ooh hey buddy, whats up . This is what it can be like to have shingles. Oh, man. A painful, blistering rash. If you had chickenpox, the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. After almost 3 weeks, i just really wanted to give it a shot. You know, im not feeling it today. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist today remind me who does pop news . Come on. The unforgettable sara haines. Im so glad the band is back together. I know. I just want to put that out. The force is incredibly strong at the box office right now with star wars the force awakens obliterating presale rackets racking up more than 50 million and its so far ahead of the december 18th release. Now, at this rate it could well challenge avatar for the title of the highest grossing movie of all time. The hype just keeps on building thanks in part to the excitement including Harrison Ford who has been staging a few surprise skype calls to promote a charity competition. Hello, han n lo. Arent you the handsome one. Oh, wow. Who is your favorite character. I have to go with padme. Who is your favorite character . Hi, harrison. Hi. Great. At that point i would have gone with hello, mr. Ford, but the competition gives them a chance to meet the cast at the premiere. May the force be with all the entrants. Didnt you say his character was the most popular character in the movies of all time . I didnt, but im glad youre bringing facts to pop news because we never had those. Dan harris, its a fact, you guys. We learned. Trying to upstage sara. Im trying to help. You know what, he makes my pop look super smart. Join me any time, dan harris. Another massive music record, this time on the music charts. I must admit rob marciano was just singing. Adeles album 25 looks to be on track to shatter the alltime record for the most albums sold in a week. Currently held by nsync. Its certainly been an emotional road to the release date, adele she feels overwhelmed and grateful and that the last month has taken her breath away. Adele, you had us at hello. And if you need rob, he is open for backup. Those high notes. Bye bye bye no, it was the ladys song. Kelly clarkson is trending everywhere this morning. Her news music video for piece by piece had a touching message for fans explaining the song is a love letter to her husband thanking him for loving her without expecting anything in return. Kelly says its also a promise to her daughter river rose who appears in the video, kelly assuring her she will always be present in her life. Oh, theres the kiss. How beautiful. What a pretty name, river rose too. Yeah. Yeah. I just like the emotional l singing during pop today but i got a little funny. Because its not pop without funny if youre the sort of person that likes to hibernate during the winter months, you can forget blankets and sweater. I found a bear sleeping bag. Its the brainchild of a japanese artist who sells the plush contraption for more than 2,000. Some might consider this beary expensive but i say you cant put a price on a good nights sleep but definitely warn the neighbors before you takaka nap in your yard. How cute is that . . No, i would not pay 2,000 is a Little Pricey but how fun is that . Were any bears hurt in the making of dan, as an animal lover, do you think i would do that . Is it real fur or is it faux fur . I did not check on that. Im assuming its faux. Can we do a followup . I dont encourage anything in pop thats real. I have something to keep you rm. s freezing in the studio. Its approved. My james brown moment. Yes. James brown. Absolutely, winter is coming, ladies and gentlemen. It is coming. Its here. Thank you very much for joining us this morning. We really appreciate it. Well be back tomorrow morning with much more of this news, well see you soon. Good morning, america. Hey there. Im nicole briscoe. I have no friends with me on the set and since no one really likes the kid who talks to him all the time, how about we talk k out sports. Steph curry and the warrrrrs hosting the bull fun fact, their last home was in january of last season against the bulls yeah, not really. Steph curry doing his thing, 27 points in this game. 17 of them in the second half. Harrison barnes getting in on the three action. Not once, but twice. Warriors win 10694 and the season 140. Russell westbrook, some good dance moves. Thunder hosting the knicks. 17 seconds to go. Knicks up 6. Westbrook, the long three, okc pulling within three. Robin lopez trying to inbound the ball. The pass gets away from him. Jose calderon gets a piece of it. The deep three. No good. Dion waiters, though, chases it down, middle of the floor. Three. In and out. The knicks, they hold on. They hold on, and i say goodbye. All alone. So lonely when you have no friends. Alone. Friends. Announcer jack hannas wild countdown is sponsored by nationwide. Jack hi, everyone, im jack hanna, coming to you from my base camp here at the columbus zoo, and welcome to wild countdown. Why are there mysterious white black bears roaming the canadian rainforest . Right through those alder branches is the white bear. Why dont penguins freeze in all that snow . Kathaleen, i dont see how anything survives out here. And why do male lions have long shaggy manes . Wowee. Looking right at me, too. Today, were out to solve the mysteries behind some of our favorite animals. Oh, my gosh, what is that . Adam that is a rattlesnake. Jack plus, my blooper of the week. Oh youve got questions, and weve got answers, today on wild countdown. Golly day. I aint gonna start crying, but im m ose. We tried to lelee our tents. Not even to go to dinner, we couldnt get to dinner, the lions were everywhere. Golly dang whoo help dolphin right there. Holy mackerel just like my life is devoted to the animal world, nationwide is devoted to their members, protecting whats important at every stage of their lives. Thats why nationwide and i have en partners for over 30 years. Learn more about nationwide at nationwide. Com. Today, our goaoais to find the answers to some puzzling estions about animals. For instance, why do lowland gorillas spend so much time in trees . And why dadult male gorillas have silver hair on their backs . We went to west africa to find out

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