Transcripts for KASC 1330 AM [Blaze Radio 1330 AM] KASC 1330

Transcripts for KASC 1330 AM [Blaze Radio 1330 AM] KASC 1330 AM [Blaze Radio 1330 AM] 20170303 000000

Just can't get enough of the best music news and sports coverage the Valley has to offer cold laser radio on social media athletes radio a.s.u. On Twitter Snap Chat and Instagram and k.s.c. Plays radio on Facebook make sure your up today and behind the scenes of plays or radio your local students station and. Pick up their spring break on the shores of Lake all the SUV it will take you less than a tank of gas if you don't have a monster truck to make the trip to one of the hottest spring break spots in the nation relax in the sand play volleyball go hiking and rock the beach parties at the spring break spot that won't make you spring broke you don't need water to always have a blast of soup but if you want them we've got them from Boat Rentals to paddle boat. And don't worry about finding a place to crash there are affordable hotels or take side campsites So put your books down and cruised 200 miles Arizona's west coast playground where you can play like you mean it. Alan. King. Live. This Monday blues got you down looking through some motivation ready to take a dance break they all. Join me d.j. T.n.t. On electro blaze for a bomb hour of the best remakes is an indie alternative and local music. Electro plays live every Monday night at 9 pm only on Blaze radio your local skate station . Is part of goal Day 2 brought to you by Lucky Man concert is on March 18th at rawhide and is jam packed with artists like Flogging Molly Death Cab for Cutie. And so much more gates open at 11 am. Tickets are available at pot of gold a.z. Dot com for a chance to win free tickets follow up plays radio a.s.u. On social media gates open at 11 am at heart of gold day 2 on March 18th at raw hide presented by Lucky Man concerts. Hayward's coded a listening to the blades 1330 and. He . Would. Be. The big. Movie. The. Years so one last semester. Joined me d.j. T.n.t. And the new d.j. Lightning. And say oh we've got your latest music news all this week. And you're in for the local scene of our great state 48. 0 wait no I'm lazy Online dot com Love your radio. Mondays at Flood stole. Lol. Lol. It was. Ostensibly. The police studios in downtown Phoenix this is traffic. And welcome to traffic jam I'm Dave Marino here with my co-hosts. That's me Ok I'm the one usually introducing through you know yeah so good for a lot of the sky. And also introducing our dear friend Devin Madigan Yes Boortz guy and I'm Scott job on our 1st story wait wait he's not our new sports guy he's just again new sports guy for the Win a man he's our special guest Ok so we're going to be like 3 Yeah I mean this is like a special guest is a big deal thank you for joining. Us the producer that randomly comes in at random times Sundays and even you can ignore him. So our 1st story of the day is. Jeff Sessions So according to the Justice Department officials attorney Jeff Attorney General Jeff Sessions had 2 meetings last year with the Russian ambassador that he did not disclose during his confirmation hearings to become attorney general in January so the 1st meeting with the Russian ambassador was in July with several other embassadors But the 2nd one as you know the one that's a bigger problem. It was a private conversation with the ambassador Sir j. Can sleep I'm sure I pushed her that but it. Is so and I was in Jeff Sessions. Office. In Washington and thousands of temblor at the height of what the CIA called a Russian cyber campaign to meddle in the u.s. Presidential race so at the time sessions was a senior member of the influential Armed Services Committee as well as one of Trump's top foreign players policy advisers sessions formally join the Trump campaign in February 26th seen so by the time he had these meetings he was already well established within that trump campaign and so the main problem isn't that he spoke with the Russian ambassador because we don't know what he said yet if it was compromising to. You know us elections or anything like that but the main problem was that he lied under oath in these hearings about not having these meetings during his January. Information hearing sessions asked by Senator Al Franken Democrat from Minnesota what he would do if he learned of any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of the 2016 campaign he replied quote I am not aware of those activities I have been called a surrogate time at a time or 2 in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians and he was also asked in writing by Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy from Vermont quote Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government from the about the 2016 election either before or after Election Day and quote and sessions and police responded No And today the big news is that rest is that Attorney General Sessions recused himself from any investigations of presidential campaigns but it remains to be seen whether Congress will organize to form a special council special investigative committee to investigate these ties between Russia and the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election because as attorney general sessions oversees the Justice Department and the f.b.i. Which have been leading the investigation on this matter so far so what do you guys think about this you know our top legal official in the United States possibly having ties with the Russians I think that any time that he like any time we like put its name in like you as the ass I keep thinking it like the ending of audition because that's a session so yeah that's just the joke I didn't you know. You don't make. It so I think this is the biggest political scandal in my opinion since Watergate this no trumpets it's not no no well not why not what was because the thing is it to be like more it would have. There I was reading a Vox article on this that was saying that the thing that this is closest to is the Bowery plume scandal which was the why and where there's a CIA agent was outed by Scooter Libby who was and the Bush administration this one's not as big because it it doesn't. Involve as March of the president cabinet as as Nixon's did it get it really not taking down the entire Republican well as much as that of the Cabinet so far so it's continuously leaking exactly you know already just had General Flynn it had to resign you know a couple weeks ago for having ties with the Russians and discussing sanctions with them before the trumpet ministration was in office and you know Trump Trump hasn't even been president for 2 months and this is already the 2nd guy yeah exactly 40 days the 2nd guy that's I mean come out already I mean if you get a chance read that Vox article because I don't have comparable to that of that was I mean that was a big deal but like but I mean this is another country interfering in our election and there's evidence of that happened all of the intelligence agencies think that they released the Wiki Leak that they helped the with Wiki Leaks they release of documents against Secretary Clinton to try to the legitimacy election and try to get potentially high get elected that's a horrible thing you don't want to ensuring candidate who supported by the Russians as much as much as you know Trump wants to call it fake news the CIA like has released a report that said that the Russians at least attempted to swing the election in Trump's favor and. It just remains to be seen whether the Trump campaign knew about that or not whether you know in on it that's that's what remains to be seen like we know Russia at least tried to fix the election and. I mean I think this could definitely go we might be just scratching the surface really we have to wait for everything to be seen like you said but if you know this story ends up being. Having a bigger impact on the election then we previously thought then it could rival scandals political scandals you know previously that were you know considered the biggest of all time. So I think the thing about this is that they keep saying over and over again that there was no communication and they keep finding that there was a unification so it's like is it innocuous is it completely is does nothing really happen in those talks or is there something in the trying to hide because if they aren't trying to hide anything why would they just say well you know we communicate with them and this is what we said you know especially since lied about this twice under oath straight up to you know important politicians faces no I didn't have any discussions with any Russian officials and obviously that's not true. I don't understand how if Bill Clinton can get impeached for lying under oath about having sex with you know outside of his marriage why why can't you know Jeff Sessions get . You know be forced to resign because he's lying about how you know possibly fixing an election with the Russian is a question I think I should think sessions or resign I don't want I don't know you guys think but I think all happened this week I think he has to like there's no way you survive a scandal like this because at the very least he was misleading. He was misleading in these hearings even if he wasn't straight up lyingly even if you find a loophole to say that he wasn't lying he was still at least misleading. That's kind of the theme of this administration so far as misinformation distributed to the public I'll turn to facts right. Hashtag what good another scandal at this time not political Everyone remembers the Casey Anthony trial right yes it was the but there was a 2011 and it was decided and you guys movie I remind our viewers I mean listeners yes the Casey Anthony was it was found not guilty of 1st degree murder in 2011 of murdering her or her daughter Caylee but now so that ruling made a lot of people really angry thinking saying that she did it that there was evidence that she did it but she was found not guilty in the court of law now now former Circuit Judge Belvin Perry Jr. Said yesterday that Casey Anthony who was involved in the trial who is he who is the main point of plaintiffs but the center of this trial may have actually killed her child by accident in interview with The Orlando Sentinel So the judge said that the that Anthony may have been trying to quiet her child Caylee with chloroform and accidentally use too much that sounds like a crazy theory in some ways but I mean if she had regularly used chloroform to quiet her child I guess it kind of makes sense but who does that really. Does it really been rising at their job with chloroform I don't know like do you know anybody that does that does anybody know that all the time. I just like you know that's where you use you know some of to knock people out and you know do different you know illegal activities I don't know if you use it to quiet children I mean I just don't think. But there's but but Ok but there must be some kid Venning there are some cases of people using that to quiet their children and it just sounds like she was a bad and you know if you're really bad just something she was a really bad maybe she was a really bad mother in that situation and didn't realize the consequences of it either way I'd agree that using chloroform to quote your child this is grounds for a legal respect legal action and in and of itself no I mean we all know she's nuts regardless of like what happened to her kid she's not like all up there I mean she lied to police how many times but how many times does she change her story throughout the trial I mean and when she was being investigated I mean it was ridiculous more than Jeff Sessions you know. That kind of goes to the next point I'm so. He was acquitted the trial but you know there's a general sentiment now if you talk to people about it that you know she did it but she was acquitted and now this judge is saying that it might have been this theory that happened he said oh there's several theories about what happened only Anthony herself knows what happened so is there one source things kind of interesting that you know there's narratives that go around about what happened what happened that Casey Anthony didn't kill their daughter and got off but you never really can really you can never really know what exactly happened in there is definitely always going to be kind of fogginess especially when she's found not guilty they think that's kind of an interesting thing in the legal system well. I mean interesting is a word for. It's it's always tough because when there's not you know hard evidence in a case like this because you're just going off what. You know people are telling you if what they're telling you. All lies all the time then there's no possible way to ever you know truly know the truth. You know the truth so you know the truth. And I mean it's kind of back to the whole just like Jeff Sessions thing and thing in a way if he if they can find any evidence that what he did was you know trying to influence the election is that it can he will the narrative remain that he interfered with the trouble if I'm a government official and getting off on that I mean it just seems it seems to me that sometimes narratives very much I don't know the legal opinion of in Chile the truth comes out it in both the sessions case and Casey Anthony obviously they can't retry air because once your guilt once you've been proven under say you can't be retried I was sleep I want to one of like the Legal of the Constitution double jeopardy and so but I mean I would say that eventually something happens and the sessions case maybe a journalism organization gets empty or at this rate based off the leaks the White House I wouldn't be surprised if someone in the White House leaked information and that's what caused everything to come crashing down Trump's going to accidentally tweet something. Oops wrong numbers. But you know we've got to go to break you know we're going to break a little bit early and we're not going to come we're coming back with you know some . News baseball's some T.V.'s and sweet and funny and. Talk to us. Playing radio 3030 am available on Blaze radio on line. This in the cash you know with Pearl and Stephen sitting around the k.f.c. 3 30 am Police Radio online at police radio online dot com will discuss everything and politics the. President under way just kidding House of Cards is yes so help me God today you see night. Our welcome back listening to blaze 1330 am So we're going to talk about some baseball news right now little little turn of the topics here so the new rule changes for the upcoming 2017 season were nouns today. Mainly they focused on pace of play issues the commissioner of the. Baseball has been trying to address this for a while he feels like the pace of play speeding up the pace of the game is going to enhance the viewing experience for t.v. Viewers which is going to generate more t.v. Revenue and create a younger audience which has been his focus so because these rule changes are trying to bring in younger fans older fans of the sport and players feel like they're being alienated. So the most prominent rule change that came this year was that they're eliminating the 4 pitch intentional walk so in the past if you wanted to intentionally put someone on base you had to throw 4 balls to the catcher if you could stand up to receive them and it was basically just lobbing a ball up there so they thought that was an uncompetitive action and it kind of caused a low in the game so they did away with that now it's just the manager signals to the umpire we're going to put that guy on base and he just goes no pitcher catcher action at all and that's the rule that has caused the most controversy. Among fans of baseball I personally disagree with that change I mean the you know the intentional walk I mean that I think we talked about this last week but in credit conversations but you know there's some cases where they missed they either have a wild pitch or sing along those lines and adds a whole new strategic thing value to the before the thing against the intentional walk and there was a case because if you're if I'm wrong there is a case where someone hit a home run off into a walk pitch that happened years ago yeah yeah yeah Personally I disagree I actually like these. Specially the limitation of the intentional walked only because like like they said they're trying to appeal to the younger not technically the elimination the intentional walk the elimination of the 4 pitch outs for yeah that's what I'm saying as well like if you just want to intentionally walk some by you just like points you know take your base them and then you don't have to I don't have to watch for pitches you know about them the game. But I'm just saying like anything to speed up the game I feel like is going to attract younger audiences because like if you have like most you know kids they're going to you know have an option to watch you know a baseball game a basketball game or a football game which you think the majority is going to you know. Why I should not watch it delayed again baseball's going to be I'm thinkin baseball is going to be last on the list personally they do have the oldest average viewer Yeah so here's the thing for me and I'm a diehard baseball fan baseball's my favorite sport a lot of the sports but because of my favorite and. I originally when I 1st heard this rule I was thinking of myself yeah I mean that makes sense like there's no need to have a 4 page intentional walk. Why not just single it but since then since I 1st heard about it I've changed my mind oh I've done son of some sort of rating and. I've thought about it a little more deeply and I think I think there's a chance this could slow the game down even more I think that in the past you sometimes see guys especially relievers one a manager wants to intentionally want someone to leave a guy in have him you know intentionally walk someone through the 4 pitches action ice and slow take a walk around the mound tween each one or whatever and while it gives another reliever more time to warm up in the bullpen and that's the only time really the the 4 pitches has slowed the game down because intentional walks are less common than ever before in baseball and throughout the history of baseball because with analytics and all that statistics show that it's not as advantageous as one's thoughts intentionally walk another team's best hitter and especially now that you know steroids aren't as saturated throughout the game but what I think could happen now is managers instead of. Just having the reliever throw you know the 4 balls to give their other reliever an extra you know couple seconds a couple extra pitches to warm up in the bullpen I think managers might bring in a pitcher just for them to not throw a pitch while the reliever gets more time to warm up I can totally see a situation where the starters gassed and you want to take them out but the relievers not ready yet so you bring in a guy who was going to pitch today maybe the starter from the day before whatever have him come out walk walk his way to the mound stand on the mound the Manage sigma for an intentional walk the guy doesn't have to throw a pitch but do you think they're doing that strategy immediately or do you think it will only happen a maybe a few years or a couple years but I don't know I think they'll start I mean I mean it's only a good strategy to kind of buck and get time to really read it that they're not and I just don't think this is a pace of play thing as much as. I don't think it takes much away from the game but I don't think it adds anything to it either as the intentional walk is so rare that because it's so rare you almost and it doesn't take a long time we're talking about like 30 seconds for it do you think that the if all right then if not the intentional walk What do you think they can do what d

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Radio Program , Legal Professions , Baseball Positions , Baseball Terminology , Pitching Statistics , Batting Statistics , Major League Baseball Designated Hitters , Student Culture , Baseball Rules , Mass Media , Law Enforcement , Philosophical Terminology , Cognition , Thought , Theatre , Radio Kasc 1330 Am , Stream Only , Radio , Radioprograms ,

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