And back down the mountainside. Sadly 2 u.s. Service members were killed in Afghanistan today according to a statement from the NATO led international military coalition of Kabul the 2 were killed while conducting some sort of an operation but no other details have been released including their names which have not been announced either k. A.b.c. News time is 800 Let's take a look at 4th with Randy Wang thank you Mr Wood all the Kings beat the Sharks 42 with Ron Burgundy calling the game Ducks play the sharks and 7 ducks Kings tomorrow and 730 Ellie of sea playing rock salt lake tomorrow and 730 Reale real Raul who knows Dodgers lost the Brewers 115 the 5 a d. Backs that one Angels beat the back to one for the White Sox and one Clippers Cavs and for 30 Lakers nets at 730 it's all Marge madness all the. End of the of the 1st day of the n.c. Double a men's tournament Minnesota beat Louisville 8676 ls you began 7974 Auburn beat me and I'm State 7877 florins they are mon 7669 and I stay Bradley 7665 Maryland big Belmont 7977 Kansas the northeastern 8753 Murray State upset market 8364 out 4 to beat Nevada 7061 Kentucky 7944 a mugger Dempsey you 8749 Villanova beats 8 Mary 6157 Woolford beaten all 8468 Michigan Montana 7455 Baylor beat Syracuse 7869 per Do we don't Dominion 6158 All right we got 60 more games starting at 9 o'clock this morning I was going to tell us exactly what you want to tell but it does not take a lot of focus. And St Louis plays Virginia Tech at 7. Well done nice k b c news time 80. Let's get a look at Friday morning dependable traffic with Bill Thomas. Burke Santa Ana freeways is crawling 1518 miles. Once you've been on the 50. 5 for 30 this morning. Continues carpool. There and then related to. The carpooling taken. From the 61 to downtown. Shut down on the Harbor Freeway northbound just below the Santa Monica Freeway at the. Next report at $820.00. Of the new it's. A A.B.C.'s So Cal weather mostly cloudy. Morning partly cloudy though by this afternoon. Not much change in the forecast expected tomorrow but it will be sunny and a bit warmer on Sunday right now 51. $52.41 and Woodland Hills. 95 point. 2. A. Little. News for you. Get. To the moon dry. Chill until it's chilly in binary way story shifting way to. Build on this trip. It's. 10 o'clock in the morning Good morning Happy Friday everybody and there's a lot going on in the world let's go ahead and take a look at some big stories California Governor Gavin Newsom is considering a plan to prohibit any new deaths at. It says in local criminal cases this following his executive order to put a moratorium on death sentences according to the l.a. Times Nugent efforts could come into conflict with State Attorney General Javier Basara who supported capital punishment during a conference call with reporters yesterday the governor said he hopes to work with Basara and others to determine whether he can act on behalf of the people in this state to no longer prosecute death he added quote I would ultimately like to shut down the system of death and quote Despite the fact that the people want the death penalty and we just voted not all the death penalty so I don't know which people he's speaking for it is so interesting is I see this movement across the country for reform and this and that instead of you know they're like constantly saying Our prisons are overpopulated like that's about well then don't do things I opened up new prisons I don't understand it's not that difficult I love that he wanted he said what we want to end the killing machine in California no you're not ending the killing machines and Callen right you're in you're letting them go you're essentially Yeah well how about clearing out Death Row that'll open up 700 new spots and present the kid in just him again it it fascinates me that that's the that that's the angle that's the angle not opening more prisons but letting the bad people out and get it or reducing their sentences anyway members of the family who owns the company that manufactures the opioid oxy cotton are being sued by a conglomerate of more than 500 cities counties and Native American tribes because they're saying that it's addictive and you knew it and you still promoted and they really promote his well the lawsuit says the Sackler family broke laws to enrich themselves to the tune of billions of dollars will hundreds of thousands of Americans die and reports that the complaint blames Purdue Pharma for creating the worst drug crisis in American history a lawsuit was filed in New York I guess. I don't think I would be open to this fire on the jury because you have this unless a doctor prescribes Yeah no I agree there's a middle man and so if they're prescribing it properly then you shouldn't be yes having addictive I know in a perfect world that that's the way it works but you know it's. Addictions very slippery slope it's tricky it's great it's not black and white and here's what happens if the pendulum swings too far the other way yeah doctors become afraid to prescribe pain meds for people who are actually in hand now if you've got cancer if you've got I don't know your wisdom teeth take it out whatever you need painkillers and doctors shouldn't be afraid of prescribing them to you if you actually need them while a landmark case recently. There was a female doctor who was actually convicted for I believe 2 deaths these guys were pretty young they were in their twenty's I guess they got hooked and they owe deed and she was not only brought to trial she was convicted so it was a big deal I'm a talking to Dr Drew about it it was pretty months of as I mentioned before yet another scandal has hit the world of ice. My God scandal. And by the way that show that I did Nancy Kerrigan was on that show that's right he was one of the Professional Skaters what kind of gal was she she's great I love Nancy they were all fantastic I love that show it was really it was such a great and special time and Dorothy Hamill was one of the judges so you were in team Tonya. No I'm team I'm team Nancy Kerrigan and so is Ty Babylonia by the way who was also on that show I remember calling Ty saying hey do you want to talk about I tanya at all and she's like I will not I love you but I will not participate in anything to do with her I can't stay she said no no with always and you know they should have had as one of the judges on your skating show yeah talking Hartings mother. Was her name Laverne Lavonne she was delicious but she did the bird on her shoulder but she was just we did have a fabulous Judge Mark Lund and I wanted him to wear a parrot on his shoulder but he was adamantly against it well Mark log is kind enough to join us this morning good morning Mark. Good morning. From the great state of now since it's a California highway you both and Jillian that was a great show that we did and in 2005 oh my gosh do you remember Kylie and Kendall Jenner as a little girls in the commercial breaks doing is that crazy. It was like you know like 3 and 4 years old and now they're like you know superstar model I mean it's like where did the time go it's crazy how is everything on the East Coast everything on the East Coast is actually quite good we had a pretty mild winter thankfully course in the middle of March you could have 20 snowstorms able to fulfill there and no snow on the ground little rain today and cool I know in Los Angeles when it rains I think the world comes to an end but here . Is the deal they tried to keep Mark and I way they knew that we would become very good friends and they and they said you cannot only frolicking with the judges and obviously I mean Kristy Swanson ended up winning so obviously then I mean it's a part time she's got better about it now are still the No no she's not of course I did give her a special medal when she was a good day Alayo because she had to rectify Yes I think that original score that. For that my darling now oh what do you have known you know Tanya. You know Nancy Kerrigan very well why do you made with her Yes you did exactly So tell us to make of this this new scandal and tell us and tell our listeners about it if they don't know already I mean it's a new figure skating scandal it really is it has all the makings of the Tonya Nancy situation well Maria Bello an American skater slashed her South Korean rival young so in limb and you know they skate together in Southern California work with the same coach and up there at Lee there was some bowling involved prior answering and in the meeting he has been reporting it as it was premeditated you know I'll tell you it was interesting the the articles that I've read about it they're all pulling kind of the same thing that it appeared to be premeditated that there was bowling involved before what have you but then I read Christine Brennan of USA Today and she lay close ranks on it claiming and it's very possibly true you know because Jillian you're a skater I was a skater that when a skater is doing their program they haue their right away and they have the protocol of the other skaters to get out of the way and it was simply just an accident on the ice look which is very possible but there was one thing I found quite telling if you are Maria Bell Yeah and you have been accused. Listen gives a new meaning to the red backstabbing your competitor Ok you have not apologized and you've been compared to Tonya Harding What do you call the global press conference when you know their roles in Japan and say look I'm sorry it was an accident yes and then that was coming yes yes i would you want to defend yourself and say absolutely not this is not the case but she has not done so so no I find it curious because that would be one of the 1st things I would do you know their competition is over now Bill came in one place and higher than Linda and you know there we are but it's going to be a nice cold rain when they get back to Los Angeles and there has not been forthcoming and they're skating together on the same ice with the same coach I mean . Well yeah what I'm very uncomfortable in you know I mean USA Today article quoted actually Well you're saying you know there's no pulling in the rain isn't tolerate that well of course you're going to say that we all know what skating is like doesn't bullying all that any sport is like that and it just is what it is so I just think there needs to be a bit more than investigation on this and just not to close ranks on it so quickly but the majority of the media's reporting as something something may have been and also let's also be clear to our statistics All right so you're doing your program in a practice ranked you know what other competitors and you happen to run into the one that you train with. Ok so I've said one that doesn't follow the figure skating world that closely how it is cut throat. Cut leg and everything else yeah even held over. But with the die hard Nancy Kerrigan drama was unfolding I could not get enough I read everything about it I watched all of the tabloid shows I watched the. A lympics when they were competing against one another I watched the that they made afterwards the documentaries you name it I was all about it could theoretically in a perverted sort of way be good figure skating if people don't get caught up in the drama. Absolutely I mean I mean Julian will agree with me on this it seems to me that figure skating can only get attention when there's some sort of attack. You know what. I mean from sort of a town far like you know whatever you know in the old days I mean the skaters used in this retainer to doll the hit men I would have said. I mean you can even script if any of that I think I'm talking to Hollywood now. But yeah but I'll tell you when I did I was on the e.s.p.n. Documentary price of gold in 2014 and talked about the hole in a grocery aisle but I have to say that the director is a wonderful gentle with it I don't think you know you get a few plays and whatever Oh my God they distributed that everywhere cultural people that were on cruise ships. Time love their joy not just me but I just want to. Let you know but there's interest worldwide interest I think. You know I was telling John earlier figure skating it's extremely competitive cutthroat political . Right and I just watched a great documentary on it's called losers of all things but it's you know provocative title and Syria vote only is featured in one of the and just how political it was in her being a black skater not you know that typical you know. Fabulous member witnessing that you know stir you wouldn't actually let the next time get her love you hurt again and I don't blame her on many occasions for feeling she was shot yeah yeah I agree yeah because she didn't just getting gold you know and then they said Ok you know the more exotic If you're going to be exotic really it's like just because you you know just be you know the whole point of figure skating to create you know they are just they're going to let it best right we saw this also with with Michelle Kwan and Tara Lipinski Yeah and. Really good all right I mean it just is if you're skating you know think yeah right you want you want everyone to be the same note you know you want to look within your home run the same dress get the same music. I attended 2016 rock biggest getting championships here in Boston and your god now the allow the vocals to skate and. Some of my same you do not stay in the scene and you think the Titanic if your program thinking like the chef. Feels like carnival that feels like. Skating right like it doesn't feel like competitive Yeah yeah but you know where I've been out of this court for some time a little bit you know I won for the 1st time like in years of the a world championship Yes thing to my on my reporter friend who I. Think it was the scoring system so difficult to go into mit to learn it you know. It's true and maybe you and I are just you know old school that way but I believe there's something in that tradition I think it's weird to kind of I don't know I think suggestion is important I don't you think and you know but it's interesting out of all the news that was probably generated on the Bill Chappell ship in Japan what story links to the American media Yeah we're talking with. Mark Lund figure skating t.v. Analyst and author of frozen assets the new order of figure skating Mark you said that figure skating always benefits from a rivalry is a rivalry really what they need or is it a feud. I think it's a bit of both actually because you know now it's on ice and off ice you know we can just go back to when Julian I did that show on Fox many years ago where you had that great on ice skating but then you also had the office drama chill. Oh dear lord. Yeah and that's what makes it interesting because reading most games that larger than life personality is in the holes or is about generally the individual even when you're. Skater Rice Yeah yeah I think it's about the individual and it's about their life now and you look at like well look at some of the Adam replied Ok I love him you know he's great and he's got all that social media presence around him now so he's you know creating a whole other thing off the ice and I think that it's good to have that on and not the irony of what next they're just getting interesting I agree Can you imagine if the off ice antics were part of the show I always said Fox should have made them hard I mean that would have been there would've been a 2nd season for sure. Even it would've been a spinoff show you know. You know I think. But there's a we had we kind of p.j. On this show I can't go down the. Market because you have you know you have a list author of My show you know it's thank you so much I mean this is morning market so thank you and John so great to hear if you hear him you too high on the wonderful weekend he's a very very big name in the world of figure skating and he was one of the judges on your program yes so it was there were 3 and door Dorothy Hamill was another one you know I was in August in Canada she was everything and yeah Mark Lund is a preeminent voice in the figure skating world he's fabulous It's funny he wanted to move out here for a while after the show because he had so much fun he's a nice coaster but I think is hard on the East Coast in that figure skating world well for that world the east coast in Canada has to be the epicenter correct. I don't know there are some incredible skaters down here Evan Lysacek who won the gold men's free skate he is from he's here he's not from here though but he trains here down in the gun show so anyway it's so nice to catch up with Mark Lund again thank you Mark it's 820 coming up later on in the program we're going to talk to a city councilman in Fresno who is proposing or. That would ban people from giving money to bombs thinkable that was used for traffic getting off oh I don't I I'm not I If I want to give my money to a homeless person that's my prerogative to just sit there and enable drug addicts though I necessarily true in the know all and drugs you guys are your stereotype only 80 percent Ok well that's it listen what they do with the money is not my business it's like out of all saying your opinion of me is none of my business if my intention is good you do with it what you will that's your business when it's not on the needle in the park it's my business it's also hazing I hate when you pull up to a light in the homeless people are in traffic going from car to car that's not safe they would give you a ticket if you were a pedestrian and you were doing that this jackass of the Robertson on ramp on the 10 yes raising on Heineken while he's asking for your money why I didn't see that was a water bottle ferry from a few months ago I have to say sometimes I get a little irritated if it's a young like a guys 30 something I'm like you know what you know I'm a single mother of 2 get lost like go on your own money I'm work enough here for for my family beat it don't you have an attractive bum in your neighborhood to you he's really hot. Guy so good looking I'm like why are you in movies and I actually said I'm like really like what and I sat and talked to him one day so how are you in the situation and he told me his whole story was fascinating and yes I did give him $20.00 Randi so by the way you haven't come up with any store names yet store names restaurant names no it's not restaurant and also you were names that you wanted restaurant because I like that and cook Big Wangs that's a really good one because your name's Randy Wang big Wang great tell girls they owned big way so it's taken Well you know really lying are you it's a 22 why don't we quit while we're ahead Ok take a look at the road. Or to b.m.w. Satyrs Hollywood freeway out of the San Fernando Valley. It's a ladder of the fast by about 70 southbound Sherman Way off ramp and into Echo Park toward downtown l.a. Stalled car at the number 2 lights south one of one Glendale Boulevard off after backed up out of Hollywood and stalking our circular crash of the big rig 6 o 5 north what you're both are carpooling to law flights taking away there the car point also blocking the 6 o 5 southbound It would your Boulevard right now see a Southern California b.m.w. Center today for exceptional offers on the competent all new b.m.w. X 5 or for whole the tales visit So-Cal b.m.w. Dot com next report at 833 I Bill Thomas am 7 I became a go into the new year a new you don't worry if you gain the holiday 15 fitness kitchen l.a. Will make it so easy for you to stick to your New Year's resolution to see it start star $55.00 on your smartphone to be sure to use the code fit $95.00 for $95.00 off your 1st week with a minimum 2 weeks of corruption that star star bit $95.00 Do not forget to use that code $9595.00 off or go to fitness kitchen l.a. Dot com That's fitness kitchen l.a. Dot com thickn