The president's defending his decision to start withdrawing u.s. Troops from northern Syria however he's getting some bipartisan criticism over the decision Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said a precipitous withdrawal will only benefit Russia Iran and the Assad regime in Syria McConnell warned that it increases the risk that ISIS and other terrorist groups regroup House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the move foolish Trump's former u.n. Ambassador Nikki Haley labeled it a big mistake Trump defended the move saying it's time to get the u.s. Out of ridiculous endless wars Tom Roberts n.b.c. News Radio vice president Mike Pence is discussing trade while visiting Tyson Foods in Tennessee speaking in Nashville Tenn said it's time for Congress to pass the Us Mexico Canada trade agreement and they need to pass it this year then said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in Congress need to set politics aside and pass the new version of NAFTA a new research study found that exposure to nicotine from a cigarette vapor causes lung cancer according to a study done at New York University facing causes lung cancer and potentially bladder cancer in mice concluding it is likely very harmful to humans as well the study was funded by the National Institutes of Health the amount of smoke the mice were exposed to was similar to a person whose vapor for about 3 to 6 years you're listening to the latest from n.b.c. News Radio Spotify in Syria are now getting along with a new update to Apple's operating systems you can put your Spotify tunes on most of Apple's goodies including i Phones i Pads there Pods home Pods and Car Play given you hands free control over Spotify what you drive you'll need to specify that you want to play the track with Spotify r.l. Siri will default to play either from the library on your device or Apple Music Roku will produce low cost versions of its new smart sound bar and wireless subwoofer for Wal-Mart's under the retailers old brand for $129.00 test the owners will soon be able to customize the sounds of their vehicles horns and low speed safety sets c.e.o. Elon Musk says new sounds are on the way. Including clapping coconuts which is the classic way to simulate the sound of a galloping horse you'll also be able to make the cars sound like they're passing gas or bleating like a goat government regulations next year will require that electric cars broadcast an external sound at speeds under 20 miles an hour to warn pedestrians Tech Report liberals and n.b.c. News Radio 2 researchers from the us and one from Britain are sharing this year's Nobel Prize for Medicine Dr William Kalen Jr is that Harvard Dr Greg cements is that Johns Hopkins circuit or Radcliffe is that Oxford University in England the trio have identified the molecular machinery that regulates the activity of genes in response to varying levels of oxygen scientists are worried that mosquito borne illness will be on the rise because of climate change more heat waves bare down bringing with them flooding warm waters and droughts this means a changing environment that's conducive to increased populations of mosquitoes as well as bugs showing up in new places Aaron Mordecai a professor of biology at Stanford University says we're poised for a lot of surprises Mordecai and others are worried about Eastern Equine Encephalitis chronic kidney disease dengue fever and West Nile virus among others Alisa Zee n.b.c. News Radio health update Sara Lee Casler n.b.c. News Radio. Attention Southern California business professionals Why do successful business people attend the illin empires largest mixer and to create profitable business relationships if you're looking to energize and grow your company need to be at the Ontario Convention Center on Wednesday Nov 6th for the 21000 and. Get your business in front of over 1500 success minded career professionals who are looking to do business with you for more information visit www dot com That's dot com It only happens. To meet your next client it's the in the Empire's the largest to make Ontario convention center Wednesday November 6th. For exhibitor information in advance tickets go to. For the past 13 years the largest mixer has been the place business it meets business. Here's a great place for something special it's Puerto Rico's in Ontario Doubletree Hotel the perfect place for dinner with friends for business enjoy the delicious u.s. 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One of the biggest challenges of being a wild duck is finding suitable habitat Hi I'm Jodi hankie ducks meet grasslands and wetlands to nest and raise their brood as you're living the country life. Living the country life ideas and inspiration for your place in the country you can find more information on today's topic and from previous shows by visiting us online living the Country Life dot com will return to the show after these messages . Whenever you're on line live in the country life is there to like us on Facebook and exchange tips and ideas with people who share your love for their country follow us on Twitter at small farming or timely news and information you can also find us on Instagram and Pinterest see the latest inspired shot from our readers or add a garden tip to your board living in the country life has all the ideas for your home acreage business on line at live in the country like dot com and find us on social media. If you are looking for new ideas for what to do around your place in the country register for the living the country life newsletter once a week you'll receive helpful tips in your inbox on a wide variety of seasonal in timely topics along with so much more living that country life is for all those people who love to live in the country sign up for your free newsletter today by visiting living the Country Life dot com. I see wild ducks all the time around a lake near my home and I've noted several species that come back year after year unfortunately vital duck habitat is quickly disappearing in the United States conservation efforts by landowners are the key for nesting waterfowl Jennifer Cross is a communications specialist with Ducks Unlimited she says in general ducks require 2 habitats during their breeding part of their life cycle grassland and wetland and they got a chance for not standing. And then when they got cleaned hatch they don't stand on that very long hill with their feathers or try to go straight to a well and they're not where they're fine he said they from the plants there are eating all kinds of aquatic and sex and well and they have a feather growth and to develop based on their nesting habitat preferences ducks are grouped into 3 categories over water nesting species upland nesting and cavity nesting some species will nest in more than one type of habitat for example mallard ducks mostly set up housekeeping in grassland cover but are also known to use artificial nesting structures and even the occasional backyard flower pot Cross says you can start providing habitat by managing grasses having some kind of regime where they'll go in and outside of them for eating curries and then they can also do well in restoration if you have an area where what was interesting a lot of times it just involves plucking up that Jane and just letting the water come there are federal programs and conservation organizations that offer technical and financial assistance to landowners for providing dock habitat learn more about helping the ducks at living the Country Life dot com See you in the country. Living the country life ideas and inspiration for your place in the country you can find more information on today's topic Share your tips and postpone toes by this ng us online at living the Country Life dot com live and love your life on the brink as the sun comes up every morning at 6 they will lie with their own and open burger on the legacy 10 50 am k c a a radio Loma Linda where no listener is ever left behind. I discovered on quality talk show it's time to spread the word to the press and to the universe 24 hours to music and talk radio sets why people keep coming back that's u.b. And radio. Killed off that exhausting hamster wheel and into balance living we don't get Morrison. Dr Murray also known as the Asian Oprah her mission to be a beneficial presence on the planet her purpose to be your personal advocate to Live Laugh Love blur and her life motto Don't you wondering take back your life with Dr Murray. And the well. You are too didn't you my weekly talk radio show called Take my advice I'm not using it yet balance with Dr Morris every Tuesday at naturally high noon out of this and cigars studios here in Hollywood California with Universal Broadcasting Network and then every Thursday and Saturday on my syndicated c.n. b C news radio channel k c I am 1050 f.m. One o 6.5 and now all the time on i Heart Radio and this is a show about hope and happiness so there's no gossip no scandal no Ok words no card talk at all instead I want you to focus on your own reality show and how you can be happy 80 percent of the time the rest is for contrast and how you can have more hope and happiness with a guess I've had so many fabulous passed over guests that's why they call me the Asian Oprah along with some wonderful awards so if you missed any of the shows with Neale Donald Walsch or Marianne Williamson or Marianne from Gilligan's Island or Greg O'Brien or recall Barry just so many to choose from please go to any of the places stitcher tune in You Tube i Tunes and take a listen to those shows and if you like them please do subscribe for free or give me the finger or a like Dr Morris on Facebook and it is that time of the month yes it is the last week of the month my very big. Series I had met some listeners when I raced out of the lobby jug club and he says I have to admit I don't listen every week but I definitely listen to the last week to the sexual healing da pics and I have had just a wonderful a rave to talk about sexual healing if you remember a couple years ago when I started with my valentine episode with Dr Pat Allen who rakes me through the romance coals every year and then I heard the statistic that up to 80 percent of women actually fake orgasms so I knew that this was something that we had to talk about we're not comfortable talking about it but I'm determined to make pleasure a g. Rated topic so if you've missed any of those the play list is on You Tube from condom research on making sex better than with latex to ridding us of female genital mutilation to a men's panel to. An app that keeps us in safe sex 2 online dating tips there are so much and today is no exception I actually have Dr Douglas Weiss calling in from Colorado He's a nationally known author speaker and licensed psychologist he's appeared on many national talk shows including Oprah Dr Phil Good Morning America in 2020 Dr Weiss has made. A television movie about his treatment of sex addicts on Lifetime called Sex Lies and obsession and hosted winning at marriage an international television show he's an Amazon best seller with more than 30 books on how to successfully heal relationships addictions or cope with sexually addicted partners Welcome to the show Dr Douglas Well we spoke. Of the law and well Tom. Well it could be your doctor or great and you've worked in this field for a long. In time but yeah I'm sure years 30 years I'm sure you saw your picture and watched a little bit of you You Tube so you must use Oil of Olay because you don't like. Had she been working that long at it but I'm sure you've collected quite a bit of experience in this movie whole arena of sex and pleasure and marriage and couples I'd like to start with the whole term and the world of sexual addiction so what is your definition of what that is and what are the trends that you're seeing with people that they need sexual healing from in this or area Well I mean sexual addiction is a it's a way of coping with life you care past or present it's a using sex in the night or what the Behave yourself behavior beat it with others to medicate to avoid to escape in a way that becomes compulsive self destructive and oftentimes you know you tried to stop I'm a recovering sex addict I've been sober for over 30 years no self behavior nothing outside my marriage I think of all I have to verify that people find it too intense as their opposite every single we could have for many many years so he's so so you've had that how we describe it's Ok so you know what you're you've had that experience yourself. Oh yeah I know it's like to be totally out of control sex I know what it's like to have such several people in there and it was like to be insane I know if I could be sober and free and well and healthy you have the best I took your life too I would go for where I am today. There and anyone can get there if they want to if you want to talk about such an addiction recovery we can but. In working with sex addict that's how we discovered the 56 language we discovered intimacy it wrecked we discovered a lot of things in helping people deal with either their sexual choose their family of origin stuff or just the brain being hijacked sexually glooming it's a fantasy world and not knowing how to have relational sex right and what to learning how to have relational sex I mean addiction is not appealing right right now but your newest book The 5 languages of sex does help not just people who identify with sexual addiction correct this this book oh no this is for everybody to have a great sex life Ok I'm going it's you're perfectly wonderful and you've never had a sexual interest but this book is for you because you want to learn what your sex language is what your partner's sex language is so it shouldn't take them to the highest level of pleasure also what we'll call the power of pleasure I know your your mission is to create more pleasure on the plane and pleasure pleasure is great but what I've learned. Is that people don't talk about sex in an intelligent way to really know how to take their partner to another place not just physically but what is their sex language is what is it they want a huge during the invitation during the encounter after being counter that can make their sexual encounters so much more pleasurable 'd I mean it's mind blowing how much more pleasure you can give your spouse or your partner does it take the magic out of the moment or the mood when you actually talk about I like this I don't like this. That. There's there's an intellectual part of me I don't know if it's denial or avoidance because I don't want to do it but it just seems like you know I guess maybe I was schooled in. The romance fairy tale that the man is just you know if you're with someone in your intimate with them that it's just supposed to be naturally good I know to reduce those little dick scars and rewire the house and do drywall and be able to be happy about doing that you know there's lots of fantasies about men and pages about women that aren't helpful but. You know in time you know as you said because your woman is mostly a gourmet chef I mean that that might be disappointing that some people write but your art is not about gender because depending on your sex line which is a matter if you're male or female you might be on sex language you might be a desire you might be a pleasure sex language and this isn't about positions and in doing this in doing that this is about learning their language because once you learn your language it might make sense why they are like that or like this and you can start having those conversations even the conversation because in the book we talk about you know how you how often you want to have sex what are the things that you want to put in your sexual garden what works for the both of you and so we have those conversations as well Ok you know if you know a couple to sit down and have an honest conversation it's going to go better for them well they do say that communication helps as long as you actually 1st understand and then agree so so let's talk about that what if you're not the same you're not using the same sex language what they're not. I guarantee you I have never met a couple who have the same sex life really. It doesn't happen Ok so it might happen on a one night stand it might happen like it's just looking up at someone over the weekend Ok because maybe you you know you put out there exactly what you're looking for and they might not be able to have that your sex anyway so maybe that's what you're doing but like going to a long term relationship very rarely will you have the same sex language as the other person and I think it's just kind of like you know God universe sense of humor because you have to grow to be able to be a better lover to the person that you really love and there's the church you know and so when you understand that sex is a journey and your journeys to grow towards the other person and then to go towards you it's just like the love languages never heard anyone have the same love language that it's language exactly the same oh you're going to marry or be in a long term relationship with someone who is actually language different than you are so you can grow well and once you accept that it's like Ok well keep me the book let me find out what they what makes them tick and it's going to be different than what makes you tick which you can look at if you their flesh trading and get resentment and get hurt about or you can look at it as an adventure and just play with a really high and low right so you know I can play you like a piano baby I know your language and it says I or I know what this they do you I know it makes you work I know what to say to you during 2nd after sex I know how to put I think on the right because I know you're. Saying Yeah and it looks like you know if your husband likes a certain kind of like it but you can do cooking you know. That's a really really good good point and I want to anchor that one because I think that many of us get into trouble because we have this b.s. This belief system that people are just supposed to know that if you're in love that that's the sex is just naturally going to follow in the most perfect way or the most fulfilling way but actually it is learnt there's a learning curve just like anything. Else would you want to be really good at if you've just tuned in you're wondering why I'm talking about sex again it is true it is the sexual healing with Dr Morris a seri