To sound a little drunk to you he said it would be one small step for Neil but one big step for me something to that effect Pete Conrad becoming the 3rd human to step on the moon 50 years ago yesterday on November 19th 1969 my parents 2nd anniversary this is the Fog City Blues on your local public radio station 91.7 f.m. K a l w San Francisco blues in the Bay area and beyond that of course just now Tom Waits But what we heard was that transmission from the surface of the moon on November 19th 1969 I don't know you know July we had the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 Apollo 12 struck by lightning on the launch pad did it get the same t.v. Coverage p. Conrad Allen being on the moon landing near one of the lunar surveyors unmanned craft that had landed earlier as he mentioned in the broadcast as it were from the moon but you don't hear as much about it you see photos of the later Apollo missions bouncing around on the on the. Lunar vehicle the the go cart there whatever it was called. Apollo 12 somehow slipping through the cracks but here we are on the Fog City Blues to commemorate it to 50 years ago this moment they were probably on their 2nd. Extra view Novia cure walk whatever it's called. And we will. Commemorate it in song with some contemporary and later Odes and earlier I guess odes to the orbit the moon that dominates our night sky and even the morning and evening sky every once in a while we'll get to some of those contemporary musical loads in a moment but will start local continue local with a band who used to exist as this go van go for many years these days they go by blunt Toledo but back in the day they had a song that they called the stars and the moon. For a few years before 1069 since of course she passed away in 1963 Dinah Washington Destination Moon in her space Moby Oh right before that though some of the folks impressed at the time it started right away if you can put a man on the moon you can put a coon on the moon said Howlin Wolf thinking about the progress made and yet to be made and right before that Nina Simone he lamenting more what sending someone to the moon meant for the folks left behind this is the Fox city blues on your local public radio station 91.7 f.m. K l w San Francisco blues in the Bay area and beyond commemorating 50 years and one day of the 3rd human to set foot on the moon Charles Pete Conrad in Apollo 12. If it was a time for reflection when that happened certainly in July and perhaps through the rest of the year here's a tune from around that time by Otis Spann thinking about what it meant the moon blues. RINGBACK a. Food You have a Bormio call Whitey on the moon. And. It was inspired it was inspired by some white is on the moon. So I want to give credit where credit is due. Says. Brad done because this is the now we're fighting on the mood to pay for the nonce 708. 0000 Oh. An ode to the shining moon or some of the things you might do Mr to sleep. Under that shining moon as sung by the Cowboy Junkies. But as originally penned by Lightnin Hopkins and we heard from right before that his own shined on moon and of course before that a different kind of ode to the man on the moon Scott Herren Whitey on the moon on the Fog City Blues on your local public radio station $91.00 f.m. K l w San Francisco blues in the Bay area and beyond commemorating the 50th anniversary plus one day. Of Apollo 12 landing on the moon and bringing the 3rd and 4th humans to the lunar surface it was after all about flying to the moon a standard if there was one why don't we listen to Bobby Womack sing it Fly Me To The Moon. Well you know we had to hit one more when a man's got 2 lovely moony tunes in his Can even more frankly I'll shoot the moon from. The Black Rider. Some later years but there's some very early Tom Waits from his 1st album closing time in tune called the grapefruit moon. But before that a song most people many people speaking for myself for many years knew as that that song by The Beatles on their not great 4th album that you kind of always skipped because you know it wasn't theirs and I didn't know much else about it but that was the original piano read Mr Moonlight. Something about the Beatles covering wasn't always wasn't all there sometimes we saw the record and before that a man who was definitely only there not all there or all there depending on how you look at it slim Gaillard taken his hand and how high the moon bringing us just about to the close of the Fog City Blues commemorating the 50th anniversary and one day of Apollo 12. The other moon shot from 169 story watching it on t.v. From November 1969 and p. Conrad walked down the ladder and said we'll be. Equipped about the Armstrong Well some music from the moon and back to school and mind you if you missed any of tonight's program you can check it out streaming on demand moments from now over at calle W.'s local music player in fact all of cable these look we produce music programs are there for your listening pleasure week in week out. You can find more about this program at our website Fog City Blues dot com You can find us on Facebook follow us on Twitter get in touch with me by old fashion e-mail Devin at Fox City Blues dot com That's d.e.v. O.-n. At Folk City Blues dot com And tune in next week which more hours of Blues in the Bay area and beyond in the meantime this is Devon stroll the church reminding you that. Now satellites of the best reason sing the blues scene next week on The Fog City Blues. To. Each week. Key players in the Ukraine affair have given the 1st round of public testimony now more former and current government officials tell their story for Congress and all of America to hear this is a sham and should be allowed I do believe the truth will set us free joined n.p.r. For continuing special coverage of the public hearings of the House impeachment inquiry from n.p.r. News. Features remarkable artists and thinkers who've spoken at the Jewish community center of San Francisco on the next Bina New York Times Columnist Gail Collins explores how attitudes toward women of a certain age have shifted in America over the centuries here Gail Collins on Thursday at 91.7 f.m. . On the next open Erroll talk with Celine Ricci artistic director of ours Minerva devoted to resurrecting forgotten operas from the Italian baroque cast members of Cirque du Soleil current production stopped by also talk with Norwegian pianist life over on's Ness who plays with the San Francisco Symphony this week Peter Robinson will also review season 3 of the Crown and will offer suggestions on creating your own family memoir I'm David La to leave it open air Thursday afternoon at one joy. This is your local public radio station San Francisco where the time is 11 o'clock. Easy Chicago N.P.R.'s This is sound opinions. And I'm Greg this week we're digging into our stacks of new music and sharing some of our favorites from Philly hardcore band control the Los Angeles rock band kills birds we've got new music you need to. Find out what song that moves legend Bobby Rush down Sonics and Jim drops a coin into the desert to play a song he cannot live without That's all coming up and sound opinions. Sound opinion is supported by this island pairing since 988 this island beer company Chicago Illinois listen critically enjoy. Your listening sound opinions I'm Jim got his He's Greg cut and several times a year we do one of our favorite kinds of shows buried treasures What's a buried treasure Greg these are records that are under the mainstream radar as you said not everybody's talking about them they're not being hiding to the heavens there's no publicist you may have to dig a little bit you have to go to band camp and not just Spotify it's music that comes to us that pings the radar but you may give the initial 22nd listen to and then you're like there's something here and we dig deeper you're going to lead us off tell us what you're starting with Well Jim I'm going to play a record that I've actually been meaning to play for quite a few months it's been out since earlier this year but I'm glad to get an opportunity to play it now it's a Philly trio called Control top their debut album covert contracts just blew my doors off when I 1st heard it I went back to it again a week ago and realized this record still holds up it's one of my favorite records of the year sort of a trio female lead vocalist Allie Carter is a real pistol. In tandem with a guitar player who's really bringing a sort of inventiveness to his guitar playing and I'm going this guy is one of those guys who looks at the guitar is a sound machine rather than something that's meant like chords or specific notes his pedigree includes working on the 1st album by Washington d.c. Post-punk priests another band that you and I both love and it makes sense because control top has much the same sort of political bent to a lot of their writing sort of mixture of punk surf no wave totally wired big on dynamics point songs together and then breaking them apart.