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Ok let's do it you know Martinez a lot a program about current events our culture our founders our politics and our future . Bill Martinez to stop. But. It is 6 minutes after the top the hour welcome back America Bill Martin is here and welcome back to Macon Barth I missed you Megan Barth Well good to have you back with the new year and a Happy New Year Merry Christmas trust it all was a special one it was nice to take a couple of weeks off and you know I was telling Scott and everybody earlier is the 1st time in my broadcast career I've ever taken 2 consecutive weeks off like this and I'm all I'm all rested up and you know a lot of my friends are going don't you wish you were on the air right now to go you know that's the one thing about the environment in which we live and there's always something you know to talk about is there well right yeah and I mean even the really I'm back myself but I did also take 2 weeks off and it was quite nice especially with the news cycle right now being breaking some things breaking like every hour well they must've known they knew we were coming back I mean that's the deal that's a real quick before we get into some of this heavy stuff because we want to review you know what the Sunday t.v. Talk shows about course dubbed book you know that people were talking about that it really is kind of losing a lot of momentum here very quickly because the air is coming out of its. Fictional enterprise but you know the 75th glow Golden Globe Awards was last night all the women were wearing black I don't know about you but I got to tell you I just. I can't even say that I was disappointed but but this is quite revealing to watch the celebrity elites kind of hijack this whole me to campaign like as if they're the leaders when they have been the ones that have coddled and accommodated this whole sexual harassment issue and now all of a sudden they're looking for higher ground and and some people are willing to give it to them and I mean there is no apology of their participation in this what they've done to our culture how they have promoted their sexual debasement their demeaning of women with the product that they have produced even how they've acted out with Harvey Weinstein and others that they have coddled the Woody Allen's and the Roman Polanski's and how they've protected their own and then they try to claim some sort of you know pious higher ground out above this how does this happen. Well in their own echo chambers it works really well doesn't it and Meryl Streep was wearing black Well she was also wearing black when she jumped her feet and gave Roman Polanski a standing ovation Roman Polanski who you rightly point out was base as a basically a convicted pedophile he raped and sodomized a 13 year old girl in a in a hot tub but those are the heroes of the left those guys are worthy of standing ovations and yet we have the same celebrities who stood silent for decades as Harvey Weinstein was terrorizing women from l.a. To New York and all the way over to London how many more women would have been saved how many more women of the Me 2 generation would have been saved if one of those women who were wearing black last night actually spoke up at a time when they were truly needed Exactly and that's and that's the thing is just you know not once did I hear Megan where there was any kind of apology anything it was just all you know we're going to stay pure in above and point fingers in not even consider any kind of bit of responsibility on their part whatsoever. You know here it's hypocrisy at the highest level and like I said many more women would have probably been saved if one of them would have said something about Harvey Weinstein but look at what the feminists on the left did with Bill Clinton for example exactly the women that came out against Bill Clinton were all Democrat women they were all volunteers either in and around his campaign as governor or on his way to the White House and what Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton did to those women was further victimize them they didn't save the women they didn't say every woman needs to be believed they created a war room in our White House along with the likes of Sidney Blumenthal and George Stephanopoulos to go on a campaign to disparage them and Hillary Clinton even not only use the press but she used the power of the federal government by using the i.r.s. As a weapon and then putting many of these women under financial audit and distress exactly Well going back to the Golden Globes got to want to play some of the most memorable moments of you when there's a soundbite from last night's Golden Globes. What I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have well guys we knew it was going to be an unusual Golden Globes this year and the night did not disappoint with the times up Initiative setting the tone as early as the red carpet where almost all of the night's attendees explained that they chose to wear black to signal the end of inequality in Hollywood a theme of inclusion and justice ran throughout all of the night's festivities 1st host Seth Meyers created the quote ladies and remaining gentlemen in the room he gave a blistering opening monologue at the ways of men who recently been called out for sexual harassment in Hollywood joking that crew a male nominee is in the room tonight this is the 1st time in 3 months it won't be terrifying to hear your name read out loud then early winners Rachel Brosnahan and Elisabeth Moss who won for Best Actress in a t.v. Comedy and drama respectively Fuz their acceptance speeches to call attention to all of the women stories that still need to be told we were the people who were not in the papers we lived in the blank white spaces at the edge of print it gave us more freedom now we Portman the lit up social media when she called out the best director category for featuring you know women and here are the all male nominee. Quitter was also talking about Tonya Harding who was seated with the cast to meet the Shalem a had a big reaction when he noticed she was nearby Harding was thanked by Allison Janney who won Best Actress in a supporting role for portraying Harding's mother but one of my favorite parts of the night was how many winners were thrown off their speech when they noticed that Oprah was sitting right in front of them Carol hi Oprah. They really are just like us Oprah of course was honored with this year's Cecil b. Demille award and it gave a historic speech that bore well for an Oprah so I want all the girls watching here now to know that a new day is oh I'm going home rising other big winners for t.v. And. Freshman contenders The Handmaid's Tale and the marvelous Mrs Nathan all the H.B.O.'s the Live Well let's go ahead and Lee right there of course you know thing was interesting Oprah now there is this is talk about Oprah for president right Megan you know all for this is this like the what an evening of hypocrisy and you know go back to this Best Director of a motion picture what it Garamond Toral feel like I mean even the way he was put down because he was all part of the male class so all of a sudden the quality of his work is reduced because it was an all male. You know nominee class that was there for the Golden Globes last night I guess the evil patriarchy rises again even at the Golden Globes and we had n.b.c. I mean the parent company n.b.c. Not n.b.c. Politics not n.b.c. News tweet out a picture of Oprah and claim her to be our in capital letters our future president which is basically saying that the current president isn't isn't their president so this is again the bias of how you know suppose that news organizations will go to undermine this president and then to influence who may run in 2020 and if that someone like Oprah it'll be an interesting match but I think so she's not going to win the Rust Belt Well I need you think. I don't Oprah. But again another night the special elite is class as they sat there in front of their champagne I'll look at all uppity and as if they're above it all and forget about anything that they created because after all they are the elite making Bertha's with this the founder proprietor of regen babe dot com You can check out her Web site Reagan babe dot com for all the information so that you're in the flow of the know and we get more from AIG and we come back when talk about the Sunday t.v. Shows and of course dub UK Stay with us. The. Are you happy. Are you happy. Are you happy. This is Dick from corporate masters corporate masters has been serving the. 55 years corporate masters uses a distraction. Because there's no better claiming to remove the soil from your car all of our Burnage are claiming is done by hand. Masters also offers. Both carpet masters at 793-721-7937 extension 2. That matched. Age related macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in people over 55 but with treatment it can be slowed down stopped and in some cases reversed makes sure you see your grandchildren grow protect your requesting information about treating a.m.d. Call the foundation today at 1800 blindness. Or go to the website fight blindness where i Phone so much helpful information or again call 1800 blindness today sometimes life can be a pain in the neck. Shoulder long distance travel or long hours in front of a computer can take its toll on your body take another pill. 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Here it is you know with you we've got to play a little bit of a little Irish you know New Year's flavor in a little waffling Have you ever watched. Well I don't even know what that has his it was things to drink I guess that. You know people go around and they just drink and just go around and you know and kind of just have a festive walk around the village and you know you know like the tradition I had it puts our land yes yes and I was there as well I would think in Vegas you wasso all the time I mean everybody up and down the boulevard our it's. Why God you know so yeah it's just a great you know a great tradition and I think maybe if we did that then people might not be so contentious these days but you know whether it's the Golden Gloves Golden Gloves Golden Globes or you know just in general you know in this time off that you know I've had a couple weeks off and and you know in the different places that I traveled contention you know people are just you know it's like I'm going What is the point of your anger after all this is said and done and even like last night again on display and you know here we got football season going on tonight of course the big college championships that are just bringing back and maybe giving us to repose of some you know some peace and just enjoyment and reverie you know just to be able to enjoy sports. The way it was always meant to be without all this politics that seems to permeate our culture today well and you're exactly right as we look at the n.f.l. For example with no fans left and we like Hollywood movies that continually bomb. No one is being entertained anymore and part of sports and part of Hollywood of course is that entertainment factor that component that is just completely lacking in our daily dial of dialogue or on our weekends you know I used to at least connect with my dad over football every Sunday and we would call each other long distance and talk about the plays and talk about the game and he doesn't turn on the n.f.l. Anymore much like the rest of the country because they are tired of being lectured to I was in Tower ho over the Lake Tahoe Nevada over the holiday and some little tart I think she was from San Francisco couldn't believe that she was meeting Trump supporters and it's in this liberal echo chamber you know I was telling her You act like we came from a unit like Acorn like we were born on alien space ship there are 63000000 of us and just because you don't pal around with Trump supporters in San Francisco doesn't mean that they don't exist or that we come from a land far far away you are surrounded by Trump supporters no matter where you go people are likely not to tell you because we fear violence and the violence and the insanity is coming from the left even and that is why the left points at the right and calls us violent and insane figures it's just a matter of projection you know when the last time you were told in some way through a drink can't you because you had a concern that she was going to do the same thing here we go again yeah. Yeah but you know and that's the thing is happening is that conservatives have just said look and we're going to be quiet not saying anything and now. You know the silent majority is being put in its place once again because you have the progressive beliefs who have done everything they can to destroy this country but meanwhile you know Donald Trump just says I'm just going to keep on winning you and I were talking about this off air look at the latest unemployment report Donald Trump was the one you know when to the black community says hey what do you got to lose I mean a for 8 years you had a black president what did he do for you give this white guy you know a chance and let's see what can happen well look what's happened the lowest unemployment rate for blacks and Hispanics since they started measuring this stuff . Yeah you're exactly right and this is why the hysteria and unhinged behavior is getting more and more amplified on the left because they don't want these numbers to prevail they don't want success they want dependency but here's the de