Transcripts For KCAU America This Morning 20151026 : compare

Transcripts For KCAU America This Morning 20151026

waves up to ten feet high forced an empty tanker to run aground. and more flooding in neighboring louisiana. power outages forced businesses to close. others getting by on candle light. bazi kanani, abc news, washington. >> no reported weather-related deaths. lessons learned from the deadly storms that hit texas in may seemed to keep drivers out of danger. >> and as the storm moves north and east, we turn to accuweather meteorologist justin povick, tracking it all for thus morning. justin, good morning to you. >> reena and kendis, thanks. good morning to you. a welcome break for eastern texas. we're not dealing with any more additional heavy rain. now we turn to areas further east. throughout alabama, georgia, more specifically from new orleans to mobile. the threat here for gusty thunderstorms and flash flooding. all this rain, eventually, has it sights set on the tennessee valley and then midweek for the northeast. reena and kendis, let's toss it back to you. >> justin, thank you. mexico survived the most powerful hurricane ever recorded in the western hemisphere. with remarkably very little destruction. hurricane patricia barreled ashore on friday as a category 5 but weakened significantly has it hit the mountains. more than 3,000 homes were damaged. along with nearly 10,000 acres of farmland. puerto vallarta and other resort areas were spared from the brunt of the storm. breaking overnight, a deadly whale-watching accident. off the coast of british columbia. this is what it looked like when a boat carrying 27 people went down in calm waters. the boat was called "the leviathan ii." it was about 60 feet long. of the 27 people on board, at least five people were killed. 21 were rescued. eight are in the hospital this morning. authorities are starting to look into what possibly caused the boat to sink. a spokesman says the incident happened in weather perfectly fine for this time of year. new charges this morning in the deadly crash at the oklahoma state university homecoming parade. thousands of spectators were watching when a car plowed into them from behind, killing four people, including a 2-year-old. the driver, adacia chambers arrested for dui, now also facing four counts of second-degree murder. her lawyer says she may suffer from mental illness. >> there was a period where, i think that for a better lack of terms, she could have blacked out. she only remembers, from what was communicated with me, the end of the crash. people removing her from the car. shards of glass being everywhere. >> prosecutors are waiting for results of a blood test to determine whether chambers was impaired by drugs or alcohol. she's expected to appear in court later today. an extraordinary look inside a commando raid in iraq. on an isis compound. the helmet camera you're seeing here, it is showing u.s. special forces and kurdish troops freeing some 70 men. the pentagon says they were about to be executed. room. then pat down the hostages. one american was lost. the body of master sergeant joshua wheeler arriving back home on sunday. vice president joe biden is revealing more about his decision not to seek the presidency. biden tells cbs the reason he didn't run is because he didn't think he could win. as to what took so long to reach that decision, biden says his family was still grieving the loss of his son, beau. >> i'll never forget. my little granddaughter. we're down by the swimming pool. mom says, time for dinner, everybody. everyone goes up. she's lying between my legs with her head on my chest and turns around and puts her arms around me and starts sobbing. she says, pop, i see daddy all the time. i see daddy all the time. pop, you smell like daddy. you're not going to leave me, are you, pop? >> tough. biden said there was no truth to the rumor that beau made a deathbed request that his father run for president. hillary clinton is celebrating her 68th birthday. today. she kicked off things a little early last night with a celebration and a big bash and fund raiser in new york city. amy schumer served as emcee and john legend and demi lovato performed. tickets going for as much as $2700. donald trump refusing to apologize for a remark about carson's'seligion. during a campaign event, trump said he was a presbyterian, which he described as middle of the road. he said carson was a seventh day adventist. he said, i just don't know about that. trump laterdy anied that he meant anything by the comment. carson says trump crossed the line. chris christie, not making any fans on an amtrak train yesterday. the new jersey governor, known to speak rather loudly, was asked to leave the quiet car on an amtrak train because he was talking on his phone. a fellow passenger posted that shot. christie accidentally sat in the quiet car and left promptly when asked. i admit. i have done that before. sat in the quiet car. >> by accident? >> by accident. >> and people are tough about that. take a look at the early morning sky this week for something you won't see for a long time. and, one month until thanksgiving and the busy travel weekend. what experts are saying about gas prices for the millions of people planning to hit the road. plus, massive explosion. a home levelled with a woman inside. and what caused it to happen. breaking business news overnight. a potentially damaging strike for general motors was averted just moments before a midnight deadline. the united auto workers and gm reached a tentative contract agreement for 53,000 workers. few details were released. the union statement said they secured significant gains and job security protections. good news. american drivers continue to get a break at the gas pump. where prices are plunging. the national average now $2.20. prices dropped nine cents over the past week. since february, falling 55 cents. aaa predicting the national average dropping below $2 by new year's. and a new strategy is going into place at american airlines. it's a more no-frills approach. starting next year, american says it will offer tickets with less frills and cheap prices where it competes on nonstop flights with discount carriers. the airline says it recognizes the challenges being presented by discount airlines and that it can't go away from that side of its business. it was a dreadful weekend for new movies at the box office. that meant holdovers took up the top three spots. "the martian" brought in nearly $16 million. "goosebumps" was a close second. and "bridge of spies" was third. well, when we come back. raising the risk. a new warning this morning about processed meat and its link cancer. risky rescue. deputies use a little ingenuity to pull an alligator out of a storm drain. before fibromyalgia, i was on the go. i was organized. i was a doer. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor and i agreed moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. she also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica ibelieved to calm these nerves. for some patients, lyrica significantly relieves fibromyalgia pain and improves physical function. with less pain, i feel better and can be more active. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble eathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. fibromyalgia may have changed things but with less pain, i'm still a doer. ask your doctor about lyrica today. lyrica, move forward with less fibromyalgia pain. quilted northern works so well people can forget their bathroom experience. just like they forgot conductor randy, who sees all and forgets nothing. irresistible moments... ...deserve irresistibles treats. new from meow mix, with real salmon, chicken or tuna. the storm that left texas underwater is now drenching parts of louisiana, as it moves east. those blinding downpours are coming down so hard, it's making tough for drivers on slick roads. baton rouge got more than ten inches of rain in the past 48 hours. and more of the same on the way for nashviis, and the florida panhandle. all that rain will flood roads along the gulf coast from louisiana to the florida panhandle and into the tennessee valley. streets will be slick at times in the pacific northwest, central rockies, and upper midwest. and if you're flying, airport delays are possible in houston, new orleans, memphis, and atlanta. this morning, the world health organization is set to make a disturbing announcement about processed meats. >> reports say the organization's internal agency for research on cancer will list processed meat as a carcinogenic substance. that would put bacon, ham, and sausage in cancer-causing rankings. shared with alcohol, asbestos, and cigarettes. the american cancer society is not commenting on the research yet. members of the global meat industry are blasting the report, saying numerous studies show no correlation between meat and cancer. a tough day in the midwest. a high school in chicago mourning the death of a teenager from it football team. 17-year-old andre smith passed away after a hit to the head he sustained during a game last thursday. >> an autopsy found the cause of his death was blunt force trauma. over the weekend, smith's friends gathered on a football field to mourn. some holding jerseys with his number on it. >> andre was not only a teammate and a best friend he was like a brother to me. he was a brother to me. >> so much heartbreak. smith is the seventh high school football player to die this season. his passing comes just as a report by the nation's top doctors blames serious football injuries on tackling, particularly illegal hits that go unpunished during a game. well, a powerful explosion and fire destroyed a moment in a suburb of massachusetts on sunday. but the woman ho lived there escaped with her life. neighbors found her barefoot and running up the street. within a half hour, the house collapsed. gas is suspected in the blast. investigators will return there today. an unusual call to the sheriff's department in seminole, florida. yeah, that's a seven-foot gator. it was stuck in a storm drain, its body twisted around a pipe. the deputies used a dog's leash. then tried duct tape to tape the gator's mouth shut. then they hoisted the beast out of the drain. wildlife officials have moved him to an alligator farm. so all is okay. even though it looks a little crazy. >> they were going to try the handcuffs next. >> that didn't quite work out. now for some sports. excitement ahead of the world series is cranking up. the mets are now in kansas city. for the start of the series against the royals. >> the fall classic begins tomorrow night. game one and two are in k.c. the series switches back to new york beginning friday. for games three through five. and for some of those football highlights, we go to our guys at espn. john buccigross and john anderson inside the studios at "sportscenter." >> we have two johoh and two new york football teams. >> two. >> i'll take the blue. >> all right. >> that'd be the giants taking on the cowboys. fourth quarter. we're tied at 20-20. after a dallas touchdown, dwayne harris takes the kickoff. off he goes. and i'm telling you what, if you're in the backyard playing touch football, he scores. then cole beasley.y. back to receive the punt. a buck 30 left. they're going to get the ball back. no, they're not going to get the ball back and try to score. giants win it, 27-20. nfc east now. g-men lead. 'boys, last. the other new york team that plays in new jersey was in new england on sunday against tom brady and the patriots. the jets down by three. but then brady hits rob gronkowski to make it a ten-point game. jets got within seven. trying to hurry up and stop the clock, so they can try one hail mary pass into the end zone. the problem is, if you commit a penalty with one second to go, then they run off the rest of the clock. and you lose the game. one more football game to be had. monday night on espn. i know it's morning now. stay up late. it's good for you. ravens-cardinals. 8:15. "monday night countdown" begins at 6:00. that's joe flacco on the left. carson palmer on the right. both of them can pitch the magic bean. >> and both of those were johns. one more highlight. a soccer goal scored at speeds even the fastest players in the world have no chance of matching. >> that deer was at top speed racing across the field when it hit the ball, which ended up in the back of the net. it just kept on going, going, going, going. as those kids in tennessee looked on in amazement. jealous of that speed. lionel messi? >> he would be totally jealous. the galaxy will be signing him up. >> you think so? >> we will see. >> okay, look forward to that. up next in "the pulse." a woman's viral video sparking a debate. are leggings pants? and what makes this old cracker worth thousands of dollars? across america, people like basketball hall of famer dominique wilkins... ...are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes... ...with non-insulin victoza . for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza . he said victoza works differently than pills. and comes in a pen. victoza is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. victoza is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes... ...and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza is not insulin. do not take victoza if yoyohave a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer... ...multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to... ...victoza or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction... ...may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. tell your doctor... ... ...including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) stop taking victoza ... ...and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back... tell your doctor about all the medicines you take... ...and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or... ...insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are headache, nausea... ...diarrhea, and vomiting. side effects can lead to dehydration... ...which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you... ...the control you need... ...ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza . it's covered by most health plans. ] topping your monday "pulse" a look at the sky. >> it is a rare planetary alignment. venus, jupiter, mars, all our friends. crossing paths. forming a triangle in the predawn sky. early risers can catch a glimpse this week. >> we won't see a planetary trio again like this until january 2021. no special equipment needed. just look for the brightest objects in the sky. fun thing to do with your kids today. >> yes, it is. get them up early. get them out of bed. down to earth fashion advice from a tennessee mom with opinions. talking about jamie higdon randall. she was on her way to buy new leggings when she had to share her thoughts. >> her facebook rant is called leggings ain't pants. take a listen. >> some of you people like to use leggings at britches. as pants pants. that ain't how they're supposed to be wore. if you can't wear a shirt that covers your tail so i can't tell you have aztec-print thongs on, you don't need to be wearing them. they're too tight that i can see you got a tattoo on your leg, they're too tight. they ain't to be wore period. that's called panty hose, honey. panty hose. >> i don't know what i love more. drawl or the britches being called pants. anx? >> very good. well, there's been -- it's been >> she had earlier public service announcements, as she calls them. include rants about bad driverers and short shorts. check them out. titanic." of course. there's an item that sold at auction that proves the fascination with the sinking of "the titanic" is still alive. it's known as a spillers & bakers pilot biscuit. and yes, it survived the sinking of the ship. >> it sold for nearly $23,000. boughtly a -- bought by a collector in greece. it was part of a survival kit in one of the rescue boats and was saved by one man as a souvenir. believed to be the only one in existence. >> shocking. and you don't have to be a four-legged creature to be man's best friend. in fact, you don't even need any legs at all. >> yeah. take a look at this friendly seal that decided it needed human companionship. it jumped on this man's boat in the san diego bay. put his head on lder, and snuggled up to his new buddy. >> the pair just hung out for awhile. the seal didn't mind taking a few selfies. i would be terrified he would bite my neck. >> i would be creeped out by that. more news after this. before fibromyalgia, i was on the go. i was organized. i was a doer. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. helps ease fibromyalgia pain. she also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. for some patients, lyrica significantly relieves fibromyalgia pain and improves physical function. with less pain, i feel better and can be more active. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery unyou know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. fibromyalgia may have changed things but with less pain, i'm still a doer. ask your doctor about lyrica today. my wife just hit a deer. we're going to need a great body shop, [upset deer bleats] he just froze. yeah. they just freeze in the headlights. but it's cool. we know just the place. whatever you need, whenever you need it, check yelp first. we know just the place. checking our top stories, a boat carrying 27 people on a whale-watching trip off british columbia has gone down, killing at least five people. a police spokesman says the weather was quote perfectly fine for this time of year. a court appearance for a suspect accused of driving her car into spectators at an oklahoma homecoming parade. she's facing dui charges andnd foururounts of second-degrgr murder. the storm that swamped texas over the weekend is now drenching louisiana as it moves east and north. drivers will have to cope with pounding raithe way into the florida panhandle. and looking at today's weather. aside from the rainy south, and northern rockies. mild with late-day rain from the kotas into minnesota. well, finally this mday morning, drones. they're expected to be the most popular holiday gift this year. >> and problems involving small drones well documented, of course. all those flying machines do have their benefits, as abc's brandi hitt reports. >> reporter: they are everywhere. from small hobby drones to highly sophisticated military vehicles. just in the camera is a couple million dollars. there's been a dramatic increase in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles here in the u.s. some consider it a curse. others a blessing. take the national guard's reaper. >> this is our operations center. >> reporter: we were granted rare access to the california control room where, for the first time this year, ititas used for a local search and rescue mission. these are the teams operating the aircraft and cameras from hundreds, sometimes thousands of miles away. >> we can give them real time within seconds. going on. >> reporter: the aircraft pivotal in fighting the 2013 rim fire in california. >> the smoke was thick. manned aircraft couldn't fly. but we were flying. >> reporter: and beaming these glowing imfrajs the perimeter directly to the fire command center on the ground. this was instant? >> instant. they predicted we saved four days of containment. >> reporter: at the same time, over-the-counter drones are exploding in popularity. >> we almost just got hit by a dronon just so let you know up here. just about 20 feet. >> reporter: the faa reporting one close call after the next this year with commercial airplanes and fire-fighting aircraft battling deadly wild fires. >> we'reaving to ground aerial resources. if you fly, we can't. >> reporter: that danger has prompted the federal government to require all drones be registered. fire crews welcome the reaper's help becauseset can stay in the air 24 straight hours and fly at more than 20,000 feet. beginning. >> the number of remotely flown aircraft pilots that we're training now, it will become bigger than manned aircrcrt in desic operations. >> it will be in a lot of homes ristmas. that's what's making news in america this morning. >> and stay with us for "good morning america." have a great monday.the 30s and 40s across our siouxland map this morning. the wind is south and southeast between 5 and 10 miles per hour. the satellite and radar picture displays increasing clouds from west to east mostly cloudy afternoon. here's where temperatures will peak in the lower 60s. your complete forecast is just minutes away - siouxland map this morning. the wind is directed from the south and southeast between 5 and 10 miles per hour. the satellite and radar picture displays increasing clouds from west to east " jessica rae: coming up this morning on abc9 ws... several southern statat are dealing wiwi flooding condndions... and heavy storms are still on the horizon " jessica rae: siouxland's finest received special recongition from the community this weekend before the big battle for the saddle game. " jessica rae: all over the concerned.... invisible man costume is dangerous for their kids. these stories and on abc9 news this morning. "" jessica rae: extreme weather moving across the south this morning. a powerful storm with what's left of hurricane patricia... brought dangerous s

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