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Financial impact of a trade deal that might have gotten lost in the sauce today with all of the other developments. They are coming up. First are john roberts at the white house where all of this first went down. John. Comprehensive trade deal that the president initially wanted. He is saying that this is a good first step. The white house is labeling this as a phase one traded deal. Phase one, Robert Lighthizer said, at least two phases and maybe more. The president would like to limited to two. Under the first phase of this trade deal, china is going to agree to buy 200 billion more in u. S. Goods over the next 11 years including an additional 32 billion in u. S. Agricultural goods. There is some argument over whether farmers can produce that much about the president still has to buy bigger tractors. China implements protections for u. S. Intellectual property. That is just the beginning of that. Also and currency manipulation. In exchange, the president is relaxing some current or terrace. He held off on implement new tariffs that were scheduled to go into effect a month ago. Tariffs on something hundred 70 billion in chinese goods will stay on. The u. S. Could impose more sanctions if china doesnt live up to its end of the deal. The president today declared victory saying what is happening is unprecedented. Listen here. President trump this is something that is far beyond even this deal. Its going to lead to an Even Stronger world peace. We now have a big investment in each other and in getting along with each other. The new deal drew criticism from democratic senator Chuck Schumer who had been a big supporter of the president s hard line on china. The deal fails to address chinese subsidies and state ownership of industry and questions whether what is on paper is even enforceable. Listen to Chuck Schumer here. The United States conceives our leverage, and in exchange, china makes big, unenforceable promises it never intends to fulfill. We have seen this over and over again. China agrees to something, and they dont do it. President trump complain about president obama and president bush and others. When they sign these deals and nothing happened, he is doing same darn thing. Get a briefing this morning with the u. S. Trade representative Robert Lighthizer, insist that this phase does have a strong resolution mechanism in it. He admits, it is up to the chinese to play nicely here. Those other big issues like subsidies and state ownership are going to be addressed in the phase of two. President Trump Holding out a carrot to china saying, if you get up phase two agreement that set up as the demands that i have or at least is something i can live with, i will take off the remaining tariffs that are levied against china. Neil thank you, john roberts, at the white house. When i spoke with fox business earlier today, joni ernst will relieved. Islands are very happy with phase one and the inclusion of l that is agriculture. It is such a boon for our farmers. They are pleased at the progress weve been able to make. We were now to her florida counterpart, the florida senator, senator, this was a big deal. A surreal day. On the very same day, the impeachment battle moves to the United States and its paired where you make of it . First off, i want to thank trump and bob lighthizer. They are trying to figure out, how do we bring china in the World Economy in a fair way . They have never done this. Im that they have this agreement. I hope china complies. We would love to see more trade pit they have never complied. I hope they buy the agricultural products. Think about it. They promised to do that. They steal our technology. They have never stopped. Unbelievable human rights violations. They are trying to take the basic rights of hong kong citizens. I think it is bigger than trade. I dont see how china is ever going to they are not changing. It is communist china. The 29 is the chairman of the communist party. He did not change his stripes all of a sudden. I appreciate what the president is doing. I dont expect him to comply. Neil is that why you are not there today, senator . I have been very clear, this is bigger than trade. Its about human rights. Think about this. How many times would you do it deal with somebody that time in and time again come out they dont do what they said they are going to do . Im glad the president is trying. I know they worked hard on this. I wish china would do it. I just dont believe they will. Neil you have all of this commitment, they are going to buy 200 million of goods and a lot of that is going to be agricultural stuff. Manufacturing stuff, even boeing planes and all that. You just dont buy it . No, it sounds good. They have never done it. What changed . Is there something that has changed in communist china . No, nothing has changed. They are going to do the same thing. They will make a commitment and have a nice signing day. We altright hard. I know that americans, trump, and mike heiser try their best. The chinese wont. Neil when the chinese are held to these metrics were measurements, whatever theyre calling it, senator, it wont be an outside body like the world trade organization. And businessmen say they are not doing what they said they did. We can reslap tariffs on them. You dont think it is sufficient enough punishment . We have got to do it. You look at the history. We havent stood up to china. I know President Trump has tried harder than any other president has. We have to do it because they are not going to comply. Either way, i think we should stop and say lets take care of americans. We know that china is not a fair player. I think it is spare what Chuck Schumer says that they are still subsidizing companies beard you saw that article about hallway. They subsidize it to the tune of 75 billion. Lets be realistic here. I want more trade. We all want more trade. The president is trying. Lets look at history. I dont believe you should be optimistic today. Neil all right, lets look at the history of impeachment issue in the United States and it could only the third time that we have seen that. Im wondering your thoughts about some of your colleagues who are open to witnesses or witness testimony and the fact that that could maybe go on much longer than the president or maybe your cell thought. What do you think . I have been up here a year. This place is dysfunctional. Nancy pelosi has made this a joke. Its so urgent and held it for four weeks. Everything is all about politics. I want to get this behind us. I want to get back to trying to do something good for the country. While they wasted all of that time and impeachment, did we balance the budget . Did we take the time to balance the budget on time . Should we take the time to review the budget . Two days to review the budget deal in december 2 months late. Lets go do something that we were elected to do. Reduce drug prices, secure the border, balance the budget. Really focus on how do we win long term . Neil to some of your colleagues advocating, we are open to witnesses. Are you . I dont know why the democrats have proven that trump didnt do anything wrong. He has been very transparent. I will listen to both sides. Neil you think you say that that will be a waste of time . The democrats in the house had the opportunity to prove their case. We know they didnt. Now what are they are trying to do . They will see at this and it will prove their case. It is all hearsay over there. There is no case they have. It is hearsay. They want us to do their job. Thats not my job. My job is i will listen to both sides. I will ask the questions i want to ask. I think we ought to go home. Neil all right, we will watch it very, very closely. Good seeing you again. As i mentioned a little bit early, we are now at dow 20,000 plus. These numbers are getting bigger and bigger. The next leap gets to be smaller and smaller. We are watching that and also watching what happens with the siding on capitol hill as it readies the impeachment articles picked the house judiciary number that reflects on that and where we go now. More after this. Man, im thinking tacos. Hey hey you guys look like foodies. Would you like to try our trashy back ribs . Oh, that sounds great. Everything is locally harvested, farm to dumpster to table. Uhhh, what do you. What else do you got . stammering wwe have a melon rind stew. Comes with a pork and bean reduction. Yeah, were going to just do a lap and well come back. Okay. Well, well be here. Man why isnt this working . My mouth is watering. 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That is what this ceremony will be four in about 50 minutes, the encroachment ceremony it encroachment is the final stage of any legal document where you senate. Cheryl johnson, the clerk of the house will put pen to parchment. Paul irving who is the house the house sergeantatarms will lead a procession where they walk these through the capital, through the Capitol Rotunda over to julie adams who is the secretary of the senate. They will get to the senate trial in the very initial form sometime tomorrow. Lets go back to that vote here. There was one democratic defection. That was collin peterson, a very conservative democratic chair of the agricultural committee. Western and northern minnesota. He carried his district by 35 points. He voted against impeachment in december. The thing to look for, these impeachment managers, they are to be the face of impeachment. How well the democrats do, its up to this seven. You have two freshman in this group. You have jason crow and sylvia garcia. I think it is interesting to look at adam schiff. He led an impeachment effort against federal judge thomas back in 2010 pit he the the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi. That is one of the reasons hes chairman of the committee and why she picked him to be the chairman of the committee. He will not be the lead manager in this instance. He will be adam schiff. The other thing that is going to happen after they get that over to the senate the senate right now is debating the usmca. Im told that they are going to try to get an agreement to vote on this may tomorrow morning, and they will formally receive the impeachment managers tomorrow about midday or early in the afternoon. They will set a fixed time for that. They will present the articles of impeachment to the senate. I will come sometime tomorrow pit and then they will get to the heart of the trial sometime next week. They still have to figure out and have a boat sometime next week as to what the parameters of the try will be. Neil thank you, my friend, very, very much. My next guest, something that chad indicated along party lines. This one voted against those articles being sent over. Congressman, thank you for taking the time for you voted against. Why . The same thing i voted against impeachment the whole time but i dont believe the democrats have met the constitutional required threshold for impeachment. Where is their treason, bribery, or high crimes, or misdemeanors . I dont think an abuse of power, even if that allegation was to be true and obstruction of congress is an impeachable offense. Just like i have stood with the president against this impeachment debacle the entire last year, i stand against it again today. Neil we have heard from a lot of the democrats. If they are complaining about the process and the senate and the reluctance of the republican senators to have witnesses pit that has not been decided yet as you know. Their argument is that we try to get a lot of these people to interview. They stonewalled us. The president demanded that they stonewalled us. What you say about that . It is fascinating to me that the democrats are combining about process when the entire time a house we were refused the ability to call her we were sometimes stopped in the secret hearing of going down the line of witnesses, questioning what we were able to go down. The president has not had the ability to call his witnesses to crossexamine any of these witnesses. It has happened in both clinton and the prior impeachment. The way it was handled prior to as far as the rules and the procedures was not followed by the democrats here. Now they are going to claim that they dont have procedure. The democrats have the opportunity to call the witnesses they wanted to call. If those witnesses did not comply with the subpoena because they felt that it violated some area to the law, they couldve had the u. S. Supreme court decide whether that witness to testify or not. They do not want to wait that long ago to that process for that process to go through and get that legal tech. Instead, they want to claim foul. The democratic majority had the opportunity to do that. They wanted these witnesses to come, they could have after a court process. Neil how did you feel about the president leaving when he had a trade signing today regardless of the impeachment motions going on and settling their way to the senate . For him, it is going to be business as usual. As it should be. This president this whole last year, first it was the russian collusion hoax and the obstruction of justice. The house has been fixated on we are about to hit 30,000 at that hour. All of the great economic things that this president has done. Unemployment numbers at record lows. I applaud the president to continue to do what hes doing and hopefully he will be elected, reelected in november. Neil congressman, thank you for taking the time. We do thank for having me. Neil if you cut any of the debate last night, you realize that Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders arent a bit of a feud right now and its getting very chilly. The fallout on the race. More after this. I need a ride. Here hold this. Follow that spud. [ tires screech ] the big idaho potato truck is touring america telling folks about idaho potatoes. And i want it back. What is it with you and that truck . You spend less and get way more. , so you can bring your vision to lif. For small prices, you can build big dreams. Spend less. Get way more. Shop everything home at wayfair toda. I need all the breaks as athat i can get. Or, at liberty butchemel. Cut. Liberty mu. Line . Cut. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Cut. Liberty m. Am i allowed to riff . What if i come out of the water . Liberty biberty. Cut. Well dub it. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. A lot of folks ask me why their dishwasher doesnt get everything clean. I tell them, it may be your detergent. Thats why more dishwasher brands recommend cascade platinum. With the soaking, scrubbing and rinsing built right in. For sparklingclean dishes, the first time. Cascade platinum. And he probably knows me, is cut, and comprehensible but i think a woman could not be president of the United States. What did you think that senator sanders told her he cannot win my collection . I disagreed. Bernie is my friend. Im not here to try to fight with bernie. Neil i just love that. The host disavows the prior comments. There was a lot going on in this back and forth between Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders refusal to shake hands with Bernie Sanders when it was all said and done. Maybe we are over reading this. I do want to get the reader follow this with the wall street journals jillian and that democratic strategist. The back and forth on this and who said what and when, i am just wondering if the two of them are canceling each other out in the meantime. I think there is something fascinating. This isnt the first time you seen Elizabeth Warren fall back on an antigun like identity politics claim. I think shes losing credibility. I think that shes facing a higher bar of skepticism here. That identity politics thing isnt working as well even within the democratic president ial race. I think that is something noteworthy. That is something a lot of candidates have tried to political eyes on. I think bernies refusal of this came out looking pretty strong. Neil how do you think . I think youre right about the identity politics things. This was obviously loaded by the warren campaign. It is not landed the way they thought it was. Neil at dinner that was back in december. Only those two were eating the dinner. Somebody is lying. Based on the conversation, its making its way now. I dont think its planning well for the warren campaign. When you talk about the identity politics things, these are speed limit candidates that are very far left and very ideologically similar. Because of identity politics, they are arguing and infighting. The Bernie Sanders supporters are putting snakes on this with lawrence tweed. Neil i am wondering what the fallout is . Especially when sanders has been surging in the polls, looking like he is sticking in iowa, new hampshire, maybe it is speaking at the right time for him. Maybe for more moderate elements one of the things that came out last night overall is that this is far from a clearcut race on the democratic side. There are basically three or four front runners. I think the reality is, it is going to be really difficult for anybody to ultimately get the unity that is needed particularly when you are going into the first votes with this kind of divisiveness. I want to be consciousness of what is playing online, you just mentioned. It is very dangerous for the party to be getting into all of that. The reality is these democrats have far more in common than they have not in common. They all are more prowoman than the republicans are i will jump on that. I think this is an important point to make it what we are hearing from the left right now is that your gender holds you back. In all of these ways, if you fall into any specific category, you are oppressed and the system is stacked against you. To even suggest that these are areas, to take the most powerful office of the next states neil to believe that bernie said and others has been debated on one or two other shows. Do you believe Bernie Sanders of all people, probably the most progressive of all people would Say Something like that . He has been pulling out the stops with historic videos talking to women and encouraging them to run for office. I think his campaign is pretty effectively responded to this. Neil shouldnt there be a greater worry to davids point, say what you will come at the markets soaring, a lot of optimism puts away that uncertainty. They have more important things to focus on. I was about to say that. I didnt hear a lot about the economy last night. Theres not a message that anybody on the left has about the economy, because the economy is going great right now. Neil there is not measured is that not everyone is benefiting. They have to operate in this fiction. They live in a fiction world in which the dow didnt just hit 29,000 for the first time. Neil that is for rich guys like you. That is rich coming from you. Neil what do you think . Where did this go . The rap against this far. Point is that either one of these individuals, never win an election pewter and is of paragraph . I dont know thats true. Neil i think you do. I think the best choice and democrats would be to go with a far moderate nominee. Its possible that they could win, but someone like biden is a stronger candidate. Frankly, i said from the beginning, i wish not so many people had run. I wish there are people able running outfits democrats to wrap this up. Im concerned that its going to go all the way out through march and april. Democrats need time to get together. Their president is spending tremendous amounts of money but democrats need to get started in those places where the president is having the lead. As a question about the Party Diversity inclusion where the final five or six are white people. I think its has a lot of neil i think the term is older. It was the most diverse field. It was that most people. Who shakes out in the end is a lot of things but i think thats wrong to say it is because of this or that its a lot of factors. Neil i want to thank you all very, very much. I know democrats and republicans but he was with the president today on the trade deal that i had asked him on fox business, which if you dont get, you should demand about what the markets are saying about this upcoming election. You will be surprised. More after this. E is complicated. As your broker, ive solved it. Thats great, carl. But we need something better. Thats easily adjustable has no penalties or advisory fee. And we can monitor to see that were on track. Like schwab intelligent income. Schwab introducing schwab intelligent income. A simple, modern way to pay yourself from your portfolio. Oh, thats cool. I mean, we dont have that. Schwab. A modern approach to wealth management. Neil you are looking live right now at the building in washington, d. C. We are expecting very shortly nancy pelosi to go ahead and sign off on those articles of impeachment that make their way to the senate, and here we go. More after this. I got it. Alexa. Start the coffee. Set the temperature to 72. Start roomba. We got this. Dont look. What . Dont look. Lets move. Mom. The lexus es, eagerly prepared for the unexpected. Lease the 2020 es 350 for 389 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Bringing new evidence to light appeared and the evidence was already overwhelming. The evidence is overwhelming. The evidence is overwhelming that donald trump corruptly abused his power. Neil honors, this just prays for an appetite costello reference. It is so overwhelming. We need more witnesses. That is the big dilemma Going Forward in the United States that is where the push is on to get witnesses. You know the drill. One side once its witnesses, and we go witness crazy. Good to have you back. Thanks, neil. Neil where is this all going . Explain the procedure. If it is overwhelming evidence, you really dont need icing on that with this cake, do you . Of course you dont if you have a truly overwhelming case. The last thing you would want his additional witnesses. Who knows . They might end up poking a hole in your overwhelming case. If it is overwhelming, that is all you need and you go forward and asked the jury to decide the case based on what you put together. We went last decide whether we have witnesses or not, but the procedure would be, theres a deposition behind closed doors pick the senators are free in the clinton case, thm those depositions, not the official giving the deposition. They then quote it. That is right. I think what we are going to see if the house Prosecution Team would go first. I think they would do what you articulated. They would make legal arguments and read from transcripts of depositions, transcripts of witness testimony and kind of give a lot of thundering rhetoric about why the president should be removed from office. Put on their defensive case. They might do some of the same things. Im sure they will have a lot of legal arguments to make. They may well be from certain portions of the transcripts themselves to try to put quote in context. The senators will be asking questions. Riveting regardless of whether or not we have witnesses. Neil what is the power of the Supreme Court justice here . He cant call the shots. Explain that. It is a curious role. Under the constitution, chief Justice John Roberts will reside at that trial in the senate. Just as the chief justice did is not bill clinton impeachment proceedings. Hes not fulfilling their normal role of a judge. In a courtroom, the judges where it is final. Whatever the judge decides, thats how you follow it. Here, the senators rules are final. To that extent, the chief justice isnt exercising the full power of our judge in the courtroom, but really is almost enforcing the rules that they have been established by the United States in it. Neil how do you think its going to last . My guess is that its going to be a couple of weeks. It would topically depend whether we get witnesses. It depends on how much time senator mcconnell allows for questioning. It has got to be shorter than what we have already seen, because presumably, it will be a greatest hits sort of thing. House prosecutors will cherry pick the evidence that they like and the defense team will put on their show. At the end of the day, if there are no witnesses, i dont see the stretching out for three or four weeks. Neil watch closely, tom dupree. Happy long new year at that. All right, it is signed, sealed, and on, that china trade deal. By a major wall street honcho, you know him. Hes very influential is very convinced this is a game changer. It is not talking just economically. The amount of Student Loan Debt i have im embarrassed to even say i felt like i was going to spend my whole adult life paying this off thanks to sofi, i can see the light at the end of the tunnel as of 12pm today, i am debt free we have no debt, we dont owe anybody anything, and its fantastic we all use our cellphones very differently. vo why the French Family chose verizon. So, shes always on social media. Hes always watching sports. Someones video chatting her friends. Hi, gianna my parents are getting older so knowing that i can get in touch with them at any time is really comforting. Grandma, youre on tv grandma wow what channel . vo the network more people rely on, gives you more. Like plans your family can mix and match starting at just 35. And a year of disney on us. Plus, up to 700 toward our best phones when you switch. Thats verizon. Neil we got this huge deal with china right now. The biggest economic powers have set aside their differences and started phase one of their trade deal. We are told the chinese will make good on 200 billion of goods from the United States over the next couple of years. One problem with that. They dont always keep their word. They cant be trusted. Many, many times, they made similar promises and sadly not done what they said. Black on ceo was telling me early on fox business which if you dont get, you should demand, that this time he thinks its going to be different. I think that chinese will certainly honor it. This is a result of three years of meetings. And what is fascinating, is that it takes a while before each country figures out what it really will do and what is in its interest, and how they are going to pursue the future under that deal. I think that think this one through. Their country is complex. They have the reformers. They have their hardliners. They have come together. From talking to the people who have the responsibility for implementing this deal, they are all over it. And, i am much more positive and optimistic than you might think in dealing with the people who actually have that responsibility. Neil do you get a sense we have been mentioning the market running record, the dow at 29,000. Normally buying up ahead of it. Thats not happening today. Im curious what you make of where wall street goes from he here. Not knowing how their trade will work out with over a bit do you think that leaves that where he set aside . The worry about escalation in the trade area is really behind us. The question is, how productive can we make this Going Forward . The phase one agreement has a lot in it i want more people thought. When they were discussing it previously. And i think that will set a new baseline. If the chinese are quite enthusiastic about pursuing phase two agreement, addressing other issues. Of course, there will be further rollbacks of tariffs when that happens. Neil how do you think the market will digest how weird it has been today and where you have the president they are discussing impeachment in the house and sending those articles to the senate at the exact same moment the president is signing off on this trade deal and that markets are racing to highs . Out of the markets how do you digest that . I think the impeachment going on in the midst of this is somewhat surreal. It puts the impeachment in a way into perspective. I think that markets have looked at that as a partisan type of situation and expect since there is no precedent in u. S. History that has been convicted and only two have had a trial that in a way, it is taking a lot of time, diverting attention, but will not end up interfering with the future. And in effect, make clear the way for more things to happen. Neil it is interesting. Even after this deal, as you know, we are still looking at roughly twothirds of everything we get from china tapped in some way. That is a far cry from where we were before all of this started. It was in the single digits. Those that concern you . Well, that has got to be dealt with in phase 2. Thats not helpful for america, but on the other hand, it is not this helpful going the other w way. Both countries are sensitive about that. Both countries are also sensitive about the impact on the rest of the world through the use of tariffs. And the impact of them. I think theres a lot of incentives to move on to a second phase. I think that will occur. There could be different views on exactly what that time frame is. I actually just left the conversation where i was told that they are already starting to talk about some of those issues. Neil i know that you dont like to wade too much into politics here, but the markets are behaving as this president is going to get reelected. Do you agree with that . That is a tough one. To basically handicap there are so many issues that happen happened. I think the market fundamental fundamentally, like regulation, less regulation, a probusiness claimant. And a positive overall feeling toward the Business Community and commerce. I think that certainly is part of the current administration. I think in that sense, you know, the markets would like to see more of that. Neil all right, Steve Schwartzman on all that. I apologize for the noise around all of that. When all of these guys coming out of the trade signing event, they are lined up like planes at laguardia. His read on this is that it is good for everybody. We will see. And while, impeachment managers are insisting that we call witnesses. That is very, very important. Republican senator rand paul says be careful what you wish for. More after this. Its tough to quit smoking cold turkey. So chantix can help you quit slow turkey. 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If this and it does not permit the introduction of all relevant witnesses and of all documents that the house wants to introduce because the houses the prosecutor here, and the Senate Senate is engaging in an unconstitutional and discussing coverup. Neil unconstitutional and disgusting coverup if they dont have witnesses. Senator rand paul here to weigh in on that. What do you think of that . It is kind of interesting. The comment is all relevant witnesses. Would he agree that hunter biden is relevant and joe biden is relevant and the whistleblower is relevant . I guess is no. If they want the witnesses they want but they dont want any witnesses that the president wants. Either allow all witnesses that the president s defense team deems necessary to their defense or no witnesses. We will not to a Kangaroo Court like you did in the house put the house only produce witnesses that adam schiff agreed to. What kind of Kangaroo Court as it where only the democrats get to pick the witnesses, and they decide who is relevant . That is absurd. I think this and that be more fair. I think republicans and democrats want to know more fair minded presentation. It is not going to be we are just going to invite witnesses that the democrats want and say the president will not invite witnesses that he thinks will help him . Neil that say there was a quid pro quo. Are you open to a more witnesses . I am all or none. I lean more towards nonpit weve heard the arguments. The arguments were so bad in the house that not one republican voted for impeachment. I think the arguments arent going to change when they bring it over here. Weve heard all the information. They basically are upset that President Trump delay to delivering some foreign aid. I am of the opinion that foreign aid is unconstitutional, and its unwise to send money to countries when you have to borrow the money from china to send it to ukraine or any other country. You know, i dont know how they are going to prove a point to someone like me that doesnt believe that foreign aid is constitutional. I think at this point, we have heard enough. We will hear the arguments aga again. I dont think one of these democrats who say they want witnesses will vote to allow hunter or joe biden to come. If the president was withholding it because he thought there was corruption involving hunter biden and joe biden, wouldnt we want to hear from them or at least hear about that corruption . Neil senator, has there been any blowback for you when senator mike lee challenged him and his overuse of force in the war powers thing . Bygones or bygones . Words that stand . I spoke with the president personally about the war powers this week. He understands that i have a very strong philosophic position that did not start with President Trump. It really started with my objection to truman. I wasnt quite around at the time, but a lot of us objected to truman taking us to the korean war. Objected to nixon in the vietnam war without a declaration. We also object to being in afghanistan for 20 years without revoting about whether we should be there. The same with iraq 18 years later. An administration comes to us and says, oh, we can kill an iranian general, because Congress Gave us permission to get rid of Saddam Hussein and 2002. That is insulting to the constitution. There is big philosophical debate. I also say in the same brain, that i think President Trump has shown restraint could i dont think you wants a longer war. I think he really wants to get us out of these wars pretty hasnt quite done it, but i think his desires are sincere. I continue to encourage him. But now more than any amount we are at a position of strength. Soleimani is dead. The ringmaster for terrorism is dead. Now is a good time to come home. The Iraq Parliament has shown their distain picked we liberated them three times. We liberated them from Saddam Hussein, from the sunni extremists neil they are fighting us at our present there. Come home. That is my advice to the president both public and private. Bring them home here to the people are ready. Americans are ready. The Iraqi Government is disdainful of us liberating them three times. Let them fight the next time. So, yeah, im ready to bring them home, bring them home. We spend so much money. We spent 50 billion in afghanistan. That would pave 9,000 miles of six lane interstate, 9,000 miles of six lane interstate. Thats been that money at home and quit wasting it overseas. They were killing each other before we got there. They were killing each other after we leave. Neil rand paul, thank you very much. Senator rand paul. A lot more after this including the latest on nancy pelosi. Ready to officially sign off on those impeachment articles. A little late, but they appeared more after this. Everything your trip needs for everyone you love. Expedia. For everyone you love. I need all the breaks as athat i can get. Or, at liberty butchemel. Cut. Liberty mu. Line . Cut. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Cut. Liberty m. Am i allowed to riff . What if i come out of the water . Liberty biberty. Cut. Well dub it. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Through the at t network, edgetoedge intelligence gives you the power to see every corner of your growing business. From using feedback to innovate. To introducing products faster. To managing website inventory. And network bandwidth. Giving you a nice big edge over your competition. Thats the power of edgetoedge intelligence. Man whats my my truck. Is my livelihood. So when my windshield cracked. The experts at Safelite Autoglass came right to me. Tech hi, im adrian. Man thanks for coming. With service i could trust. Right, girl . Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Neil all right, we are getting ready for nancy pelosi to sign off on the articles of impeachment. Mike emanuel with more. Good afternoon. Signing ceremony with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and then impeachment will go on to the senate for a trial. The impeachment managers are seven figures in the House Democratic caucus including the intelligence chairman adam schiff. And jeffries of new york and two freshman lawmakers from colorado and texas. Schiff made this pitch on the house floor. President trump put his own personal interest above our National Security and if not stopped he will do it again. The vote sending the impeachment managers and the articles of impeachment to the senate was along party lines. 228193 with an independent voting yes. The House Republican leader blasted pelosi and the democrats. The reason for this impeachment is the same reason its taken democrats 30 days to send the articles to the senate spite. They wanted to stain the president s record without giving him a fair chance to clear his name. Republicans are demanding a fairer process for President Trump when the trial reaches the senate. Neil mike, i wonder, they have other things they could be doing. This was a weird day because you had the president signing off on the big trade deal with china. The markets highs. A very unusual environment. No doubt about it. You have senate trying to squeeze in the trade deal before the impeachment trail and the Gold Medal Ceremony on capitol hill for steve gleason. Everybody was all smiles for that. You have a hyperpartisan environment going after President Trump. Neil if this drags on longer than 2 or 3 weeks, then you get into the caucus time periods and the primaries. Then it boomerangs on democrats. Thats right. They predict if they get witness it could go 6 weeks that take you past the president s state of the Union Address and cuts into a lot of other business they could be doing on behalf of the american people. We will see if they have had enough and heard enough and are ready to vote on the case. Neil mike, great job. We are waiting for the speaker. If the markets are anxious about this

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