Jason is right if you want to break the rule. 37 the cave easy Little Rock last work is every cruder dot com slash work this is Chuck Berry by you to listen to me call the homes on the 1037 The bunk in the. Cave easy little in the face of the company. What needs doing g m c probably prevents Ray suckers Arkansas out its natural featuring award winning outdoor journalist Brian Hendricks and Al Gore ahead Mark Hedrick live public what a new exhibit in the studio here's your host Ray Tucker. And. Again this week's show 1st of all our thoughts and prayers go out to the folks up in Pocahontas and that area the Black River is out of his banks over the levees and a lot of people are experiencing that also there and then lives lost and Arkansas waterways here in the last we going to have the coast of high water and people getting on water ways and situations where some yes we had some last a kayak or who apparently and I saw some on channel some very experienced but you have to totally respect the force of water and when people get out there and do that and we have people on the Buffalo River I think we lost a canoeist I'm going to be here and so and was a woman in a car and 22 young kids she lost both of her children and so you have to be aware of things you fish the maternal Phil Dobbie turning up in the late and you all experience to ritual rains thundering lightning and a very dangerous situation everything that is going on now started up there then you know when up for a practice round on Tuesday it was a very nice day of the like was coming up and. Wednesday was a practice day and then all that all that rain arrived on us Thursday and they sent us out on take that back I'm told a lie there that Thursday was a 1st round it was a pretty nice day but it was coming in and you know the 2nd day Friday was when the storm hit they sent us out you know enlightening and I was really surprised I did that I mean you've got ground strikes going hitting the hills all around us some fabulous photographers and grow. Down strikes with anglers fish and in the middle of all that you've got some I don't see on f l w web so I didn't take my camera out now because I knew would be pointless and it's hard to hard for me to take really good pictures and run with the stuff I got but you know that happened and then you know the culling are part of that time it was done Friday so I was just observe or from then on and it just got worse and worse and worse. You know we were going upstream fished on Friday with a gun and Bob Moore and from Seymour Tennessee and we went under the highway 12 bridge and went up upstream and you know piggery Creek Marina and Warrigal Marina and Horseshoe Bend Marina were cut off from the lake from just these big rafts of logs that had pushed up into the it was incredible yeah now I'm not minimum beaver like what feeds it. It's white Rivers big and Pam of the y. Well Ok I'm just not aware of that and then I think I'd read your articles and I'm trying to figure out where the water coming from right thing is you know when you think about that light coming up fast all that that debris that's been all littered tree limbs you know the natural pruning from winter you know everything these tree limbs logs trees all of it ends up in a river and so you go to got running down his boat power poles and there were logs and sticks as high as the power poles big as the boat he was navigating through that's right we were doing that too and we're talking about you know the kind of log rafts that you used to read about you know on the on the rivers in the Pioneer that's kind of what it looked like and everybody was just kind of picking your way through that So on the last day I think it was Scott Canterbury that went up the white to fish he had 7 inches of clearance under the highway 12 bridge going up and he's able to kind of pushes boat down and get through that one of the one of those . 3 which is when he got back and he almost didn't make you know there were guys there were guys. Years ago wow there were guys years ago and I can't remember what the like was but there was a guy that won the tournament he was in a Ranger boat and he literally got out let his plug his plug and his boat will not sink but took it down to where is the gunnels and then he was able to lay down in his boat and steer under this bridge rope me won the tournament right there and came back down the same way that was just took off and ran full speed and it made me wonder whether. It was that I can't remember but that was it was up there somewhere yeah I was I Parker I don't think Parker was in the ninety's yet but it was it was just the thought of somebody doing that now you know I could just see somebody like me doing it and you know going out there drowning or some but that's how serious these guys are and when you saw the pictures I was following what you were doing and I knew you were miserable there is nothing fun about fishing on a day when we've talked about for the sky in the water the saying Yeah and that's what it's like any expect the fish to bite better but when you've got when you're basically casting you're thrown over logs and trees and leaves and you can't hardly get your bait back well you know when the water started to rise the fish were in a certain part of the water column and when the water rose everybody was expecting the fish to follow the rising water to the bank well they stayed where they had been they were on the old bank and so one day they were 12 feet under water the next day they were 14 the next day they were 18 people kept going back expecting to find him on the bank and they were back where they had been and these were such a lot of these fish were postponed and priest all right and so those postponed Basle pull out and sit and those priest bone Basle like to go in and any fish that was up there on the bank you were going to get to them that's right I know you think stands a Coalinga Yeah I media member no no this is like a language I was actually in there trying to win me 20 quid 20000 dollars and it was it was it was a very very enlightening experience and I have covered these things for decades just as an observer back. In the days when I used to let media people ride in the boats as as media observers I saw from a different perspective then but when you're actually competing that's a whole different whole different perspective than I've ever had before and what I can tell you is if anybody's ever interested and go in and fish n f l w tournament as a co-anchor it's a great experience it's not a whole lot of money and we often say on the show that you know if you want to get to be a better fisherman fish with people that are better than you and you're going to do that on the on the f.l. W. Now if you want to win some money that's all luck of the draw and what I mean by that is if you're going to if you're going to finish in the money and even have a chance and went on as a co-anchor you're going to go out with somebody who's going to really sack him up the 1st day and he's going to get 816151617 pounds and then quick yeah he's going to get it pretty quick and then he's going to leave his spot and for the next several hours put you in a position where you can catch some fish too. I didn't fish with people like that I was fishing with guys that were great guys and I don't want to give an impression of anything else but especially on the 2nd day you've got a guy that's just need a few pounds to to get up and get him a check get him a paycheck and so his catch and keeper spots 12 inch spot of Vass and one after the other all cookie cutter fish and so as the day wears on he's convinced that the next cast is going to be that 567 pounder that's going to get him where it needs to be and so you really in the back of the boat don't have a chance and early in the day when he had a couple of 12 inch spots in about. I asked him early on you know we're going to be any place where we can crank now no not going to a place we're going to crack but so we did get in a spot like that out there Square bill out and whacked on about a 3 pound her and got that in the boat and it got really quiet. And. Tense not angry you know not that kind of deal it was just really tense because I had a fish that he needed and I got it doing something he wasn't doing so I mean there wasn't any kind of conflict going on so immediately he ties on a square bill and catches another 12 a spot you know. And that went on for about another hour and then he finally put on something else and he got one that was about 4 pounds and things kind of lightened up a little bit but I was never in a position where I really could do anything you know to make a show how I fished with folks before that and just just enjoying yourself ition and you're in the back of the boat you're in somebody else's boat so you're kind of their their mercy and they're fishing for that and fish right and you'll knows that boat back into a pocket and you'll see a fish and you're sitting there with the back of the boat in the middle pocket no place to throw when you literally will stay and I've watched. 45 most an hour tally been cast while somebody is trying to catch that fish and they do that in the tournament as well if you've got a guy that fish and bread and fish your luck a lot of times you know you're doing a stone out in the deep water where they're not and he may spend an hour and a half trying to get that we don't want to and so why do they even have it that way when you're trying to compete with God and what you'd throw anything out well because they are you know they're getting extra money it's just kind of their format there they're making money on people paying entry fees to get a net and there's a whole it's all it's like a turn with an attorney and a koala Saga's or fishing for a different pot of money so it's really not a competition as far as that gunge than that that you throw out and get a fish and takes a guy oh yeah well I mean there is that now you know you got to get a paycheck to do that doesn't always happen sometimes like I said it was one guy that led he got his fish real early instead of giving us Congress chance he went checked into a half hour later just 2 and half hours early and took us coming right out of the competition and you know they were really talking bad about that guy around rap all the pros were that's that's just kind of a lot of etiquette you know you don't cross but he did and it was pretty interesting the guy the fish with the 1st day spent some years as a co-anchor so he had lived that life and he was now fish in the pro side is northern Illinois and fairly early in the day he lost a pretty nice large mouth that really would have done him some good and it got you know he took it really hard and as that he never did he just never recovered from it and as the day went on when we when we checked in like he got one or 2 and I was out of it and when we left and he stopped me and said you know you've been covering these things for for a long long time you know what advice do you have for me to I was really surprised by that I said well you know you've probably forgotten more about fishing than I'll ever know but I will say this. That one fish missing that the fish lose in the fish didn't hurt you what that what it did to yourself was I'm sorry but the loss of composure I said you really took that way too hard you've just got to you've got to show off that off and go and get another one and so you really cost yourself about $2.00 and a half hours of fish and just because you just would not let that go and he hung his head and nodded he knew it well you know. Faced with folks and I've played golf with folks the worst thing you can do is if you make a bad shot have a bad hole is to dwell on it because it it's just a bad hole gets a bad hole in that shot and that's that's really what from then well it's golf is your problem but. You know the thing that I find interesting is. What I love about fission is you can lose a big fish and you go to another spot and catch one and in fishing to me being a guy that doesn't just go out and fish time after time after tournaments fish and for fun and a little money on the side here and there that's nice but if you're out there fish and you think and listen this may be my last one my family's sacrifice a lot my kids are at home you know my wife's taken a school we've got to get food on the table I've got one year to make it that could be a real frustrating deal for you I mean you can it can just and it can eat at you and so when you do miss that one fish it just rips your guts out but you've got. To just you know go the other way and reading your articles. Probably there were guys number guys cut their limit in a hurry and just move Yeah and that's the way it always happens I've you know over the years of doing this I can't tell you how many times the winner of these tournaments just hit a lick in the last sometimes last 10 minutes before I had to check enemies watching this clock known as check in time and he knows exactly how much time he can run at 70 miles an hour to get this thing is they've got their clocks all night or their grass that they've got in the corner that graph they've got alarm and everything and when it hits of time they're gone but I can tell you so many times it's happened where people just fished all day all day all day and then tenements for check and they just hit it and turn on it just turns on whatever they've been doing finally turns right for me and they are cold or small fish or fill out a limit or catch their big ones right then and there and happen this time well you know last night last night I went out the way you know Jolly Rogers Marina and like was was in and out was dropped and dropped about a foot foot and a half a since Sunday so lights coming down quick and there are people that great fisherman that you know had 5 face that weighed less than than 5 pounds at 0 didn't get a bite yet Bill Dennison Rick Easter come in with you know over 10 pounds. And there were people out of 20 boats or people quite a few didn't why officiant and that's just the way it goes in tough conditions you may find a school of fish and they're there and you catch him and other people are looking for that school or something similar they don't find. The conditions a lot of times of take you out of it rattles about a dirty water with a lot of debris in it when I see it I only want a fish I just want to go home. If you're turning into one of 37 the bus you listen right across Arkansas outdoors where in our one Indian team see studios we come back if you were planning a summer vacation we got just the person to talk to big Matthiessen parks in tourism join us and we come back. You'll. Hear the right vehicle for every activity and in our consoles the right track for avid hunters is the g.m.c. 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Lender Chevrolet and then chances are you will go anywhere else reason being we have a great selection and the lowest prices around and we're open 7 days a week plus we carry Chevrolets or would want to line up come see us at Lander Chevrolet in Benton you'll be glad you did he tell you when the boys were doing some environmental cleanup thing today we are well looked more like you're going fishing we are and that's the example you're setting for actually old and. Conservation is easy every time you purchase a fishing license or register your boat you're helping to preserve our nation's coastlines lakes rivers and streams protect the memories for generations to come to learn about all the ways your participation in boating and fishing help the environment visit take me fishing dot org slash conservation. We are doors men are not exempt from injury we suffer from longstanding recurring neck and back pain headaches migraines low energy levels and more if that's your case then you need to get in touch with a sportsman stock Dr Grant Dennis with a specific chiropractor center doctor dentist specializes in helping you stay in the woods and in the boat longer pain free call today for free 15 minute consultation 501-420-2815 or go to Dr Grant Janice dot com. If you're serious about hunting or fishing then you naturally want to take good care of your gun or brought in real The same goes for your car or truck and the best place to take good care of your vehicle is to let the county's number one g.m.c. Dealer want make our service department features expert service advisors state of the art diagnostic and repair and experience Service say 1st class service you'll find it every day at last the county only big g.m.c. Dealer wanting to g.m.c. In North Little Rock. Welcome back to our teams the studios what to do g.m.c. Alaskan counties only Buick g.m.c. Dealer right Tucker market Rick Brian Hendricks and were joined now by the delightful make Matthews former coworker of mine years ago when Channel 11 years ago it doesn't seem like that long ago and how many years ago was that I live in the name now but yeah I got there in 1905 I was the 1st. Higher in the newsroom after good men bought Channel 11. Station mag by the ways that a lot of magazines public information were never were parks and tourism this is the time of year when people start planning vacations and there are some terrific places to go in Arkansas there sure are you know I was here a year ago and I knew someone about parks but boy do I know a lot more now I have stayed at so many of them and I've got to tell you especially that camping at State Parks is amazing if you have an r.v. That is the place to go they have the hookups that you want it's very very comfortable and they have the washrooms and showers available that are just don't say hookups if you want to really. Play you see is all right Ok with you there you guys are all alike. I do know you're about as red as your lipstick right. Well the way he was talking to Mag not. By the way our phone numbers are 104771037 statewide and 433137. In the metro and after we made that comment or. So how my going to recover there are all. Wonderful hiking areas. Actually the thing that I found out that I really really enjoy about our state parks are the historic state parks where you can go and take a walk back in time down to old Washington State Park and they have buildings from the 1000 century and it really feels like you are there and they have people who you know dress app in the appropriate attire and it's just it's really fun how many of your campgrounds are houseboat compatible right now. Yeah. Ask a technical question yeah probably all of them right now is much right as we absolutely yeah I mean we have a lot of rain we have a little too much water in some of our areas but that will all be worked out you know one of the one of the places that's really coming on that there has been a lot of state parks are you know very compatible with with fishing especially white oak like is one of them where they revamped the lake and you know redone ball and it's one of the best fishing likes in the state