Transcripts For KCAU ABC9 News This Morning At 5 20160223 :

Transcripts For KCAU ABC9 News This Morning At 5 20160223

cover. your full forecast is coming up - your news starts now. " " " coming up this morning on abc9 news... counterfeit cash is circulating in siouxland... and i'll tell you why your money may be fake. " plus... we are in the middle of tax season... and also in the middle of scam season ... we'll tell you what to look out for ... coming up " and... city leaders are ready to redo the main road through country club boulevard... but neighbors have other ideas on how to fix speeding in the area .... these stories and more... on abc9 news this morning. "" lukas: good morning and thanks for starting your day with us. i'm lukas voss. we begin this morning in rural nebraska... where human remains were found over the weekend. authorities believe the body has been there since this summer and they are now they're trying to identify who it is. the remains were found just east of tilden in according to the madison county sheriff, a hunter discovered the body sunday afternoon in a shelter belt north of highway 275. the investigator on the case says the unidentified person is believed to be a man who died sometime over the summer. a forensic exam is scheduled to determine the cause of death and identify the body. investigators saying they don't really have any leads at this time. " we honestly don't have anything to indicate foul play, but at this point there isn't anything to rule it out either. so we're just looking at this as a completely blank slate and we'll just rely our findings on what the forensic examinations come up with." the body is scheduled to be transported later today to the nebraska state laboratory in lincoln. lukas: an o'neill woman is dead and a man injured in an apparant stabbing. according to the holt county attorney, a 37- year-old hispanic woman was pronounced dead at the hospital in o'neill saturday death was multiple stab a knife. hispanic man was also injured in the incident. authorities are still investigating. an increase in fake money circulating in the city police residents. and although it's it's one authoritieare saying is on the rise. police say counterfeiting is a hard crime to tackle because many consumers and businesses are too busy to double check the tender. and circulation of the bills makes it hard to track where exactly the fake money comes from. "it has progressively gotten worse. i've been in the property detective unit for almost 2 years now and it has literally i get at least one fake bill every day" says detective bill nice, sioux city police department. customers and businesses who encounter fake bills often lose out on that money. police say using a counterfeit bill is equivalent to stealing ... they suggest businesses check each bill during every transaction. customers should check to see if their change looks or feels "check every bill. counterfeit pens, you can buy them anywhere....the ten- dollar bill has a magnetic strip that's right about there, and it will have the money denomination written on it" says detective bill nice, sioux city police department. police say to keep an e e out for even t t obvious... like a 'for motion picture use only' marking. actual movie money has surfaced in siouxland businesses. lukas: we're in the middle of tax season... and while you work to get all your financial documents in order... scammers are working to cash in your information. reporter karsen forsman tells us why experts say there's been an increase in scams this year. "(jacob) " have seen an increase in the past three e four years." (karsen) jacob petersen has been in the tax business for about ten years - and when he first started out - tax scams were rare - now - it's a different story. (jacob) "i had a client where got a letter from the irs and said they got their tax return but needed more information." (karsen) peterson says this isn't the first timeme he's heard of this kind of scam - he says recent data breaches could be to blame. (sherwin) "last year we had several hundred cases of local city residents who were victimized." (karsen) captain john sherwin of the rochester police department says he's seen similar reports. he says some have gone to file their taxes already received their claim. (john) "it is a trend that we've seen increaeang in the laststouple years where people are filing taxes assuming individuals." ? just this morning - the austin police department has had a number of reports of people getting and the person claiming to be the irs - ththatens to sue ththvictim unless they pay up. (jacob) "if you get a call or email out of the blueueit's generally t the irs." (karsen) peterson says if you are victimized to be proactive right away - and remember that if the irs is trying to contact you - it will be by mail. (jacob) "this year i have not seen any new cases but i'm sure they will should have made access to the the san bernardino shooter's iphone available ... to authorities. fbi director james comey stated that syed farook's phone might have additional clues in the investigation... including quote "whether others were involved." 14 people were killed in the december attack and since then ... investigatoror have been trying unsuccessfully to unlock farook's iphone5c. apple says creating a way to override a phone's passcode would put the privacy and security of all apple customers at risk. "apple has helped the fbi and in this investigation and in every way the law required. but it has to draw the line at recreating code, changing its iphone, putting its engineers and creative talents to destroy the iphone a federal magistrate judge ordered apple to help the fbi hack into the password- protected phone. apple is fighting the judge's order ... saying whilet is technically possible to unlock the phone, the company believes it's "too dangerous to do". " when we come back... i'll tell you why a planned multi million dollar project in sioux city has been cancelled. all after the break. scott: we'll have... "you're watcng abc9 news this morning... with ... lukas voss... and meteorologist scott larson.. this is abc9 news this morning. " dad: i know. spots. culligan man: the problem is your water! anncr: a culligan whole-house water conditioning system gets rid of sediment or impurities. so keeping everything spotless is effortless. mom: hey. dad: the culligan man. culligan man: the problem is your water! anncr: a culligan whole-house water conditioning system gets rid of sediment or impurities. so keeping everyththg spotless is effortless. dad: spots. culligan man: the problem is your water! deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromised innonohern and western siouxland. temperatures are in the 30s across most of the area. the stormcast hd highlights a quiet tuesday with gradually diminishing cloud cover. tomorrow, a little disturbance is going to slide through with a rain snow mix during the evening hours followowg a mostly sunny day. today's high is 44 with sun and clouds. tonight's low is 23 under mostly clear skies. tomorrow's high is 40 with a light evening mix. let's get a check of your 7 day forecast where we'll have a beautiful weekend as highs stretch into the 40s and 50s deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromised in northern and western siouxland. temperatures are in the 30s across most of the area. the stormcast hd highlights a quiet tuesday with gradually diminishing cloud cover. tomorrow, a little disturbance is going to slide through with a rain snow mix during the evening hours following a mostly sunny day. today's high is 44 with sun and clouds. tonight's low is 23 under r stly clear skies. tomorrow's high is 40 with a light evening mix. let's get a check of your 7 day forecast where we'll have a beautiful weekend as highs stretch into the 40s and 50s for friday and saturday. deteriorating clouds from west to east. sibility is compromised in northern andwestern siouxland.d. temperatures are in the 30s across most of the area. the stormcast hd highlights a quiet tuesday with gradually diminishing cloud cover. tomorrow, a little disturbance is a final date for the iowa utilities board to make a decision on the dakota access pipeline has been set. state regulators say they'll meet on either march 9th or 10th, to decide whether or not to give the texas based dakota access a permrm to start building a pipeline that would cut diagnally through iowa ... connecting to the bakken oil fields in north dakota. lukas: a proposed be the central tonight at 7pm, sioux city parks and rec, meeting on the council chambers at city hall to discuss the proposed campground project. that meeting is open to the blic. cityians who live on country club boulavard say they're worried about speeding in their neighborhood. so, while city leaders are working on a plan to widen that street... neighbors say that's not what they need. after conversations that went back and forth between residents and council members ... the board looked to the city's engineer's regarding tools to prevent drivers from speeding in the area. "that's where we got into the discussion n of islands and the discussion of circles. turnabouts ififou will. we took the public's inputbecause we do listen to the citizenenthat live on country club blvd.and in the area and they were concerned about traffic calming," says moore. city council decided to remove the item from today's agenda and directed engineers to design a product to slow traffic down. after engineers complete that task ... the country club blvd project will go back to council in 30 days. lukas: a rail car maintenance company y s pulled out of a 30-point-9 million dollar project here in sioux city trinity rail, a company specializing in repairing oil takers, was in negotiations with the city to open a facility in the southbridge business park ... the decision not to invest however ... completely unrelated to sioux city. "trinity loved the site, they love sioux city. if they ever come back in the future they said they would certaintly consider us. but, it has to do with the oil market...the price of oil dropping so dramatically really has impacted theircustomers, and so ththdemand for the facility they were going to build here just reall decreased" says marty dougherty, director of economic development for sioux city. dougherty says spots in southbridge business park are in high demand, so they're not worried about the economic impact of losing this project. lukas: the south dakota house has passed a proposal that would help increase teacher pay the half cent tax bill would help support the south dakota governor's plan to raise teacher's wages in the state by utilizing a half cent sales tax. a large portion of the tax would also go towards property tax relief. " lukas: still to come.... a new disk golf park.... and it's thanks to the works of the mayor youth commission. more up next ... " lukas: and.... i'll introduce you to the crazy and unique sport of snow mobile soft ball! we'll discuss whether we'd received it's largest estate gift in school history. the 1-point-4 llion dollar gift comes from the estate of donald l. gill... a 1951 heelan graduate. the money will be used in part to fund the construction of an academic wing and gymnasium at the new high school with left over funds going towards college scholarships. the school's library and media center will be named after donald gill's mother, mary. lukas: the mayor youth commission has scored a hole-in- one ... so to speak students in the program have been able to raise 45-hundred dollars for a new disk golf course that's set to open at grandview park. the 9-hole course is expected to be open just intime for this summer and will be open "i think this is a good opportunity because it is a beginner disk golf course and not many high school students know about disk golf and they don't know there's a nice disk golf course at sertoma park. well with this one, we're going to try and get out there and push out. it's a beginner, anyone can do it. nine local businesses donated 500 dollars each to make the project possible. lukas: a unique torunament took place in wisconsin this weekend. it combined two fun popular activities... into one awesome sport. take a look at snowmobile softball! " "all right, we're going to begin the next game, between van asten's and o-c-c firefighters.: (n(ns) the match-up sunday at the o oagamie conservation club had the makings of a classic. a spot in the finals was on the line. ( bre learman/tournament organizer) "we call it snowmobile softball. it's basically slow-pitch softball, played on a snowmobile." sport. ( jack kuhnke/tournament organizer) "fielders all got to keep their sled turned off. the batter stands in a circle, can't start them up until the ball is hit.t. (bruce learman/tournament organizer) "you have to wear a coat. you have to wear a pair of gloves. so with a 16- inch softball, you can't pick it up one handed with a pair of gloves on." the action was intense. (nats) like this hard smash. the second baseman got a ski on it. the toss to second got the sledder on the force out, but the relay to first base for the double play was not in time. ( bill langenhuizen/ellingt on) "as long as you don't smack your sled up, it's not bad. otherwise, some of these guys got $10,000 sleds out here. you do that, you're in troublbl" shane stone found himself in a bit of a bind. players helped him back on his sled after he twisted his ankle. (shane stone/stephensville) "foot gets stuck in the snowmobile, and you can't do nothing. you're stuck there. but you're okay? yep, we're good." at times the action looked chaotic, but players say that's part of the game. (bill "no strategy. same as softball, you just run the bases with sleds." ( jim fassbender/greenvil le) "it's awesome. you got to try it once, and you get addicted to it." (jack kuhnke/tournament organizer) "it's just a good time for the people to get out, who got cabin fever, get out here, and enjoy winter a little bit." ( karina van camp/freedom) "this is amazing. super fun to be out here watching the men out there, and the women. great family event for all." lukas: scott: lukas and scott are chatting about snowmobile softball. lukas and scott are chting about snowmobile softball. lukas and scott are chatting about snowmobile softball. lukas and scott are chatting about snowmobile softball. scott:good morning siouxland. we had a softball. lukas and scott are chatting about snowmobile softball. lukas and scott are chatting about snowmobile softball. lukas and scott are chatting about snowmobile scott:good morning siouxland. we had a light mix wf rain and snow occur overnight with deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromised in northern and western siouxland. temperatures are in the 30s across most of the area. onto the dayplanner, you can see that we'll make it to a high in the ddle 40s with diminishing cloud cover. scott: deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromisein northern andd& western siouxland. temperatures are in the 30s across most of the area. onto the dayplanner, you can see that we'll make it to a high in the middle 40s with diminishing cloud cover. scott: here's a quick chekc outside on one of our iowa d-o-t t affic cam's deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromised in northern and march is national colon cancer awareness month... and i'll tell you how a colonoscopy can in 2000, president clinton officially dedicated march as national colon cancer awareness month. since then, it has grown to be a rallying point for patients, survivors, and caregivers alike. with march just around the corner... abc9 is taking a closer look at the best way to prevent colon cancer. or starts with a conversation with your doctor about getting a colonoscopy. and there are good reasons forwhy that conversation is important statistics show 1 in 20 people will be diagnosed with colon cancer.... but there's an even better reason... "there usually aren't any signs or symptoms. probably 8 out of 10 people dont have any symptoms that they have an eay forming cancer, said dr. bryce robison. " that's something local barber ron harris knows all too well. age 50 came and went for him and without symptoms he never gave colon cancer a second thought. "oh no, hell no not even close. no heck i was fine," said cancer survivor ron harris. but like so many... ron's decission to delay could have cost him his life. finally treated at age 57, doctors found stage 3 colon cancer. it's something that likely would have been avoided if he'd just been tested just a few years earlier.. and coming up later on in the show... our tim seaman will bring us the rest of ron's story... and his decision t t get screened for lukas: staying on the health beat... workplace wellness programs have become a common way for companies to make for healthier employees. many of these initiatives involve giving away something we all love -- cash! but is there a smarter way to go about that? reporter andrew spencer has more. "employers want healthier employees...and as a a result, workplace wellnene programs are e t! according toto study published in the annals of inrnal medicine - now more than 80% of big companies are now offering some form of financial incentive to get their workers to participate. looking at how such programs can be more effective... researchers gave nearly 300 people a 7-thousand step goal to keep up during a 13-week- challengng the study participants were broken up into groups... one got one dollar and forty cents for each day they hit the the second group's participants were entered into a daily lottery -- they could only win if they met their goal the day before. the third received $42 upfront each month -- wititthe caveat that participants lost one dollar and forty cents for each day they failed to meet the 7- thousand step goal. so what did researchers find? the group that was threatened with losing money excercised more. we'll take a look at how the remaining g-o-p contenders spent their day stumping for support... ahead of today's vada caucus. ththpolitical beat is up p xt. scott: " " scott:good morning siouxland. let's get a look outside on the port neal welding (vo) beyond natural grain free pet food is committed to truth on the label. it is number one. and we leave out corn, wheat and soy. company skycam hd and the storm lake skycam hd. we had a light mix of rain and snow occur overnight with deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromised in northern and western siouxland. temperatures are in the 30s across most the area. the stormcast hd highlights a quiet tuesday wiwi gradually diminishing cloud cover. tomorrow, a little disturbance is going to slide through with a rain snow mix during the evening hours following a mostly sunny day. today's high is 44 with sun and clouds. tonight's low is 23 under mostly clear skies. tomorrow's high is 40 with a light evening mix. let's get a check of your 7 day forecast where we'll have a as highs stretch into the 40s and 50s for friday and saturday. lukas scott: lukas: the iowa caucus was responsible voter and the storm lake light mix of rain and snow occur deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromised in northern and western siouxland. temperatures are in the 30s across most of the area. the stormcast hd highlights a quiet tuesday with gradually diminishing cloud cover. tomorrow, a little disturbance is going to slide through with a rain snow mix during the evening hours following a mostly sunny day. today's high is 44 with sun and clouds. under mostly clear skies. tomorrow's high is 40 with a light evening mix. let's get a check of your 7 day forecast where we'll have a beautiful weekend as highs stretch into the 40s and 50s for friday and saturday. lukas scott: and the storm lake skycam hd. we had a light mix of rain and snow occur overnight with deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromised in northern and western siouxland. temperatures are in the 30s across most of the area. the stormcast hd highlights a quiet tuesday with gradually diminishing cloud cover. tomorrow, a little disturbance is going to slide through with a rain snow mix during the evening hours following a mostly and clouds. tonight's low is 23 under mostly clear skies. tomorrow's high is 40 with a light evening mix. let's get a check of your 7 day forecast where we'll have a beautiful weekend as highs stretch into the 40s and 50s for friday and saturday. lukas scott: lukas: the iowa caucus was responsible for an uptick in voter registration over weeks. secretary of state's office, thousand new registrations between the caucuses and today. totals to over two point one million iowans registered to vote. over 46 thousand party also alligned with either the democratic or republican party in the same time. lukas: donald trump is seeking his third straight campaign win at today's caucuses. reining contenders on edge ... reporter latest. "(nat sound) riding high into nevada... donald best hand.. in the nomination.. for starters... his two main rivals.. marco rubio and ted cruz are busy other.. ( sen. marco rubio/(r) presidential candidate) "it's every single day something comes campaign that's deceptive and untrue." rubio began the day demanding that cruz fire somebody over a the texas senator's campaign... that falsely accused the of dismissing the bible. the video misquotes rubio as saying about the bible ... "got a good book there. not many answers in it." but actually rubio says "all of the answers are in it." a blatant fabrication top cruz spokesman.. rick tyler.. who circulated the video ... apologized to rubio on facebook.. for, quote, "posting an inaccurate story about him." but rubio snapped that's not good enough. (sen. marco rubio/(r) presidential candidate) "at some point there has to be some level of accountability, otherwise yore running an message to the people that work for you, go out and do anything you want, and if you get caught we'll just apologize but we'll keep doing it." hours later, cruz stunned the campaign world, announcing he's asked tyler to step down. ( sen. ted cruz/(r) candidate) asked for rick had made clear in this campaign that we will conduct this campaign with the very highest standards of integrity." the bogus attack on rubio is the latest incident raising questions about how cruz has conducted his campaign. trump seized on the flap tweeting "more dirty tricks". trump is also getting help in the form of an unforced error... from john kasich.. whose awkward remark backing his first state senate campaign in the late 1970s.. annoyed one supporter. ( gov. john kasich/(r) presidential candidate) "we just got an army of people who, um, and many women, who left their kitchens to go out and go door-to-door and to put yard signs up for me." (voter)? "first off, i want to say -- your comment earlier about the women came out of the kitchen to support you? i'll come to support you, but i won't be coming out of the kitchen." (gov. john kasich/(r) presidential candidate) ? "i gotcha. i gotcha." kasich later explained it was just an off-the-cuff remark. (gov. john kasich/(r) presidential candidate) "i'm real and maybe sometimes i might say something that isn't as artfully said as it should be." trump... who holds a commanding lead in the delegate count... and is poised in the polls to rack up another big victory in nevada... is boasting his support comes in all shapes and sizes. ( donald trump/(r) presidential candidate) "we won with with highly educated, pretty well educated, and poorly educated.. but we won with everything. tall people, short people, fat people, skinny people. just won." but rubio.. who spent part of his childhood in marco rubio got another endorsement ahead of the nevada caucuses senator marco rubio just picked up the support of former senator bob dole ... along with former minnesota governor tim pawlenty ... and arkansas governor asa hutchinson. rubio also received endorsements from three senators and a number of house republicans. he also snagged the support of popular south carolina governor nikki haley. much of the growing wave of support came after jeb bush dropped out of the race on saturday. bush finished a disappointing fourth place in saturday's g-o-p primary in south carolina. lukas: marco rubio is also getting a boost from one of his former rivals. new jersey governor chris christie... who dropped out of the g-o-p race earlier this raising list to rubio's campaign. the most recent rubio fund-raising email shows that it was sent by christie's presidential campaign. the rubio campaign i looking at supporters from withdrawn rivals to help boost his chances. despite the deal, christie has yet to endorse anyone for president. the new jersey governor is said to be angry over negative ads rubio ran against him back in january. lukas: there is still plenty of talk about who will replace justice scalia on the bench. u-s senator from iowa and head of the senate judiciary comittee, chuck grassley, has said the president should allow the next commander in chief to make the decision.. republican congressman david young ... from iowa's 3rd district weighed in as well "the president will follow the constitution as he should and the senate i imagine will advise and consent and in the senate, the house is not involved, the senate will approve or disapporve or not bring the issue up at all. i'm watching like everybody else. would you say you disagree then with this? i'm gonna leave that up to the senate, senator grassley's going to do the right thing in the end, he always does. " president obama has said he will make his appointment when congress returns from recess. lukas: coming up in siouxland teams were 32 minutes away from trips to state last night. we'll have highlights from all over the area when we come back. scott: stay tuned for today's forecast... lukas: the iowa girls state basketball less than a week away and the field is starting to take shape. here's chris now with all the action from last night. chris palmquist--"good morning every body. last night was regional final night across iowa in girls basketball and we'll kick things off with a 2a final, a rematch of the 2013 state championship game western christian. coach bill harmsen, in search of his fifth trip to des moines in five years on the bench. in the first...anna dreessen...dials it up from distance, three of her game-high 26...the eagles jump out to a 10-5 lead. but back come the pack...janae wynja off the nice feed, the basket and the bonus...wc goes up a pair. l-b, fighting tough all night long...lexi binder on the inbounds to andee martin...the eagles retake the lead. then brooke of the key seniors, gives it a little kiss off the glass...eagles would lead it after three. but western chrstian flexed their muscle late...ashtyn veerbeek...the old fashioned three point play. western comes back to win it 76-64. the defending champs from unity christian, looking for a third straight trip to des moines, taking on treynor. under seven to down 13....madelyn deitchler with the steal and the finish...treynor down 41-30.. and they keep chipping away....randi robinson off the inbounds go on an 8-0 run to cut the knight lead to five... but anna kiel is a run- stopper.....pretty move on the low block and unity christian goes back up seven... under two to play slips past her defender for the deuce...knights on top 45-39.... and they were able to hold on.....unity christian wins it 51-44 mmc and kingsley pierson in a 1a regional final last night. we pick it up in the fourth quarter...alli bailey finds rachel on the baseline jumper...panthers go up 42-32. but the eagles, not giving in...brooklyn treinen comes up with the sal and sarah dreckman lays it in to get within single digits. kingsley-pierson, not phased...bailey misses, but marina keck is there on the back door for the lay in and one to stretch the lead. then this all but sealed it...bailey...from downtown...and one...she completes the four point play to make it a fifteen point lead. kp is heading to state. newell-fonda, looking for yet another trip to state last night as well taking on audubon. mid-second quarter....dana burban attacks the rack for the wheelers and gets it to fall...audubon down 25-19. then its maddi morenz for the 'stangs....newell- champs well on their way to a return trip....kate christiansen with the offensive board and putback....they win it 64-57. for full highlights and scores from last night, head to our website, siouxland matters dot com. but for now, back over to you. lukas: scott: it's time now to check on your forecast... scott:good morning siouxland. we had a light mix of rain and snow occur overnight with deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromised in northern and western siouxland. temperatures are in the 30s across most of the area. onto the dayplanner, you can see that we'll make it to a high in the middle 40s with diminishing cloud cover. lukas: thanks scott... deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromised in northern and western siouxland. temperatures are in the 30s across most of the area. onto the dayplanner, you can see that we'll make it to a high in the middle 40s with deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromised in northern and western siouxland. temperatures are in the 30s across most of the area. onto the dayplanner, you can see that we'll make it safety warnings that could impact millions of consumers. reena ninan and kendis gibson have the details. good morning. topping "america's money" -- sthars o of lumber liquid daters today after new warnings. >> the cdc says the cancer risk from certain types of lam gnat flooring is three times greater than original estimates. the company believes the cdc is overstating potential health risks. there may be more recalls of the takata air bags. in they can explode and send shrapnel inside the car. can youelieve it? there is a downside to being a millionaire. you could be dited. >> a significant increase in audits from the year before. it's ten time more than the average for a returns. >> i'm willing to take my chances. >> yes, we are. and that's "america's moy." >> have a great day. at hillshire farm, spice is the spice of life. so you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. hillshire farm. because it's worth doing right. at hillshire farm, there's a reason our slow roasted turkey taste so fresh seconds after carving, we e no only seal every slice, we double seal it. the results are something to savor. carpet for the and be sure to tune in sunday starting at 5:30 for oscar coverage from right here on abc9. we'll have special guest bruce miller of the sioux city journal in studio with us to go over all of the winners, losers and fashion of hollywood's big night. lukas: and as we are counting down to the oscars ... the stars are getting 'red carpet ready for the big night... abc's abbie boudreau went one on one with a hollywood trainer for tips on how the a- listers get in shape to look their very best. take a look. "stars sizzling on the red carpet? and what's the secret behind their perfectly toned designer bodies? nats: jj working out hollywood trainer...jeanette jenkins knows! jj: the hollywood trainer some of the hottest bods in hollywood... i train pink, i train alicia keyes, and kelly rowland. pushing her a-list clientele to tone up fast! we do cardio, sculpting and then wealance it with yoga and pilates. in the 3 - 6 weeks leading up to the red carpet?her celeb clients - working most of the time the women are in gowns and their arms are open so i make sure i really hit those arms and the upper body. like this exercise targeting the arms and upper back? jeanette says the row and fly -- is a celeb favorite -- and it works! does pink do this? jj: she sure does. she does whatever i tell her too! another secret? nutrition!!! lowering the sugar content. so it's like no more processed foods. no sugars. but her best advice -- beyond hitting the gym?? confidence? jj: my number one thing is never no can't work out with me and be like "i hate my legs", oh my god i hate my abs- you have to love yourself. for gma, ab, abc news, la. lukas: and just days before the shining a harsh light on the lack of diversity in hollywood. researchers studied 414-films and series'. the report found that out of more than 11-thousand speaking roles studied... 66-point-5 percent were male... 33-point-5 percent were female... 71-point-7 percent were white... 12-point-2 percent were black and only two-percent were gay... lesbian... or bisexual characters. when the group looked behind the cameras... it says it found that women and minorities were also under- represented as directors... writers... and show creators in the industry. lukas: it's been nearly 40 years since "rocky" won an oscar for "best picture." but sylvester stallone... who also wrote that script... has never taken home an academy award. that could all change sunday... with his nomination for "creed." and much of hollywood is pulling for him. abc's brandi hitt continues our "nats -- (film clip: "rocky") rocky balboa -- an iconic movie hero with strength... and heart... nats -- (film clip: "rocky") created by a man known as one of the most humble in hollywood. (from 1977 oscars ceremony) back in 1977... sylvester stallone did not win the oscar for "best actor"... or -- for writing "rocky"... (from 1977 oscars ceremony) but after shadowboxing with muhammad ali on stage... he was st appreciative. (from 1977 oscars ceremony) and now -- nearly 40 years later... sylvester stallone, best supporting actor nominee stallone is back as "rocky"... nominated for a "best supporting actor" oscar... in the sequel "creed." (film clip: "creed") with his daughters by his side... the hollywood heavyweight won his first golden globe last month... and reflected on being absent during news d entertainment editor when "rocky" won best picture... the seen pulling stallone on stage. (from 1977 oscars ceremony) sunday... he may climb this time for his own ((on camera tag)) star on the hollywood walk of fame has been here for more than 30- years... the "rocky" franchise -- a huge success -- grossing more than a billion dollars - worldwide. brandi hitt -- abc news -- hollywood. lukas scott: lukas and scott are chatting about sly stallone. lukas and scott are chatting about sly stallone. lukas and scott are chatting about sly stallone. lukas and scott are chatting about sly scott: a quiet tuesday with lukas and scott are chatting about sly stallone. lukas and scott are chatting about sly stallone. lukas and scott are chatting about sly stallone. scott: a quiet tuesday with lukas and scott are chatting about sly stallone. lukas and scott are chatting about sly stallone. lukas and scott are chatting about sly stallone. little disturbance is going to slide through with a rain snow mix during the evening hours following a mostly sunny day. today's high is 44 with sun and clouds. tonight's low is 23 under mostly clear skies. tomorrow's high is 40 with a light evening mix. let's get a check of your 7 day forecast where we'll have a beautiful weekend as highs stretch for friday and saturday. little disturbance is going to slide through with a rain snow mix during the evening hours following a mostly sunny day. today's high is 44 with sun and clouds. tonight's low is 23 under mostly clear skies. tomorrow's high is 40 with a light evening mix. let's get a check of your 7 day forecast where we'll have a beautiful weekend as highs stretch into the 40s and 50s for friday and saturday. little disturbance is going to slide through with a rain snow mix during the evening hours following a mostly sunny day. today's high is 44 with sun and clouds. tonight's low is 23 under mostly clear skies. tomorrow's high is 40 with a light evening mix. let's get we'll have a beautiful weekend as highs stretch into the 40s and 50s for friday and saturday. lukas scott: adlib lukas: " " coming up in our six o'clock hour... we'll have all the latest ahead of this weekend's south carolina primary. hear what both democratic candidates had to light mix of rain and snow occur overnight with deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromised in northern and

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Transcripts For KCAU ABC9 News This Morning At 5 20160223 :

Transcripts For KCAU ABC9 News This Morning At 5 20160223

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cover. your full forecast is coming up - your news starts now. " " " coming up this morning on abc9 news... counterfeit cash is circulating in siouxland... and i'll tell you why your money may be fake. " plus... we are in the middle of tax season... and also in the middle of scam season ... we'll tell you what to look out for ... coming up " and... city leaders are ready to redo the main road through country club boulevard... but neighbors have other ideas on how to fix speeding in the area .... these stories and more... on abc9 news this morning. "" lukas: good morning and thanks for starting your day with us. i'm lukas voss. we begin this morning in rural nebraska... where human remains were found over the weekend. authorities believe the body has been there since this summer and they are now they're trying to identify who it is. the remains were found just east of tilden in according to the madison county sheriff, a hunter discovered the body sunday afternoon in a shelter belt north of highway 275. the investigator on the case says the unidentified person is believed to be a man who died sometime over the summer. a forensic exam is scheduled to determine the cause of death and identify the body. investigators saying they don't really have any leads at this time. " we honestly don't have anything to indicate foul play, but at this point there isn't anything to rule it out either. so we're just looking at this as a completely blank slate and we'll just rely our findings on what the forensic examinations come up with." the body is scheduled to be transported later today to the nebraska state laboratory in lincoln. lukas: an o'neill woman is dead and a man injured in an apparant stabbing. according to the holt county attorney, a 37- year-old hispanic woman was pronounced dead at the hospital in o'neill saturday death was multiple stab a knife. hispanic man was also injured in the incident. authorities are still investigating. an increase in fake money circulating in the city police residents. and although it's it's one authoritieare saying is on the rise. police say counterfeiting is a hard crime to tackle because many consumers and businesses are too busy to double check the tender. and circulation of the bills makes it hard to track where exactly the fake money comes from. "it has progressively gotten worse. i've been in the property detective unit for almost 2 years now and it has literally i get at least one fake bill every day" says detective bill nice, sioux city police department. customers and businesses who encounter fake bills often lose out on that money. police say using a counterfeit bill is equivalent to stealing ... they suggest businesses check each bill during every transaction. customers should check to see if their change looks or feels "check every bill. counterfeit pens, you can buy them anywhere....the ten- dollar bill has a magnetic strip that's right about there, and it will have the money denomination written on it" says detective bill nice, sioux city police department. police say to keep an e e out for even t t obvious... like a 'for motion picture use only' marking. actual movie money has surfaced in siouxland businesses. lukas: we're in the middle of tax season... and while you work to get all your financial documents in order... scammers are working to cash in your information. reporter karsen forsman tells us why experts say there's been an increase in scams this year. "(jacob) " have seen an increase in the past three e four years." (karsen) jacob petersen has been in the tax business for about ten years - and when he first started out - tax scams were rare - now - it's a different story. (jacob) "i had a client where got a letter from the irs and said they got their tax return but needed more information." (karsen) peterson says this isn't the first timeme he's heard of this kind of scam - he says recent data breaches could be to blame. (sherwin) "last year we had several hundred cases of local city residents who were victimized." (karsen) captain john sherwin of the rochester police department says he's seen similar reports. he says some have gone to file their taxes already received their claim. (john) "it is a trend that we've seen increaeang in the laststouple years where people are filing taxes assuming individuals." ? just this morning - the austin police department has had a number of reports of people getting and the person claiming to be the irs - ththatens to sue ththvictim unless they pay up. (jacob) "if you get a call or email out of the blueueit's generally t the irs." (karsen) peterson says if you are victimized to be proactive right away - and remember that if the irs is trying to contact you - it will be by mail. (jacob) "this year i have not seen any new cases but i'm sure they will should have made access to the the san bernardino shooter's iphone available ... to authorities. fbi director james comey stated that syed farook's phone might have additional clues in the investigation... including quote "whether others were involved." 14 people were killed in the december attack and since then ... investigatoror have been trying unsuccessfully to unlock farook's iphone5c. apple says creating a way to override a phone's passcode would put the privacy and security of all apple customers at risk. "apple has helped the fbi and in this investigation and in every way the law required. but it has to draw the line at recreating code, changing its iphone, putting its engineers and creative talents to destroy the iphone a federal magistrate judge ordered apple to help the fbi hack into the password- protected phone. apple is fighting the judge's order ... saying whilet is technically possible to unlock the phone, the company believes it's "too dangerous to do". " when we come back... i'll tell you why a planned multi million dollar project in sioux city has been cancelled. all after the break. scott: we'll have... "you're watcng abc9 news this morning... with ... lukas voss... and meteorologist scott larson.. this is abc9 news this morning. " dad: i know. spots. culligan man: the problem is your water! anncr: a culligan whole-house water conditioning system gets rid of sediment or impurities. so keeping everything spotless is effortless. mom: hey. dad: the culligan man. culligan man: the problem is your water! anncr: a culligan whole-house water conditioning system gets rid of sediment or impurities. so keeping everyththg spotless is effortless. dad: spots. culligan man: the problem is your water! deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromised innonohern and western siouxland. temperatures are in the 30s across most of the area. the stormcast hd highlights a quiet tuesday with gradually diminishing cloud cover. tomorrow, a little disturbance is going to slide through with a rain snow mix during the evening hours followowg a mostly sunny day. today's high is 44 with sun and clouds. tonight's low is 23 under mostly clear skies. tomorrow's high is 40 with a light evening mix. let's get a check of your 7 day forecast where we'll have a beautiful weekend as highs stretch into the 40s and 50s deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromised in northern and western siouxland. temperatures are in the 30s across most of the area. the stormcast hd highlights a quiet tuesday with gradually diminishing cloud cover. tomorrow, a little disturbance is going to slide through with a rain snow mix during the evening hours following a mostly sunny day. today's high is 44 with sun and clouds. tonight's low is 23 under r stly clear skies. tomorrow's high is 40 with a light evening mix. let's get a check of your 7 day forecast where we'll have a beautiful weekend as highs stretch into the 40s and 50s for friday and saturday. deteriorating clouds from west to east. sibility is compromised in northern andwestern siouxland.d. temperatures are in the 30s across most of the area. the stormcast hd highlights a quiet tuesday with gradually diminishing cloud cover. tomorrow, a little disturbance is a final date for the iowa utilities board to make a decision on the dakota access pipeline has been set. state regulators say they'll meet on either march 9th or 10th, to decide whether or not to give the texas based dakota access a permrm to start building a pipeline that would cut diagnally through iowa ... connecting to the bakken oil fields in north dakota. lukas: a proposed be the central tonight at 7pm, sioux city parks and rec, meeting on the council chambers at city hall to discuss the proposed campground project. that meeting is open to the blic. cityians who live on country club boulavard say they're worried about speeding in their neighborhood. so, while city leaders are working on a plan to widen that street... neighbors say that's not what they need. after conversations that went back and forth between residents and council members ... the board looked to the city's engineer's regarding tools to prevent drivers from speeding in the area. "that's where we got into the discussion n of islands and the discussion of circles. turnabouts ififou will. we took the public's inputbecause we do listen to the citizenenthat live on country club blvd.and in the area and they were concerned about traffic calming," says moore. city council decided to remove the item from today's agenda and directed engineers to design a product to slow traffic down. after engineers complete that task ... the country club blvd project will go back to council in 30 days. lukas: a rail car maintenance company y s pulled out of a 30-point-9 million dollar project here in sioux city trinity rail, a company specializing in repairing oil takers, was in negotiations with the city to open a facility in the southbridge business park ... the decision not to invest however ... completely unrelated to sioux city. "trinity loved the site, they love sioux city. if they ever come back in the future they said they would certaintly consider us. but, it has to do with the oil market...the price of oil dropping so dramatically really has impacted theircustomers, and so ththdemand for the facility they were going to build here just reall decreased" says marty dougherty, director of economic development for sioux city. dougherty says spots in southbridge business park are in high demand, so they're not worried about the economic impact of losing this project. lukas: the south dakota house has passed a proposal that would help increase teacher pay the half cent tax bill would help support the south dakota governor's plan to raise teacher's wages in the state by utilizing a half cent sales tax. a large portion of the tax would also go towards property tax relief. " lukas: still to come.... a new disk golf park.... and it's thanks to the works of the mayor youth commission. more up next ... " lukas: and.... i'll introduce you to the crazy and unique sport of snow mobile soft ball! we'll discuss whether we'd received it's largest estate gift in school history. the 1-point-4 llion dollar gift comes from the estate of donald l. gill... a 1951 heelan graduate. the money will be used in part to fund the construction of an academic wing and gymnasium at the new high school with left over funds going towards college scholarships. the school's library and media center will be named after donald gill's mother, mary. lukas: the mayor youth commission has scored a hole-in- one ... so to speak students in the program have been able to raise 45-hundred dollars for a new disk golf course that's set to open at grandview park. the 9-hole course is expected to be open just intime for this summer and will be open "i think this is a good opportunity because it is a beginner disk golf course and not many high school students know about disk golf and they don't know there's a nice disk golf course at sertoma park. well with this one, we're going to try and get out there and push out. it's a beginner, anyone can do it. nine local businesses donated 500 dollars each to make the project possible. lukas: a unique torunament took place in wisconsin this weekend. it combined two fun popular activities... into one awesome sport. take a look at snowmobile softball! " "all right, we're going to begin the next game, between van asten's and o-c-c firefighters.: (n(ns) the match-up sunday at the o oagamie conservation club had the makings of a classic. a spot in the finals was on the line. ( bre learman/tournament organizer) "we call it snowmobile softball. it's basically slow-pitch softball, played on a snowmobile." sport. ( jack kuhnke/tournament organizer) "fielders all got to keep their sled turned off. the batter stands in a circle, can't start them up until the ball is hit.t. (bruce learman/tournament organizer) "you have to wear a coat. you have to wear a pair of gloves. so with a 16- inch softball, you can't pick it up one handed with a pair of gloves on." the action was intense. (nats) like this hard smash. the second baseman got a ski on it. the toss to second got the sledder on the force out, but the relay to first base for the double play was not in time. ( bill langenhuizen/ellingt on) "as long as you don't smack your sled up, it's not bad. otherwise, some of these guys got $10,000 sleds out here. you do that, you're in troublbl" shane stone found himself in a bit of a bind. players helped him back on his sled after he twisted his ankle. (shane stone/stephensville) "foot gets stuck in the snowmobile, and you can't do nothing. you're stuck there. but you're okay? yep, we're good." at times the action looked chaotic, but players say that's part of the game. (bill "no strategy. same as softball, you just run the bases with sleds." ( jim fassbender/greenvil le) "it's awesome. you got to try it once, and you get addicted to it." (jack kuhnke/tournament organizer) "it's just a good time for the people to get out, who got cabin fever, get out here, and enjoy winter a little bit." ( karina van camp/freedom) "this is amazing. super fun to be out here watching the men out there, and the women. great family event for all." lukas: scott: lukas and scott are chatting about snowmobile softball. lukas and scott are chting about snowmobile softball. lukas and scott are chatting about snowmobile softball. lukas and scott are chatting about snowmobile softball. scott:good morning siouxland. we had a softball. lukas and scott are chatting about snowmobile softball. lukas and scott are chatting about snowmobile softball. lukas and scott are chatting about snowmobile scott:good morning siouxland. we had a light mix wf rain and snow occur overnight with deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromised in northern and western siouxland. temperatures are in the 30s across most of the area. onto the dayplanner, you can see that we'll make it to a high in the ddle 40s with diminishing cloud cover. scott: deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromisein northern andd& western siouxland. temperatures are in the 30s across most of the area. onto the dayplanner, you can see that we'll make it to a high in the middle 40s with diminishing cloud cover. scott: here's a quick chekc outside on one of our iowa d-o-t t affic cam's deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromised in northern and march is national colon cancer awareness month... and i'll tell you how a colonoscopy can in 2000, president clinton officially dedicated march as national colon cancer awareness month. since then, it has grown to be a rallying point for patients, survivors, and caregivers alike. with march just around the corner... abc9 is taking a closer look at the best way to prevent colon cancer. or starts with a conversation with your doctor about getting a colonoscopy. and there are good reasons forwhy that conversation is important statistics show 1 in 20 people will be diagnosed with colon cancer.... but there's an even better reason... "there usually aren't any signs or symptoms. probably 8 out of 10 people dont have any symptoms that they have an eay forming cancer, said dr. bryce robison. " that's something local barber ron harris knows all too well. age 50 came and went for him and without symptoms he never gave colon cancer a second thought. "oh no, hell no not even close. no heck i was fine," said cancer survivor ron harris. but like so many... ron's decission to delay could have cost him his life. finally treated at age 57, doctors found stage 3 colon cancer. it's something that likely would have been avoided if he'd just been tested just a few years earlier.. and coming up later on in the show... our tim seaman will bring us the rest of ron's story... and his decision t t get screened for lukas: staying on the health beat... workplace wellness programs have become a common way for companies to make for healthier employees. many of these initiatives involve giving away something we all love -- cash! but is there a smarter way to go about that? reporter andrew spencer has more. "employers want healthier employees...and as a a result, workplace wellnene programs are e t! according toto study published in the annals of inrnal medicine - now more than 80% of big companies are now offering some form of financial incentive to get their workers to participate. looking at how such programs can be more effective... researchers gave nearly 300 people a 7-thousand step goal to keep up during a 13-week- challengng the study participants were broken up into groups... one got one dollar and forty cents for each day they hit the the second group's participants were entered into a daily lottery -- they could only win if they met their goal the day before. the third received $42 upfront each month -- wititthe caveat that participants lost one dollar and forty cents for each day they failed to meet the 7- thousand step goal. so what did researchers find? the group that was threatened with losing money excercised more. we'll take a look at how the remaining g-o-p contenders spent their day stumping for support... ahead of today's vada caucus. ththpolitical beat is up p xt. scott: " " scott:good morning siouxland. let's get a look outside on the port neal welding (vo) beyond natural grain free pet food is committed to truth on the label. it is number one. and we leave out corn, wheat and soy. company skycam hd and the storm lake skycam hd. we had a light mix of rain and snow occur overnight with deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromised in northern and western siouxland. temperatures are in the 30s across most the area. the stormcast hd highlights a quiet tuesday wiwi gradually diminishing cloud cover. tomorrow, a little disturbance is going to slide through with a rain snow mix during the evening hours following a mostly sunny day. today's high is 44 with sun and clouds. tonight's low is 23 under mostly clear skies. tomorrow's high is 40 with a light evening mix. let's get a check of your 7 day forecast where we'll have a as highs stretch into the 40s and 50s for friday and saturday. lukas scott: lukas: the iowa caucus was responsible voter and the storm lake light mix of rain and snow occur deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromised in northern and western siouxland. temperatures are in the 30s across most of the area. the stormcast hd highlights a quiet tuesday with gradually diminishing cloud cover. tomorrow, a little disturbance is going to slide through with a rain snow mix during the evening hours following a mostly sunny day. today's high is 44 with sun and clouds. under mostly clear skies. tomorrow's high is 40 with a light evening mix. let's get a check of your 7 day forecast where we'll have a beautiful weekend as highs stretch into the 40s and 50s for friday and saturday. lukas scott: and the storm lake skycam hd. we had a light mix of rain and snow occur overnight with deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromised in northern and western siouxland. temperatures are in the 30s across most of the area. the stormcast hd highlights a quiet tuesday with gradually diminishing cloud cover. tomorrow, a little disturbance is going to slide through with a rain snow mix during the evening hours following a mostly and clouds. tonight's low is 23 under mostly clear skies. tomorrow's high is 40 with a light evening mix. let's get a check of your 7 day forecast where we'll have a beautiful weekend as highs stretch into the 40s and 50s for friday and saturday. lukas scott: lukas: the iowa caucus was responsible for an uptick in voter registration over weeks. secretary of state's office, thousand new registrations between the caucuses and today. totals to over two point one million iowans registered to vote. over 46 thousand party also alligned with either the democratic or republican party in the same time. lukas: donald trump is seeking his third straight campaign win at today's caucuses. reining contenders on edge ... reporter latest. "(nat sound) riding high into nevada... donald best hand.. in the nomination.. for starters... his two main rivals.. marco rubio and ted cruz are busy other.. ( sen. marco rubio/(r) presidential candidate) "it's every single day something comes campaign that's deceptive and untrue." rubio began the day demanding that cruz fire somebody over a the texas senator's campaign... that falsely accused the of dismissing the bible. the video misquotes rubio as saying about the bible ... "got a good book there. not many answers in it." but actually rubio says "all of the answers are in it." a blatant fabrication top cruz spokesman.. rick tyler.. who circulated the video ... apologized to rubio on facebook.. for, quote, "posting an inaccurate story about him." but rubio snapped that's not good enough. (sen. marco rubio/(r) presidential candidate) "at some point there has to be some level of accountability, otherwise yore running an message to the people that work for you, go out and do anything you want, and if you get caught we'll just apologize but we'll keep doing it." hours later, cruz stunned the campaign world, announcing he's asked tyler to step down. ( sen. ted cruz/(r) candidate) asked for rick had made clear in this campaign that we will conduct this campaign with the very highest standards of integrity." the bogus attack on rubio is the latest incident raising questions about how cruz has conducted his campaign. trump seized on the flap tweeting "more dirty tricks". trump is also getting help in the form of an unforced error... from john kasich.. whose awkward remark backing his first state senate campaign in the late 1970s.. annoyed one supporter. ( gov. john kasich/(r) presidential candidate) "we just got an army of people who, um, and many women, who left their kitchens to go out and go door-to-door and to put yard signs up for me." (voter)? "first off, i want to say -- your comment earlier about the women came out of the kitchen to support you? i'll come to support you, but i won't be coming out of the kitchen." (gov. john kasich/(r) presidential candidate) ? "i gotcha. i gotcha." kasich later explained it was just an off-the-cuff remark. (gov. john kasich/(r) presidential candidate) "i'm real and maybe sometimes i might say something that isn't as artfully said as it should be." trump... who holds a commanding lead in the delegate count... and is poised in the polls to rack up another big victory in nevada... is boasting his support comes in all shapes and sizes. ( donald trump/(r) presidential candidate) "we won with with highly educated, pretty well educated, and poorly educated.. but we won with everything. tall people, short people, fat people, skinny people. just won." but rubio.. who spent part of his childhood in marco rubio got another endorsement ahead of the nevada caucuses senator marco rubio just picked up the support of former senator bob dole ... along with former minnesota governor tim pawlenty ... and arkansas governor asa hutchinson. rubio also received endorsements from three senators and a number of house republicans. he also snagged the support of popular south carolina governor nikki haley. much of the growing wave of support came after jeb bush dropped out of the race on saturday. bush finished a disappointing fourth place in saturday's g-o-p primary in south carolina. lukas: marco rubio is also getting a boost from one of his former rivals. new jersey governor chris christie... who dropped out of the g-o-p race earlier this raising list to rubio's campaign. the most recent rubio fund-raising email shows that it was sent by christie's presidential campaign. the rubio campaign i looking at supporters from withdrawn rivals to help boost his chances. despite the deal, christie has yet to endorse anyone for president. the new jersey governor is said to be angry over negative ads rubio ran against him back in january. lukas: there is still plenty of talk about who will replace justice scalia on the bench. u-s senator from iowa and head of the senate judiciary comittee, chuck grassley, has said the president should allow the next commander in chief to make the decision.. republican congressman david young ... from iowa's 3rd district weighed in as well "the president will follow the constitution as he should and the senate i imagine will advise and consent and in the senate, the house is not involved, the senate will approve or disapporve or not bring the issue up at all. i'm watching like everybody else. would you say you disagree then with this? i'm gonna leave that up to the senate, senator grassley's going to do the right thing in the end, he always does. " president obama has said he will make his appointment when congress returns from recess. lukas: coming up in siouxland teams were 32 minutes away from trips to state last night. we'll have highlights from all over the area when we come back. scott: stay tuned for today's forecast... lukas: the iowa girls state basketball less than a week away and the field is starting to take shape. here's chris now with all the action from last night. chris palmquist--"good morning every body. last night was regional final night across iowa in girls basketball and we'll kick things off with a 2a final, a rematch of the 2013 state championship game western christian. coach bill harmsen, in search of his fifth trip to des moines in five years on the bench. in the first...anna dreessen...dials it up from distance, three of her game-high 26...the eagles jump out to a 10-5 lead. but back come the pack...janae wynja off the nice feed, the basket and the bonus...wc goes up a pair. l-b, fighting tough all night long...lexi binder on the inbounds to andee martin...the eagles retake the lead. then brooke of the key seniors, gives it a little kiss off the glass...eagles would lead it after three. but western chrstian flexed their muscle late...ashtyn veerbeek...the old fashioned three point play. western comes back to win it 76-64. the defending champs from unity christian, looking for a third straight trip to des moines, taking on treynor. under seven to down 13....madelyn deitchler with the steal and the finish...treynor down 41-30.. and they keep chipping away....randi robinson off the inbounds go on an 8-0 run to cut the knight lead to five... but anna kiel is a run- stopper.....pretty move on the low block and unity christian goes back up seven... under two to play slips past her defender for the deuce...knights on top 45-39.... and they were able to hold on.....unity christian wins it 51-44 mmc and kingsley pierson in a 1a regional final last night. we pick it up in the fourth quarter...alli bailey finds rachel on the baseline jumper...panthers go up 42-32. but the eagles, not giving in...brooklyn treinen comes up with the sal and sarah dreckman lays it in to get within single digits. kingsley-pierson, not phased...bailey misses, but marina keck is there on the back door for the lay in and one to stretch the lead. then this all but sealed it...bailey...from downtown...and one...she completes the four point play to make it a fifteen point lead. kp is heading to state. newell-fonda, looking for yet another trip to state last night as well taking on audubon. mid-second quarter....dana burban attacks the rack for the wheelers and gets it to fall...audubon down 25-19. then its maddi morenz for the 'stangs....newell- champs well on their way to a return trip....kate christiansen with the offensive board and putback....they win it 64-57. for full highlights and scores from last night, head to our website, siouxland matters dot com. but for now, back over to you. lukas: scott: it's time now to check on your forecast... scott:good morning siouxland. we had a light mix of rain and snow occur overnight with deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromised in northern and western siouxland. temperatures are in the 30s across most of the area. onto the dayplanner, you can see that we'll make it to a high in the middle 40s with diminishing cloud cover. lukas: thanks scott... deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromised in northern and western siouxland. temperatures are in the 30s across most of the area. onto the dayplanner, you can see that we'll make it to a high in the middle 40s with deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromised in northern and western siouxland. temperatures are in the 30s across most of the area. onto the dayplanner, you can see that we'll make it safety warnings that could impact millions of consumers. reena ninan and kendis gibson have the details. good morning. topping "america's money" -- sthars o of lumber liquid daters today after new warnings. >> the cdc says the cancer risk from certain types of lam gnat flooring is three times greater than original estimates. the company believes the cdc is overstating potential health risks. there may be more recalls of the takata air bags. in they can explode and send shrapnel inside the car. can youelieve it? there is a downside to being a millionaire. you could be dited. >> a significant increase in audits from the year before. it's ten time more than the average for a returns. >> i'm willing to take my chances. >> yes, we are. and that's "america's moy." >> have a great day. at hillshire farm, spice is the spice of life. so you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. hillshire farm. because it's worth doing right. at hillshire farm, there's a reason our slow roasted turkey taste so fresh seconds after carving, we e no only seal every slice, we double seal it. the results are something to savor. carpet for the and be sure to tune in sunday starting at 5:30 for oscar coverage from right here on abc9. we'll have special guest bruce miller of the sioux city journal in studio with us to go over all of the winners, losers and fashion of hollywood's big night. lukas: and as we are counting down to the oscars ... the stars are getting 'red carpet ready for the big night... abc's abbie boudreau went one on one with a hollywood trainer for tips on how the a- listers get in shape to look their very best. take a look. "stars sizzling on the red carpet? and what's the secret behind their perfectly toned designer bodies? nats: jj working out hollywood trainer...jeanette jenkins knows! jj: the hollywood trainer some of the hottest bods in hollywood... i train pink, i train alicia keyes, and kelly rowland. pushing her a-list clientele to tone up fast! we do cardio, sculpting and then wealance it with yoga and pilates. in the 3 - 6 weeks leading up to the red carpet?her celeb clients - working most of the time the women are in gowns and their arms are open so i make sure i really hit those arms and the upper body. like this exercise targeting the arms and upper back? jeanette says the row and fly -- is a celeb favorite -- and it works! does pink do this? jj: she sure does. she does whatever i tell her too! another secret? nutrition!!! lowering the sugar content. so it's like no more processed foods. no sugars. but her best advice -- beyond hitting the gym?? confidence? jj: my number one thing is never no can't work out with me and be like "i hate my legs", oh my god i hate my abs- you have to love yourself. for gma, ab, abc news, la. lukas: and just days before the shining a harsh light on the lack of diversity in hollywood. researchers studied 414-films and series'. the report found that out of more than 11-thousand speaking roles studied... 66-point-5 percent were male... 33-point-5 percent were female... 71-point-7 percent were white... 12-point-2 percent were black and only two-percent were gay... lesbian... or bisexual characters. when the group looked behind the cameras... it says it found that women and minorities were also under- represented as directors... writers... and show creators in the industry. lukas: it's been nearly 40 years since "rocky" won an oscar for "best picture." but sylvester stallone... who also wrote that script... has never taken home an academy award. that could all change sunday... with his nomination for "creed." and much of hollywood is pulling for him. abc's brandi hitt continues our "nats -- (film clip: "rocky") rocky balboa -- an iconic movie hero with strength... and heart... nats -- (film clip: "rocky") created by a man known as one of the most humble in hollywood. (from 1977 oscars ceremony) back in 1977... sylvester stallone did not win the oscar for "best actor"... or -- for writing "rocky"... (from 1977 oscars ceremony) but after shadowboxing with muhammad ali on stage... he was st appreciative. (from 1977 oscars ceremony) and now -- nearly 40 years later... sylvester stallone, best supporting actor nominee stallone is back as "rocky"... nominated for a "best supporting actor" oscar... in the sequel "creed." (film clip: "creed") with his daughters by his side... the hollywood heavyweight won his first golden globe last month... and reflected on being absent during news d entertainment editor when "rocky" won best picture... the seen pulling stallone on stage. (from 1977 oscars ceremony) sunday... he may climb this time for his own ((on camera tag)) star on the hollywood walk of fame has been here for more than 30- years... the "rocky" franchise -- a huge success -- grossing more than a billion dollars - worldwide. brandi hitt -- abc news -- hollywood. lukas scott: lukas and scott are chatting about sly stallone. lukas and scott are chatting about sly stallone. lukas and scott are chatting about sly stallone. lukas and scott are chatting about sly scott: a quiet tuesday with lukas and scott are chatting about sly stallone. lukas and scott are chatting about sly stallone. lukas and scott are chatting about sly stallone. scott: a quiet tuesday with lukas and scott are chatting about sly stallone. lukas and scott are chatting about sly stallone. lukas and scott are chatting about sly stallone. little disturbance is going to slide through with a rain snow mix during the evening hours following a mostly sunny day. today's high is 44 with sun and clouds. tonight's low is 23 under mostly clear skies. tomorrow's high is 40 with a light evening mix. let's get a check of your 7 day forecast where we'll have a beautiful weekend as highs stretch for friday and saturday. little disturbance is going to slide through with a rain snow mix during the evening hours following a mostly sunny day. today's high is 44 with sun and clouds. tonight's low is 23 under mostly clear skies. tomorrow's high is 40 with a light evening mix. let's get a check of your 7 day forecast where we'll have a beautiful weekend as highs stretch into the 40s and 50s for friday and saturday. little disturbance is going to slide through with a rain snow mix during the evening hours following a mostly sunny day. today's high is 44 with sun and clouds. tonight's low is 23 under mostly clear skies. tomorrow's high is 40 with a light evening mix. let's get we'll have a beautiful weekend as highs stretch into the 40s and 50s for friday and saturday. lukas scott: adlib lukas: " " coming up in our six o'clock hour... we'll have all the latest ahead of this weekend's south carolina primary. hear what both democratic candidates had to light mix of rain and snow occur overnight with deteriorating clouds from west to east. visibility is compromised in northern and

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