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And sponsor a child right now is America under threat from the right or the left it's under threat by anyone who wants to silence every voice should be heard you believe whatever you want I believe the trees have souls and that's why I go out to the forest and we trash them up as women because they've all chosen to be women here is on power talk but if you start to say anyone who disagrees with me is a problem when asked to be dealt with Glenn Beck then you want to have a problem weekday mornings 6 to 9 hour talk 967 am 1400 when patients leave the hospital they hope the worst is behind them but surprise medical bills can be devastating millions of Americans receive costly surprise bills each year that they thought were covered by insurance and get this patients get stuck with bills surance companies run away with big profits over 35000000000 dollars last year local communities get hit the hardest insurance companies want to make it worse by refusing to pay doctors for their services all to relate leading to a shortage of health care in your communities Congress has a choice side with insurance companies that refuse to pay their fair share provide a limited hazardous airborne particles that get stirred. During the dry belly summer led California Fresno oil company deal with your does call for a 60 to 20 today and ask about just 486-022-4860 extension 220 means no more dust with California Fresno oil companies dust off service. If you've invested in solar for your commercial business you want your system working at its best year round and solar made its pros they know a technical issue with a system that size could cost you thousands in lost production that's why along with their commercial cleaning packages they offer their clients monitoring to safeguard their system protector so investment also in Maine is Prozac 355-3544 your tell me what you want to. Make. This hour of The Rush Limbaugh program is brought to you by reverse mortgages for seniors. And. The. This is one of those days I can't believe it's Friday but man it's taken a long time to get a little more. Going is fine but times are flying by and other times it seems like the time is tragic. But regardless it is Friday it's the end of a busy broadcast way you can cram Sundays. And if you think you've got an idea on how to fix something if you have a disagreement if you have a question or comment. But look. I don't want to give examples but there's so many calls yesterday I broke certainly put. I'm up there I look down to my sound I ever just talked about them or down doesn't make any sense or I don't want to deal with it there but that doesn't happen today. Whatever snottily puts up there I deal with . Including people who think we need to send kids to the military to teach them communism. And I'll deal with it. I must say I hadn't heard that before. But I'm fascinated how people think. 800 to 8 to 2 a day to not going to get back to the serious discussion of issues here in just a minute but I got a couple of e-mails today and one just now in the break and yet. I sensed in Sean Hannity last night it's really tough for me because my hearing is what it is and I can't see who I'm speaking to you when you're doing a remote you're can't so I don't see facial expressions so I might misinterpret but I think in one of my answers to his question about how to deal with ongoing criticism or how does trump deal with it or how does trump break through all this noise I got the impression that. He didn't think that I was in correct me if I'm wrong but I got the impression he didn't think that I was taking it or treating it as seriously as it is meaning the opposition how hard it's going to be to win reelection that was when he was talking about a rush for Republicans to win they've got to thread the needle everything's got to be just right and the what reminded me of this is that the e-mails today Rush you you really do make it sound like this is going to be a cakewalk over the over the Democrats for folks out just if the election were today it would be but I understand the thing that interests me about this. Is the perception that I have versus the perception others have and why the difference in perceptions might clearly last night Hannity and again none of this is a criticism to me this is all fascinating stuff that spawns. Creative thinking and conversations but I got the impression that what we're talking about. The differences in getting an audience for a show like this and getting votes we're talking about how the Republicans don't push back how Trump does the Republican seem afraid of the media and I made the point to him that getting votes and getting audience are different things that he and I can survive being hated We can even thrive being hated but somebody gets votes can't people hate you we're not going to vote for you and when I said the thing about us being hated He said there's more of a Don't you know Rush so he's cognizant of it and I'm not even though I know it's there place on by 21 this is the it's a couple of minutes and there's more in here than than is going to contribute to the point that I'm going to try to make when this is over but this is the sound bite the portion the show is talking about he said to me I actually see similarities between you and Trump. Let me tell you what 2 of them are number one you've got to be able to take a punch you pave the way for a lot of us who are conservative in the media you've taken more than your fair share of criticism abuse lying slander libel that's not what he meant and then in the midst of taking all of that you've got to fight for what you believe my biggest criticism of Republicans is that they are weak a lot of them and timid and afraid to do what you do every day to do what Trump is doing and you're right Trump is showing them the way just fight for what you say you're going to fight for and this is how I answered it look there are 2 different things going on I I don't have to get votes you and I can succeed with people hating it's people and or disliking people a lot of them rush to get elected. But the people who need to win elections the people that don't like it don't vote for it so I understand their reticence a bit but I think that can be overcome with attitude it can be overcome with confidence this fear of the media this fear of being called a racist everybody needs to get over that now because all of us are racists everybody's race they can't talk about anybody now without labeling them racist this thing that Trump did about Boehner more it's about time this stuff is called out where the Democrats run cities or towns or states with one party rule those places are suffering greatly the people there are suffering drug addiction they're suffering drug infestation and they're suffering filth and nobody ever calls them out on it because you can't because a Democrat supposedly are the ones with compassion so you can't criticize them to heck with that they deserve to be criticized they deserve to be called out it was coming as himself 20 years ago you everybody's seen the video now who referred to his own city as drug infested and nobody said it was racist back then Trump is is. Really showing a lot of people how to take these people on you know we've got this never Trumper problem that I think is kind of like an elephant a fly on an elephant's ass but people make it out to be bigger than it is because these are supposedly the intellectual leaders of our party they've been rendered irrelevant they know what that's why they're ticked off they're probably going to vote Democrat if they have a chance simply because you know how they're going to sell cruises now to tell them what to think about conservatism for 20 years and they thought they were the intellectual leaders of conservatism but never got much done Ok there's a lot there in the Never trumpeters were an add on that that's not relevant to my point my point is what you heard you heard Sean say there is all. Of them out there Rush meaning people who hate us My take is that he encounters them and he does a lot of remotes for Fox He goes out on the road he does Twitter and so he encounters the hake it's probably part of his daily existence I don't I don't go anywhere the hate is I don't subject myself to it I'm not saying he does I'm saying he may not be able to avoid it but if you do Twitter if you're a conservative and you do Twitter and you check your feet every day you had better have boundaries on that are 5 inch metal thick. I have no interest in reading what the Twitter verse thinks of me I already know b. I know it's a bunch of bytes see I know it's a bunch of lunatics that have nothing better to do who don't even have the guts to use their real name my point is I don't subject myself to that and so I get these e-mails rush I don't think you realize how serious it is and I look at that how can anybody think that I don't realize how serious it is I think what you're hearing here I'm not afraid of I'm. You know what folks can I tell you be honest I might have an even bigger audience if every day I came here and told you that if this election doesn't go our way this country's finished I could the way these people in Wall Street who sell their stock market newsletters you know how they goose subscriptions they predict a crash next week because negativism in crisis sells if the market's going to crash next week but this guy sending you the newsletter can tell you how to avoid it which is what his pitch will be then you'll sign up for his newsletter I can't it's not in my makeup to be fatalistic but a lot of people are and I'm very impatient with it either on a personal level or when I when I contacted Wesley fatalist on t.v. It turn it off I'm not interested fatalists are not going to take us anywhere people think it's over that there's no coming back there's no winning that there's no recovery I'm not interested in them and I don't want to sound that way here ever unless I really think it and I don't if I really thought the country was finished books I would have told you I've been long gone figure here's nothing left to do about it but that's by no means the case so I just even though I'm aware of how much I'm detested and how much I'm hated I don't put any stock in it because to me it's part of the territory but b. Look who the haters are they're not cases most of them never accomplished anything in their lives in the professional haters in the media is a calculated business decision but I just made a I don't even think as an active choice to avoid it it's just me but I don't want anybody to think I don't get the gravity of this. When I'm pointing out the joke the Democrat Party has become I'm fully aware that 30000000 or 30 percent of the country is applauding him you should know that I've been the one sounding the warning bell here on these people for 30 years I was the 125 years ago warning everybody where we were headed when people back then were laughing Come on Raj nobody's ever going to believe this bought it out stuff nobody is going to believe that if they really want to get rid of toilet paper come on Rush nobody's ever going to really think we're going to get rid of oil and now look at where we are and I was trying to warn people 25 years ago I was doing with humor or updates trying to make fun of these people with parody songs and so forth every which way I can think of now it has arrived and the people I was trying to warn are deathly afraid and aware of it now and thinking I'm not taking it seriously enough and I just want to reiterate for you to you that I take it as seriously as you do meaning this opposition meaning the left and their designs on the country but I'm not fatalistic about them winning it's just not in my makeup to be now if it would make you more comfortable to hear me sound more worried about it I don't know that I can help it I don't want to be worried about it if it isn't true if I don't think it's true I don't want to sit here and have to manufacture phony concern just to relate to people who think that way themselves I'm completely aware probably as much as anybody if not more so of the dire threat these people pose and spend maybe more time than I should each and every day warning people about it and then providing evidence which is what this whole week has been evidence of the lunatics evidence of the insanity. The more people that are aware of it the more people are going to tune it out I still have faith that what you've seen if you've even watched at these 2 diets of debates I still have faith that nowhere near a majority of voting Americans believes it and signs under Now I know the Democrats are trying to flood this country with illegals and get them registered to vote I know all that but they are not guaranteed success they are not unbeatable they are not monolithically unstoppable they are shooting themselves in the foot right now they're in the middle of a circular firing squad because they have so misjudged the people of this country they have made absolute fools of themselves on this Trump Russia collusion stuff but not enough Americans know that yet but that's going to happen I have I have full confidence that in the 18 months between now and the election all kinds of revelations are going to happen the timing is going to be purposefully arranged so as to have the most impact during the presidential election campaign and believe me you don't want to waste this stuff now when the Democrats in the process of beating themselves up you know save it for when they've got a nominee savior for they got somebody who is going to be I think they're going to nominate I don't get say this last night but I think Biden is the equivalent of Mondale in 84 or maybe the equivalent of Bob Dole in 1906 the Democrats threw Mondale up there had been a war horse he'd been a loyal Democrat Reagan was not going to lose so let Mondale get in on this resume let him run for president let him raise the money let him have this legacy as a Democrat presidential nominee but he wouldn't I went into that and Dole was not going to win in 96 versus Clinton at some point somebody in his party is going to realize throw somebody up there who when they lose does not take the party with them. If they don't think they're going to lose and nominate somebody as radically extreme as anybody on that stage has been all the better I look at this as a glorious day when the American people reject who ever it is these Democrats are going to nominate and I'm just going to tell you right now this is today and. They can change next hour next day next week there's not a one of these people that can hold their own on a stage with Donald Trump particularly not with the baggage they're going to be bring into it they're going to show up to a debate whoever this nominee is they're going to show up with the attitude they're smarter they're better that Trump is represent that he has a scallywag that he's a skunk that he's an ogre that he doesn't deserve to be there and they're going to go overboard in the debates talking about how unqualified as a human being Trump is they're not going to be able to attack any of the issues because they can't compete on the issues I don't I just don't want anybody to misunderstand I'm not taking anything for granted I'm not unaware of how desperate the times are with this party as radical as it is I just don't expose myself. To all of the hatred in me I do enough of that in show prep I'm aware of it now let's take a break we'll come back and continue with the combination of your calls a great audio sound byte roster as well so don't go away for your continued history almost 100 percent in English just a little Spanish lingo rush I read mid word or talk. 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