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Going strong here. There has been a battle back and forth between he and the states governor, particularly right now over this mail in ballot approach, and whether he can or will withhold funds to the state. We would into that in a second. At the white house, the importance of this trip in a key battleground states. It is a key battleground state. It is important to President Trump to be there. Hes doing this as his transition to greatness to reopen the economy. He saw he wrapped a couple of minutes on bill hemmer and shell. A roundtable with africanamerican leaders looking for how covid19 specifically affects that community and other minority communities. The president has one concern for this administration, making sure people can worship as states began to open up. Listen to this. President trump and open up charges again. I think the cdc is going to put something out very soon. I spoke to them today. I think they are going to put something out very soon. Youve got to open our charges. A day after the president publicly threatened to pull public funding for michigan and nevada if those states expand voting by mail. She sent out ballot applications, not actually balance as in the president s original tweet. Today on the south lawn, the president would not assure michigan residents that he would back off his money threat. President trump announced that a 1. 2 Million Contract to produce some 100 million 100 million doses of a vaccine they are currently working on. If this is part of this Publicprivate Partnership which is known as operation warp speed. The president says that he will wrap up his hydroxychloroquine regimen. This is news that he made earlier this week when he said he was taking it. He said he will wrap it up tomorrow after about two weeks. This coincides with the same day, two weeks after he found out that by Vice President pen Vice President pence a lot of people are wondering if he is going to be wearing a mask. He said we will see peer to the attorney general in michigan put out a letter today that said that he is supposed to be wearing a mask. Because that is what the policy is there at that ford plant. Well see what happens. Neil im wondering what the ford executives there if they are giving him this to her. It would almost compel him to wear it. We will see. We will see. Neil we will see, indeed. The backdrop comes for all of this as we got news today that 2. 4 million americans more have applied for firsttime Unemployment Benefits. Many are doing since that trend has been down week after week after week even though it is so eyepopping that this is about the worst of it. The Second Quarter we are in is forecast to see a drop of anywhere from 35 to 40 in gross domestic product, gdp, as it is better known. The president is helping with the slow unwinding and opening up of the economy that that is the worst of it. Bret baier with what he sees happening now and the importance of todays visit. Good to see you. Thats not the best of economic backdrops. The president is trying to say, we knew this was happening. Better days are ahead. What you think . I think so. I will go with the under of wearing the mask. Once they michigan officials said you had to wear it, i think the president may not. We will see. But i think, listen, he is pushing governors to go down the reopen road. All 50 states have in some way, shape, or form moved toward reopening even though just a handful of them have met all other requirements of ac dc for phase 1 reopening. There is this push and pull, because each of these states feels the pressure of the economic situation. That really is a tidal wave of economic devastation as businesses close down. Thats the message hes sending today. Other items, its really all about the economy. Neil one thing thats kind of confusing, its an ancillary issue, bret peered at the michigan voting thing and whether he could tie that to any age of the state whether it is virus related. Whether its related to that. Not sure what he intends to do or what he could be threatening to do. You know anything more about that . I think he screwed up with that tweet. He deleted the initial tweet appeared at the white house as an answered questions about it. It was confusion, i think. These were not ballots going out, they were applications for ballots. I sent out applications for absentee ballots just like governors secretaries of state and iowa and georgia and west virginia. Of the g. O. P. Versions of secretaries of state that did that. I think it goes away. I think it is kind of a threat on twitter. He obviously is concerned about the mail in voting process. Not sure in the big picture that republicans need to worry about the mail in voting process, that they would be hurt by that other than the president s concern checking ballots and fraud. Neil maybe it is a minor point you touch at the beginning on the mask thing. I agree with you which means you should probably run the other way. What is it about masks for him . I know he has chastised reporters he cant hear that where wearing a mask. There might be pictures of them wearing a mask. I have not seen them yet. Is it just viscerally he doesnt like them or what . I dont know. I can get in his head on that. He hasnt worn it. He said it worked backstage at once. No one has a picture of him wearing it. There was a whole Vice President pence back and forth. He wore it, he didnt wear it. Seems like this president has decided not to do. We will see. I think the under. We were once great, neil. We will see if we get this one right. Neil we will see. My friend, so many messages they are so little time. You can catch him less than two hours from now. In the meantime, i want to go to dr. Nicole saphier on this. It make america healthy again. She makes you think about the stuff. If you dont mind indulging me, do you think its important given this environment to the president to wear a mask especially since it is at a site that it is required . Listen, neil, i think it would make for great optics if the president decided to wear a mask. If its a policy that the president should wear a mask, he shake consider wearing one. Here is a difference when it comes to President Trump versus the rest of the population. President trump is testing every single day for the virus causing covid19. He was tested this morning and tested negative. The reason we wear masks is because this virus has such a symptomatic spread. Meaning you may feel fine, but you are actually contagious. You can be infecting other people. If he has tested negative, he doesnt actually have to be wearing a mask, because hes not going to be spreading it to somebody else. With that being said, he could contract the virus himself. We are all waiting for these waters right now. I dont know. It will be great if he did. We do know that he tested negative. Hes not putting anybody else at risk. I think thats what people are really concerned about right n now. Neil the reason i wanted to ask you about, not about the president and where he does or not, but this edc gets very mixed breeds on this. Like i will poohpooh that talk. Before i get you to react to that, i will listen then on the president and what he is telling executives. It does not look like he is wearing a mask. [indistinct] [indistinct] [indistinct] neil as a very hard to hear. The executives and others, a gentleman they are all wearing a mask as you listening on the radio. They are all wearing masks. At the president is not. The attorney general, dr. Safire, if youre still with us said that that is the policy there. Obviously, he is not. I did have a question on the mask issue in general with this edc. I think you remember, doctor, trying to dismiss one that it would not be that official and then change that policy. You ever know why it did that . We got more information regarding this coronavirus. It seemed to be more contagious, which is why all of a sudden we started recommending masks. The Biggest Issue is because of this a symptomatic spread where you had 25 to 50 of people who actually have the virus and spreading it to other people have no symptoms. We know that when you dont feel well, you stay home and stay away from other people. If you feel fine and transmitting the virus, that is where they concern is. That is why masks were recommended. Neil because there is a second wave fear that im sure youve heard a great deal about. We are going to be exploring that with senator tom cotton in a minute. You worry about that . I know its an issue thats come up in china and elsewhere they worry about it and places like italy. What about you . Of course i worry about it, neil. I would say that we are in a much better place that we wear two months ago. Look at the big message of what President Trump is doing right now. They took a ford factory and theyre ramping up production of ventilators and ppe. All of this within the United States. That is what people have been calling for. They are saying not only do we have ppe, but shipping it other places in the world. We have Clinical Trials going on. Months ago, we have a lot more knowledge about this virus and knowledge is power. Moving forward. Neil all right, dr. Safire. Thank you very much. If you can indulge me, i will see if we can pick up any sound from there. You might hear nothing for a little bit. I would rather see if we could try. The president right now in the Ford Motor Company plant. [indistinct] neil all right, its hard to hear. They are trying to move these microphones i can pick up from a distance whatever their president is saying maybe to hear something. Lets listen if we can. [indistinct] [indistinct] [indistinct] President Trump good, good, very good. Because of all the ventilators [indistinct] have enough manufacturing going on and the timing is far as [indistinct] enough to share with other countries. My question to you, sir, looking six months from now, a year from now President Trump dear just talking about it. We have a very big stockpile right now and we are bringing it bigger and helping a lot of other countries. Nigeria, we just sent 1,000. We have various countries, france, spain, we have a lot going to italy. They have a lot going to a different probably 15 or 18 countries. So every state now has more than they need. Our stockpile is totally full. We have a tremendous amount. Now, we are really helping other countries. We are losing a lot of people because they dont have ventilators. Ventilators are hard to do. I want to say that florida and General Electric have done an incredible job working together. And also, the companies that work with you really did a great job. They do a great car. They really did a great job on the ventilators. I hear that the quality of the ventilator is really topoftheline. I really appreciate it. Mr. President , there was a lot of interest about whether or not you would end up wearing a mask today. Can you take us to your thought process of where you decided not to . President trump i had one on before. I wore one in the back area. I did put a mask on. Did you have the goggles on . President trump i did. Heres another one. Why would you not be wearing it President Trump is not necessary here. Everyone has been tested i have been tested. Ive been tested this morning. It is not necessary. Thats your choice. I was given a choice. I had one on in an area where they preferred it. So i put it on, and it was very nice. Of the equipment was very nice. They said that its not necessary here. What about the example he would set for other americans President Trump i think it sets an example both ways. As they say, i did have it on. I just like your question so much. It was such a nice question. [indistinct] Small Business is turning thin things in terms of our manufacturing mind, how do you see what has taken place . President trump this is the biggest mobilization since world war ii. And these people were in charge of it. They did it. They did a fantastic job. They did a really fantastic job, and we appreciate it. All of these companies, they came together. They used to make cars here. They used to make other things here. Now they are not only a mask. What other products do you make . Not bad, not a bad position. How are you doing . The pressure, respirators, the masks, by gowns. Really anything that anybody needs, we provided quickly. We are really proud of our workforce. President trump is he doing a good job . He is. [indistinct] materials everyone is different. I wont take you through all of them going all the way back to maybe the oil shocks and the dot, meltdowns and all that. Every crisis is different. In this one come out they didnt wait to be asked to do something, and they said heres an opportunity, and lets go. But i love about our culture is they didnt ask for permission, they just went. And that is something that we have stemmed throughout our history. President trump by the way, here is i like it very much. Honestly, i think i look better in the mask. I really did. Im making a speech, so i wont have it now. I did have it on right here. I think some of you might have got it in the shot. Can you confirm that the president was told its okay not to wear one in this area . Neil little nuggets that i got there. The president did in fact have on a mask and want to be seen in it with the press. But the bottom line was with every other for ford motor compy executives showing around that the michigan plant was wearing a mask. And he was saying he was not sending a signal either for or against a mask use. You might recall that that is a policy there. You should be wearing one. The residents argument was that he was. Im just not wearing it right now. Weve got senator tom cotton joining us. Senator, on the great mask debate, where are you . Well, i try to keep my distance. If i cant keep my distance, i wear a mask. As we move forward as a people to get our economy back open, personal responsibility, it will go a long way in protecting ourselves from this virus. Washing our hands, not touching your face. Exercising that level of care for all of us. Of the utmost care if you are in the vulnerable population or elderly, and i think that is going to be critical to getting the economy back on its feet. Neil one reporter asked the president this. I would be curious to get your take. As president , do you have a role to play in providing an example to wear a mask . The president said to be fair, he was wearing one and pulled one out. Executives nodded their head to confirm that. Should he be if he is at a facility that requires it . I think the president is acting responsibly and not overreacting. Executives were nodding their head that he was wearing a mask and goggles when it was called for. The president is obviously different from most people in his daytoday commissions in that hes got a medical team around him and is tested every single day for the virus. We should be wearing a mask if you cant keep her distance. If you can, the mask is not necessary. Neil i think the president is answering a couple other reporters questions. President trump i think we are going to be helping people out. We will be getting some money for them. Its an artificial closure. And now, were gonna be able to open it up. This isnt low term problems and take years and years to come back. The depression took years, 14 or 15 years. We are going to be back next year, maybe in the Fourth Quarter or a few months, we are be back. We closed it, and we opened it. I would say it could be one more nice shot. I would like to know. I know exactly, but i would rather do it at the appropriate time. We are celebrating these Great Companies doing ventilators and other equipment. That we have a very, very specific plan. And it will be great for the American People and our economy is going to be back soon. And ford and General Electric in these Great Companies that help us so much in a time of need, they are going to be very happy. They are already gearing up. I know youre gearing up here. The lines are starting to roll making cards again. A lot of things are happening. By the way, our southern border has never been so secure. We are up to almost 200 miles of wall. We have never had that whole area nobody comes to that area, the area where the wall goes up. That is the end of that. This afternoon, what are you thinking about in the terms of campaign routes . When will you be able President Trump as soon as you have people weve never had an empty seat. Since the day i came down the escalator with our future first lady, weve never had an empty seat. You know that. Thousands of people, weve sent away. I think the demand we see now is greater than ever before. Where can i have to go to certain states where we are able to look, i dont want to have a state where youre supposed to have a person in seven empty seats and then another person. We might do some outdoor big ones. We might also just wait until the stadiums can open up. I think it is going to be soon. We will go to a place like florida. We will go to a place like maybe georgia or some other place where theyre going to be opening whoever opens up first. The demand has been incredible to get going with the rallies. I hear the music in the background saying, weve had rallies like nobody has ever had. We will have to get back to that. I think it is going to be sooner rather than later. Briefly this morning, this vaccine from oxford, invested 1 billion in. How much promise to think that holds for an early vaccination . President trump tremendous promise, but we have many other companies who are just about as far along. We have many companies. We have the greatest pharmaceutical companies in the world. They are equally young and really in a position. Im not talking about vaccines, im talking about cures and therapeutics. Therapeutically, we have things coming out which we think are going to be great. We are doing it very quickly. Who would get the vaccines first . President trump what we are doing is logistically with our military, our military is in gear so that we can give 200 million shots quickly. The military is in gear. Thousand soldiers immediately in time of emergency. This is not nearly as big of a deal as that. It is equally as important, perhaps. It is not as tough logistically. How would you prioritize it . President trump i will sit down with a lot of people and figured out. I will sit down with the military. We hope to be in that position very soon. Rather than starting the vaccine, we are taking a risk. Could be that if something happens but i dont think thats going to be. In addition to that company, we have other companies dont forget, therapeutics and a cure. We are talking about a vaccine in this case. But therapeutics and cure. Frankly, that is my first choice. That would take care of people that are in trouble right now. On the issue what the cdc is doing in the work they are doing particularly the director. Can you address that . President trump i think they are doing a really good job and not really complex situati situation. We started off. No but i knew what the virus was. He came in from china. Nobody knew what it was. Frankly, i think they are doing good job. A lot of people have done a great work. This is beyond even cdc, because weve done it between Jared Kushner and a lot of geniuses coming in from Silicon Valley and a lot of people. These companies where they can make ventilators. What we did with ventilators is incredible. Because we geared up in a short period of time to General Electric, ford, they are represented here at the top level two other companies. We were at honeywell the other day. They make masks. Who would think of honeywell making a mask . Thats what they are making now come up masks. Its a very high tech company. They make dashboards of airplanes and many other things and now they are making masks. Our country is geared up so quickly and so fast. Honeywell opened up in three weeks for literally zero opening making mask in three weeks. There has never been done like this since the end of world war ii. You set a number of weeks ago, we cant let that cure or become worse than the disease. President trump i think i was the first want to say it. When you say i was the first one but you cant let they cure become worse than the problem itself. Barely . President trump i think the governors have to start opening up. We know the disease. We know the weaknesses and the strengths. Know that older people are affected greatly. And younger people are not affected greatly, frankly. You look at the statistics, its incredible. And we know that we have to protect some people much more so. A lot of the governors have done a very, very poor job in our nursing homes, but theyve done a good job on other things. I know every governor. I can grade every governor. Weve met a lot of hero governors. We can do a great job at the governors. Our relationship with them and all most all cases very good. Not one person who needed a ventilator didnt get a ventilator. Another 2. 4 Million People claiming firsttime Unemployment Benefits today. How close are we . President trump i think a lot of these dates the ones that are sort of sticking to a very rigid pattern, i think they are going to stop. I dont think that people are going to stand for it. This is a country that is meant to be open, not closed. We saved millions of lives, millions and millions of lives. We would have had anywhere from 2 million, 3 million lives. If we were at 100,000, instead of 100,000, multiply that times 15, 20, 25. It wouldnt have been acceptab acceptable. It wouldnt have been sustainable. He called it. Were going to open. If there is playing or some place we put it out. But the people have done a great job. General electric, lord, they have done a fantastic work. Honeywell, i was there last week. Honeywell, theyve done fantastic. [indistinct] President Trump people say that is a very distinct possibility. We are going to put out the fires. Were not gonna close the country. We can put out the fires. Whether it is an ember or a flame, we are going to put it out. But we are not closing our country. Are you looking to replace dr. Redfield . President trump no. Neil all right, you never know he does mention a moving target figure of not intervening stoplights from china earlier this year. Many millions more would have died. There is no way to quantify th that. Potentially tens of thousands more dying in this country. A moving target on that for a year, the first time i heard it up to 2. 5 million. No way of knowing. Senator tom compton on that. Even patient and i appreciate you sitting through all of that. Do you know where that number comes from that the president had not intervened early to stop chinese flights coming into this country that the numbers would have been into the millions higher and fatalities . Whawhat if you had on that . I know there have been some studies that suggested that i think it is going to be hard to quantify. Maybe one day in a future when we have all of the facts and all of the evidence about this virus. Which we still lack in part because of chinese dishonesty. Heres what we do know appeared in december and january about 22,000 people were flying from Mainland China into the United States every single day. Thats why in midjanuary as soon as i learned about this virus and its very dangerous features in wuhan, i began urging the president to shut down air travel. That is exactly what he did in late january. He did the same thing from europe as well. We are better off than it on to state if new york city had shut down activity there earlier. Even if you cant quantify it, there is no doubt the early shutdowns, travel from china and europe helped save a lot of time and ultimately save a lot of lives. Neil the reason why i asked, senator. If there was in retrospect an urgent need to stop this early on, why is there a rush now to unwind this at this point . As the president said in the past, we have now lost over 90,000 americans to this virus. That was with our guard up. You can only imagine what would have happened with our guard down. Also, i think the American People individually are now on guard as well. You can count on the American People to do the right thing on an individual basis like keeping their distance, wearing a mask. That is very different from where we were in early february when a lot of people were saying that this virus is not going to reach the United States. We dont need to be worried about it. Some leaders and fortunately were saying into march as well. I think the American People recognize how contagious this virus is and how deadly it is, especially for our elderly. I think that is one reason why we can get the economy back on its feet. Obviously, looking for surges in implementing countermeasures if we see surges. So far, things seem to be going well. Just like some of the countries that early year. Lets hope that that remains the case. Neil thank you very much. We always enjoy talking to you. Senator tom cotton of arkansas. The president is wrapping up at least a public portion of this trip to this michigan Ford Motor Company plant that has been sort of a reconfigured to turn out a lot of face masks, a lot of ventilators and do so at hyperspeed. Joining us now is democrat state of maryland. Senator, thank you for joining us. An outcome of the talk senator seems to be for stimulus, more stimulus. The House Democrats as you know have a 3 trillion plan. Senators have said the Senate Majority republicans that that dead on arrival. They do like some of the ideas, aid to states as long as there is, you know, short reform or reliability sort of protections for businesses that reopen through their no fault of their own, workers get the virus and all of a sudden sue the company. Are you open to that portion, senator . First of all, its good to be with you. And im glad that the Senate Republicans are coming around to the idea that we have to provide additional systems to state and local governments. What that translates into its funds for our teachers and firefighters and first responders. As you know, senator mcconnells First Response to that proposal was, lets let them go bankrupt. After that, he announced the proposal you are talking about which was that in order for us to get this help for the Emergency Responders and teachers, people have to surrender their right if they are injured in other words, if they go into a store or they go into workplace, where the employer or the owner is grossly negligent. They key in this discussion neil what if they are not grossly negligent as much as these things oftentimes can be be happenstance. You take a lot of measures and someone can still get sick. Do you worry for their business is anxious already about reopening that some of them without that protection dont come up because are scared. Here is what they proposed in the heroes act. This might make the discussion go more smoothly. The house in the heroes act proposed that osha outlined very clear health regulations. If osha can move forward with those clear regulations, and they might have a situation where if an employer was acting consistent with those health regulations, that there might be an argument for immunity. It might be subject to a rebuttable presumption. I dont want to get ahead of ourselves, but all of these things would require some clear standards, which is why the heroes act spells out the need for osha to put those Safety Standards forward. Neil you know, the president in michigan a as a vey contentious relationship with the democratic governor of michigan. Im wondering when you heard what he was saying about this mail and vote measure that michigan is considering that though he has pulled back out that threat it appeared to be a threat. It could end aid to the state. I dont know if it pegged coronavirus or for that matter in light of these dams breaking in the state. How do you feel about that . What he is saying is theres a connection. You pursue this mail and vote thing, im going to pursue withholding relief to your state thing. Yeah. Think about exactly what the president is saying. The president is saying that if you go ahead and make it easier for your eligible voters to cast a vote in a safe manner, im going to withhold vitally assistants to your state. Trying to blackmail a state, withholding important funds on the condition that they decide not to adopt a male in voting option, which is important to protect the safety of their voters during this pandemic. It is outrageous. It is probably outright illegal. If the president has backed in that regard, thats a wise move for him. During this pandemic, its very important that we ensure that all eligible voters can cast a safe ballot. We need to protect our health. We need to protect the health of our democracy. Neil all night, senator. Thank you very, very much. It will be following very closely. To the senators point, there has been talk about a retrofitted factory. A retrofit of that view on the white house as to whether there would be a quid pro quo on aid to the state. Apparently that was exaggerated according to the white house. We shall see. We will have a lot more after the president initiates is vis visit. Your watching your world. Looks like they picked the wrong getaway driver. Theyre going to be paying for this for a long time. They will, but with accident forgiveness allstate wont raise your rates just because of an accident, even if its your fault. Cut sonny. Was that good . Line the desert never lies. Isnt that what i said . No you were talking about allstate and insurance. I just. When i. Lets try again. Everybody back to one. Accident forgiveness from allstate. Click or call for a quote today. Neil all right, i believe the great grandson of the founder, henry ford. He will be introducing the president of the United States. And as everybody here knows, ford has always been a family business. But it is not just my family. Generations of ford employees have punched in every day in plants like this one building for america. And we take that trust very seriously. We have a special responsibility to take care of each other and this country just like we have done for 117 years. In world war ii, many of our workers went to fight overseas. And those who couldnt stated to build war machines of all types needed to win the war. In plants and just like this. In fact, president roosevelt visited our willow run plant a few miles down the road or to the ford workers who are producing b24 bombers during world war ii. Ford was called the arsenal of democracy. Today, some of their grandchildren and greatgrandchildren are building equipment neil we continue to listen to bill ford, great grandson of henry ford. He will be introducing the president. I want to bring in the former Homeland Security secretary. I hope you are feeling well. You had us where they are not too long ago. Im happy to see that you look great. Thank you. Neil thank you, my friend. Homeland security comes into play with battling this virus and getting it under control. Now that we are rounding the band, getting america back to work, there are concerns and pockets across the world as you know even in some states where there has been, you know, a spike in some cases. Nothing alarming that we are told by the medical community, but note where they just the same. How do you think all of this is going . I tip my hat to the governors both republican and democrat. Theyve had some challenges associating with inconsistent messages from washington and the availability or unavailability of force on biscuit equipment. I think if we follow the science and the experts and move back into our economy in a gradual incremental basis, we will put this thing hopefully behind us. It is not as if we are going to eliminate covid19. It has now become a part of Mother Natures infrastructure. We do have to worry about a resurgence. At the same time, we ought to understand its going to be a permanent risk. We have to learn how to management. You have to go from a steady stock which we bond to gradually move back into put people back to work. Neil im so glad we have be today, secretary. When you were recruited to be our first Homeland Security, i remember you saying at the time your primary job was obviously to prevent another 9 11 calamity and you stopped many such attacks. This is a different beast year. Will we be overly gun shy . Will he take measures that every time there is an emergence of a case or series of cases, at least country down again. What should our policy be Going Forward . I know it varies and is very different from what you dealt with. What do you think . I think theres a couple of principles this is going to be as i mentioned before, a permanent risk. We have to be smart and adapt some common sense into mitigating the risk in understanding their risk and managing their risk. One of those risks is the reoccurrence of not only covid19, but Mother Nature may find 2425. Excuse me. Disease is now global. Transportation, finance, communication was global before. This is exhibit four disease becoming global. I have friends that are now governors both republicans and democrats, make sure that it doesnt interfere with our electoral process. I think in addition to try to get us back to work, keeping safe and at least mitigating the impact of Mother Nature, we cant let the institutions of democracy we cant ignore those basic institutions. One of the things i worry about is maximum turnout on november 3rd for the election. Neil you mention that. As you know, that president has made a very big issue of whats going on in michigan where everyone will be allowed to do so, not just those who may be traveling out of state at the time. Its a moving target. Retribution for that or withhold aid to the state. Since the governor dial that back a little bit, you are worried about it for different reasons. Can you explain . There is a group called about safe. My friend and colleague, former democratic governor of ironically michigan, supporting the basic principles of vote safe. When we send letters of 50 secretaries of state, remember, governors are responsible for providing electoral platform. We ask these secretaries of states and their governors to make sure that in the primaries and principally because of covid19, we preserve all electoral options for 152 voters. Its got to be national, and it must be bipartisan. Neil all right appear to governor, i apologize for that. Youre being interrupted by the president of the United States. He speaking right now in michigan. President trump plants are opening. A lot of plants have stopped. We stop them from closing. We kept your here in michigan in the United States. Different places as you know all over the United States. It is an honor. Its one of the reasons im standing here. Years ago, i was honored long before i thought of the president ial situation, i was honored in michigan. I said how, youre losing so much of your car business to mexico and other places . The man of the year they made me man of the year in michigan. I said whats going on in michigan . We stopped it. Thanks to a lot of Great Companies like ford, a lot of things are happening here. Thats why im so honored when bill mentioned the plant that youre going to be doing 2,000. Its also a Great Success to the broncos. Thats really good news. Thank you very much. Thank you. And im honored to stand on the factory floor operated by the incredible workers of Ford Motor Company. You really are tremendously talented people. I know it. Im not sure everybody in the world knows it, but a lot of people do. They are all gonna know it after this speech. You are really talented great people. Thank you very much for doing a great job. We know what it takes. It you have that ability. In our nations war against the invisible enemy, the hardworking patriots today answer the call to serve. He proved that the American Workers built forward, and youre built ford tough, great expression. You still use that expression, i think, bill. Thats a great expression. Can i use it for myself . Belt trump tough. I dont know. They may say that the takeoff. You can do that. Youve made really america proud and you made ford proud. America is proud of ford. Right here in the component plant, you are building a great medical arsenal to defeat the virus and cement americas place as the leading manufacturer and exporter of ventilators anywhere in the world. We are now getting calls from other countries, many other countries, friend and foe believe it or not. We want to help them out to. We are making thousands and thousands of ventilators. And i think we really started right over here. We got out call very on him bill and a group. Its incredible what happened and what youve done. With your help, not a single american who has need a ventilator has been denied a ventilator, not one. As you remember, we took over empty cupboards. The cupboards were bare. We got into the business of ventilators and testing and all these other things. Now we have done 14 million tests. The second country is at 3 million at less than 3 million. Germany, south korea, the tests are the best of all. But, on behalf of our entire nation, i want to say thank you very much. Thank you very much for doing a great job. Driven by the love, sweats, and devotion of everyone here today, we are saving lives, we are forging ahead. As of this week, the beating heart of the American Auto industry is back open for business that started right away. It starts right now. You have all of those supply chains coming in. Theyre going to come through. This builds a product right here. That can happen. We heard that its a big story. We are starting with the cars now. Its going to be a big success. In addition to many wonderful uaw workers, we are joined by his secretary ben carson who has done a fantastic job. For naca. Thank you, ben. Where is he . There he is. Hi, ben. Thank you, ben. [applause] and a man who has done a fantastic job for ford. I will ask bill about this later. I want to make sure for myself. Based on results, i know. Co jim hackett n. Jim, thank you very much. There where it is yes, jim. Great job. Angela weathers, thank you very much. Thats a big job. Thats a big job. Do you enjoy it . Yeah, great job, fantastic. Its a great deal. G. E. Health care usn canada president everett cunningham. Thank you, everett good before going further, let us send our love to all of the families that have been displaced by the flooding near mid land. I spoke to your governor at th this. We have sent some tremendously talented people out here. We have fema, and we have the army corps of engineers. They can do things that frankly nobody else can do. The army corps of engineers, they are very good at rebuilding dams that are busted or blown up or for whatever reason bad things happen. Americans are praying for central michigan. We are going to take care of your problem. The governor and i had a great conversation this morning. And at the appropriate time, i will go and see the area we will be fixing. We will help you out. We signed an Emergency Declaration very quickly, very, very quickly, and we are going to help you out very quickly also. In recent months, this state in this country have faced great challenges. Here in the detroit area, youre hit hard by the virus, very, very hard in this area. As one people, we hold in our hearts that precious memory of every person that we have loss. And we have lost too many. One is too many. We lost too many. It came in through china, and it should have been stopped in china. They didnt stop it. They should have stopped it. As one grateful nation, we proclaim god bless our health care workers. They are like warriors. I want to thank all of the nurses and doctors. [applause] because of the virus, ford was forced to stop automobile production for the First Time Since world war ii. Thats something. But you did not despair. Your Company Leadership called up the fight outs and ask the most american of all questions, how can we help . True. I said thats nice. Thats very nice. Everyone of their workers on this project volunteered to take part in the greatest industrialization and mobilization project at our society. The American People have done in our lifetimes. The Company Founded by a man named henry ford, good bloodlines. Youve got good blood. They teamed up with the Company Founded by thomas edison. That is General Electric. Thats good stuff. Thats good stuff. You put it altogether. They are all looking down right now and they would be very proud of what they see. Began the production of 50,000 lifesaving ventilators. A number that if you go back to us two, most people say it would be impossible to believe. The media is back there. They wouldve said a couple of months ago, the creation of that many ventilators would have been not a possible thing. Every single one of these ventilators is made in the usa with american heart, american hands, and american pride. Just as your great grandparents produced more than one model t every minute, just as your grandmothers and grandfathers neil follow up on my president. We are going to have a very important guest with us they will echo what the president is doing. The top Global Operation president that this country has committed a little bit more than 1. 2 billion to a possible vaccine that could be available on the market sooner rather than later. Before i get to that special guests, i want to bring out today that the president did make a little news that he did talk to the Mission Governor today. Hes gone ahead head and that an emergency does indeed exist over this multiple dam rupture in the state. At the assistance to supplement state and local response after recording the statements, due to the emergency conditions resulting from severe storms and flooding beginning on may 16th, 2020 and continuing. Concerns that were out there because of this dispute over mailin ballots, the state wanted to go that way for all voting did not preclude or exclude that from happening. So there is that news. The president making plenty of it today. That was big, big news. Marshall medical plant that calls for the u. S. Government working with those who are working on promising technologies, treatments, vaccines, maybe. After that, a big beneficiary of his Global Operations via skype right now. Thank you for taking the time. What will this mean for your efforts to get this out . But the speed at which you think this potential vaccine is going. This is amazing. Let me start by thanking the u. S. Government. We have been incredibly impressed by the secretary s leadership and a commitment of his team. And the willingness of the administration to really move their pace. And this agreement would really allow to accelerate the development and manufacturing and the delivery of a potential vaccine for the American Population. And be as a company are immensely proud to take part in this massive undertaking and being able to supply at no profit during the time of the pandemic. Neil there is something very promising that you are doing and working on here thats got the governments attention, certainly the president s attention. How close do you think we are to a vaccine here . This vaccine in the u. K. This has been administrated in over 1,000 healthy volunteers. The initial data is very encouraging. We are really motivated and encouraged by the data that we have seen. They should give data from this phase 1 trial in june. From that trial it with positive data, we will begin a launch phase 3 trial here in the United States of 30,000 healthy volunteers. So we are very encouraged by what we see, and we are absolutely confident that as we get the positive data out of these trials that and with this agreement in place, we need to accelerate and not a single day in bringing those back to the populations. That is half the battle. The groundbreaking vaccine or treatment. And it costs a lot and commits a lot of time to get the number of treatments out there to the millions. You know how that is decided and how you go about it that say that you do come up on a vaccine that works and it is available maybe by the end of this year or early next year and its hard to tell. How did that happen . What is the next phase of getting it out there . You know, this is not the time for conservativism or business as usual. This is a time where we harness all of the energy, partnerships between private and public entities to really harness our efforts on our powers together to be able to deliver this at the quickest pace possible. The development and the manufacturing of a vaccine typically takes years to do. We are trying to compress this in less than nine months. This is absolutely a massive undertaking. What we would do now with this agreement is to put on the u. S. Government. With the positive data coming out of a trial, we would start the phase 3 trial immediately as soon as we can over the summer. At the same time, we would work in parallel. We are setting up supply chains as we speak. We will be starting to do Technology Transfers and scallops, and we will prepare for manufacturing. And we will manufacture if this vaccine works, if we get positive data over the summer, we can really get into sort of manufacturing in major scale and releasing of this vaccine as quickly as in october. We are projecting that all goes well, we can have 100 million doses of vaccine coming out for the American Population in october. 300 million doses by early 2021. So this is unprecedented, and its only possible that if we have partners like the u. S. Government to work with us to take the red risk and to really push forward as you say to save lives in the quickest way possible. Neil we dont have much more time here. You have been great. To get your take, there are so many colleges in the United States that are rejiggering their fall semester. Some going earlier and some stopping around thanksgiving so they can be for the kids get me off during what is typically the flu season. Obviously, they are a little gun shy going back. Should they be . Do you think thats a real threat . A real possibility . A reemergence virus . Well, it is possible. It is absolutely possible. Its important for all of us to put all of these energies into developing a potential vaccine. There are many vaccines in the development right now. And we hope we are racing against the virus, racing against time. This is a battle against covid19. And we want to harness the energy of the entire industry. We hope that multiple of these vaccines will ultimately work. And if it does, you know, whether it being at 1 or 10, it will really conquer some of the issues that you are talking about, neil, that it will really give the Comfort Level of returning to normal. Being able to realize an economy there is so much suffering out there. This is it precisely why we as a company are doing everything we can working in parallel with ma, many institutions around the world to make sure that the vaccine is not just for the United States, but also for people around the world as well. Neil i want to thank you very much. Sorry to jump on you there, but i could be very promising news. They will do it for hello everyone, im Juan Williams along with stephanie waters, dana perino, katie had like its 5 00 in new york city and this is the five. President trump at a ford motor plant that produces lifesaving ventilators in michigan, we are monitoring it and will keep you updated on any news. Bringing his pandemic lockdown fight that allimportant battleground state michigan, earlier he went off on democratic governors reluctant

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