Transcripts For HLN Morning Express With Robin Meade 20091123

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good morning. and with that, you're at the start of what i think is going to be a short workweek for you -- for most people, anyway. good way to start a monday. i'm robin meade. here's what's going on. new video appears to show a police officer smashing a man into a window. what led to this and the fallout now. taylor swift has more awards for herself. you have to see the spills and really strange moments from the american music awards. times are tight. you'll want to hear the dirty little secrets about black friday and we'll tell you where the deals are, apparently. senate democrats took a big step forward on health care reform. problem is they can't agree on where to go from here. they got enough votes saturday to open fill debate on the bill, but moderates warn they might block a final vote unless there are some changes. but that does not sit well with some liberals. >> i am opposed to the public option where the states have to opt out. i said i would look at a public option where states could opt in. if they opted in, it wouldn't apply to every other state. >> in the end, i don't want four democratic senators dictating to the other 56 of us and the country that it's not going to be in it. >> even if the senate can pass a bill, they would still have to reach a compromise with the house. in about ten minutes, richard lui breaks down the key differences in the two versions and what they mean for you. a man who screamed at riders on an oakland commuter train got smashed into a video. take a look at it posted on youtube. transit officer grabbed the man, pulled him off the train, straight into a platform window. the glass shattered and injured both men. some of the riders questioned the use of that much force. >> he maybe should have put him on the ground and cuffed him. he didn't have to put him in the window before he even assessed the situation. it might not have been that serious, but, yeah, that was a little harsh for making noise on the b.a.r.t. >> b.a.r.t. applies says the man was drunk. an officer fatally shot an unarmed passenger on new year's day. follow-up on this story. four u.s. service members have been killed in the past 24 hours in afghanistan. two others were killed in a separate roadside bombing in southern afghanistan. the fourth was killed by insurgent fire in a separate incident. new this morning, your young kids may be watching a lot more hours of tv than you realize. a study in the journal of pediatrics finds that preschoolers are watching tv at daycare and home-based daycares are the worst offenders, with kids watching tv nearly 2 1/2 hours a day, compared to 24 minutes in daycare centers. it was a big night for country music sensation taylor swift and the late pop legend michael jackson. swift won five american music awards, even beat out jackson for artist of the year. she accepted awards from london. jackson won four amas, including favorite pop rock male artist, giving him a record 23 trophies. her brother, jermaine, accepted two awards. >> the message that michael had will live on forever. start with love and let's love each other. thank you very much. we'll miss you, michael. you'll always be in our hearts. it was a rough night for jennifer lopez. though, check this out. she fell right on her butt during the performance. the mistake, though, was edited out on the show by the time it aired on the west coast. we're going to show the replay in slow mo. poor thing. in a little more than an hour, take a look, these are live pictures, astronauts on "atlantis" will finish their third and final space walk. randy bresnik had a baby girl over the weekend. his wife gave birth to abigail saturday night. protesting a 32% hike in tuition, approved by the state last week, campus police told them to get out or face arrest. now, the school provided photos, showing damage to equipment. a public dispute between a priest and a congressman. well, that's what's going on between patrick kennedy and rhode island's catholic bishopo. they both say that the bishop has even asked kennedy to stop taking communion back in 2007 because he supports aabortion rights. u.s. bishops have threatened to oppose health care reform unless there are tighter restrictions on federal funding for abortion. check out this individuvide. as a bank robbery suspect eats a suspected robbery note on camera. ohio police pulled over the man shortly after the robbery. as they searched his pockets, they pulled out a white piece of paper. watch as he reaches over and eats it. the bank teller says the robber handed over a note. no note was found in the car. >> don't think i've ever seen that. that's amazing. >> isn't it, though? >> don't you hate to be the officer that hangs around this guy with a net to retrieve the evidence? >> they wouldn't. >> they would have to. >> i would think it would be digested, but i digress. let's move along. big travel week. it's starting today, robin. a couple of impacted areas we're watching. fog, light rain and light snow across upper parts of the midwest. light winds, cool temperatures, dense fog advisories from nebraska through dallas and houston, back in towards san antonio. less than a quarter mile visibility due to fog, should burn off later this morning. basically north carolina into virginia, rain is the heaviest. raleigh radar, just a pocket of showers around the region itsds. back into the west. d durham, stretches into virginia, washington, d.c. you're dry. rain heads toward you, philly and new york later today. more on that in half an hour. >> how fast your weekend, by the way? >> fantastic. i had to run 11 miles on a treadmill because the weather was horrible. it was awful. >> as the kids are pulling on your pant leg. daddy! >> i want more yogurt! what credit card companies say are happening for the first time in ten years. and one fan battling cystic fibrosis had their dream come true. time to salute our troops. first lieutenant christopher moore of the u.s. army serving in afghanistan. megan says that christopher believes is serving his country is his calling. she says she's proud of her husband and their love is unbelievable. their pictures are great, too. maybe you have someone in the service and you want to salute them. go to democratic leaders say they want a health care bill passed by the end of the year. there is a long road ahead to get there, including what's expected to be a tough debate between the house and the senate. i know, because we've been talking about it forever. richard lui joins us now. okay. some parts of these two bills are actually very similar. hi there. a ways to go here, too. let's talk about those similarities. they have more of those than differences. both creating insurance exchanges to create competition in the marketplace, so it has been said. they would also require you to buy health insurance and impose fines if you do not. both bills cap the out of pocket expenses you might pay for health care each year and both prevent insurance companies, robin, from denying coverage if you have a pre-existing condition. >> sorry, i was talking to our producers there. the differences between the bill sincere what's creating the problem. let's talk about the big sticking points. >> you know about this, robin. the public option is the main one right now. the house bill includes it, the senate bill includes opt-out for that provision. the salary houis $500,000 for he version and $200,000 for senate. abortion, another sticking point, senate included a 5% tax on be elective plastic surgery. both bills were crafted by democrats. next half hour you'll see how the republican ad that's out today slams moderate senators who voted to go ahead with the debate. it's interesting. >> getting the public in on that one. richard, thank you. even if you get up bright and early on friday, you probably still won't get your hands on many of the door busters for black friday. why is that? melissa long is in for jennifer westhoven this morning. she's talking about their dirty little secrets retailers don't want you to know about. >> good morning, robin. we're revealing those secrets this morning. that got to have gadget or that toy you must have for your daughter oro son. check the fine print. the black friday ads may be confusing to you after all. some of them say while supplies last or limited quantities. what does that mean? it means there really might be just a handful of those door buster that is you want available and no rain checks is a possibility. here is one example. sears is offering a 40" samsung hd tv for $600, but it's only guaranteeing that three of them -- three of them will be available at each store. sears says it wasn't comfortable talking about the limited quantities. many other retailers will do this as well on friday. buyer beware, certainly, for black friday. some of you are trying to be more diligent about paying your credit card bills on time. most people paid their bill business the due date in the second quarter. certainly good news in a bad economy when it comes to your bottom line. tran transunion says the timing is important. why are people paying more attention to their credit card bills? people have worries about job loss, higher interest rates and the cutbacks in credit that's actually available. nice to see people are trying to be more diligent. of course, before the holiday shopping season on friday as well. >> meliesa thanks. >> sure. if the price of fine art is out of reach for you, a florida artist might have a solution. he offers a way to take your doors, walls and ceilings to a whole new level. stephanie elam has it in this small business success. >> reporter: jeff huckabee is an artist. he paints on doors, walls and ceilings. he has no formal art education. >> i've always drawn, painted and sketched. even when i was little. >> bef started his orlando-based faux painting business, he worked at disney world. >> in the entertainment department, doing the parades, one of mickey's if you sey friends. >> reporter: it was a challenge. >> leaving a lot of security, but i just wanted more. >> reporter: in the past few years, his business has evolved into the specialized area of decorative painting. >> the product i'm sell something faux painting this steps out of that a little bit into art work, which feels really good. kind of scratches a whole different edge. >> reporter: so far this slow economy hasn't painted a bleak picture for jeff's business. >> my product is certainly not a necessity in someone's home, but i'm pleasantly surprised that it's really been business as usual. very grateful for that. >> beautiful work, huh? if you are a small business owner, go to upload a video report of your biz, and you might be featured here on "morning express." 15 minutes past the hour. a woman's vacation pictures on facebook may have been what caused her to lose her insurance benefits? apparently she didn't look depressed enough. >> this is my first encounter with the monkey. >> yep, it's not the first time for police and their encounter with a monkey. how florida cops tried to coral a monkey on the loose. a canadian woman's facebook page may have caused her to lose health benefits. the insurance company found her vacation photos on facebook in which she appeared to be having fun. the insurance company says it would not deny a claim based only on a facebook page. the most bizarre traffic stop in his career. >> work it out with a trade. >> work it on a trade? what are you talking about? >> new for you in 30 minutes, the dash cam tape that certainly sounds, to some, like a sex bribe. my, my, my. there's something very unusual about the nfl this year. larry smith is in for rafer and has more on what. >> good morning. happy monday to you. two undefeated teams this late in the season is wild. how about the colts? jim caldwell replaces tony dungey in the off-season. this is how they did it. peyton manning doing what he does. it was a 17-15 final score, not a very high-scoring game, but manning getting it done in baltimore. they go to 10-0. the team from peyton manning's hometown is also still unbeaten. that is new orleans saints. drew brees, they run past tampa bay in tampa, they, too, go to 10-0. highest scoring game of the day came from the two worst teams in the league, browns and the lionses. they can't get anything done against anybody else. all kinds of points in this one, though. 37-35 was the final score in this. oh, boy. that's bad. cleveland finally gets -- i'm sorry -- 38-37, final score, detroit over cleveland. ever get mad at family? that's what dave campo is calling this, against his defensive back newman. campo says it was a misunderstanding and newman wouldn't talk about it later. dallas beat washington 7-6. see what kobe did last night? kobe bryant. >> over the glass. >> come on! really? try it one more time. actually, this is a replay. i love it. kobe, getting it done for the lakers. his former teammate doesn't have a belly like a bowl of jelly, but shaq o claus, shaquille o'neal brought hundreds of toys for needy children and urges everyone to donate $1 at toys r us. he has been involved in the toys for tots program. >> how is he doing in cleveland? >> doing well. he's not playing as much as he did before, but he knew that. he said i want to be there, come playoff time. that's what they hope too. >> thank you. a dream came true for one of notre dame's biggest fans on saturday. cool. that's jacob kraus, playing the clarinet. the 15-year-old suffers with cystic fibrosis. the make-a-wish foundation flew him to play with the marching band at their football game. jacob said it was really fun and he wants to go to notre dame for college. nice job. ride home after acompetition took a horrible turn for cheerleaders. >> my girls -- my girls. that's what i was thinking. i was praying that everybody was okay. >> their van flipped on an interstate with 13 cheerleaders on board. more on how they're doing. y8 hey, your young kids may be watching extra hours of tv that you don't even know about. a new study finds preschoolers are watching nearly 2 1/2 hours a day at home-based daycares in addition to the two to three hours that many parents already admit they allow them to watch at home. the ft. hood shooting suspect is permanently paralyzed. his attorney says major nidal hasan has no feeling from his chest down and has limited movement in his arms, in a hospital after civilian police shot him after the november 5th attack. a judge also ruled he will be confined until his court-martial. ♪ i dreamed a dream in time gone by ♪ >> looks like susan boyle has taken the world by storm. her new album is out today. says "i dreamed a dream" became the most preordered cd in its history. those are some of the headlines we're following this morning. good morning. welcome back. morning, sunshine. i'm robin meade. it was a tight squeeze, but senate democrats got exactly 60 votes over the weekend to move ahead with their health care reform bill. they'll start debate in the full senate after thanksgiving break. richard lui, republicans are accusing the dems of buying one of those votes. how so? >> mary landrieu is in view right now. senate majority leader harry reid added them at the last minute, republicans calling this the louisiana purchase. landrieu says it did not sway her vote, though. >> it is the number one request of my governor, who say republican and it is unanimously supported by every member of our delegati delegation, democrat and republic republican. i'm proud to have asked for it. i'm proud to have fought for it, and i will continue to. that is not the reason i am moving to debate. >> well, landrieu did not promise to vote for the final version of the bill, though she did vote to move it forward for debate. blanch lincoln, ben nelson and joe lieberman, saying the public option has to go or he'll join a republican filibuster. >> the republican party is jumping on the chance to pressure the swing vote. >> right. >> a new ad is out today. let's talk about that. >> the 60-second web video you're talking about singles out a handful of democrats. here is part of it. >> one member sold her vote to the highest bidder. one member sold out his principles. two more lost what little credibility they had on fiscal responsibility. another put the interest of the left of his party before his own state. >> not holding back. republican national committee plans it to e-mail that to more than 5 million people today. over the thanksgiving break, gop officials plan to hold conferences with reporters in arkansas, louisiana, nebraska and pennsylvania as well, robin. >> we'll always keep our viewers up to speed on the health care reform debate. thank you. what caused a radiation leak at the three mile island nuclear plant. sounds scary. it was confined to the building an operator says, so there's no danger to the public. it happened when workers are doing maintenance and refueling work on sat. some of them were exposed to radiation, but it appears to be minor. >> i feel just as safe as anywhere. you could go ten miles and it would go up in the air and come down on you. so, i don't worry about it. >> it could have been worse. definite definitely could have been much worse and it make mees want to just take preparations like while i'm here, what would i do in case something like that happened? what are the evacuation procedures? >> in 1979 there was a partial meltdown at three mile island. it was the worst commercial nuclear accident in u.s. history. there was an emotional good-bye for a little girl who police believe was sexually assaulted and killed. more than 1,000 people came to shaniya davis' funeral yesterday. the 5-year-old was missing for a week before her body was found last monday. mario mcneill was charged with rape and murder. police believe her own mother was prostituting her. good morning, robin. hard enough to repeat as champion, but how about repeating three times? johnson, make iing history sund as the first nascar driver to win four consecutive championships, defending his title with a well earned fifth place finish. it is the 12th title for team owner, rick hendrick. that, too, a record. >> thank you for the update. last night on the american music awards, pop stars strutted their stuff and really had jaws dropping. adam lambert was in the middle of a song when suddenly he got the urge to kiss somebody and smooched his keyboard player. he said it was spur of the moment. >>. ♪ after all the drinks and bars that we've been to ♪ >> during lady gaga's performance, she smashed bottles on a piano that was on fire. really, if you notice, you see we have her back end pixelated. the outfit didn't really leave a whole lot in question. not a whole lot of mystery there. suddenly, bob's like, what? >> where was this? we do that kind of thing, we get fired. >> yeah. 35 minutes past the hour. just some crazy moments in addition to j.lo falling on her -- >> insured rump. >> there you go. trying to fwet out here on a monday, big travel week starting today. heavy rain from north carolina right into virginia. weak impulse, but forms aa coastal low by the delmarva peninsula. it's not that strong. raleigh, radar pictures goes on through, eastern half of the state, low clouds. western and northern part of north carolina, where the heaviest rain is falling, stretching into lower virginia right now. fredericksbu fredericksburg, you're okay now. that line moving to the north, gets in to d.c. and philadelphia later this afternoon. new york city metro, scattered showers by later this afternoon again. everybody ought to see rain of less than half inch total. not really heavy. just a nuisance stuff. back to the north farther, western parts of which isconsin towards minnesota and u.p. getting heavy rain right now. trying to switch over to a light snow in northern minnesota, not happening that fast. another storm off the coast of northwest, rain out ahead of that. snow now for colorado. speaking of snow, remember friday we were talking about the big storms headed into the pacific northwest. here is what it looked like in and around seattle on saturday afternoon through saund sunday. right around the kas kad mountains to the east they saw about 35 inches of snow on the oregon side. snow will come back to you late tonight. we'll talk about that, robin, in half an hour. >> look how much snow. it's that time of year millions of americans are salivating about all the possibilities -- not about thanksgiving dinner, but the day after. what a story. a 12-year-old boy in southern california was beaten by classmates and investigators say that it may have been because of south park and facebook. the red-headed boy was attacked twice on friday. a facebook page said friday was that. and it referred to red heads. well, in an episode of the satyrical cartoon "south park," one character talks about how he hates red-headed kids. michael jackson's personal physician is expected to return to work at his houston clinic today, dr. conrad murray's first day back since jackson died, the focus of the investigation in the pop star's death in june, but has not been charged. murray was with jackson when he died and told police he gave him a powerful anesthetic to help him sleep. a woman trying to refinance her mortgage found out her credit report listed her as dead. she could not get the report changed. she beat cancer earlier in the year, the situation was especially hard for her. >> because somebody made a real ignorant mistake when they told espirioo n that i was dead. that was a terrible blow. >> news crew called the creditor and the mistake was corrected. doesn't it make you angry that it takes a news crew to make a call? wasn't that she called enough? why is it that when news crews call, people say oh, okay, sorry. >> suddenly people pay attention, right? >> yeah. we'll highlight the black friday deals all week. what caught your eye? >> retailers are banking that a lot of things are going to catch your eye and turn out to the stores very early friday for black friday. we told you about some of the more inexpensive toys at walmart and target. also some really great best-selling books can you find online. here are some of the other deals we found. best buy is now offering, if you're in the market for one, nikon cool pix camera for $60. that's a savings of about $120. >> almost half price? >> exactly, yes. so, again, this is for black friday. target offering some kitchen items for three bucks, slow cooker, coffee maker. >> door buster. >> early, early, early. set your alarm clock for 2:00 am, like you do. supplies limited on some of these items. for more detail goes to and click on important websites. also i found a sassy bar by i thought you might find interesting. it's cute. >> it's a sassy b y barbie and s on sale, too? >> she is. are you actually taking advantage of the perks and flying for free? some customers say they're losing miles because of confusing agreements and there are few restrictions on how the airlines manage and redeem miles. chuck schumer of the state of new york is calling for a federal review of consumer complaints and wants to establish industry rules for these frequent flyer programs. he says he suspects they may be paying for the programs through air fare and fees. 10 trillion unused frequent flyer miles are currently in circulation. where would you go if you could gonywhere in the world? i would go to africa. >> borra bora. >> anywhere you want for 10 trillion and repeatedly. >> exactly. melissa, thanks. >> you're welcome. a woman pulled over for speeding now has more trouble on her hands. a police officer claims she tried to bribe him with sex. we have the tape. this is a busy time of year for sellers using ebay. why the site is apologizing to some people now. a british couple is pleading for their lives after they were captured by somali pirates. the couple spoke about the demands by their captors. in a two-minute video that aired on british tv. they were begging for somebody to pay the $7 million ransom. >> we have been threatened that there is a terrorist gang at large in the country, looking for us. we also are concerned that these people will lose patience and will not feed us. and i have no doubt that they will not hesitate to kill us, perhaps within the week or so of now, if there is no response. >> so frightening. the british government has refused to pay the ransom, saying it does not negotiate with pirates. a woman is accused of offering sex with a police officer, to get out of a speeding ticket. and the whole thing was caught on the officer's dash cam. let's listen. >> where are we going to go? >> in your car. >> in the patrol car? >> don't tell me you never did it in the car before. >> no, in the patrol car? >> yeah. >> she said, we could do it in the back of your car. we could do it in the woods. >> and you're thinking? >> how could somebody do this to themselves? >> on the tape you also hear the woman ask the officer, would you ever cheat on your wife? the officer responds, i don't know. he arrested her the next day. >> ah-ha, doesn't seem as squeaky clean as you would imagine, not sure if he would cheat on his wife or not. >> good point. he answered i don't know. >> is he kidding me? let's show you what's happening. big travel week shaping up right now. doesn't look that good if you live in the midwest in toward the mid atlantic and northeast. calling for delays, new york city metros, watching for rain to develop later this afternoon. it will be light. rain comes in out there as well. atlanta, fog, low clouds and drizzle all day long, hour long delays right there and philadelphia looking at basically cloudy skies, little bit of rain, too, half hour delay to an hour. seattle, rain and a little wind half hour to an hour long delays. more on that, robin. >> there are questions larry brings up. why did he arrest her the next day? did he have to think about it for a little bit? or maybe somebody had to see the tape and then said go arrest her. i don't know. just asking. brett favre has done everything in his very long career except this. larry in for rafer. >> at 40 years old, brett favre has had a few doubts he could still get it done. not so much anymore. completed 88% of his passes yesterday. he threw 25 passes, only three of them were not caught. >> wow! >> unbelievable. second time this season he has completed 80% of his passes. he had done that only twice before this year, maybe getting better with age, brett favre. vikings won over seattle. not all is well in pittsburgh this morning. ben roethlisberger early in overtime gets hit hard, suffers a possible concussion. they're not sure. tests today. had to leave this game. as a result, his steelers lost. field goal. later in overtime gave the chiefs the win over the defending champs. pittsburgh steelers, there it is. just in time for the winter olympics, ben and jerry's new flavor. ice cream named for the champion snowboarders who hails from vermont, part of the sales will go to her charity, hannah's gold, which funds humanitarian projects in africa. look forward to seeing her in vancouver. play of the weekend. you have to watch this. most unusual trick play. quarterback throws the touchdown pass over his head. look at this. turns the blind throw -- can you believe that? >> i'm not making it out. say it again. >> the quarterback turns and throws it over his head. >> oh, nice, nice. >> here it is. watch him. he throws it two it, two hands, his head for the touchdown. how do you practice that? i don't know if you can do it. larry, thanks. >> all right. >> appreciate it. you don't have to fight for the door buster sales this holiday season. hln money expert clark howard tells you how to beat the crowd and still get those same deals. >> well, black friday which is the name that people have given for years to the friday after thanksgiving has been a day of chaos and sleepless nights as people thanksgiving evening go to camp out at their favorite retailer, staying on the curb all night long, so that they can get the incredible door busters available in the wee hours of friday morning. well, this year is going to be different. and it's already underway. retailers are offering black friday kind of deals for weeks, both before and after black friday. why? because it's not very efficient to have those enormous crowds in the wee hours and then nobody the rest of the day. the idea, create a sense that their store is the bargain place, and not put new danger from a herd of people trying to fight for the goods. this year, watch every day through the shopping season to look for deals. not just a single day. i'm clark howard. for more ways you can save a buck, go to >> clark will teach you to save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. catch him on saturday and sundays here on hln. check your pockets before you donate anything for charity. >> found cell phone charges. >> pack of gum to some definite treasures. >> another great find was a medal for bravery, and now an important search is on. >> a military career spanning 28 years, one of the nation's most highly decorated officers. she was inducted into the women's national hall of fame. welcome to comcast local edition. my guest this hour is brigadier general wilma vaught, president of women in military service for america memorial foundation. >> thanks for joining me. >> it's a pleasure. >> what's the significance of the women in military service for america foundation? >> memorial foundation. >> it's the only mental motherally that pays tribute to women of all eras who have served in our nation's armed forces. further, it's unique in the world. there isn't anyplace else that has a memorial like this, honoring the women who served the nation. >> and women have been participating in wars forever. >> you're right, back to deborah. >> most definitely. >> and so when we get to the memorial, what will we find? this. >> you will find a place with an exterior and an interior. we built and education center. our feeling was that people didn't know anything about what women had done. >> correct. >> we needed to tell this story. we did the education center. inside the education center, you will find exhibits giving a chronology of women's service with artifacts from those different periods of time. then we show films about their service. we have a gift store. we have a haul of honor, and that's a particularly unique place at the present time, because that's where we pay tribute to the women who have been canes in these present conflicts in iraq and afghanistan. and then there is the register, which is the heart of the memorial. that's where the records of the women who are registered, you can go in and look them up an computers, and they come up on the screen, and if they've submitted a picture, it will have their picture, name, record of service, what decorations they have, and if they've chosen to do so, it will have their memorable experiences. some of those are really wonderful to read. >> so, we can find out about as many people that women who have actually registered to find out about their military career. >> that's correct, that's some 340,000 women, which sounds like a big number, and it is. but when you think of the fact that there has been two and a half million women or more who have served, it's a small percentage. >> and so how can we encourage women who have served to submit their stories? by outreach, emails, how can we get them to submit their stories. >> any and all ways, including email and outreach. if you go on our website, and register, there's a simple form that you fill out, doesn't take over 10 or 15 minutes to do. you can submit your picture on line. and even though we ask for a small donation. >> right. >> that's optional. you can do it, you don't have to donate at all to register. we're very interested in getting people registered. and you can call our office. we have a simple 800 number to call, 1800 i absolute. and you can get information sent to you if you're not on the internet. >> where is the memorial located? >> it is the main gate at arlington national cemetery. we're directly across from the lincoln memorial, and just down the hill from arlington house, the lee kustos mansion. >> it sounds incredible. i hope every current and veteran service woman will submit their information to tell their story. >> i would hope so. i would just be delirious with joy. >> thank you. >> my guest has been brigadier general wilma vaught. if you're interested in what good morning, sunshine on monday. so i hope it's going to be a short workweek for you, though. it is going to be for many. i'm robin meade. new video appears to show an officer smashing a mannen into a window. now the wallout. tailylor swift has more awards. you've got to see this. and the dirty little secrets about the door-buster deals that many retailers may not want to you know. first, though, our top story. senate democrats took a big step forward this weekend on health care reform. the problem is they can't vote on where to go from here. enough votes to open full senate debate on the bill but moderates warn they may block a final vote unless there are changes. that does not sit well with some liberals. >> i am opposed to the public option of whether states have to opt out and said i would look at public option where states could opt in, but that opted in wouldn't apply to every other state i. think in the end, i don't want four democratic senators dictating to the other 56 of us and to the country when the public option has this much support that it's not going to be in it. >> even if the senate can't pass a bill, they would still have to reach a compromise with the house. in about ten minutes, correspondent richard lui will break down the key differences in the two vegss and what it's going to mean for you. a man who screamed at riders on an oakland commuter train got smashed into the individual woe. it's posted and youtube. up can see the transit officer grabbing the man. he pulled him off the train and straight into a platform window. hear the glass break? and the glass injured both of the men. some of the riders questioned the use of force. >> he maybe she have put him on the ground and cuffed him. he didn't have to put him into the window before he assessed the situation. it might not have been that serious, but, yeah. that was a little harsh for making noise on a b.a.r.t. >> b.a.r.t. police say the suspect was drunk and resisted arrest. his sfer says he's bipolar and schizophrenic. b.a.r.t.'s police force has been under scrutiny since shooting an unarmed passenger on new year's day. and four u.s. service membered killed in afghanistan in the past 24 hours. one killed in a roadside bombing in the eastern part of the country and two others died in a separate roadside bombing in southern afghanistan. the fourth kimed by insurgent fire in a separate incident. new this morning, your young kids may be watching more hours of tv than you realize. a study in the journal of pediatrics find preschoolers are watching tv at day care. researchers say home based are the worst offenders kids watching nearly 2.4 hour as day compared to 24 minutes in a date care centers. a big night for taylor swift and the late pop legend michael jackson. swift won five american music awards and beat out jackson for artist of the year. accepted her awards from london. jackson won four amas include be favorite pop male artist giving him a record 23 trophies. his brother jermaine accepted two awards. >> the message that michael had will live on forever. start with love and let's love each other. thank you very much. we're going to miss you, michael. you'll always be in our hearts. a rough night for jennifer lopez. check this out. she fell on her bottom during the performance. the mistake was edited out of the show by the time. re-aired on the west coach. ouch. in a few minutes, we're going have a little bit more of the wacky moments. that was just the first. astronauts onboard the space shuttle "atlantis" start the third and final space walk in a few minutes. live pictures now. finishing up some jobs on the international space station. one of the crew, randy bresnik, became a father over the weekend. his wife gave beth to a baby girl named about gayigail satur night. and peacefully surrendering the building. protesting a hike in tuition. campus police told them to get to out ar face arrest. the school provided photos showing damage to furniture, equipment. officials say that the students could face criminal or school sanctions. check out this video of a bank robbery suss spent eating a suspected robbery note right there on camera. ohio police pulled over the man shortly after the robbery. as they searched his pockets, pulled out a white piece of paper and he reached over and ate it up. ed bank teller says the robber handed over a note. hey, what do you know? no note was found in the car. had to have been tough with no water. >> yeah. kind of like a frog, too, you know? ah! >> five minutes after the hour. one of those stories that marks you go, "i'm normal!" >> yeah. good morning. big travel week. shaping up with a little rain out of north carolina into virginia. something you need to know. going up i-95, 77 or 81, the rain is out there, could be heavy at times. central virginia this morning, then in towards the d.c. metro area, lower parts of pennsylvania, maryland, back in towards philly and new york later today. one storm riding up the coastline. and towards the state line with virginia. up the line farther in towards northern virginia, the radar shot. a nice line of showers moving up towards the north. that's the direction it's taking. rain this afternoon. rain across western wisconsin coming out of iowa and western parts of illinois. chicago the most part ought to be dry but the fog out there to start the day. patchy spots. up to a little farther, the bona fide rain. wisconsin, u.p. of michigan light rain. duluth, too. showers out there trying to purn back in towards snow when you get across the higher elevations towards northern minnesota. again, it's not going to amount to much. out west, that one impulse come ashore over the weekend. high pressure building in tamp rarely. more rain and snow possible another cold front late tonight. rain across the puget sound. nothing like over the weekend. video, strong winds tearing down trees ripping out power line, too. parts of washington, massive power outages. winds in the cascades mountains over 90 miles an hour saturday night. unbelievable. this wind now not quite at strong. we'll talk about that over the next couple hours. >> thanks jshs the credit card companies are seeing a new trend. what they say is happening for the first time in years. and a big weekend for college football. one fan battles cystic fibrosis, and even bigger weekend. in our salute to the troops now, megan mohr wants to salute her husband serving in afghanistan. he says christopher believes serving his country is his calling. she says she's so proud of her husband and that their love is unbelievable. a cute couple. if you have somebody in the service and want to salute them, go to, we'll get it done for you. pat tris kennedy stopped taking communion because he supports abortion rights, it's been a huge controversy after kennedy revealed the details publicly. the bishop's request actually came in 2007, but the dispute escalated over the role of abortion in the health care reform debate. u.s. bishops threatened to oppose the bill flls are tighter restrictions on government funding of abortion. investigators are looking for clues into what started a huge fire on the boardwalk in atlantic city. nobody hurt, but that fire destroyed four businesses saturday. it took more than 80 firefighters several hours to put it out. fire officials think that it started in a pizza shop. democratic leaders say they want a health care bill passed by the end of the year, but there's a long road ahead to get there, including what's expected to be a tough debate between the house and the senate. correspondent richard lui, good morning. some parts of these two bills are similar, actually. >> you're right, robin. nor similarities than differences when you look at the numbers. both versions create insurance exchanges to create competition in the marketplace and require you to buy health insurance if you do not. both bills cap the out of pocket expenses. pay for health care each year and another similarity. both prevent insurance companies from denying coverage, robin if you have a pre-existing condition. >> the differences though is what's creating the problem. talk about the sticking points. >> and how. the main argument, over the public option. the house bill includes it. the senate bill allows states to opt out and they both tax the wealthy to help pay for the bill, but the threshold, salary, $500,000 in the house. $200,000 in the senate. lower. the house for instance included restrictive language on federal funding for abortion, another key issue. the senate included a 5% tax on elected plastic surgery. both bills crafted by demming and next hour, the republican ad out today that slams senators by name who voted to go ahead with the debates. stick around for that. even if you get up bright and early friday you probably still won't get your hand on many of the black friday doorbuster deals. it's the dirty secret retailers that they don't want to you know about, i guess. >> we'll reveal those secrets. you probably want a scooter for the holiday, right? a new barbie doll? check the fine print on the black friday ad when you look at your holiday wish list. some of the ads will say, while supplies last, or limited quantities. it means there really might be very limited quantities. only a handful of those doorbusters available, no rain checks available possibly. one example, sears offers a 40-inch san seung hdtv for $300. only three available in each store. sears wasn't comfortable talking about the limited quantities and many retailers will do it as well. trying to be more diligent about paying credit card bills on time. for the first time in ten years now, more people pay their bills by the due date in the third quarter than the second quarter of the year. that's essential good news in a bad economy when it comes to your own bottom line. transunion says the timing is significant since late payments rise as the year rolls on. why are people paying more attention to the credit card bills now? well, people have worries about job loss, the higher interest rates on credit cards and cutbacks in credit that's actually available. talking about black friday. of course, laters this week, busy time for people to go shopping and busy travel week. your travel update in the days leading up to what is one of the busiest times of the year. >> right. on a monday. beginning stages of the busiest travel week during the year. let's show you washington, d.c. the one glitch out there for the eastern seaboard, eastern time zone, the low clouds and light rain moving in through the mid-atlantic. ultimately up to the northeast by late this afternoon. that's what it looks like in d.c. cool one. 49 degree the height, passing showers off and on. and where the rain's located. there's d.c. look at the rain down to the south coming out of sterling, virginia, really moving into north carolina, too. the rain moving back in and that will affect you around philadelphia and ultimately new york as well. rain and wind for you nyc. watch for an hour or more delays starting this afternoon. philadelphia, d.c. metro, atlanta looking at rain and low clouds. charlotte, detroit, morning fog. chicago, dallas, houston, morning fog. you'll all see a mile or less visibility really slowing you down. by the afternoon, should be okay. get this. a woman's vacation pictures on facebook may have caused her to lose her insurance benefits. we'll explain, plus -- >> this is my first encounter with a monkey. >> ah, but it's not the first time for the police. how florida cops tried to chorale a monkey on the loose. michael jackson's personal physician is expected to return to work in houston today. it will be dr. conrad murray's first time back since before michael jackson died. he's the focus of the homicide investigation into the pop star's death in june, but has not been charged. murray was with jackson when he die and told police he gave him a powerful anesthetic to help him sleep. a british couple is pleading for their lives after being captured by somali pirates. he spoke about demands in a two-minute video that aired on british tv. they were begging for somebody to pay the $7 million ransom. >> we have been threatened that there is a terrorist gang at large in the country looking for us. we are also concerned that these people will lose patience, and will not feed us, and i have no doubt that they will not hesitate to kill us, perhaps with a week or so of now, if there is no response. >> what a nightmare. the british government refused to pay the ransom saying it does not negotiate with pirates. a canadian woman's facebook page may have been what caused her to lose insurance benefits. she was getting sick leave payments for depression and says the insurance company found her vacation photos on facebook in which she seemed to be having fun. she says it stopped paying the benefits. the woman says her doctor told her, take the trip. the insurance company says it would not deny a claim based only on a facebook page. a dream come true for one of notre dame's biggest fans. ♪ nice job. that's jacob crouse playing the clarinet. he is a cystic fibrosis. the make-a-wish foundation through there to play with the band. it was really fun and he wants to go to note dame for college. something unusual about the nfl this year. larry smith is catching you up to date if you didn't have time to watch all the games. >> two undefeated games late in the season both from domes, usually doesn't happen. dome teams don't win that much. how about those colts? replaced tony dungy and this team does not miss a beat. 19th straight regular season win over the last two seasons sunday. peyton manning doinging what he needed to do in baltimore for the 17-15 win they go to 10-0. the team from peyton manning's hometown also unbeaten. drew brees, and a 38-7 thrashing of the buccaneers in tampa. and watch this wild fish. matt stafford's final play of the game. he hurts his left shoulder or chest, pass interference is call and the browns. he gets to get back in the game. ball at the 1 yard line. a time-out let's him in the game. because of the time-out got to come back in, injured still throw as touchdown pass. lions over the browns 38-37. a wild finish. >> ever get mad at family? calling this an altercation with the defensive back terence newman. said it was a misunderstanding and newman wouldn't talk tab later. dallas beat washington 7-6. did you see what kobe bryant did last night? watch this along the baseline. kobe, kurnaround, up and -- yeah. >> makes it look easy. child's play! >> look at that. i try that with my kids and get it like once out of ten. lakers and coby doing their thing. his former teammate, shaquille o'neal doesn't have a belly like a bowl of jelly, but shaq aclaus making kids' dreams come true. urging people to donate a dollar towards the purchase of more in toys "r" us. involved in the program 15 years. imagine him coming down the chimney? i city think it's physically impossible. >> yeah. i agree. >> have a good day. >> liking him in cleveland? >> yeah. >> all right. a ride home after competition took a horrible turn for a number of cheerleaders. >> my girls -- my girls -- that's what i was thinking, i was praying to everybody. >> their van slipped on an interstate with 13 khmer leaders onboard. we'll figure out how they're doing today. ♪ welcome to comcast local edition. i am donna richardson and my guest this hour is colonel george f. johnson iv superintendent of the maryland natural resources police. colonel, thank you for joining me. >> great to be here with you. >> in addition to being with the maryland natural resources you are president of the maryland police chief association, and who in addition to chief are your members? and who is working with you? >> it is comprised mostly of chief of police from all over the state and state government and law enforcement chiefs and county and municipalities that exist in all of the state of maryland. >> i know as a group i know there are several initiatives taking place. there is a new one. checkpoint strike force. >> yes, it is a research based-multi-state situation where we pick and we go out there and we look for drivers that are impaired and work to get them off of the road and we do that through our sobriarity checkpoints and our saturation patrols. >> and so, which jerse - jurisdiction, one specific area or all of the jurisdictions now involved? >> all throughout maryland, the chiefs of police have signed on. every jurisdiction signed on in some way shape or form to participate in the checkpoint strike force. >> and so do you find that the checkpoints are helpful in hopefully lowering traffic fatalities? >> absolutely. fatalities have been reduced 20 percent in the areas where we are doing the checkpoints . it proves to be extremely beneficial to us in many different ways. >> and do you find that the residents are supporting the checkpoints and do you have partner necessary this effort? >> yes, we do. as you know, it is a powerful organization of mothers against drunk drivers. we work with them chosely in this endeavor and other organizations. their surveys indicate 85 to 90 percent of the people they talked to support the checkpoints. >> do you do these at specific times of year or are the checkpoints ongoing initiative. >> they are ongoing initiatives. they will be taking place every week and everywhere and where you think that it is the best possible opportunity to deploy the work force and effective use knowledge of our people in this endeavor. >> as you are having the checkpoints and i know initially you are looking for impaired drivers, but are you finding other things when you are pulling over the impaired drivers? >> oh, yes. people are very surprised what we run into on the checkpoints. the main focus is to get the impaired drivers that use alcohol off of the streets and identify them. but we are running into people who have warrants on them. their licenses are suspended, some people have drugs in the vehicle this we were able to detect and find. there is a whole gamut of things and seat belt usage. it helps us with the seat belt initiatives and child safety seat. we are able to make different observations and of course, we put a lot of emphasis on the seat belt usage and child safety seat as well >> i know some jurisdiction or most of the them, there is zero tolerance if you don't have your seat belt on, it is amazing that people are still driving without them. >> it is with the seat belt usage, if you are involved in an accident with the impaired drivers that use alcohol that gives you that much more of a chance to survive. >> how can citizens assist with the checkpoint strike force? >> we need them to be our eyes and ears out there. as with many thing necessary law enforcement and we ask citizens to do. if they see a person driving erratically or aggressively and feel they are under the influence of alcohol. pick up the cell phone and dial the number 911 or what ever it is that they feel comfortable in using. >> thank you, colonel for joining me. >> donna thank you for helping us. >> thank you for watching comcast local edition. i am donna richason. your young kids may be watching extra hours of tv you don't know about. a new study find preschoolers watch nearly 2.5 hour as day at home-based day cares in addition to the two or three hours maybe parents already allow them to watch at home. the ft. hood shooting suspect is permanently paralyzed. major nidal nknenidal hasan hasg from his waist down. the attack was november 5th. ♪ i dreamed a dream and time went by ♪ >> looks like susan boyle's taking the world by storm again. her new album is out today and "i dreamed a dream" already became the most pre-ordered cd in the company's history. boyle wowed everybody at britain's got talent in april. and those are some of the headlines we're following this morning. good morning! how are you? i'm robin meade and better now that you're watching. five 9/11 suspects will use their trial to criticize the united states. their attorney says they'll plead not guilty so they can slam the united states in court and won't deny their roles in the attacks. some critics say the trial in new york will give the suspects a platform for their views but the just it department said they won't disrupt the proceedings. and the health care bill goes to the floor for debate but the dems barely got the votes they needed. let's get you updated. richard lui joins us now. good morning. >> good morning. >> the republicans are accusing dems are buying some of those votes. how so? >> mary landrieu, her vote. includes $300 million in medicaid subsidieses for her state. harry reid add them at the last minute and republicans are calling it the louisiana purchase. landrieu says, though it did not sway her vote. >> it is the number one request of my governor who is a republican, and it is unanimously supported by every member of our delegation, democrat and republican. i'm proud to have asked for it. i'm proud to have fought for it and i will continue to. that is not the reason i am moving to debate. >> landrieu had not promised to vote for the final version of the bill, and three other senators are on the fence as well, two democrats, blanche lincoln, ben nelson and independent joe lieberman who says the public option has to go or he will join a republican filibust filibuster, robin. >> the republican party is jumping on the chance to pressure the swing votes and have a new ad out today. >> a 60-second web video singling out a handful of the democrats. here's part of it. >> one member sold her vote to the highest bidder. one member sold out his principles. two more lost what little credibility they had on fiscal responsibility. another put the interests of the left of his party before his own state. >> the republican national committee plans to e-mail that to more than 5 million people today and over the thanksgiving break gop officials plan to hold conference calls with reporters in arkansas, louisiana, nebraska and pennsylvania as well, robin. >> pressure. >> yes. >> all right, thank. there was an emotional good-bye for a little girl who police believe was sexually assaulted and killed. more than 1,000 people came to shaniya davis's funeral in north carolina. the 5-year-old was missing for a week before her body was discovered last monday. yesterday people shared their memories about the little girl's brief life including her tearful dad. >> i love you, honey, and i believe you'll be waiting for me. >> mario mcneill has been charged with murder, rape and kidnapping. police also believe that shaniya's own mother was prostituting her. investigators in pennsylvania want to know what caused a radiation leak at the three mile island nuclear plant. a plant operator says it was confined to the building so there's no danger to the public but it happened while the workers were doing maintenance and refuelling work on saturday. some of them were exposed to radiation, but it appears right now to be minor. >> i feel just as safe as anywhere. you could go ten miles and it would go up in the air and come down on you. so i don't worry about it. >> it could have been worse. much worse, and it makes me want to -- just take preparations, like while i'm here what would i do in case something like that happened. like what are the evacuation procedures? >> well, in 1979 you might remember there was a partial meltdown at three mile island. it was the worst commercial nuclear accident in u.s. history jimmie johnson did something no other nascar drive hear done. larry smith? >> hard to repeat as champion, how about repeating three times? johnson making history sunday as the first nascar driver to win four consecutive championships. defended his title with a well-earned fifth place finish. didn't make it easy for him. needed only to finish in 25th place or better to get that title. the 12th title for a team owner rick hendrick. that, too is a record. all this taking place in homestead, florida, on sunday. >> wow. three time opinion thank you. congrats to him. last night on the american music awards some pop stars strutted their stuff and at the same time made our jaws drop. adam berg in the middle of a song and decided he was going to kiss somebody and plant add big smooch on his keyboard player. he stead was spur of the moment. ♪ >> and during lady gaga's performance she smashed boblgtss on a piano that was on fire to boot and speaking of -- boot -- y -- we had to pixelate her because her outfit didn't leave much to it imagination. ♪ bars that we've been to >> can't beat that. >> behind the scene, producers putting the show together, really didn't see that, but when you look at the replay you're like, oh! >> can't beat that. an attractive gal, keep your clothes, piano on fire, bottling smashing. beat that? >> hi, bob. >> brought to you by, i don't know, feel better, tylenol. trying to travel in or out, dense fog out there. high pressure dominating the lower part of the country. it's light winds and cool temperatures. underneath the sfog here. dense fog advisories from hust's and san antonio through dallas, oklahoma city into central kansas and the lower parts of nebraska. cloud around the carolinas back in towards georgia, too. live through atlanta. traveling down here for the day, the clouds will be in and out for most of the afternoon. they are low. drizzle as well. watch for delays in hartsfield-jackson. talking about that in ten minutes. as for the rest of the radar pictures, look what's going on across the carolinas. light rain across central north carolina, across virginia, picks up with steam. raleigh, light showers. durham, heavy rain. and watching the rain steadily move into the north. showers around washington, d.c. first, then in towards baltimore, ultimately towards philadelphia and new york city by later today. out across the west, the way it goes, weak impulse, midlevels in the atmosphere rising to the north. rain out of iowa in towards minnesota and western wisconsin. duluth, minnesota radar picking up the rain very well. u.p. of michigan, too. less than a quarter inch of rainfall out of this. basically dries out later this afternoon. another storm system coming in across the pacific northwest. not as strong as the last kwubl days. good news there. wind and rain, just not 90 mile-per-hour winds like they over the weekend in oregon and washington state. more details coming up, robin in about a half hour. four big days until the shopping day. you don't need to scour through the flyers. we found the big deals ahead of time for you. i promise never to put you through something like this ever again. >> the "twilight" series, the third best open ever. only "the dark knight" and "spider man 3" did better. it overshadowed the strong opening for "the blind side." the sandra bullock movie made $34 million. you know, retailer, going all-out to get to you spend money on black friday. let's highlight some of the great deals all week and let's start today with melissa long in for jennifer. >> good morning. so many people have gadgets on their holiday wish list. right? retailers are hoping, really banking, you're going shopping this friday for black friday and perhaps buy some of those gadgets. earlier we told you about an nikon camera at best buy, $180. other great deal, target has a 32-inch westinghouse lcd hd tv for $246. quick math, savings of almost $200. kohl's, you can get a george foreman lean mean grill for a savings. click on the link we have at our website. it says important websites. also, economists are saying this year's gloomy economy could give way to brighter days next year. thank goodness. right? the national association of business economics expects the economy to grow by a little more than 3% in 2010. the group says the job market, losing about 200,000 job as month will be adding 200,000 job as month by this time next year. and on so many flights, gone are the pillows, the blankets, the magazines, the meals. one frill refused to skip on, wine. according to "usa today" the world's airlines buy more than 4 million gallons a year. the wines help uphold their reputations coach passengers must pay for a glass while traveling. all wine sellers are not created quell. a wine columnist says america ranks number one, united ranks number two with the wine list for the premium passengers. you can get a merlot, robin, along with the pretzels. >> they hope someone upholds the reputation, like, what? the rwa, wa, wa reputation? >> can't afford the pillows as often. >> interesting how they look tat. thanks. a woman who was pulled over for speeding now has more trouble on her hands. a police officer said she tried to bribe him with sex. there's a tape. and this is a busy time of year for sellers on ebay. why the site is apologizing to some people. story so hard to understand. a 12-year-old boy in southern california was beaten by classmates, and investigators say it may have been because of "south park" and facebook. the red-headed boy was attacked twice on friday. a facebook page encouraged people to kick redheads on friday. in an episode of "south park" one of the characters talks about how he hates redheads. trying ro refinance her mortgage, she found out the report said she was dead. she down get the report change pd shep beat cancer earlier in the year so the situation was especially hard for her. >> because somebody made a real ignorant mistake when they told them i was dead. that was a terrible blow. >> a news crew called the creditor and the mistake was corrected. that story makes me so mad. why does it take a news crew? why wasn't her call okay? a woman accused of offering sex to a police officer to get out of a speeding ticket is in trouble now. the whole thing was caught on the officer's dashcam. go ahead and listen. >> you never did it in the car? >> she said, we could do it in the back of your car. we could do it in the woods. >> you're thinking -- >> how could somebody do this to themselves? >> okay. on the tape you also hear the woman ask the officer, would you ever cheat on your wife? and the officer responds, "i don't know." >> hmm. >> he arrested her the next day. >> hmm. >> i don't know? >> that's sketchiccal. >> sketchiccal? brett favre has done everything in his very long career except this and accomplished it over the weekend. he's on fire. hi, larry. >> sketchiccal about a 40-year-old -- favre can still get it done, the doubts erased by favre and the rest of us. completing a career best, 88% of his passes sunday. he threw 25 passes, only three of them were caught. -- weren't caught. completed least 80% of his passes something he'd done only twice before this year. this kid's better with age. not all is well in pittsburgh. their star quarterback ben roethlisberger early in overtime on this play goes down had to leave the game with an apparent concussion. not quite sure. tests done today. his replacement, charlie batch comes in, but couldn't get the win. chiefs get the field goal in overtime and the victory. the champs lose on the road. ben & jerry's new flavor, hannah teters. this will fund humanitarian projects in africa. watch closely. the play of the weekend. the quarterback with the over the head touchdown pass. turns his back to his receiver and does the doublehanded throw over his head and the guy somehow manages to catch it. a good thing. how do you practice this? >> you're a hero, because it worked. >> the thing is, too, somebody guesses right, they're off and the race a off. in you have an interception, 100 yards for a touchdown. wild play. >> larry, thanks. >> all right. now, some people make a sport of it, but you don't have to fight for the door-buster deals this holiday season. hln money expert clark howard tells you thousand beat the crowd and still get the deals. >> well, black friday, which is the name that people have given for years to the friday after thanksgiving, has been a day of chaos and sleepless nights as people thanksgiving evening go to camp out at their favorite retailer, staying on the curb all night long, so all night long so that they can get the incredible door busters that are available in the wee hours of friday morning. well, this year is going to be different. and it's already under way. retailers are offering black friday kind of deals for weeks. both before and after black friday. why? because it's not very efficient to have those enormous crowds in the wee hours and then nobody the rest of the day. the idea is to create a sense that their store is the bargain place. and not put you in danger from a herd of people trying to fight for the goods. this year watch every day through the shopping season to look for deals, not just a single day. i'm clark howard. for more ways you can save a buck go to >> clark will teach you to save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. catch him at noon eastern on saturdays and sundays right here on hln. all righty. bob, could you see clark howard, like, in line on friday morning just trying to get the deals. >> i can. >> i've done it. >> we've both done it. we've both been there. it's a pretty busy travel week shaping up right now. volume starting to get up there when we get into the skies. one delay, atlanta hartsfield-jackson until 8:15 this morning. low clouds, light rain. light rain across parts of north carolina. raleigh, here's the way it goes. light showers are out there. that whole mass of rain is moving through northern north carolina into virginia. it's going to get in towards baltimore, washington, philly and new york. new york city metros rain and wind developing later this afternoon. atlanta fog and drizzle right now. an hour or more delays possibility in philly, seattle as well, rain showers. more in a half hour. you know when you might want to check your polckets before yu dena donate the winter coat to charity. >> cell phone chargers. >> a pack of gun. ♪ welcome to comcast local edition. i am donna richardson and my guest this hour is colonel george f. johnson iv superintendent of the maryland natural resources police. colonel, thank you for joining me. >> great to be here with you. >> in addition to being with the maryland natural resources you are president of the maryland police chief association, and who in addition to chief are your members? and who is working with you? >> it is comprised mostly of chief of police from all over the state and state government and law enforcement chiefs and county and municipalities that exist in all of the state of maryland. >> i know as a group i know there are several initiatives taking place. there is a new one. checkpoint strike force. >> yes, it is a research based-multi-state situation where we pick and we go out there and we look for drivers that are impaired and work to get them off of the road and we do that through our sobriarity checkpoints and our saturation patrols. >> and so, which jerse - jurisdiction, one specific area or all of the jurisdictions now involved? >> all throughout maryland, the chiefs of police have signed on. every jurisdiction signed on in some way shape or form to participate in the checkpoint strike force. >> and so do you find that the checkpoints are helpful in hopefully lowering traffic fatalities? >> absolutely. fatalities have been reduced 20 percent in the areas where we are doing the checkpoints . it proves to be extremely beneficial to us in many different ways. >> and do you find that the residents are supporting the checkpoints and do you have partner necessary this effort? >> yes, we do. as you know, it is a powerful organization of mothers against drunk drivers. we work with them chosely in this endeavor and other organizations. their surveys indicate 85 to 90 percent of the people they talked to support the checkpoints. >> do you do these at specific times of year or are the checkpoints ongoing initiative. >> they are ongoing initiatives. they will be taking place every week and everywhere and where you think that it is the best possible opportunity to deploy the work force and effective use knowledge of our people in this endeavor. >> as you are having the checkpoints and i know initially you are looking for impaired drivers, but are you finding other things when you are pulling over the impaired drivers? >> oh, yes. people are very surprised what we run into on the checkpoints. the main focus is to get the impaired drivers that use alcohol off of the streets and identify them. but we are running into people who have warrants on them. their licenses are suspended, some people have drugs in the vehicle this we were able to detect and find. there is a whole gamut of things and seat belt usage. it helps us with the seat belt initiatives and child safety seat. we are able to make different observations and of course, we put a lot of emphasis on the seat belt usage and child safety seat as well >> i know some jurisdiction or most of the them, there is zero tolerance if you don't have your seat belt on, it is amazing that people are still driving without them. >> it is with the seat belt usage, if you are involved in an accident with the impaired drivers that use alcohol that gives you that much more of a chance to survive. >> how can citizens assist with the checkpoint strike force? >> we need them to be our eyes and ears out there. as with many thing necessary law enforcement and we ask citizens to do. if they see a person driving erratically or aggressively and feel they are under the influence of alcohol. pick up the cell phone and dial the number 911 or what ever it is that they feel comfortable in using. >> thank you, colonel for joining me. >> donna thank you for helping us. >> thank you for watching comcast local edition. i am donna richason. all right. stretch. ready for monday? it could be a short workweek for a lot of you. that's good. i'm robin meade. morning sunshine. did this cop go too far? in the tape it looks like he smashed a window with a suspect's head. we'll have what the authorities are saying about that. plus -- >> i am taking my life back step by step. and i wanted to come home. >> that is michael jackson's doctor who was investigated after michael jackson died. what he's saying now about his role on that day. and a thing you need to know before black friday. even if you do get up early and wait in those lines, you may already be too late for some of the deals. what? senate democrats took a big step forward this weekend on health care reform. problem is, they can't agree on where to go from here. they got enough votes saturday to open full senate debate on the bill. but moderates warn they might block a final vote unless there are changes. now, that doesn't sit well with some liberals. >> i'm opposed to the public option of where the states have to opt out. i said i would look at a public option where states could opt in. but that with the opted in wouldn't apply to every other state. >> i think in the end i don't want four democratic senators dictating to the other 56 of us and to the country when the public option has this much support that it's not going to be in it. >> even if the senate can pass a bill, they would still have to reach a compromise with the house. now, in about ten minutes correspondent richard lui is going to break down the key differences in these two versions and what they mean for you. a man who screamed at riders on an oakland commuter train got smashed into a window. take a look at the video posted on youtube. you can see the transit officer grabbing the man. and he pulled him off the train and it looks like straight into a platform window. the glass shattered, injuring both of men. some of the riders questioned using that much force. >> he maybe should have put him on the ground and cuffed him. he didn't have to put him into the window before he assessed the situation. it might not have been that serious. yeah, that was a little harsh for making noise on the b.a.r.t. >> bart police say the suspect was drunk and resisted arrest. but his sister says that he's bipolar and schizophrenic. b.a.r.t.'s police force has been under scrutiny since an officer fatally shot an unarmed passenger on new year's day. a catholic bishop is asking a congressman to stop taking communion because he supports abortion rights. yesterday tobin confirmed it. he said his vice to kennedy was confidential and that he's surprised that the congressman made it public. michael jackson's personal physician is talking publicly about his troubles. dr. conrad murray is expected to return to work at a clinic in houston today. it'll be his first time back since before jackson died. he is the focus of the homicide investigation into the pop star's death in june. but has not been charged. now, he spoke at his church yesterday about his struggles. >> i, with my compassion, was only trying to help my fellow man. but it appears as if i was at the wrong place at the wrong time. i have been reduced to the most nadir level of income and everything that i've ever known. all of the members of galilee, all my friends, i know what trouble is. >> murray was with jackson when he died and told police he gave him a powerful anesthetic to help him sleep. new this morning, four u.s. service members have been killed in afghanistan in the past 24 hours. officials say that one was killed in a roadside bombing in the eastern part of the country. two others died in a separate roadside bombing in southern afghanistan. the fourth was killed by insurgent fire in a separate incident. jimmie johnson has done something no other nascar driver has ever done. larry smith getting you up to date here. he's in for rafer. >> good morning, robin. think of all the legendary drivers. jimmie johnson has zoomed past them all. johnson making history sunday as the first nascar driver to win four consecutive championships. he defended his hit wl a well earned fifth place finish in homestead, florida. it's the 12th team title for his team owner rick hendrick. it was a big night for taylor swift and the late pop legend pick michael jackson. smith won five american music awards and beat out jackson for artist of the year. she accepted her awards from london. jackson won favorite pop rock male artist. his brother jermaine accepted two awards. >> the message that michael had will live on forever. start with love. let's love each other. thank you very much. we're going to miss you, michael. you'll always be in our hearts. >> it was a rough night for jennifer lopez. she fell on her bottom. right there during the performance. the mistake, though, was edited out of the show by the time it was airing on the west coast. she didn't appear to be hurt, i don't think. got right back up. but, you know, it would be mortifying. >> i understand it's insured. that's the rumor going out there. so it should be fine, right? good for her. >> she got right back up. >> she sure did. big travel week we're starting out with right now. the week of thanksgiving. there's going to be a lot of folks on the road starting today. unfortunately a lot of rain pulling right now out of north carolina past the state capital into virginia. now it's beginning to fill in pretty well between richmond and the state line. see the rain as it moves due north. that means it's going to affect you around areas like d.c. basically baltimore, philadelphia and new york later this afternoon. look at the radar. durham getting decent rain. stateline getting very heavy rainfall. that's all moving up north. the pockets of rain fall just shy of fredericksburg. getting some in charlottesville. uva reporting light rain. more rain in the beltway later this morning into this afternoon. rain across western wisconsin back in towards northern minnesota and stretching back in towards iowa. south of here and west from nebraska all the way down to texas, dense fog is shaping up with high pressure down to the south. here's that duluth radar. not much going on except for light rain. no snow being reported. good news for the travel. another storm across the pac northwest dropping on in later today. ahead of that snow popping up around western colorado. denver metro getting a lit bit of light rain/snow mix. zero in towards that region within still that winter weather advisory. 2 to five inches of snow later today. if you're traveling down i-70 all the way back north of aspen, that's where you're looking at the most amount of snow for the afternoon. look at that area right around -- you can see the radar picking up. not that much out there by grand junction. towar towards i-70 a little more in the way of snowfall. west coast weather, too. it's going to start going downhill today. more in about a half hour, robin. you know the economy's in bad shape. there are some new signs that we're all being more responsible, though, because of it with our spending. plus this running of the bulls was not planned. and in a strange twist, it could impact tom cruise's new movie. time right now to salute the troops. meghan moore wants to salute her husband first lunieutenant christopher moore of the u.s. army serving in afghanistan. meghan says christopher believes serving this country is his calling. she says she's so proud of her husband and their love is unbelievable. maybe you have somebody in the service. go to democratic leaders say they want a health care bill passed by the end of the yaear. there's a long road ahead, including what's expected to be a tough debate between the house and the senate. correspondent richard lui joins us now. some parts of these two bills are actually very similar. >> you're right, robin. there's more similarities than differences. both versions create insurance exchanging to create competition in the marketplace. they would also require you to buy health insurance and impose fines if you do not. both bills capped the out of pocket expenses you could pay for health care each year as well. and they both prevent insurance companies from denying coverage, robin, if you have pre-existing conditions. >> but, okay. now, there are differences in these bills. that's creating the problem. so let's talk about the big sticking points. >> sure, robin. the main argument, as you know, it's over the public option. the house bill includes it. the senate bill allows states to opt out of it. they also both tax the wealthy to help pay for the bill. but the salary threshold is $500,000 in the house version. when you take a look at the senate version, it's $200,000 there. there are also controversial provisions in each bill. for instance, the house included more restrictive language on federal funding for abortion. very key issue there. and the senate included a 5% tax on elective plastic surgery. of course, both bills were crafted by democrats. in the next half hour you'll see the republican ad that's out today that slams moderate senators who voted to go ahead with the debate. >> it really slams. all right. richard, thank you. even if you get up bright and early on friday, you know, the big shopping day, did you know that you probably still won't get your hands on many of the door buster deals? melissa long is in for jennifer. this is the dirty little secret retailers don't exactly want you to know about. >> you know, so many people wake up early on black friday. they set their alarm clock. they're hoping to get that great deal on the television, camera, grill for your dad for the holidays. you need to check the fine print for black friday ads. you may not be able to get those badge ets. some of the ads will say while supplies last or limited quantities. it means there really might be just a handful of those door busters available. and then the possibility of no rain check either. here's one example. sears is offering a 40 inch samsung hd tv for $600. it's only guaranteeing three of them will be available in each store. >> run. >> yeah. three. that's it. you have to be careful, though. of course, a lot of people get into altercations on black friday. sears just wasn't comfortable talking about the limited quantity. it's not just sears. many other retailers are going to be doing this as well. pat yourself on the back. it looks like many of you are trying to be more diligent about trying to pay your credit card bills on time. for the first time in a decade more people pay their bills by the due date in the third quarter of the year than in the second quarter of this year. certainly good news in a bad economy when it comes to our own finances. transunion says this timing from the third quarter to the second is also significant since late payments typically rise as a year will roll on. why are people seemingly paying more attention to their credit card bills? so many people are worried about losing their job. of course, you have higher interest rates on credit cards then you have credit being cut back as well for so many. >> if you're, like, late by 30 seconds. >> mm-hmm. get it in in advance. >> thank you. you know, there's been another scare at the site of the worst nuclear accident this nation as ever seen. what authorities are saying about a leak at three mile island. astronauts are starting their week with a spacewalk. and this is live. happening right now. it is the third and the final spacewalk of their mission. they're going to be fixing a few things on the international space station, doing some experiments as well. the shuttle "atlantis" will undock from the space station on wednesday. i know. i just see -- i'm not sure what i see there. our monitors are about this big. do you see anybody out there? >> i think i see an alien in there actually. >> larry! >> sorry. investigators in pennsylvania want to know what caused a radiation leak at the three mile island nuclear plant. yeah. a plant operator says it was confined to the building so there's no danger to the public. it happened while workers were doing some maintenance and refueling work on saturday. some of them were exposed to radiation but appears to be minor. >> i feel just as safe as anywhere. you could go ten miles and it would go up in the air and come down on you. so i don't worry about it. >> it could have been worse. definitely could have been much worse. it makes me want to just take preparations, like, while i'm here, what i do in case that would happen. what are the evacuation procedures. >> when i saw this story it made me go, yikes. in 1979 there was a partial meltdown at three mile island. it was the worst commercial nuclear accident in u.s. history. bob just made a good point. how would you like to be the news crew? hey, there's an accident over at three mile -- you go shoot it. >> have fun. don't forget your suit. >> seriously. >> insurance doesn't cover it, either. there is something very unusual about the nfl this year. larry smith is in for rafer to get you up to date if maybe you were out yesterday and didn't watch all the games. >> thanksgiving weekend two undefeated teams this late in the season. unbelievable. how about those colts? the new head coach and the team doesn't miss a beat. 19 consecutive regular season games won over the last two seasons. second longest streak in nfl history. peyton manning and the colts get in a win. 17-15 and go to 10-0 on the season. the team from peyton manning's hometown is also undefeated. 10-0 for the new orlean saints. 38-7 they beat the bucs in tampa. how about the browns and lions? wild finish. number one pick in the draft last april gets hit on the final play of the game, injures his shoulder, chest or something. pass interference on cleveland. the browns call a time out. stafford gets back in the became and throws a game winning pass with no time on the clock. the kick was the difference. ever get mad at family? you probably will on thursday. that's what cowboys assistant coach dave campbell is calling this little scuffle between family members. an altercation with his defensive back terrance newman. dallas did win the game over washington, 7-6. >> takes on a totally different feeling when you say ever get mad at family? you're like, yeah, i understand that. >> you're thinking all those times when you have done that. >> a couple nieces at the thanksgiving dinner table in tears. kobe bryant last night. this shot, unbelievable. behind the basket, the turn, up and over the glass and he gets it to go. kobe bryant, amazing shot. lakers keep rolling behind kobe. wow. his former teammate shaquille o'neil doesn't have a belly like a bowl full of jelly. still making kids' dreams come true. buying hundreds of toys for needy children. he's been involved in the toys for tots program for 15 years. >> you got to love that. really nice of him to do. >> can't believe he has a hat that big. >> thanks. check out this video of a bank robbery suspect as he appears to eat a suspected robbery note. right there on camera. look. look. ohio police pulled over the man shortly after the robbery. as they searched his pockets they pulled out a white piece of paper. watch as he reaches over and eats it. the bank teller says the robber handed over a note. no note was found in the car. what did they think they were going to do with the note? did they put it out there for him? >> i don't know. that reminds me, robin, it is thanksgiving week. big travel week. what's that thing on thanksgiving that always puts you to sleep. >> trintofan. >> no. the detroit lions. rain coming in across virginia stretching in towards maryland. baltimore and philly and new york. an hour or more delay in new york metros with the volume and wind and rain. atlanta, the low level cloudiness is out there. one hour or more delays. morning fog dense at times. charlotte, detroit, chicago, dallas and houston all morning fog. this afternoon looks fine. philadelphia, washington and baltimore same with seattle, showers will slow you down to about a half hour or hour. more on that in about a half hour. famed evangelist billy graham has counseled presidents for decades. he recently met with sarah palin and prayed with her. find out what he things of the former vp candidate. y8 the ft. hood shooting suspect is permanently paralyzed. his attorney says major nidal hasan has no feeling from his chest down and limited movement in his arms. a judge also ruled hasan will be confined until his court-martial. 12 soldiers and 1 civilian were killed in the november 5th attack. miners' families are demanding answers after an underground gas explosion killed over 100 workers in china. the news agency says 60 miners are still hospitalized from the blast on saturday. officials blame poor management and inadequate safety precautions for the accident. ♪ i dreamed a dream in time gone by ♪ ♪ that hope was high and life worth living ♪ >> susan boyle is taking the world by storm again. her new album is out today. amazon says her album has already become the most preordered tv in the company's history. she wowed a lot of people on "britain's got talent" in april. though she did not win. good morning. those are some of the headlines. how are you feeling? you're feeling monday. hopefully it's a short workweek. it is for most people. but i'll be here you. i'm robin meade. new this morning, your young kids may be watching more hours of tv than you realize. a study finds that preschoolers are watching tv at day care. now, researchers say that the home-based day cares are the worst offenders for the kids watching, like, nearly 2 1/2 hours of tv a day. that's compared to 24 minutes in the day care centers. five 9/11 suspect ts will use their trial to criticize the united states. their attorneys say that they'll plead not guilty so they can slam the united states in court. but they won't deny their roles in the attack. some critics have said that the trial in new york will give the suspects a platform for their views. but the justice department said that they will not disrupt the proceedings. the senate's $848 billion health care bill will go to the floor for debate now. but demes barely got the 60 votes that they needed. correspondent richard lui joins us now. republicans are actually accusing the dems of buying one of those votes. >> louisiana democrat mary land drew, that's who you're talking about. senate majority leader harry reid added them at the last minute and republicans are calling it the louisiana purchase. landrieu says, though, it did not sway her vote. >> it is the number one request of my governor, who is a republican, and it is unanimously supported by every member of our delegation, democrat and republican. i'm proud to have asked for it. i'm proud to have fought for it. and i will continue to. that is not the reason i am moving to debate. >> landrieu did not promise to vote for the final version of the bill. and three other senators are on the fence as well. blanch lincoln, ben nelson and joe lieberman. lieberman says the public option has to go or he'll join a republican filibuster there, robin. >> the republican party is really jumping on the chance to pressure the swing voters. they've come out with a new ad today. >> we'll take a look at that, robin. the 60 second web vid owe you're talking about there singles out a handful of democrats. here's a part of it for you. >> one member sold her vote to the highest bidder. one member sold out his principles. two more lost what little credibility they had on fiscal responsibility. another put the interests of the left of his party before his own state. >> the republican national committee plans to e-mail that to more than 5 million people today and then over the thanksgiving break gop officials plan to hold conference calls with reporters in arkansas, louisiana, nebraska and pennsylvania, robin. >> all right, richard. thanks. iran has kicked off five days of military war games to test its ability to protect the country's nuclear facilities. the exercises will cover a third of the country and includes the revolutionary guard, par military forces and army units. a general tells state tv this will prove the military could fend off any attack by israel. last night on the american music awards some pop stars strutted their stuff and in turn left some jobs dropping. adam lam bert was in the middle of a song and planted a big smooch on his keyboard player and said it was a spur of the moment. also -- during lady gaga's performance she smashed bottles on a piano that was on fire, to boot. so some people were saying does that mean that she was piano synching? was she really playing it if she was smashing bottles on it? >> that's talented. smashing bottles, hardly dressed at all, piano on fire. >> notice there's a part of her pix pixelated. that's a outfit. >> big travel week shaping up for us. a lot of fog and a lot of rain across the east coast, too. here's the rain pulling out of the north carolina into virginia. notice the high pressure basically focused in on louisiana and texas. goes all the way in towards nebraska. cool temperatures, light winds, a lot of fog. let me show you the fog advis y advisories we have out there for most of the country, middle part, anyway. from nebraska all the way down to kansas in towards oklahoma and dallas. those are the gray-shaded areas. visibilities here less than a quarter mile at times. dense fog advisories through 9:00 this morning central time. so what about dallas? you're right in the middle of that dense fog advisory. let me take you live to dallas. big d showing a lot of cloud cover overhead. big foggy conditions you have are basically off to the north. it's winding away a bit as the sun comes up. anticipate early morning delays at d/fw. hopefully on the short side. rain showers, heavy at times blanketing in towards central parts of virginia, stretching in towards maryland an washington, d.c., too. we'll catch delays there, also. that'll get in towards baltimore. heaviest rain moving away from raleigh, through durham towards central virginia. here's that sterling virginia radar. a little rain right south of washington moving due up i-95. watch for the rain to development later this morning in towards d.c. and baltimore. more rain across western wisconsin, back towards northern sections of minnesota. heavy at times but fades apart later this afternoon. another storm system right off the coast of the pacific northwest. you're dry from san francisco down through l.a. more light showers possible from northern california, oregon, into the washington coastline. nothing like what you had over the weekend. towards colorado, a little light snow, light rain still developing around the denver metro. advisories for snow are still west of denver. about 2 to 5 inches of snow through midnight tonight. full details in about a half hour. good monday to you. >> thank you. for a lot of people, yeah, it's monday. but they might have a short workweek. if you have a facebook page, listen. one woman may have lost some of her insurance because of what she posted. hold on before you stand in the long lines for the deals on friday. we've got the dirty little secrets about the fine print on some of those door buster deals. there was an emotional good-bye for a little girl who police believe was sexually asalted and killed. more than 1,000 people came to shaniya davis's funeral in north carolina. the 5-year-old was missing for a week before her body was found last monday. yesterday people shared memories about shaniya's brief life, including her tearful dad. >> i know you're going to be waiting for me. i'll see you when i get there. >> mario mcneil has been charged with murder, rape and kidnapping. police also believe shaniya's mother was prostituting the little child. a canadian woman's facebook page may have caused her to lose insurance benefits. she was getting sick leave payments for depression. she says the insurance company found her vacation photos on facebook in which she seemed to be having fun. so it stopped paying the benefits. but the woman says her doctor told her to take the trip. well, an insurance company spokesperson says that it would not deny a claim based only on a facebook page. but you know what? this has become something you're talking about on our facebook page. our facebook page. bonnie says, i think the insurance company had no right to get into her facebook. what did they want her to do? sit home and get more depressed? kelly says if this woman was so depressed that she could not work, then it is highly unlikely that she'd be able to go on vacation having fun, laughing, taking pictures and posting them on facebook. what's your opinion? go to our facebook page. if you don't know how to get there, start at our website, there's a little f icon. click on it. it'll take you there. runners in iowa braved the wet, cold and their crazy costumes to run in one of the biggest cross country races in the country. more than 7,000 people took part in this thing. they dressed like beauty queens, i guess. oh, rob burgundy. there was even an '80s tv star. >> magnum pi, of course. got my ferrari. everything works on the thing. we're going to see how it goes today, see if we make it through the race. >> the winners got a frozen turkey while four runners up took home a chicken. what do you think of myr ro burgundy line? melissa long is in for jennifer this week. >> a lot of people want gadgets. televisions, cameras. earlier we were telling viewers about a george foreman grill you can get for just about ten bucks. here are some of the other deals you can find. toys r us is selling a barbie totally hair braided doll for $10. cute little gadget for the girls. tar get is selling razor scooters for 17 bucks. that is a $13 savings over the normal retail price. for more of the great deals go to and click on the link that says "important websites." economists say this year's gloomy economy could give way to brighters days next year. it expects the economy to grow by a little more than 3% next year. the group says the job market which has been losing about 200,000 jobs a month will be adding 200,000 jobs a month by this time next year. that is what everybody, i would imagine out there, wants to hear. especially those that find themselves out of work this morning, robin. >> that is optimistic. let's hear more of it. this is a busy time of year for sellers using ebay. so why the sight is apologizing to some. plus, a woman could not get a loan because her credit report listed her as dead. problem. what it took to finally convince them she's alive. people are bonkers for this new twilight movie. it was number one at the box office big time over the weekend. >> what did you do? what did you do to him? he didn't want this! >> what did he do? >> how many young men without shirts does it take? "new moon" made more than $140 million in its first three days, blowing the competition out of the water. the number two movie was sandra bullock's "the blind side" with $34.5 million. "2012" came in third with $26.5 million. ebay is apologizing for a big computer glitch. the site went down all day long on saturday. search results for some of the shoppers just came up blank. the company says everything's fixed and that it will compensation some of the sellers for the problem. investigators are looking for clues into what started a huge fire on the boardwalk in atlantic city. nobody was hurt. but the fire destroyed four businesses on saturday. it took more than 80 firefighters several hours to put it out. fire officials think that it started in a pizza shop. a british couple is pleaing for their lives after they were captured last month by somali pirates. the couple spoke about the demands from their pap tors in a two-minute video that aired on british tv. now, they were begging for somebody to pay the $7 million ran some. >> we have been threatened that there is a terrorist gang at large in the country looking for us. we are also concerned that these people will lose patience and will not feed us. and i have no doubt that they will not hesitate to kill us perhaps within a week or so of now if there is no response. >> frightening video. the british government has refused to pay the ransom saying that it does not negotiate with pirates. brett favre has done everything in his very long career except what he was able to accomplish this weekend. hi, larry. >> good morning to you. at 40 years old brett favre had had a few doubts he could still get it done. i think those doubts have now been e raised. completing a career best 88% of his passes on sunday. unbelievable. of his 25 passes, only 3 were not caught. it's the second time this season he's completed at least 80% of his passes in a game. incredibly, he had done that only twice before this year. his vikings all oversee yatle big on sunday. all is well in pittsburgh. the star quarterback there, two time super bowl winner ben roth lisburger going out early in overtime on this hit. they believe concussion possibilities. they'll take tests today. his replacement couldn't get the win for the defending champs. just in time for the winter olympics, ben and jerry's new flavor. hannah teeter's maple blondie. the play for the weekend. turns, throws the touchdown patsz over his head. look closely. that's really dangerous. because three white shirts running. anyone could have picked it off and run the other way for a touchdown. the naia school goes on to victory. >> you're a hero if it works. you're not if it doesn't. a dream came true for one of notre dame's biggest fans. ♪ >> cool. the 15-year-old has cystic fie bro sis. so the make a wish foundation flew him from colorado to play with the notre dame marching band. jacob says it was really fun and he wants to go to notre dame for college. best of luck. you know, you don't have to fight for the door buster sales this holiday season. hln money expert clark howard tells you how to beat the crowd and still get the deals. >> black friday, which is the name that people have given for years to the friday after thanksgiving, has been a day of chaos and sleepless nights as people thanksgiving evening go to camp out at their favorite retailer, staying on the curb all night long so that they can get the incredible door busters that are available in the wee hours of friday morning. well, this year is going to be different. and it's already under way. goi dimpt. retailers are already offering deals for weeks, both before and after black friday. why? because it's not very efficient to have those enormous crowds in the wee hours and then nobody the rest of the day. the idea is to create a sense that their store is the bargain place and not put you in danger from a herd of people. so watch every day to look for deals. i'm clark howard. for more ways you can save, go to >> he'll teach you to save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. catch him at noon on saturdays and sundays. mississippi is facing huge budget cuts and the governor's proposal to merge the three black colleges is drawing protests. he said none of the schools would close, but a merger would save $35 million. critics do not think the proposal will get very far. students in santa cruz peacefully surrendered the building they had for three days. they were opposing a hike in tuition. campus police told them to get out or face arrest. officials say the students could face criminal or school sanctions. a police officer calls it the most bizarre traffic stop in his career. he says a woman tried to bribe him with sex and it's on tape. - good morning. let's start your workweek. it's not so bad. you've got like four days, then it's thanksgiving, no, three days. new video appear to show a police officer pushing a man into a window and now, the fallout. what led to this. before you stand in the long lines friday. we've got the dirty little secrets they don't want you to know about. and taylor swift has more awards for her shefls. first though, our top story. senate democrats took a big step forward this weekend. problem is, they cannot agree on where to go from here. they got enough votes saturday to open full debate on the bill, but moderates warn they might block a final vote unless there are changes. that doesn't sit well with some liberals. >> i'm opposed to the public option where the states have to opt out. i said i would like at public option where states could opt in, but then if they opted in, wouldn't apply to other states. >> in the end, i don't want four democratic senators dictating to us and the country that it's not going to be in it. >> even if the senate can pass a bill, they would still have to reach a compromise with the house and in about 15 minutes, richard lui breaks down the key differences and what it means for you. a man who screamed at rise riders on a train got slammed into a window. you see a transit officer that pulled him off the train and into a window. some of the riders question the use of that much force. >> me maybe should have put him on the ground and cuffed him. he didn't have to put him into the window before he assessed the situation. it might not have been that serious. that was a little harsh for making no making noise on the b.a.r.t. >> his sister says he's bipolar a . a catholic bishop is asking to stop taking communion. patrick kennedy revealed that in an interview yesterday. the request from thomas tobin came in 2007, but his vice to kennedy was confidential. four u.s. service members have been killed in afghanistan in the past 24 hours. officials say one was killed in a roadside bombing in the eastern part of the country and two others died in a separate roadside bombing in southern afghanistan. the fourth was killed by insurgent fire in a separate incident. investigators in pennsylvania want to know what caused a radiation leak at three-mile island. it happened while the workers were doing maintenance on saturday. some of them were exposed to radiation, but appears to be minor. >> i feel just as safe as anywhere. you could go ten miles and it would go up in the air and it would come down on you. >> it could have been much worse and it makes me want to just take preparations like while i'm here, what would i do in case something like that happened. like what are the evacuation procedures. >> in 1979, there was a partial meltdown at three mile island. the worst commercial accident in u.s. history. your kids may be watching more tv than you realize. a study finds that preschoolers are watching tv at the day care and researchers say that home-based day cares are the worst offenders, with the kids watching tv nearly two and a half hours a day compared the 25 minutes in centers. five suspects will use -- they will plead not guilty so they can slam u.s. foreign policies in court. some critics have said the trial in new york will give the suspects a platform for their views, but the justice department says they won't disrupt. taylor swift and michael jackson. swift won five american music awards, even beat on jackson for artist of the year. jackson won four amas. that gives him a record 23 trophies. his brother, jermaine, accepted two awards. >> the message that michael had will live on forever. start with love and let's love each other. thank you very much. we're going to miss you, michael. >> it was a rough night for jennifer lopez. she jumped and fell right on her bottom. thank goodness for editing. got right back up. >> sprung up fast. >> i meant to do that. >> looked like it was scripted. good for her. >> would you like roll around on the floor to make it like, i meant to do that. >> oh. for like five minutes. let me show you what's happening across the west coast. lots of wind, rain and snow across the cascades and olympics. a big part of that system is now across the rocky mountains. gives us another one though. a lot of clouds with this, but not as potent as the last couple of storms. just rain and a little wind. look at the snow around the denver metro. all the snow advisories are west of the region across western colorado and these advisories last until midnight tonight, so 2-5 inches of snow. then across the pacific northwest, light rain falling around seattle. it is turning into snow for the cascade mountains, but it's a higher elevation. this time, about 3 to 4,000 feet. next 24 hours, the rain, that's one shot. thanksgiving day, more rain comes at you in the pacific northwest. then across to the other part of the country, it's high pressure dominating the middle part of the country. that means you have a lot of fog to start out with from nebraska through texas. then across the great lakes, heavier downpours racing through north carolina and the path is getting in towards d.c. baltimore later, then philadelphia. new york city, it's going to be a cool day. temperatures about 49. the clouds are already in place. then you get the showers later this afternoon and wind out of the northeast. so all in all, you'll probably catch a few delays. >> all right. thank you. a woman's vacation pictures on facebook may have caused her to lose her insurance benefits. and police catch up with a guy they think robbed a bank, but when they start searching him, they may have lost a key piece of evidence. we always salute the troops, so megan moore wants to salute her husband. he's serving in afghanistan and megan says christopher believes serving the country is his calling. she's proud of her husband. you want to salute someone, go to 33 states report widespread cases of h1n1. new for you, why some experts think the virus is becoming resistant to one treatment. check out this video of a bank robbery suspect as he eats a robbery note on camera. ohio police pulled over the man shortly after the robbery and as they searched his pockets, they pulled out a white piece of paper. the bank teller says the robber handed over the note. no note was found in the car. get some fiber in your diet. even if you get up early on friday, you still probably won't get your hands on the best door best buster deals. >> we're going to reveal those secrets this morning because a lot of people go out on black friday. they want to get the best deals. well, check the fine print when it comes to this ads. some will say, while supplies last or limited quantities. it means there might only be a handful. for example, sears, offering a samsung tv for $600, but only guaranteeing that three are available in each store. sears say they weren't comfortable talking about the limited quantities. looks like you're trying to be smart with your money and more diligent with paying your credit card bills on time. for the first time in a decade, most people pay by the due date. that is good news in a bad economy. credit reporting agency trans union says the timing is significant since late payments typically rise at the year rolls on. so, why are people paying more attention? worries about job loss, higher interest rates and cutbacks available to you. this friday, one to have busiest travel days of the year. it's wednesday. >> it's wednesday. >> get to grandmother's house in time. >> people are starting to go now and it's going to be tough when you get there with the volume delays across places like new york. saber flight explorer, put the radar picture over the region with the heaviest rain, it's northern virginia now towards the d.c. metro area. the delays we have, it's fog in dallas. right now, dfw, groundstop for the next 32 minutes. also, half hour to 30-minute delay in atlanta and charlotte. new york city metro, watch for an hour or more. the afternoon looks fine for those bottom cities. keep your fingers crossed. there isn't much kobe bryant can't do. >> wait until you see this krasy circus shot. democratic leaders say they want a health care bill passed by the end of the year, but this is a long road ahead to get there, including what's expected to be a tough debate between the house and senate. richard lui, morning. some parts are very similar. >> you're right. there are more similarities than differences. both create insurance exchanges to create competition in the marketplace. they would also require you to buy health insurance and impose fines if you do not. both bills cap the out of pocket expenses. another similarity, they both prevent insurance companies from denying coverage if you have a preexisting condition. >> so that's what's creating the problem. >> and how the main argument as you know over the public option. the house bill includes it. the other allows states to opt out. the salary threshold is 500,000 in the house. 200,000 in the senate, that's lower. and there are also controversial provisions. the house included more restrictive language on federal funding for abortion and the senate included a 5% tax on plastic surgery. you'll see the new republican ad out today that slams senators by name. students at the university of california in santa cruz peacefully surrendered the building they occupied for three days. they were protesting a 32% hike in tuition approved last week. police told them to get out or face arrest. the school provided photos showing damage to furniture and xhimt. a canadian woman's facebook page may have cost her to lose insurance benefits. she was getting sick leave payments for depression. she says the company found her vacation photos in which she seemed to be having a good time, so it stopped paying the benefits. she say her doctor told her to take the trip. you are making this a hot topic on our facebook page. nicole says -- melissa writes -- what are you thinking about this? you can get to our facebook page, there's an icon and it will take you right there. that will wake you up. there's not been an nfl team with an unbeaten season in more than 30 years. two are still in the running this season. here's larry. >> how about those colts. jim caldwell takes over as head coach and they don't miss a beat. trying to go to the super bowl without a loss. they got their 19th straight win on sunday. 17-15 over baltimore. 19 games in a row, just shy of the record set by the patriots back in 2006 to 2008. the other unbeaten team, the one from manning's hometown, the saints. wild finish in detroit. end of the game, final play. this is the top pick. injured on this play, but pass interference called on cleveland. no time on the clock, he leaves the game and gets to come back in and throw the game-winning touchdown. 38-37, the lions get a win. ever get mad at your family? that's what cowboys' assistant coach called this. just a family shouting match. campbell said it was just a misunderstanding. did you see what kobe bryant did last night? watch him go up, up and in. yes, that does count. over the backboard, lakers get the win thanks to kobe. his old teammate still making kids' dreams come true. he has supported the toys for tots program for 15 years. he may be the biggest santa claus in history. >> it's a great thing to do. so nice of him. the ft. hood shooting suspect is permanently paralyzed. his attorney says that major nidal hasan has no feeling from his chest down and no movement in his arms. he's been in intensive care since he was shot after the attack. 12 soldiers and one civilian were killed in the november 5th attack. astronauts are starting their space walk right now. these are live pictures. this is the third and the final space walk of the mission. and i think that you're seeing from somebody's helmet cam. we'll call it that. you're seeing exactly what they are. they're fixing a few things on the international space station and doing some experiments. "atlantis" will undock from the space station on wednesday. a search for an escaped monkey has some people in a florida town on edge. >> this is my first uncounter with a monkey. >> not the first time for police though.  all right. the new york stock exchange just opened for business. wall street did so-so last week, but things could be getting better today thanks to a boost from overseas markets. first though, video posted on youtube shows an oakland transit officer grabbing a man and putting him straight through a window. police say the man was drunk and resisted arrest, but his sister says he's bipolar. your children may be watching tv that you don't know about. a new study finds that they're watching nearly two and a half hours a day. that's in addition to what they're watching at home. ♪ looks like susan boyle is taking the world by storm again. her new album is out today and it's already become the most preordered cd. she wowed everyone in april, but i don't think she won. welcome to monday. time for you to rise and shine. so, the senate's $848 billion health care bill will to the floor for debate. four key senators agreed at the last minute, but say they won't vote yes again if the bill stays as is. today, republicans are releasing a new ad that calls them out personally. >> one member sold her vote to the highest bidder. one member sold out his principals. two more lost what little credibility they had on fiscal responsibility. another put the interests of the left of his party before his own state. >> ouch. the republican national committee plans to e-mail that to more than 5 million people today. and over thanksgiving, gop officials plan to hold conference calls with reporters in arkansas, louisiana, nebraska and pennsylvania during the thanksgiving break. a 12-year-old boy in southern california was beaten by classmates and investigators say that it may have been the result of a south park episode or facebook posting. the red-headed boy was attacked -- how he hates redheads and a facebook page said to kick redheads on friday. sarah palin met famed evan jellist, billy graham, over the weekend. t his son, franklin, met palin earlier this year and invisited her to meet his father. >> it will be a once in a lifetime honor to meet this man, billy graham, who has contributed so much to our world. >> my father is very excited about meeting the governor. >> well, billy graham prayed with palin after dinner and said he was impressed with her faith and spiritual journey. jimmy johnson has done something no other drive has done. >> think of all the other drivers in nascar history and johnson has zoomed past them all. he is the first nascar driver to win four consecutive championships. he had to work for it. johnson had to finish only 25th of better to get this honor. it is the 12th title for team owner, rick hendrick, and that, too, is a record. back to you. >> thanks. last night on the american music awards, some pop stars strutted their stuff. adam lambert decided to plant a big smooch on his keyboard player. during lady gaga's performance, she smashed bottles on a piano that was on fire. ♪ >> okay. i don't get it. but okay. and the piano was on fire to boot. >> kind of angry. i don't know. >> what is a lady gaga? all right. 34 minutes past the hour. what our thanksgiving week is going to be like. >> i've put a couple of fronts on there and the high pressure is really the main story across the middle of the country. some rain around virginia, i put it center over louisiana and it extends through texas into nebraska. underneath it, it's cold and dry and look like things are really cooling down. that means a lot of fog. the dense fog advisorieadvisori dallas, you're under a fog advisory until 9:00 this morning. you see the advisories extend there oklahoma, kansas and parts of nebraska. that's the main travel trouble spot right there. look at the heavy rain pulling out of the north carolina into virginia. the heaviest rain was pulling away tr the raleigh area. check out fredericksburg. in towards chesapeake, that moves in towards baltimore, philadelphia, later today. it's going to get into areas like new york city. to the west a little farther, look at the rain across northern sections of minnesota. it's a weak impulse, but it will be there the rest of the day. high pressure sitting over nevada, but here comes your other storm system for the pacific northwest. over the weekend, winds gusting to over 90 miles per hour. looks like the oregon cascades and washington, too. you can see another shot for thanksgiving. we'll take you live to georgia, atlanta, trying to travel into the one of the busiest airports. the high today, only in the 50s. >> good times. >> looks really nice. >> thanks. on wall street, the stocks are trying to stay off a three-day losing streak. susan, do a lot of the investors and traders show up this week even though it's short? >> they do, and actually, we have a lot of data that's packed into the first part of the week. i would say friday is not an event. although a lot of traders who come bring their children and sometimes, i interview them because they have a lot of say, needless to say, robin. right now, we are enjoying a sharply higher open. new data shows the economic recovery across the pond picking up steam. at home, we're expecting existing home sales to jump. the nation's largest automaker meanwhile, optimistic about the housing sector. gm's analyst will lift sales of pick-up truck sales. builders use them. the list of bank failures climbed this weekend to 124 for the year. a bank in florida was allowed to be taken over by a rival. so far the number this year, nearly five times the number of last year. finally, the original king kong hits the auction block in london tomorrow. the metal skeleton used to create the giant ape for the famous empire state building sequence, expected to sale for about $250,000. the model was thought to have been lost. i'm just ape for that. king kong. >> it's fascinating how good that looked so long ago. >> that's right. >> not bad. >> yeah, and it was pioneered to stop animation and originally, it was stuffed with cotton and rubber and covered with rabbit fur to create a realistic ape and certainly, it was realistic to the audiences who are enthralled. >> thanks. a woman who was pulled over for speeding now has more trouble on her hands. a police officer says she tried to bribe him with sex. this is a busy time of year for sellers using ebay. why the site is apologizing to some people. a woman is accused of offering sex to a police officer to get out of a speeding ticket and the whole thing was caught on dash cam. >> what are you going to do? >> in your car. >> no. >> she said, we can do it in the back of your car. we could do it in the woods. >> reporter: and you're thinking -- >> how could somebody do this to themselves? >> on the tape, you also hear the woman, would you ever cheat on your wife. he responds, i don't know. a british couple is pleading for their lives after being captured by pirates. they spoke about the demands of their captors in a two-minute interview that aired on british tv. they were begging for someone to pay the ransom. >> there is a terrorist at large in the country looking for us. we are also concerned that these people will lose patience and will not feed us and i have no doubt they will not hesitate to kill us. perhaps within the week or so. of now, if there is no response. >> the british government has refused to pay the ransom, saying it does not negotiate with pirates. doctors say they are seeing a drug resistant strain of the h1n1 virus. it is reported that four patients in north carolina and five in wales have the virus that is not responding to tamiflu. the cdc says 43 states are reporting widespread cases. that is down from 46 last week. an iraqi father accused of killing his daughter because she had become too westernized. that is one of the stories richard's working on for the next hour. >> police are saying he plowed his car into her on purpose. also for you, millions of gallons of raw sewage have spilled into an oregon river. plus, look what happens to the miss brazil 2009. we'll tell you who did it. it happens again and again and we'll show it to you many times. robin? >> someone didn't agree with the decision. you won't have to fight for the door buster sales this season. clark howard tells you how to beat the crowd and still get the deals. >> well, black friday has been a day of chaos and sleepless nights as people go to camp out at their favorite retailer so they can get the door busters available in the wee hours of friday morning. this year is going to be different. retailers are offering black friday kind of deals for weeks. both before and after black friday. why? because it's not very efficient to have those enormous crowds in the wee hours and then nobody the rest of the day. the idea is to create a sense that their store is the bargain place and not put you in danger from a herd of people trying to fight for the goods. so this year, watch every day through the shopping season to look for deals, not just a single day. i'm clark howard. for more ways you can save a buck, go to >> clark will teach you to save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. catch him on saturdays and sundays on hln. this running of the bulls was not planned and could impact tom cruise's new movie. a group of bulls went on a rampage in spain today. seven of them broke free from their pin. they were being used on the movie set of a film starring tom cruise and pe nell cruz. charges have been dropped against a former blackwater contractor. feds haven't said why they dropped their case. nicholas slatten was one of five guards charged in a 2007 shooting in baghdad. prosecutors say the shooting was unprovoked. it may be hard to believe, the voice you're hearing, the pope. the cd features his voice mixed with contemporary music. he is singing and saying prayers in different languages. his voice was not recorded specifically for the album, but a record company says some of the proceeds will support music education for underprivileged kids. it seems at the age of 40, brett favre is just getting started. larry smith, he is still looking great. >> just when you think he has down it all, and i thought he had, although this has nothing to do with long efty. 88% of his passes. he threw 25 of them, 22 were caught. that is amazing. it's the second time this season he has completed at least 80% of his passes in a game. that is something he had only done twice before this year. all is well in pittsburgh this morning. ben roethlisberger is knocked out of the game yesterday in over time with a possible concussion. they'll do some tests today. his replacement came in, but couldn't get the win in ot. the chiefs get the victory on the game-winning field goal. just in time for the winter olympics in vancouver, ben and jerry, they've got a new flavor called hannah teter's maple blondie. it's named for the champion of charity, hannah's gold, which funds humanitarian projects in africa. maybe the play of the weekend, watch closely, the quarterback who throws a two-handed blind over the head touchdown pass. look at this. like three or four white shirts there. that's a gutsy call. you could practice that. i hope you would. otherwise, disastrous. bethel college getting the win in the most unusual fashion on saturday. okay. that's sports. you're right. if it didn't work out, you would be like, why didn't you try that? >> what were you thinking? >> thanks. so wednesday is a day most people will be traveling. did you already start your travels for a long holiday week maybe? here's bob with more. >> you know what's slowing you down now is the fog when you get into areas around dallas. dfw now, still on the ground stoppage for the next half hour or so. also a half hour to 45 minute delay currently in atlanta. charlotte, some wind, 15 to 30-minute delays there too. all the reason why, rain, low clouds and wind. here is what we have for the rest of the day. way up to the northeast today, one or hour more possibility to new york city metros. more delays down to the south of there. atlanta, fog and drizzle, an hour or more. out west, watching for more showers, more light rain. philadelphia, rain and also seattle. more on that in a bit. >> thanks. a dream came true for one of notre dame's biggest fans over the weekend. ♪ nice job. that's jake an krause playing clarinet. the 15-year-old has cystic fibrosis. the make-a-wish foundation flew him from kohl tocolorado to pla the notre dame marching band. he wants to go to notre dame for college. check your pockets before you donate your winter coat to charity if that's what you intend to do. >> i found cell phone chargers -- >> epasses. >> a pack of gum, to some definite treasures. >> another great find was a medal for bravery and an important search is on now. >> a military career spanning 28 years, one of the nation's most highly decorated officers. she was inducted into the women's national hall of fame. welcome to comcast local edition. my guest this hour is brigadier general wilma vaught, president of women in military service for america memorial foundation. >> thanks for joining me. >> it's a pleasure. >> what's the significance of the women in military service for america foundation? >> memorial foundation. >> it's the only mental motherally that pays tribute to women of all eras who have served in our nation's armed forces. further, it's unique in the world. there isn't anyplace else that has a memorial like this, honoring the women who served the nation. >> and women have been participating in wars forever. >> you're right, back to deborah. >> most definitely. >> and so when we get to the memorial, what will we find? this. >> you will find a place with an exterior and an interior. we built and education center. our feeling was that people didn't know anything about what women had done. >> correct. >> we needed to tell this story. we did the education center. inside the education center, you will find exhibits giving a chronology of women's service with artifacts from those different periods of time. then we show films about their service. we have a gift store. we have a haul of honor, and that's a particularly unique place at the present time, because that's where we pay tribute to the women who have been canes in these present conflicts in iraq and afghanistan. and then there is the register, which is the heart of the memorial. that's where the records of the women who are registered, you can go in and look them up an computers, and they come up on the screen, and if they've submitted a picture, it will have their picture, name, record of service, what decorations they have, and if they've chosen to do so, it will have their memorable experiences. some of those are really wonderful to read. >> so, we can find out about as many people that women who have actually registered to find out about their military career. >> that's correct, that's some 340,000 women, which sounds like a big number, and it is. but when you think of the fact that there has been two and a half million women or more who have served, it's a small percentage. >> and so how can we encourage women who have served to submit their stories? by outreach, emails, how can we get them to submit their stories. >> any and all ways, including email and outreach. if you go on our website, and register, there's a simple form that you fill out, doesn't take over 10 or 15 minutes to do. you can submit your picture on line. and even though we ask for a small donation. >> right. >> that's optional. you can do it, you don't have to donate at all to register. we're very interested in getting people registered. and you can call our office. we have a simple 800 number to call, 1800 i absolute. and you can get information sent to you if you're not on the internet. >> where is the memorial located? >> it is the main gate at arlington national cemetery. we're directly across from the lincoln memorial, and just down the hill from arlington house, the lee kustos mansion. >> it sounds incredible. i hope every current and veteran service woman will submit their information to tell their story. >> i would hope so. i would just be delirious with joy. >> thank you. >> my guest has been brigadier general wilma vaught. if you're interested in what

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