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Another big crowd last night laying thehe groundwork. Iami airport, Passengers Evacuated from a plane after a suspicious passengererade it through security a a eveveryone on edge after that apparent bombi in egypt. David kerley starts us off at reagan airport. Reporter good morning, george. It was more than just one aircraft. At least 20 jetliners held because authorities apparently lost track of this suspicious bag and had to find it. On three, on three. Reporter passengers taken bysurprise asiami police boaoard their plane. Everybody out, everybody ouou from thefrfrt. Repororr just before tataoff the amemecaairlines jet evacuated. The front, lets go, quickly, quickly. Reporter police ordering everyone on the jet bound for barbos to put their hands on their head. One passenger taken into custody, who the fbi says got through security just before 5 00 p. M. With suspicious items inin his carryon bag. Do you have anything on you . Reporter the officer noted the gentltlan not making eye contact then started fiddling with t t bag and thats when they kind of jumped all over him. Put him in handcuffs and took him dow andnd ordered all of us to get off the plane as fast as we could. Get off the plane, get o ground. Reporter the tsa telling abc news the passenger is a dentist and it wasis dental equipment which triggered the alarm. Ateast 20 jets held, delayed or diverted while theearch for the bag was on. Cant even tell us if youre going to get where youre going to go. Reporter some 500 passengers affected until the bag and t passenger were actually founund. The man was released, george. Theres no word whether he actually got to barbados and whether or not he got his bag back or not. The question, how did he get place . Reporter yeahah, one source is telling us tsa screeners saw something suspicious i i the bag. G. W to go to sececdary checking and apparently the second officer didnt realize that, released t bag, leased the passenger. Innocently the man went to his plane. Tsa hnt given a specific reason why that second person didnt realize this was a suspicious bag that needed to be checked. Again, the man has been released now, okay, davi thanks very much. The race for president now and the candididates facing off in tonights big debate. Donald trump and ben carson will be cenenr stage again. Aa newollhows they arar neck and neck. Lastst night trump giving a preview of the attacks carson may facend trump will join us live in a moment but first abcs tom llamas is there in milwaukee for tonights showdown. Good morning, tom. Reporter robin, good morning to you. The debate takes place here at the milwaukee theater and youre right, trump spoke in front of a huge crowd last night putting the pressure on dr. Ben carson but this morning weve looked questioned about and s se are checki out. Overnit, donald trump unleashing on dr. Ben carson and life stor this the only election in history where you are better off if y stab somebody. Reporter trump and carson now neck and neck in the polls, the retired nrosurgeon forced violent youth. If you try and hit your mother over the head with a hammerer yourr poll numrs goo upup a lot o of wei things are happening. This is a stranangeelection, isnt it . Reporter carson standing by the stories he wrotebout in his autobiography and talks about on the campan trail like turning his life around as a young man after trying to stab a fellow teen. Carsons campaign pointing to an article in parade magazine in 1997 where his mother corroborates the storytelling the reporter, oh, that really happenednd after the wall street journal reported discrepancies in carsonon count of an incident a at yalal where h h saide was honored as the most honest student after a class hoax invololving a bogus test a fellow student who staged the hoax telling abc news, carson was not lyingng saying, quote, i think he got it close to rit. I do not rememember this level scrutiny for one president barack obama when he was ruvening, in fact, i remember just the opposite. Reporter but as other candidates say, this is allair game, carsoninding some support from senator marco rubio. I know everything i need to know aut ben carson. He came from a poor family with no advantages in life and worked hard and became one of the worlds most renowd neurosgeons. Thatsll i need to know. Reporter the debate is tonight. T. Itll be two hours and starts at 9 00 eastern. There ll bee eight gop candidates on the main stage. Governors christine and huckabee did not mamake it. So much focus going on with carsrs, uncncar how much policyy theyll be able to squeeee in. We will see. Lets talk to donald trump. Mr. Trump,p, thank you for joining us by phone today. Sounds like youre ready to tee off on ben carson tonight. No, not at all. Well see what happens. Itll be loose and flexiblele. I have no idea whats going too happen but it will be interesting. As weve seen in toms piece right there, some of parts of carson story are starting to check out. When i talked to him on sunday he said you jumped the gun on those stories and that calal into questionn whetheroure fit to be mmander in chief. If he repeats that tonight h h will yourespond . Well, ill just simply say and mean it to the bottom, you know, the case was made that he went after his mother with a hammer and he wanted to hit his mother over the head with a hammer, that he stabbed sobody, that he had hit lock. He smashed somebodys face with a lockck, wh a padlock and other thgs and i im saying hes trying to justify this because he wants to be telling the truth and hes trying to justify it and then he saides pathological. He has a pathological temper or something and he wrote that himself in the book and, you know, im trying to figure whats going on ovever here. You hit sebody in t face with a lock and go after your mother with a hammer, you do all of these things and youre trying to justify that, yes, you did t them and thats suppose to make you credible. We heard the word its a very stranange situation. Heard the word hammer several times in your answer. Want to ask you about an abc news poll. You and ben carson at the top of most polls rightow and both doing quiteteell with repububcan voters, high favorability but when it goes to the general election voters, h hes doing. Better than you. Hes got a 50 favorability. Youre only at 38 and 59 unfavorable for you. How do you explain that and anything you can do about it . Well, sure, you do a lot about it once you tart running and focusingg on that. Zogby came out with a poll where im at 30 to 12727 againsten and i beat hillary headtohead in numerous pollslsut thats aa different g gup of folks. Right nowm dealing with republicans. Youre also dealing with china in an oped in the wall street journal today you say its time to tellhe truth on china but criticsay the policies youre calling for will spark a trade war that will babackfire on the united states. How do you respond. Whats aradewar . Were losing 400 billion a yeaear with china in terms of imbalance. Theyre killing us and in every respect and their currency manipulators are beaeang us with their currency manipulation and her things soso when you say trade war theyve got a trade war against us. They biat us at every front. We have people literally that have no clu and if you look at what china is doing step by step by step, i mean, trade war, sure, you wont even have a trade war. China hasas taken so much money out ofhe united states, so many jobs, so much of our base that trade war, i dont think youll have one, frankly, becausus they can afford a trade wawa we saw last week unemployment down to 5 . Federal reserve almost certain to raise rates. Is that the right move . It is the right move but the unemployment is not 5 . The unemployment is probably close to 20 . If youook at all the people out there that want to get jobs that have given up youre talking about unemployment thats actually close to 20 . The world is not happy. You know, you talked about my big crowd at the arena last ninit. It wasas in illilinois, it t s unbelievable. Believe me,f rl unemplment was at 5 i wouldnt have had 10,000 people at that are last night. Who else is in the hot seat tonight . I think everybody. I mean, look, its a contest. Its a very interestingng set of characters. Everybody has a veryy dferent point of view and i think its going to be an interesting time tonight. I look forward to it. We do too. Thanks for joining us this morning . Thank you very much, george. Lets talk to matt dowd about this. How do you explain th, donald trump, ben carson holdingn strong at theop of the polls. S. Anythi can bng them down. I think what explains their strength their authenticity so who they are, they seem genuine and their stories and all that. In the end thats what could bring them down if it bears out stand forrant authentic the cracks would dg them down immediately. The other thing i think theyll have to prove tonight especially is that people can see them as commander in chief. There is a question about whether the voterss can see them as commander in chief. Will they get pressed foror details on their policy. Whatre you watching for. Subplots. Will jeb go after marco rubio in the course of this . Will donald trump and ben carson engage in the midst of this and i think ted cruz is in an interesting position because i dont think he has an opportunity to bash the refs so what will he do. Some talk of ted cruz and jeb bushdoubleteaming marco rubio. I think it would be a mistake by them to go after marcoco Rubi Marco Rubio is a young guy withh a great story. Ii thinkheyre better off letting the moderators doing the work instead of them doing it. Lets see what happens. Matthehew dowd,hanks for being here. Later ill head to washington for an exclusive interview with president obama. Well bring that to you friday right here on gma. Robin. An important new study on Blood Pressure that can save lives affecting at least 17 million americans. Abcs dr. Richard besser is here and these are dramatitic findings, rich. Really dramatic. The big question for people witit high Blood Pressure has aays been i i you treat it how low do u go . People at high risk for heart geez was 140 or0 for t that top number. What they wanted to see here is what happens if you bring that all the way down to 120. So the researchers did astudy, half t the peoplple went for the current target of 140, half at 120 and studied 9,000 people. All over 50, no diabetes and disease. They had to stop the study early because there was a 25 reductctn in bad outcomes like heart attack, stroke or deaths from Heart Disease in lowering it by 20 points, medication is what led to that reduction. Exactly. Side effects, you know, when you talk about medication, is the 20point difference worth the side effects. Get it down that low on average people had to be on three medications to get it to the 140 it was two medications and there wa a slight increase in er visits for a number of things for low Blood Pressure, for fainting though there was no difference in falls and kidney tradeoff there. Recommendations. There are7 Million People who may benefit from that. A lot of ople. Talk to you doctor to see if the benefits outweigh the risks but there are so many things people can do to bring down medication. So maintaining their weight. Regular physical activity. Sleep. Processed foods. Those things could take care of some o of t ts or make it easier to control. All of this is encocoaging, thanan you very much. Dr. Besser will be taking your morning. You can tweet him drrichardbesser. Snow, hail rain and its moving east a and ginger, so many are on the lookout for a blizzard. So many. Youve got to see the numbers. First, san francisco, california, picture of the thunderstorms that rolled through the bae. That is the Golden Gate Bridge getting struck by lightning. Yoyo move to nevada where it came as heavy snow and this same storm now digging into the west with Winter Weather advisories from nevada up to montana into colorado and utah. Look at thal blizzard warning and watch, northeast colorado, western kansas and nebraska, that means wind, plus snow. It doesnt necessarily mean you get tons and tons of snow but does mean really bad travel conditions and out front, potential for tornadoes, damaging wind and, of course, that large hail. Des moines to peoria backk to st. Louis. More on this coming up. Fofonow backo robin. Amy has the mornings other top stories beginning with big news, the university of missouri. Thats right. The School Football team there will resume practice after the schools president resigned amid growing racial tension and the chancellor says hwill step students and faculty had joined the fooall teams protest. The team threatened to boycott over how racial tensions were handled. So coming up at 7 30 we will tata to jonathan butlerer the gradtudentnt who stagedd Hunger Strike trigging the protest on campus. A setback for psident obamas immigration plan. His executive order would have protected 5 million undocumente immigrant children and parents of u. S. Citizens from deportation. But now an Appeals Court has sided with 26 states who say the president exceeded his authority. The white house is expected to appeal to the supreme court. And there are new details in the growing scandal involving russia and t the olympic games. This morningng r rsian president vladadir putin says dopinin accusations against russian athletes and claims that the russian government staged a coverup ar quote, unfounded. Putin says no evidence has been presend by the world antidoping agency. But the russian track a field federaion has been given until the end of this weeeek to respond to that report. Russian athletes could be suspended from next years summer olympics. Well, some dramatic video from alaska. Pro skier i macintosh, look at him there, heumbled 1600 feet downhill while filming a movie. He deployed an air bag safety device on the way down, thankfully and remarkably was un uninjured. Once he stopped, macintosh was heard saying, im ok. By the way, the movie is called paradise waits. Finally if you want to get a unusual suggestion. Tu the lights off when youre brushing your teeth. A neuroscientist in britain studied the issue and said bright bathroom lights could b waking up your body as it should be prepang to rest. You know, actually brush my teeth in the dark in the morning so im actually still asleep right now. D you kno that. Do you do squats when ushing your teeth . Thats gingers thing. And they really tire you out. Squats, check. Lights f. Thanks, amy. That dramatic pole chase seconds. S. Back at 7 17 with that wild ending to a police chase in oklahoma. An officer lucky to be alive after his cruiser wasas rammed headon by an suv. T. J. Holmes here with the story. Hey, t. J. Reporter good morning. He was under the protection of god. That is how a police chief scbes how hisfficer got out of the situation in which he came facetoface with a suspect in an suv. The officer pulls his gun. The suspect hits the gas. Races towards a police cruiser. A Police Body Camera captures the driver appearing to aim right for the officers karaming it before being s spped by two nshots. It all began when officers i tulsa, oklahoma, chased a woman for five miles. She was accused of stealing an suv. Eventually they corner her vehicle in a School Parking lot. Police officer matt stacy races ouout of his car in an attempt to lay downpikes to flatten her tires. Three seconds later it ces barreling toward him. Stacy gets off two sts. Stop, stop. Reporter his body camera shows h h tumbling to theround anan racacg back up. The suvareening to the other end of the parking lot. The officers run after the suspect who taunts them. Put your hands on top of your head. Do not move. Reporter eventually theyre able to susubdue her. Taser, taser. Felony charges. The tulsa police chief commending his o officers r the job they did. And shes taunting and yelling at the officers. Some profanities. They do believe drugs was involved here but the officer chececd intohehospital, g gotot checked out and hes out of there. But, again, that was at an elementary school, all right, and shots were fired. No students or teachers involved but an ugly, scary scene. The officers there doing the right thing, all right. Than you, t. J. Much for ahead. Those dramatic developments at the university of missouri. The president stepping down. The chancelloreieing reassigne and racial tensions and protests over there. Will other colleges follow suit . Now the student whose hunr strike started it all is going to spepe out only ongma. A new lawsuit taking on one of your favorite cereals right there. Well be right back. America to stir up the holidays, before earning 1 cash back everywhere, every time and 2 back at the grocery store, even before they g 3 back on gas, all with no hoops to jump through, thr Bank Americard cash rewards credit cardrd to sweeten the holiday season. Ths t spirit of rewarding conneneions. Apply online or at a bank of amica near you. Today is the day. Hellmanns a holiday leftovers become irresistibly creamy turkey casserole. Real delicious hellmanns. Bring out the hellmanns. Bring out the best. Eucerin intensive repair. 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Do not take jardiance ifyoyou are onialysis or have severe kidney problems. Stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction. Symptoms may include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. Taking jardiance with a suonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Tell your doctor a aut all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditionsns so talk to your doctor, and for details, i did it. I did it too. They took natures bounty hair, skin and nails, its a vitamin supplementt that nourishes from the inside. With biotin for beautiful hair and strong nails. And vitamin c and e for vibrant skin. Give it a month, if your hair, skin and nails donlook and feel more beautiful, well give you y your momoney back i did it. And i feel beautiful. Take the natures boty hair, skin and nails challenge, visit naturesbounty. Com for details. Bacac here o on gma, a glorioious ght. Heavy rain and hail in california. This is around the bay area, santa cruz and this is alsoo a glorious site for anyone who upup tocities north side experienced a big traffic snag yesterday. Burlington northern santa fe, who operates lewis boulevard. Unexpectedly closed the city staffers say received notification about meaning many drivers didnt closure until it was too late. The rail company says it uses a third party company, communicate clures to the but that message city hall. Notification because an opportunity to sign plans at all, and says jill services manager, jessica rae the city says its inconvenient, they need to make sure the public is aware and that proper detours are posted. Jessica lets check in with for the weather. Matt tomorrow is when we expect some big changes in the forecast with a quickly developing area of low pressure in the leeward rockies. This i igoing to quickly pass through with a chance of shows the system, we could see some snow also occur. Winds will gust potentially over 50 Miles Per Hour tomorrow afternoon and overnight into thursday. Then thursday will still be windy for most of the day, but at least precipitation shouldld be out of our hair. Todays high is 62 with partly cloudy skies. Tonights low is 42 with increasing we welcome you back to gma and looking live at Miami International airpor a major scare there last night. A suspicious passenger making it on a plane, everyone evacuated by police. The passenger taken into custody and the released. Other flights delayed o diverted as you can image. Everyone edgy the downing of th russian plane. Big change att seaworld phasing out its killer whale show at its san diego park. Plans to focus on conservation. Ticket tales declining since a documentary criticized them. Reopen. The source of the recent e. Coli outbreak that csed restaurants in oregon and washington. His photo taking the internet by storm. That. Remember the dress, the outfit that sent the internet to a frenzy. Now people are havining a field day with this photo. Looks like a normal field, right . Wait till you hear wt it really is. Thats coming up ahead in e speed feed. But a big tease. Sweeping changes at the university of missouri. The University President stepping down, the chancellor there reassigned after those protests over how the school handled allegations of racism on campus. In a minute well hear from the grad student who staged a hger strike but first alex perez is in combia, missouri, with the latest. Good morning, alex. Reporter good morning. The now former uniniversrsity president admitting his departure was necessary for this campus to move forward. The university of missouri are now vak apartmentcant sm im resigning. Reporter its president tim wolfe resigning and chancellor r. Bowen loftin transitioning to another role. Both under a tidal wave of pressure fromm students angry over theandling of wha they call instituonal racism on campus. I take full responsnsibility for the inaction that has occurred. Reporter students saying they have been subjected to racial slurs, a swastika recently fouound in a dorm throom. Weeks. One jonathan butlerven mounting a Hunger Strike until wolfe resigned. The footbalall tea who vowed not to play until the president stepped aside ready to get back on thefield. Let this be a testament to all other athletes across the country that you do have power. You do have power. Reporter the university now three months to create the new role of chief Diversity Inclusion and equity officer and to start a full review of policies on staff and student conduct. Its a victory now being watched on campuses across the nation also facing racial tensions. Like at yale, hundreds marching monday protesting alleged r racial intolerance on campus. Tt i an accomplishment to make a voice for all other universities to let them know you don have to stand for injustices on your campus. R reporter and those students telling me this has been an emotional roller coaster for them. The university toad to lose more than a million dlars had they forfeited that upcoming football robin. All right, alex, thank you very much. Joining us now is jonathan butler, the jufrts of missouri grad stude who staged a Hunger Strike in protest. Good morning to you, nathan. I see that you have other students that have gathered there around you and i know that you said you did not want the focus to be your Hunger Strike, that that was not the focus, that it was about the cause, but many people want to know how are you doing, jonathan . How is your health . You went seven days without eati. First of al robin, thank you for having me and thank you for having us, i brought the members of concerned students 1950. The original organizing group. And, yeah, i really didnt want this to be about the hunger trike. Although it was unfortunate that had to come to such a drastic measure. The real issue is the Campus Climate and all the issues that our students are facing. In terms of me healthwise, im smiling. I got my friends with me so im so appreciative ofthem. Theyve been such a great support network and definitely after the hospipil visit i got checked t so im doing ll. Im glad that you are doing well. Youu talk about the measureres that you took and that you called the conditions there on campus the words you used was unlivable. Were talking about . Yeah, the campu climate here at the university of missouri has been unlivable since i was here as an undergraduate student so started here in 2008. And in my first semester i had individuals write t n word on my wall and had white students who wer literally physically assaulting me. The campusulture here is not welcomin t people who are of the majority identity. And what do you think of the measures that the universy say they are now going to take . Theyre going to establish a chief diversity officer, theyre going to review their policies. Is that enough . Honestly, i am slightly disappnted with the measures. I wawa definitely expecting more. I say that one because all those measures have been outlined by faculty, students and staff who have been doing activism on campus for years and so these are things weve been suggesting so i was looking for something a little bit more new and more innovative and also more substantial. I do acknowledge its a sp in we need to know these arent just proses or words to calm us down as students but really true changes to happen on this campus. I know you dont want this too be symbolic. You dont want 9 Hunger Strike or the president stepping down to be symbolic but further measures. What exactly is it that you are looking for and your classmates . For me im looking for respect. Theres a lot of things im looking for but when you look at the values of the university, you respect responsibility, discovering excellence, the fact that we can have different differing identities background, lifestyles et cetera is okay. Were not expecting everyone to 100 agree with what were doing or 100 agree with o o liststyle but demand they respect our differerences a our differences in humanity. Jonaan, the entire footbalall united. They said they were one with you and this cause. What did that mean to you . That honestly mea the world to me so it wa powowerful for them to use their mlionsof social change. The team and coaches said they wereeoncerned about you andd thats what their focus was and makingure that you were going to be okay. Have you heard from other students on oer campuses . Absolute. The outpour for concerned amazing. So many campuses are facing so many similar things and so i think its reay powerful to continue to fight for change. You have received, you and others there overwhelming support b there are others that are saying, h hunger strikik forcing a resignation, is thaha the best w way to bring about change, jonathan . Some people are asking that. I would refrain the question in instances like ask yourself why did we haveo get to that place . I think thats the most important question to ask. If people did their research they would understand that for yearspon years weve been writing letters. Weve tried almost every method of communication and were not being heard. Its important for meme to know, i know this has been going the measures you took before this took place. Jonathan butler, thank you very much and a all the sdents that are joinining you there onhe campus at mizzou. We wish everyon there all the best going forward. Thank you. Thank you so much, robin. And the president when he resigned president wolfe said he was resigning out of love, not hate and that he was hoping that this that theealing process could begin there at mizzou. We hope we can see real change. He set a powerful e emple that ststent. This boxfheerios may be onon your table right now. But this morning one group is saying its name is misleading. Well tell you why. To do great thingsgs, metimes you gotta break the rules. Surface pro 4. A new screen for new perspectives. A new pen for new sterpieces. New speakers for a new sound. We reinvented the rface pro. So you can reinvent evererhing ee. Here you are. Anything i can do to make yourtay more magical . Well, i wish we coululhahave evenmore p pk time. Oo i want to ride the monorail oh, take areak by the pool. But be back in time for fireworks. Let me see what i cado. Whoa when y you stay a select Walt Disney World resort hotel, you get the most out of your vacation. And your familyly. 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Plus get 5060 off outerwear for the whole e family, like puffer jackets starting at 29. 99 nt want to wait for delivery, buy online and pick up instore. Kohls vo shop all makes, models and colors in your neighborhood. All with worryfree ownership. Head to your neighborhood enterprise car salal and let the people who buy more vehicles thth anyone. Shift your thinking about buying your next one. Back now with that new lawsuit againststne of ameras favorite breakfast cereals. Cheerios under fire rigight now. Abcs jim ala is in washington with the details. Reporter good morning. Cheerios a breakfast staple being sued accused of cheating consumers with an alleged misleading label on the new type of little o something new on that iconic box in big, bold letters. Protein. Oh, high in protein. That good tng to have for breakft. Reporter the centers for science and Public Interest says cheerios undercuts itsealthful reputation by marketing this new cerereal as packed with protein when a according to a just filed lawsuit its actually y packed with sugar. Youre getting a littlee more protein but n n the worth of four teaspoons more sugar. Art heres the numbers. For the same 200 calories regular cheerios has s six grams of protein. Cheerios protein just a smidgen 6. 7 grams. But look at th sugar breakdown we found. That same 200 calories of regular cheerios just 2 grams of sugar. While cheerios protein, oats and honey has a whopping 16 grams of sugar. In fact, thiss cheerios variety has more sugar than every other cheerios on the market, more than frosted cheerios, fruity cheerios and, even chocolate cheerioss. People are being cheated. Not only iseneral mills giving you so much more sur theyre also charging you more for this product. Reporter g General Mills told us in a statement, cheerios protein is accurately labeled ann equal amount off cheerios protein contains 18 more protein by weight than original cheerios. And they did not respond to repeated questions about the amount of sugar. Cspi is asking for unspecified damages and for cheerios to change the way it markets this new variety. By the way, regular cheerios has one type off sweetener in it, plain old sugar. Cheerios protein honey and oats corn syryr to brougar to molasses. Robin and george. Always important to check the ingredients. I wonder howhis will turn out. Thank you. Coming up a game of hide and sheep . Jesse has more on at. Nicely done. Thats right. What if i told you there were hundred, literally hundreds of animals hiding in this field. You dont believe me . Well show you next in our speed feed. The whipped cream sea be extra whippy [ laughing ] together ahhhhhhhhhhh yarrrr, it be the twizzler. Run crew member what does he want . Happy holidays Free Shipping all season long at target. Com. The cold truth is. [coughing] okayids, lets go. No one can really fill your shoes s wh youe sick. [toy car electric motor] [toy car horn beeping] alseltzer plus hot drink mix has four cold symptom fighters to relieve your tough symptoms. [whoosof steam] [deep breath] stay unstoppable. Alkaseltzer plus. Noththing like good, quick meal to bring two people together. Campbells skillet sauces. Ready in under 20 minutes. Campbells. In our house, imagination runs wild. But at my table, i keep the food real. Like country crocks new recipe. Made with real simple ingredients and no artificl flavors or preservaves. Real Country Fresh taste from real ingreredients. All right, were back now with the speed feed and this morning, were counting sep but not to fall leep, jesse, please explain. Counting sheep for our own nity. You know the internet loves a rid. Remember the dress. Blue or black. People thought they saw white and gold but it was bluend black. Well, now there is a new picicre puzzle and itt ruling the web. Take a loooo athiss shsh. There are actually more than 500 sheep in this phot im loing. Oh, i see them. Can you see them i see them . I kind of see them. What about now. Another picture. In the background maybe . You see them. Are they what looks like wheat . Good guess. No, you dont how about now. Check them out now. Now i can. See them in the background. There they all are. A canadian f farmer d a double and triple take when she was looking f her flock and she says is not just in the winterertime. Heres one from the summer. You can s seethat. See those clearly. And like to hide in tall grass. I can see them. And this is what the internet is talking about this morning, guys. Thats right. Sneaking sheep in saskchewan, canada. Wll have more on that when we return. And the dress one was a lot morere fu yeah. A little more challenging. Thank you both. When we come back at the top of the hour, a new warning for parents about youth soccer and Pamela Andersons huge health victory saying she is cured from a disease ha shes been battling for more than a decade. Come on back. Coming up gmas countdown to thanksgiving brought to you share wonder every day. Making christmas wishes come true from wherever you are. And having dreams delivered to your door. For some of us, thats all in a days work. Shop the way you live. Love the way you shop. And experience more wonder every day. Walmart. Fact. When emergency room doctors choose an otc pain reliever for their patients muscle, back and joint pain. The medicine in advil is their 1 choice. Nothing is stronger tough pain than advil. Relief doesnt get any better than this. Advil. All the hard work. Time in the service. Community college. It matters. Its why we,e, at university of phoenix, count your relevevant work and College Experience as credits toward your degree. Learn more at phoenix. Edu. vo your love is purely thoughtful, purely natural, purely fan feast. New delicious entr\es, crafted to the last detail. Flaked tuna, whitemeat chicken, never any byproducts or fillers. Purely natural tastes purely fancy feast. Its easy to buy insurance and forget about it. But the more you learn about your coverage, the more gaps you might find. Likeow you thoht you were covered for all this. When youre really oy covered for this. Hot dog . Or how you may think youre covered for this. But not for this. Whoa , no, oh , oh . Or ththis. Or this. Or that. Talk to farmers and see what gaps could be hiding in your coverage. Myeaven we are farmers bum pa dum. Bum bum bum bum people think californians live in our own reality. With our heads in the clouds. Like a bunch of space cadets. Huh . What . Ive drawn a blank. Whats my line . [director] reset mamaybe we do live in a fantasy. In our own little bubble. As if were not completely down to eartrth. But just a bunch of dreamers . No way were just like everyone else. You know, average joes start drming big at visitcalifornia. Com i love yoplait greek 100 whips. The textures quite nice. It like. A little fluffy cloud in my mouth. Fluffy, uffy cloud. Mmmm, yoplait. Helicopter Engine roars pc does whaaat . music begins. E song, danger zone by kenny loggi plays from the pc hey, guy pc does what . shhhh pc does what no pc has done before. Does yours . Back on gma now and one of the coolest pictures w saw as of yesterday, cape town, south africa. People looked up and said is that a ufo. Its not. Its helene tick lahr cloud that form around mountains and thats has to do with moisture in t Good Morning America is brout to you by tanly steamer. And allergy friendly. Dakota. Has put a halt on their Marijuana Production operation. Amid fears of a possible raid by federal authorities. The tribe reportedly ordered their police to destroy millions of dollars of marijuana it had already begun growing. Its a move that suprised the omaha tribe of nebraska. Which recently voted in favor of legalizing marijuana on their reservation were still cautious. We want to make sure we have regulations in place. Theres an 8point check list that the department of justice wants to make sure thats followed in terms of them not prosecuting, said miller. Jessica rae the omaha tribe of nebraska says it still plans to continue looking into legalization. Jessica lets check in with for the weather. Matt tomorrow is when we expect some big changes in the forecast with a quickly developing area of low pressure in the leeward rockies. This is going to quickly pass through with a chance of showers and thunderstorms. On the tail end of the system, we could see some snow also occur. Winds will gust potentially over 50 Miles Per Hour tomorrow afternoon and overnight into thursday will still be windy for most of be out of our hair. Good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. Cured. Free from the Liver Disease thats haunted her for 16 years. Did she really overcome hepatitis c . The allout way shes celebrating her medical victory. Black friday frenzy. Astonishing deals just revealed by some of the biggest retailers. Let the holidays bebegin. From target to walmart. How the megachains are opening the doors to Super Savings earlier than ever. The stunning new research that couould cnge the way we look at weight. Its a n new medical alert aut belly fat. Why carrying extra weight around your waist may be more dangerous than being obese. Big drama in the ballroom. Tamar braxton rushed to the hospital right after dress rehearsal. Shes really sick. Making it back to the live broadcast with just seconds to spare. Her partner val taing to her cameras. Never count somebody out. And the booted couple, alex skah andark here in times square ve. Good morning, america. Thats not all as we say good morning, america. There they are. Ala penavega, mark ballas here live off the dance floor, they look fresh this morning. They got 10s last night but they are still here. Were going to talk to them in just a little bit. A l l off drama last nightn the dancefloor. So ahead, what do yourr daughters reallyy think about beauty as they grow up . Surprising results whenshley graham checks in with these girls four years after we first askedthem. Four years ago we asked them about theelves and following up. Tts goining to b good. Interested to see that followup. Great we did that. Also, gma undercover. Who are these stars taking on an unsuspecting dance class, the big reveal ahead. It will surprise you. I think i i know w it is. I know. Lets go to amy with the morning rundown. All right. Good morning, everyone. We begin in miami wherere at least 20 planes were delayed or dirted overnight after a passenger made it throughgh security with a suspicious g. A police team rushed on to his flight evacuating other passgers and arresting him. Turns out he was a dentist carryi his equipment. He was questioned and released and it seems a tsa agent had seen that bag and set it aside for a secondary check but the signals were crossed and the dentist was allowed to get on the plane. No charges will be filed. Well, the Republican Debate stage once again tonight. Donald trump and ben carson are in a dead heat as they enter milwaukee. Six others will join them on stage for the prime time faceoff and trump is already on the attata slamming carson for th alleged discrepancies about his selfdescribed v vlent y yth butarson is taking aim at the medidia saying no other candidate has ever undergone such scrutiny. Well, a new move to improve safety during youth soccer games. The u. S. Soccer federation wants to ban children ages 10 and unger from heading the ball and it wants to place limbs on head butting for players between 11 and 13. Its part of a series of safety ididines proposed by the group in response to aawsuit over head inries. Well, theres parentally no need to wait for black friday this year. The Holiday Shopping season in full swing that could add up to big savings. Abcs Rebecca Jarvis is at a tatarget sto here in new york with all the details. Good morng, rebecca. Reporter hi, amy. Good morning to you. Peop outside here are actually carrying tir umbrellas because its raining but inside this target storend Stores Across the c cntry this morning, its already beginning to look a lot like christmas. Target saying it will launch ten days of black friday deals, you can now even preoeorder tho doorbuster deals and best buy, theyrre announcing eight black friday deals become available today. This morning, and at walmart the minute all the halloween decorations came down the Christmas Decorations and deals went up running eight strait weeks of dealsls l lding upo christmas time and whats very interesting here is that last year when things got started so much earlier, the deals over the thanksgiving weekend didnt actually draw in the customers they thought it would. In fact, sales were down 6. 4 and now there are some retailers wh are trying an entirely different route altogether, nordstrom sayss theyyre going to wait to put up their Christmas Decorations untilil after ththksgiving. Amy. Y. What a thought. All right. Rebecca, thank you. And going viral thihis morning, Pamela Anderson sharing good news about her health with the world. Anderson says she has been cured of hepatitis c. She posted a picture of herself celebrating while nude on a yacht. The 48yearold who went public with her diagnosis in 2002 credits a n new fda approved drug tore her healing. Anderson says that treatment will be more widelel available soon and encouraged others not to lose hope flts a brave grandmother who wasnt going to let a bunch of burglars get away with her valuables. Her Security Camera captured this when one of them dropped something. Listen to how grandma responded. Get the helout of here. Yep, you heard her right and get out of there is ectly what they did. One of them running right past her on his way out the door. Somehow i dont thihi if you or when a grandma says that. Sorry, grandma. Asd. Yes, exactly. Menu. A new health alert about belly fat. The hidden dangers no matter what you weh. Dr. Ashton is with u us live. And the perfect tinder match but it has nothing to do with womans life. Then a dramatic night on dancing with the stars. Tamar braxns big scare, well have the latest on that and the booted couple, two of my favorites, alexa and mark live on gma here in times square. Hi, guys. Hi, guys. Well be right back. E on the worlds greatest challenges, whatever they might be. So, the u. S. S. Rmy masters not only tactics and strategy, but alal physics and chemistst. We make battle plans and create breakthroughs our next mission could be anything. So we prepare for everything. Nivea inshower body lotion. First i wash. Then i apply it to my wet skin. It moisturizes with no sticky feel. Quickly rinse off. And m ready to go. Nivea inshower body lotion in the body lion aisle. So jill, i know the markets have taken a hit lately. Mmm hmm. Just wanted to touch bas we ce to manage over800 billion in assets, through face time when you really need it. Its how edward jones makes sense of investing. At jared, we only sell one piece of jewelry for the holidays. The one that melts her heart. And its waiting for you. At jared. Come join us for the jared lighghup the holidays evevt. Thisislusive event featurere our very best prices of the year. And a new selection of beautiful pieces. The one, incredible gift yquve been looking for isaiting for you. At jared. I really like this organic soup. Yeah. At least we know what hes eating. Campbells organic soups. There is so much more ahead here on gma. Model Ashley Graham here digging deep into what your daughters really think about beauty. What happens when we check inn wi these girls four years after we asked them what beauty means. The surprising ruts coming up. It definitely t touched my heart. Yes. One. There are 16 freshpicked oranges squeezed into each bottle of tropicana pure premium. And absolutely no space for added sugar, water, or preservativ. Tropicana. We put the good morning. Welcome back to gma and that alarming new report this morning on bel fat. Finding not all fat is equal. Carrying extra weight a aund yourur middle may b b more dangerou than, well, being obese. Heres gio benitez with more. Reporter this morning, the battle over belly fat, a stunning n newew study may change the way we look at weight. According to the study, this kind of heavier body with fat evenly distributed isctually healthier than this, a normal weight body with a socalled its callele normaleight ceceral obesit the tutd di of more than 15,000 people found the spare tire is responsible for more total and cardiovascular death. Its tucked next toour organs and feedi them toxins, this is the riskiest fat in your bo. Reporter theres one important numr to know. Your waist to hip ratio. So we turned to abc news nutrition and wellns editor dave zinczenko, author of the zero b bly diet. First your waist,bout an inch above your navel, and widest part,. Reporter ` 33 combied dided by 39, 0. 84. As long as youre under 0. 9 youre in great shape. Time to put on fake pounds. Add a few inches which is not going to happen. Youree addi, you know, about eight inches. Reporter bringing my waist to hip ratio up to a dangeroro 1. 0505 doubling my death risk. So, guys, if your waist t to hip ratio is 0. 9 or higher, you may be at risk and women arent totally excluded here. If your ratio i 0. 85 or higher, you probably have tt central obesity. For Good Morning America, gio benitez, abc news, new york. Our thanks to gio. Jennifer ashton is here with more. Explain whyhy its so dangerous. Its called visceral fat. Very different than the fat under your skin called subcutaneous fat. This is hormonally active and profuses hormones and affects how our hormones function and metabolism and how our body uses inlin and glucose and can affect how our body forms blood clots. It is a bad actor and the dangerous thing you cant always see it so were looking ging for non noninvasiviv ways to measure it. Hats the best way to get rid it . Exactly. Thats the Silver Lining in this whole thing is that there is a lot you can do even t though you cant see this fat to kind of provent it and reduce it fm having an impact on you. The first thing is exercise. More is better. Different kinds of exercisise are important. You want to mix up cardio with believe it or not resistance or weights and really want to get that in six days a week. The way you eat, thats key. So you want to tend to go for a indict et low in saturatedat and sug and its nevev too late to correct bad dietary habits then, of course, in the pharmaceutical world there is drugs in the pipeline and research and development that will just hopefully target visceral fat. When we talk about bmi, body mass index, everybody all the confusion about it. This study seems to indicate that other factors are more important. They ar and remember that in medicine when we look at one thing, its never just one ing. Were looking at a cstellation of factors too assess somemeones risk f Heart Disease and the associated negative things tha go along with being overweight or ese. Body mass index. Can you go online and plug in a simple cculator to find out your number. Thats a key number but its not the only number so wellear more about other things like this in the future. Youll help people calculate because youll be on twitter. Twitter questions a all rning. You heard her. She will be taking your questions drjashton or post them on gma facook page. Amam thank you so much. Now to that remararble story ofow a datingpp saved a womans life. The mother of two was in desperate need of a kidney and jesse has more on her story we saw on people magazis website. Talk about luck atirst swipe. Orida mom erica braggenen blessedd by a miracle using the tinder app to go on a blind datate that would change her life forever. We know the popular dating app tinder can help you swipe your way to love. What aut saving a life . For one florida woman a simplpl swswipe to t t right doing just that. A single guyuy looking for a connection on tinder and when he matched with 35yearold jennifer thomas, he says there was an instant spark. I thought jennife was a pretty girl we had many mutual friend, thats always a good sign so i swiped right. Reporter they made plans to go on a date where rich opened up about erica, his best friends wife. The 47yearold mother off two suffffing from a aare kidne disease and in desperate need of a transplant after being on the list for nearly three years. Jen had such a positive response to talking about erica and her family and she seemed genuinely interested in helping out in any way she could. All that happened was we had a conversation about it. He told me about her and i wanted to do something. Reporter just a few days afafr that d de rich telling erica ander husband scott abt a a c cplete stranger willing t help. One day he gradually mentioned there was someone who had come fward and would be tested. Reporter in the end rich and the Perfect Match but after months of testing jennifer and erika turned out to be for a kidney donation. It feels incredible to b be able to help. Reporter erika set to get her new kidney in a weekek there are people o there who do things for otherrpepele. Its been a blessing and a miracle. Eporter one simple swipe saving a life a creatating an unbreakable bond. Gng on a tinder date and haveing a romantic relationship is great, thats wonderful a a lot of people do that but i gained something a lot better. Wow. We want to thank People Magazine for that incredible story and although rich and jennifer didnt pursue a romantic relationship t two became fast friends and now the bragans consider jennifer and hehe son part of theirfamily. Incredibible. You never know where help is going to come. Godless donors. Good grief. Thanks for bringing that. Dancing with the stars time. Showstopping night last night and some outstanding performancesll around, all kinds of drama on and off the dance floor. One sr even missing from the ballroom. Drama on the dance floor. Im looking for tamar. Reporter val steps on the stage. Tamar braxton sent to the er sick with pneumonia and exhaustion. Shes really sick. Shes in the hospital right now. Just hurts. Reporter the j judgesave her scores basas on rehearsal footage. 8,7. 7. And the duo was in danger of being eliminated until the Biggest Surprise of the night. E makes ittback. Im amazed youre here. With new s strength she earns her team a nr perfect score. 9, 9. 9. I thought wwere going to go d i was okay with that honely. I was okay with that because i want her to be well. Im glad shes okay and i want her to take care of herself. Reporter as tensions run high for another duo. This is awful. This is so awful. Reporter alexa henry husband carlosos penavega in the bottom two of the ninth week of competition. And alexa earned perfect scores rougugut the nighthtith mark ballas 10. 10. 10. Reporter but even those perfect scores couldnt save them from a devastang elimination. I wanted it to be me. Reporter it shocks the llroom. So unjust that shes the one going home. Reporter and clos sends alexa this message. I love you dearly. Yoare so incredible and proved to the world you are a dancer. Reporter and alexa penavega, mark ballas joins now. Had a text from hahaer fulul of tearyeyed emos, no no. Two perfect scores. It was a shock. Yeyeah. It was. It was. But i was saying to her she really was amazing last night. Really embodied t the movement and yoyoureoing to go t, go out with a bang. I was really proud of her last night and she didreally, really good. It was emotional. You told the stotory through dance, a very personal battle with bulilimia. How wasas that for you . It was something that i i knew that rat some point in my life i would tal about it. I didnt know when it would be because i still carry tha fear of what people will think of me. I didnt want people to think of me and go, oh, thats who she is. She struggled with that. I wan them to think of me as an overcome as still who i am. I just happen to have thatt experience and feel like th show allowed me to gain that confidence to just talk about it and maybe help other people who are goingg through tt and really j jt put it all too rest. Yeah, you got to make that. Not only you were emotional but your husband carlos. Oh, god. That was that was roh. He flew with you overnight. Hes upstairs. He said youre not going to new york without me. It should have been me, he said. Babe, its fine. Its okay. You just got to go out there. Youll get that mirrorball whether you steal it or win it youre bringngg that mirrorbaba home. Mark, meantimim i dont thi i ever saw someone come from the emergency room to the dance floor. Ive seen injuries happen and people go down but it was a close call and none of us knew if she would make it back and fortunately she did and she was able to continue. Doesnt it always seem theres always something. Ever season whenhe show is live like injuries happen. People get sick, you know, things happen and thats part o partt of the process and its live. Youve h such great corpsing choreography. You and derek had trouble with the charleston. Straight 10s last night. If you get one of us gets stress. Ktving it. Ktv. Ktv. Very bad. Thanks for dancing with the snake. I mean we got to see it all thanks to this guy. That was crazy. Mark i is incredible. They gave us th show number to recreate but that snake was very much alive and big. W saw it. It was beautiful, though. Her name was daisisy. I dont know because in the ginning i have never really cared for snakes very much b bindi just described it. Shes ittust a g giant worm. Its a giant worm. Iinow it sounds crazy. You were so good with it. She was great. Daisy was amazing. You were great with it. You guys were great all season long. Thanks for coming in. Dancing with the stars next monday at 8 00 eastern, 7 00 certainly. Nowoutside to ginger. A great bindi impression. I had the emojis too. I skipped school today. Apparentlyhats okay with your were safe but were not safe asas far as the d days at airportrt ke laguardia in phihidelphia thisismorning. You can see whwh theogog on the 202 nr philadelphia, you can see the rain showers too moving through. Scattered at times throughout the day along the east coast. Not going t drop a whole lot off rain but leave it there to see how much. Forecast with a quickly developing area o of low pressure in the leeward rockies. This is going to quickly pass through with a chance of showers anthunderstorms. On the tail end of the system, we could see some snow also occur. Winds will gust potentially over 50 miles per rain or shine, we have got a party here in tooipz but time to get some pop. We gin with a major everything you thought you few about a beloved character. Yeah, it seems weve all been calling winni the pooh a he when the famous bear is in fact no way. Yes. A new book called finding winnie unravels the story of the honey loving bear that inspired the famous childrens tale. Winnie short f winnipeg was bought as a cub b this man, lieutenant harry during the First World War when he to leave to go to france with his unit he ft winnie at th london zoo. There she was often visited by a young boy named chrtopher robin who named his teddy bear after her and, of course, the final piece in the puzzle, christophers dad was a. A. Milne, the creator of the literary masterpiece we all know and love. Winnie the pooh is a girl. Another story for girl power. Lots toabsorb. A lot to absorb. It will change everything. Speaking of absorbing, id like you to absorb this. Okay. Excitement bubbling over among champagne lovers in this pop news investigation, emphasis on pop. Researchers from the university of redding claiminghat popping the cork on a bottle of champagne and drinking up to three glasses of the bubbles dementia. It certainly sounds like cause for celebtion but before you mix up that economymimosa this morning we want to disclose this has only b been tested thus far on rats, however, strangely enough, we have multiple volunteers offering their service for this very important study. Soon. I know personally illest it if you have three glasses a night that can cause dementia. I am n strange too the Champagne Campaign. The Champagne Campaign starring jesse palmer. All right, our first lab rat right there. And finally, everybody, if youre the sort of person who feels like throwing your alalarm clock against the wall every morning, all of us. Yes. Included. Another pop news investigation or should i say pop snooze investigation, this is an app, its called the morning man alarm clock. It allows you to wake up to the soothing tones of a gentlemans voice. Listen. Its time to wake up, my love. You can choose from a wide variety of accents. Sexy scotsman. I think that would creep me out. This tells you wake up. A frenchman said i dreamed of you last night, my dear. Theres also a dapper englishman who offered you a caffey americana. Your dream man gets louder and louder the longer you ignore them. Go across the room so fast. Incredible. In sioux city are moving foward. City council has voted 5 to 0 approvoving a Consulting Service agreement for the design of cone park. The mason city company will be designing a tube hill, snowmaking equipment, other infrastructure, roadways, and a splash pad the park, located ne the ibp ice center is expected to open in december of 2016. With constructi beginning this coming spring. The project has had alot of support and were excited about ving forward and now we just want to get into the nitty itty and get the design finalized and move forward with construction. Cost is about four Million Dollars. Jessica for the weather. Matt tomorrow is when we expect some bigchanges in the forecast with a quickly developing area of low pressure in the leewarard rockie this is going to quickly pass through with a chance of showers and thunderstorms. On the tail end of the system, wewe could see some snow also occur. Winds will gust potenentiallyover 50 Miles Per Hour tomorrow afternoon and overnight into thursday. Then thursday will still be windy for most of the day, but at least precipitation should be out of our hair. Todays high is s 62 th partly cloudy skies. Tonights low is 42 with increasing clouds. Tomorrow, look for a high of 52 with showers and thunderstorms with the potential for a snow mixture during the Late Afternoon and evening. Heres your 7 day forecast. Jessica rae good morning weve got a quick news update for jessica rae the Sioux City Council is in [ humming the star wars theme ] penitentiarytatonix. They perform the legendary star wars score with the full sympathy orchestra at this years American Music awards sunday, n november 22nd, 8 p. M. Eastern. Where could you see that . Here on abc. What do you know. Over to amy. Well, guesswhat, i am here with model and body activist Ashley Graham. Come on over here, ashley. Here i come. Our series gma body proud. This morning ashley is catchingg up with a group of young girls we first met several years ago air blooming sense of body image raising the question what does it mean to be beautiful . Watch. High hips are hug oh, please. I hate my calves. At least you guys can wear halters. I have man shoulders. From mean girls showing the pressures they face while battling the war on body image. Hollywoods alisters preaching acceptance. Im not going to apologize for who i am and im going to actually love the skin that im in and not be striving for some other version of myself. Reporter its a back and fort battle so many girls face. Fo years ago we gathered a group of young girls between the ages of 5and 8 to get their honest perspective on body image. Showing them stock images of other young girls to get their First Impressions on the bodies in the pictures. He girl in the blue shirt is ally chubby wubby. Yeah. Chubby wubby. Her arms are a little chby. Now tweens, Ashley Graham has brought those girls together again. Awesome. Asking them the same questions. You still think shes chubby wubby. No. Showin themm the same stock phos of reallife girls. What does chubby wubb mean exactly. I dont know. I guess that shes bigger, not as healthier as all of them. But i dont really think that as. Anymore. Reporte many of the girls opinions have softened over the years showing more compassion. Do you think that ovweight people are ugly . They could havee like really overweight body but doesnt mean theyre not like really pretty. Maybe youdeel they arent like healthy as they can be so you could try to help them. Some of them even embarrassed by the answers from their younger selves. The girl in the black shirt. Yes. Perfect size actutually. Which one . You guys still feel like that . Well, theres no such thing as a perfect size. What does looking good mean to you guys . Kind of like being looking good as a role model for like other people and like staying healthy. The most important thing the girlsgreed on. You cant judge a book by its cover. Like you have to get to know the person before you like judge them. And bac with m now is asey graham. Hearts. I mean i havavehills listetening to that because it mayot be what we expected them to say. What were your impressions when you heard from these tweens . Yeah, i was really interested to see what was going to happen. Thisnterview was five years ago and then we just had it and i wanted to really see what had come of it and the biggest thing that i learneded from it was their vocabulary was so different. They were so aware of what t they were saying. Five years ago they were using the word fat, chubby wubby and now using words like dietes, obesity, cholesterol and saying fit all the time. I had no idea and healthy. And i saw and heard compassio yi, there was. Theyre having a better ununderstanding of what actually healthy means. I dont know if i understood exactly what that meant when i was their age and its a good thing but there still a i dont know, it was very interesting to hear their perception. In fact, you gave us a pipicturef yourself when you were 12. Yes. You touched on this but how did you perceive yourself and in relative terps to what you heard from these young women. When i was 12 years old i only knew what skinny was and what fat wa i had no idea what fit was and i think you can tell theyre being educated now. Being educated to understand that obesity can lead to all of the diseases that they were naming off. Right and you also brought along an unretouched photo of yourself to the girl you post on your social media accounts. You got a lot of positive feedback for it. How did the girls respond to your photo. Theyre 10 years old and love ylor swift so when they saw it th giggled and were like why are you in your lingerie and one girl said you looksexy. I thought they were going to Say Something about my cellulite or stretch marksks on my thighs but they didn. Its not something they see yet. In about five more years well have a whole new interview with them and understand what theyre thinking then. Theyll be in high school then well hold you to that. Five years from now. Things change a lot. I have one 13 and youre dealing with body image issues so important to talk to them now. By the way, y did look sexy. Thank you. Post your questionsn the gma Facebook Page and to hear more on her Body Image Campaign go to goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo so, so, so important. George. Revealing series, thank you for that. As you guys know, gma is turning 4 40 this morning well take a look back at the galaxy of stars who have been our guests some even before they were famous. Take a look. His name is Arnold Schwarzenegger negativer. Nobody does movie stars like gma. Oh, it mean, you know, katharine hepburn, bette davis, greta garbo. It doesnt mean me. Weve posted hollywoods icons over four decades. Like jimmy contradicts. When you wish upon a star no matter who you are and this has been an amazing odyssey. Ingrid bergman. The most legendary stars did y ever work with Ronald Reagan . Of course, little ronnie reagan. We called him. Weve had the heartthrobs too. Our set is covered with young women who are going, aagh. It makes my life excing times. Im a litittle tired now. I did some promotion for my album this week. Youre a superstar and wishes you gogood morning, america. The starlets. Heres a young michee pfeiffer promoting grease 2. Normally it doesnt bother me to watch myself but somehow im not used to seeing myself sing. One of many stars we welcomed Drew Barrymore is 7. What is it like to look at yourself up there. It looks like, well, i feel like im getting to be a star. And weve been overtaken by stars from galaxies far, far away. A few even showed us their moves. Snap, bend. And snap. Good job. Today bill murray joins me t to help talk about weather. And some brought t weather. Thats it. Itll just be 85 like its always been forever. Wasnt bad. Maybe weust get canceled. Sometimes we went to the star like backstage at the oscars. We were there when brandnew oscar wner Jennifer Lawrence met screen icon jack nicholson. Thank you. Youre being really rurude. Is he still here . Ill be waiting. Oh, my god. And a couple of alisters control room. By theheway, im in the drunk. So after 40 years we say to you, hollywood royalty how lucky are we . Hugh jackman. Thanks for the memories. Diane. That was fun. Trip wn memory lane. Drew barrymore. Su a cutiet 7. She was right. Georgrge clooney with patty, a moment ourur stage manager will never forgrget. Yeah, bette davis smoking onn set. A lot more are coming up counting downo our big event that kicks off a week from today and Family Reunion next thursday. Backck out to ginger. Lets do that. I found anthony here. He just turned 8 and you reminded me what was your favorite thing in new york . Subways. Riding the subways. See, we count go back in time and now ill love riding the subways. Thank you for that lighting u my day. Lets start with the forecast. Check that out, anthony, in idaho they had 8 inches, 1 15 is what they ended up with at that mountain and there is more to come. Winter storm warnings and watches even bzzard warngs and watches from colorado through nebraska and lots of winds is going to come with the storm too. Quickly developing area of low pressure in the leeward rockies. This is going to quickly pass through with a chance of showers this Weather Report brought toou by amazon fire tv. Lara. Thanks, ging. Comoming up gma dercover, maks and peta in disguise. You gave it away. It sayayst right there in prompter. Wait till you see the end first, though, for all you superhero fans, netflix is emiering a new original series on november 20th. Its marvels jessica jone an exclusive first pic. In my line of work you got to know when to walk away. But some cases just wont let you go. Jessica. How will you prove that this mind controller is real . Im resourceful. Come on, jessica. Dont play the hero with me. Reputation. N. Tt2watv 54 bt q3 \ tt2watv 54 a q 8 tt2watv 54 bm q ,4 tt4watv 54 dztq p tt4watv 54 entq x 0 tt4watv 54 gzt ah tt4watv 54 hnt q tt4watv 54 iztq ; \ tt4watv 54 jntq 0< tt4watv 54 lzt 1] back now with our brandnew series gma undercover where celebs go in cognito to surprise their fans. Surprise, guess who it is . For our very firirstgma undercover we put our dancing shoe on as lara already put it right up. Take a look at what happened. Maks. Two former champions of dancing with the stars and now our gma undercover agents. The mission, disguise and drop them into an advanced theater dance class. I feel like this right here requires this. Man here. Thats a lot of man. Aittle b of this. A little bit of that. Want you to do as much as y can so she doesnt look at me and get aroused when we dance. The venue, steps on broad way dance studio. I definitely saw maks whehen he walked into the class because he couldnt miss that stomach. It was like stomach first walking through the door. This is how i know when im d and fatm still going to be amazing. I i noticiced the stares that i was catching i was trying not to laugh at the people that were laughing at me. It was kind of hard to be off beat actuay. It was 4 minutes of like you wait, you dont know whats about to happen. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] [ cheeeers and alause ] i was so surpsed. This was evything. My mom is going to freak it was amazing. I was half embarrassed, half having the time of my life. I was staring at you the whole time. I love you. And ourur man, maks, come on, maks. Hes joining us live right now. You got big cheers here in the studio. What a gat surprise. That was a great what was the reaction . What did you hear from some of the students after all that went down, maks . First of all, i just want it to be on the record that i thought that were going to be, you know, playing older couple and itll be an older peoples class, you know, like well blend in and then w walk in, were literally 30 yearsrs ahead of the oldest person in t room an its not even like, you know, beginning, intermediate. Its like fullon theater class of people that actually are on now so, yes, so it was like, okay, ccool, jt a little different. We definitely stand out. I was trying thought to laugh watching peta be bad. It actually, you know, like what she said, it was hard to be off was it because its very easy for everyday easy for uso be off beat yes. Ut its difficult for you to do that . It turned out to be a little hard. Also to keep a straight fe and, you know, i immediately embraced my stomach and glasses and beard for some reason i wanted to be named bob immediately and when the instructor and so peta chose her name and this is how you know she would probably be the worst person to be like some sort of secret spy. There was a moment when the instructor id, hey, now everybody turn around and introduce each other to your neighbor she turns around and goes, peta, no, i mean maks, wenly have a few seconds left. You and peta in sway. Who else can we expect to see coming up in sway . Were luck to have meryl back, rumor, a couple people from the show obviously tony, va myself. Henry is going to be part of it again, we have a couple more surprises but overall its going to be better than ever. Okay, but this was the best surprise that you did. Hey, maks this was amazing. Youre always good to us. Thank you. Have a great time. Glad you and peta are doing so well. Coming up whoo. Counting down to thanksgiving. Is that acting . Oh, yeah. All right, were kicking off gmas countdowown to thksgiving this morniningith celebrity chef and Food Network Star scott conant. This is great. Slice prep time for thanksgiving in half. Where do we start . I see weve got a bird here and then this bird is laid out. We spatchcocked it. You what happened it. Fancy way of saying we took the backbone out and opened it up. One thing you could do this a day in chance and let it sit the day of for about two hours in a refrigerator, right. A after you remove the backbone. After you remove the backbone, you can use a p pair of shears to cut it o out and it will cut your cooking time by three hours. Thats fantastic. A lot love have the bird as the vessel for the stuff. The stuff. Well show you how to make a stuffing, as well but, you know, ill also show you how to make this bird. Amazing. S cut the cooking time by a ton. By a ton. Alsoso what you can do is the spice mixtur i use kind of like pore ket that spices, juniper berry, fennel, and grind them so theyre ready to use. A little bit of advanced notice a planning will go a long way. Absolutely and just put those on the exterior, brush that w with oil, as well andhen roast it when we need it, right . The other thing you can do is cut your vegetables in advance, right . Day before. Definitely t the day you can do it two days before as long as theyre frej rated. Two days before a couple things, a day before. The polenta stuffing. A take on the traditional stuffing. I use polenta with pancetta, parmrmesan eese. Website . Yes, terrific. Also these vegetables, roaste the day in advance, carrots, celery. In advance. The soul, the foundation and once you roast it this is the nished product obviouy. So happy. Wanted to show you specifically of taking that the exterior of that turkey afterwards. You see the difference between thank you. Well done. Is that literally when its on t table or ill do that then just pop it back in the oven. So it gets a little chis pi. Exactly. Just a little more glaze on top and then that sauce excellent. We are going to eat. You guys can get the reces on our website and want to share with everybody a little out your tv stuff. Chopped impossible food network, Season Finale airs thursday. Thursday. 10 00 p. M. I love chopped. A g great show and t polenta, how is it. Good. Irdont even like stuffing buthis is good. Guys we be right back. This is great. [ cheers and applause ] gmas countdown to walmart. Whagreat prethanksving meal. Yes, thank you so much. Have a great day. The Sioux City Council is in agreement concerning a fourpointsix Million Dollar state dot grant application. The funds are tied to roadways, signage and other street requirements in the area of the new seaboard triumph pork plant. The state of the art processing plplant isscheduled to openen in 2017. Ita large grant, have gotten grants of this size before. We got a 4. 8 million grant when we first started developing southbridge, so its a good sized grant but th is a very very large project with alot of new ployees, alot new trucks that will be coming into the area. So basically its a largecale transportation improvement for a largescale project. If approved by the state, the iowa d ot will offer up 80 percent of the project cost jeica lets check in with for the weather. Matt tomorrow is when we expect some big changes in the forecast with a quickly developing area of low pressure in the leeward rockies. This is going to quickly pass through with a chance of showers and thunderstorms. On the tail end of the system, we could see some snow also occur. Winds will gust potentially over 50 Miles Per Hour tomorrow afternoon and overnight into thursday. Then thursday will still be windy for most of the day, but at least precipitatioion should be out of our hair. Todays high is 62 with partly cloudy skies. Tonights low is 42 with increasing clouds. Tomorrow, look for a high of 52 with showers and thunderstorms with the potential for a snowixture during the Late Afternoon and evening. Heres its live with kelly michael. Today, frothe new film, shelter, jennifer connelly. Plus, actor and author rainn wilson. And performing his new hit, let it go, james bay. All next on live. [captioning made possible by disneyabc domestic television] and now, here are your em awardwinning cohosts, kelly ripa and michael strahan

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