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Her mission to be a beneficial presence on the planet her purpose is to be your personal advocate to live laugh. Don't want to ring take back your life with Dr Murray sip a. New Leaf the never take my advice I'm using it get balance with Dr Murray's every Tuesday and naturally high noon or when my guest. And then every Thursday at 7 Saturday I want on my syndicated c.m. B.c. N.b.c. News radio channel k.c. a Am 1050 f.m. 102.3 f.m. 106.5. I and then every day somewhere on I her radio and this is a show about hope and happiness so there's no gossip no scandal and no k. Words no Cardassian talk at all instead I want you to focus on your own reality show and how you can be happy 88 percent of the time and a quick piece shout out to all my fabulous c.e.o. Space grads and fellow faculty and founder c.e.o. The Dormans for a fantastic week in Florida my 1st keynote got 99 percent incredible reviews and so I have to practice what I teach with that one is just release it and thanks to faculty member Cheryl snap Connor I am now in Forbes magazine yes just published on Sunday a very much caught up the past so if you're still entrepreneur or are still up for your go check it out I'm getting a lot of great love for that thank you so much Sheryl piece in and Peace out and an excellent customer service to Lawrence on Delta Airlines and my seat mates coming back from Orlando also Spencer at the Guitar Center my new Sennheiser microphone phone worked fabulously on the red carpet Sunday at the jump jivin thrive event thanks to publicist Joanne Geffen piece in piece out I got invited to cover an interview cancer survivors drivers and performers for the show Grammy and Oscar winner Melissa Etheridge I got to interview Olympic gold medalist Jim gymnast's Shannon Miller and Laurie Hernandez u.c.l.a. And see double a 6 time champion coach Miss Val and Fran Drescher and she'll be coming on my show next week for the 2nd time to talk about trashing cancer and the health summit since it is National Breast Cancer and Cancer Awareness Month in October we are highlighting that next week as well and I'll be sharing all of my interviews on the show so don't miss it and now for today show she's well worth the wait my sister from a guy. A borning gonna Graham is an actor writer and spiritual counselor She's the founder of spirit awakening Foundation an arts organization that mentors incarcerated children at risk Foster and runaway youth occur tours nationally with her critically acclaimed one woman play spirit awakening and can be seen in numerous commercials independent films and t.v. Shows she's the author of The Little Book of Transportation and the play spirit awakening she's. A beautiful Saul I'm grateful to have known her and we kind of travel in the same little circles out of GAAP am beyond and I'm proud to call her my sister you can actually you'll probably recognize or soon as we flash are on she's been on and CIA as she's been on Ben and Lizzie Benon are Danica and a whole host of commercials and t.v. Programs and movies and the beautiful great reason why we got to wait for her is she just got cast in a in a lead so without further ado please welcome to the studio a cool you know great. Story we were so. I just want to thank you so much absolutely absolutely yeah she had to do wardrobe unplanned she didn't know she was going to be cast as a star can you talk about one of those Yeah and you say what show it is like and I can say Ok these days you know everything has an n.d.a. So and I think they're doing that so they can control the narrative and what's an n.d.a. Non-disclosure agreement yes but I'm really excited about this film I can say that it's inspired by the film noir Laura which is one of my all time favorite films and if I were one of the leaders called her character's call Laura. I'm playing captain of a police precinct which I've never done before really but she sexy. I love it I know the sexy side of you know there's the spiritual and the spiritual sexy side of you yes sexy. But you know full well congratulations thank you absolutely I am and I actually wanted to have you here because you really you could just be doing acting and just do acting and that's a full time job and you love doing it you're good at it but what happened that you moved from acting to this entire which has taken over your life you're half right. Back to that well you know actually Dr Murray said happened when I moved to Los Angeles and I was working quite a bit I was cast in a t.v. Film than another t.v. a Film. Series and commercials and I remember going to my apartment and I I wasn't even at a gap a then I was in a licensed spiritual counsellor but I just sat and I thought well and I said to myself outloud Well God is this it what I'm just going to become famous and make money really you know I want more that's a true story I just felt like I knew there was more for me to contribute in my life and you're right I love acting Yeah and and so right on the heels of uttering I guess what was a prayer Riyadh's Yes I had an opportunity to mentor incarcerated juveniles I didn't even know that there was a whole system of incarcerated children did not know anything about it at all and I started with poetry and the work has blew me away I was so moved by the children that I was that were entrusted to my care in the classes and they really took to the program and it just blossomed to becoming now a whole foundation where I've trained other artists to teach the spirit awaiting program right and we go into the juvenile facility. We go into schools it's both an intervention and a prevention program trying to help those that have been involved in gang activity or in violent activities and prevent others from you know doing those kinds of things right right so I'm going to put the moose on the table which is my Canadian version of the talking about the elephant in the room Yes So and this is not and anyone that knows me knows that I'm not actually thinking this or saying this but there would be there are people who are saying to you why don't you focus on healthy children or healthy kids why are you focusing your attention on kids who knew right from wrong and chose the wrong and they are just a living the consequences of their choices what do you say to that I would say 1st and foremost we work with adult I'm sorry that I am like taste so bad just saying no right sorry sorry however we know that you know that some people do feel that I am right and I can understand you know so 1st I want to say we work with all children our program you don't have to be incarcerated or to have committed a crime to go on a spiritual quest if you will to discover your true self you know the requirements are not criminal activity right what I will say though is that my focus in the focus of the organization has been children that have been neglected and abused children in the foster care system children who don't have the kinds of support that other children may have yes you know and one of the things we love to do actually is each year for the past 56 years the excellent Institute in Big Sur has been incredibly generous and supportive of our work and they allow us to bring up to about 15 kids their once a year on a retreat and so when we do those retreats we take children that are doing very well some have never got into trouble thank goodness yet and those who. I have got into trouble we take them we mix them up and on less the child tells you this is my background you wouldn't know to look in the to you know you just wouldn't know and that's because you know we all need a safe space to express who we are yes to be acknowledged to be seen and to be heard you know and so. This work does reach out to children that have never yes done any criminal activity and to that I want to say some of the children really are not aware of what they're doing they are children yes you know and some of them are imitating what they've seen correct you know I and I dare to even go further Dr Murray's and say this country ino has a lot of violent history you know when you look at the t.v. Shows any number of them which I enjoy watching but at the end of each episode most of the time especially if it's a police drama how do they resolve everything through violence right right you know it's always resolved through violence I said violence resolves anything right and it really in there doesn't Yeah yeah you know my daughter when she was 11 said how do you get to peace through war ellos stand in Latin or stand it you had a great question it was an end she's right yeah you know what if this is what we're setting up for children Yeah you know this is what we're saying is the example and then they imitate us then you know this is why we complaining they're doing exactly what they said right the adults around that I do absolutely absolutely and the system is broken Yes it's it is not a fair system I saw this video someone sent it to me on You Tube and this brilliant guy had this he said I have a 100 dollar bill you know race whoever gets to me 1st yes gets the 100 dollar bill and then he goes before you start I want to ask you a series of questions but how many of you come from a 2 parent home stake a step forward how many. Have you. It went to a paid for school 6 that I had and then so you know by the end of all those questions he goes Do you recognise that this is not a fair start do you reckon and look at the people who are behind you look at the people who are not as close to is it really how can you say that's that everybody has an equal fair chance they don't if you're a child and you grow up with violence with abuse with neglect or with the band and mint and then there's a there's a solution for you which is called a gang where they provide you with a family unit with a community then why wouldn't you as a child made those kinds of decisions that's right what was how can you say that children who grow up being told they are worthless and useless and there's 7 that attend kids are how can you say that they don't pick up something that will continue that broken track how can you say what exactly what I just said earlier that you know it's about your choices and consequences children don't have that kind of fair or you know level playing ground so so good for you and what you're doing and what you've decided to do with your You're my favorite kind of actor Fran Drescher is another one who takes their limelight and uses it as a flashlight to shine into the darkness and to help out people so for that I'm giving you Dr Merce's beneficial presence on the planet award was great for me I said well you know my killing instruction was that I've been given so much even just today your graciousness your gift that you're giving to me I've been given so much so how could I not give back. You know Dr Michael Beckwith always says you know living from the overflow Yes and I really can say I get to live from the overflow and I'm so grateful yes it's the least I can do yet is the opportunities that have been given me the people who have supported me my dreams and you know the things I love to do again coming on your show you know you heard about and you were like Ok coming on my show yeah I wanted it was it was so it was beautiful so how could I not take that yeah and give back yeah I've been given so much yes and since you mention the m. Word or the r word. Dr Michael Bernard back with who is my big brother your brother we're sisters by that and he actually was intending to come on and at 1st you know he come by as he is he's like I'm I'm getting honored you know your program why that's embarrassing the come on I just wanted him to come on because he is so beloved and he does do such good work he's the living you know example for us yes right yes to live in our fullest actually to live from the overflow to shine our light and not put it under any kind of bushel and 0 way in heaven and so peace and peace and I know he's he was speaking at Howard University he's got a super booked schedule but his intention was to come on and support you and and to to to you know shed a little light I think we did a pretty good job when he sees us later hopefully he'll say yes as far as why we need to balance these things out I mean that's what it is we want to provide balance for kids who did not get a fair start That's right did not get. A a a show or a an environment of unconditional love evenly a little can write even a. Little bit. Yes So tell me about your program so you are. What date what's it called You Are all of this the voices of the n herd is our flagship event which we do every year and we've started doing this at a gap a Spiritual Center in Culver City here in Southern California and it's on a Saturday this year it's Saturday October 28th at 2 pm and what it is is a series of performances spoken word dance and music and we take the written pieces written by incarcerated children right now children that have been in the spirit awakening program and then these pieces are interpreted maybe sometimes as a dance piece or a musical selection and they are Red River Michael is always one of our actors and we have guest art is that come and read these pieces written by the children along with formerly incarcerated now young adults that have come through the system and have been a part of our program as well it's a really beautiful event because it sheds light and it's an opportunity for people to show up and support the lives of children that are really trying hard to turn their lives around right you know and to do the right thing now right you know because they now know that their love is present and love is available for them specifically and so oftentimes people ask me Well how can I help you know and I show up yeah you know be a Sarah get stand in for a child you know who may not have the family unit right you know I remember in some schools and since I show up as a parent right as a grandparent you know standing in if you've ever been to some of the probation facilities sometimes Sundays is usually the visiting day and one of the saddest things I think is you know to see a 15 a 14 year old child who's incarcerated and no one's coming to visit them you know children just want to be right want to be loved. Like all of us right you know so you have time on your hands I think this is a great he wondered you know just go adopt someone and show up on probation days just to to greet them that's for you know a bunch of people who have you know time on their hand that is right and that would make a difference and you know just not just for the the fund raising aspect of showing up but think of what a child who is now in a performance you know kids who go to school and they have a school performance what would that feel like to know that you came for that that's right to sit and watch their heart being expressed through their poetry and their dance that's where I see the gift it's not so much that the paying the ticket it's showing up up that's right to that So Saturday October the 28th Yes At what time 2 pm 2 pm in the afternoon so you can still have your Saturday night date night so or you can start it early at the right yes and there's that Leah gop a International Spiritual Center that is in Culver City so anyone from Southern California has no excuse on how to go what would you say for these kids the most meaningful. Words or the most meaningful impact has been for them I mean you get 1st line you know what what has what has this work done for them well you know I have a quote actually which I love one of our young women Hunter beautiful child I met her at a probation facility and she was serving her time now she's out she's part of our mentoring program she's one of our peer mentors I've met her mother and Hunter said something she said you know there's all this attention when they're locked up and but often times when they leave this no more support so she feels that support the aftercare is the most important and what she actually said Dr Morrison is you know I didn't need to be locked up and scared in you know and scared into doing good right you know I needed a circle of care and love and that is what spirit awakening has provided for beautiful just my heart because that's what we want to be there we want to be there for those kids that perhaps fall through the cracks the ones that may be the school system just doesn't work for them the way it's structured ri