Transcripts For KBCW KPIX 5 News On The CW 20131228 : compar

Transcripts For KBCW KPIX 5 News On The CW 20131228

agreed on. betty. >> ken, union leaders call this a close vote tonight, but in the end, the contract was ratified and there will not be a strike. here are the specifics. in this third deal, it calls for a 9.5% pay raise over three years for members and health insurance premiums will go from 0 to $120 a month. local 192 represents about 1700 bus drivers, mechanics, dispatchers and clerical and other workers. they rejected the two deals between the transit agency and union leaders. they were close to going on strike. the president of the union said she is thankful fer vis will not be disrupted. >> we think it's a very good agreement and we're glad our members agreed and ratified this contract. it's a big relief to ensure that they're secure and our riding public will continue to, you know, get the service they have been accustomed to and they deserve. >> and the president said that the new wages will go into effect in the next pay period and the health insurance premiums will kick in. a.c. transit will have to give its final approval of this deal, but the union staid is confident that it will do so. live in oakland, betty, kpix5. >> the bay area's other big transit agency is waiting for its members to approve a tentative agreement after major contract glitch. both sides agreed to drop the family leave clause, bart workers will get a 15% raise over four years and healthcare contributions will go up to $129. and starting january 1, bart fares are going up as well. 5.2%. that amounts to an average fare increase of about 19 cents for rides. bart spokesperson says the extra revenue is needed for new rail cars, a new train control system and improvements to a maintenance yard. a letter sparked a heated battle over the fate of an oakland teenager. andrea has the war of words that unfolded on the sidewalk right in front of children's hospital. >> malpractice. let's be perfectly clear. >> on a strip of sidewalk outside children's hospital oakland, the tense back and forth over jahi finally exploded into a ten minute long argument between hospital spokesman, sam singer, and family attorney, christopher dolan. >> let's be honest. >> the doctors said she is deceased. the independent doctor said she was deceased. >> brain dead, you need to be clear. brain death is not the same thing of death of the body. there are very different views on this that are religious views and medical views that are published in the literature. it is not convenient for the hospital to deal with that, but this hospital seems hell bent to stop her heartbeat. >> fight all over what's happening inside jahi's heart and lungs are continuing to pump with an assist from a ventilator. >> this is what jahi's mother had to say on cnn. >> to show me she was dead, her heart is still beating, so there's still life there. >> jahi's family is looking for a facility to take her out of children's and continue life support measures. a fact complicated by this letter from children's today. stating they won't provide the grieving and feeding tubes to move her. the coroner needs to consent to any transfer since we are dealing with the person that has been declared legally dead. late friday, the coroner did give that consent. the feeding and breathes tubes seem to be the stumbling block. >> the other ones that we do have in mind right now, they are not requesting for the procedures, so it looks more promising. we may be able to move her in her current status. >> inside the hospital, jahi is brain dead, unaware of the drama unfolding around her. >> you better. better wish your client good luck, too. >> now the injunction forcing children's hospital keep jahi on that ventilator expires december 30, but christopher dolan will be in court to get another unjunction so they can keep her on a ventilator until she can be moved. andrea, kpix5. >> as for what went wrong when jah high went in, that remains under investigation. tomorrow, more than a million american wills be cut off from their extended unemployment benefits. that includes 200,000 people right here in california. the new budget just passed by congress doesn't call for an extension. some believe that decision will hurt the economy in the long run and cost california $4 billion next year alone. >> these individuals spend what they get in unemployment benefits. they spend them in their local communities. it helps keep the economic engine turning. >> other u.s. senate is working oen a bill to restore those benefits for three months, but it won't be up for a vote until lawmakers return after the new year. starting in 2014, it will be easier to take care of loved ones with serious illnesses. californians will be able to get paid time off to tend to siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, or inlaws who are seriously ill. right now, the program only covers immediate family members like a spouse, a parent, or child. >> san jose police are getting a new breathalyzer device that can detect alcohol without a person blowing into it. the police department is getting 170 of the preliminary alcohol screening devices. they can find trace a.s of alcohol which is key, especially dealing with drivers under 21. the new devices will be rolled out after january 1 and should make things easier for police. >> the new features, it records all of the samples. so as an officer, if you get a sample on it, once you do the processing of the driver, you have all the information recorded on your device. >> officers are just wrapping up training. they will replace 60 older units. >> starting january 1, there will be one less thing teenage drivers can legally do while behind the wheel. brian webb with the new law designed to make california's roads a lot safer. >> teenagers as a group are some of the most troublesome truck drivers on the roads today and teens texting behind the wheel is a big part of the problem. >> that's a great idea to crack down on it. >> state of california is cracking down on teens texting while driving it, outlining it with voice technology that adult drivers are allowed to use. >> you need to drive first before you can enter any into your sphere. >> it allows for voice activated texting for all california drivers until someone realized that's probably not best for young, inexperienced drivers. even young, unexperienced truck drivers seem to agree. >> the goal is to keep distractions out of the driver seat and for teen drivers, that's true. california drivers will take effect this year, including giving bikers more room and creating emergency exits in all lee moes. reporting from emeryville, kpix5. >> we put a new list on our website, you'll find it on the front page. federal courts are at odds of the legality over the collection of telephone records. a federal judge ruled that the boat collection is legal under the pay tri yacht act. this comes days after a court in washington said the program was likely unconstitutional. the program was revealed in classified leaks by former nsa contractor, edward snowden. it's getting worse. target confirming that debit card pin data was stolen. target believes the pins are secure. those numbers are strongly encrypted and only be revegged by a pen. target says that key was not stolen. 40million customers were acted when they were there. a stolen cell phone leads to his arrest. he was all smiles when he took this picture of himself and police say he and another man held up a woman in the 2100 block of east 28th street back in august. taking her cell phone and a necklace. short time later, he snapped this photo. oakland police say he is between 17 and 21 years old. >> much needed relief could be on the way. the families the space they need. >> city officials are opening the door to make it easier for people to convert it into living space. >> we don't want to end up with people being homeless. >> the councilman says a lot of families converted their garages. the u.s. census reports almost 1/5 say they are over crowded. he believes changing the building codes would allow them toker regulate. >> health and sovty codes. >> loves the new proposal. >> it will be easy for families to be together. >> she wants to convert them into the house. >> some are barking at the idea. >> i don't think it's a good id. there won't be a hoot of parking. >> more people means more cars. >> it takes a long time to find a parking space. it's really tough finding a parking space. >> to address the parking issue, city officials are looking at ways to allow homeowners tay add. in east palo alto, kpix5. displt city council plans to vote on easing the conversion rules in march. >> it looked like help was within reach, but why the mission to free this ship is going to take longer that he thinks effected. >> what astronauts wrnl able to to after eight hours. >> and heading across the pond,. >> didn't have any rain fall. one thing not changing, spare the air. we have another one for you tomorrow. north bay. we'll have unhealthy air quality. here's a live look outside tonight. is there any change at all in the forecast? we keep breaking records for sunshine. the answer coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, stuck in ice off the coast antarctica. ko im reports: anot two ice breaker ships failed to free a large vessel stuck in the ice. coem reports another rescue ship is on the way and crews are hoping third time is the charm. >> for the 74 souls aboard the academic, hope seemed to be on the horizon in the form of a chinese ice breaker. >> an hour ago, it's making steady progress around 2 knotts. >> so close, but so far away. the snow dragon was halted by heavy ice. and the french ice breaker had engine trouble and is waiting on the edge of the ice pack. >> it's disappointment, but it's reassuring to see the vessel there. >> those aboard have been keeping the world updated on their progress or lack thereof, by via social media. spoke to cbs news via skype. >> trying to make the best use of time and as a result, i think we're helping a lot with keeping moral up. >> hoping the stars will align for the aurora, the ship's larger size gives it a better chance of breaking the ice and setting it free. >> it was fortunate, absolutely fantastic. but, that's an optimistic view. >> also weather permitting. coem for cbs news. >> the australian ice breaker has to push through 13 miles of ice. remember they are doing two knotts an hour. reach the stranded ship, crews on board say they have enough food for four weeks. >> after a record breaking eight hour space walk outside the international space station, astronauts couldn't complete their mission today. here's a look at two russian astronauts installed cameras on the hull of the space station. they eventually had to remove them after data from the cameras could not transmit back to mission control. this is the third space walk this week. and a bay area high school marching band is heading over sees. joe vasquez shows us how they will help ring in 2014. >> they are the pride of pittsburgh. a bunch of kids that love to have fun. >> to londontown. >> going to be awesome. i can't believe i'm leaving the country and going out there and play some music for the queen. >> 144 members of the marching show band along withers and parents are taking off in an # 1 hour flight to england. >> have never been on an airplane. >> they worked hard for their adventure, raising $80,000 through an online fund raising campaign. all for the big show next wednesday. they will join thousands of other participants. they will perform in front of 650,000 spectators and a viewing audience of nearly $300 million. >> the experiences will last a lifetime. >> we're going to london. >> they prepared and they have been working on their english. >> i have to be in a show where i can't speak in a british access. it's very easy. very proper. >> stick to the music, kids. make us all proud. joe vasquez, kpix5. the calendar says december, but it didn't look like it in santa cruz today. it felt more like spring along the board walk. check the out, rides running, people soaking up the sun, walking around in shorts. visitors expect to be cooler, but they were happy to take in the california christmas weather. we'll start a new feature and call it, please, paul, make it rain. >> we'll become part counselor here. i promise, 83 in santa cruz yesterday. cool down to the upper 70s today. >> sunburn. >> right. this is just silly the weather we've been having recently. it's the opposite of what is normal. it typically rains a few days. we have a nice wide temperature spread for you. 18 degrees warmer than santa rosa. right now it's 8 degrees cooler. tomorrow morning when you wake up, stan tay rosa will hang out. san jose 42 degrees. got a tour with our forecast, look at thighs temperatures. sunny and dry tomorrow, 63. sunny and mild on sunday, 66. let's take you to tahoe. look at these highs, it will hit 50 degrees three days before the new year in tahoe. 51 degrees with sunshine. this is a strange weather pattern and it's going to keep on giving. today was cloudy because we had low pressure to our north. drawing up cloud cover from the south. that moves out and sunshine will be back as quickly as tomorrow and high pressure will hang out for another week keeping us sunny and mild, keeping us completely dry. the weekend much of next week. you have to be extremely patient. the second week of january before we see any noticeable change. mid 60s for you tomorrow. san jose 65. cupertino, low to mid 50s. sun gnu, san rafael 64. heading into san francisco tomorrow, good choice, 63 degrees with sunshine. close dale close to 70 degrees tomorrow. gets even warmer. first three days of next year, sunshine with highs in the 60s every day. >> please, paul, make it rain. >> in two weeks, there's your answer. >> don't promise me that. >> i'm not promising, i'm just saying. >> thanks, paul. honesty pays off for a vegas cab by. what he came clean about and his big reward. that's why we created the share the love event. by the end of this year, the total donated by subaru could reach 35 million dollars. you get a great deal on a new subaru. we'll donate 250 dollars to a choice of charities that benefit your community. it feels good to be a helping hand. decision to take phil rober off the show. it had one of the stars of duck dynasty is returning to tv. the network a and e reversed its decision to take phil robertson off the show. he's back on. it had suspended him nine days ago after he made a controversial comment about gays. the network says it will move forward by promoting unity, tolerance, and acceptance. a taxi driver in las vegas is proving honesty goes a long way. he returned a bag containing $300,000 to a poker player who left it in his cab. the cabby was rewarded with $10,000. the ceo of his company had already given him $1,000 and a gift certificate to a las vegas steak house and he was named employee of the year. >> the raiders sign a former employee for a day and the sharks fight to the finish in arizona. the minute is next. ,,,,,, female announcer: female announcer: get beautyrest, posturepedic, even tempur-pedic mattress sets, at low clearance prices. save even more on floor samples, demonstrators and closeout inventory. the year end clearance sale is on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ start the clock... it was the bay area against arizona on the ice. we'll begin in oakland, start the clock. a huge night for seth currie at oracle. currie hits the top three in the first quarter. 14 points, 16 io cysts 16 assists. the slam. the warriors win in a blowout 115-86 over the suns and the starters got to enjoy the fourth quarter on the bench. >> sharks in the desert. they arrived at arizona around 6:30 this morning. patrick in round three beats mike smith. and then the big save on oliver larson to seal it. sharks win their third straight, 4-3 over the coyotes. the final, kraft fight hunger bowl. the kickoff, he is taking this one back, a 100 yard kickoff return. they beat byu31-16, and the 49ers tie a league high sending four on offense and four more on defense. the loan raider going to hawaii and retires the raider today. >> came back and signed a one- day contract. >> yeah, he's a raider. >> definitely not an eagle. >> yeah. we'll see you at 11:00 on kpix5. thanks for watching. ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, (orchestral version of "carol of the bells" playing) marge (grunting): ...heavy! (grunts) aah! wrong holiday, stupid. mechanical santa: ho, ho, ho. (speeding up): ho, ho, ho, ho...

Related Keywords

Australia , Oakland , California , United States , Antarctica , China , Russia , Washington , District Of Columbia , In Court , Nord Pas De Calais , France , London , City Of , United Kingdom , San Francisco , Arizona , Emeryville , Hawaii , Californians , Australian , French , Chinese , British , Russian , American , Juliette Goodrich , Edward Snowden , Oliver Larson , Joe Vasquez , Las Vegas , Christopher Dolan , Mike Smith , Stan Tay Rosa , Phil Robertson , Elizabeth Cook , Brian Webb ,

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Transcripts For KBCW KPIX 5 News On The CW 20131228 :

Transcripts For KBCW KPIX 5 News On The CW 20131228

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agreed on. betty. >> ken, union leaders call this a close vote tonight, but in the end, the contract was ratified and there will not be a strike. here are the specifics. in this third deal, it calls for a 9.5% pay raise over three years for members and health insurance premiums will go from 0 to $120 a month. local 192 represents about 1700 bus drivers, mechanics, dispatchers and clerical and other workers. they rejected the two deals between the transit agency and union leaders. they were close to going on strike. the president of the union said she is thankful fer vis will not be disrupted. >> we think it's a very good agreement and we're glad our members agreed and ratified this contract. it's a big relief to ensure that they're secure and our riding public will continue to, you know, get the service they have been accustomed to and they deserve. >> and the president said that the new wages will go into effect in the next pay period and the health insurance premiums will kick in. a.c. transit will have to give its final approval of this deal, but the union staid is confident that it will do so. live in oakland, betty, kpix5. >> the bay area's other big transit agency is waiting for its members to approve a tentative agreement after major contract glitch. both sides agreed to drop the family leave clause, bart workers will get a 15% raise over four years and healthcare contributions will go up to $129. and starting january 1, bart fares are going up as well. 5.2%. that amounts to an average fare increase of about 19 cents for rides. bart spokesperson says the extra revenue is needed for new rail cars, a new train control system and improvements to a maintenance yard. a letter sparked a heated battle over the fate of an oakland teenager. andrea has the war of words that unfolded on the sidewalk right in front of children's hospital. >> malpractice. let's be perfectly clear. >> on a strip of sidewalk outside children's hospital oakland, the tense back and forth over jahi finally exploded into a ten minute long argument between hospital spokesman, sam singer, and family attorney, christopher dolan. >> let's be honest. >> the doctors said she is deceased. the independent doctor said she was deceased. >> brain dead, you need to be clear. brain death is not the same thing of death of the body. there are very different views on this that are religious views and medical views that are published in the literature. it is not convenient for the hospital to deal with that, but this hospital seems hell bent to stop her heartbeat. >> fight all over what's happening inside jahi's heart and lungs are continuing to pump with an assist from a ventilator. >> this is what jahi's mother had to say on cnn. >> to show me she was dead, her heart is still beating, so there's still life there. >> jahi's family is looking for a facility to take her out of children's and continue life support measures. a fact complicated by this letter from children's today. stating they won't provide the grieving and feeding tubes to move her. the coroner needs to consent to any transfer since we are dealing with the person that has been declared legally dead. late friday, the coroner did give that consent. the feeding and breathes tubes seem to be the stumbling block. >> the other ones that we do have in mind right now, they are not requesting for the procedures, so it looks more promising. we may be able to move her in her current status. >> inside the hospital, jahi is brain dead, unaware of the drama unfolding around her. >> you better. better wish your client good luck, too. >> now the injunction forcing children's hospital keep jahi on that ventilator expires december 30, but christopher dolan will be in court to get another unjunction so they can keep her on a ventilator until she can be moved. andrea, kpix5. >> as for what went wrong when jah high went in, that remains under investigation. tomorrow, more than a million american wills be cut off from their extended unemployment benefits. that includes 200,000 people right here in california. the new budget just passed by congress doesn't call for an extension. some believe that decision will hurt the economy in the long run and cost california $4 billion next year alone. >> these individuals spend what they get in unemployment benefits. they spend them in their local communities. it helps keep the economic engine turning. >> other u.s. senate is working oen a bill to restore those benefits for three months, but it won't be up for a vote until lawmakers return after the new year. starting in 2014, it will be easier to take care of loved ones with serious illnesses. californians will be able to get paid time off to tend to siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, or inlaws who are seriously ill. right now, the program only covers immediate family members like a spouse, a parent, or child. >> san jose police are getting a new breathalyzer device that can detect alcohol without a person blowing into it. the police department is getting 170 of the preliminary alcohol screening devices. they can find trace a.s of alcohol which is key, especially dealing with drivers under 21. the new devices will be rolled out after january 1 and should make things easier for police. >> the new features, it records all of the samples. so as an officer, if you get a sample on it, once you do the processing of the driver, you have all the information recorded on your device. >> officers are just wrapping up training. they will replace 60 older units. >> starting january 1, there will be one less thing teenage drivers can legally do while behind the wheel. brian webb with the new law designed to make california's roads a lot safer. >> teenagers as a group are some of the most troublesome truck drivers on the roads today and teens texting behind the wheel is a big part of the problem. >> that's a great idea to crack down on it. >> state of california is cracking down on teens texting while driving it, outlining it with voice technology that adult drivers are allowed to use. >> you need to drive first before you can enter any into your sphere. >> it allows for voice activated texting for all california drivers until someone realized that's probably not best for young, inexperienced drivers. even young, unexperienced truck drivers seem to agree. >> the goal is to keep distractions out of the driver seat and for teen drivers, that's true. california drivers will take effect this year, including giving bikers more room and creating emergency exits in all lee moes. reporting from emeryville, kpix5. >> we put a new list on our website, you'll find it on the front page. federal courts are at odds of the legality over the collection of telephone records. a federal judge ruled that the boat collection is legal under the pay tri yacht act. this comes days after a court in washington said the program was likely unconstitutional. the program was revealed in classified leaks by former nsa contractor, edward snowden. it's getting worse. target confirming that debit card pin data was stolen. target believes the pins are secure. those numbers are strongly encrypted and only be revegged by a pen. target says that key was not stolen. 40million customers were acted when they were there. a stolen cell phone leads to his arrest. he was all smiles when he took this picture of himself and police say he and another man held up a woman in the 2100 block of east 28th street back in august. taking her cell phone and a necklace. short time later, he snapped this photo. oakland police say he is between 17 and 21 years old. >> much needed relief could be on the way. the families the space they need. >> city officials are opening the door to make it easier for people to convert it into living space. >> we don't want to end up with people being homeless. >> the councilman says a lot of families converted their garages. the u.s. census reports almost 1/5 say they are over crowded. he believes changing the building codes would allow them toker regulate. >> health and sovty codes. >> loves the new proposal. >> it will be easy for families to be together. >> she wants to convert them into the house. >> some are barking at the idea. >> i don't think it's a good id. there won't be a hoot of parking. >> more people means more cars. >> it takes a long time to find a parking space. it's really tough finding a parking space. >> to address the parking issue, city officials are looking at ways to allow homeowners tay add. in east palo alto, kpix5. displt city council plans to vote on easing the conversion rules in march. >> it looked like help was within reach, but why the mission to free this ship is going to take longer that he thinks effected. >> what astronauts wrnl able to to after eight hours. >> and heading across the pond,. >> didn't have any rain fall. one thing not changing, spare the air. we have another one for you tomorrow. north bay. we'll have unhealthy air quality. here's a live look outside tonight. is there any change at all in the forecast? we keep breaking records for sunshine. the answer coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, stuck in ice off the coast antarctica. ko im reports: anot two ice breaker ships failed to free a large vessel stuck in the ice. coem reports another rescue ship is on the way and crews are hoping third time is the charm. >> for the 74 souls aboard the academic, hope seemed to be on the horizon in the form of a chinese ice breaker. >> an hour ago, it's making steady progress around 2 knotts. >> so close, but so far away. the snow dragon was halted by heavy ice. and the french ice breaker had engine trouble and is waiting on the edge of the ice pack. >> it's disappointment, but it's reassuring to see the vessel there. >> those aboard have been keeping the world updated on their progress or lack thereof, by via social media. spoke to cbs news via skype. >> trying to make the best use of time and as a result, i think we're helping a lot with keeping moral up. >> hoping the stars will align for the aurora, the ship's larger size gives it a better chance of breaking the ice and setting it free. >> it was fortunate, absolutely fantastic. but, that's an optimistic view. >> also weather permitting. coem for cbs news. >> the australian ice breaker has to push through 13 miles of ice. remember they are doing two knotts an hour. reach the stranded ship, crews on board say they have enough food for four weeks. >> after a record breaking eight hour space walk outside the international space station, astronauts couldn't complete their mission today. here's a look at two russian astronauts installed cameras on the hull of the space station. they eventually had to remove them after data from the cameras could not transmit back to mission control. this is the third space walk this week. and a bay area high school marching band is heading over sees. joe vasquez shows us how they will help ring in 2014. >> they are the pride of pittsburgh. a bunch of kids that love to have fun. >> to londontown. >> going to be awesome. i can't believe i'm leaving the country and going out there and play some music for the queen. >> 144 members of the marching show band along withers and parents are taking off in an # 1 hour flight to england. >> have never been on an airplane. >> they worked hard for their adventure, raising $80,000 through an online fund raising campaign. all for the big show next wednesday. they will join thousands of other participants. they will perform in front of 650,000 spectators and a viewing audience of nearly $300 million. >> the experiences will last a lifetime. >> we're going to london. >> they prepared and they have been working on their english. >> i have to be in a show where i can't speak in a british access. it's very easy. very proper. >> stick to the music, kids. make us all proud. joe vasquez, kpix5. the calendar says december, but it didn't look like it in santa cruz today. it felt more like spring along the board walk. check the out, rides running, people soaking up the sun, walking around in shorts. visitors expect to be cooler, but they were happy to take in the california christmas weather. we'll start a new feature and call it, please, paul, make it rain. >> we'll become part counselor here. i promise, 83 in santa cruz yesterday. cool down to the upper 70s today. >> sunburn. >> right. this is just silly the weather we've been having recently. it's the opposite of what is normal. it typically rains a few days. we have a nice wide temperature spread for you. 18 degrees warmer than santa rosa. right now it's 8 degrees cooler. tomorrow morning when you wake up, stan tay rosa will hang out. san jose 42 degrees. got a tour with our forecast, look at thighs temperatures. sunny and dry tomorrow, 63. sunny and mild on sunday, 66. let's take you to tahoe. look at these highs, it will hit 50 degrees three days before the new year in tahoe. 51 degrees with sunshine. this is a strange weather pattern and it's going to keep on giving. today was cloudy because we had low pressure to our north. drawing up cloud cover from the south. that moves out and sunshine will be back as quickly as tomorrow and high pressure will hang out for another week keeping us sunny and mild, keeping us completely dry. the weekend much of next week. you have to be extremely patient. the second week of january before we see any noticeable change. mid 60s for you tomorrow. san jose 65. cupertino, low to mid 50s. sun gnu, san rafael 64. heading into san francisco tomorrow, good choice, 63 degrees with sunshine. close dale close to 70 degrees tomorrow. gets even warmer. first three days of next year, sunshine with highs in the 60s every day. >> please, paul, make it rain. >> in two weeks, there's your answer. >> don't promise me that. >> i'm not promising, i'm just saying. >> thanks, paul. honesty pays off for a vegas cab by. what he came clean about and his big reward. that's why we created the share the love event. by the end of this year, the total donated by subaru could reach 35 million dollars. you get a great deal on a new subaru. we'll donate 250 dollars to a choice of charities that benefit your community. it feels good to be a helping hand. decision to take phil rober off the show. it had one of the stars of duck dynasty is returning to tv. the network a and e reversed its decision to take phil robertson off the show. he's back on. it had suspended him nine days ago after he made a controversial comment about gays. the network says it will move forward by promoting unity, tolerance, and acceptance. a taxi driver in las vegas is proving honesty goes a long way. he returned a bag containing $300,000 to a poker player who left it in his cab. the cabby was rewarded with $10,000. the ceo of his company had already given him $1,000 and a gift certificate to a las vegas steak house and he was named employee of the year. >> the raiders sign a former employee for a day and the sharks fight to the finish in arizona. the minute is next. ,,,,,, female announcer: female announcer: get beautyrest, posturepedic, even tempur-pedic mattress sets, at low clearance prices. save even more on floor samples, demonstrators and closeout inventory. the year end clearance sale is on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ start the clock... it was the bay area against arizona on the ice. we'll begin in oakland, start the clock. a huge night for seth currie at oracle. currie hits the top three in the first quarter. 14 points, 16 io cysts 16 assists. the slam. the warriors win in a blowout 115-86 over the suns and the starters got to enjoy the fourth quarter on the bench. >> sharks in the desert. they arrived at arizona around 6:30 this morning. patrick in round three beats mike smith. and then the big save on oliver larson to seal it. sharks win their third straight, 4-3 over the coyotes. the final, kraft fight hunger bowl. the kickoff, he is taking this one back, a 100 yard kickoff return. they beat byu31-16, and the 49ers tie a league high sending four on offense and four more on defense. the loan raider going to hawaii and retires the raider today. >> came back and signed a one- day contract. >> yeah, he's a raider. >> definitely not an eagle. >> yeah. we'll see you at 11:00 on kpix5. thanks for watching. ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, (orchestral version of "carol of the bells" playing) marge (grunting): ...heavy! (grunts) aah! wrong holiday, stupid. mechanical santa: ho, ho, ho. (speeding up): ho, ho, ho, ho...

Related Keywords

Australia , Oakland , California , United States , Antarctica , China , Russia , Washington , District Of Columbia , In Court , Nord Pas De Calais , France , London , City Of , United Kingdom , San Francisco , Arizona , Emeryville , Hawaii , Californians , Australian , French , Chinese , British , Russian , American , Juliette Goodrich , Edward Snowden , Oliver Larson , Joe Vasquez , Las Vegas , Christopher Dolan , Mike Smith , Stan Tay Rosa , Phil Robertson , Elizabeth Cook , Brian Webb ,

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