Transcripts For KBCW KPIX 5 News On The CW 20130306 : compar

Transcripts For KBCW KPIX 5 News On The CW 20130306

i just... i think that after the last few weeks, you know, and all the trust issues, i think that we should take it slow. totally. you know, let things unfold naturally. right. i think i-i need some time to... heather: oh, my god. what... i knew it. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh this is kpix5 news on the cw. >> the bay bridge never looked so good. the new light project is on. we'll show you how they do it. >> plus, it seems hard to believe after 9/11, but why the tsa will allow knives back on airplanes. the piece of stolen history just recovered and why no one will get the reward for finding it. good evening, i'm elizabeth cook. >> and i'm ken bastida. it seems like it's been a while since we've seen this, yup, that's rain. paul is tracking the system with our high def doppler. paul. >> the heaviest rain fall we've seen in a long time and it is impacting us right now. take a look at the doppler with that steady rain fall. moving inland, leaving san francisco, but now heading to the 880 corridor. the 580 corridor and to the 680 corridor. liver more, you'll see some heavy rain fall and it's pouring in heyward. steady rain fall south of clear lake, to the east of santa rosa. palo alto, including campbell and back north. you're getting steady rain fall. all of this because of a front that is off to our north and west, even though the steadiest rain fall right now, we'll see it after tonight, upper level low pressure will move in, giving us more rain fall. this is not a one-hit wonder. details on how much rain we'll get coming up in a few minutes. after months of planning and preparation, it's the bay bridge's night to shine. the massive bay lights art installation is up and running and believe it or not, the artist is running this whole thing off a laptop. kpix5's kristen ayers on how it all works. >> reporter: that's right, it was fascinating to learn about how exactly this beautiful display is arranged. an hour into its debut, it is already a source of san francisco pride. it is 1.8 miles wide and 500 feet high and it is the largest led structure in the world and tonight, it came to life. tonight, the bay bridge sparkled. >> it's gorgeous. >> illuminated, 25,000led lights wrapped around cable on the bay bridge. >> it's great that the city puts this on, brings positive vibe to the city. >> this is the culmination of 2 1/2 careers of planning, politicking, and for artist, leo, passion. >> a light has a very universal quality. almost anyone can see it and have response to it. >> it took electricians months from october to january to install every last light and after that, weeks of comprehensive testing. the result, an $8 million piece of public art funded by private donations. the abstract ever changing light installation is meant to capture the very heartbeat of the bay bridge and its surroundings. designed the sequences you see, they are controlled from a network of computers inside the bridge. >> the computers are applying the sequences in a random order for a random amount of time. it is combining itself on the fly. >> a dazzling display of performance art that will show from 6:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. nightly until 2015. >> you can imagine anything you want in these lights. >> san francisco mayor, ed lee, is already imagining the light as a more permanent if pixture fixture on this bridge. >> i will predict that people, including myself, will want this to be on going, certainly during my lifetime. >> and back here live, you can see the lighting sequence in motion. it was designed to reflect the energy of the water in the bay and the traffic over the bridge as well as the wind, all without drivers ever seeing the lights as they are crossing the bridge. the artist was asked when he spoke to the press today about whether in the future, down the line he would consider making a similar led light installation for the new eastern span of the bay bridge. his answer, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. live in san francisco, kristen ayers, kpix5. organizers privately raised $6 million to fund the project. the bay needs $2 million more to keep it going. if you'd like to help, you can buy a light on the bridge at the donation. on the other side of town, san francisco police say they shot a suspected carjacker in a bmw after he tried to run one of them over. this happened a few hours ago when officers cornered the driver in the bay view district, they say he reversed, knocked an officer to the ground and tried to take off. that's when other officers opened fire. the suspect is stable. the officer was not seriously hurt. this is the fifth officer involved shooting in the bay area since saturday. passengers flying out of the u.s. airport will soon notice more relaxed rules about what they can take in their carry on luggage. for the first time since 9/11, small knives and sports equipment will be allowed. but it's kpix5's kit doe shows us, not everyone supports that change. >> ever since 9/11, the tsa has confiscated millions of knives at airport security check points. now, the rules are easing. in less than two months, you'll be able to carry small pocket knives on board. the blades must be no longer than 2.36 inches and no wider than half an inch. box cutters, larger knives and those with locking grips are not allowed. you'll be able to carry on golf clubs, ski poles, lacrosse sticks, and hockey sticks. flight attendants say these items can be a threat inside the cabin. stacey martin is the union president for southwest airlines flight attendants. >> they are allowing these items to come through and putting the responsibility of the cabin completely on us, even though they know coming through security are these items. >> the new guidelines bring u.s. regulations in line with international safety rules. with armed pilots and air marshals, it's hard to see how any of the items could be used to hijack a plane. here at the international airport, passengers we spoke with were not worried about small knives on the planes. >> is it going to cause you more anxiety? >> no, i fly a lot. i go to school in portland and i live here in california, so no, i'm going to keep flying and feeling the same way. >> i figure i can take care of myself or anybody that has one. >> reporter: and so a quick review, a swiss army knife is okay because the blade does not lock and the blade is skinny and short. this blade on the other hand, you want to leave this one at home. it's wide and too long and also the blade locks. the tsa is doing this because they want to focus on things, like finding explosives. the news rules are expected to take place on april 25. president, hugo chavez, is dead at the age of 58 after a two-year battle with cancer. >> cbs reporter, inez with the life, the socialist leader who was often at odds with the united states. >> hugo chavez was one of latin america's most colorful leaders. he was venezuela's president for more than a decade and a firm believer in socialist government. the executives who managed the country's vast oil reserves wanted him gone the people learned of chavez's death on national television. on the streets, supporters chanted, chavez lives on, some even cried. chavez had been battling cancer since 2011. he traveled to cuba multiple times for chemotherapy and surgery. last october, he won reelection, but just two months later, his cancer returned. chavez began his career at age 16, joining the army as a paratrooper. 22 years later, believing the government was corrupt, he led a military cue to unseat the president. it failed and chavez was thrown in jail. later, in 1998, he was elected president. four years later, a group of military officers stage a cue and put chavez under arrest. but troops loyal to chavez put him back in office. a helicopter delivered him back to the president's palace. he said, i'm still the king to the supporters. chavez believed the u.s. government secretly backed the cue and threatened to stop supplying the u.s. with oil. he was friends with fidel castro and iraq's mahmoud ahmadinejad. chavez accused the u.s. president of neglecting the poor, so in 2005, the venezuelan president announced that citgo would provide discounted heating oil to american households. he hoped to have a better relationship with president obama, but a year after his election, he called him a name. hours before his death, they expelled two u.s. diplomats. the vice president suggested foreign enemies caused chavez's cancer. the white house has expressed support for the venezuelan people, saying it is interested in providing -- >> three bay area cities want to get rid of red light cameras. >> plus, a museum mystery they say they got the guy, but where's the loot? the latest in the treasure box heist. ,, [ woman ] don't forget the yard work! okay. [ male announcer ] with citibank's popmoney, dan can easily send money by email right from his citibank account. nice job ben. [ male announcer ] next up, the gutters. citibank popmoney. easier banking. standard at citibank. to deposit checks from anywhere. [ wind howling ] easier than actually going to the bank. mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank. drivers in three bay area cities may not have to worry about those red light cameras anymore. heyward, redwood city and san rafael are considering putting a brakes on their programs. the cameras might actually be making things worse. >> unless you're a paramedic, these cameras will catch day-to- day red light runners in the act and a hefty fine in the mail. eight are at busy hayward intersections and they are costly, $1.3 million a year to operate and net only $100,000 in ticket fines. according to city council member, they haven't reduced accidents. in fact -- >> when people approach the intersections, they either hit their brake or speed up. and so, you know, after this occurs. >> the heyward city council will review the police chief's recommendation to phase out the program in two years when the camera contract is up. no great loss, according to this heyward driver. what's more effective? a picture of you isn't the mail running a red light or a cop pulling you over having a face- to-face conversation? >> a cop pulling you over. >> why is that? >> it's more intimidating when you get pulled over than getting mailed a ticket. >> salinas would agree. >> once we put a parole officer out there, we have seen a reduction in accidents. >> while cops can't be at every busy intersections, they have to consider if red light cameras are worth keeping. collecting on a ticket taken from a red light camera can be tricky when the driver contests, it wasn't me. >> he said it wasn't him. >> so he disputed it? >> because it was a rental car, so my grandma got the ticket. >> as for grandma, she didn't have to pay the ticket as we learned for one reason or another. tonight, the city council here in heyward will decide whether these cameras will stay or go. in heyward, juliette goodrich, kpix5. >> despite the concerns, most bay area cities that have cameras say they are happy with them and intend to keep them. something to celebrate for oakland police. they recovered a priceless piece of california history. taken in a brazen museum burglary, but kpix5 tells us the case is far from closed. >> it's been many sleepless nights. >> it may look like an expensive jewelry box, but this evokes a will the of emotion. it's one of the iconic pieces in this museum. and when they got the call yesterday that it had been recovered -- >> i cried. i pulled over and i burst into tears. >> oakland police say andre franklin has been charged with possession of stolen property. they have been looking for him for the past three weeks and found him driving in oakland on sunday. they would not say if there are other suspects. >> this is an on going investigation of what he told us why it was stolen. i don't want to jeopardize the case. we are actively trying to get items back. >> other items are gold nuggets. the box was taken in january. it was valued years ago at $800,000, long before the price of gold skyrocketed and is priceless for its historic value. it's that history that clicked with michael and prompted his relentless pursuit of the object and suspect. the whole investigative team celebrated. >> actually so happy, we thought we were in the mood for national treasure. >> police say the museum's system helped in their investigation. before november, the museum had never had a break in. ironically though, this box was stolen by someone on the inside in 1978 and recovered six years later. there are new security measures in place at the museum and around the clock security. >> it probably will be weeks before the general public gets to see that gold box. the museum needs to check it over to make sure it wasn't damaged. in oakland, kpix5. >> and the $12,000 reward that was being offered is not going to be paid out to anybody in the public because it was good olfashioned police work. this rain we're getting right now is like liquid gold because we need it. we need this rich weather. >> it's been a while and we are 8 inches below normal. not going to get that much, but we'll get 1/8 of that back. by the end of this week, an inch of rain. take a look at what is happening in san ramon and concord. that yellow you see is a moderate, steady rain fall, which we are seeing all the way down to san jose. also towards towards saratoga. steady rain for san francisco. an hour ago, that ended temporarily. we could use this rain fall in march. look what happens next month. we start turning down that speck specket from mother nature. not only tonight, but for the next couple of nights. that will be with us until midday tomorrow. giving us a chance of rain. the past four or five rain chances has been the front. rain chances gone, not the case this time, because behind that is an upper level area of low pressure. this will move over top of us. this is going to be here on thursday. i think for most of us, thursday will be wetter than what we have outside right now with a chance of thunderstorms and dropping snow levels. here's the future cast through 5:00 tomorrow. a quarter of an inch of rain fall. now look at the numbers once we add in thursday, concord, an inch of rain fall. redwood city, nearly an inch of rain fall. breezy tomorrow, as that front moves through. steady rain is done by 10:00, but the rain is back on thursday. mid 50s tomorrow, that's it. san jose, only 56. palo alto 55. only a high of 54. and san rafael with morning rain fall. only a high of 53. slight chance of a thunderstorm on thursday. we're done as we head toward the weekend, mainly sunny skies. we'll be back to 70 degrees by next monday. timing is perfect. >> all right, we'll take it. >> awesome. >> from the bay area to the world stage of soccer. the hometown excitement and why his fans compare him to colin kaepernick. ,,,, ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] now's the time to save 5% off every day with your lowe's consumer credit card. visit to one of the up and coming stars of the u.s. men's soccer team is a teenager from san jose. today that star paid a visit to his alma mater. >> len ramirez says he's a hometown hero and not just because of his fancy footwork. >> proudly wearing his jacket, benjamin hoya got a hero's welcome at his alma mater. >> it's great, i mean, always having the love and support of friends. it's better than anything. seeing new faces and d faces is great. >> benjamin has been seeing a lot of new faces, as cap captain, he nearly steered the red, white, and blue to an upset win in a preworld cup tournament final. hoya's goal was not enough, but he won over many new fans. >> he went through a rough road and he made it. i'm making the same road, and hopefully i make it, too. >> hoya was born in the u.s. his mother is a janitor and he would also help her at night. >> after school, i would get home, eat, and go to work and i would come back at 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning and do my homework. sometimes, not all the time. >> he had time for soccer. he played four years varsity and at 19, he just turned pro. >> what was it like to watch him play for the national team of the united states? >> for him to say, he's a royal, takes me breath away. >> the vice principal told him to never forget where he came from, and he hasn't, taking time to visit with students and teachers and share a little bit of what made him a success. >> a lot of people don't believe in this stuff. there will be people that will bring you down. there's going to be people that are going to say you can't do it, you're not good enough, but always leave that aside, listen to your family, because family is always going to be there to support you and follow your dreams. >> his main ambition is to represent the united states next year at the world cup in brazil. in san jose, kpix5. >> with his charisma and exciting big-play ability, fans are comparing him with colin kapernick. >> there's some similarities. >> certainly if he does it on the world cup stage, absolutely. so sure. >> the hottest team in hockey does it again. i'm dennis o'donnell and the sharks to a shootout. we'll drop the puck, next. ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, last time they played the ince the sharks were a perfect 7- 0 the last time they played the vancouver canuks. todd mcclellan is fighting for a playoff spot. less than 30 seconds to go in the second period, hanson ties the game. stayed that way until the shootout. little joe, shoots it through corey schneider. the sharks pick up a point in canada. >> the blackhawks, incredible .3 continues against the wild. patrick scored one of five chicago goals. they have not lost in regulation. you knew that? giants and indians, struck out three, walked one in three innings against cleveland. still looking for that control. tied at 2 in the 5th. nick hit a laser out of scotts dale stadium. indians win 4-3. matt

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United States , Canada , Iraq , Saratoga , California , Oakland , Bay View District , Redwood City , Brazil , Vancouver , British Columbia , Cuba , Switzerland , Chicago , Illinois , Venezuela , San Francisco , Venezuelan , America , Swiss , American , Stacey Martin , Hugo Chavez , Todd Mcclellan , Juliette Goodrich , Corey Schneider , Benjamin Hoya , Andre Franklin , Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , Fidel Castro , Kristen Ayers , Len Ramirez , Elizabeth Cook ,

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Transcripts For KBCW KPIX 5 News On The CW 20130306 :

Transcripts For KBCW KPIX 5 News On The CW 20130306

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i just... i think that after the last few weeks, you know, and all the trust issues, i think that we should take it slow. totally. you know, let things unfold naturally. right. i think i-i need some time to... heather: oh, my god. what... i knew it. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh this is kpix5 news on the cw. >> the bay bridge never looked so good. the new light project is on. we'll show you how they do it. >> plus, it seems hard to believe after 9/11, but why the tsa will allow knives back on airplanes. the piece of stolen history just recovered and why no one will get the reward for finding it. good evening, i'm elizabeth cook. >> and i'm ken bastida. it seems like it's been a while since we've seen this, yup, that's rain. paul is tracking the system with our high def doppler. paul. >> the heaviest rain fall we've seen in a long time and it is impacting us right now. take a look at the doppler with that steady rain fall. moving inland, leaving san francisco, but now heading to the 880 corridor. the 580 corridor and to the 680 corridor. liver more, you'll see some heavy rain fall and it's pouring in heyward. steady rain fall south of clear lake, to the east of santa rosa. palo alto, including campbell and back north. you're getting steady rain fall. all of this because of a front that is off to our north and west, even though the steadiest rain fall right now, we'll see it after tonight, upper level low pressure will move in, giving us more rain fall. this is not a one-hit wonder. details on how much rain we'll get coming up in a few minutes. after months of planning and preparation, it's the bay bridge's night to shine. the massive bay lights art installation is up and running and believe it or not, the artist is running this whole thing off a laptop. kpix5's kristen ayers on how it all works. >> reporter: that's right, it was fascinating to learn about how exactly this beautiful display is arranged. an hour into its debut, it is already a source of san francisco pride. it is 1.8 miles wide and 500 feet high and it is the largest led structure in the world and tonight, it came to life. tonight, the bay bridge sparkled. >> it's gorgeous. >> illuminated, 25,000led lights wrapped around cable on the bay bridge. >> it's great that the city puts this on, brings positive vibe to the city. >> this is the culmination of 2 1/2 careers of planning, politicking, and for artist, leo, passion. >> a light has a very universal quality. almost anyone can see it and have response to it. >> it took electricians months from october to january to install every last light and after that, weeks of comprehensive testing. the result, an $8 million piece of public art funded by private donations. the abstract ever changing light installation is meant to capture the very heartbeat of the bay bridge and its surroundings. designed the sequences you see, they are controlled from a network of computers inside the bridge. >> the computers are applying the sequences in a random order for a random amount of time. it is combining itself on the fly. >> a dazzling display of performance art that will show from 6:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. nightly until 2015. >> you can imagine anything you want in these lights. >> san francisco mayor, ed lee, is already imagining the light as a more permanent if pixture fixture on this bridge. >> i will predict that people, including myself, will want this to be on going, certainly during my lifetime. >> and back here live, you can see the lighting sequence in motion. it was designed to reflect the energy of the water in the bay and the traffic over the bridge as well as the wind, all without drivers ever seeing the lights as they are crossing the bridge. the artist was asked when he spoke to the press today about whether in the future, down the line he would consider making a similar led light installation for the new eastern span of the bay bridge. his answer, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. live in san francisco, kristen ayers, kpix5. organizers privately raised $6 million to fund the project. the bay needs $2 million more to keep it going. if you'd like to help, you can buy a light on the bridge at the donation. on the other side of town, san francisco police say they shot a suspected carjacker in a bmw after he tried to run one of them over. this happened a few hours ago when officers cornered the driver in the bay view district, they say he reversed, knocked an officer to the ground and tried to take off. that's when other officers opened fire. the suspect is stable. the officer was not seriously hurt. this is the fifth officer involved shooting in the bay area since saturday. passengers flying out of the u.s. airport will soon notice more relaxed rules about what they can take in their carry on luggage. for the first time since 9/11, small knives and sports equipment will be allowed. but it's kpix5's kit doe shows us, not everyone supports that change. >> ever since 9/11, the tsa has confiscated millions of knives at airport security check points. now, the rules are easing. in less than two months, you'll be able to carry small pocket knives on board. the blades must be no longer than 2.36 inches and no wider than half an inch. box cutters, larger knives and those with locking grips are not allowed. you'll be able to carry on golf clubs, ski poles, lacrosse sticks, and hockey sticks. flight attendants say these items can be a threat inside the cabin. stacey martin is the union president for southwest airlines flight attendants. >> they are allowing these items to come through and putting the responsibility of the cabin completely on us, even though they know coming through security are these items. >> the new guidelines bring u.s. regulations in line with international safety rules. with armed pilots and air marshals, it's hard to see how any of the items could be used to hijack a plane. here at the international airport, passengers we spoke with were not worried about small knives on the planes. >> is it going to cause you more anxiety? >> no, i fly a lot. i go to school in portland and i live here in california, so no, i'm going to keep flying and feeling the same way. >> i figure i can take care of myself or anybody that has one. >> reporter: and so a quick review, a swiss army knife is okay because the blade does not lock and the blade is skinny and short. this blade on the other hand, you want to leave this one at home. it's wide and too long and also the blade locks. the tsa is doing this because they want to focus on things, like finding explosives. the news rules are expected to take place on april 25. president, hugo chavez, is dead at the age of 58 after a two-year battle with cancer. >> cbs reporter, inez with the life, the socialist leader who was often at odds with the united states. >> hugo chavez was one of latin america's most colorful leaders. he was venezuela's president for more than a decade and a firm believer in socialist government. the executives who managed the country's vast oil reserves wanted him gone the people learned of chavez's death on national television. on the streets, supporters chanted, chavez lives on, some even cried. chavez had been battling cancer since 2011. he traveled to cuba multiple times for chemotherapy and surgery. last october, he won reelection, but just two months later, his cancer returned. chavez began his career at age 16, joining the army as a paratrooper. 22 years later, believing the government was corrupt, he led a military cue to unseat the president. it failed and chavez was thrown in jail. later, in 1998, he was elected president. four years later, a group of military officers stage a cue and put chavez under arrest. but troops loyal to chavez put him back in office. a helicopter delivered him back to the president's palace. he said, i'm still the king to the supporters. chavez believed the u.s. government secretly backed the cue and threatened to stop supplying the u.s. with oil. he was friends with fidel castro and iraq's mahmoud ahmadinejad. chavez accused the u.s. president of neglecting the poor, so in 2005, the venezuelan president announced that citgo would provide discounted heating oil to american households. he hoped to have a better relationship with president obama, but a year after his election, he called him a name. hours before his death, they expelled two u.s. diplomats. the vice president suggested foreign enemies caused chavez's cancer. the white house has expressed support for the venezuelan people, saying it is interested in providing -- >> three bay area cities want to get rid of red light cameras. >> plus, a museum mystery they say they got the guy, but where's the loot? the latest in the treasure box heist. ,, [ woman ] don't forget the yard work! okay. [ male announcer ] with citibank's popmoney, dan can easily send money by email right from his citibank account. nice job ben. [ male announcer ] next up, the gutters. citibank popmoney. easier banking. standard at citibank. to deposit checks from anywhere. [ wind howling ] easier than actually going to the bank. mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank. drivers in three bay area cities may not have to worry about those red light cameras anymore. heyward, redwood city and san rafael are considering putting a brakes on their programs. the cameras might actually be making things worse. >> unless you're a paramedic, these cameras will catch day-to- day red light runners in the act and a hefty fine in the mail. eight are at busy hayward intersections and they are costly, $1.3 million a year to operate and net only $100,000 in ticket fines. according to city council member, they haven't reduced accidents. in fact -- >> when people approach the intersections, they either hit their brake or speed up. and so, you know, after this occurs. >> the heyward city council will review the police chief's recommendation to phase out the program in two years when the camera contract is up. no great loss, according to this heyward driver. what's more effective? a picture of you isn't the mail running a red light or a cop pulling you over having a face- to-face conversation? >> a cop pulling you over. >> why is that? >> it's more intimidating when you get pulled over than getting mailed a ticket. >> salinas would agree. >> once we put a parole officer out there, we have seen a reduction in accidents. >> while cops can't be at every busy intersections, they have to consider if red light cameras are worth keeping. collecting on a ticket taken from a red light camera can be tricky when the driver contests, it wasn't me. >> he said it wasn't him. >> so he disputed it? >> because it was a rental car, so my grandma got the ticket. >> as for grandma, she didn't have to pay the ticket as we learned for one reason or another. tonight, the city council here in heyward will decide whether these cameras will stay or go. in heyward, juliette goodrich, kpix5. >> despite the concerns, most bay area cities that have cameras say they are happy with them and intend to keep them. something to celebrate for oakland police. they recovered a priceless piece of california history. taken in a brazen museum burglary, but kpix5 tells us the case is far from closed. >> it's been many sleepless nights. >> it may look like an expensive jewelry box, but this evokes a will the of emotion. it's one of the iconic pieces in this museum. and when they got the call yesterday that it had been recovered -- >> i cried. i pulled over and i burst into tears. >> oakland police say andre franklin has been charged with possession of stolen property. they have been looking for him for the past three weeks and found him driving in oakland on sunday. they would not say if there are other suspects. >> this is an on going investigation of what he told us why it was stolen. i don't want to jeopardize the case. we are actively trying to get items back. >> other items are gold nuggets. the box was taken in january. it was valued years ago at $800,000, long before the price of gold skyrocketed and is priceless for its historic value. it's that history that clicked with michael and prompted his relentless pursuit of the object and suspect. the whole investigative team celebrated. >> actually so happy, we thought we were in the mood for national treasure. >> police say the museum's system helped in their investigation. before november, the museum had never had a break in. ironically though, this box was stolen by someone on the inside in 1978 and recovered six years later. there are new security measures in place at the museum and around the clock security. >> it probably will be weeks before the general public gets to see that gold box. the museum needs to check it over to make sure it wasn't damaged. in oakland, kpix5. >> and the $12,000 reward that was being offered is not going to be paid out to anybody in the public because it was good olfashioned police work. this rain we're getting right now is like liquid gold because we need it. we need this rich weather. >> it's been a while and we are 8 inches below normal. not going to get that much, but we'll get 1/8 of that back. by the end of this week, an inch of rain. take a look at what is happening in san ramon and concord. that yellow you see is a moderate, steady rain fall, which we are seeing all the way down to san jose. also towards towards saratoga. steady rain for san francisco. an hour ago, that ended temporarily. we could use this rain fall in march. look what happens next month. we start turning down that speck specket from mother nature. not only tonight, but for the next couple of nights. that will be with us until midday tomorrow. giving us a chance of rain. the past four or five rain chances has been the front. rain chances gone, not the case this time, because behind that is an upper level area of low pressure. this will move over top of us. this is going to be here on thursday. i think for most of us, thursday will be wetter than what we have outside right now with a chance of thunderstorms and dropping snow levels. here's the future cast through 5:00 tomorrow. a quarter of an inch of rain fall. now look at the numbers once we add in thursday, concord, an inch of rain fall. redwood city, nearly an inch of rain fall. breezy tomorrow, as that front moves through. steady rain is done by 10:00, but the rain is back on thursday. mid 50s tomorrow, that's it. san jose, only 56. palo alto 55. only a high of 54. and san rafael with morning rain fall. only a high of 53. slight chance of a thunderstorm on thursday. we're done as we head toward the weekend, mainly sunny skies. we'll be back to 70 degrees by next monday. timing is perfect. >> all right, we'll take it. >> awesome. >> from the bay area to the world stage of soccer. the hometown excitement and why his fans compare him to colin kaepernick. ,,,, ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] now's the time to save 5% off every day with your lowe's consumer credit card. visit to one of the up and coming stars of the u.s. men's soccer team is a teenager from san jose. today that star paid a visit to his alma mater. >> len ramirez says he's a hometown hero and not just because of his fancy footwork. >> proudly wearing his jacket, benjamin hoya got a hero's welcome at his alma mater. >> it's great, i mean, always having the love and support of friends. it's better than anything. seeing new faces and d faces is great. >> benjamin has been seeing a lot of new faces, as cap captain, he nearly steered the red, white, and blue to an upset win in a preworld cup tournament final. hoya's goal was not enough, but he won over many new fans. >> he went through a rough road and he made it. i'm making the same road, and hopefully i make it, too. >> hoya was born in the u.s. his mother is a janitor and he would also help her at night. >> after school, i would get home, eat, and go to work and i would come back at 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning and do my homework. sometimes, not all the time. >> he had time for soccer. he played four years varsity and at 19, he just turned pro. >> what was it like to watch him play for the national team of the united states? >> for him to say, he's a royal, takes me breath away. >> the vice principal told him to never forget where he came from, and he hasn't, taking time to visit with students and teachers and share a little bit of what made him a success. >> a lot of people don't believe in this stuff. there will be people that will bring you down. there's going to be people that are going to say you can't do it, you're not good enough, but always leave that aside, listen to your family, because family is always going to be there to support you and follow your dreams. >> his main ambition is to represent the united states next year at the world cup in brazil. in san jose, kpix5. >> with his charisma and exciting big-play ability, fans are comparing him with colin kapernick. >> there's some similarities. >> certainly if he does it on the world cup stage, absolutely. so sure. >> the hottest team in hockey does it again. i'm dennis o'donnell and the sharks to a shootout. we'll drop the puck, next. ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, last time they played the ince the sharks were a perfect 7- 0 the last time they played the vancouver canuks. todd mcclellan is fighting for a playoff spot. less than 30 seconds to go in the second period, hanson ties the game. stayed that way until the shootout. little joe, shoots it through corey schneider. the sharks pick up a point in canada. >> the blackhawks, incredible .3 continues against the wild. patrick scored one of five chicago goals. they have not lost in regulation. you knew that? giants and indians, struck out three, walked one in three innings against cleveland. still looking for that control. tied at 2 in the 5th. nick hit a laser out of scotts dale stadium. indians win 4-3. matt

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