Transcripts for KALZ 96.7 FM [Power Talk 96.7] KALZ 96.7 FM

KALZ 96.7 FM [Power Talk 96.7] KALZ 96.7 FM [Power Talk 96.7] August 28, 2018 060000

Country Edward Lawrence of the Fox Business Network says the new deal will supersede plans for a new tariff some goods imported from Mexico this agreement covers not just autos but also textiles information communication technology medical devices digital trade like ebooks and Agriculture Canada now racing to join in its foreign minister cutting short a trip to Europe to travel to Washington Tuesday for trade talks flowers and black bunting adorn the desk in the U.S. Senate the John McCain occupied his weight will be dedicated to remembering. Her in a couple like other American heroes before him on a majority leader Mitch McConnell colleagues from both sides of the aisle paying tribute to McCain Monday on the Senate floor he was a brave and honest man he was a patriot Democrat leader Chuck Schumer McCain will lie in state in Arizona on Wednesday then at the U.S. Capitol on Friday a memorial service will be held Saturday at the National Cathedral Arizona's governor Doug Doocy will have to appoint someone to fill John McCain's unexpired term in the Senate ironically Arizona voters go to the polls on Tuesday to nominate candidates to run for Arizona's other Senate seat as Senator Jeff Flake charring also primary day Tuesday in Florida federal judges have ordered North Carolina's 13th Congressional districts to be redrawn finding the way the Republicans drew them up initially was excessively partisan or gerrymandered districts may need to be withdrawn by mid September redrawn that is by mid September which could mean the state's elections could be put off until sometime after December 6th Fox News cerebellum. Listen my life changed because someone was there to get me to use drugs. No one can understand whether or not they've shut a public service announcement brought to you by the council. Police in Florida are still trying to understand what prompted a man to open fire on fellow gamers at a video game tournaments on Sunday Jacksonville sheriff Mike Williams says No motive has been determined yet for the deadly shooting but bad as this is it could have been much worse Police say David Katz went into the Jacksonville landing past several patrons and went directly to where a mad 19 gaming tournament was that's when he opened fire Sheriff William says it's likely Katz knew his targets this group travels as Ace kind of a circuit they are from a Florida investigators are in Baltimore where police say Katz legally bought the gun he used to further investigate the shooting good all Scott Fox News a month person has died from injuries suffered in that deadly Chicago apartment fire over the weekend the medical examiner says a 14 year old boy is the latest victim cause for that fire still under investigation a former ambassador at the Vatican is accusing Pope Francis of covering. Up with sexual abuse allegations and an 11 page letter former archbishop and Vatican ambassador to the U.S. Carlo Maria Van Gaal No says the pope knew about sexual abuse allegations against the American Cardinal Theodore McCarrick for 5 years and the pope allegedly chose to do nothing about it McCarrick the 88 year old former archbishop of Washington D.C. Resigned in July after a recent lawsuit by a 60 year old man accusing McCarrick of decades of abuse starting when the victim was just 11 years old and they found that it was a credible lawsuit was brought on yet as over the weekend Pope Francis traveled to Ireland where he apologized for the sexual abuse of children by priests there they're still counting up the damage from tropical storm Solenn and Hawaii but they have calculated the rainfall and dumped 52 inches of rain on Hawaii from one state through Sunday the 2nd biggest rainmaker from a tropical storm ever in the United States since 950. Belize whether it's 40. 67 am 1400 definitely going to feel like it's cool down because it is a little bit overnight low down to about 62 board Tuesday sunshine and 89 Wednesday 90 our. Radio this Labor Day weekend join me Guy Benson and me Murray hard for America's working a review of the state of the U.S. Economy and what it might mean for the upcoming midterm elections and we're going to get a little bit personal with our guests plus we will take a walk down memory lane of our careers you'll want to tune in that's America's working on this Labor Day weekend from coast to coast on Fox News Radio Monday afternoon 4 to 5 right here on power Talk 967 am 1400 the Valley's thought that borders. COM can be your path to a fulfilling career you have a calling we have an answer find your way at today's military dot com powered 967 and am 1400 and I are greedy a station. Some is 818-501-4721 extension 2 talk to all 3 from east of the Rockies call 8. 5033 from west of the Rockies 280-618-8252 reach Georgia. Named George 97313 Georgia text message any time at 812986521 from the gateway to the west. COAST. With George Noory next hour. But this hour will take your phone calls as we continue talking with Jonathan even more and lots more to talk with them about vaccines G M O's the right to try Bill in your calls on Coast to Coast AM The F.B.I. Is warning financial institutions about a scheme known as an A.T.M. 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COX owner of blind Star dot com has a family owned and operated business I started over 8 years ago when my wife and I moved into a new home and needed custom blinds we did what many homeowners do and got prices from quote unquote professionals and we couldn't believe the high prices not long afterward I decided to take a chance and with no experience in the industry I quit my job in sales for a Fortune 500 company and I started a business selling custom blinds on the Internet in 2010 Leinster dot com was born I not only guarantee you love our blinds I offer a fitter free guarantee meaning if your blinds don't fit for any reason all remake them free of charge you only pay shipping and now Kyle has made it even easier checkout lines to his no to all cellular shades the 1st and only shades installed without screws or tools Coast to Coast listeners take up to 50 percent off any order just use the code coast at checkout that's blind start dot com lines T.-E. R. Dot com. Hear about it here talk about it hear our talk 967-1400. And welcome back Jonathan E. Mord with us here couple more questions here on my in them will go to your calls Jonathan the president recently signed what was called a right to try Bill what exactly does that do. Or right to try Bill OWS individuals who are terminally ill to gain access to experimental drugs that are not F.D.A. Approved and it formally limp prevents the F.D.A. From denying individuals access to those drugs if the drug company wishes to provide them in and insulates the drug companies from any adverse determination by F.D.A. Based on the results of the treatment on the person who's seeking the drug so it's a huge victory you know it's very interesting to me George because we. Long with Norm singleton and Ron Paul's office wrote that bill. Rejected ago 1520 years ago or so that we you know we kept Intrade it kept being introduced year after year after year and it would never move out of committee and the president each president had no interest in it and the drug lobby was able to protect itself from having this bill move that all the F.D.A. Strongly opposed it and then in his State of the Union address President Trump announced to everyone's surprise that he advocated this bill and wanted it passed and it passed and he signed it into law so it's just it's an amazing story really a great tribute to President Trump that he could see. That despite all the economic interests arrayed against us that this was the right thing to do and that terminally ill patients should not have to go beg the government for access to an experimental drug they should just be able to go and get it. And finally that's that's possible the government and this is unnecessary we we grant virtually everyone access to experimental drugs but what they didn't say is that that's their present discretion that they're exercising in that way because of people like me fighting them. And for years they were doing the opposite as you can. Hear from Congressman Dan Burton I mean he had all hearings where people were just desperate to gain access to experimental drugs and the F.D.A. Commissioners were standing foursquare against those people what is the dark Act that Congress has passed well in 3 states I wrote of. A bill a G.M.O. Labeling bill that passed in 3 states Vermont Connecticut and Maine that simply required products to contain G.M.O. Is genetically modified organisms to state that they contain G.M.O. Is a set. The industry went nuts because they had successfully blocked bills like this on a national level and they had largely blocked them on the state level until this bill which was simply to identify G.M.O. Isn't a product passed in these 3 states so they went to Congress and then Congressman Mike Pompei on out a secretary of state introduced a bill which has been called the dark Act which preempted all those state laws and that that law passed but what the industry did not expect and what actually happened is all of the activity. In favor of revealing what products contain G M O's. By the time of the passage of the doc act had largely changed the marketplace so now it's to the economic advantage of companies to announce on their labels that they don't have G.M. Most and there's quite a network Dr Jeffrey Smith has done a remarkable job of educating people about what products contain G.M.O. So are you sure as she's done a marvelous job we need a 100 more can navigate around it's still a tragedy some 93 percent of corn and soy plant in the United States is G.M.O. And roughly 60 to 70 percent of process foods in grocery stores contain G.M.O. And greedy ants so we're in the G.M.O. Era no question about it but at least consumers can navigate a way around it no thanks to the dark act but thanks in no small measure to the work of people like Jeffrey Smith and alerting consumers of the presence of G.M.O. As in food we're going to talk with Jonathan about vaccines in a moment but let's take some of your calls as well Anthony's with us truck driving in South Carolina Anthony go ahead sir. George George I want to thank you for having this guy on again I was on the the last program with this gentleman and I was telling about how my dad would come home from the. Hospital and he would not remember that I was. Right its name remember that. Yes And you know one of the times they got the mouthpiece in and I guess the energy was so intense that it rained all of this. You know he lost most from that. And I can only imagine how hard you must been biting down for that to happen yeah. You know people have to come on insist stanch a what he's saying because it's absolutely true everything this gentleman is saying is absolutely true this is a heinous to perpetrate on any human being how many how many sessions did they put your father through. You know I lost count because it was just so regular and since the show the last time I was on I've gotten with my mom I said mom what was it that Dad was sane exactly why they did this stuff to him and she was saying he was going on about how. J.F.K. Assassination was a military coup and that the CIA He kept on talking about the F.B.I. And the CIA this stuff that sounded so far out number we want I got to tell you Anthony if that's the case all of us are going to go through that kind of treatment . Yeah but nowadays it doesn't sound so far out you know the act back then people you know got shock treatment for going around saying stuff like that. Yeah and but you know my dad's particular case was drug induced because he worked nights at a at the like I think it was called Gov way they had a pharmacy there and he went to school during the days and one of the pharmacists given him some type of and said to me that they ended up taking off the market but it had somehow you know had an effect on his mind and he was basically never the same after that but one of the things I always tell people is. You know there's nothing wrong with you whatever you're doing is perfectly normal for what you're going through and I really don't believe in psych drugs I believe people should be given supplements and there's also some promise with like that's still a side in mushrooms they've had some you know progress with. I'm not advocating drugs but there's definitely you know something to be said about natural. ASSOC medicine because you know I take a bunch of supplement Doublemint every day myself and I feel great I'm 52 years old good. Yeah I've always been in fear of people trying to accuse me of being like my dad because I saw what they did to my dad and I never wanted to go through that myself so he might have been way ahead of his time Anthony you know what. Yes Yes George you're right was pretty much all I wanted to say Go ahead George I'll keep my front Thank you Jonathan you want to react a little bit of that well I feel so sorry for him as I do for all of these people who have had their loved ones go through this and for the loved ones who have gone through and I mean it really is a horrible national tragedy George and it's something that needs desperately needs the president Congress to take some responsibility here and and prevent this from going on I mean believe it or not because the F.D.A. Is an executive branch agency if the president or vice president were to pick up the phone and call the F.D.A. Commissioner or the head of H.H.S. And say look we don't want you to proceed with this reclassification make this more available we want you to get rid of it. They would salute and take care of it but unfortunately people like we just heard from who they can talk till they're blue in the face directly to the F.D.A. Commissioner and nothing is done and and in fact the industry gets its way time and time again it is a disgrace that the F.D.A. Is trying to reclassify this thing that make it more available when there's no proof of long term safety and efficacy when there's this trail of people across the country who have been victimized they really should do something for us and get rid of this it's a disgrace that they don't is there a lobby behind this on Jonathan to get this thing yes there's the American Psychiatric Association is for it and also the industry itself that makes these things and in fact they are they're really quite brazen you can believe it or not you can go on Amazon and get one of these things it's a medical device that's class 3 that you can spy when you're self sufficient It's only supposed to be available by prescription but it has been around for so long that these things are actually being sold. Through the Internet. And that's one of the great outrages that we discovered as we were going through all the evidence on this is that the F.D.A. Has done such reports job of protecting the public from this that it's now available in order these things online and that's illegal but you can do it Next up let's go to John in my we have a John go ahead. George how are you today good John thank you hope you are too yes I am I just want to say 1st thing is I'm a ring and I'm. An I'm stronger going to move and I work at a hospital or on oil or I went and going to Marine Corps and work up and Omar and you can call me down clarify born they used to give it all sock create money and if people really want to know what it really looks like. And walk the movie the one all over the Cuckoo's Nest Yep and. They put a mouthpiece and the 1st thing about 4 or 5. Hours Oh good earth and downgrade stronger went and got a guy the person fountains like a mono as dark moment come out. Dr that day out on the. Screen when something about like the Inquisition not only him they not outlaw the John according to Jonathan anymore here they want to make it even more prevalent John. Absolutely I'm glad that that insight has been given to us by your caller yes they give a muscle relaxants these days they they put them in a on a gurney they strap their arms down their legs down they put a. Board in their mouth so their teeth when they want to cause this massive muscle contraction don't shatter as your prior guest said they forgot the board is teeth shattered they they then given muscle relaxants and sedatives and then they apply these things to the side of their heads and they give them the electric shock and they put them into a grand mall seizure that's why there's foaming at the mouth and they run the selector current through them for many minutes sometimes 2030 minutes and then they turn off the machine and they don't even have guidance that's sufficient to tell you what amount of voltage to put in somebody they guess start off around 70 volts Auden or let's go up to 100 A Scruff's 200 the scope for now let's go to 470 and this is this is considered even to this day quote unquote experimental therapy but it's just as your caller mentioned you know if it is like the Middle Ages it's absolutely barbaric we have next Keith in southeastern Virginia with us hi Keith go ahead sir hello George how are you good thanks Jonathan how are you to marry Great thank you. That's my boy spec gun from the 2nd Amendment as you both talk about keep getting blamed for what is so often caused by government approved mind altering and prescription drugs. And I have 2 questions but. First thank you both so much for all of your good work in your service for us of the world and I'm sorry for all that I haven't done to save lives so I want to try to do something hopefully tonight I would have liked to have called and talked to you and Alex last pound shows last week when you were talking about Sandy Hook and Prozac link. And I have some of what perhaps. Back to school homework assignment that. Perhaps the coast family may be interested in I'm sure. But there's a You Tube video and it's posted by a whistleblower who actually persuaded the F.D.A. To cut out that black spot box warning label that Jonathan spoke of for some antidepressants for adolescents and it's just a short 13 minute video and the title of that is you just search in on You Tube It's why I took a gun to school why I took a gun to school and it features Coast to Coast AM and play Tracy. Number one pop researcher in the world on the school another mass shooting or suicide also homicide nested violence and gutter really bad and weird effects of government approved mind altering prescription drugs. So you know now there are only 18000 views but said video really viral and have over 100000000 views and I would hope that everyone would watch it and if you're so inclined and hope that you share with others with your family and friends and students and teachers and administrators from police and

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