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The update. Jenna fred is back inside. And has an update on what we should expect. Tim fred fred up to 1of slushy, sloppy accumulation will be possible tonight. After midnight, the precipitation will end, but the wind will not. Here is a look at the storm reports for today. Jenna todays storms caused problems afternoon afafr lightning struck a me. Authorities say thatightning hit the chimney of this home on the 4900 block of morningside avenue around 1 30 this afternoon. Two people were home at the time the incident happened however, they were able to get out of the home ok. The home did suffer minor smoke damage to the chimney and attic area of the home. Tim over 11 thousand people in the sioux city metro were without power briefly today after some problems with a local sub station. Officials with mid American Energy say that the outage only lasted about 4 minutes right around 11 this morninin the company y ys that the outage occured at a sub station where crews were already working, they were able to quickly restore service. Jenna authorities have released the name of a north dakota man found dead at a pomeroy, iowa residence early tuesday morning. The iowa dci has identified the man as 41yearold dale potter of devils lake north dakota. Authorities say gunshot wound. Authorities are still awaititi the results of an autopsy and the investigation into the mans death is ongoing. Jenna two strangers. Have coue together to help a sioux city family who lost their 3 yearold son in a fire last month. Abc 9s Deborah Souverain joins us now with more. Deborah jenna. The Torres Family lost everything, when flames engulfed their home during halloween weekend. Now two woman are hoping a silent auction will help the faly as they ststt over. 3 yearold nico torres was kikied. In the house fire. On october 30th. To raise funds for his family. Misty rains. Nd tina lopez. Who met on facebook. Are noplanning a sile auction. So far, they have received closeo 4thousand dollars. In donated items for the event. The pair says. Theyre also hoping to collect households items for the family. The family did lose everything in the fire, so were having a collection point. Theyre mainly in need of Household Items from big to small. So if you think about in your house you lose everything,g, were talking spoons, plastic ggies, everything. All that has to be purchased, said misty rains. The silent auction. Will be held on november auction. Will be he on november 14th. Thats this saturday. At saint. Michaels church in sioux city. The auction takes place from noon until 6 pm. Donations will be accepted at the church between 9 am and 2 pm. Cash donations can also be made to the nico torres memorial fund. At siouxland federal credit u uon. Tonight at ten. Ill have more ononaturdays fundraiser. Reporting live in studio Deborah Souverain abc 9 news. Jenna its veterans day. A day of rememberence across the nation. And siouxland folks are joining in, honoring those who fought for our freedom. Tim world war ii, vietnam and veverans were all esent for the appreciation bria yes tim and jenna, there were several events for our countrys former service men and women in siouxland today and the support from civilians was undeniable as cooler weather didnt stop people from attending celebrations. In 1952, i received my orders to go to korea, said jerry muilenburg. This years veterans day of observance at siouxland freedom park honored one man whwhfought in a war that is known to be forgotttt. The korean war. Jerry muilenburg was the special guest speaker as he reflected on his experience and what he remembered with the audience. It was never approved by congress. The president never called it anything but a Police Action and the other people called it a korean conflict and as soon as it was over the people responsible in washington forgot about it, said muilenburg. The chilly weather didnt stop people from attending and something special. I think its neat, it surprises me how many people. , said muilenburg. Although veterans day is typically spent thanking former service members. Many veterans at a cross town celebration at the sioux city courthouse say theyre the ones who are thankful for the support thats been received. Its very satisfying to see the recognition that we are getting now. When we came back, people literally turned their backs on us, said cpl. Donald rosenow. To be recognized and to get a free meme, you know. Its a niceceeal and we appreciate it very much, said david binder. Thank yous and video presentation would make u u majority of each event, but the most important theme from all event in siouxland is to not take the countrys service men for granted as one day on the calenda does not do them justice and to not forget the ones who never make it back safely. Were doing the dirty work and really in country and getting shot at, so thats the real reason why were here today is to honor some of those guys who didnt come home, said binder. Bria and showed an overemingly amount of support for the men and women who serve for our country. Live in studio, bria bell abc 9 news. Tim president barack obama delivered an address at the National Veterans day observance ceremony in virginia. Services honoring g all who have served in the United States armed forces took place at Arlington National cemetery. The president encouraged americans to salute the service of the nations military allyear round. If tomorrow after the parades and the ceremonies we roll up the banners and sweep the veterans halls and go back to our daily lives forgetting the bond between the service of our veterans and our obligations as citizens then we will be doing a profound disservice to our veterans and to o e very cause for whwhh they served. Earlier the president laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknowns at Arlington National cemetery. And still to come tonight, well have some tips on Healthy Eating during pregnancy fred radar shows rain east and snow st. The latest on what to expect is after the break. The previous record for this date, 0. 91 from 1982. Winds are gusting to 3040 mph and will get stronger this evening. Thats when a high wind warng goes into effect. Tomorrow, a wind advisory will be in effect, so we wont really get relief from the wind until frfray. Heres a time lapse of the pt neal wding company skam hd from the ho chunk centre. 47 was the high today and 34 the low so far. Hes the kings pointe skycam hd in storm lake. In sioux city, we have 34 degrees with snow. Wind is northwest at 31 miles per hour. Local temperatures are in the 30s and 40s. Wind chills are in the 20s and 30s. Visibility is less than 2 miles in some places, such as sioux city, due to rain and snow. Regional temperatures show cooler conditions to our west, and these cooler mperatures will move into siouxland as the low moves east. We can see that happening on the satellite and radar. The stormcast hd shows a rain snow mix this evening, but as the low moves northeast, we will dry out overnight. We wont lose the wind, through. It will remain strong overnight and tomorrow. Friday will be less windy but cool, and finally, nice weather will return on saturday. Your forecast for tonight is for a low of 33 and a mix of rain and up to 1 of wet, sloppy snow. Winds will gust to 50 mph. Tomorrow, the high will be 49 with winds guststg to 40 mph. The 7day forecast shows awarmup for the weekend. Monday, expect scattered showers. Jenna tim fred tim thanks, fred. fred thanks, fred. fred you bet. Tim still to come. You may be eating for two, but you can still eat healthy weve got some tips on eating healthy while youre expecting. E. Coloring is catching on for the calming affects it can have for adults. Allie kirby of sioux city has been using coloring to relala for a past cououe months. She says its the intricatatpatterns that f fce her mind to give up the worries of the day and just focus on putting colored pencil to paper. Jenna says, how did you get started coloring, as an adult, that is. Allie kirby, sioux city, says, actually one of my friends told me about adult coloring books, because its something she used as a stress reliever. If you think this sounds a bit silly. Well, coloring has been used in therapy for quite sometime. Coming up at 10, i talk to amy hecht, a local therapist, about the benefits, and if it might t a good optiononor you to relax. Tim what do you when youre expecting, and the cravings kick in . Do you ge in or eat healthy . As holly firfer explains in todays health minute, you can do both when youre eating for two, nutrition takes on a much bigger role in your diet. Nutritionist greer craig says, you want to eat what will give you the most nutritious bang for your calorie buck. greer craig, nutritionist and personal trainer you have to refocus your thoughts on where can i get the most protein, and healthy fats. And quinoa is a great swap for pasta, and it alslshas riboflavin it, which is reallyly great to help curb migraines,headaches that is acommon pregnancy symptom. Craig adds, you should focus your energy on vegetables. greer craig, nutritionist and personal trainer any vegetable is going to be a super fo power house youre not going to go wrong. butt to if we roast them, that gives them a little more flavor, like maybe a kale chip would taste a little bit like a potato chip you just put a little bit of sea salt and olive oil on it. What if you still have that sweet tooth . greer craig, nutritionist and personal trainer you want to think outside the box and still eat that fruit, that more nutritiously dense option, so, maybe frfrzing a banana , and then having your own version of banana ice cream. What about diet so for regular soda . Not a good idea. greer craig, nutritionist and personal trainer absolutely no trition, its going to wreck havoc for your metabolism, even though theres no calories, its total havoc in your system. butt to so, i say to make yourself a fun little cocktail out of fruit water. Cheers to that for todays health minute, im holly firfer coming up in sports. Three siouxland teams took the court today at the state siouxland teams took the court today at the state volleyball tournament. Well have all t t action from cedar tournament with a win. That was just the appetizer for todays main course though as ree more teams, unity christian, western christian, and Sergeant Bluff luton took the court. Abc9 Sports Reporter alex walker anchors our coverage from cedar rapids. Alex walkerchris, western christian and unity christian call northwest iowa their home, but may i suggest renting a seasonal apartment here in cedar rapids. It may just cut down on the cost. These teams are back at state for a combined 50th time, but its adifferent story y for Sergeant Bluff luton. Ththwarriors are back at state for just their third time, and its the first trip since 1985. The warriors opening tournament play against second ranked kuemper catholic. Send set, knights won the first, Kylee Christensen lays down the hammer. Warriors lead it 139 in set two. Later in the set Brittni Olson comes up huge with a kill, warriors take it 2523 to even the match at one. Kuemper won the third but in the fourth, olson with the perfect placement, set tied at 23 a piece. She had 12 kills. But on match point amy adams finishes it off 31 the final. Sbl ends its season with a 284 record. Brittni olsoni think its a g gat thing. Its baby steps and next year hopefully ththll be here again represesting Sergeant Bluff again. Renee winkelthis group ofirls is really special. They put in so much hard work. Its been a great first season and its been a great ride. Alex walkerin class 2a, top ranked western christian starting its quest for a state title, against st. Albert. Second set wolfpack up 10. Erica feenstra elevates and executes, bubuwc still down 83. Later in the setet kaira moss with a nster swing. Nobodys stopping that. A match high 15 kills for her. Third set now, wolfpack looking for a sweep, feenstra making some big plays for that wc attack, 159 western christian. And on match point its Emily Van Ginkel sending the wolfpack to the 2a semis with a 30 win western keeps on rolling. Kaira mossi love the intensity, its so much fun as our team. Were a family and we came here to do well and we didi good today. Tammi veerbeekyou could tell the experience of being at the state tournament started to pay off in game o and we just kept plugging away and we were able to get the win. Alex walkerthe wolfpack cld be on a collision course with unity christian in fridays title match. The knights opening the tournament against sumner fredericksburg. In the second set, unity down 10. Were used to anna kiels power, but how bout the touch . The tap puts the knights up 1410. Later in the set its kiel again this time on the block. Unity takes set 2 2725. Patty coming up later tonight, gehlen and central lyon square off in a 1a quarterfinal. Well have that action for you at ten. And tomorrow the nebraska state volleyball tournament gets underway. Crofton and stanton faceoff at 330 in class c2 and on the otherside of the bracket, top seed gacc takes on arardia loup city at 5 30 in d1, emerson hubbaris back at state for the second straight year. The pirates face facebook fan todays picture comes from. Earlier today when i got to meet up with the High School Choir from my alma mater. Youll be able to hear them sing in a Christmas Special were putting together for the holidays. If youre like to submit a facebook fan photo, just post it on our abc9 facebook page. Jenna tim chris fred fred radar shows snow pushing through the music announcer our veterans voices. On this special day, veterans day, two veterans share their stories on how they fought for freedom and for peace on strange and foreign shores. Maurice there they were, right out in front of you, shootin at you. Robert of the five, im the only one left. All the rest of em are deceased now. Annououer these are our

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