Transcripts for KALW 91.7 FM KALW 91.7 FM 20191118 100000 :

KALW 91.7 FM KALW 91.7 FM November 18, 2019 100000

Vokes fear among minorities particularly governors they accuse him of being linked to serious human rights violations committed against them a new u.n. Report says more than 7000000 children worldwide are being held in detention in institutions immigration centers police custody in prisons is imagine folks children deprived of their liberty are the un says among the world's most vulnerable discriminated and excluded groups children with mental health issues or disabilities are disproportionately affected the report says governments must look for non-custodial solutions for them at the same time the number of children detained in migration centers and in camps in war zones is increasing here the report says children are at risk of abuse and sexual exploitation b.b.c. News North Korea says it's not interested in holding what it describes as another fruitless summit with the United States Donald Trump tweeted on Sunday that the North Korean leader should act quickly to negotiate a nuclear deal with the u.s. But other senior official in Pyongyang has issued a statement saying they will not give the u.s. President something to boast about without getting anything in return a mass shooting in California has killed at least 4 people and injured 6 are those a police left town and said a gunman had started shooting after entering a home in south Fresno where a family gathered with friends to watch a football game on Sunday night the suspect is believed to have fled the scene. One of the oldest team competitions in sports the Davis Cup tennis tournament gets underway today with a very different format Russell fuller reports until this year the Davis Cup was contested by 16 teams playing Home and Away ties on a knockout basis throughout the year but with the top players reluctant to commit to too many ties and little interest in the final outside of the 2 countries involved the International Tennis Federation opted for radical reform Andy Murray will play for Great Britain in the inaugural event in Madrid with the world's top 2 players rough on the Darla Novak Djokovic also present some players however have opted out citing fatigue at the end of an 11 month season or opposition to the new format lawyers in the us have called on Queen Elizabeth's 2nd son Prince Andrew to cooperate with legal proceedings in connection with the convicted sex offender Geoffrey abstain the prince who denies any wrongdoing was criticized following an interview with the b.b.c. In which he defended his friendship with the late businessman the lawyers who represent 10 of Mr Epstein's victims branded Prince Andrew unrepentant and demanded that he speak to the f.b.i. And those are the latest stories from b.b.c. News. Hello this is Dan Damon with world update from London thanks for listening and coming up later on our program a reminder of the mass extermination of Roma and travel of people by the Nazis during World War 2 an exhibition filled with memories has opened in London we'll hear from that later 1st pro-democracy protesters fleeing a fight in Hong Kong's Polytechnic have been arrested the protesters mostly wearing black clothing set fire to the poly use main entrance to try to stop police entering the building this hear from Martin Yep our correspondent to is in Hong Kong What's the latest Martin. I'm now standing at one just did the entrance to an ask later the least a foot bridge to Wall Street Polytechnic University compound in. East business district. Around 100 people a bit less than a 100 people are gathering lots by pastors from Christian church holding some sort of a city in protest at the moment is a quiet one and so far the feel rotten guarding the bridge at doing nothing to Don Apparently they are at these. This group of people among Bandara. Mothers and fathers who have children trapped inside that Polytechnic to be 1st to come at this moment and they are seeking for a peaceful and to events but as you might have already heard from our reports in the news bulletins police have South Africa single off down the thing to come. Under the charge of routing so from a stronger will it take for this whole standoff at the Polytechnic University to come to and is a fairy pick question mark here how many are still inside how many of the protesters and I guess they're not all students. Exactly we were hearing 5. 100 this morning Hong Kong times so that is I think a 100 is for sure since a compound that includes both students and apparently are the protesters who came to support the student has. Been come. Protesting inside so that's quite a tricky situation we had. Calls from the university's president Professor tensing while calling students to leave as soon as possible that's back in the small hours this morning and of course time we heard of what happened scenes which includes protesters trying to leave the university compound the band being created back here gas from the. From the raw police and retreating back into the compound as. Paramedics 1st aid and doctors being arrested and stayed leave the compound and the police news conference this afternoon they at the police among the 51 people for 51 people being arrested in the small hours to small to have a lost a lot more people after that least 3 of them could not prove that they are actually who they claim they are they were. Claiming to be 1st aiders and journalist so still quite a tense situation here and police are basically blaming people trying to disguise themselves us to be free to 1st and mount and want to the Hong Kong those who are not students who generally are not in the violent protests what are they think about what's happening. While. That stuff in these some people fought in support of these students and they kind of believe. As reflected on some comments on internet forums or even telegram chats with start they believe the police just wanted to. Arrest all of them if not killing all of them of course this is kind of the allegations that the police would not need to. Just back in the lunch hour a few hours ago it's now 6 in the evening but back in 6 hours ago. Hundreds upon thousands of them in. This strike walked out from that offices during lunch hours joining protesters to write barricades so it's kind of it's kind of supported them but also you we also saw people coming out to clear up the street over the weekend which is saying they just had enough they just want these for this is to go mountain thank you both in your reporting for us live from Hong Kong but I spoke a few moments ago to Derek new president of the Hong Kong University Students Union he's been speaking to people inside the building the situation is chaotic this on the supplies has been cut by the parties trick or to force nearby the campus and or entrances so whenever the students or those professors attempt to leave the campus in any means they will leave me at the sleeping courts and the rest by the police force how many of those inside to you know have been injured and once what's happened to those who were trying to treat the injured in fact there are also about 600 people inside our campus and among 600 of them there are a free person shot in the ice and actually they're also off for tea person experiencing or Mia after. Being shocked by what they can and that they have shut cold water on them and we were told that there are volunteer paramedics trying to help but that they've been a wristed according to one newspaper report Yes yes it's true at 10 pm Hong Kong time last night the police announcing that social media that stair Ruby and exits. People in that campus could leave peacefully with arrest at that time the 1st factual people including some 1st aiders and recorders that's having to leave the campus was a rest felt really solid reason how many have been arrested so far from the prototype new union. We know there are already like it or even more as this situation develops the violence continues the violence against the police is escalating the damage the injuries to the people who are protesting is escalating how far can this go actually we couldn't predict how would it be they are now lacking off supplies like the food and also the 1st Seders at the same time they're more and more people getting injured by what the police was using power in order to stop the action it is undeniably it that is the reason why some of the protestors. Gasolene bull in order to keep the distance between them out of police but which is not intent to hearts to police force but just to keep distance and pre-fund them from entering to canvass area was arrested during what is this the chief thing in terms of the future of Hong Kong the universal suffrage that you want so that you can vote for your leader and so on it's dramatic and it's dangerous but what is it achieving the fact is we couldn't actually see how would it all. Like whether the monk's committee meets by the China government but we have been or means to presents to international peace and all people all for the world what we are facing it's a terribly by the Chinese Communist Party and the confidence that we tried our best in order to defend our core fair use of freedom and democracy in Hong Kong that restriction most and we have France and stats the Chinese governments will take it all away from us to you from the peloton a university student union in Hong Kong the new Sri Lankan President Khatami a Raja puncture has been sworn into office in a ceremony in the city of the poor and he's promised to be the leader of all Sri Lankans regardless of race or religion most of his support though comes from the same has majority Mr Rajapaksa has no majority in parliament there is an expectation though that Prime Minister running McCrum a singer may either voluntarily step down or call a snap election 7 months after the Easter Sunday bombings national security was a key issue for many people from Colombo correspondent you're good to live my. Rajapaksa is adored by many among the senior leaders majority they believe he's the leader who can keep the country safe as Jay assumed. A 37 year old to I told him if you don't have it enough the protection for the people you see everybody out there the bombs killing is there by the thirty's creating this this government so would like to help Father Father Mother Country. Was. Was shaken by a series of bombings at churches and hotels on Easter Sunday this year. More than 250 people were killed in the attacks carried out by Islamist extremists security became a big issue in the country and go to Rajapaksa a former defense chief sensed an opportunity. He gained his deadly reputation during the days of the bloody ethnic conflict between thumb an insurgency and the mainly Sinhalese Sri Lankan army torture killings disappearances of Tommy minorities and the bombing of civilian areas he's been accused of them all as he ordered a crackdown to end the war in 2009. Am in Malaysia Cove which is on Sri Lanka's northeastern coast it's a strip of land that separated from the mainland by a baby and it's in this piece of land that the last very intense bitter fighting took place during the Sri Lankan civil war in 2009 it's hard to imagine it's breezy and peaceful and just really quiet here right now but this is where hundreds of thousands of Thomas was stuck amidst artillery fire amidst mortar shelling and they walked across a narrow. Bridge that I can see in front of me into areas that were controlled by the Sri Lankan military now among those who walked across this bridge with Dahlman rebel leaders who had negotiated a surrender with the Sri Lankan government but once they went to the other side many of them were never heard from again. Than at least 3 Latins husband was one of the insurgents who surrendered she says the army promised that the rebels would eventually be released but many believed they were killed on go Tabio Rajapakse says orders Diana he says eggs and milk to make ends meet left to raise her 2 young daughters alone has destroyed many families our children are learning to see their disappear fathers she tells them to give a go thousands of Tamils are still missing many of them civilians their families in limbo at the moment. Tears streaming down her face value tells me her son disappeared when the army was rounding up people at a camp housing come those displaced by the winter at the only press conference he held before the election Mr Rajapaksa defended himself against the allegations so it ended with Army 13108 you call wiping Exactly and there were rehabilitated and reintegrated with the society as long as he remains president he can't be held to account you're. Reporting on the outcome of the presidential election in Sri Lanka. Winning this is World update from London. And coming up later in our program protests in Iran an internet blackout after the government removes fuel subsidies Tehran decided to do it is now I think fully cognizant of the fact that people would be very unhappy and that there would be protests and the immediate government response that control of the Internet that president of the law enforcement on Iranian streets I think is a reflection of their anticipation of the reaction that's around experts on him vacua We'll hear more from her in about 15 minutes time headlines just now Hong Kong's High Court has ruled the territories ban on protesters wearing face masks is unconstitutional and Beijing has called on Washington to stop flexing its muscles in the South China Sea And as you just heard could have your Rajapakse are sworn in as president of Sri Lanka one of the headline a u.n. Study on children in detention says they're among the world's among the world's most vulnerable more on that here on World update soon. You're listening to the b.b.c. World Service in London this is the name and more than 7000000 children worldwide are being held in detention that's according to a new report from the United Nations they're being held in different kinds of institutions immigration services police custody prisons and so on we can speak to imagine folks who's in Geneva and you were at the launch of the report tell us a bit more emotional. Well this is an absolutely vast report Dan it's over 700 pages long and it's quite interesting the definitions that the u.n. Has taken for deprived of liberty because they are looking at children in orphanages children young offenders for example children who have drug or alcohol problems all the way to children actually in prison children in camps in Syria where they can't get out you know related to their parents perhaps being suspected of terrorist offenses and children hundreds of thousands the u.n. Said being held in migrant detention centers so a vast vast subject bottom line the u.n. Says detaining children should always be a measure of last resort is nearly always necessary and states must look for other solutions and what are those other solutions that's the point isn't to say there are very few prisons that are suitable for young people well that's right in the u.n. Says that it says that governments need to look for non-custodial solutions they point to well established evidence that detaining children really negatively impacts their future health and development their life chances and that children who need to be looked after for. Reasons perhaps the Capitol after by their own families or they they have committed offenses or they are in what we would call irregular migration patterns they need to be in a family setting that is what children need that is where they thrive and that is where the best chances of a successful future for them and those around them could be achieved and are like me imagine you've been to places where the situation is dreadful refugee camps and so on most often the children smile at you but that hides another issue raised in this report which is that the mental health conditions for children and the the situation that the systems available to them are really poor. Appalling and life threatening in many cases Dan I agree with you I've seen those smiles I think you come to the point sometimes where the smiles of little children in these desperate situations are a survival mechanism they're looking for support they think a smile might achieve that and that's what's so tragic about it but we see around the world we see in Greece at the moment for it for example refugees children and adults in dreadful conditions because nobody wants to take responsibility for these people we have in the United Kingdom migrant detention centers and the un is quite categorically about this children should not be in the centers they say governments including the British government must find alternative solutions which is basically a violation of the state's obligations under the un Convention on the rights of a child to deprive a child against its will simply because its parents have tried to enter a country not in the legal way imagine thanks so much and folks in Geneva for us Maori has gone mainstream That's according to a respected linguist John McCaffrey New Zealand is hoping that by 2040 1000000 Kiwis will be able to speak to Ray or Maori the language they ambitious goal is part of an official language strategy saying the revival of New Zealand's indigenous language as a key part in national identity and reconciliation from gives more New Zealand film OSA reports. More Malian weaponry is a merry heavy metal band it's album 2 went straight to number one in New Zealand its success is an unmistakable sign of the resilience of the Maori language. But census data has shown that the number of indigenous speakers in New Zealand has fallen. Barbara the former head of the Maori language commission is to mistake about the future there on this many people speaking like I may have around 2 in 5 can have a conversation until Monday which is still quite low but look we've made huge gains since the days when we were at 2 percent that was the 1970s so we steadily growing and of course without a proper command of the language you don't actually have that and deep understanding of your own culture. If a cup o. Kahan Nakia food. Is publicly funded it's presenters and journalists speak only in Maori it's a far cry from when children were beaten or whipped for speaking then native tongue I think for a lot of people in this country they lost the language through no fault of their so in New Zealand we had generations of people who were punished for speaking their language at school. And making active choices not to teach their children the language so that their children wouldn't be her as a consequence so set up the snippet of reinforcement around the language so many people like me were born without speaking when you think about the policy of stripping children for speaking the United language but certainly by an example of active practice and crisis. They. Just. Keep. The language is everything we have a saying if we lose our language then we lose ourselves. Which is that when texting . Just isn't indigenous rights campaign she believes colonise ation has had terrible consequences for language we talk about this idea of cultural genocide and that one of the. Forms that colonized nation takes is that the policies the legislation funding the structures really lean that south towards a living you survive if you survive as a colonial of yourself and it's much more difficult to survive as a model like many other New Zealanders the prime minister just since. He's eager to learn in New Zealand there is a Mahdi proverb he had to me and. What is the most important thing in the world he can attach his tongue a to the tongue and it is the people the people the people. But the funny thing is going to learn from my grandchildren who is a North Island community leader who didn't have the chance to learn Mary as a child but believes the future of the language is safely secured in the hand

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Radio Program , Island Countries , Liberal Democracies , Member States Of The Commonwealth Nations , Republics , Member States Of The United Nations , Commonwealth Republics , South China Sea , Countries Of The Indian Ocean , Member States Of The South Asian Association For Regional Cooperation , Metropolitan Areas Of China , Marginal Seas Of The Pacific Ocean , Law Enforcement , Aftermath Of War , G15 Nations , Archipelagoes Of The Pacific Ocean , Political Science , War Crimes , Accountability , World War Ii Sites , East Asian Countries , Divided Regions , North Korea , Criminology , Counter Terrorism , Deafness Organizations , National Security , Radio Kalw 91 7 Fm , Stream Only , Radio , Radioprograms ,

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