Transcripts for KAZU 90.3 FM [NPR for the Monterey Bay Area]

KAZU 90.3 FM [NPR for the Monterey Bay Area] KAZU 90.3 FM [NPR for the Monterey Bay Area] September 24, 2018 030000

Strat the step just probably says it's unthinkable. It's not judgement or telling with the beat after this break stay. N.p.r. News in Washington I'm Jim Hi The New Yorker magazine reports that Senate Democrats are investigating and Vesta getting a 2nd woman's accusation of sexual misconduct by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh during his 1st year in college and as for the original accuser Dr Christine Blonsky Ford Republican Senator Lindsey Graham says he hopes to hear from her on Thursday after lengthy negotiations if they really want to be heard they can be heard in a small room with a lot of security limited press availability and she'll be treated fairly but we're not going to turn the hearing over to her lawyers and will say I hope she comes out well listen if she does Ram was interviewed on Fox News Sunday environmental advocates are raising concerns about coal ash washing into the flooded Keep Fear River near Wilmington North Carolina but Jason De Bruyne of member station w.u.n. See reports Duke Energy claims its own testing shows the river has not been polluted floodwaters from Hurricane Florence breached the dams that hold back waste water reservoirs at Duke Energy Sutton power plant on Sunday Duke said water tests were clean great news to share we have released the water testing results that straight the discharge is from a lake in Wilmington and not on the Cape Fear River but those tests are done at Duke's own facilities environmental advocates and state regulators will report their tests later this week for n.p.r. News I'm Jason dobro and in Wilmington on Monday a Philadelphia area judge will hear arguments about whether or not Bill Cosby should go to prison for sexual assault from member station w.h.y. Why. Laura bench off has more about his upcoming sentencing hearing it's been more than a dozen years since Andrea Constantia told police Bill Cosby drugged and sexually assaulted her in April a jury convicted Kaspi of 3 counts of aggravated indecent assault veteran Philadelphia defense attorney William Brennan says under state sentencing guidelines could receive house arrest but a stint in state prison is more likely Monday is probably Judgment Day judgment day is probably going to include noise shops Susan and going out the side door each of his 3 convictions carries up to 10 years but experts say it's likely he'll receive less time for n.p.r. News I'm Laura bunch off in Philadelphia members of the organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries met on Sunday without making any decision to further increase oil output in a statement OPEC said that it was satisfied with what it called an overall healthy balance between supply and demand President Trump has been calling publicly for OPEC to help lower prices by producing more OPEC and Russia have kept production since January 27th team to bolster prices this is n.p.r. News. Spain's maritime Rescue Service says it rescued more than 400 people from 15 small boats over the weekend most of them off the country's southern coast a recent spike in migrant arrivals in Spain has strained public services and the Spanish government has faced further pressure since Italy refused to let humanitarian boats dock nearly $300.00 migrants have died in waters separating Spain and Africa so far this year according to the United Nations an opposition candidate is claiming victory in Sunday's presidential elections in the Maldives and as the B.B.C.'s Libya Lang reports there's a lot of uncertainty about the succession of power we've had the provisional results come in giving the opposition candidate. A significant lead so 16 percentage points to him he has come out held a press conference claimed victory and urged to concede defeat and to pave the way for a smooth transition of power over night in the Maldives now the people on the streets supporters of the opposition coming out there are celebrating but also calling on to say something because we haven't heard anything at all so I think the more time we are waiting for him to come out and say something the more I'm sorry and tense the situation becomes the B.B.C.'s Libya Lang reporting golfer Tiger Woods is a winner again for the 1st time in 5 years Woods ended his comeback season on Sunday with a dominant victory at the Tour Championship east of Atlanta was raised both arms over his head after he tapped in at the 18th hole marking the a.t.f. Victory of his p.g.a. Tour career I'm Jim Hark n.p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include the George Gunn Foundation working to make Cleveland and northeast Ohio more globally competitive livable sustainable and just more information available at gun Foundation dot org and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Such a big game about wanna see the movie. I'm in high school so I took a big game of lock stock and there's no way I can patch Lisi it is culturally. Foden expression are concerned. Staying on my best buddy Craig Sterling's place late Saturday or playing video games sometimes brother. Comes downstairs and he's waving a black cassette tape. Both of us know what it is before he even opens his mouth. To come I see studios snap judgment probably because it's unthinkable the News The Washington and just the moment you understand why peer pressure is the worst kind of pressure it's a risk. To. Snap fasten your seatbelts because the debt Douceur John Feal takes an epic journey through the making and legacy on the most controversial. Film So clue from this has become an urban legend. But before we get started please listen. This episode is not for children a sense of listeners every single trigger warning in the trigger warning book applies to this episode will return to regular programming next week I promise if this sounds like something you cannot handle turn off the radio unplug your headphones back slowly away from the audio device. Building. It's not just. So after shooting a particularly difficult scene I told my crew we'd go to my house which is on the beach and we could relax when we got there their crew kind of went into my living room and got a drink. My camera guy and I said well let's go jump in the ocean maybe do a little body surfing because it was pretty decent serve in front of my house. Got our trunks on ran out jumped in the ocean and we're body surfing and we bump into a dead body. A lot of times is a body that's been in the water for quite some time this fills with gas and at that time it was kind of floating on the surface and I said oh my God and we watched this body in a kind of bog or room in it that the ocean was taking it into the shore and I told my camera guy said go go get the cameras and go get the group bring him out here let's stillness. This is Conan Conan is not his real name. Before he found himself filming dead bodies Conan was just like any other kid growing up in Southern California in the sixty's except his dad had this pretty cool job he hosted nature shows on t.v. . Conan joined the business early he dropped out of high school to work at his dad's company I learned how to load cameras I learned how to edit and I was a camera man for about 10 years and then I started producing my own shows and then one day in the mid seventies a man from a Japanese film company showed up at Conan's office with an unusual proposition he said Hey you guys have all these nature films you must have some animals that are being killed he wanted Conan to make a follow up to a documentary called The Great Hunt which was composed entirely of footage of animals dying people killing animals all over the world and how in. Holes were taken for food basically. This was a very particular style of documentary called Mondo created by the famous gruesome film Mondo Conaway and I was the I love Mondo Khan and you have never in your life seen a film like Montauk Ali. There is all kinds of different things in Mondo comedy The film is a collection of obscure rituals from all over the world they coined the term Chucky mentary and there's lots of animal slaughter. Remember Conan's dad hosted nature shows so they had tons of this kind of footage but Conan was tired of making nature films he wanted to do something more ambitious so I suggested one that we do something about humans getting killed. I'm fascinated by death and growing up death was something you did never talk about . Grampa passed away will how did he pass away what happened one of Conan's favorite scenes in the original Mondo Conny deals with this very subject. I think it was in China but there were the deaths as is where were the elderly people went to die the hopelessly sick but all brought here in this tragic boarding house of the dying that's stuck with me. So Conan came up with a plan to sell the Japanese on a documentary that would explore the many faces of death using real shocking footage footage that movie going audience is had never seen before so I went and got a doctor friend of mine who had access to a morgue and I with. Autopsy he cut that material together with some other. Graphic footage of the Japanese had flown out we had a screening room and we showed him that stuff and they just went crazy they were so excited. And that's how faces the death came about for the 1st time in cinema history the greatest fear of all mankind. Really exposed Cohen in had no idea what he was about to unleash the motion picture dares to take you beyond the threshold of the living way you may discover your face a. Thank you not death into shock part of. The film was supposedly banned in 40 countries and you cluster in trees it was just somebody just kind of drop a dark cloud over there much fun and what is the fun in Iraq people won't get caught up in Iraq people by a 15 year old accused of killing a classmate with a baseball bat just want to throw up why are they filming this why are they doing this what is wrong with people. And actually. You have never thought about. It's time you started thinking. Based. On the. Faces of Death is the shocking Mantri shocking. It's legendary. Conan was in his mid twenty's when he started making the film and he didn't really think about what its impact might be. I was quite young when I made the 1st film so that maybe it was just kind of a fun experiment can I do this kind of pull this off and I knew there was a lot of news material out there that you know was hidden away and had been touched and that I could get my hands on. When Conan 1st started making faces of death he went door to door to different news organizations and asked to look at. The gross is footage ever and we lucked out on a couple things. There was the p.s.a. Air crash that happened and we asked to look at the footage and they had the realtor show us. A young intern who my writer and I both flirted with a little bit to try and get her to show us more she said Well there is a there is a take called body parts and they said that's the tape we don't actually like to look at so she pulled that out and boy did it have body parts in it. He gathered a lot of this kind of stuff but this was priest Mark phones pre-digital cameras pre internet and he couldn't get enough material for a feature length film so Conan knew he was going to have to shoot stage sequences the film was scripted it was storyboarded the film is introduced by a quote unquote doctor who comes out and scrubs the 1st us hours and hours. And over the past 20 years I've lived in many cases. Dr Gross as you may have guessed is played by an actor the film is a hybrid of stage scenes shot by a camera crew and real documentary footage for example Conan acquired this one awful shot of a woman taking her own life she jumped off the side of a building but there was nothing leading up to her jumping off and no aftermath there was just a 52nd or 42nd piece of footage doesn't affect the psyche of a human being and I knew exactly what she was wearing rematch that we got the actress we got the police right and did a whole bit based on what actually happened and the police running up into the apartment. Knocking on the door trying to talk are awful she jumps here's where they insert the actual footage of this woman falling to her death. And then we picked up with again dramatized footage of the ambulance and scraping her brains off the sidewalk but many of the most violent most talked about scenes in the film are just completely fake. Though many people see this day still believe that their real. The scene with the electric chair for example the fellow that played the part was a professional actor he went on talk shows and tried to describe what it was like him playing the part and a lot of people would call in and say we don't believe you it was real. The part where people eat monkey brains we had several different monkey heads and inside the monkey head was a plaster Pierce gone inside the skull was jello and cauliflower and other stuff to simulate the broon. Conan himself appears in the film playing a masked gun toting French assassin. Did you think that people would think it was real to ensure Yeah absolutely Were you worried about that at all well there's a disclaimer in the credits that they're very and which says something like certain exaggerate scenes are recreated to further document their factual origin no one could come back and say well you said this was all real well actually no we didn't we said that we simulated some stuff but it was in legal ease that most people couldn't fully understand. The credits are filled with pseudonyms not all of Conan's crew members wanted their name on Faces of Death Conan didn't even want his real name on the bill which is how he ended up with Conan and me there which is French for Conan good chiller or at least it sounds like it could be French for Conan the killer. But that's not what Les Calera means oh I don't know I don't know what it means you know I don't even know if it's a proper French in. Faces of Death was shot over 4 to 5 weeks there were a couple of times during the shoot where life and art overlapped like when Conan and his camera guy were body surfing and bumped into a dead body. And was at the prime of his life maybe too much regretted. And this whole time Conan's mother was in the hospital dying of cancer I would leave filming probably 78 o'clock at night and ride my motorcycle to the hospital where my mother was a and go to her bedside in the hold her hand and. Talked to her try to talk to her when she was lucid and it was one of the most difficult things to do in my life. When you see your mother dine and you see all the death that I had seen in the last previous months producing faces of death they gave me a little different outlook going to. Rise. The reality of life become totally of. Being in the morgue week after week in filming the so many dead bodies there wasn't any fear there wasn't any terror to me it wasn't even gross except for the smell the smell was pretty nasty These are just shells of people that had passed in their souls and gone on to a better place. All of this might help explain the film's surprisingly warm ending there's a sequence at the very end of the film with a song that's about life and rebirth. It starts with a scene of a woman having a baby and goes into the scene with the baby and then the mother in a hot tub holding the baby and there is a song that plays Life goes on and I think that all came out of my mother's death that even though there's death life does go on it's not really the end for you in that in one night. And what about this thing that that that it's kind of like you're capitalizing on people's suffering. Well. People suffer. And people die we. Are. Buyer that wanted to buy. A film that was going to pull people into their movie theaters in Japan. In 1978 faces of death was released theatrically in Japan under the title jump in Japan it blew everything else away or they get tied box office with Star Wars what it was originally released I don't know about the Star Wars thing but it did kill at the box office there it's crazy who would have thought that in then the phenomena actually didn't happen in the phenomenon happened a few years later when Faces of Death became widely available in the us thanks to a revolutionary new piece of video technology experience Panasonic v.h.s. . The h s by 987 there were 42000000 V.C.R.'s in the u.s. They released it as a home video and it was during that time that the us became aware of the film became interested in the film critics became outraged we're going to expand our weekly videos they want to take your bill into the back shelf of your local video store backwards videos and work under devouring them all propel them but we call the video nasty Siskel and Ebert did a whole episode on video nasties the violent low budget horror movies that were flooding v.h.s. Rental stores and kids are renting membre righteously and holding the nasty parties in their homes to see if they are man enough or woman enough to rob this disgusting girl are trying to start copying and some stores have bloated entire shelves of this lorry stuck under the bed are labeled as a regular horror pictures. That is simply bread and guts and the most popular nasty of them all the trash. Films v.h.s. a snuff film. But hard to believe but I don't believe the parents are really aware of what's contained in those well you know let's have fun and what is a rock paper on got caught up rock paper by an effective. Pain when entertainment. Debated the merits of bases of death some worry the film could desensitize viewers and interfere with the development of children and their attitude toward death. And that's kind of what happened the release of Faces of Death did have serious real world consequences in the 1st one I want to tell you about happened in 1985 at Escondida high school in southern California. When we return Faces of Death. Have. Changed. Support for Casey you comes from. A meditation retreat center in the Santa Cruz Mountains hosting the retreat making peace on relinquishing opinions grudges and judgments through mindful reconciliation Nov 16th through the 18th details of experience peace dot org And from Santa Cruz Corps and Jamie Jensen business coaching with pivot towards your purpose a Women's Leadership Conference for empowering life changes featuring a NASA astronaut wellness expert and global leaders September 28th reservations at pivot event. Snap Judgment is supported by Progressive Insurance offering snapshot a device designed to reward safe drivers learn more at progressive dot com or 1800 progressive Now that's progressive. Judgment. Today what happens when you make a movie. That. The people who. Faces death. Of listeners should know this story. Graphic imagery. I was in that I want to say the 10th the 10th grade yes. It was over 30 years ago so I'm trying to remember Sherry was actually a junior It was the end of the year she just finished her math finals there was some down time so her teacher Mr Schwartz wheeled out a t.v. Stand and started playing videotapes for his students the 1st one was Rambo 1st Blood and then he put the faces of death moving in. Almost immediately there was a huge reaction from the class the boys or you know like oh cool or that's awesome but as the movie paragraph the class became more and more silent. At one point myself and another student. Asked. This is Diane it was pretty gross pretty disturbing I didn't want to watch it and he said that we couldn't be told me no that we were going to have to stay and watch that movie and then he kind of took my chair and swung it around on the floor to face the t.v. And so we were forced to sit and deal with this entire movie. I remember parts of an autopsy something about monkeys and they were bashing their heads or something they gave all of the people at the table a hammer and the people at the table proceeded to beat this m

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