Transcripts for KAHI 950 AM [AM 950 KAHI] KAHI 950 AM [AM 95

Transcripts for KAHI 950 AM [AM 950 KAHI] KAHI 950 AM [AM 950 KAHI] 20190907 030000

21 Grass Valley Highway thank you to copy for sponsoring sorry I wasn't friendlier when I saw earlier today at the fair County I sat out in 100 degree heat for 3 hours before I came here so my voice and my mind was a little tax but very excited to be here at Lefever stadium placer Hilton football on a Friday night ready to go our bender and Wickham for the hill then back to moving from left to right as we flip ends of the field here in the 2nd quarter call of ours going to get into the end zone and placer will have it 1st and 10 at their own 20 yard line as Martin has well and company strolled back on the field ready to rock trailing by 2 points but scoring on their own drive in the 1st quarter were right and they did but as we sit back and forth it could be one of those track me kind of games place $52.00 yards field goal at the end of that and a 2 point difference at $97.00 and once again here comes Martin has well by the way has well 2 of 2 so who are 59 yards his counterpart having a quite a night I need the abacus to get his numbers. Form in front for the cardinals here is a pitch come in there's a point a good tackle there bender on the Kerry he got up ended on that one tackle made by number 4 shade Moran and he got it in the thighs area he's going to lift off the field get checked immediately it was a great tackle but that's a tough one Ben are trying to stretch it out here on the near side as this team mates take a look hopefully he's OK Sam Better has been really nice player for the open so far this year 8 carries 82 yards 2 receptions of 49 yards coming in. Been a nice piece for Joey Montoya I think you saw a little bit of him last year and this year he's really stepping his game up 2nd down and 10 and now it's going to be a handoff now but not doing their give It's a big hog's Grossman he'll be able to gain a few yards take it out to the 24 yard line so again for a couple of cards in a tackle junk Carlo woods and Mitch Russell that will bring up a 3rd down and 7 for the helmet when you get that initial adrenalin of those 1st couple of drives out of the way now you're going to see these kids settle in and see what kind of football they play on both sides will be home and be able to impose their will on our fans and run this week up and down the field and will Cardinal Newman continue to spread the field move the ball around to their skill players and pick up chunks yards and drive it down the field the other direction good news is Sam Bender back in there checking in at receiver has well has the play big 3rd down here early on in the 2nd quarter with placer trailing by 2 it's 97 cardinals. Split back spine Martin ready to go here take a 57 step you're going to be flush that is going to get hit hard the sack made by Cardinal Newman diving in there Bailey air is 1st tackle of the game is going to be a huge loss all the way back to the 11 yard like 12 yards off their 4th down upcoming you're going to have to put it away from the road in zone and that play just a disaster written on it all around the good push by the defensive line and has what was trying to roll to his right side and look up the field nobody there cocked to throw the football I almost thought that was going to come out when he got hit looked like he had it back in there is no tuck rule in high school that I know of and I could easily been a turnover instead bonds going to come in and try to kick it away and see if they can't get a defensive stand John Carlo Woods is the return man he'll await the ball at midfield bond back at his own goal line it's a good snap and Bob does have a leg he's going to drive Woods back into his own territory he'll feel that it is on the 40 yard line look at me as a block there gets it cuts back to the near side 45 and dives out near the 48 yard line 47 yard line will call it where Newman will have it 1st and said let's just call him new bit get our Seinfeld references in there No George no Kramer but we got Kargil Newman here looking to cash in there to pursue other drives so far leading 97 so when they scored a shark and I see you know it's you can think well if they scored a touchdown come off that's a cop but it's of this defects I kid I kid. keysar dave we have an update from the studio we have just friend some stats and realize a cardinal newman's off and says more effective than the arizona cardinals oftens there's a how about the half hour you know that and yeah all right here goes pab it a kind of a broken played i was going to scramble to far side and get tackle by a few hilman he will be able to pick ups 3 yards well it's it be actually put it in hilma territory that could be 3 or 4 year as looks like they're going to spot it so that's and side ticket if you have think yeah so that will be a for you are gain evan robin sit it on the gain it kind of a broken play and a good job run it at their by pab it you all patted shell that he's got the wheel sand he's had plenty of time to take a look around it again when the defense does get to good coverage they're not getting to him he's able to make something out of nothing that's exactly what he did on that last play this pistol spread that everyone runs in high school football that's why i love the wing t. Is ready to go single backs like to the right up pad a takes the 3 step drop time time time throws it over the middle of the catch is made great grab for their that's going to be caught by of number 5 le fraud she and he's going to take it from bid healed all the way down inside the 35 call it the $33.00 are lied 17 yard gain at a 1st down there for cardle new been who's back quickly a ready to go once again same look pav it call it out signals it's going to be the run past option he is going to handed off and diving towards the light of scrimmage a to yard gain their for the cart of this weight from to un piloting get the back before the snack as they ran it so fast that's going to be kerry by number for iran to jean moran who had a touch down earlier tonight and again a to their Hard to see on the tackle there I mean the helmet out the green uniforms on with the green numbers are about 3 of them there so let's just credit the defensive line gang tackle and I'll bring up a 2nd down and 8 have a 10 for 11 on the night wow and he says so on one pass and at 1st drive he has in Mississippi 7 for his last 7 is out a lot of time Cal Christiansen in their defensive tackle as I mentioned playing a little bit more of the events of site that he has a week fast again a lot of time for Pat it guns it over the middle an incomplete How does a receiver look fragile but he was able to haul it in it is that car deli all the way back there on the coverage boy that has got to be a defensive breakdown there's no reason why you would have a defensive enter linemen back there on a wide receiver and on the good side to good pressure that time and what he had to step up to throw the ball pressure came from the back and made him force that throw a little earlier than I think he wanted it and it went down into the ground. First and completion his last 7 tries that's on me card always been moved around he's at linebacker now so that makes sense on the coverage here's padded with a quick 3 step drop going to throw towards the end zone he's got the open receiver dives into the end zone touchdown the cardinals Gian Carlo woods a 31 yard pitching catch up the arm of Jackson Pat It made it look easy and the new score now 15 to 7 extra point pending Cardinal Newman taking the lead like a net 53 hour drive in 4 places Yep that's what it was and they went no huddle of one of those plays that actually didn't work but this is a very impressive off and thus far we are you know this kid can kick in strolls call and born Here's the stats a little local more of those splits the uprights once again so our new score 67 Cardle Newman with the lead we'll take a quick break be right back here OK Our radio. Paradise signs and graphics of Newcastle is proud to sponsor the Placerville the football broadcast for all your real estate and construction signs commercial vehicle lettering banners and decals think there are signs of graphics of Newcastle 1st we are here to support our community contact paradise signs and Greg. In Newcastle at 916-663-2617 placer held in paradise signs and graphics he's cheering for a fan or season. This is your home for Friday night football in the foothills 104.5 F.M. And AM 950 K. High short drive just 53 yards took about a minute 48 in all of 4 plays key play was that 31 yard touchdown to John Carlo woods from Jackson Padgett who's having himself quite a night he's only missed 2 passes in the 1st half he sat so much time back there only really pressured about 3 plays that I can think of thus far Christianson to get a sack earlier in the game but placer I mean if you're going to play a track meet against a team like this they'd better score on this drive they're ready to go once again back there to kick it off is going to be even call a barn back of the hill bit better at Wigan to receive this kick off. And again our score 167736 left here in the 1st half of play all aboard the left footed kicker get some leg into that it is going to be feel that all the far side let that go should better take the 101520 works hard driven out of bounds by number 9 Mr Donnelly but you could have just taken a knee or let it go out of bounds just let it go out of bounds it might just sailed inside the pylon or outside could have got it out of the $35.00. All right so Hilman ready to go trailing by 9730 left here in the 2nd quarter stalled on the last drive able to score on the 1st drive so will soon we could do I mean there's a lot of time left you want to make sure that this drive gets you some points and that's exactly what has well the company will try to do as Christians it is out there quickly at the line of scrimmage ready to snap this bad boy. Split back behind as well and now we've got a little bit of movement here Martin will take the snap and hand it off and that was going to be Groth rock taking it from the 20 a good hard on there by low good boy Logan grot exit from the 21 out of the 29 and 80 yard gain tackled on the play there by his Zachary Moran and Nick Talley 1st carry the night for Logan and he just came off that right side of the line got into that 2nd level spot a couple of times and just kept pushing forward picked up some good yardage and got real close to the line again. That's what you have to do you've got to get good 1st down yardage you can't go and get 01 1st and then get trapped into having to throw on 3rd down Nathan Russell checks in a wide receiver Here's the snap ended up across the near side is Bender avoid the tackle he got the 3540 tackle down from behind good pursuit there by the defender numbered to Joe Carlo woods but not before a gain of 12 it would sang opera to your lead there tangled up out there somebody better let go I guess Woods is trying to claim he grabbed the ball but better clearly had it after the 12 your game he's going to kind of gingerly walk off the field once again one reason I said oh no look out is when he was coming around the ball was out really wide he was carrying it out wide and I just kept thinking of a hot that thing right out of his hands and hold that in a little tighter to the bot of Mr Bender 1st and said Hill but at their own 42 yard line ball on the near hash as well breaks the huddle Rosman the lone back behind him here's the snap fake and now we're going to pound cross the near side and outs of the 46 yard line scampers ROSS So that would be a gain of 4 yards and there's an inside trap I've been looking for fake to end around and get to the back on the inside track I think that might be the only 1st or 2nd time they ran that Zachary brand it on the tackle and it will bring up a 2nd out in 6 so let's see a placer keep this thing go and eat up some clock don't forget they get the ball to start the 2nd half and it's a little early to talk about that halfway through the 2nd quarter but again. Something to keep an eye on now here is going to be soon what we're going to now coming back on the near side good job again Logan gruff somebody wants the ball that I take it from his own 46 down to the 48 yard line it's not going to be again a 6 very close to the 1st down marker Let's see where they put it down and we should be about 3rd. Value yards so it's going to be a yard to get the yard again and I would say in this territory either you give it to the big boy feet some Hans Crosman right here and see if you can't get that straight It couldn't agree more Nathan Russell checks in a wide receiver 31 clock down to 5 up minutes left here in the 1st half placer trailing at 16th 7 cardinals big play here split backs behind wig of one handed out the hogs got the 1st out of more battle on his way into cards territory still moving those legs it takes 4 men to bring him down odds Brosnan picks up the 1st down and out of the $42.00 yard lines that are to be again at 9 yards and a 1st down for the hill been tackled on the play made by Shane Moran and Dillon connect all connect the You say potato I say Fatah to call it what you will not going what you call it all right I will connect all the bones connected to the all right come on Dave will you go to a coffee roasters Mel's Diner in the White House thank you for your support along with the members of the team paradise signs Anderson Sierra pipe and marriage Taj Otto I'll bring you Friday night football right here on AM 950 all over the world again i dot com And of course in pristine crystal clear sound 100000 point 5 Those static at all. First downhill mins ball the 42 yard line. Ugh Newman let's get Grossman and wake up behind Joe He got a call timeout will take it with of 67 Newman with the lead here the 1st Apple on this is already. The factory certified pre-owned vehicle means at least a 160 point inspection by factory trained technicians so that any damage to worn parts are repaired or replaced to the manufacturer standards before you buy the vehicle things like brakes shocks electronics transmission engine gaskets plus an extended factory warranty and 24 hour roadside assistance shop the largest selection of factory certified pre-owned vehicles in northern California at the Roseville almost driven to be the best. Welcome back to the king I studios I'm tired sorry with a Roseville auto mall score update story not an antelope the Folsom Bulldogs lead the N.L. Of Titans 21 to nothing in the 1st quarter also the Lincoln fighting zebras have a 20 to nothing lead on the Atwater Falcons also in the 1st quarter now back out to K.C. Dave with the call. All right so it's going to be versatile slide that commercial pop there on the floor at the top keep but up and down that commercials staticky a little bit 1st go ball on the near hash once again but away got behind has well had it up the hogs with the blocks of front of a barrel that is way forward down to the 37 yard line 5 yard gain there brought a 2nd out of 5 upcoming 4 placer trails in this game at 67 cardinals with under 5 minutes left here the 1st half at around 8 of all get to Carlton effort if utility trying to strip the ball from Hans Grassman they don't understand skip played rugby he's used to people coming after him and coming after him are these guys are are trying to get in there strip the ball and they're paying more attention to that and they are to the run. All right he'll break the little 2nd out of 5 all the 37 yard I headed up the way to look at a set up blocks of boy he got up into the back you'll miss Russell was in there with a quick bass My goodness you know he split the line when the time sliced on through Jesse didn't even get started on that so again. So. Yeah 100 grand it's helped out with that and granted as a player as well as far as the defense goes I've got him at 17 tackles Russell leading the team of $23.00 tackles both of them leading the team but with 2 sacks of peace coming into tonight's action and they are a quality club are these car going to McCardell what we got a quality club here do with a 3rd out of 5 ahead of them as smart as well breaks at all it's going to be better and Grossman in the backfield handed off the better looking to set up those blocks and make a cut is that 302520 still have those legs it's not the 20 all the way down to the 18 yard line that's going to be a. 19 yard gain tackled on the play by Jared Doolittle but a great job and a great guy but what I liked about it was almost like he was a surfer. And blocking the back is going to negate that where there was the blocking the back is the question. And I didn't write wrote that 1000 down I have to take it right off the books let's do let's see where they put it so they marked it at the 32. So. Would give it. So again looks like maybe 2 out of that whole thing. You have balls being pushed back to the 38 yard line so you know again in 1910 office should have been more of a gain and 9 but that's not words ending up. No it's not and it really took away that great debt that I see things a little bit so 3rd out and 7 for The Hill bit out of. 500 back right there because they got to jump and we even went in motion coming from the near side of the field resetting the backfield and Newman jumped big bark by Martin you know what I liked about that play by Bender was he almost looked like a surfer ducking under a wave he went in there in the wave attack which came to the top and you kind of got down low on his board waited for the way to crash over came not a little time to wave and then boom there he was at the sideline. 3rd down and one upcoming and leave seen Martin do it I mean he must love Peyton Manning because as well as very talented a bark it out and gets of offsides hears and off the grass but a lot of the 1st out of bore as he pushes inside it already still going to chug in those legs down to the $26.00 that's going to be again a 7 on that play watch a different cardinals in all the tackle look like a lead tackle or was why cough and that a big up or down you know it's interesting they're leaving. Nathan Russell out on the island I'm waiting for them to play action on a short one like that and go up top especially if it's on the 3rd down and one because you know you can come right back to grasp on the next play but you know you're going to stop and go with Russell on the outside on that thing he'll be wide open all House will have to do is take that they can late into his hands while being spot of the 27 yard line I totally agree Dave I mean that's a great point check in Austin HALL It's a wide receiver 1st and said Hill then at the 27 yard line of Newman headed off to Logan Groth Groth with a heart run from the $27.00 down to the $25.00 tackle on the play made by a 100 grand as the leading tackler for the Cardinals 2nd out of 8 upcoming You know you were talking about this with 6 minutes to go like it was a little too early in the quarter talking about a long drive and I were approaching the 2 minute Mark Hillman still with the football still have 25 yards to go they could burn another minute minute and a half off and maybe just play right into their own hands get that score get the ball back in quarter 3 clock ticks under 2 minutes to go here. 2nd out in 8 upcoming fake and now handed out the garage the Gropple is a route 2550 great tackle there but Logan Groth is running well tonight shade Moran made the tackle but not before crop top of the 25 all the way down to the 13 again it's well and a 1st down for the hill bit and help me get the 1st down will start the clock again and they'll go right back to that ground game I would have to subpoena well and yeah let's let's you know maybe slow this down just a smidge here a buck 45 left here in the 1st half. Has well back under center once again gets a rotten heart it's not a 15 and al

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