Transcripts For KCAU ABC9 News This Morning At 6 20151102 :

Transcripts For KCAU ABC9 News This Morning At 6 20151102

the next round. among those calling for change.. ben carson. (dr. ben carson/ (r) presidential candidate) "debates are supposed to be to get to know the candidates, and get to know what's behind them and what their thinking process is, what their philosophy is, and what it has turned into is gotcha." sundnd's meeting is an unheard of gathering of rivals.. the candidates, united in their anger over what they called the hostile nature and tone of the questioning. nats (becky quick/ moderator) your board fired you. i just wondered why you think we should hire you now? (john harwood/ moderator) is this a comic book version of a presidential campaign? and rnc chief reince priebus agreed.. complaining bitterly just moments after the debate ended. (reince priebus/ republican national committee chairman) i think it was one gotcha question, one personal low blow after the other. but the candidates also plan totoake control of the debates from priebus and the rnc.. charging that party bosses have failed networks. more evidence of the gop at a crossroads.. as politicians.. led by party outsiders.. struggle for control of the party. in an unprecedented move aimed at maintaining his control.. priebus announced today (friday) that the rnc is cutting ties with nbc for a february debate.. saying in part.. "i .. expect the media to hold a substantive debate on consequential issues of concern to the american people. cnbc did not." that was first and foremost among the candidates' complaints... (marco rubio/ (r) presidential candidate) "i think the bigger frustration you saw is that all those candidates onstage had prepared for a substantive debate." (chris christie/ (r) presidential candidate) "we have $19 trillion in debt, we have people out out in the race for the g-o-p presidential nomination. coming off what some call a lack- luster debate performance... the former florida governor says he knows his campaign is going through a rough patch. but he says he's in it to win it. " i have enough self- awareness to know that this is the bumpy time of a campaign -- this pales by comparison to being commander- in-chief. i wear this because i think about what it is to be president. this was given to me by a mom of a marine killed in action in afghanistan. there's debating in a -- going to nine debates in a republican primary. there's big things that presidents have to do. so this is the process. i totally understand it and i'm more than prepared to fight on.n. jessica rae: in the latest monmouth university poll... bush is in fifth place with five percent support. jessica rae bernie sanders launched the first t-v ad for his presidential campaign this weekend..... airing in iowa and new hampshire with a message of 'honest politics' for voters. over the next ten days, sanders' campaign will spend more than two million dollars... on the 60-second spot, called "real change". the ad focuses on sanders' background and policy record.... stretching back to his time as mayor of burlington, vermont. the large buy comes months aftetehillary clinton's presidential campaign went on-air in key early voting states. jessica rae: and speaking of bernie sanders... he took a little break from the campaign trail to get in the halloween spirit. the democratic presidential candidate went trick-or-treating with his grandchildren in new hampshire saturday... following campaign events in the area. the senator from vermont himself. his grandkids were dressed as the abominable snowman, sonic the hedgehog and a good witch. all three children were adopted from china by sanders' son levi and daughter-in- law, raine riggs. jessica rae: hillary clinton is making another trip to the hawkeye state is week . she'll be campaignininin coralville tomorr afternoon ( tuesday) at s-t morrison park. doors open at 1:30 p-m..and the event begins at three. jessica rae: and republican presidential candidate rick santorum will also be in iowa. he's hosting a town hall meeting at the scott county republican headquarters at 8 a-m this morning. " jessica rae: when we come back... i'll tell you about a new way scammers are trying to steal your money over the phone. ways to protect yourself... are up next. scott: we'll have... "you're watching jessica rae... and scott larson.... this is abc9 news this sticking to the warmer side for a while! high temperatures today are anticipated to be in the lower 70s and we'll be staying there through wednesday. we'll highlight a strong southerly breeze as well which is afternoon and stay with us through wednesday. toward the end of the model, you can see some showers heading ououway. a chance of rain is going to develop as we approach the weekend. today, your high temperature is 72 with sunshine. tonight, expect a low of 45. tomorrow, the high temperature will be 73 and we'll expect a breezy afternoon. here's your 7 day forecast where high temperatures will stay in the 70s through wednesday, then it'll start to look more like november as we approach the weekend with rain possible thursday. jessica rae: rmer side for a while! high temperatures today are anticipated to be in the lower 70s and we'll be staying there through wednesday. we'll highlight a strong southerly breeze as well which is expected to begin tomorrow afternoon and stay with us through wednesday. toward the end of the model, you can see some showers heading our way. a chance of rain is going to develop as we approach the weekend. today, your high temperature is 72 with sunshine. totoght, expect a low of 45. tomorrow, the high temperature will be 73 and we'll expect a breezy afternoon. here's your 7 day forecast where high temperatures will stay in the 70s through wednesday, then it'll start to look more like november as we approach the weekend with rain possible thursday. jessica rae: scott: adlib jessica rae: there is a growing with a phone call. the scammer will urge you to make a large payment to your power bill quickly... or it'll be shut off. so who's behind it... and what should you be looking out for? abc's gloria riviera has more. "good coffee and great customer service is what matters most to connecticut caf? owner barry neistat. so when he got a call from his electric company - warning his power would be shut off if he didn't pay an overdue bill - barry neistat fraud victim "i panicked and i asked them what i could dodothey instructed me how to wire them the money." so he quickly loaded $1800 dollars onto a prepaid card and read the number to the man on the other end of the line. neistat -- falling victim to a growing scam targeting utility customers? barry neistat fraud victim money, it hurts." duke energy sounding the alarm -- releasing this fake call customer: when is it going to be disconnected? opopator: it is supposed to be disconnected today sir operator: yes, you will need to go to cvs and you will need to bring a total amount of $874.92 for the payment in cash ustomer: ok i just call this later, i'll do that right now then. operator: okay remember that you need cash sir? those calls?made to look like they are coming from your provider. marcus beal utilities will never demand payment and threaten a disconnection right i'll show you two of the spookiest weddings you'll ever see. first up... one right here in sioux city... who o cided to tie the knot on all halllls eve. stay tuned to meet t t couple. " jessica rae: and... another uple got hitched on halloween in new hampshire. you'll meet this blushing bride and her gushing comes to mind? costumes...maybe trick or treating...well, what about love? for a sioux city couple...hallowee the day they'll celebrate as the time they said "i do". pkg "some people go to disney world and get married at epcot, and it's kind of the same thing," said jason lees. "this way we get to celebrate our holiday as our day. witches.. super heroes and dogs... are on the guest list at this wicked wedding... when this year halloween landeded a saturday it seemed like it's perfect and it became kind of a neat idea as a reason to do it too," said lees. and a ghost might even appear...considering the ceremony is taking place at a park called "the first brides grave". "i proposed to her there. what i thought was a nice park on the side of the road. i didn't realize it was the first bride's grave, i'm morbid but not that morbid," said lees. as the bride...makes her way down the aisle with her father... a jedi and the groom awaits... "we're just not formal people we want to be creative and make it our own," said kaitlyn zellmer natpop -- husband and wife and the moment everyone was waiting for... natpop -- couple kiss, crowd cheers. "it's going to change halloween for me becacae it's no longer g gng to be about t tching all michael myers movies. it'll be an anniversary," said lees. jessica rae: and believe it or not... the lees aren't alone in having their wicked wedding on halloween. another couple... this one in new hampshire... got hitched on the holiday... and these two went all out for the festivities. "(montage as walk down aisle) the groom arrived in tux and top hat, the bridesmaids wore black, the skeleton flower girl was a cute fright and the bride... the bride wore white [ melissa cote bride] it's the girls dream to wear the white dress and walk down the aisle with her dad but my dad's dressed up so that's pretty cool on this cool october night - under the hunter's moon - ghoulish guests attended the first wedding ever held at spcoky world in litchfield and haunt and howl at the moon together as long as you both shall live melissa and tom tied the knot in front of a haunted house tom cowern groom] this is the best halloween wedding you are ever going to see, period! this is a super- natural venue for them - he was the first horror actor ever hired here she thought she was just passing through... and i scared her en she went ththugh the haunt and a few months later we met under normal circrcstances and she's like - you work there? some guy scsced me and i just laughed - this guy! eerily, the rest is everlasting history... they both became spooky world actors... and engaged to have and hold from this night onn madness and in haunting fun [ the wedding guests were encouraged to dress up - in costumes that is - tom and melissa's friends say it is absolutely perfect i think its amazing, its exactly what they wanted i'm excited couldn't be happier it's the perfect place for them nobody has ever gotten married here so its definitely great ha you are husband and wife for eternity - you may now kiss the bride! (clap!) and they lived hauntingly ever after jessica rae: scott: jessica and scott are chattiti about these two halloween weddings. jessica and scott are chatting about these two halloween weddings. jessica and scott are chatting about these two halloween weddings. scott:good morning siouxland. temperatures this morning are relatively mild in the 40s and 50s. we have a light wind from the south between 5 and 15 miles per hour. the satellite and radar picture is fairly clean with some clouds passing through our northern tier of counties while the remainder of the area is looking at mostly clear skies. the dayplanner reveals that we'll make it to a high halloween weddings. jessica and scott are chchting about these two halloween weddings. . jessica and scotot are chatting about these two halloween weddings. scott:good morning siouxland. temperatures this morning are 40s and 50s. we have a light wind from the south between 5 and 15 miles per hour. the satellite and radar picture is fairly clean with some clouds passing through our northern tier of counties while the remainder of the area is looking at mostly clear skies. the dayplanner reveals that we'll make it to a high temperature in the lower 70s this afternoon. 40s and 50s. we have a light t nd from the sosoh between 5 and 15 miles per hour.the satellite and radar picture is fairly clean with some clouds passing through our northern tier of counties while the remainder of the area is looking at mostly clear skies. the dayplanner reveals that we'll d-o-t traffic cam's here at . many folks still waking up and starting their workday....please drive safely everyone... scott: now you'll want to watch your speed in these areas today: ... police will be runnininradars, here....i-29 north and on nebraska street. so againin. mind that speed. jessssa rae: thanks scoco... apple's nenest oversized-tablet will hit the kendis gibson have the details y there, in today's "techbytes," apple supersized tablet going on sale. >> reports say the ipad pro will go on sale on november 11th. the tablet has nearly a 13-inch screen andorks with the new smt keyboard and apple pencil. its starting price 800 bucks. pele on instagram may have noticed a new feature tested this week, a list of curated halloween n deos. submitted by viewers. >> the new feature aims to showcase the app's best images based on various themes, like holidays or news events. and parents, you know this, preschoolers are a connected bunch. >> a new study finds most children use mobile devices before they turn 1. >> wow. and a study looked at a group of children from a clinic in philadelphia, it also found most 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds used devices without help. a third of them are on s several screens at once. >> guilty. "techbytes." i didn't think i'd have a heart attack. but i did. i'm mike, and m very much alive. now my doctor recommends a bayer aspirin regimen help prevt another heart attack. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. a one, a two, a three percent ca back next. there's gotta be a better way to find the right card. lets you compare hundreds of cards to find the one that's right for you. just srch, compare, and apply at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's s a fact. like ordering wine equals pretending to know wine. table in a rut? well howard has a solution to o ur dinner woes. he's in the mister food test kitchen with a casserole recipe that will become a weekly staple. "when it comes to getting dinner on the table, we often get into a rut. you know -- we end up making the same few dishes over and over, week after week. well, starting today, you'll have a new casserole to add to your dinner routine that's so simple and tastes amazing. we begin by lightly coating a few pork chops in a bit of flour and browning them in a skillet. you see, this seals in their natural juices and keeps them really moist. while those finish long-grain and wild rice mix, a can of mushroom soup, some beef broth and a touch of water. we give that a quick stir and place our browned pork chops on top. see this is all going to cook together so getting dinner on the table couldn't be easier. while it's in the oven, you'll have time to go through the mail, finish up the laundry or simply catch your breath. doesn't that sound nice for a change of pace? come dinner time, you have a casserole brimming with super juicy pork chops and lots of creamy rice that cooked in one dish. just add a quick salad and a veggie and you're all set. i hope you'll go online to get the recipe for our "pork chop casserole" so you can make any night an extra special night. i'm howard in the mr. food test kitchen, where every day we're looking for lele stressful ways for you to say . "ooh it's so good!!" " jessica rae: if you would like a copy of that recipe you can send us a self addressed stamped envelope here to a-b-c 9 news. our address is 625 douglas street. the zip...51101. be sure to write "pork chop casserole" on your request. or you can visit our website...siouxlan d matters dot com. and click on the mr. food logo.... jessica rae: " when we come back from break... i'll have the latest on the russian plane crash that claimed the lives of 224 people. stay with us. scott: " " lake on the skycams. temperatures this morning are relatively mild in the 40s and 50s. we have a light wind from the south between 5 and 15 miles per hour. the satellite and radar picture is fairly clean with some clouds passing through our northern tier of counties while the remainder of the mostly clear skies. here's a check of the stormcast hd where we're going to be warmer side for a while! high temperatures today are anticipated to be in the lower 70s and wednesday. we'll highlight a strong southerly breeze as well which is expected to begin tomorrow afternoon and stay with us through wednesday. toward the end of the model, you can see some s swers heading our way. a chance of rain is going to develop as we approach the weekend. tod, your high temperature is 72 with sunshine. tonight, expect a low of 45. tomorrow, the high temperature will be 73 and we'll expect a breezy afternoon. here's your 7 day stay in the 70s through wednesday, then it'll start to look more like november as we approach the weekend with rain possible thursday. jessica rae scott: jessica rae: and now to the latest on the tragedy in egypt. as the bodies of lake on the skycycs. temperatures this morning are relatively mild in the 40s and 50s. we have a light wind from the south between 5 and the satellite and radar picture is fairly clean with some clouds passing through our northern tier of counties while the remainder of the area is looking at mostly clear skies. and now w the latest on n e tragedy in egypt. as the bodies of the dead are arriving in st. petersburg, after saturday's tragic airline ash that killed all the passengers returning from a resort town in egypt... experts are trying to understand what happened. abc's lana zak has the very latest. "this morning, the remains of more than 140 bodies are returning to grief- striken families in st. petersburg, russia. among the 224 dead, 25 children....these photos show happy families ready to make their way home from a vacation in the resort town of sharm al shaik, egypt today, authorities are digging deeper into the mystery of what brought down minutes after take- off. ganyard thishappened so quickly sosonstantaneously that we may not be any evidence on those black boxes so what's going to be more important is looking at the wreckage on the ground, how it's laid out. with 8-miles of scattered debris, one theory--a bomb. john nance / abc news aviation analyst "the probability is here with an in- flight breakup that something caused that, something on the order of a bomb or an incendiary explosion of some sort in the airplane." another theory: human error or a problem with the plane. natsts the ex-wife of the co-pilot says he had complained aboutut morning of the crash. and a final theory... could terrorists on the ground have taken out the plane? an isis-linked group claimed responsibility, but intelligence officials say they lack the missiles that could take out a plane flying at 31- thousand feet. ganyard the claims from the terrorist groups does not jive with what happened to the airplane. for allegedy selling the synethenic marijuana drug... k-2... that may have caused the death a west high school senior. 18 year-old rose autumn mouw.. .is charged with involuntary d delivery of a controlled substance. the charges stem from the death of 18 year-old high school senior...austin mccloud. mc-cloud died last april...after smoking the drug "k-2"... he allegedly purchased from mouw. mouw has pleaded not guilty. her trial is set to begin on april 26th. abc-9 spoke to the mother of mccloud, who says she has no hate in her heart for mouw. she says that nothing will bring her son back.... but her new mission is to prevent other kids from making the same mistake that he made ... jessica rae: a south sioux city gas pump was knocked over onto an s-u-v yesterday afternoon. the incident occured at a sey's general store on dakota avenue in south sioux city. according to witntnses, a car entered the gas station through the exit, then backed into a gas pump... causing it fall over onto a nearby cadillac. "right now that vehicle in the background is the only thing that's holding that pump in going to camp out here until they have a company come down from sioux falls to deal with the pump and once that deem that pump ahead and get out of here," said south sioux city fire chief toby english. jessica rae: roads were completely it's not clear if cited for the no injuries were reported. a pair of west side house fires friday night lead to damages. sioux city fire crews were called to the e -00 block of center night. nenehbors reportededearing a man and woman screamamg for help because a child was inside a burning house. according to an official report from the sioux city fire rescue department, the fire was so strong crews had to attack the fire from the back of the house... and a male victim was found inside the living room of the one story home. "i just came out and saw the house on fire and big flames. the mother looked like she was panicking, trying to get her baby out of the house," said santiago. "it was probably one of the worst things that i had ever seen happen on this block. just knowing that those kids were trapped inside and how the father was on the opposite side of the house trying to break in to the rooms just to get them out," said campos. jessica rae: the fire on center street...claimed the lili of one person... the tragedy marks the first fire death in sioux two years. four minutes earlier and about a mile and a half away... fire rescue crews were also called to the 2400 block of west forth street at another house fire incident. in a press release from the sioux city rescue department, it stated that no one was home at the time of the fire and the structure of the house was severly damaged that it had to be red-tagged. and sioux city fire rescue wants to remind you to check your smoke make sure they are working so a tragedy like this can be avoided. if you can't afford a smoke alarm...or would like a free safe home inspection... you can contact oux city fire rescue a athe number provided at the bottom of the screen. " jessica rae: coming up in sports... iowa is still on track for a perfect regular season. hear from the hawkeyes after the break welcome back. . the sioux city cocoervatory of conservatory of music is holding their annual fall show this friday night. ron is here to preview all the fun. the sioux city conservatory of music, a non-profit geared towards teaching kids and teens about music, will be having their annual fall show on frfray november 6th at 6 pm at the sioux city orpheum theatre. sublime with rome will be the conservatory's special guest for the evening with a live performance! performances from all the students will also be a part of this magical night of live inspiration through music. here come and see hopeful young talent in sioux city! november 6 cost: $27.50 / $37.50 / $42.50 jessica rae: music is holding their annual falal show this friday night. ron is here to preview all the fun. the sioux city conservatory of music, a non-profit geared towards teaching kids and teens about music, will be having their annual fall show on friday november 6th at 6 pm at the sioux city orpheum theatre. sublime with rome will be the conservatory's special guest for the evening with a live performance! performances from all the students will also be a part of this magical night of live inspiration through music. for more on sublime e with rome, clili here come and see hopeful young talent in sioux city! november 6 cost: $27.50 / $37.50 / $42.50 jessica rae: the iowa hawkeyes are 8-0 for the first time since 2009. alex walker has more on what an undefeated iowa would mean to the college football playoff. their annual fall show this friday night. ron is h he to prevevw all the fun. conservatory of music, a non-profit geared towards teaching kids and teens about music, will be having their friday november 6th city orpheum theatre. will be the conservatory's special guest for the evening with a live performance! performances from all the students will also be a part of this magical night of live inspiration through music. for more on sublime with rome, click here come and see hopeful young talent in sioux city! november 6 since 2009. alex walker has more on what an undefeated iowa would mean to the college football playoff. saturday afternoon, iowa beat maryland 31-15, improving to 8-0 for the first time since 2009. during the game, the abc broadcast team called the hawkeyes a conundrum...saying that iowa would headaches for the playoff committee if they finished the regular season undefeated. obviously, we still have a loooong way to go before we have that discussion, but its an interesting point. looking at iowa's resume, their schedule is as easy as it gets in the big ten, but they do have two huge road wins at wisconsin and northwestern. the tenth-ranked hawks are in the national spotlight, but the guys are trying to ignore the excitement of a perfect record. you just have to continue to ignore it. obviously you are going to here about it here and there, all we can focus on is our next game. no matter what people say about yeah, you are good. you dont play anybody. all you can focus on you cant control that. we play indiana next, we are going to focus on them, start focusing on them tomorrow look at the film and get ready to work." iowa played well on saturday and they did so in front of iowa native and open champion zach's what the honorary captain had to say about his experience. the experience is one that is really hard to put into words. i have to be honest with you. a kid that is born here, raised in cedar rapids, bringing my kids here, this is what iowa fall is all about, and when the university, specifically coach ferentz, rolls the red carpet out for you, one you say yes and two you embrace it. it's just a beautiful thing." very cool. the 8-0 hawkeyes visit indiana next saturday. down in lincoln, nebraska is 3-6 for the first time since 1961. the huskers fell to purdue 55-45, giving the program six losses before the end of october for the first time in school history. with three games remaining, nebraska has to win out to make a bowl game, putting the team in a tough spot. it was really a game about giving them too many opportunities. they did a nice job, i thought their quarterback made some plays i thought early on lettimg him run for that big play was hard and then we gave them the ball turnovers in the red zone. with real good opportunities to score. we made it easier for them." obviously, we have a lot of problems to fix. we are focused on progress right now trying to fix our issues, our message is usually that our guys are doing well and working hard." nebraska hosts sixth-ranked michigan state next saturday night at 6pm....the game can be seen on e-s-p-n. thats it for sports. have a great rest of your morning. jessica rae scott: it's time now to check on your forecast... scott:good morning siouxland. temperatures this morning are relatively mild in the 40s and 50s. we have a light wind from the south between 5 and 15 miles per hour. the satellite and radar picture is fairly clean with some clouds passing through our northern tier of counties while the remainder of the area is looking at mostly clear skies. the dayplanner make it to a high temperature in the lower 70s this afternoon. 40s and 50s. we have a light wind from the south between 5 and 15 miles per hour. the satellite and radar picture is fairly clean with some clouds passing through our northern tier of i'll tell you about a program called "kid shape"... which aims to help combat childhood obesity in the siouxland area. plus here's what you can expect coming up on gma " " jessica rae: dear future, sailed through that diaper stage, learned to walk, and i'm reading like a third-grader. but now it's time to and from what i hear, it's not all toys and games out there. will you look out for me, future? you can ride my new bike. changing. technology is taking over. and now, a new drone class is being offered at whiting community school in south sioux city. a professor at the college says their gamingskills have given them a leg up in the college class. morningside is running a pilot course with seven hand-selected students from both the whiting school and morningside college. the students are tasked with figuring out exactly what the class needs. "i think one of the biggest things is know how to run the thing and take care of it. there's alot of guys that have drones but they don't know how to do the maintenence on it and stuff and i think they're a little scared of it. but i'd just like get comfortable with them and become an expert," said jared mccoy who is a senior at morningside college. jessica rae: the course has two main classes... one for learning operating procedures, and the second for learning how to fly the drones. about 20 drones are being used for training which is being offered by morningside's regina roth agricultural and food studies program alongside wiwi whiting community schohos and mags aviation and martin field. classes meet monday evenings at martin field in south sioux city. jessica rae: alright its time for this week's first birthday. everyone here at abc9 would like to wish a very happy birthday to zachary peterson. this cute little guy celbrates his birthday this saturday... the seventh. happy birthday zach! jessica rae: a study was conducted by mercy medical center here in sioux city, to determine community health needs... the results of that study concluded the city of sioux city and the surrounding areas struggle the most with obesity, especially childhood obesity. in an effort to change that, a new program was started... here's more onthe "kid shape program" " rae: mercy medal center and the sioux city community school district have partnered together to create the kid shape program, which is a three course program aimed at curbing chilhoodsity here, in the siouxland area. corey loffswold, not only teaches p-e at liberty elementary in sioux city, he is also the kid shape program coordinator... corey loffswold, "families come, one night a week for two hours, for eight weeks, and it is a cyclical program that ties back to each week as we go through and its a way for them to make better choices for themselves and their families." rae: loffswold says, because the program is geared towards childhood obesity, there are some qualifications needed to join... kids must be between the ages of f and 12, and thth have to be at or above the 85th percentile of their b-m-i in the obesity range. the two hour program is designed for families, and it's not only centered around exercise. loffswold, "the entire family comes with me and we do about a 10-15 minute family fitness activity that we try to tie back to something they can do at home as a group, when we are done with that, they come back for about a 30- 40 minute lesson with a nutritionist." rae: loffswold stresses, this program is not a diet... instead it's about life changing choices being made as a family. loloswold. "it's a way to help families and support them in the dedesions that we all make everydait's about a way of shifting their decision making." jerry hernandez from mercy medical center says, the program truly makes a difference! jerry hernandez, "you see a transformation within the students once they arrive here they are very shy they are very timid and by time corey and the team get done with them they're more willing to try different things and you can see their attitudes changing." jessica rae: we also want to mention the kid shape program does have a translator available each week, in order to better reach our diverse community. for more information on how you and your family can get involvededn the kid shape program just visit this story on our website, that's siouxland matters dot com. and coming up next week on get going... i'll explore the benefits of chocolate milk for a post workout drink... you heard me right, why are collegiate athletes and professional athletes nationwide turning to the sweet childhood favorite after long workouts? find out why... next week at 5 and 6 a-m. jessica rae: here is a story that will put a smile on your face. a 97 year old woman has finally received her high school diploma. last week, michigan woman margaret bekema was presented with an honorary diploma. margaret was forced to drop out back in 19-32... her mother had diededf cancer, and margaret had to help take care of her younger siblings. this summer, one of margaret's relatives contacted the school and told them her story.... the principal says he knew they just had to give her that diploma. " (greg deja/principal, catholic central h.s.) 'she said her heart was broken when she dropped out, and today was just a small part to life that heart and put it back together for her life.' ( margaret thome bekema/received an honorary diploma) 'how can i express myself? i dont know how to express the im sorry. im just plain tickled.' jessica rae: despite not getting her diploma... margaret went on to do clerical work for the armed forces... and even became a pre-school teacher. those at the school say margaret is a shining example of what they hope all l eir graduates may be. jessica rae e scott: adlib b scott:we're going to be sticking to the smile on your face. a 97 year old woman has finally received her high school diploma. last week, michigan woman margaret bekema was presented with an honorary diploma. margaret was be sticking to the warmer side for a while! high temperatures today are anticipated to be in the lower 70s and we'll be staying there through wednesday. we'll highlight a strong southerly breeze as well which is expected to begin tomorrow afternoon and stay with us through wednesday. toward the end of the model, yououan see some showers heading our way. a chance of rara is going to develop as we approach the weekend. today, your high temperature is 72 with sunshine. tonight, expect a low of 45. tomorrow, the high temperature will be 73 and we'll expect a breezy afternoon. here's your 7 day forecast where high temperatures will stay in the 70s through wednesday, then it'll start to look more like november as we approach the weekend with rain possible thursday. jessica rae scott: are anticipated to be in the lower 70s and we'll be staying there through wednesday. we'll highlight a strong southerly breeze as well which is expected to begin tomorrow afternoon and stayay with us through wednesday. toward the end of the model, you can see some showers heading our way. a chance of rain is going to develop as we approach the weekend. today, your high temperature is 72 with sunshine. tonight, expect a low of 45. tomorrow, the high temperature will be 73 and we'll expect a breezy afternoon. here's your 7 day forecast where high temperatures will stay in the 70s through wednesday, then it'll start to look more like november as we approach the weekend with rain jessica rae scott:later today...... thanks for tuning in and keep it right here on a-b-c 9...... " " jessica rae: it's time for this year's pumpkin good morning, america. breaking news. midair mystery. new details this morning on the passenger jet that fell apart more than 30 fourks feet in the air. the airline says moments ago, the crash was not caused bay structural failure. vestigateorss sifting thrgh thee wreckage. seararching f answers. deay storms slam the south. reported tornadoes touching down overnight. a weekekend of relentless downpours. this rv swept away. and twisters tearing homes apart. this surveillance camera capturing some of the destruction. millions on alert this morning for more flooding an abc news exclusive. leah remini's new interview. >> it almost makes me -- um -- want to cry. >> on her break from scientology, her life now, and what she has to say to katie holmes, only on "gma." and the kansas city royals arehe k kinin of baseballll. >> the royals, 2015 world champions! >> ending their 30-year title drought. knocking off the mets with another incredible comeback victory. why this wass extra sweet for the sta pitcher and the team. >> all: good morning, americ from y your 2015 worldld series champions, the kansas city royals. we do say good morning, america. goggles for the champagne. >> a great party. >> congratulations to the royals. comeback kings. beating the mets in game five to win their first world series nce 1985. it was a rough weekend for new york sports fans. >> yes, it was. >> the ms lose ppg and who dat, the sanlts, with thehe wild game. >> the royals would not be denied. they were trailing going into the ninth. >> proving that last year was no fluke. we begin with the mysterious plane crash. the wreckage i egypt's sinai desert. they'll ruling out plane failure. pilot error. th're not ruling out terrorism. >> reporter: the executives of the airlinin metro jet gave a press conference a short time

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