Transcripts for KAHI 950 AM [AM 950 KAHI] KAHI 950 AM [AM 95

Transcripts for KAHI 950 AM [AM 950 KAHI] KAHI 950 AM [AM 950 KAHI] 20190831 080000

Congressman Devon new knows one gold Devon known as cow and the other Devon newest mom that routinely criticized the California Republican US S. File defamation suits against the 2 sites as well as a G.O.P. Strategist at last count Devon UNOS cow had more than 600000 followers Twitter has asked that the lawsuit be dismissed Capitol Hill CORRESPONDENT Well the eye is reporting more of these stories that townhall dot com diabetes high blood pressure anxiety meds everyone's on them if you're a 50 year old male maybe a bit porky and you may even have type 2 diabetes a $1000000.00 of Term insurance may only cost you about $200.00 a month called term provider speak with big blue at 804442013 Big Blue will find a term life policy for you even if you have type 2 diabetes are overweight or have high blood pressure term providers help thousands of people like you think they can't afford term life insurance to buy a 1000000 dollars of affordable term life for you all you need to do is call Big Blue at 804442013 little Make sure the scales are tipped in your favor call 804442013 Bigloo will answer your call and work to fit you into a term life policy that you can afford remember Big lose like you he's on meds to call 8044 forward 201-380-4442 extension 013. Well the physician Dr Charles has an update on the risk of E.C. There are no hundreds of reports of severe lung inflammation following use of is cigarettes or so-called vaporing at least one death associated with raping is not clear whether all these involve cartridges not supplied by the manufacturer public health officials are urging everyone not to vapor trails not every Washington U.S. Appeals court says travelers can sue the government over mistreatment by federal airport screeners because the agents can act like a law enforcement officers including when they conduct invasive searches but I for decision on Friday by the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned earlier rulings and it's a setback for the Transportation Security Administration and its screeners the government is generally immune from lawsuits but a federal law lets people sue over the actions of officers who can conduct searches and arrest people breaking news and analysis at townhall dot com her answer had was hospitalized after being stabbed by a fellow inmate in the San Diego presence or hands or hand has been in prison for more than 50 years after his conviction for the 1968 assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy during that year's presidential campaign in its statement the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation did not name him but said officers had responded quickly and found an inmate with stab wound injuries he was hospitalized in stable condition a government source with direct knowledge confirms or has identity to the Associated Press corrections officials reported that the alleged attacker has been identified and segregated from the rest of the prison population ending an investigation George Manzana reporting the family of Los Angeles Angels pitcher Tyler Skaggs says it was startled to learn that a club employee may be part of the investigation into the 27 year old's death from an accidental drug overdose more these stories at townhall dot com Patrick boss. 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My husband was the same way is that OK I want one that's going to kind of be a guard you know not that hard so you know I'm going to have to protect my family he's independent action we all need a good guard go we want to guard it out so you like the louder so you know and he wants something that's going to alert you when something is on the property you know so yeah those tend to be bigger and bigger in size and less worried about being OK Hi Kyra Saturday mornings at 8. pm on 50. 1 demand expected to come back the question remains Does this mean the economy is back on track companies now after experimenting with all shores places like India Philippines hole and want to bring those shots back with us from the U.S. We're the biggest exporter in the country in a cycle of more downward for enjoyment. From. Radio America it's Neil as Barry's made in America the show that explores American industry large and small and promotes American made products everywhere put Neil as Barry's made in America to work for you a very big welcome to you today your who still has very few other with co-host Dr rich rock and so rich we got a great show today a lot of things to talk about what's the perception in our country right now are we going to have a recession I mean you're hearing that in the media is that something that the media is is promoting because they want this president to lose the election is it real is it going to happen you know what's the perception of the American people then of course you've got China in the tariffs. Are the U.S. Government and China talking are these talks that are going to lead to any sort of an agreement how bad to both sides need this agreement and what is the likely outcome much much to talk about but we had a great great 1st guest and to introduce the guess I'm going to tell you a little bit about my next my next book Birth of America is almost complete it's going to be out very very soon. And I want to the largest collectors and antiquarian maps in engravings going back to the to the 14th hundreds at the end of the medieval times. The Middle Ages in a humanist movement gave gave way to the early early renaissance in the maps in that that led the age of discovery in the explorers going around the world in in the Renaissance which open people's mind it was a it was this freedom of thought the response whether it was in the sciences whether it was any science or whether Disney arts early literature discovery. You know the freedom of expression just the human spirit to be free and expressed itself and manifested itself in many many different ways but one. The Renaissance lead to in what these great expeditions in the age of discovery in the studying of the skies in the stars that led the navigation for these people to go around the world and to establish himself in to establish colonies in the New World. This one a science the Renaissance the freeing of the American spirit. It led to its greatest promise the greatest promise the fulfillment of the Renaissance was the establishment of the United States in the freedom that it brought to humanity like in the markers the like like nothing they've ever seen before. And I know it's going to drive my liberal and progressive friends nuts that you'd. Kind of like that but all they attend copies right now in Birth of America it clearly states in shows improves that America the founding of America was the fulfillment of the promise of the Renaissance human freedom freedom of thought freedom of the arts in freedom to trade in freedom to pursue your economic interests economic freedom one of the 3 basic freedoms. Of the human spirit is to be able to express yourself economically free in a price. And you know it in America was you know found that it wasn't it wasn't it it wasn't perfect of course it's not perfect it's not perfect today. But it started this incredible journey that had never been seen in humanity before to create this freedom in the freedom of the of the American spirit which led to the strongest most prosperous nation in the history of the world and it could not have happened without the Renaissance without this unleashing of the human spirit without the creation of the United States in without economic freedom. So. High spec and good at every passing hour that you can see that we're going to go through our 1st guest who's actually published a book and he's beat me to it is a great book free enterprise in American history by Lawrence Glickman Lawrence welcome to meet in America. Thank you so much I'm really delighted to be here is really fascinating to hear about your book and I can't wait to read it when it comes out well thank you for that so you know your book in my book seems to dovetail together very very nicely you know I say I write about how did we get here and then you take it from there in writing about the very basic human freedom that of economic freedom and free enterprise and your book An American history of free enterprise So tell us what was the gyrations at the Early Start of free enterprise in America and it was not a slam dunk was it I know it's a really interesting issue and one of the things that I wanted to do in my book is that. Is to kind of understand how the phrase free enterprise which I think a lot of us take for granted I wanted to show that it actually had an interesting history about the term has evolved over time and in relation to what you were just talking about your book one of the really interesting things is that in the 19th century when people spoke about free enterprise what they often referred to was what they called the spirit of free enterprise and what they meant was kind of almost exactly what you were saying which is. They want you know nowadays when we think of the free enterprise system I think a lot of times we think. The broader economic system and the business firm that comprise it but in the 19th century what it was really about was kind of unlocking . The individual's ability to. Reach that spirit of free enterprise and the question was how do we do that as a society. So in the 19th century I would say free enterprise was understood as an attribute in the 20th century it became more of a now and. So I was interested in that. It met evolution. Over time because precisely what you were talking about which is this idea of America being a place where there was tremendous emphasis on individuals being able to find fulfillment and happiness through economic independence. Well that's and that is uniquely American I mean obviously I mean it's a very unusual scenario could never have happened in Europe one of the reasons Europe vegetated so badly in the folks came over here with your unusual D.N.A. To come to this country and take the risk is that the accumulation in holding of wealth in Europe was controlled by a number of families and it was an Everest to Craddock system and what we have here what we've been able to develop here was exactly what you're saying Can you imagine economic freedom I mean can you comprehend Europe in the 17th 18th centuries early 1900 centuries in terms of economic freedom at least 18th century economic freedom such a threatening statement to be made to those who really held the power which means they held the wealth in the idea to dream that you could be better that you could do better that you can listen if I dream and I can do it I can work hard enough to make it happen that system couldn't exist in the old shores it had it would exist here if we were lucky enough to have the right men and women to create this country to allow us to have that dream so it is uniquely American isn't isn't large So I mean the fundamental principle of pursuit of happiness I mean how do you pursue happiness without economic freedom I mean it's right there right the very beginning it's to fulfillment of the promise of the Renaissance So how would a shift to even assume happiness that's right maybe it would that evolved out of out of this freedom of thought. Yeah I think I agree with what both of you say I should say I'm an American historian so. My focus is on the United States . You know I'm not I can't really comment. European developments but certainly America was unique and. The concept of free enterprise became central to kind of the American myth those who you might call it and I think a lot of the questions the 19th century revolved around. You know how do we create a society in which this period of free enterprise is maximized and one of the really interesting meanings of free enterprise before the Civil War was. Businesses that were allied on free labor rather than slave labor so if you look at 19th century newspapers a lot of times people talk about free enterprise meaning businesses that rely on. Free labor and the idea was that free wage workers would. You know as Lincoln said they'll work for somebody else for a few years and then they'll be able to work for themselves because of economic mobility and then a few years after that hopefully they'll be able to hire somebody else and the process will be endlessly repeated. So a lot of Americans you know believe that idea of free enterprise that abolishing slavery was part of the achievement of what American free enterprise could do because they believed that individuals who had. As you were talking about. The idea that they could pursue their own happiness but that would create society wide benefits. Monitoring we're going to take a quick break a fascinating discussion we're on with historian Lawrence Glickman who's also the author of Free Enterprise in American history still much much more to cover you don't want to miss it stay with us. Made in America. Like knowledge or truth brought to you by like old age it's true teenagers can communicate entirely in a mode. Why birthday party. 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For over 45 years help heal veterans and not for profit organization has crafted a way to help returning veterans create their way back help us heal to learn more visit heal vets dot org That's heal that's dot org the bench Shapiro show weekdays at 1 pm OK Hi It's amazing all these terrible Republicans and Democrats for their support of infanticide and. Why Will these were public and stop Democrat infanticide. While they just stop there the real problem here is the fallacy obviously the bench Shapiro show weekdays from one to 3 pm on 1.5 F.M. And. Welcome to Made In America on your host Neal as very good with co-host Dr Rich Rothman and we're on with Lawrence Glickman historian and author of Free Enterprise in American history so more it's very important. You know today we are going through a political process and we're seeing the Democrats really talking a lot about socialism and in containing free enterprise bigger bigger much more intrusive governments and we face challenges in many times much larger challenges than we're facing today so in our history. As free enterprise faced a greater challenge than it is today and if it did what sort of challenges has it faced. Well that's a great question. You know I think one of the things that I'm interested in sowing in my book is that. Free enterprise was claimed by many different groups in society so in other words there were some people around the middle of the 20th century. You know there was a pretty lively debate about the what kind of society best produce free enterprise was it a mixed economy. In which government played a role but also private enterprise played a role I would say that with the dominant view in mid century America. In the beginning maybe in the 1970 S. . You know America had a recession. Let's let you know increasing distrust of government. Version of free enterprise emerged where it's kind of pitted free enterprise versus government but. You know from my history I think those 2. Ideas weren't always opposed. You know I think a lot of it depends on what kind of government you're talking about what kind of government involvement you're talking about there were a lot of proponents of free enterprise who said we need you know we need government to do certain things we don't need government to do everything. But it's important that

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