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Stalker to get the room next door to spy on her . Good evening. And its great to have you with us here on a tuesday night. And we begin with the massive and deadly storm system slamming the south, and about to move right up the east coast. Several tornadoes striking already. And a state of emergency declared in multiple states, mississippi, alabama. And from louisiana tonight, these images coming in. A triple water spout there, forming in lake pontchartrain. One of those reported tornadoes in prairieville, louisiana, tearing up this shopping district. That storm on the move, heading up the coast. Heavy rain, wind and right behind it, sleet and snow. Several major cities in the path. A dangerous night ahead. And a travel nightmare tomorrow. We are on it all tonight, and abcs linzie janis leads us off from louisiana tonight. Linzie . Reporter david, were here in prairieville, where a reported tornado rippled apart this golds gym. It took off the roof, then knocked out this entire side you can see, the metal beam still hanging. This damage from one of multiple reported tornaes across the oh look, its going down reporter funnel clouds trying to touch down near new new orleans. A Tornado Warning in this area. Take shelter now. Extreme threat. Reporter Severe Weather spawning this massive water watch as two more form on the sides. The threat growing throughout the day. Now, a particularly dangerous situation. Officials in four states telling residents to be on extreme alert, for large, longtracking tornadoes. Major damage to downtown businesses in prairieville. Incredibly, dozens of people inside this golds gym, unharmed, as a reported tornado rips through. I started screaming, everybody get down, take cover. Reporter the entire side of the building sheered off. Of the night near san antovio, with golf ballized hail. This car getting pummeled. Heavy rain bringing accidents. One Person Injured when this tractor trailer overturned and three cars slammed into it. In houston, this school bus caked with mud. No kids on board. David, these storms are on the move, headed east, and nighttime is the most dangerous time for tornadoes, so, authorities are asking everyone in the region to be on alert. David . Linzie, thank you. Of course, because people then go to bed and you say this is not going to weaken throughout the night. Reporter no, the winds top to bottom are such that things may strengthen. Thats going to be extremely dangerous. Tornadoes warnings just east of hattiesburg. Tornado watches posted until 10 00 p. M. Large tornadoes possible. This extends into points to the east, as we go through the overnight. Look at the low as it tracks up to the north and east. This from st. Louis to chicago to detroit. So, winter component, as well. A mess right through wednesday and thursday. Rob, thank you. In the meantime, tonight, we move onto another developing headline. Ne surveillance images tonight of the alleged uber gunman, in the hours before the rampage. This apparently is the suspect at a gun shop, earlier in the day. The owner says he bought a tactical vest and appeared upbeat. Just hours later, police say he targeted victims at random. Three different sites, within 12 miles. Actually picking up passengers in between the shootings. Abcs alex perez with the surveillance. Reporter tonight, those new images believed to show uber driver jason dalton inside a gun shop. The store owner says nothing seemed out of the ordinary, and dalton bought a tactical jacket like this one. The person that was in here was friendly, talked to us, was smiling, joking around. Reporter less than three hours later, the first shooting. Investigators say dalton picked up uber fares in between the ive described this as intentional, as deliberate, as cold. Reporter uber confirms the 45yearold father of two had passed a background check and had good ratings from customers. Tonight, new details about this car dealership where Richard Smith and his 17yearold son tyler we gunned down. Authorities revealing tylers girlfriend survived by hiding in the backseat of the family car and called 911. And 14yearold abigail kopf, among the victims shot at this craig cracker baseball erer barrel restaurant parking lot. Four others, including her grandma barb, killed. Doctors say thteenagers heart at one point stopped. Her family describing that moment they learned shes alive and still fighting. Actually, she squeezed my hand. It was a miracle on its own. You dont expect it, and all of a sudden, its there. My daughter is not dead. She is alive and she is fighting for her life. Eporter and david, the uber driver has been appointed a public defender. Meanwhile investigators tonight say they are hunting for more answers and a motive. Alex perez tonight, thank you. Next here, t t the race for the white house tonight, and the republican showdown in nevada. Dont, voters will have their say. Frontrunner donald trump trying to seal the deal, doubling down in his attacks on senator ted cruz today. But one of his closest challenge challenger challengers, senator marrowco rubio, wracking up. One republic candidate saying today, i dont know if my purpose is to be president. Abcs tom llamas, in las vegas. Reporter donald trump tonight sayinin nevada is no onenight stand, promising a longterm relationship, if caucusgoers pick kim over his opponents. Youll never see them again, believe me, so thatit. But trump im going to be with you here all night. All nit. Reporter trump hoping a win here will choke any hope from rivals like senator ted cruz. This guy ted crcr is the biggessingle liar ive ever dealt with imy life. Frontrunner, relishing his fight with cruz. He is like a little baby. Soft, weak, little baby by comparison. But for lying, hes the best ive ever seen. Hes the best. Reporter but today, cruz fighting back. Wow. It sounds like donald is really geing worried and gettg scared. You know, you alway have a barometer to how concerned donald is, by howuch hes insulting and just how rattled he is. Reporter but as he battles cruz, trump refusing to lay a finger on senator marco rubio, who continues to win endorsements from establishment leaders. Marco rubio is a nice young man. He has not hit me. Im treating him nicely. When he hits me, oh, is he going to be hit. At some point he may get nasty. In whichase, you know, fine. I hope he does bececse its more fun, right . Reporter rubio has momentum, but he has yet to win a single ate. If you dont win t tight in nevada, what proof do you have, what evidence, what can you show to your supporters that youll win any state at all . You have a hardcore majority of republicans that do not want donald trump as the nominee, and as lg as they are being divided up three or foureople, but thats not going to continue. Eporter do they neeto drop out then . I think voters are going to take care of that, you already sathat. Reporter and tonight, one of rubios rivals, governor john kasic sounding like a manan whose time is ruing out. I dont know if my purpose is to be president. My purpose is to be out here doing what i think i need to be doing, and well see where it ends up. Reporter kasichs upbeat style, a stark contrast to ump, who recently lit into a protester r terrupted his speech. Hes walking outike big high fives, smiling, laughing, like to punch him in the face, ill tell you. And tom llamas with us live tonight. A big night ahead in nevada, but some candidates have already left, headed to super tuesday states . Reporter thats right, david. Senar marco rubio and Governor John Kasich both in oth states campaigning, focused on next week and super tuesday. David . All right,t,he results overnight and first thing in the you. Now, to Major Developments on the democratic side. Just four days until the south Hillary Clinton drawn back into her emailcontroversy. The new question, will top aides now have to testify . The clinton teams response, coming in right now. And the question for senator burr knee sanders tonight, is there still a path . Hillary clinton with nearly 30point lead in South Carolina, and Abcs Cecilia Vega is there. Reporter tonight, as Hillary Clinton hopes for a big win in South Carolina, a federal judge delivering a stark reminder to voters abo that controversy still hanging over her campaign. The judge ruling clintons top aides and state Department Officials should testify under oath about their role in setting up the private email server she used as secretary of state. Bernie sanders on the trail today, too, trying for the win he needs to keep his campaign afloat. But when the crowd began to boo at the mention of clintons name my opponent, secretary clinton and i have a strong disagreement no. No, no, no. No. I respect secretary clinton, we can have differences. Reporter sanders now setting his sights beyond South Carolina, to super tuesday, hoping for wins in colorado, minnesota, massachusetts and his home state, vermont. Clinton trying to cash in on hr support among minority voter across the south. Counting on victories in arkansas, texas, georgia and alabama. All right, well see. And cecilia live tonight. The clinton Team Responding to word that clinton aides may now have to testify. Reporter david, Clintons Campaign manager said right wing atcks are behind this court case. For her part, she is here in this chuh tonight, making her lastminute pitch to South Carolina voters. David . Cecilia, thank you. Next, to a major new voice in the battle between apple and the fbi tonight. Of course, at issue, whether apple should help the fbi unlock the iphone used by one of the San Bernardino attackers. Tonight, that tech giant, microsoft founder bill gates now about finding a back door into that phone. He says its an isolated case. Again tonight, abcs pierre thomas. Reporter tonight, apple supporters rallied outside the fbi and at apple Stores Across the country. Hands off our phones reporter microsoft founder bill gates was weighing in on apples fight against the court order to open a San Bernardino killers iphone. Nobodys talking about a back door, so, thats not the right question. This is a specific case, where the governments asking for access to information. Theyre not asking for some general thing. Theyre asking for a particular case. Reporter in his interview with the official financial times, gates did not give an opinion on what apple should do, but said this is a debate that needs to be had ad resolved. The courts will tell them whether to provide the access or not. Its no different than, you know should anybody have ever been able to tell the phone companies to get information. Reporter he seems to be at tech industry, who have rushed to back apple. A new poll finding 51 of americans believe apple should unlock the phone, and 38 who say the company should not. Reporter but david, apple has its supporters. A rally here is just wrapping up, and they were quite vocal. David . Pierre thomas tonight, thank you. And to the white house night. President obama today vowing to close the Guantanamo Bay prison, once and for all, revealing his new plan. But tonight here, we ask, where would those prisoners go . Some of them to unspecified locations here in the u. S. Heres abcs chief White House Correspondent jonathan karl. Reporter it holds some of the worlds most notorious terrorists, including 9 11 mastermind khaleedid sheikh mohammed, and abu zubaydah, once al qaedas chief of operations. In releasing his plan to close guantanamo keeping this facility open is contrary to our values. It undermines our standing in the world. Reporter the president is trying to keep one of his first candidate. We will close guantanamo. Reporter the white house plan is short on specifics. Of the 91 detainees, about 30 would be transferred to other countries. The rest, brought to unspecified locations in the u. S. The yays are 91. Reporter congress has already voted to forbid bringing detainees to the u. S. But the white house today didnt rule out the president acting on his own. Its a really simple question if those barriers remain in place, can you still close that facility, yes or no . We are now asking for congress to give it fair consideration. Im not going to speculate at this point if congress refuses to do that. Reporter and david, if the president tries to defy congress and close guantanamo on his own, Congressional Republicans say they are prepared to fight him in court. In fact, they have already hired lawyers to make the case. Jon karl live at the white house. Jon, thank you. And jon, as you know, another Major Development today in a different battle playing out in washington. The fight over replacing Justice Antonin Scalia at the supreme tonight, Senate Republicans ruling out taking action on anyone president obama might nominate. Mitch mcconnell says president s have a right to nominate, just as the senate has its constitutional right to provide or withhold consent. In this case, the senate will withhold it. Mcconnell said he is not inclined to hold a meeting with the president s nominee. Jon karl reporting that the president still plans to pick a nominee in the next two to three weeks. To a troubling new headline tonight involving the zika virus. The cdc is now investigating 14 cases that they say may have been sprea through sexual contact involving member who had visited areas with zika outbreaks, infecting their female partners. Two of those women are pregnant. Investigators are still working to confirm the links between the vivis and birth defects in babies. There is still much more ahead on world nene tonight this tuesday. The famous sports reportete and a favoriri on dancing with the stars, nowowaking on a hotel privacy. Erin andrews in court today, her lawyer making her case. Did the hotel make it easier for a stalker to get a room right next door to her to spy on her . The small plane crash, right into a parkiki lot. The close call for everyone, right there on the ound. Incredible. And, were leaing new details atthis hour, afterer a ssive home explosion. The home leveled. The couple inside, debris found in trees 30 feet above the ground. And investigators tonight with the possible cause. Well be right back. Symptoms worsen because your heart isnt pumping well. water filling room about 50 percent of people die dog whimpering within 5 years of getting diagnosed. But theres something you can do. Talk to your doctor about Heart Failure treatment options. Because the more you know, the more likely you are. dog whimpering to keep it pumping. Jay knows how to keep his wheels spinning. Nice shorts, dad. This is what the pros wear. Look at the lines. Uhhh. Look at the other line. Mmmhh. Thats why he starts his day with those two scoops in deliciously heart healthy kelloggs raisin bran. Ready to eat my dust . Too bad i already filled up on raisins. By taking steps towards a healthy heart, jay knows hell be ready for the turns ahead. Hey, dont forget to put up your kickstand. bike bell sighs kelloggs raisin bran. And try tart and sweet kelloggs raisin bran with cranberries. Your body was made for Better Things than rheumatoid arthritis. 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Next tonight, the Sports Reporter who became a dancing with the stars favorite, in a reallife courtroom drama tonight. Erin andrews 75 million does lawsuit for invasion of privacy, suing the hotel for booking her alleged stalker into the room next door. Allegedly allowing him to spy on her through a peephole and heres abcs ryan smith. Reporter tonight, erin andrews, who made name for herselffeporting from the sidelines, a a now a host on abcs dancing with the stars, finding herself taking on a stalker, in a 75 million courtroom m ttle, claiming the hotel made it e ey for the ststker to videotape her in the nudede this isso humiliatiti to her, and it continues. Reporter here lawyers telling a nashvillele jury Michael David barrett called the marriott with a strange rereest. I, michael barrett, want a room next to erin andrews. Thats my request. Reporter and the hotel did nothing to prevent him from finding her room number and booked him in a room next door, where, according to the lawsuit, he removed an alters the peephole of her room. He stands there for 4 1 2 minutes and videos her. Reporter barrett later posting the video online in 2010, he pled guilty to stalking and was sentenced to 30 months in prison. But according to andrews, the incident caused her severe and permanent emotional distress. Today in court, the hotels lawyers arguing barbarretts criminal behavior was his he deceived, he connived, he stalked. Reporter according to the hotels lawyers, barrett is expected to testify in this trial, and its expected to last two weeks. David . Ryan smith, thank you. When we come back, can you guess the healthiest, happiest places to live in america . And new details coming in at the scene of a deadly house explosion. Take a look, nothing left. Debris 30 feet up in the trees. And, tonight, the possible cause. And look at this. The close call for driverer the small plane crashing into a parking lot. Unbelievably, no one was hurt. The index is next. With my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. Thinking authat to avoid, where to go. And how to deal with my uc. To me, that was normal. Until i talked to my doctor. She told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications havent worked well enough. Humira can lower your ability to serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening Heart Failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common,n, and ififouve had tb, hepatitis b,b,re prone to infececons, or have flulike symptoms or r res. Dont start humira if you have anannfection. Raisisyour expectations. Ask your gastroentererogist about humirara with humira, ntrol is possible. Jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive allergies distracting you . When your symptoms start. Doctors recommend taking. Nondrowsy claritin every day of your allergy season. Claritin prodes powerful, nondrowsy 24 hour relief. For fewer interruptions from the Amazing Things you do every day. Live claritin clear. I tried depend last weekend. It really made the difference between a morning around the house and getting a little exercise. Only depend underwear has new confidence Core Technology for fast absorption and the smooth, comfortable fit of fitflex protection. Get a coupon at depend. Com i sure had a lot on my mind when i got out of the hospital after a dvt blood clot. What about my family . My lil buddy . And what if this happened again . I was given warfarin in the hospital but i wondered if this was the right treatment for me. Then my doctor told me about eliquis. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. Not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots, but eliquis also had significantly less knowing eliquis had both. Turned around my thinking. Dont stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleedingng if you had a spinal injectionnwhile on eliquis call your dodoor right away if you have tingling, mbness, or muscle weakness. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis mamaincrease your bleeding risk if you takeecertain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis treats dvt pe blood clots. Plus had less major bleeding. Both made switching to eliquis right for me. Ask your doctor if its right for you. To the index of other news tonight, and were lrning more about a deadly house explosion in washington state. The home destroyed by a massive a couple living there, 65 and 70 years old. Two bodies were discovered hours later. The explosion breaking windows in neighboring homes and the nearby school. Debris found in the trees about 30 feet above ground. Authorities say propane, the homes only source of gas, may be to blame. And to a close call in southern california. Watch the top left of your screen there, Surveillance Video shing a small plane crashing onto a busy parking lot north of l. A. The plane hitting a moving car and five parked cars. It went down right after takeoff. The pilot was trying to return to the airport. No one was hurt in that parking lot. The faa investigating. And to the list of the healthiest and happiest cities, its out tonight. A new survey ranking naples, florida, as number one, saying residents there have the lowest levels of stress in the country. Must be nice. Rounding out the top five, salinas, california, north port, sarasota, bradenton,n, flflida, ftft collins, colorado. When we come b bk here on a esday night, you h he to see this. Hes a brand new grammy winner, who quietly returned to his day jojo no one had any idea. And he oos america strong. Hey this is lloyd. To prove to you that the better choice for him is aleve. Hes agreed to give it. Ok, but i have 30 acres to cover by sundown. Well be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. Yeah, i was ok, but after lunch my knee started hurting again so. More pills. Yep. Another pill stop. Can i get my aleve back yet . For my pain. I want my aleve. Get all day minor arthritis pain relief with an easy open cap. Type 2 diabetes doesnt care who you are. 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Farxiga can cause serious sideeffects, including dehydration, low blood sugar, kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. Common side effects include urinary tract infections, changes in urination, and runny nose. Farxiga. We are everyday people. I am everyday people. Yeah. Yeah. Ask your doctor if farxiga is right for you and visit farxiga. Com to learn how you can get it for free. Cant afford to let heartburn get t the way . Now the 1 selling brand for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection with the new leader in frequent heartburn. Thats nexium level protection. Finally tonight here, america strong. At 80 years young, he just won a grammy. And then quietly returned to his day job. Tonight, the School Bus Driver the children call mr. Joe. Heres steve osunsami. Reporter to the children he gets to school every morning in wilson county, tennessee, joe thompson is just the bus driver. Born in bethlehem reporter but tonight, families here are learning that last 14 years is now a grammy winner, too. Still rocking my soul, fairfield four. Reporter on the grammy stage, he thanked the folks back home at the bus barn. Would like to send out a shoutout to the Transportation Department in wilton county, tennessee. Reporter thompson sings bass for the fairfield four, a legendary a capela gospel group. His day job pays him 17 an hour, driving little boys and girls with special needs. The children he serves are now sharing their love, which he says feels just a nice as his grammy. Steve 0 sun sanmy, abc news, atlanta. Mr. Joe sounds great. Well see him on the bus. And we hope to see you right back here tomorrow night. Im david muir. For all of us here, have a good evening. Good night. In the 30s and 40s around siouxland. The satellite and radar shows clouds east and clear skies partly cloudy skies and 32 at 10 pm, partly cloudy and 29 at 2 am, and mostly cloudy and 26 at 6 am. Ill be back in a few minutes with a look at a big warmup on saturday. Its time for local news that matters jenna good evening and thank you for joining us tonight im Jenna Rehnstrom tim and im tim seaman. How young is too young, to fire a gun . That was one of the questions before iowa lawmakers today jenna several bills were sent to the statehouse floor today. All concerning some aspect of the second ammendment. Tim Sabrina Ahmed has in the statehouse its 2nd amendment day at the statehouse so the for 5 bills on the regarding regarding access to firearms to state of emergency, one dealing atvs, another deals with confidentiality, 5th and most contentious involves kids 14 and under able to use guns, created large and long debate on house floor logically does it make sense for a 1 year old to hold and shoot a handgun yes or no . Even people who are experienced with firearms harem themseves accidentally, so the thought that a 15 year old even under supervision should be firing a handgun is ludicrous. This is the best bill expanding 2nd amendment rights, puts rights back in hands of parents. Any criticism parents rights, thats all very well and good if every parent is Beaver Cleaver the perfect parent

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