Transcripts For KBCW KPIX 5 News On The CW 20130828 : compar

Transcripts For KBCW KPIX 5 News On The CW 20130828

bigger than chicago and growing. 4500 homes and three communities are all noted. people in tul lamb tul lamby city. ken barsela is in tuolumne county. >> you start picking up smoke about 50 miles out. we will push in. you could see our game go. you could he see the glow in the eastern flank of the fire. that's where they are lighting backfires to try to control the spread on that side. meanwhile, in the south, the effort is all about saving the purity of heche. and these flames are pushing deeper into yosemite national park. the map tourist areas remain unaffected. fire is erratic. michael williams is on the rim fire command team. >> you start to get the different columns in different areas. when you get the heated mask plume that's developing, when it actually settles on the fire. what it does is spreads the fire in different directions. >> the fires has reached the shores of the heche reservoir that provides millions of water of the people of the bay area. so far, officials say the water supply is in no immediate danger. crews soak the ground to protect some 2000-year-old sequoias. the biggest battle is near mountain communities. where 4500 homes are threatened. samantha smith has been living in the red cross shelter since fleeing her home last week. >> you would be looking at the flames right now. if the front porch is still there. >> you don't know whether the home is still standing? >> no. no, we don't know. >> smith is seven months pregnant and just assembled the baby's crib. >> he's only doing two months. not knowing, if all -- i'll have his crib or any of the things he will need his heart. >> and elizabeth, you know it's a scary situation. the wind continues to change. when we got up here this afternoon, it was blowing upcanyon. now it's gone reverse and gone down canyon. that's the battle for firefighters, chasing the spot fires that blow up ahead. they have to put it out and they are continually stopping the fires as they are going on. the gain is not that great. they are only at 20 percent. there's a lot of territory that could burn before too long. reporting live from tuolame city. and to give you another sper -- perspective. the national weather service superimposed the zone. if it happens here, it will fully engulf san jose and several nearby cities. you could track the fire burning, check out the interactive maps. and we're talking about a fire danger right now. and with the fire danger, the entire state of california is at a minimum under a severe drought. take a look at the nasa image of the fire. all of the smoke being blown from the south to the north, heading once again towards reno and tahoe, where the air quality is poor. very big fire. we have actually part of california getting into the extreme drought. that's part of level four and five. the bay area or area under yosemite is under severe drought. since the start of the year, fairfield, san francisco, san jose, all between 20-25 percent of normal rainfall. for some, that's about a foot of normal average much the last time we've had a rainfall in the bay area, that's june 25th. that's two months ago. specifically 63 days. we'll take a look at the extended forecast in a few minutes. under all signs of washington, the u.s. will soon take military action. what has to happen before the u.s. and some allies launch the missiles. before the u.s. acts, it plans to publicly reveal some of the intelligence that vice president biden, crews is to blame for the mass casualties in syria. >> no doubt responsible for the heinous use of chemical weapons in syria. the syrian regime. >> the intelligence, much of it classified, ranges from intercepted communication to tests of sample, taken to victims, down to the simple fact, the regime is only known in syria to have a chemical weapons. david warned there's no smoking gun. >> that's never 100 percent certainty. there's never one piece or several pieces of intelligence. >> traveling in asia. defense secretary hagel spoke by phone in britain and france. to countries pledged to join the u.s. in punishing syria for using the chemical weapons. then asked by the reporter, if he has moved four destroyers in the mediterranean, if he's ready to strike. >> we're ready to go like that. >> each of the destroyers is armed with 40 crews missiles. it carries a 1,000-pound warhead and has a range of 1,000-pounds or more and accuracy to about 15 feet. standard procedure is for the ships to fire an opening at night, wait for satellites to assess the damage and restrike any targets that were not destroyed. a process that could take a few days. the british parliament will meet in an emergency session on thursday to vote on an action -- military action. although president obama hasn't made a final decision, u.s. officials will begin to strike soon after that. david martin, cbs news the pentagon. j they are calling themselves the syrian electronic army. as of half an hour ago, they were unable to log on to the site. and tonight, the fencing, sound system and jumbotrons are in place in the washington mall. tomorrow marks 50 years since dr. martin luther king, jr., historic speech at the steps of the lincoln memorial. president obama will make a speech tomorrow in front of a crowd that organizers expect to top 20,000 people. we've been warning about it for months. the bay bridge will shut down tomorrow night. believe it or not, we talked to people who still hasn't gotten the message. the reason behind the new ban considered for a bay area city. imagine having $3 billion in cash that you can't use? that's exactly what happened to the federal reserve after the mint messed up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, tomorrow night at eight. and will reopen next tuesday. we . the bay bridge closes in less than 24 hours. it shuts down tomorrow night at 8:00 and it reopen on tuesday. we talked about and reported on it for months. brian web tells us, some people are still in the dark. brian? >> reporter: this time tomorrow night, the bridge will be closed. this could serve as one of the final warnings, anyway. even though that's been front- page news for several months, i met several people who have no idea what i was talking about. did you hear? the bay bridge is closing. with one day to go, there are plenty of people who don't know he. >> talking to people about the bridge. do you know what's going on about the bridge? >> nothing? the bay bridge. >> they are closing the bay bridge. >> they are closing it? >> i was aware they were closing the bridge. i wasn't aware opt exact hour. >> people who don't care. >> i don't go on this side of the bridge. i don't worry too much. >> for months, you could hardly miss the messages or see past the sign. it's the biggest bridge news the bay area has seen since the last bridge closing. >> what you need to know is this. the old bridge will close tomorrow night after rush-hour and reopen either monday afternoon or tuesday morning with the new bay bridge. and we hope you heard that. >> shocking, people don't know. >> pretty much everyone i know knows. >> wait entirely. >> the bridge will be closed for things like grinding down pavement, spreading asphalt and painting stripes down the middle of the road until it reopens next week. live in san francisco, i'm brian web, kpix5. >> stay tune for kpix5 for the complete shut down of the bay bridge. for advice on getting around the gridlock, check out the survivor guide san jose is the second city in the country to stay away from styrofoam. all other restaurants will have to stop using them byianry 1st of 2015. and some city officials in palo alto want people to stop feeding the animals, especially at the duck pond. the popular activity is causing a messy problem? after decades of feeding the birds, there's no polite way to say it. palo alto's pond is more like a poop pond. >> to ban it, take the experience. to feed them, it takes the whole experience. >> the area is literally covered in bird droppings. it is everywhere. with it causes bacteria, water that's filled with algae and sick animals. the birds are supposed to eat plants and do their business outside. the problem, when people feed them, they poop where they eat. >> you stop feeding them, will there still be ducks there. >> the palo alto, telling the city council to forbid people from feeding. the fine would be $250. the commission says the birds attract predators and transmit diseases. staffers say all the fighting over the humid food stresses the birds out. >> when you throw a piece of bread and 50 ducks climb in the same 50 square inch, that's the abnormal part. >> john and his family fed the birds ten loaves of bread. they say the feeding ban would be a huge loss. >> she's my niece. she's my great-niece. and this is one of the activity time that we have. >> it's a great activity. i was doing it since i was 6. i enjoy it. if you get signed -- fined, it's very sad. very depressing. >> the full palo alto city council will vote on the ban later this year. hips of firefighters across the bay area rushed to the o field this afternoon. that's when grass fire spread to several homes. the flames jumped the creek. two homes were destroyed and four others damaged. one woman got to the neighborhood just as her home went up in names. >> it doesn't happen to you. >> and 200 firefighters from four counties responded to the seven alarm fire. crews will remain on scene overnight to handle hot spots. take a look at the pictures. one homeowner says he's inside this afternoon when he say one of the trees in her yard was on fire. as soon as he got out, the home was engulfed in flames. it's unbelievable to watch the fire spread so quickly. but then again we are not surprised because things have been so dry. >> and an area like fairfield, this day or time of year, embers fly quickly. and you get a backfire, rather quickly, we'll stay -- still stay warm for a while. labor day is a few days away. perhaps these folks last trip over the western span or eastern span of the bay bridge. things closing down at this time tomorrow. we don't have a live cloud cover yet. towards the airport, the things are active. the weather is pretty calm. micro climates. it's the upper 60s in emeryville. you hit 90 degrees for a high today. where are we going to get close to 9 o tomorrow. we did see a fire in fairfield. up the road, lots of sunshine. vacaville 88. mainly sunny skies on thursday with a high of 87 degrees. our weather is dominated by a big area of low pressure you could see spilling a lot of moisture in the pacific northwest. rainfall in seattle, fall-like pattern for them. we will not see the rainfall. this counterclockwise swirl off to the west is critical to the forecast for the next several days. as the low pressure centers stays far away, we'll get an on shore flow. get the afternoon sun ship. if you're inland, this is why you will get -- will be around 88 degrees. you will have enough of the onshore flow to cut heat. you will get closer to us. when that happens, the rain will get past mount shasta, getting closer to us for the holiday weekend. we will all cool down by 5-10 degrees. the onshore flow, flow from the ocean will get significantly stronger. highs will remain close to average. the warmest day will be inland. then here's the weekend. barbecues want to get outside, soccer match for the kids. it will be cooler by a-10 degrees. we will be below average by the holiday weekend. san jose, 80. and redwood city, 78. palo alto, sunshine, 76. and you'll get the sun in the afternoon. high of 74. pittsburgh, 89 for you. walnut creek 89. sunny and pleasant. san rafael, 83. 67 for the last drive for the bridge. oakland-- oakland, 74. clover dale, 87 degrees. if you like today, you will like tomorrow and thursday and friday. then we cool down. the first bit happens on sunday. that's pretty chilly this time of year. barely getting in the 70s inland. we'll stay cooler than normal on monday and start to warm things up on tuesday. one thing you don't see is any rainfall. we will drop things about 10 degrees between what we have right now and what we will have in the weekend. >> it will be pleasant but cooler. >> a lot of folks would love the holiday forecast. for you, it's actually cooler. the new $100 bill that's keeping copiers from copying it. ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, killed in a late- night car before he was . first day back for students at one bay area high school is not an unhappy one. the student was killed just hours before he was supposed to start his senior year. and how his classmates are coping. it's really sad. got to see you here. moments after mopped -- monday night's crash, students nooded social media website expressing support. the three teens were in the car when the driver lost control and crashed into a tree in el capitan drive last night. the 17-year-old was sitting on the front on the right side with the tree. the two friends are in the hospital in stable condition. >> don't want to have grief counselors the first day of school. everybody looks forward to, to day. >> it's going to be a tough day. >> excited to come back the first day. i bet he was, too. >> it's really sad, to know they were enact the first day of school starts. it took their lives and really disappointing. >> the grief counselors are at the school to help both students and teachers cope. a memorial grows as danville police continue to investigate what caused this accident. they don't believe drugs or alcohol played a role but they believe speed may have been a factor. >> the driver and the other passenger are recovering in john waynmecenter. good luck counterfeiters, even the u.s. mint can't seem to print the $100 bill properly. the tamper resistant design features 3-d and color images. the bill keeps getting botched. the first bill ends up being a botch spot. >> ironically, it appears not having the advance security features itself. it's the way the paper is responding to the weight of the printing press. >> there's about $3 billion worth of cash in the latest bad batch. at more than 12-cents a pop to print and it adds up to nearly $4 million bucks. rain puts a damper on the oakland a's. >> well, it would. you'll find out what happens. and wait until you see how far the home run went, next. ,, ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing live tv from southwest. now you can turn your device into your television. try it for free today, only on southwest airlines. on the air. in the air. with live tv. wild card lead...s ? justin verlander beat the a's twice. tonight, redemption and a chance to up their wild card lead. justin verlander needed 44 pitches. tied at 3 in the 5th, gone the other way. a's take a 5-3 lead. nobody out in the 6th inning when the rains came. the a's went 6-3, half game lead. and the disabled list crashing into the wall last night. tonight, he hits the longest home run in the majors this season. the ball goes 276 feet, left field and off the brick wall. the giants win 5-3. nfl lose, 49ers defensive coordinator, and to starting free safety to week one against the packers. san francisco traded town get reed who is a star at lsu. an interesting thing about reed, big bank u has never started, but reed has been so good as a defense. >> and slip it in when you can, man. >> got to promote. see you at 11:00. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, - attention, everyone! jim and i, on behalf of... - too loud. - the party planning committee, - too too loud, too loud. - have an annou-- but effective. look. on behalf of jim and i, merry christmas. all: merry christmas. - good. - my diabolical plot is on hold for christmas. my heart just melts with the sound of children singing. [snickers]

Related Keywords

Oakland , California , United States , Redwood City , Mount Shasta , Vacaville , Syria , Clover Dale , Illinois , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , United Kingdom , Emeryville , Danville , Lincoln Memorial , Tuolumne County , France , Chicago , Britain , British , Syrian , Martin Luther King Jr , Samantha Smith , David Martin , El Capitan , Justin Verlander , Elizabeth Cook , Michael Williams ,

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Transcripts For KBCW KPIX 5 News On The CW 20130828 :

Transcripts For KBCW KPIX 5 News On The CW 20130828

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bigger than chicago and growing. 4500 homes and three communities are all noted. people in tul lamb tul lamby city. ken barsela is in tuolumne county. >> you start picking up smoke about 50 miles out. we will push in. you could see our game go. you could he see the glow in the eastern flank of the fire. that's where they are lighting backfires to try to control the spread on that side. meanwhile, in the south, the effort is all about saving the purity of heche. and these flames are pushing deeper into yosemite national park. the map tourist areas remain unaffected. fire is erratic. michael williams is on the rim fire command team. >> you start to get the different columns in different areas. when you get the heated mask plume that's developing, when it actually settles on the fire. what it does is spreads the fire in different directions. >> the fires has reached the shores of the heche reservoir that provides millions of water of the people of the bay area. so far, officials say the water supply is in no immediate danger. crews soak the ground to protect some 2000-year-old sequoias. the biggest battle is near mountain communities. where 4500 homes are threatened. samantha smith has been living in the red cross shelter since fleeing her home last week. >> you would be looking at the flames right now. if the front porch is still there. >> you don't know whether the home is still standing? >> no. no, we don't know. >> smith is seven months pregnant and just assembled the baby's crib. >> he's only doing two months. not knowing, if all -- i'll have his crib or any of the things he will need his heart. >> and elizabeth, you know it's a scary situation. the wind continues to change. when we got up here this afternoon, it was blowing upcanyon. now it's gone reverse and gone down canyon. that's the battle for firefighters, chasing the spot fires that blow up ahead. they have to put it out and they are continually stopping the fires as they are going on. the gain is not that great. they are only at 20 percent. there's a lot of territory that could burn before too long. reporting live from tuolame city. and to give you another sper -- perspective. the national weather service superimposed the zone. if it happens here, it will fully engulf san jose and several nearby cities. you could track the fire burning, check out the interactive maps. and we're talking about a fire danger right now. and with the fire danger, the entire state of california is at a minimum under a severe drought. take a look at the nasa image of the fire. all of the smoke being blown from the south to the north, heading once again towards reno and tahoe, where the air quality is poor. very big fire. we have actually part of california getting into the extreme drought. that's part of level four and five. the bay area or area under yosemite is under severe drought. since the start of the year, fairfield, san francisco, san jose, all between 20-25 percent of normal rainfall. for some, that's about a foot of normal average much the last time we've had a rainfall in the bay area, that's june 25th. that's two months ago. specifically 63 days. we'll take a look at the extended forecast in a few minutes. under all signs of washington, the u.s. will soon take military action. what has to happen before the u.s. and some allies launch the missiles. before the u.s. acts, it plans to publicly reveal some of the intelligence that vice president biden, crews is to blame for the mass casualties in syria. >> no doubt responsible for the heinous use of chemical weapons in syria. the syrian regime. >> the intelligence, much of it classified, ranges from intercepted communication to tests of sample, taken to victims, down to the simple fact, the regime is only known in syria to have a chemical weapons. david warned there's no smoking gun. >> that's never 100 percent certainty. there's never one piece or several pieces of intelligence. >> traveling in asia. defense secretary hagel spoke by phone in britain and france. to countries pledged to join the u.s. in punishing syria for using the chemical weapons. then asked by the reporter, if he has moved four destroyers in the mediterranean, if he's ready to strike. >> we're ready to go like that. >> each of the destroyers is armed with 40 crews missiles. it carries a 1,000-pound warhead and has a range of 1,000-pounds or more and accuracy to about 15 feet. standard procedure is for the ships to fire an opening at night, wait for satellites to assess the damage and restrike any targets that were not destroyed. a process that could take a few days. the british parliament will meet in an emergency session on thursday to vote on an action -- military action. although president obama hasn't made a final decision, u.s. officials will begin to strike soon after that. david martin, cbs news the pentagon. j they are calling themselves the syrian electronic army. as of half an hour ago, they were unable to log on to the site. and tonight, the fencing, sound system and jumbotrons are in place in the washington mall. tomorrow marks 50 years since dr. martin luther king, jr., historic speech at the steps of the lincoln memorial. president obama will make a speech tomorrow in front of a crowd that organizers expect to top 20,000 people. we've been warning about it for months. the bay bridge will shut down tomorrow night. believe it or not, we talked to people who still hasn't gotten the message. the reason behind the new ban considered for a bay area city. imagine having $3 billion in cash that you can't use? that's exactly what happened to the federal reserve after the mint messed up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, tomorrow night at eight. and will reopen next tuesday. we . the bay bridge closes in less than 24 hours. it shuts down tomorrow night at 8:00 and it reopen on tuesday. we talked about and reported on it for months. brian web tells us, some people are still in the dark. brian? >> reporter: this time tomorrow night, the bridge will be closed. this could serve as one of the final warnings, anyway. even though that's been front- page news for several months, i met several people who have no idea what i was talking about. did you hear? the bay bridge is closing. with one day to go, there are plenty of people who don't know he. >> talking to people about the bridge. do you know what's going on about the bridge? >> nothing? the bay bridge. >> they are closing the bay bridge. >> they are closing it? >> i was aware they were closing the bridge. i wasn't aware opt exact hour. >> people who don't care. >> i don't go on this side of the bridge. i don't worry too much. >> for months, you could hardly miss the messages or see past the sign. it's the biggest bridge news the bay area has seen since the last bridge closing. >> what you need to know is this. the old bridge will close tomorrow night after rush-hour and reopen either monday afternoon or tuesday morning with the new bay bridge. and we hope you heard that. >> shocking, people don't know. >> pretty much everyone i know knows. >> wait entirely. >> the bridge will be closed for things like grinding down pavement, spreading asphalt and painting stripes down the middle of the road until it reopens next week. live in san francisco, i'm brian web, kpix5. >> stay tune for kpix5 for the complete shut down of the bay bridge. for advice on getting around the gridlock, check out the survivor guide san jose is the second city in the country to stay away from styrofoam. all other restaurants will have to stop using them byianry 1st of 2015. and some city officials in palo alto want people to stop feeding the animals, especially at the duck pond. the popular activity is causing a messy problem? after decades of feeding the birds, there's no polite way to say it. palo alto's pond is more like a poop pond. >> to ban it, take the experience. to feed them, it takes the whole experience. >> the area is literally covered in bird droppings. it is everywhere. with it causes bacteria, water that's filled with algae and sick animals. the birds are supposed to eat plants and do their business outside. the problem, when people feed them, they poop where they eat. >> you stop feeding them, will there still be ducks there. >> the palo alto, telling the city council to forbid people from feeding. the fine would be $250. the commission says the birds attract predators and transmit diseases. staffers say all the fighting over the humid food stresses the birds out. >> when you throw a piece of bread and 50 ducks climb in the same 50 square inch, that's the abnormal part. >> john and his family fed the birds ten loaves of bread. they say the feeding ban would be a huge loss. >> she's my niece. she's my great-niece. and this is one of the activity time that we have. >> it's a great activity. i was doing it since i was 6. i enjoy it. if you get signed -- fined, it's very sad. very depressing. >> the full palo alto city council will vote on the ban later this year. hips of firefighters across the bay area rushed to the o field this afternoon. that's when grass fire spread to several homes. the flames jumped the creek. two homes were destroyed and four others damaged. one woman got to the neighborhood just as her home went up in names. >> it doesn't happen to you. >> and 200 firefighters from four counties responded to the seven alarm fire. crews will remain on scene overnight to handle hot spots. take a look at the pictures. one homeowner says he's inside this afternoon when he say one of the trees in her yard was on fire. as soon as he got out, the home was engulfed in flames. it's unbelievable to watch the fire spread so quickly. but then again we are not surprised because things have been so dry. >> and an area like fairfield, this day or time of year, embers fly quickly. and you get a backfire, rather quickly, we'll stay -- still stay warm for a while. labor day is a few days away. perhaps these folks last trip over the western span or eastern span of the bay bridge. things closing down at this time tomorrow. we don't have a live cloud cover yet. towards the airport, the things are active. the weather is pretty calm. micro climates. it's the upper 60s in emeryville. you hit 90 degrees for a high today. where are we going to get close to 9 o tomorrow. we did see a fire in fairfield. up the road, lots of sunshine. vacaville 88. mainly sunny skies on thursday with a high of 87 degrees. our weather is dominated by a big area of low pressure you could see spilling a lot of moisture in the pacific northwest. rainfall in seattle, fall-like pattern for them. we will not see the rainfall. this counterclockwise swirl off to the west is critical to the forecast for the next several days. as the low pressure centers stays far away, we'll get an on shore flow. get the afternoon sun ship. if you're inland, this is why you will get -- will be around 88 degrees. you will have enough of the onshore flow to cut heat. you will get closer to us. when that happens, the rain will get past mount shasta, getting closer to us for the holiday weekend. we will all cool down by 5-10 degrees. the onshore flow, flow from the ocean will get significantly stronger. highs will remain close to average. the warmest day will be inland. then here's the weekend. barbecues want to get outside, soccer match for the kids. it will be cooler by a-10 degrees. we will be below average by the holiday weekend. san jose, 80. and redwood city, 78. palo alto, sunshine, 76. and you'll get the sun in the afternoon. high of 74. pittsburgh, 89 for you. walnut creek 89. sunny and pleasant. san rafael, 83. 67 for the last drive for the bridge. oakland-- oakland, 74. clover dale, 87 degrees. if you like today, you will like tomorrow and thursday and friday. then we cool down. the first bit happens on sunday. that's pretty chilly this time of year. barely getting in the 70s inland. we'll stay cooler than normal on monday and start to warm things up on tuesday. one thing you don't see is any rainfall. we will drop things about 10 degrees between what we have right now and what we will have in the weekend. >> it will be pleasant but cooler. >> a lot of folks would love the holiday forecast. for you, it's actually cooler. the new $100 bill that's keeping copiers from copying it. ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, killed in a late- night car before he was . first day back for students at one bay area high school is not an unhappy one. the student was killed just hours before he was supposed to start his senior year. and how his classmates are coping. it's really sad. got to see you here. moments after mopped -- monday night's crash, students nooded social media website expressing support. the three teens were in the car when the driver lost control and crashed into a tree in el capitan drive last night. the 17-year-old was sitting on the front on the right side with the tree. the two friends are in the hospital in stable condition. >> don't want to have grief counselors the first day of school. everybody looks forward to, to day. >> it's going to be a tough day. >> excited to come back the first day. i bet he was, too. >> it's really sad, to know they were enact the first day of school starts. it took their lives and really disappointing. >> the grief counselors are at the school to help both students and teachers cope. a memorial grows as danville police continue to investigate what caused this accident. they don't believe drugs or alcohol played a role but they believe speed may have been a factor. >> the driver and the other passenger are recovering in john waynmecenter. good luck counterfeiters, even the u.s. mint can't seem to print the $100 bill properly. the tamper resistant design features 3-d and color images. the bill keeps getting botched. the first bill ends up being a botch spot. >> ironically, it appears not having the advance security features itself. it's the way the paper is responding to the weight of the printing press. >> there's about $3 billion worth of cash in the latest bad batch. at more than 12-cents a pop to print and it adds up to nearly $4 million bucks. rain puts a damper on the oakland a's. >> well, it would. you'll find out what happens. and wait until you see how far the home run went, next. ,, ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing live tv from southwest. now you can turn your device into your television. try it for free today, only on southwest airlines. on the air. in the air. with live tv. wild card lead...s ? justin verlander beat the a's twice. tonight, redemption and a chance to up their wild card lead. justin verlander needed 44 pitches. tied at 3 in the 5th, gone the other way. a's take a 5-3 lead. nobody out in the 6th inning when the rains came. the a's went 6-3, half game lead. and the disabled list crashing into the wall last night. tonight, he hits the longest home run in the majors this season. the ball goes 276 feet, left field and off the brick wall. the giants win 5-3. nfl lose, 49ers defensive coordinator, and to starting free safety to week one against the packers. san francisco traded town get reed who is a star at lsu. an interesting thing about reed, big bank u has never started, but reed has been so good as a defense. >> and slip it in when you can, man. >> got to promote. see you at 11:00. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, - attention, everyone! jim and i, on behalf of... - too loud. - the party planning committee, - too too loud, too loud. - have an annou-- but effective. look. on behalf of jim and i, merry christmas. all: merry christmas. - good. - my diabolical plot is on hold for christmas. my heart just melts with the sound of children singing. [snickers]

Related Keywords

Oakland , California , United States , Redwood City , Mount Shasta , Vacaville , Syria , Clover Dale , Illinois , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , United Kingdom , Emeryville , Danville , Lincoln Memorial , Tuolumne County , France , Chicago , Britain , British , Syrian , Martin Luther King Jr , Samantha Smith , David Martin , El Capitan , Justin Verlander , Elizabeth Cook , Michael Williams ,

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