Transcripts for KABZ 103.7 FM [103.7 The Buzz] KABZ 103.7 FM

KABZ 103.7 FM [103.7 The Buzz] KABZ 103.7 FM [103.7 The Buzz] December 6, 2017 030000

Yes you're right. And. Hello and welcome to something that is always highly questionable their leverage our Jerry Springer What do you like on the show today Sarah and be a bad boy Kevin Durant's Yes. It was last night football game do violence to be entertaining the reaction of this football game has been really fascinating when you've got Jon Gruden who is a cheerleader for the sport saying he was disgusted by everything that he saw last night because the science now has gotten to a place where we know more than we ever have in the responsible thing to say is this is all bad but this is the football game I fell in love with this is the sport I fell in love with blocks like that were legal 5 years ago they're not anymore but they were it was a good hit 5 years ago and now we're going to show you another one here this was a work of art here this is the sport I grew up loving Antonio Brown in the end zones Regis is like a Leroy human painting here where he's happy his face might be in the other end zone here comes the flag but he's celebrating in the middle of all that violence I know that all of that looks bad and I know the science tells me I'm not allowed to like them anymore but that's what the game looks like and the game looks like that when Jon Gruden was winning championships in it right and just because Jon Gruden won with a game like that doesn't mean he can't evolve like the rest of us not only is he saying that because presumably like the rest of us watching this hurts now and not because we understand the physical pain but also the years of pain and trauma that it might be causing But Jon Gruden also understand that this sport is going nowhere and dying a fast death if they don't adjust and if players don't respect their opponents and the game the same way that the league wants to now to protect itself it's going nowhere when you have an Tonio brown thing afterwards and that's karma for that juju Smith shooter hit that's problematic because that's him saying he doesn't care whether it's illegal he doesn't care whether it caused a concussion it's karma the play. There's have to care Jon Gruden has to care coaches the league everyone because if it continues like this don't you want to watch I do think that one of the things that was interesting from last night the goal last night that all made Omble want to like something that was pressing and lingering around the sport on Saturdays and Sundays which is when a guy is on the field and you think he's been paralyzed if that game didn't have a vent in the middle of it we wouldn't be reacting the way we are to those 2 hits. Again cause for concern for the Warriors a sprained ankle or k.g. Agenda they were down by 20 at the half yesterday and stormed back on the road against the pelicans to win by double digits because they're great even though they've gestured for the 3rd time in 18 games and Curry left with an ankle injury and ankles got a much. Worse ankle injury has to be the worst because his ankles are the reason that they were able to get him for 4 years 44000000 dollars is ankles on the worries about him are the reason that he was the greatest value in the sport the last few years there's nothing more important that on that team Yabsley it's much more about staff crazy angle I'm not really worried about Kevin Durant becoming the next big bad boy in the n.b.a. This is a guy we're suddenly realizing is more sensitive is more introspective is more concerned about his image than we ever thought before we didn't really know much about Kevin Durant So we filled in all the holes with a nice easy going guy who isn't disturbed by anything and now we're realizing now this is a guy that's got a lot simmering under the surface I don't think that means going forward we're going to see this all the time but I'm also not buying his oh i intentional get injected late in games I have enough control to do that well then stop getting ejected all day one of the things that I think is interesting about everything the Tampa with Kevin Durant is on the court is gone how he's expected their fun and he wins all the time but off the court I think he expected to get all those Twitter exile clogging him in some of writing him and he is sensitive and he is angry This doesn't feel much like joint from a guy who's got nothing but joyous result well and if you've been. Great Your whole life and people around you have been celebrating you and then all of a sudden you make a move that's incredibly unpopular and realize there are a lot of people that don't like you all the championships and M.V.P.'s in the world might not make you feel Ok if you're the kind of guy that's a sensitivity as we're seeing it. Marble my going to bed by digging Angelo out of my school to take this one down so this guy Lavar 1st says can cause an international incident that requires the intervention of 2 presidents he comes back from said country an international incident and Lavar says no big deal signed a big deal then he barely sits to serve this indefinite suspension that no doubt would have been almost immediately ended so that he could purchase Peyton important conference games and he says he's been punished far worse year than he was even in Chad I'm pulling him out of school I can get him better for the draft and anybody at u.c.l.a. Could this is a guy Mind you that doesn't know anything about business or basketball and then he says he doesn't even bother telling u.c.l.a. That he's taking his kid out of it because they didn't tell me anything about what is in the for this indefinite suspension that's still ongoing if your kid hasn't learned a darn thing from causing an international incident because you said it was no big deal so is he causing problems here yes and also how is a 3rd kid going to get into u.c.l.a. When you've created this scares them that they're never going to welcome the ball families I'll tell you she is really agitated about all of our ball hurling bball impersonator one of the worst impersonators I've ever heard across the history of impersonators Regardless she's right about the general idea that this guy has gotten so annoying at this point that I don't think he's got many backers but I will say this in his defense if there's a situation where he can exploit his kid instead of u.c.l.a. Exploiting his kid he's going to choose the spots where he can exploit his kids and he's not to let others do it for buddies probably going to fail at it kind of like you failed at sending those shoes 7 months later and it's not even the shoe you ordered and people probably aren't even going to keep them and they're going to return them I'm still waiting for that sure of are I'm going to call customer service and get live or on the phone because 7 months ago I bought 4 shoes from you on a film and got them I've got a notice in the mail that. Says they're coming and we're going to be different so when I order I'm going to carve a bar on the final customer service 2 the day he said he might play overseas that's right I don't play no problem other than I'm right there are a lot of options not there is no no not there. Are files x. Lost are Ok he is still being practical he is still getting agitated by things on Twitter using social media in life that Mark and Johnny said something very benign to knock yourself out wanting to beat Michigan and he writes song coach the comments on continue to focus on how he can beat Michigan Congrats on turning around the 3 in one team playing with off field issues. That's the shit right there good for them back and I would say that your marble at this point doesn't have the credentials in college football that mark then Tony does and so when he's coming after this guy he's doing it as the 4th or 5th best team in the conference it's not that strong and so he loses a good deal of his credibility and lost on that front right but you have to go after Michigan State if you can't go after Ohio State right. No fight there I still I'm on board with Harbaugh shaken things up because he's getting a better recruiting class every year I think we will be able to next year really officially grade how he is doing in that position in the meantime he just wants to cause havoc he wants to recruit differently coach differently do social media differently and so far it's then still in a way that isn't classless That isn't to insulting you taking little jabs but he isn't crossing the line so I'm Ok with that now he's got to start with a hammer everything is Ok out there when it is going down on the peg I'm going to write the next obvious gun after he loses the Michigan says he's going to go after the Citadel is going to realize what you guys got. Planned in the Outback Bowl you know that's my favorite bone handled the stuff in there as you guys play reads you know they've gotten bored. As hell of a ball the other one is only the ball I don't get is about the only the ball you know the Outback Bowl doesn't want to know. Food. Because someone so highly questionable do you have a good Adrian Peterson is ridiculously strong story if you shake hands with him it's pretty absurd but I do you know people tell crazy weight room stories about that guy he and his heavy leg Dave pretty impressive I mean he goes in there and squats. A lot of weight. It's goal of every once in all graced in studio with the greatness that is Tim Hasselbeck how bad of a look was that for football in that he was really I would say this. On a positive angle I think we all watched last night and thought This is Jon Gruden said I don't like watch and this is gross I mean there was a feeling I certainly felt like after the Shazier injury and see him versus the way he was a high head on on Antonio Brown and I'm thinking this is crazy I mean it's. Is an exaggeration but I feel the guys are getting slaughtered out here I mean that's what it felt like and I don't think you have to go back that far to realize that that was normal football not that long ago and today that's a that's an outlier in today's game like that are not happening in every single n.f.l. Game they used to it's goal of 6 Eastern on e.s.p.n. Radio and e.s.p.n. . Radio. They moved it to 8 teams that they would have placed at number 9. Would you be Ok with Wisconsin being ranked number 9 for the rest of time as long as none of us ever have to watch them play. I don't think the one. Radio. Show what is up with Joe Flacco anybody paid attention to how terrible his stats are that stretch the 4 games that he had to play I don't know who that was we joked about it being Ronald Donaldson Can't Buy Me Love just paying girls to date him being the most popular due to high school when that's not who that guy was black high and low and maybe one of the most confusing things you've seen in n.f.l. History. With the. Radio and on the. E.s.p.n. App. Join the buzz on our next. 10370 by. Going up on. The certain Jimmy classic movies the garden and the unexpected medical bills like today you kind of played all night from 6 overtimes also aftermath of steelers Bengals will see on the 6. You know said to be. A bad man he breaks a lot of tackle currently tied for the league leading. The Falcons Thursday night let's talk to him without there. What do you remember about the transition that you made in college about the culture shock of going to some of the places that you ended up. So I started the University of Alabama 1st at a high school and then I mean it was just a big you know 1st time away from from. Your parents. Being in a atmosphere where you know you don't know you know used to and then just going to be transferring from there and going to do you call it has a community college in and out like never been to them it was kind of in the middle of nowhere like. I have never seen snow like that in my life. It was different. I'm curious that way smaller than your high school weight room what were you thinking to yourself and your football career when you walk into the community college and you realize Man I'm far away from my dream man you know that it was a lot of. What I'm doing like this where this is. You know but this had to stay focused and believe in and what I believe they grounded in my morals in and you know and I made it. What was the hardest time for. Specifically. Like when you're when you're there and you're far away what were the specific difficulties in that and specifically I mean out there you know you don't have it's not really like coming from Alabama it's not the same support so I got out there it's like you got one academic advisor for for the whole team so I mean really for all sports so I'm out there you know I'm trying to make sure my credits align for these classes so I can transfer out in time and you know I'm trying to make sure everything is in order as far as football and I'm at the same time just. Wondering why I'm out here how do I get to this point in my life you know this is I think the most stressful thing just having to having to juggle that those credits in the back of my head while I'm playing in fact All right well if I don't do well in this class and it's a possibility I'm I have to stay here longer and it was sometimes where I kind of. Ended up failing the class or classically you want to go looking in the g.b. Looking at the back up. There and seeing I think one of the great it was to be able to you know get up out of there but I just had to you know keep my support keep talking to my support you know my mom my family friends and stay grounded and do what I had to just like you're pretty close to give it up it sounds like you're pretty close to being done with this I mean it was hard it was I will say to her but you know everything happens for a reason and I'm thankful for what I had to go through. Do you have a good Adrian Peterson is ridiculously strong story if you shake hands with him it's pretty absurd but I do you you know people tell crazy weight room stories about that guy he his heavy leg days pretty impressive I mean he goes in air and squats. A lot of weight after. His Leg day but I me. Before the season started we had m.m.a. We had some m.m.a. Guys and we were doing kind of some m.m.a. Work and you know we partnered up and were doing like a this like a little m a major really not I'm new here but what the man is the man is strong like he's got a different story. Well hold on tell me more about this story how did you get involved in this and what happened so really it was it was him and mark that were part of the and you know you put your hands behind your back and you kind of like pretty much soldiery sold or sold into so to each other trying to kind of game position in use your weight to you know position yourself in in the position and then there was another Drew where this was the one where I was I did man a strong you kind of you've got to you've got to get their arms around each other and and holding in grapple without the other person like. It was no it was no way around and he's also got that rage about you're playing the same position you're going to take some of my cause I don't like I don't know and it's turned out that you're getting a lot of tears now so be careful if he does that to you now Ok well about that. All right now comes the good stuff this is the stuff you've been waiting for and you know we got the collar to me long enough what do you got for. You end up in a. Meal and then the voice you know the record label and. That's when you know that my friends either got them talking to about 30 minutes ago. They like my 5 like I don't know they go to show me or the. Other Wow I was not. Going to harm somebody that. You have a choice c c. Radio Chris Simms with you're playing golf with Dad and there's no one around for miles and you guys are talking Tony Romo is your dad just. Reading Tony Romo. He's definitely not shredding Tony Romo the great respect in the sense House called for Tony Romo now maybe i'm sure i didn't answer that conversation with that. But I'm not sure I'm not sure I didn't tell you because I do really respected like tell you right. Now we. Are down the road. For this new hot girlfriend. Law If you don't so I don't know everything about it but it certainly seems like that's the disconnection that. Down a little part. Thanks to one Eastern. Bridge you. Read you that foam. On Sundays only if you hear again I'm on a No the bus on the back. But no double. Doubles on the. Well then. You can't overemphasize how important that comeback was for the Pittsburgh Steelers because listen this is going to come down to a week 15 match up for the a.f.c. Supremacy when the Patriots travel to Pittsburgh to take on the Steelers and in all likelihood the winner of that game is going to get home field advantage so it was imperative to match Patriots record and win their 8 straight they have done that and they really keep a lot of the possibility that whoever wins that game is going to be home for the playoffs certainly from Pittsburgh side they were going to be in the playoffs and what they were fighting for to me it was more important for Cincinnati you know to try and save their season trying to get the 6 and 6 to be one game away from Baltimore for a wild card and they still have to play Baltimore they would've been with another clump of I think 3 other 6 and 6 teams but still would have had a chance because then again you wonder why not in the playoffs this year what kind of changes are going to happen for this team this kind of tilted the scales now off of the playoffs for them and again in 2 Ok what's going to happen in the offseason it's going 6 Eastern on e.s.p.n. Radio and e.s.p.n. 2. In the committee room I will bet you any amount of money there's one more honest person decide to kind of take the floor and are you there everyone rolls their eyes and here you go Will Cain again. One of you just came out and said Al risking it all along and you know that there's somebody else they go this guy's takes the worst. Yes. The only people. I know we talk about Carson once as your midseason m.v.p. And Tom Brady's name certainly goes there for what he's doing but if Russell Wilson doesn't put out a cape every single week they're in trouble and they're just a battle line but Russell Wilson debility to escape Mike and find and do things on the rug has been ridiculous it's Golovkin. When Joe 6 Eastern on e.s.p.n. Radio and e.s.p.n. To. Question employees from staff from the payroll of their hotel financial South Yeah me the middle blending in the house h. Like and fine why do you boys you don't give us out picks and events we question him. Do you question in turn those Web a.s.u. Maskil the oh I can see where my father would stop on that speed bump see the word a few of the letters a if you don't think there was something else anyway I remember is all the 63 years old you think. Those of the Sun Devils in Arizona State. The holder of the no devils digest double digest Oh yes are you located. Right here in Tempe Ok Don't just say I'm a I'm Catholic now I'm a Christian watch out themselves. I say well you get that you're good because the devils all over the place make a person. Care answer the question does he know that he just took a job with the devil's yes or no I assumed he would say no I'm serious my mind I don't really know and I've got nothing to do the new i know they're getting the mass out of it he just said I know how to cause the fires and want to ask. I don't know what he's doing just sign the dotted line so he wants to go find God but I'm all for fun I was that's why I'm going to say I don't know I was pretty much just really want to find out how to get back out to Melanie not That's right 60 they can only in you I think they're having show you know it depends. How you question the surely there's a warlock we are your home for all warlock sports we have covered these warlocks well over the years look at th

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