Transcripts For KCAU Good Morning America 20160208 : compare

Transcripts For KCAU Good Morning America 20160208

good morng, america. broncos, supuper bowl amps! good morning, amic happy monday, everyone. up for the super bowl last night. so much excitementthere. going to show the touchdown that sealed the win for the broncos right there. there you go, c.j. anderson powers his way into the end zone. >> they jumped out early and never looked back. the night started on a high note, lady gaga wowing the crowd with the national anthem. >> they did such an amazing job. coldplay, bru mars and what a fierce beyonce and her brand-new song. there she is. we'll go behind the scenes in just a little bit for that spectacular performance. even the outfits were making a highlight. coming up peyton manning is going to talk to us a little bit later this morning. will he or wl he not retire? we'll ask him. right now, jesse palmer in santa clara with the latest. gorpg, jesse. >> reporter: good morning, robin. this game had all of the ingrients fofor alassic super bowl. we had a close game. a phenomenal halftime show celebs galore. but the big question on everyone mind this morning, after leading h his team to a 24-10 victory, lebron koes quarterback peyton manning finally hang it up after winning his second super bowl. >> cam newton and his high-flying panthers ran smack into a defensive buzz saw. led by von miller. denver rode their defense to a third super bowl championship. >> the denver broncos have taken >> reporter: 39-year-old quarterback peyton manning, now the oldest quarterback to ever win a super bowl. his mother telling after thehe game she hopes her son, who has 200 wins, the most ever for a quarterback, will retire after the game. manning has not commented on whether this was his swan song. the broncos charging o of the gate, with a defensive tohdown and a field goal. they scored ten points in the first ten minutes of the game. leading and never looking back. >> reporr: as the halftime showrought down the house with coldplay. beyonce. >> reporter: the great r break didn't seem t help carolina. in the thi quarter, down 13-7 they had a cnce to stay in the game by the time c.j. anderson scored this touchdown the game was over. denver winni 4-10. >> i don't know what you want me to say. >>eporter: in the postgame press conference cam newton sacked six times during the game could not hide his frustration. >> we lost. >> reporter: mewhile, everyone wowondering if the other quarterbac peyton manning will attempt to win super bowl li. >> i'll take some tim to reflect, i got a couple of priorities first. i want to kiss my wife and my kids. i'm goingo drink aot of budweiser tonight. and the celebration well under way for the denver broncos. as you can see,hey printed out sur bowl championships t-shirts. this one is autographed by much more throughout the show from right here in santa clara. robin. >> all right, jesse, thank you very much. joining usnow, demarcus ware, who was on the defense thereith let me say this right, super bowl champion denver brcos. demarcus, great to see you, congratulations. it's your first super b bowl aparance. it's a mom rabble one for you. how were you able -- your defense were able to d do what ear teams weren't able to do shut down cam newton and the carolina panthers. >> we hadad two weeks to prepare. it felt good, our preparation, on those trick plays and everythihing theydid, they really helped out that week. >> your team has had its ups and downs this season. but you were able to bring it together, what makes this team special, demarcus? >> everybody put in their piece to g where we are today. the pinnacle of the word teamwork >> it was a total team efft throughout the entire season. we saw that last night on display. you gave se emotional speeches to your teammates prior to the game. apparently, it worked. what exactly did you say, demarcus, to them? >> just talking to the guys and i think the main thing is how hard it is to get here to the super bowl and youknow, peyton manning spoke before me and just talking about the years that he played and this i is t shortcoming of this type of game and i said the same thing, i mean, what do you guys play for? what is s your destiny? i said this is an oppornity of a lifetime. just matthew 7:7 out of the bible. i told them, ask and you shall receive. we didhat at the beginning of the season and god granted us the opppportunity it's february the 7th and it's 7-7 on matthews, when you go to the casino, what does that mean? we hit the jackpot. now we just got to go and receive our winnings. >> and you did, tenfold last night. we're anxiously waiting peyton manning, if this was his last ga or no but what has it meant p playing with a future hall of famer like peyton manning? >> you know, you see -- you know, from a -- changes from one te to t next the adversity that he goes through all of his critics, and no matter what, you when you look at h him and you said you can't teach an old dog new tricks when you have been skirntsy through all those things. he's the leader of our team. we call him the sheriff and that's what he does. it's a great part to be a part of this history in my career. >> well earned. well deserved, demarcus, enjoy the moment. you take care. thank you for joining us you know i will. thank you so much. >> all right. >> they all will. von miller, his defensive teammate, mvp. peyton manning will talk to us in a little bit. and d-warere will be on jimmy kimmel later tonight. wee move o to the white house. "your voice, your te." all eyes on new hampshire. we begin with the democrats. bill clinton taking aim at bernie sanders for the first time. bernie sanders up double digits. abc's cecilia vega has the latest. . clinton taking on a new role in his wife's bid for the white house. campmpaign attack dog. >> for her ts isn't about grand theories of revolution. >> reporter: thehe former president unleashing on his wife's rival, accususing some bernie sanders' supporters making offensive comments online to clinn's backers. >> attack that are literally too profane profane. >> b bernie sanders denouncing the nastiness saying it has nothing to do with his campaign. >> we'll do anything we can. >> reporter: with hillary clinton trailing in the polls here. the uphill battle to win this state now tougher than ever. >> i think if i can persuade granite staters to give me another look. i'll do better. i'll keep fighting until the last vote is cast. just a day away. >> hold on, wait a seco >> reporter: it was a different kind of face-off on nl." >> i'm so sick of 1% getting this preferential treatmt. >> reporter: bernie sanders coming face to face with larry david. >> souounds lik socialism to me. >> democratic socialism. >> what's the difference? >> huge difference. >> huge?? >> reporter: in the. midst of this heated race out here in new hampshire, hillary clinton left the state, went t flint, michigan, where they're dealing with that water cris. she's back here with a packed schedule. . bernie sanders has a packed schedule. bill a chelsea out here as well. >> all right, cecilia, thank you. now to the republicans floods new hampshire after saturday's feistyiest deba. donald trump still with t lead. andneck. jon karl has the latest. >> reporter: this morning, marco rubios facing fallout over that debate he'd like to forget. >> what do you thinkappened to rubio. >> i don't understand, george. i really don't understand what happened. >> repororter: on the eve of the new hampshire primary, rubio is being rid could for repeating himself. >> the president knows what he's doing. >> reporter: this video from democrats a by republican rivals. >> he knows exactly what he's doing. >> the anointed one last night didn't look like he was ready for the game. >> reporter: rubio said it's one of the best debates he's had. >> i'm going to keep saying that throughout the game over and over again. >> reporter: with trump leading in the polls the race for second is dead heat and trio of govevernors iluding jeb bush is surging in the finalal da, >> he needed help. mommy, please help. >> reporter: governor john kasich of ohio, seems to be having the most fun you joked yo should be running in the democratic primary. >> look, the independents, the democrats, an ability to get them. >> reporter: the traffic jam started the abc debate that's generating the real zz. ben carson and then donald trump didn't com out when their names were called. rubio walked past them. just look at their faces as jeb bush passes them by. donald trump has led every poll here in new hampshire for months. if you believe the polls today, he appearsrs on the verge of winning the new hampshire, but trump is taking nothing for grted. in fact, he has four events today, two rallies and two events. >> that would be huge. chris christie, got great res for that debate on saturday. you're still in sixth place. are you worried that you hurt marco rubio and not help yourself? >> absolutely not, george. this race is n wide open. no one knows what's going on in this race at all. wesense r real momentum on the ground for us. we're looking to run right through the tape on tuesday. >> you hit him so hard on saturday night, called him the anointed one yesterday. made the clear case he's not ready to be president. can you say the same thing about front-runner donald trump? >> listen, my focus on saturda night is marco rubio, the senator's rst-term united states senator, the fact is, he's never accomplished anything of any note in the united states senate. this is not about me or him. it's about the american pele. we elected seven years ago a president who, y you know, a we watched our coury go downhill thehe last seven years. we don't need to repeat the same mistake. mistake. > you know, you have invested so much te and money in new hampshire, though, still in sixth place, if you can't win there, wre can you win? >> geor, you know, i know, that as a former operative yourself obsessed with the polls. i know you are. i also know when you working for bill clinton in 1992, everybody told him the night before new hampshire primary, he was going to be in single digits and was finished. he came in second place and his campaign went on to win the nomination. so, let's remember a little history that you were a part of, this is n not about the polls this morning. it's about the performance on satuturday nig and the performanc of thecandidates. we showed people we're ready to be president. to take on hillary clion. what republican primary voters haveo remember, who would they want to have on thahat debate ste against hillary clinton, marco rubio or me? we can't afford to lose to hillary clinton. you need somomeone who's tested enough to make sure we can beat hillary clinton. and get to the white houseo change the direction of our country. i think when people watched saturday night, one person who was watching who wants nothing to do with me in september and that's sretary clinton. we're ady to have the fight. let's win up here in new hampshire and let's move on from there to get the nominati. >> governor christie, thank you. "good morning america" and "world news tonight" will be amy's here with thether top stories.s. authorities in russia have arrested seven people accused of otting terror attacks in moscow and st. petersbu on behalf of isis. we have new details about the explosion that tore a hole in a plane over somalia. surveillance veo showed two men handed a laptop rigged with explosiveso another man before the flight. 48 hours after a deadly earthquake in taiwan a woman was pulled alive frorom the rubble of an apartment building today. the governments investigating the building's construction after tin cans were found inn the walls apparently being used as fillers. shocking scene in london, a bus was blown up, lot of peopl earned of the filming. and finally, forget the super bowl. this was the real contest on sunday. the battle to set a world record r the number one o people gathered in one place, dressed up as smurfs. 2100 in germany. ththey were outsmurfed. they were all a little blue. >> aw. >> how could you resist? >> it was right there in front of me. >> i loved how you paused for effect and then brought it on home. happy birthday. you had a birthday -- >> it looked like you had fun. >> i fort about it. >> thank you, robin. two blizzards happening w. this video out of minnesota and northern parts of iowa. one tt's now offhe shores of here are your advisories and the big one, winter storm warnings posted for parts of long island and eastern new england. ththisis is where the snows are. between now and 10:00 a.m., 1 to 2 inches per hour. driving commute will be difficult across boston. another system coming through hitting d.c. and philly. your select cities now brought to you by walgreens.across siouxland. wind advisories are in effect through late ts afternoon. we also have winter weather advisories warnings for our counties along and east of ininterstate 29. this is where some light falling snow is causing vivisibility and travelel concernso be sure to travel cacautiouslyoday. here's the planner where we'll have a high of 29 later this afternoon. an coming up on "good morning america" - a cruise ship sailes into one of those storms heading east. thousands of passengers forced indoors. halftime show that's coming up. fruit. nuts. silky smooth dark chocolate. revel in the pleasure of new dove fruit and nut. 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"probably like around 1:30 a.m. going on 2, i saw two ambulances pull up and then i looked out the window again and it was a bunch of police cars and of course a round 3 something they starting putting up yellow tape...i just thought somebody was sick, so i didn't know anything serious might of happened" mothershed also shot and wounded himself and is now at mercy medical center. his condition is still unknown. and the case is still being investigated. lukas: good morning i'm lukas voss here is a quick news update for you this was the gra finale we can' get enough of the halftime show at the super bowl. coldplay, beyonce, bruno mars, teaming up. so much fun. we're taking you behind the scenes coming up. and we're also going to talk moment as well. >> looking guard to that. big questions for him to answer. >> rightnow, o day away from the new hampshire primary, republicans and democrats crisscrossing the state launching new attacks. sanders overnight. and sr wars has officially joined the 2$2 billion club. also talking about cruise ships here, one that y you don want to talk about in this regard. two big storms catching 25 ststates in their crosshairs. thousands of passengers onboard a ship in its path and i know you'll have more onthat. >> that's right. scary night forhousands at sea. caught in extreme conditions. thousands ordered to stay in their rooms and abc's linzie janis is here wit the latest. >> reporter: good morning, george. the royal caribbean an the them of the seas is its newest ship, but it's being put to the test. overturned furniture, ceilings giving way. anything that nailed down falling to the ground. a cruise s ship trying to steady these are the first images tweeted from pasngersaboard royal caribbean's anthem of the seas. off the carolina coast. the roughly 4,000 people aboard ordered to stay in their cabins. >> walk around our room. >> reporter: the ship took off from new jersey saturday, for a seven-day cruise to the bahamas.s. but due to the weher's intensity it will be docking in cape canarel, frida. leeian ya tweeting, we're trapped in our rooms. >> amount things were shifting around our room was a little frightening. we eventually took anyth loose and duck it away where it wouldn't move. we had bottles of water flying when we looked out wir does, we saw waves that looked the height of our balcony. we were on the seventh deck. it >> qstions remain abo how the ship ended up in the middle of this sca storm. right now, based on what we're hearing from passengers, the worst of the weather may be behindnd them. the seaworthiness of the ship hasn't been affected. >> all right, liie, thank you. now to a story making g adlines at cornell. the president of one of the school's fraternity accused of assaulting a woman inside a fraternity house. gio benitez has the story. >> reporte he came from a wealthy family. but now he's stands accused of a violent sexuall act. the scandal rocking a premier university. the president of an elite university. his father, owner of o of new york city's concert hallses. but this morning wolfgang ballinger is injail. investigators said it happened last sunday at psi upsilon. according to the complaint, the woman alleged that ballinger locked the door andorced himself on t her after she protested several times. he plead td not guilty to first degree criminal sexual act. his lawyer telling abc news, ballinger's innocence wilill be established at the proper time and in the propeper place. >> thehe speed with which they took this case from the university and brought it into th criminal setting suggest that the prosecution believe they have a strong case. >> rorter: the university suspsion suspension. sexual assault and any form of sexual harassment is against our policy and in opposition of the values of psi upsilon. ballinger is set to appear tomorrow. only two people know what what happened, ballinger and the woman. coming up -- michael jackson's daughter revealing persal struggles. and behind last night's show stopping halftime show, what was behind beyonce's outfit. there was a message the. coming g up, the postgame rty.f rubik. this simple puzzle was actually considered unsolvable by the mans. did they not have brains? um..simple ones. how long would they keep them strapped in there? sometimes hours at a time. pretty gruesome. and over here we have their alphabet. it was calle"emoji." a few symbols could express the vast extent of their emotion. they had chia pets, just like we do. and this is the white and gold dress that caused a civil war. this is scott baio. but most amazing of all, are the avocados from mexico. they're always in season, so you can enjoy them all year long! anybody want to feed scott baio? it's iluded in the price of admission. no? i mean, he double dipped... he'll regenerate. no, he won't. he was a quadmogurt. is your high-performance lapt your office bff? then you might be gearcentric. right now, a pcs and printers are on sale! ke this hp laptop for just $1999! office depot officemax. gear up fofor great . alright.. big smile! hey, honey! how'd it go? thanks, dad! mcdonald's happy meal. with fresh, delicious cuties. look forward to your skin's future... with lancome's visionnaire multi-correcting cream. with patented lr-2412 and hyaluronic acid in a luxurious cream. see e visible rrection of wrinkles, pores feel soft, supple skin. visionnaire eam. now discover a visibly nourishing gel-in-oil night treatment. visionnaire nuit. by lancome. receive a free gift. only at macy's. ur skincare destination. adventures from $599, plus up to $300 to spend at sea. come sk the royal caribbean. book now, offer ends soon. not the miles. the jeep grand cherokee with a 730-mile range. the most awarded, rewarding suv ever. 7:39 back now with the super bowl halftime performance wowing the word. coldplay, bruno maqs. beyonce. stealing the show with an act for the ages. holding up cards that spelled out believe in love. abc's ryan smith is inanta clara. he was there for it all. he got some of those colorful cards, i hear. hihi, ryan. >> hi, lara. good morning. these green cards were sitting on our seats when we arrived. when you used them you could still see the game at the same time. we were feeling the crowd roared when the beyonce took the scene. you know what,t was all worth it for a front-row seat to a remarkable show. for 12 minutes on super bowl sund, some of music's biggest stars brought down the house uptown f funk you up >> reporter: coldplay kicking things off. over 70,000 fans at levi's stadium getting into the act. them. usesed to rul the world >> rorter: then halftime's past stars hit the gridiron. beyonce and bruno mars intercepting the show. bruno mars getting into the game, uptown funkinghe crowd with an array dance moves. and queen bey sayving the best for last. electrifying the crowd with her brand-new song "formation." amid balls of fire. after sectly dropping her video saturday. her appearance blowing up on twitter. morehan 147,000 tweets per minute. besting coldplay and bruno mar combined. just when you thought it couldn't get any better an epic one more thing left. how do you make this more memorable or different than other super bowls? >> celebrate those other years. >> reporter: and celebte they did. in a moment that will go down in super bowl history. is there anybody alive out there e >> reporter: before finishing eir epic conce in a blaze of glory. so much twitter chatter over beyonce's outfit. what did it mean? i think we may have found the secret. michae jackson, that black and gold almost identical, all of the way dodown the shoes. coldplay talked about homage to years past and guys, i think she found a pretty special w to do it. >> she sure did, ryan. thank you. you jus forgot all of the great sical acts over the yours. james brown and the boss. >> so great to see them. >> who had chilills? >> you know who else gave us chills, peyton manning the super bowl quartback is going to join us live with his big super bowl win. going to talk about that and a whole lot more with peyton, come on back.ill still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll onlnly pay three quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? 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thanks, d! i'll tell you who's on top of the world. man of the morng, super bowl quarterback pton manning scoring his second super bowl win. 200th career victory last night. becoming the oldest staing quarterback in super bowl history, now he joins us from nta clara, california, fresh off the big win. it's great to see you, peyton. come on, you're running a little late. we heard you last night, you said you were going to hug the wife and kids and have some cold deserved. >> i checked all those thing off, robin. i gotll those things a few times and it's a ---- it's definitely a special nigight. i have been fortunate to be in the super bowl team before and i remember how special that was, almost ten years ago. it w was just as special tonight. and it's -- it's just -- even better when you can celebrate with your family and friends. i have been doing that tonight. >> any sleep yet? >> no. i'm not tired. there's definitely a lot of adrenaline after winning a game like that. it's been such a unique season andt's just been a great to be a part of this journey with great teammate to cap it off with a victory against a really great football team. teammates, d-wear, demarcus, he said both of you and he spoke before the team beforehand. he said you went first. whatever you all said really worked. what did you tell your teammates ior to the game? >> well, i never believed that a pregame speech has ever won a game. i think the game is won with your preparation during the course of the season and during the course of these past two weeks. demarcus has been a great teammate to be a co-captain with on this team. hehe's been aying a long time. i'm happy for him getting his first super bowl. we kind of reflected last night on some of the things that have occurred this season, both some serious things, some humorous things and also, just -- just thankeked all of our staff and support staff and players for allowing us to be a part of the journey, because it has been special and certainly it was a great way to finish it tonight. you, peyton manning. you have been asked this question over and over since heading to the super bowl, i know you haven't made your decision o whether or not this is going to be your final game, but who's helping you in that decisionmaking process if this is it? >> well, i'll cerertainly talk to ashley qui a bit about it. i'll certainly pray a lot about it. i got some gd ed aadvice from my old coach tony dungy, rely special went into the hall of fame yesterday. announced he's going to in the hall of fame. he tol me to take some time after this game and you know, not make an emotional decision. there's been a lot of emotions these past two weeks and certainly, in the super bowl, so to take some time and to get away and kind of reflect on what's happening this season and maybe a few otherthings, robin, i'll tell you i'm very much at peace right now and i think however it works out it will work out the way it's supposed >> but i'm very grateful -- very grateful for this opportunity. >> and we're grateful to have you here with us this morning. >> congratulations. 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>> and when steve harvey finally got it right. >> i'm back and this time, i'm going to get it right. and what it's really like watching the game from t marlo. inside the super bowl like you have never seen it. secret battle. the king of pop's daughter fighting back against the pressure of games. revealing she's going to aa and lashing out what she calls ridiculous expectations. wake me up when it's all over new overnight. duchess kate on a mission, speaking out about her number one priority and powerful new message and reveal her son george's brand-new obsession as we say -- >> good morning, america . wcome back on this monday morning. we're celebrating the bgest game of the year. you see our gma adium. we're still packed. celebrating the big broncos win. we went behind the scenes with steve harvey as he shot this one. getting lots of reaction online. >> one of my favorites. >> somebody at o gathering said, talking about turni lemons into lemonade. also on the show thiss morning, we're kicking off our "$55 dinner challenge." create dinner for two for less than $5? and this morning, chef ming tsai is teaming up with george, all for 5 bucks. let's get the morning rundown from amy. he big story thihis morning, the scramble for ves ahead of tomorrow's new hampshire primary. donald trump holdi on a big lead in the polls. but he and several vying for jeb bush appears to be gaining momentum getting a push from his brother. saying jeb will keep the country safe. > on the democratic side, former president bill clinton is criticizing bernie sanders and his supporters for what he calls vicious and sex yis attacks on his wife. well, overnight, police in denver reportedly had to use pepper spray to break you up crowds celebrating the broncos's' super bowl win. overnight, new details about that bombing of a passenger jet over somalia. officials s say the man seen on airport surveillance video accepting a laptop rigtd wh explosives was supposed to be on a turkish airlines flight to istanbul. also thi morning, new information about a man arrested in the murder of an american awe she was found dead in her apartment last month. a man from the african nation of gmbia has been arrested at the refugee center the. now, to a powerful message from kate middleton, she's speaking from thehe heart about children and their mental health highlighting the importance of emotional support to help kids cope. abc's la ma hassan has the details. >> do you talk to your friends about your feelings. >> reporter: kate speaking out in a new psa to raise awareness during mental healt awareness week. thess of cambridge making mental health for children her number one priority. much like princess diana with ai and her charitable endeavors. every child is given the emotional support they need. for the healthy future they need. >> reporter: committed to using her voice to benefit those without one. >> william and i feel that every child deserves to be supported through difficult times of their lives she revealed like father, like son. prince george is obsessed with airplanes and wants to fly like his dad. the duchessaking the last month off to focus on princ george a princs charlotte is back with a busy spring ahead. >> she's taking on a more high-profile role within the royal family. >> reporter: for "good mornining america," lama hassan. finally, it's monday. lot of people are crabby, but hopefully not like this. a guy on vacation came upon this largest species of ar throw pods in the worked. they look like they're from another planet. we're told these guys are actually gentle giants. >> hmm. >> i don't want to be near that claw. >> it can crack a coconut. i love the head line online, holy crab! >> i had to get it -- over to lara. >> here's what's coming up -- the king of pop's daughter, paris jackson revealing her personal struggle fighting back against the pressures of fame and we're celebrating the super bowl, behind the scenes of one of the night's most surprising ads with steve harvey. and come out here, the kid correspondent's biggest role. the par is just getting started right here. "good morning america's" morning menu is brought t you by advil. people think californians live in our own reality. with our heads in the clds. like a bunch of space cadets. huh? what? i've drawn a blank. what's my line? [director]: reset! maybe we do live in a fantasy... our own little bubble. just hangin' out! as if we're not completely down to earth. but just a bunch of dreamers? no w way! we're just like everyone else. you know, average joes. start dreaming big at sfx: cell phone vibrates. yeah? jason.. what do you mean?? we we very bad boys. alexa whwhat's in the news? alexa: here's the news, "acbaldwin and jason schwartzman were seen mooning paparazzi.babaldwin threw his shoe at photographers bere making arun for it". my poor cashmere socks... alexa, will you order another pair of brescianis.reordering bresciani sococks. okay listen... can you send some lawyers or something? (moaning) .alec? choose the one new revlon ultimate-all-in-one. our revolutionary mascara delivers 5ash-transforming benefits. volume, length, definition, lift, and intense color. choose love new revlon ultimate-all-in-one mascara. chobani simply 100 . it's the only 100-calorie light yogurt sweetetened naturally. to love this life is to live it. mom mom mom! ...naturally. when i lay in mymy tempur-pedic contour, then i slowly feel it start to kind of wrap itself around me. of a trational mattress. then, it also adjusts to my body. my cloud feels so comfortable. it feels like somebody's hugging you. buy now, and save up to $300 on our most popular tempur-pedic mattress set. plus get our besfinancing offer of 0% apr for 72 months. how caa bed do that!? visit mattress firm, america's #1 tempupedic retailer today, and sleep happy tonigh coming up on "good morning america" - the best way to find your match according to science. old school strategies happening over super bowl weekend. come on back. chocolate. l levian cholate diamonds. only levian, masters of jewelry design for centuries... .makes jewelry with rare chocolate diamonds. save up to 20% on select levian stylyles, at kay, the number-one jewelry store... america. lelevian chote diamonds... ...for the sweetest thing in your life. every y ss begins with kay. adventures from $599, plus up to $300 to spend at sea. come seek the royal caribbean. book now, offer ends soon. alght.. big smile! hey, honey! how'd it go? thanks, dad! morning america." and we have those new revelations fromaris jackson the king of pop's teenage daughter, opening up about a very personal struggle with feeling from fame. abc's linsey davis isrhere with that. good morning, linsey. >> g good morng, robin. being a teenager is hard enough. but add to that, celebrity and the constant critique of social media it can seem insufferable. now paris jackson lashing out. posting messages on instaram that she's had enough of the negativity. she's the king of pop'ss only daughter. and this morning, paris jackson is fighting back against the pressures of fame. in a now-deleted rant on instagram, the late michael jackson's 17-year-old daughter tells her followers she's bei attacked online. sayinghat she feels ridiculous expectations to resnd to countless people she doesn't even know. >> reporter: while her father aiaired his frustration with bold headlines in his hit "leave me alone" paris is turning to social media, saying she faces sayiying he w ripped to shreds daily. i will not let that happen to me. >> paris jk sonson is the daughter of possibly the most famous pop star that's ever lived. >> reporter: while it's unclear just what prompted her post, the teager also hints that she's recently had sometruggles with alcoholism. i'm expected to literally sit all day responding to comments. i have aa meetings to attend. she recovered from an aempted suicide in 2013, something her grand mother katherine jackso australia. >> i guess she was suffering and we didn't know it. >> reporter: paris now seems t liken that t t in her lifif to the weight of stardom, writing, when i was 4, peopl were seing so much hate to the point where i was suicidal adding that she's the only person in the public e she knows that responds to comments online, apparently that's not in a post this week, paris said, people have been ramming me since the second i unchecked the privacy button. now she plans to sp responding altogether. others encourage to ignore the haters. and go back to privacy. ju forget it. >> whatther people think of you is none of your business. >> being 17nd the daughter of michl jackson lot of pressure. super bowl ads making headline andhe one we have been talking about all morng long, steve harvey. we all remember at what happened at the miss universe pageant. >> reporter: leave it to steve harvey >> listen, folks, i have to apologize. >> repter: to turn a big blunder. miss universe 2015 is philippines! >> reporte into big laughs. >> verizon got it wrg. yes, not me! >> reporter: t-mobile's super bowl ad poking fun at his mishap winner. >> after a while you got to start smiling about this. i like t-mobile. i thought it would be a great idea and i love the concept. nice little dig at myself. >> and we were right there. going behind the scenes with the comedian as he shot his big ad for the big game. >> t-mobile -- >> whoa, listen, folks, i have to apologize -- those were last year's numbers. it say it right here on the card. i'm not taking responsibility on this one. verizon got it wrong. yes! not me. >> reporter: after all the controversyarvey now says he's finally able to laugh at it. >> when something really major happens that's kind of negativee the storm out. whoer thought that this mishap with misunie would t turn into a super bowl commercial. >> yes, not me! >> reporter: for "good morning america," reena ninan, abc news, new york. >> new definition ofof laughing all of the w way to t bank. we'll talk about the ads with michelle collins and kate coyne and usa today does its rankings every year. number one, hyundai starring kevin hart. kakate,hat d did you think. >> it was a great ad. robin and i werere saying, it was a little surprised that kevin age. but it was a lot of fun and hyunda was the maker of my personal favorite ad which was the ryanville, ryan reylds ad. where you see ryan again and again. a town iould haply move to any day. >> the message was so cute, he was so distracting that the car helped you out. >> sexier being john malkovich. >> the favorite in our house was not sexy but it was number two in the usa today's poll as well, that weiner stampede for hein >> so many weiners, so much fun. those dogs stole the show for me. they moved lightning fast. i immediately went and bought ketchup, mustard and a hyundai. lot of cute animal ads. the singing sheep. >> the little marmot. >> did youou guys notice there were a lot of commercls wrapped up in psa? budweieiser did the one with helen mirren about drinking responsibly and a fewew others about distracted driving. plug b they also had a message, a psa message. >> helen mirren, another message is like, stop eating, she looks so great, she looks so young. she's a real inspiration in so many ways. i also want to comment how many intestinal ads there were. >> lot of doritos. >> oh, yeah, the doritos -- >> yeah. >> did you guys like that the ultra sound one? at my gatheri people were like, what? >> the got a lot of hot water for it already. i me, downer, t therere 400,000 premature births a year. >> i like doritos in the womb, out of the womb. >> overall, they were uplifting this year, but last year there were some -- at least you could laugh this year for most of th, you know, i would say. >> thank you, gu. laughs on "the view" today. >> yes. thanks, guys. to continue, another great winner, doritos ad, a different one, mad by fan jacob chase, he und out during the game he won the "crash the super bowl"" contest. he won $1 million for h ad. he created doritos dogs. it charmed audiences around the obe, including me. take a look. >>hey. out. . get, get, get! >> did you find everything okay, sir? what?? >> have a good day, sir. >> so, the winner, the guy flew all night to be with us. jacob, get out here. >> congratulation and thank you so much. >> tell us about the moment that you fofound o that you were going to win a $1 million and chance to work with major hollywood director? >> it was absolutely mind-blowing. to see it aired on tv was incredible alone and be presented with that check. i haven't slept. but i'm so grateful to be a part of this experience. >> any thought of what you'll do with t the money? >> yeah, i mean, i'll probably be responsible at first, pay o my loans and contie to my dreams come true and put that toward making a movie. >> ally, what do youave in mind? >> you know, i got a cououple of ideas with my plussing partner on this travis brown, actually, we have been writing a script together. >> i love it, don't want to ge it away. >> something that i loved, all of the dogs were rcue dogs. >> correct. >> and thi came from a place younderstand this, you and girlfriend have tried to bring your dogs places andave no luck, that's where this idea was borne. >> themy dog, the white dogs in the commercial. she's a real inspiration for this. we rescued her three years ago. she's been incredible to us. seeing herer in a super bowl commercial in front of 100 million people is a dream come true. >> $1,000 was all it cost to make that commercial. she shot it in a local grocery store outside of l.a. how long did it take to make the commercial? >> 12-hour shoot day. but it went smoooothly. it turned out to funny. good day's work. >> yeah, yeah, right. the odds? >> listen, we couldn't -- so happy for you. thanks for joining us. >> thank you for having me. this is awesome. >> more ads should be as fun and adorable -- >> and creative. >> best of luck, keep us posted on t the movie. >> all right, will do. >> jacob, everybody. we'll go outside to rob now with a look at the weather. folks from california, you look a little cold. >> yeah, it's really cold. >> hundredington beach is not a bad place to be. this is a fire that burned about thankfully. high wind warnings up today. look at these temperatures. 85 degre in los angeles with winds up 65 miles per hour. colder across theacross siouxland. wind advisories are in effect through weather advisories and blizzard warnings for our east of ininterstate 29. light falling snow is travelel concernso be sure to travel cacautiouslyoday. here's the planner where we'll have a afternoon. >> all ght, joni and karithy, wish you were. lara back to you inside. "pop news" time, everybody. to continunue o super bowl theme, there was the game. there were the commercials. then there were also the trailers, did anybody notice how many movie traililers there were? lot of trailers a blockbuster blitz, if you will. sneak peek of upcoming fill 78s. america, civil war. and ryan reynolds's new movie called "deadpoll." and the s s s s s life of patz, that looks funny. my hou got quiet when the first look of "the jungle book" came on screen. the leader of the pack according to toll hollywoodeporter the best movie trailer, right now, matt damon returning as jason bourn, that hitsd theaters july 29th. they were pushing movies. some of the movies they were shing for months and months and months out. strategy that will pay off? we'll find out. but, good jo because we're talking about it. >> only one audience like the super bowl jason bourne is back. also in "pop ne" this morning, oprah winfrey loved bread. this morning, she has something to celebrate. the queen of talk has purchased a horse farm in moecito, california the r rambling estate features main house with five fireplaces, she also has stables, barns, orchids. does she ride? we'll have to find out.t. that would be a fun piece. >>hat w woulde a fun p piece. . >> this then property,ringing her total of 65 acres in the celebrity-filled neighborhood shared by the likes of een degeneres and drew barrymore. and finally, this is just a long day of celebrating, yelling at the tv, running back and forth to the kitchen. you might be tired this morning. this is psa, please make sure you're well rested before you get behind the wheel when you drive to work. only one instance when it's okay while sleeping while operating a vehicle. the only case in which i will say it's acceptable to do that. >>dorable. >> that's why trains a great. >> she's still operating. >> and that i "pop news" on this dmroers you monday. we'll be rht back.a sioux city man is in custody after shooting and wounding a 13 year veteran police offffer early sundaymorning. the officer was treated and released from the hospital eighte-year-old isaiah mothershed after shooting the officer and the sioux city police department were called to an apartment complex at 2447 park avenue to investigate reported robberies. mothershed has had other run-ins with the law as he was arrested for kiddnapping and assaulting two men back in july of 2015. neighbors at valley pk apartments say out of the ordinary. "probably y ke around 1:30 0 m. going on 2, i saw two ambulances pull up and then iooked t the window again and it was a bunch of police cars and of course a round 3 something they starting putting up yellow tape...i just thought somebody was sick, so i didn't know mothershed also shot and wounded himself and is now at mercy medical center. his condition is still unknown. and the case is stilbeing investigated. lukas let's check in with for the weather. matt: good mning sioxuland. the wind has been howling and remains strong there she is, our speal super bowl kid correspondent, marlo mosley standing by. she had a huge night on the sidelines. we'll talk to her about that. did yo see her at the game? it was great. i had the pleasure of meeting her and her mom friday when i was in town. she's just as adorable in person >> she's all bubbly this rning. can't wait to see her. also this morning, this little challenge. we're making dinner for $5 or less.. there's chef ming tsai, he's got something special for chine new year which istoday. but first, our kid you can see, standing by, 11-yeaear-old superfan, got up upclosose wh football stars at the nfs first female coach. she was there for it all. jesse has more on her day, her week. >eporter:r: viewerscross the nation. >> i can believe this is happening. >> reporter: "good morning america's" honorary correspondent receiving the ultimate honor, handing off the game ball to officials durg last night's super bowl 50 >> this is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. >> reporter: ann emic moment afteter an epic week. marlo rubbing elbows with robert gray, to meeting drew brees and j.j. watt. even getting some pro tips from gronk himselel >> touchdow and now do a little dance move. >> dance move. >> reporter: and scoring a live hit with michael o "good morning america." >> good morning, michael. >> reporter: 11-year-old football fanatic t tacklingi some hard-hitting questions at media day. asking peyton manning if he plans on retiring. >> what do you mean by the last rodeo? >> no, no, you totally missed the point. i'm going to go participate in rodeos. >> reporter: and get tock the point with nfl commissioner roger goodell. >> do you think i'm good enough i can py in the nfl some day. >> the answer is yes, if you're good enough h s, you can play. >> nice meeting you. i have heard such great things about you. >> reporter: the hhlight of the week, getting ready for her big moment. hand off at the super bowl. my heart was beating. >>arlo joins us from her home in san jose. we were all watching. what was going throuou your mind at that time, marlo? >> my heart was pumping when i was doing that. when i was running o these 7500 fans watching me and billions at home it was home. >> , you want to be a coach, break down what happened last night in the game. give us your expert opinion on the game last night. >> so, lt night, i was rooting for the panthers, but, youou know, they had a lot of turnovers, they had some little things to fix.x. overall the game was good. peon manning was great. the defense did awesome, that resulted in tm winning the super bowl. >> what do you think happened with cam, was it nerves? >> well, cam, i think he just got stopped by the defense and he threw too many turnovers, interceptions, but,ou know basically him on the defense, he he was under pressure with the blitzes. so, i don't think he couldn't handle it and the first time being in the ser bowl was anotherkey. >> that was spot-on, marlo. >> so, out all the things that happened, this past week, what are you going to remember the most? >> well, especially being this year's "good morning america" correspondent was awesome. just doing this throughout the super bowl week, that gave me opportunities throughout the whole week to meet different people, like gronk and drew brees and j.j. watt themselves. also, the nfl honors, that gave me a lot of stf, too, that led me to meeting otherlayers the whole week, that was a lot of fun meeting them an seeing their experiences for super bowl 50. >> did you have a favorite person you met, marlo? >> i don't know. football players kind of raised up there. they were all very nice. but, yeah, no one in particular. >> when do you have to go back to school, when are you going back to school? >> today. today. > what are you going to tell your class mates about the experience. >> i had the time of my life last week. it was so awesome. >> all right. you have a job here any ti, marlo. you ask great questions. >> thank you, robin. >> sure does. >> great eney. >> great job. >> tnk you so much. >> now, get to school. >> she has hours before school out there. >> thank you, marlo. welcome to the "good morning america" postgame party. what's up, guys? we got a lot of leftover foam fingers. ot a l of snoww fans across the northeast. look at these advisories. staying in steamboat yesterday, we show you this video as we congratulate pton manning and the broncos othe win. over a foot potentially in eastern massachusetts. that's a qck check of what's going onhas been howling and remains strong across siouxland. wind advisories are in effect through late this afteternoon.we also haha winter weather advisories and blizzard warnings for our counties along and east of interstate 29. this is where some causing visibility and >> this weather report is brought to you by kay jewellers. cue the d drum line. what's a postgame without the drum lie. what i'm talking about, amy. time now to check in with ou 10 dates 10 states cross-country adventure. datein three dififferent places. this time she took a break from the digital world and she went old school letting her friends set her up. let's ta a look. >> reporter: from sand to snow to supuper bowl this weekekend was full of someretty wild and whacky first dates. via las vegas. the little white wedding chapel where thousands of couples have been married. >> as a minister, how did youour folks meet? meeting online and more and more you're seeing those numbers ineasing. >> reporter: the three dates were set up by y iends and colleagues. hey, are y kash. i own a yogurtland late. we had the dustest date yet. dune >> that was the best first date er. . >> reporter: this was a picturesque picture. i'm going on date with tom petty. okay, nothat tom petty. but my best friend's best friend. dog sledding has definitely been my favorite date so far. we have a mutual best friend. my best friend trusts him. i rang in the super bowl in denver where john and i rooted for the broncos. >> all right, producer erica scott joins us now from denver, colorado, erica, we were all -- we were all set up by friends. digital dates? >> i have had the best of both worlds. you go into a little bit more comfortable knowing that you have some friend in common, it might be a smaller ol. 40 million americans online, a say it's ripe for a digital date. >> there are s many different outlets on online. you're going to austin. you're going to talk to ceo of bumble. what makes that site different from the others? >> sure, bumble is unique in the sense that once a match is made, the girl has to initiate the conversation. the ceo is also a woman. >> the saddie hawkins of online dating. you have done pretty cool ththings on these first das. u're doing something thahat might scare you the most, texas two-stepping. >> i'm excited to get my dancing shoes on and going to austin. we're going to be two-stepping. hopefully, i don't miss my flight. >> do we know who you're meeting in austin? i guess that's a no. >> we have to wait until tomorrow to find out. >> i'm dying to know if there's been a love connection. >> we have to wait until the end. wee want to thank adventures by disney for the incredible dog sledding dadate. follow erica's journey on our website. coming up, our $5 dinner challenge. can chef ming pull it off? dad: i know. spots. culligan man: the problem is your water! anncr: a culligan whole-house water conditioning system gets rid of sediment or impurities. so keeping everything spotless is effortless. mom: hey. dad: the culligan man. culligan man: the problem is your water! anncr: a culligan whole-house water conditioning system gets rid of sediment or impurities. so keeping everything spotless is effortless. dad: spots. culligan man: the problem is your water! and it's time now the kick off our $5 chalnge. we'll give celebrity chefs $5 budget to make a a well-balanced meal. our first challenger is ming tsai. he's here with a special d dish for thehinese new year. come on out, chef ming. [ cheers a applause ] >> hey,george. >> how it's going? go. >> 5 bucks. what are we starting out with. >> turkey, buy turkey in bulk. you don't need all this. we don't need 12 ounces of it. this is exact 2.59 a pound. that's cheap. we all went to college we ate ramen noodles. .67 cents. bokchoy. very good for you. so cheap, under $1 for the bok choy. then half a bunch of scallions and ginger. flavor, good for you. anoxidants. >> what do we add up here? >> way under 5. >> what's the total? >> the it is. oh, plenty of room. >> there you go. >> what s should i get from the pantry? >> evybody's pantry should have soy sauce and vinegar. so grab those two. ththis is 1 ounceof turkey meat. >> plenty for two ople. saute th garlic. add a touch of soy sauce. in here, wee have the noodles, do it per the instructions. the one trick, every ramen packet has a seasoning packet. so, then, you just boil this for two minutes. what you can then do is take this browned turkey, add it to the rame noodles like that. then, the bok choy, ifou cut it nice and thin like this, it cooks quickly. we add just a touch -- hello, hi, everyone. >> hi. >> a little bit of soysauce. in honor of my mom who's beijing, they always put vinegar in noodles. mix it up. nice and hot. >> reall good. >> i mean, it's good for you. it's easy. you can do thisith a hot pot all right, a little bit of that. >> excellent. >> very comforting. >> i mean, it's cold. i was at the super bowl yesterday, it was hot. >> you flew all night. >> yeah, but it was awesome to do. it was a fun defensive game, i tell ya. >> do we need a wok to make this dish? >> no. but if you buy a ming tsai wok my kids go to college. this is a peking duck. you get red envelope. whole fruit, preserved fruit is fantastic. this is called a peking duck. a whole duck stuffed with a whole chuckicken. look at that. i actually did this down in new orleans. it's one of the most delicious -- >> we got some people from new leans here. >> try it. >> tell me what it tastes like. >> it's a duck, chicken and a squab. >> wow. >> excellent. thank you. fantastic. you did pretty well with the challenge. get the cipes on goodmorningamerica on ya hoot yahoo!.com. the super bowl next. welcome back to "good momorning america" postgame party. now to the winner to a once in thanks to our sponsor marriott rewards. they got an all-expenses paid trip to watch the big game at levi's stadium. imagine e going t the super bowl. >> we're gng to super bowl. >> reporter: now imagine going friends. >> also sding you to a super bowl with them. >> reporter: bill and his family fromupstate new york got to put the super in their super bobowl weekend. winning the sweep stakes. breakiking news to their guests with football great brian lacher. watching the game from a luxury stadium suite. >> we're a the super bowl. >> reporter: but the win winning so much more f bill and his family. bill's son will havingeaten brain cancer able to invite thosose who helpe him through. >> it means lot. >> reporter: won a supersized super bowl weekend. ruing shoulders with tony romo. with rich eisen, tony romo and ste young. >> reporter: cruising with tim tebow and even bringing some of the doctors that helpe will beat cance on their whirlwind trip. >> it's been awesome to be able to give everyone who was able to help us. >>it's been a dream come true to be able to go to the super bowl and share it with our family and friends. >> oh, yeah, congratulations to will for n not only beating cancer we'll be right back. uptownwn fkou up >> beforwe go a little uptown funk for your monday morning. an excitingg morning for peyton manning wherehe's going? >> he's going too disney land. >> after the super bowl. >> enjoy it. monday. after a two- sunday morng. o cars collided on south dakota highway 11 when car lost crashed in the vehicle. the 16-year-old vivictim ...o was pronounced dead at the scene ...wn't wearing a seatbelt while the other person was taken to a sioux falls hospital with minor injurieses. for more details as they become available. jessica rae: good morning i am this is your quick lukas let's check in with for the

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