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President trump wasting no time saying that he is alive and we well. He helped keep mississippi very red. He made 5 of 6 republicans very victorious. Just not the Top Republican there. But since he has not conceded, it is not over there which is why the president is upping the campaigning everywhere. John roberts keeping pace of all of these fast and furious develop months. We have a big bucket of stuff here at the white house. First of all, the president will be leaving in just a few minutes for monroe, louisiana. He has a rally. Hes trying to unseat the current democratic governor of louisiana. Coming up on the 16th of november. The president in the meantime, playing down bevins loss. The president saying that he helps narrow the gap and also helped a lot of down ballot races. A massive impact on all of the race. The increase in the governors race was 15 points and maybe 20. Seven days ago was the latest that we saw. Responded by four points. The president is hoping to give a big boost to propel him to victory. On the impeachment front, the president unconcerned with anything that has come out in any of these transcripts. The president saying, thank you, kurt volker. In his congressional testimony just released, you asked what conversation i had about that quid pro quo et cetera, none come up because i did not know that there was a quid pro quo. The president adding which cant he presumed there was a quid pro quo. The white house keying in that word presumed there was nothing of the sort, no quid pro quo. Listen here. President zelensky had an extraordinary victory in his campaign, because he ran on an anticorruption theme. President trump made it clear that we wanted to support him in that effort. We wanted to see him make progress in that effort and we wanted to see the European Community come forward. To joe biden or hunter biden come up in the conversation . No. He was the guy who in that text Message Exchange with the ambassador to the e. U. Said he thought it was crazy to be eradicating usa on a political investigation. He admits that the only owner owes about all that from talking to Gordon Sondland. The white house believes that it has some defense there. Rudy giuliani just tweeted out that he has lawyering up. The evidence would fully reveal to show this farce is as much of a frame up and hoax as the russian collusion may be worse. And democrats on the three committees looking into the impeachment inquiry, its a surprise move pulling the subpoena for the former Deputy National security advisor charles kupperman. Cooperman was going to go to court seek an opinion on whether or not he should comply with that subpoena. Thats when the democrats yanked it. We are wondering here, neil, maybe the democrats thought they were going to lose that court battle. That is why they yanked it. It calls into question whether or not the democrats will issue a subpoena between now and tomorrow morning for john bolton to appear. How lots going on here, neil. Neil it did not seem like much to me, but i guess. Holy cow. Around here, we called on wednesday. Neil democrats certainly salivated over there again yesterday. Particularly one joe biden. Take a look. Yes, the democrats are back. The democrats are back. Neil with moderates again and, should the far left be worried . Republican strategist and not lt but not least tesco michael, let me get you on that. The moderate win. The moderate takes the tour to the void of the white house . When youre talking about regional races, moderates work well in the south and the midwest. Neil did not help joe biden presumably . I think joe biden has his own issues that he has to deal with. I think moderates are going to be around until the end of this race. At the end of the day, democrats need somebody that can unite the left on the right. In their ability to take on trump. That is not something that a far left a Bernie Sanders type is going to be able to do. Democrats took over the house, a lot of the tensions under alexander kazu cortez or what have you, it was moderates that helped make that possible and contribute mightily to the 40 nafta sweep game. What do you think yesterday told us . There is nothing moderate about todays democrats. They are radical with their policies. If they want to raise taxes. The green new deal, they want to end fossil fuels. Come on. Way too radical. When you look at joe biden, 3033, whatever. Sometimes he does not know what state he is in. His top donors are very concerned about his message. They are concerned about how he is delivering his message. He is also having trouble fundraising last quarter. I think he came in third place. He clearly has his own issues. Neil whether or not it is joe biden, but if democrats are seizing, to michaels point, on how they did what they did in virginia. Even though this was not across the board. They lost a couple of seats in the virginia senate. The trend seems to be to the moderate candidate goes the prize, usually, usually. What are we to glean from that and the impact on the president ial race . Its an interesting dynamic. Suburban voters moving left. Thats not the far left aoc shift. Particularly women and left of where they were before. I think that is showing weakness on the trump g. O. P. He is really good at pitting himself about a challenger. I think it will be really important who ends up getting the nomination. Democrats have a real problem here. If you look at Elizabeth Warren for the medicare for all stuff, doubling down on a going further left. It will be difficult to get from that stance to a more moderate position. They are in a radical position. That leaves a lot of voters in the middle. Neil why are democrats when i talk about strategizing from here, you cannot glean a lot from four different states. Different types of races, i grant you. It would be much tougher for extremely liberal nominees to run back to the middle enough to secure the votes they would need to win a general election. That would seem to be problematic for Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Less so for joe biden. Poll their lasts are one thing. That seems to be more now. That is why you are seeing the barto biden go after becaust helps her go after the general election. It goes off that label of this radical. Neil it is really the battleground states. The National Polls are one thing, but theyve narrowed the gap considerably. He does generally face his toughest fight against joe biden. Again, and this party, a moderate. When you look at President Trump and his accomplishments, the battleground states, they are looking at the economy, they are looking at jobs and people to fill them. They dont like this impeachment inquiry and talk of impeachment. They are not in favor of that. Looking neil the moderate poll among many seems to confirm that its looking at political by and large, is not resonating with folks. You know, playing all of this out in the economy, is it your sense that the president will just keep pounding that . During the world series one of the key points, not perfect, but better. In other words, you might not like that message are. You might not flip over the president , but you have to flip over whether you still live he here. It is very unusual to have an president and an economy this good. I dont think we can ignore at the cultural. That is one area in which he thrives. Pointing out how the progressives agenda is not only totally huge spheres of the economy, but the pronouns that you can use an policing speech on campus. Theyve doubled down on some of the far lefts social programs. Neil not all of them. I could make a difference. Never mind the impeachment hearings that begin next week. Growing concern that a china deal might not be had until at least next month. Whats going on . That is a report saying that a Senior Administration official told them it could be delayed. A phase one signing until december. They are still working out a venue and the terms in the agreement there. On selecting a venue, the trade sources are telling me that the u. S. Has asked for the president s calendar to find out where the trade siding would fit into his schedule. They would like to see the chinese president come to iowa. However, the Senior Administration officials saying that iowa might likely be the spot. They are saying, maybe it would happen in europe like switzerland or sweden. The white house has been completely silent about where the possible signing could be. They did release the statement. , negotiations are continuing and progress is being made on the phase one agreement. And the two sides are supposed to sign in chile. That was canceled due to unrest in the country. On tariffs, the chinese sources or people familiar with the negotiations are saying that the chinese will roll back tariffs on u. S. Products for a trade deal. Chinese trade sources also telling us that the u. S. Told them that the tariffs will not be imposed going forward. China right now trying to get the tariffs already in place rollback or repealed. The administration believing that tariffs are the reason that china is at the table. Neil we are learning more from still another transcript that has been released in the impeachment inquiry. This one from the diplomat. He had a clear understanding of a quid pro quo. Some thoughts on Rudy Giuliani after this. Its tough to quit smoking cold turkey. So chantix can help you quit slow turkey. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. 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Neil House Intelligence Committee chairman announcing the first public hearings in the impeachment inquiry next week. Until then, all that we have to go on are a lot of transcripts on those that have already testified. Hey, neil. So many transcripts. So little time. He testified here at the intel committee. He is the acting ambassador to ukraine and also one of the first officials to ring alarm bells of what he described as two separate Foreign Policy channels for ukraine. He was clearly in the regular channel which was led by National Security advisor john bolton. He called it highly irregular by Rudy Giuliani. In include Gordon Sondland and Energy Secretary rick perry. He said in this channel people wanted to talk about the connection between a white house meeting and ukraine investigations. He calls a direct correlation between his reelection to a second term. Taylor says, i understand the reason investigating was to cast biden in a bad light. It would benefit the Political Campaign for the reelection of President Trump. The other big story breaking today is chairman adam shift announcement that sam that we are going to open a hole noon effort here with the public. It will happen wednesday november 13th and friday november 15th. Take a listen to what he has to say. Speak out open hearings will be in opportunity for the American People to evaluate their witnesses for themselves to make their own decision of the credibility of the witnesses. Neil, some key republicans already have a major beef with the way democrats are handling this public testimony. Jim told us earlier this afternoon, he believes that kurt volker should have been asked to testify first. Neil the Indiana Republican senator. Its always good having you. Ever since you arrived in washington, and now possibly an impeachment trial if it ever gets to the senate. It seems inevitable to me whether it is justified or not that the house seems hellbent on impeaching this president or at least getting that process going. The question is the timing of it all. Are you worried . There has not been a dull moment since i have been here in a little over ten months. I guess for me, the fact that out of the gate when he was elected in november 2016, you have frames that show impeachment talk when they did not even know what the reason for it would be. The process itself has left a lot to be desired. As we navigate through the witnesses that are there witnesses, that basically say the same thing. We need to see the entirety of it. I think congressman jordan is right. The witnesses that will be giving a different point of view regardless of how the sorts out. If there is not something that goes beyond what the president himself released, i think most republican senators are going to see that this has been a process that has got some really questionable foundation to it. And every day, we are hit with knew this, knew that. So far, i think it has been a repetition that really does not add to the discussion. It really hasnt moved me. Like i say, i have been suspicious by the getgo. Neil doesnt move any of your other colleagues, senator . A couple of names come to mind that might think differently . What do you think was to mark i think if you had mentioned differ early in the process. By and large, there has not been much of a shift. I think of it is a continuation of what we have seen, even if it comes over here with an impeachment and document that its not going to change the point of view of what we do in the senate. If nothing is added to it. Again, i think it begs the question, how did he get started . What is the motivation . It runs into a lot of discussion regardless of what they do in the house. Neil ive noticed a change in some of your colleagues, senator, saying no quid pro quo, in other words no holding back of eight to get this investigation going of joe biden and his son and the energy conc. Some take it that even if there were, it is not impeachable. Are you in that camp . I would say that i would be in that camp now. If it is based upon the information that i have gotten. The quid pro quo seems to be an interpretation, and not to wear there actually was one. I think that makes a difference. And it begs the question with biden, if you want to get back to fair play, i think there was a quid pro quo with him and his son. That will be something i think everybody takes into consideration as well. Neil all right, thank you very much, senator. Good catching up with you. Mike braun of indiana. This quid pro quo thing is latin. In english, it is what the heck is going on with all of this . 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Many, many times, this is a political venture. Sometimes it is not based on anything remotely legal. Since the number of lawmakers on both sides are dancing around the issue of quid pro quo, something held back in exchange for information the president of the United States wanted from the president of ukraine. If proof of that, there is an Impeachable Offense. Republican saying, even if it is, there is not. Take a look. All that you have to do is read the transcript as you can decide for yourself. I would go so far as to say that the president is very wrong in these conversations. He can sometimes talk and terminology that is not always comfortable for me. I think it is his job neil that would not be impeachable to you . I dont think it would be impeachable. I dont think with antics of impeachment that it will rise to the level of Impeachable Offense. Neil what do you think . Is proof of that, if we even get it its in the eyes of the beholder, i understand and the testimony that conflicts with others. Is that Impeachable Offense . It should not be, but is it . Unfortunately, the constitution does not speak to the definition. The definition is the confidence of the judge historically impeachment proceedings over the 230 years of our republic. There has been invariably an underlying crime. Some people said yes, that person has committed a criminal offense. Bill clinton committed criminal offenses. Entered into a conspiracy to obstruct justice. At all have heard and sense of crime, neil, is extortion, and marilyn yesterday said shakedown. It sounds in the nature of extortion. Extortion and shakedown is usually something that the victim complains about. Right . To say, i am being extorted. And of course, we are not hearing that or anything close to it. I think what is being seen here is the expansive definition of high crimes of impeachment and high crimes and misdemeanors, we disapprove of what the president did, of his style, the pressure of accepting that was the narrative. We think that that result should justify his removal from office. I think that is an extravagant antihistorical approach. The house of representatives has the raw power to define an Impeachable Offense. That is what we are hanging. I dont think it is impeachable. Neil you know, ken, when you were going investigating bill clinton, you obviously found the Monica Lewinsky thing, perjury, lying under oath. It was a big deal. It was not big enough deal given the economic environment thats my opinion. Red or blue, they were making a lot of green. They like that. Today, the same thing. The potential impeachment cases here. But that it does not rise to the level even the president lying under oath at least in ine senates view rise to the level that he should be thrown out of office. I am hearing similar things on this quid pro quo thing. Even if true, it is not rise to the level of throwing donald trump out of office. What do you think . Yes, i think that is the wiser judgment. There is too much of a rush toward impeachment. This is the pattern that we have gotten into since the nixon years. And the passage of the independent counsel often called upon folks like me to go forward to congress and say, guess what. Heres information. You may want to impeach the president of the United States. It is a horrible system of government. People say why did you become an independent counsel if you know it is a horrible system of government . But it is. It is a horrible regime. We have this pro impeachment that has been created. Robert mueller, bless his heart, a good man fuels the fire by the way he approached his job, and by the way he approaches court writing responsibilities. We are living in impeachment land. We need to get this in the Rearview Mirror of this country. As everyone is thoughtfully saying, my word, if youre disagreeing with the president style, unless there is some sort of truly corrupt bargain, ukraine, unless you do this, right . And its really corrupt. And people i need you to give me a tax break on the we could all understand that. Wait a second. Thats abusing the power of your office. The argument now, is, you are using for political gains. The transcript lens itself to an unflattering interpretation, but also lens itself to an interpretation of, im really serious about anticorruption. And by the way, here is the joe biden situation. But he does not say anything beyond do me a favor. Right . Neil im sorry to jump in, my friends. Thank you very, very much for weighing in on all of this. It does not seem to move the needle a lot one way or the other on both sides. We will see. In the meantime, we are learning about the murder of the nine americans in mexico. It was not an accident. They were not mistaken targets. They were the targets. Hey carl, what are you charging me for online equity trades . Laughs umm. And do i get my fees back if im not happy . Like a satisfaction guarantee . Ugh. Schwab oh right, im calling schwab. Thanks carl wait, lisa lisa. Are you Getting Commission free trades and a satisfaction guarantee . If not, talk to schwab. A modern approach to wealth management. Neil this earnings report. Fox, earnings that stock is up to. 5 after hours. More after that. Could lead to w. Ound brush head. Go pro with oralb. Oralbs gentle rounded brush head removes more plaque along the gum line. For cleaner teeth and healthier gums. And unlike sonicare, oralb is the First Electric toothbrush brand accepted by the ada for its effectiveness and safety. 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We know that that night, fighters had been set on foot to combat a cartel in our state, to fight and try to take over just some smuggling routes. Neil Mexican Police did arrest a man near the massacre, but they have not confirmed who was involved in the ambush. Casualties include children hiding in the weeds. They tell chilling story from the scene. A child in the back, a mother yelling dont shoot. Babies burning in a car. That is why we are here. The objective is for the nation to be backed up by the law for there to be justice. Mexico offers many things. Justice is not one of them. The probability of a crime being investigated and solved in mexico is less than 1 . Neil more to the point of the texas congressman is right in that neck of the ways that we are talking about. Congressman, thanks for taking the time. I thought of the details that we dont know. Confirms that this group might have been a target and the suvs in which they were traveling were far apart. They were not traveling together. What do you make of all this . What if you learned . First of all, violence at the border is no surprise. This magnitude seems especially sickening. These are american lives that were lost. What is alarming to me of of national outrage. Normally this would be a number one story in america, i would think. Nine american lives brutally murdered in a heinous fashion. This country is talking about impeachment and Election Results last night. Kentucky neil let me get your sense that it might have been not an accidental type of thing. The proof of that was that the mothers and three women were killed and six children came out of the car frantically waving her arms. Stop, stop, stop. She was gunned down. It looks like they knew full well who they were targeting. They move lived in that area. For viewers that do not follow this, theres a history of migration of mormon communities in northern mexico, which i did not know before this week. Neil this was an offshoot. Earlier on, the advocates of polygamy, even though they do not practice it in that compound, for lack of a better term. This group or other groups, they are caught up in this now. Thats right. This is not a place that people go on vacation, but these are american lives. It is alarming. I could go the political route and say this is another case for a border wall and for various security measures. Neil they were there on the other side. What this boils down to is that mexico is unable to protect their nation. They have been losing battles to the cartel. The mexican president turned him down and made it seem like business as usual. Neil it is out of control. An earlier version of columbia. Cracked down on the cartels and the all that. Violence is everywhere. Crime in mexico city itself has gone up more than 300 . Violent crime at that he is alltime highs. In five of mexicos top city. While we are for americans, in mexico, it is, place. What is going on . Women and children, you would assume would always be off limits. This seems to be more isisstyle, for lack of a better term. I feel like it seems foolish for the Mexican Government to turn down help whether it is from the u. S. Which they seem for private purposes dont want to do. Neil a good troope trigger e of a wave of people trying to get out of there. They have been unable to solve it. They need help. Neil they have not ever handed anyone. I cannot imagine anyone being surprised if this tragedy goes unsolved. It is mexico. Neil all right, congressman, thank you very much for taking the time. In the meantime, impeachment is on whether republicans like it or not. It will drag on for a while a while whether democrats like it or not. Nt to say thank you to our military Service Members at home and abroad for all their hard work and sacrifice. We all sleep easier knowing youre out there keeping us safe. And on a personal note. Sfx jet engines. I just needed to get that off my chest. 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Who do you trust . Apparently not the people that are running the impeachment trial. Little or no faith in the process regardless of whether or not they think the president should stay or go. Lifelong democrat very worried for her party. Right . You are frantic. I am frantic. I am not spirit neil what is going on here . There does seem to be a comfortable amount of cynicism and the progress. What do you of that . This poll is showing that the majority of people dont believe in the government and the process anymore. This is a big risk to the democrats, because if they are seen as excluding the system. They are risking losing this election. They are risking losing and upsetting the middle, the moderates just to appease the left and the extremists in their party. Both sides are guilty of trying to appease the extremists of their party. Democrats cannot really afford to do that right now. Neil when you look at what is going on they left the Robert Mueller probe stuff that they promised would be the epicenter of this probe and latched on to ukraine. That looks very transparent, right there. Im just wondering why they are not even feigning Robert Mueller related stuff instead of all the stuff. Right. We talked about it. Investigation after investigation it lets you control the messaging and the megaphone. But then, when they overreached, parties are guilty of overreaching. They got very excited with the ukraine. They felt that they could take a gamble. That is when i lost the trough of the public and probably their own party. Neil do you worry that it gets delayed enough now they still have this time for hearings and votes done in committees and out of committees by thanksgiving, and then by christmas. And now it is pushed back to st. Patricks day. It is out of control, right . Then youre competing with your own president ial selection process. The question is, was it wrong . Did he do something wrong . If he did something wrong, can he be impeached . If the answers are no, then where have the democrats been . The party does not look so good and they have lost a metal, moderate, and they lost 2020. They are not seen as carrying about justice. That does not look good for any party. Neil so youre voting for President Trump . No, no, im hoping that democrats focus on the important things. Neil to tweet or not to tweet, that is the question. Who will follow his lead . [woman] with my shark, i deep clean messes like this, this, and even this. But i dont have to clean this, because the selfcleaning brush roll removes hair while i clean. [announcer] shark, the vacuum that deep cleans now cleans itself. Neil twitter it might be ending all political ads, but that does not mean that its abandoning all but to tickle tweets or one particular guy that sends out lots of tweets. President trump is still tweeting by the thousands since taking office. President ial tweets will continue no matter who has that office. He started something here and it isnt going to end with him or anyone else. Democratic strategist and turning point usas charlie. Charlie, i will begin with you appeared what you make of what he has started . No future president will ever stop. I think he has changed the game in the modern social media era for the better. President roosevelt used radio. Jfk used tv. President trump used twitter to get his message out. Politicians are not transparent. While the positives of President Trumps use of social media is that hes able to get his thoughts out without having his thoughts be misrepresented by a media that has proven to be tilted in one direction and a determined to try to destroy this presidency. Neil if you think about it, kevin, the future democratic president s or even republicans down the road, they probably would appreciate bypassing the media. Every president the left right has had some problems with the media that i can recall. They might appreciate the strategy of going over the medias head. What he think . That is true, but i think that President Trump is an example of how it not to use twitter. Neil do not use big words on this show. Creator or their starter, but it is really not true. Barack obama had an account before him. He broke fundraising records using twitter and other social media at records. The fact is that Donald Trumps tweets have alienated him from his supporters and people who may be willing to support him. It is also undermined his staff and undermined agencies that are afraid to put out statements because they do not know if he will tweet something at 3 00 in the morning that will go against what they say. It is a powerful tool. I think he has used it effectively sometimes. Most of the time, i think it goes against what he is trying to do. Neil all right, emily, my biggest fear is a result of what the president started. He has made it acceptable to fire someone via tweet. I am always checking my bosses twitter. Oh, my gosh, they key still works. I am just wondering, what has changed in our culture as a result . Barack obama is a good example. Barack obama no one was under the illusion that it was him behind the keyboard talking into the phone. Those are press releases. Neil not all the time. Not all of them are his. No, no, no. They were always from the press office with a Communications Team approving them. Someone is doing this differently is alexandria ocasiocortez. We will never see a politician tweeting like donald trump does. It is singular to his personality. Aoc is using twitter casually in her own residence not approved by the press team. That is the future. Neil it is not the quantity, it is the quality or the Surgical Strike nature. Does the president risk overdoing it . I understand the strategy for doing it. He feels that he does not get a fair shake in the media. He will be the intermediary. What you think . His followers have grown dramatically since election day on twitter alone. Going back to one of my previous points and talking about alexandria ocasiocortez, other politicians are following in his footsteps using social media for breaking news and going to social media by committing the news cycle. I think that people are going just trustful for washington, d. C. President trump used twitter the day before the election the way he used it the day after the election and today. I think he does deserve credit for consistency, something that you dont always see when politicians go to washington, d. C. , washington, d. C. Neil all right, guys. We shall see. Thank you very, very much. It is wednesday. It has to be louisiana for the third time in less than a week. I president ial rally with a crowd already over the top. St. , and my lack of impulse control, is about to become your problem. Ahh no, come on. I saw you eating poop earlier. Hey my focus is on the road, and thats saving me cash with drivewise. Whos the dummy now . Whoof whoof so get allstate where good drivers save 40 for avoiding mayhem, like me. Sorry hes a baby when you look at the world, what do you see . Where others see chaos, we see patterns. Connections. Relationships. When you use location technology, you can see where things happen, before they happen. With esri location technology, you can see what others cant. Colon Cancer Screening for people 50 and older at average risk. I took your advice and asked my doctor to order cologuard, that noninvasive colon Cancer Screening test. The delivery guy just dropped it off. Our doctor says it uses advanced science. 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Tie his opponent to the Democrat Impeachment inquiry, using words very similar to what the president has been using, witch hunt and whatnot. You can expect to hear a lot of that tonight. Remember, this is the only second rally that he has held. This has been a lot of rallies over the course of just the last seven days, but the frequency of these rallies is only going to pick up, neil. He told me that he would love to see two to three rallies a day as we get closer and closer to election day. Neil. Neil thank you very much. He certainly has no problems. I mean much more than a room. Usually packs. Whats going on in the market today . Waiting to see if and when we get a china trade deals signed. Hope was by next week, now, by next month. We shall see. Here comes the five. Juan hello everyone. Im juan along with kennedy, jesse watters, dana. This is the five. Juan brandnew developments in the brutal murder in mexico. The suspect had two hostages bound and gagged as well as an Assault Rifle and bullet proof suv. We are also learning more about how this could have

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