Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your World With Neil Cavuto 2019100

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your World With Neil Cavuto 20191009 20:00:00

no income verification, no appraisal, and no points. >> donald trump has violated his oath of office, betrayed this nation and committed impeachable acts. you know? he should be impeached. >> neil: now no doubt from joe, trying to deal with the president a blow and a big one. welcome everybody, i a neil cavuto and this is "your world." joe biden calling for the president to be impeached and it's the first time a democratic presidential hopeful has gone this far. he calls it once again illegitimate. with acting attorney general matthew whitaker on what he
makes to of it. >> neal, good afternoon. joe biden is going all in calling for the 45th president impeachment. >> in his actions, president trump has indicted himself by obstructing justice and refusing to comply with a congressional inquiry. he's already convicted himself. >> republicans here on capitol hill say democrats should have a fair process. >> if it's to be fair, >> that puts rights and procedures in place for the minority has rights and the president and his team has input into these process. >> things will really heat up when the entire congress is back. >> neil: let's go to the white house, the president is
taking questions on this dangerous situation in turkey. >> president trump: their bitter enemies have always been and possibly always will be. so we are out of there, we've been out of there for a while, no soldiers whatsoever. they are taking some of the most dangerous isis fighters out and have taken them out and are putting them in different locations. secure. in addition, the kurds are watching, and if the kurds are watching then turkey will watch because they don't want those people out anymore than we do. we've taken a a number of isis fighters that are particularly bad and wanted to make sure that nothing happens to them and i think we are doing a great job. i think the people in this country campaigned on endless wars, all over the country fighting wars. half the wars nobody knows what they are doing over there and i feel that we are doing the right
thing and i think the country feels that too. we've had tremendous support outside of the washington area, and even the washington people are saying, we are doing the right thing. at the same time we are dealing with both sides and we will see what we can do. >> since then it appears that there have been casualties on that side of. are you concerned about escalation and are you concerned that erdogan will wipe out the kurds? >> president trump: i will wipe out his economy if that happens, i've already done it once. i hope he will act rationally. you do have to understand they've been fighting each other for many, many decades. and it's time for the americans and we did a great job. we took care of isis, and i
believe it was 97 and 96% and that last three or four was the hardest part. they told me it would take a year or two years to do it and i did it in a month. and we did it two weeks, through two months. we've been watching over a lot, watching over the prisoners, some very bad people. so some of those people we have already taken. many of them came from europe, but they should go back to germany, france, and i spoke with boris johnson, and they came from various parts of europe. they didn't come from our
country, we said to france and germany, we said to various countries in europe, we would like people to take you back. well we don't want them, we don't want them, and we said we don't want them either but somebody has to watch over them. we did you a favor, take your people back. they didn't want to take them back. i give them one chance, another chance, i give them a third chance and even a fourth chance. not that i blame them too much, they are used to this with the united states, taking advantage of the united states whether it's trade or nato, they take advantage of the united states. but we think that maybe the kurds will do the job and if not the kurds then maybe turkey will do the job. but we have thousands of people. i don't know if you know that, we have thousands of captured
fighters, thousands and tens of thousands of family members. and we did a big favor to a lot of countries, and those countries didn't want to take them back so that's the way go goes. >> if isis fighters escape and pose a threat elsewhere, -- >> they will be escaping to europe, that's what they want to go. europe didn't want them for months. they could have bad trials were done whatever they wanted but as usual it's not reciprocal. you know my favorite word, reciprocal. that's all i want. and it's not reciprocal, steve. it's not a fair deal for the united states. when president obama took the pk k, they are mortal enemies of turkey and so when you bring them into a partnership, it's a tough situation. they've hated each other for
many, many years. for hundreds of years. it's amazing when you look at history and you look at culture but you look at the links of the time and the fighting for so long. so we imposed our self into it. i said it yesterday, the single worst country the united states -- if you take a look at what we are doing with countries and the relationships we have a countries, but may be putting it a different way. the worst mistake that the united states has ever made in my opinion was going into the middle east. it is a quagmire. we are up close to $8 trillion and we are bringing our folks back home. we have great talented military, and our military has never been stronger. but we are now acting as police. we are policing areas and doing jobs that other countries should be doing. we are doing jobs frankly that
europe should be doing, that russia should be doing, that iran should be doing, that iraq, turkey and syria should be doing. they should be doing this, we shouldn't be doing it, we are 7,000 miles away. >> mr. graham is talking about imposing economic sanctions, what do you think about that? >> president trump: i already told that to president erdogan, far more than sanctions. lindsay and i feel differently. i think lindsey would like to stay there for the next 200 years and then add maybe a couple hundred thousand people every place but i disagree with lindsay on that. i will tell you i disagree on sanctions but i think much tougher on sanctions. i have gotten him to stop from virtually the first day i was in office, but they wanted to fight and that's the way it is. and they've done it for so long.
>> so what is as humane a way as possible? >> president trump: we will have to define that as we go along. if you listen to erdogan, he wants to have people go back to where they came from and go back to syria. right now he is holding millions of people that would be all over the place if he wasn't holding them so he wants to repatriate, he wants them to go back into the area that he's looking at. but we will see how he does it. he could do it in a soft matter or a very tough matter but if he does it that way he will pay a big economic price. >> in a letter that you sent up to nancy pelosi, you appeared to declare war on the impeachment inquiry. can you tell us in your words why it's incumbent on the house to hold the boat and authorize the inquiry, and if they were to hold the vote and it were to be positive, would you then cooperate?
>> let me say that the republican party -- of the president and the republican party has been treated very badly by the democrats. because they have a tiny marriagmarginin the house and te eviscerated the rules, they haven't given us any fair play -- it's the most unfair situation people have seen. no lawyers, you can't have lawyers, you can't speak, you virtually can't do anything. then on top of that you have a guy named schiff and nancy pelosi knows this because she's just as guilty as he is. so you have -- i mean perfect. but they don't read that. he defrauded the american public and he gave his own words. mark meadows is here, and honestly mark ike can say that you didn't believe it when you heard it.
many of the people that we work with including democrats have never heard anything like that. he made up a phone call. he spoke about it a day too early. they heard a whistle-blower that came out with a false story. people say it was fairly close, it wasn't close at all but the whistle-blower report no relationship to the caller. we had a transcribed call done by professionals. and it was a perfect call, but schiff made it up. then we found out the whistle-blower was in cahoots with shift. then the whistle-blower is working with one of my opponents as a democrat that i may end up running against. the whole thing is a scam, its effects. we wrote a letter yesterday and it probably ends up being a big supreme court case. but the republican party has been treated unbelievably badly and unfairly by the democrats.
>> what of about the vote in the full house and authorized, would you cooperate? >> they would do, it just depends. but all of these crazy things, and even some of the reporters say it's not an unfair situation. they ask all the questions and then for instance, the ambassador that testified was a fine gentleman. he gave great testimony for us. but we don't get to do any of that or show any of that. so they brought out only the negative things, all which were knocked out by his other statements. it was a great witness for us, but if you would have listened to them it would have been a better witness for them. it wasn't even close. he was a fine gentleman and we saw that and, we said that was very unfair. >> there are reports that the chinese are lowering their expectations for a trade deal.
how are you also lower your expectations? >> president trump: i don't think so. i think they feel i'm driving a tough bargain but i have to. you know better than anybody, you do a good job over there, i watch you a lot. we are so far down in terms of where we started from presidents that didn't do their job for many years, since the world trade organization founding. in 2001 or so. china won, and it ripped off the world. i told that to president xi, i said this can't be a 50/50 deal because in a 50/50 deal, you are up there and we are down here. so the 50/50 deal doesn't work. you have to have a little balance, this has to be a better deal from the standpoint. and i think they fully understand it. one of the really good meetings i had today was with our people on opioids and drugs and fentanyl, and fentanyl in particular with respect to your
question. they said chinese leadership has a lot of respect for our president. and they are really being much more careful, it's a much different situation. we have some great drug numbers. if you are down 15, 16, 20 or 25%, it's still horrible what's going on in this country and the whole world. i think they have a lot of respect for us and it's a first time that you have ever respected us. i think china has a lot of respect for me and our country and what we are doing and i think they can't believe what they have gotten away with for so many years. >> is it wrong to be putting pressure on the nba? speak to the nba is a different thing. i watched this guy, steve kerr, he was so scared. he was like a little boy, he didn't know how to answer the question and he was shaking. he talked about the united states very badly. i watched popovich do the same
thing but he wasn't quite as scared. they talk badly about the united states but when they talk about china, they don't want to say anything bad. i thought it was pretty sad actually. it will be very interesting. >> are you okay then with the chinese government pressuring the nba over hong kong? >> president trump: they have to work out their own situation. the nba knows what they are doing. but i watch the way that kerr and popovich and others were pandering to china and yet to our own country, it's like they don't respect it. it's like they don't respect it. i said, what a difference, isn't that sad? to me it's very sad. >> mr. president joe biden came out for the first time today and said you should be impeached, your response? >> president trump: well, he's falling like a rock. we have him on tape with corruption. he's getting the prosecutor for -- i guess it was $2 billion, saying we are not
going to give the $2 billion or whatever the amount was. and then he says, lo and behold the prosecutor is gone. and that was the prosecutor -- 1.2 billion, not a lot of money. then, his son takes out 1.5 billion from china. by the way, the 50,000 per month he was getting looks like 168,000 split among him and somebody else. and also there's a payment of about $3 million to his son. his son just got thrown out of the navy. so, biden is dropping like a rock and i don't think he's going to make it. i didn't think he was going to make it for a long time and i guess this is when we can do it. he sees what's happening to him and he is no longer the front runner. but look, i feel badly for him because i know he's going through a lot. he has been hit and he has been caught red-handed. here is the man who is on tape
saying exactly what he's going to do in terms of corruption and he gets away with it. did that ever happened to a republican -- if that happened to a republican, they would be getting the electric chair right now. it's a whole different standard. what joe biden said on tape, this isn't like, gee whiz, we think. the fake media doesn't want to play the tape. they hardly play it. so i feel that it's too bad what is happening to him. he's thinking and his campaign is sinking. we look at the kind of numbers that his son who is at best incompetent. he got thrown out of the navy. i don't even want to say why. the subject that we just discussed. i don't want to say why. all of a sudden he's making a deal with the ukraine where they are getting 168,000 per month between the two of them? 168,000 and he gets payments
with all this money coming out. the kid hasn't no expertise or energy, you and i both know much more than he does. and then you walk into china and a couple days later, ten days later to be exact gets $1.5 billion out of china and he has no expertise and i have friends that are the smartest people on wall street and they say it's not possible. it's a pretty sad situation. >> i wanted to clarify something you said earlier. if lucy holds a vote on the floor for impeachment and commits to the rules of previous impeachment proceedings, -- >> president trump: if the rules are fair because i don't know exactly the definition. republicans get a fair shake, because republicans -- we were very nice to them. when paul ryan was the speaker, he really wouldn't give subpoenas. i'm not saying good, bad or
indifferent, here is a man who knows it very well. they go in with all of the corruption that they'd been reading about and all the things they've done wrong with comey and all of these people. when we wanted a subpoena, it was very hard to get it. nancy pelosi issued subpoenas, come on in and get them. gives them to nadler, this guy is one crooked guy. but yet, made up my phone call. in the united states congress, he made up my phone call. and i had people say, i didn't like the way you talked to the ukrainian president. i said did you read my speech? no, i heard schiff. let me see what he said, a lot of people saw that. and frankly, i don't know if anybody would have noticed or called him out. he took my really, believe it or
not, congenial and gentle words and made it sound like a tyrant. he defrauded the american public. honestly, i don't know what can happen but there are those that say he should be prosecuted for what he did. he should certainly be impeached but he should be prosecuted for what he did. i think he's a very bad leader of this movement. >> there is a new report out today that the whistle-blower said the white house officials came to him and said you committed a crime on that call. did any white house official express any concern to you or speak to you about that phone call? >> president trump: it's all a big con. the phone call, you have it. the transcript, you have it. what happened is if they would have seen the transcript early they wouldn't have had a whistle-blower because he wouldn't have said there was nothing he could say. all you could do is read the transcript, very calm. what's even more important than the transcript, because it was
really plain-vanilla, no emotion, no nothing. these are democrats headed up by a democrat lawyer. and even the world. the world is watching and they get it better than a lot of other people. and all you have to do is read the transcript. the president, he didn't even know what they were talking about. the foreign minister of the ukraine, there was no pressure.
and when you see what the whistle-blower said about the phone call, and i don't know another person that defraud the american person. >> the administration tried to bury that transcript -- >> president trump: i know, i'm not my lawyer. i assume this, i assume it was for leaks. and i've read that, and it doesn't seem like it's a big deal. we gave over that transcript just immediately, and only been doing that for three weeks. we gave that transcript up almost immediately. they heard schiff's phony
version, and i'd like to find, the whistle-blower and hearing about the conversation, the conversation was i think a perfect conversation. if that person exists, i'm not sure that person exists. i think it's important to find out who that person is, because you could have a spy. and we are negotiating with china and syria, and, i want to be free to make calls. i don't mind a misinterpretati misinterpretation. this is a fraud.
that bore no resemblance to what the call was. >> can we go back to the conversation from boris johnson, and american diplomats, and what did you decide? >> and it's quite a subject. a terrible accident, and a young man was killed on his motorcyc motorcycle. sounds like instantly killed. the woman the woman through diplomatic immunity left the u.k. to come back to the americas and what i'm going to try to do and see, i understand
where the people from the u.k. are. i was telling boris, we have a lot of americans that they sighed on the fact that you have two wonderful parents that lost their son. and that can happen. those are the opposite roads that have been. you get used to driving on a system and then all of a sudden on the other system, it happens, you have to be careful. a young man was killed. the person that was driving and as diplomatic community. we are going to speak to her very shortly and to see if we can do something. it was an accident. >> we are wanting to speak to her and we are going to see the
person driving the car. we will speak to her and see what we can come up with so that we can see some healing. there is tremendous anger over it and i understand that from the other side. >> were you in fact interviewing him for the position of the fbi, and rod rosenstein potentially becoming special counsel? >> president trump: to your second question, absolutely not and i had no idea he was doing that. second question he absolutely wanted to become the fbi director. i've been there for i believe it was 12 years and i said no. and it has since been proven that i was right.
and he was one of the people. >> that the potential conflict of interest? >> president trump: i knew about it but i wasn't going to accept him. that may have been one of the reasons. and we had a business dispute, and they had at least three basic conflicts of interest. we had a business dispute, and yet they say nobody respects the fbi more than i do. and i think if you took a vote in the fbi, they are a vast majority. this leadership turned out to be a disaster for this country, when you look at peter strzok
and lisa page and the insurance policy. you know she's going to win but just in case she doesn't we have an insurance policy. i turned him very nice respectively down, the other elements of your question, i never heard that until just recently when it's being reported. >> with china, are you optimistic there will be some sort of deal? >> president trump: i'm very happy right now. we are taking in billions of dollars of tariffs and despite what the news was saying, there is no inflation, and there is not a big price increase if any because they have eaten the tariffs. they have lost three and a half billion jobs and their chain is breaking up. at the supply chain is breaking up like a broken egg.
they want to make a deal. the question is, do we want to make a deal? the answer would be if we make the right deal, i would love to do it. >> they seem to be reluctant to make concessions on the ip. >> president trump: there are so many false reports, everyone is trying to guess. there's really only two people that matter on this one and that is president xi, and myself. we get along very well. i can imagine he likes me the way he did when i first became president because it has been a rough time for china. china has gone down many trillions of dollars, and we have gone up many trillions of dollars. since i've been elected, many trillions of dollars have increased the value of -- if you call it value, worth or value of our country, would increase not just the stock market but i'm talking our country. our economy is bigger and stronger. i believe if my opponent had gotten me and we would have had
a tremendous slide. there was euphoria when i got elected. we picked up a tremendous amount from the 9th of november and china wants to make a deal very badly. and if we want to make a deal, we want to make a deal. there is a very good chance. >> have you spoken at all mr. president about the incoming horwitz and inspector general report? >> we are a very highly principled man, and i did say 78 reports of the total kill. and i said that was horrible for
comey. but he was a highly principled man and we are living it up to them. >> >> president trump: he's been telling me that for two and a half years. he's ready to do it. they've been fighting for so many -- this is like israel and palestinians. maybe the hatred is even greater, is that possible? maybe not. this is a very, very serious hatred that has come over many years. >> the u.s. helped defeat isis, and by allowing this defensive, will this be more difficult in future times of deed to develop
alliances? >> president trump: it won't be at all. alliances are very easy. but our alliances have taken advantage of us. and it's a much bigger beneficiary than we are. our alliances in many cases have taken tremendous advantage of us. i got them to pay a hundred billion dollars more. the secretary general came out with a report recently that, because of president trump, the other countries, 27 not including us, they made it $100 billion more. so i'm very happy with that. but the united states is paying over 4% and germany is paying 1%. maybe a tiny bit more, but that might be the way you calculate it because you can look at it many ways and it's probably less
than 1%. france is paying less than what they are supposed to. out of the 28 countries, 20 of them are delinquent. you know what delinquent means, it's a hold of real estate term. he's delinquent with his rent or delinquent with their payments. the os a tremendous amount of money and they never pay us back because if germany doesn't pay, they don't add that up, they just say, that's okay. if they go back that way like the old-fashioned way, they don't pay and they just go into the next year. there was hundreds of billions of dollars. so i don't look at it that way. now, the kurds are fighting for their land. as someone wrote, in a very powerful article today, they don't help us in the second road. they mention names of different battles and they are there to help us with their land and that is a different thing.
in addition to that we have spent tremendous amounts of money on helping the kurds in terms of a munitions and weapons, in terms of money and in terms of pay. with all of that being said, we like the kurds. different factions in there and again, we have pkk which is a different faction. and they worked with us. we have spent a tremendous -- and we are fighting for their land. when they say we are fighting with us, yes. and the military-industrial complex, take a look at the white eisenhower. they've got tremendous power. they like fighting. they make a lot of money when they fight. but it's time to bring our soldiers back home so i see and i will tell you, the hardest thing i have to do by far, much
harder than witch hunt, and signing letters to parents of soldiers that have been killed. it's not only that, but areas where there is not a lot of upside, if any upside at all. in many cases there is no upside. in many times that soldier is killed in a blue on green attack which is the soldier being trained. he takes the gun and he turns it and we have many of them in afghanistan, and in particular in afghanistan. each letter is different, we make each letter different. last week i signed five of them for afghanistan, one in iraq and one in syria from two weeks ago. and sometimes i call the parents, sometimes i see the
parents. i go to dover when i can but, it's so devastating for the parents, that it is -- it's so devastating. when they bring that boy or young woman out of the back of those big powerful planes in a coffin, and the parents are there, they have people that do that. they work and they accommodate everybody. they do an incredible job and they said, the parents seem to be okay. i will get there early. the parents seem to be okay. well actually sir, they -- >> the way they are talking, they seem okay. >> server, you never know until the back of that massive cargo plane opens up, and they walked down holding a coffin with four or five great soldiers on either side of it.
they are smiling and saying, mr. president, thank you for being here. then 20 minutes later we will be outside when a big plane pulls up and that door comes down, and they are walking the coffin, with their boy inside this coffin with an american flag over the top and they are walking that coffin down this ramp. and i've seen people that i thought were really incredible. i didn't even understand how they could take it so well. they would scream, like i'd never seen anything before. sometimes they run to the coffin. they will break through military barriers come the run to the coffin and jump on top of the coffin. and this is on these endless wars that just never stop.
there's a time and there is a place, but it's time to stop. just to finish, last friday i went to walter reed and i gave out five purple hearts to incredible young men in this case. they took a beating. beautiful people. they took a beating. one couldn't be there because the beating was so great that he was in a totally different part of the world. he lost an arm and a leg. he had damaged beyond even with these young folks went through. but for me it's very hard when i see that. it's easy to talk tough, tough guys. all these tough guys, let's keep fighting. they had to go to walter reed where they do unbelievable work. i have to tell you, these doctors are unbelievable. it's easy to say, they are best in the world and i've never seen
anything like it. one young man last week had his nose rebuilt and they said it was in a thousand pieces. and i said so where were you hurt? and he said, my face, sir, was almost obliterated. and i said, you have a better face than i do. and he said sir, i had a doctor who was unbelievable. and they put it together. he set a thousand fragments and i don't know if that's possible but, a thousand fragments and they put it together. and his father came up to me and said you are not going to believe this. my son did not have a great looking nose and now his nose is better. so it's amazing. you see these purple hearts, and again, the doctors and the people do at walter reed, that's something to be commended. thank you all very much. thank you.
it's been one of the president dealing with a wide range of issues ending on why he is for getting our troops out of northern syria right now. a thousand strong and that leaves the kurds exposed and the president was addressing that in concerns that the turks under president erdogan will lead card ranch against them. loyal allies of ours in the fight against isis and the president essentially saying by visiting so many of our men and women who have been badly wounded and many killed in battle, and their families, that enough is enough. this is a response to america being involved in too many and too involved wars over the years. he is watching turkey very closely he says and there will be economic hell to pay if they go too far. in the case of china, he was also talking about the progress of trade talks that commences tomorrow and he's optimistic they will do well. again he is sticking to the grounds that he is back and forth on a limited deal, the whole deal, but he saying we will see what happens.
the chinese have already had lowered expectations earlier in the day and they were heightened expectations, and maybe they will agree on some broad parameters. those are some tires that are scheduled to kick in on october 15. the biggest issue and the one that dominated the most time not surprisingly, impeachment and the fact that joe biden made news saying formally, it is time to impeach the president of the united states. the president saying that all of this without a formal impeachment inquiry to kick off, he did not necessarily telegraph that even if nancy pelosi were to start that process, that he would necessarily cooperate because he thinks it tips the stack against him. with us now patiently waiting is matthew whitaker. general, great to have you. >> inks for having me. >> neil: on the impeachment issue, the president is hinting that he might have flexibility
not to cooperate, given that it is a stacked deck against him. what are the requirements there? right now he's bypassing subpoenas and demands for people to testify including the european union ambassador and he sticking to that. >> if you read the document that the white house counsel sent to speaker pelosi outlining what a fair process and what precedent would suggest shouldn't have i e been, they aren't following the president of any previous impeachments and really it's not fair and impartial. one of the tenets of american jurisprudence, which is supposed to be because i proved to make judicial procedure has been fair and partisan. >> so just voting for an inquiry. the boats are here and that's not enough to change the
president? >> obviously i can't speak for under what conditions the president might cooperate but fundamentally, this has to be a proceeding where the american people can hear the evidence. one of the most frustrating things for me is how this whistle-blower who is characterizing the evidence and created essentially a secondhand interpretation of this phone call that we have the primary evidence for, somehow has given any kind of weight in this whole proceeding. i read the transcript of the phone call and the department of justice has looked at it and said no crime was committed for the president. to some extent it feels like the democrats and at the house are by selectively leaking out and otherwise providing the evidence that they are trying to put their thumb on the scale of what is so inconsistent with the american legal tradition of fairness and impartiality. i would expect that until the president feels that it's a fair process that he can defend
himself with all of the evidence and what he outlined in this press conference, the ambassador that gave a full deposition, not just a couple lines, would be exerted. the entire interview would be provided to the american people's they could judge. as i watched it play out, i think nancy pelosi has been very unfair to the president and i don't know why the white house would cooperate at this point. >> there is a growing willingness to have an impeachment inquiry. not necessarily impeachment but inquiry including 3 out of 10 republicans who feel that way. what did you think of that? >> i was surprised. i did not hear people talking about impeachment especially republicans except in a very negative sense. what i hear them say is let's get the keeping the economy
strong and, all these kinds of things. gun violence is obviously important to people and the house seems completely focused. at least six committees have been working on some form of this impeachment. when i talk to republicans in iowa generally and places in the world world, what i hear them say is not that impeachment is the focus but making sure that this great run of the economy we've had under president trump is sustainable into the future for everyone. >> neil: you the former acting attorney general has been exploring and going around the world, trying to ferret out the corruption and the like and it might involve the cases involving joe biden or his son, hunter. on any level even if it might not be a high crime or misdemeanor, does that not make you uncomfortable? >> i think bill barr is probably one of the most experienced and
really respectable attorney general's we hadn't some time. in this regard. he has done it before, he's not trying to impress anybody, he's just doing the job. i think getting to the job of thbottom to the origins is very important. speak to you seek out whatever you find out but if it involves someone who could potentially be the president's opponent in the next election, it is involving a sovereign nation in what could be another u.s. election. on that level, it doesn't make you uncomfortable? >> there are several issues that get modeled here. i think the other issue is being against corruption worldwide and i've spoken many times about this. in order for the entire world to be successful and be more cohesive, places like the former soviet eastern bloc of countries, the ukraine and, the balkans and others need to rule
out corruption in their political systems. ukraine is a prime example where depending on who the ruling party is and what the sphere of influence is, they try to curry favor with those people. i think it's a very legitimate inquiry to look at, not the kind of why a hunter biting and what extremes he had to come in to receive all this money from ukraine. he should be prosecuted for all those things said and done. >> i think the statement he made were he essentially paraphrased of the president's phone call which was inconsistent with what the actual text of the phone call was a deplorable act. i was surprised and a member of congress -- we want you would assume that what he was saying was -- >> you would assume what he was reading line by line was a transcript and then we found out it wasn't at all. and that persuaded some people. >> i wouldn't want to cooperate with a person like that. and this needs to be a fair and
impartial process and the house democrats are not delivering that. matthew whitaker with the take on all of this from the rnc chair woman. tom perez, we were told he was unavailable but, hope springs eternal. ron, it's very good to have you. joe biden was saying what the impeachment began because this president should be impeached, what do you think? >> obviously the president shouldn't be impeached but i think the president is exactly right in putting this letter forward and saying, where his due process? the house of representatives is now essentially running an impeachment process without following the president, without allowing the president to have counsel, without allowing the president to allow or call witnesses or have subpoena power. even in a court of law in our country if you are accused of something you are allowed to
defend yourself. how can nancy pelosi and the democrats go back to the their constituents, and there is a growing willingness to at least consider an impeachment inquiry. that's the step before you got to it outright. it was shared by 3 out of 10 republicans, what do you make of that? >> i see it differently in these battleground districts where people are very much against the impeachment inquiry but you know it has been in the news constantly. you have some biased media. i was listening to another station today that was not talking about the fact that this is against precedent, they haven't had the boat and it's not talking about due process. i think of a lot of americans are confused by what's going on but at the end of the day, attorney general whitaker was correct. people want to see usmca pass. >> neil: but if we do have a process and do get a formal vote on inquiry, that's a different
matter? because the president seem to indicate that he doesn't necessarily think he should still cooperate with what is a stacked deck system. what do you think of that? >> i'm not going to speak in advance of the president but i am concerned that the whistle-blower did not disclose to the idea that he had previously met with adam schiff and his staff. we need to get to the bottom of the whistle-blower is that apparently worked with the 2020 candidates. what adam schiff has done lying on tv, saying he didn't talk to the whistle-blower when clearly his staff did talk to the whistle-blower and then that very false statement that he started his proceedings with trying to mislead the american public. there is nothing more critical that they can do aside from sending men and women to war the nullifying an election and impeaching a president. the way democrats have started this has been with such partisanship, vitriol and dishonesty that i don't know how you can participate in this type of proceeding. >> neil: i know you are the rnc chair but you are also the
niece of mitt romney, romney, who is concerned by some of the things that he sees going around the president. the president responded to this concern, and mitt romney's criticism saying, he never knew how to win. saying to your uncle, he is pompous and fighting me from the beginning except for when he begged me for my endorsement. when he begged me to be secretary of state, i didn't give it to him. what did you think of all that? >> i think they may not be sending each other christmas cards this year, no love lost. but, this is what your uncle was talking about and he called and asked. >> it has gone both ways. i'm not getting in the middle, they are perfectly capable of conveying what they think to
each other. what i will say is as the chair of the republican party, the party has 94% approval. if they want to see this president reelected and they know he has increase wages and brought jobs and that is what i see overwhelmingly as they travel the country. >> neil: i'm pushing my time here and they are going to kick me but have you talked to your uncle since this happened? >> no i haven't. very good to see you. in the meantime, it's turkey and syria and panic setting in among republicans and democrats who are saying come at this time the president might be going too far in pulling out. stay with us. >> we are not giving turkey a green light in congress and we are not going to abandon the kurds. if the president does so, we won't. >> president trump: i think lindsey would like to stay there for the next 200 years and maybe
add a couple hundred thousand people every place but i disagree with lindsay on that. [son]: who are you talking to? [son]: that guy's scary. the first item on the list is selecting a chairman for the... for the advisory board what's this? as well as use the remaining... child care options run out. lifetime retirement income from tiaa doesn't. guaranteed monthly income for life. the best of pressure cooking and air frying now in one pot, and with tendercrisp technology, you can cook foods that are crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. the ninja foodi pressure cooker, the pressure cooker that crisps.
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>> neil: all right turkey says its military assault has now begun. of course, that there are reports of those killed by turkish warplanes striking areas controlled by the kurdish, the president defending taking u.s. troops out of the region. in fact, he said the visits to those who lost children in battle and those severely injured justifies ending this constant american wars that don't end. the intelligence officer don bremmer, what did you think of the president's take on there? >> it was an interesting statement and in some point emotional when the president was talking about going to dover and going to visit our injured and our fallen troops. and having served in iraq, i have experienced it, lost friends, family members and it is a very painful, hard thing to experience.
and something even our foundation we continue to do to this day. so i understand where he's coming from come of it but that does not neglect we have a responsibility to our friends and our allies. speed six, so i think that is what you are implying here, we are sending just the wrong message to our allies and potenl allies, right? >> the kurds for example, they have been an ally for some reason keeps on forgiving. we have a abandoned them more than once in history. they have been sitting by us and also 11,000 of their own forces in this battle against isis. most important thing about this is that entire region is extremely fragile. and as these kurdish soldiers abandoned the prisons to go fight for themselves, they are leaving the camp unguarded. that is one of the fears that i have, these prison camps, isis fighters, you know there's a potential for a large prison break.
everything that the prison has accomplished to go away in a heartbeat. >> neil: so what happens now? the president has made it clear that certainly when the military response to turks to overdo it, overdoes it, that an entire economic hell to pay and may be sanctions, may be much worse but what do you think of that? >> the president certainly has a lot at his disposal. the one thing i do heed, we have threatened in the past, just earlier this year when the turks taught the missiles, the sanctions, and that didn't do us any good. and how will does they take a serious? we have seen that with the president and what he has his bounty. >> neil: up to your point with the russians, vladimir putin, do you think that speeds up now? >> i think it is already at a very high pace.
and reporting a lot of allies from the chinese and possibly even hamas. he has helped the iranians hide a lot of money that has been frozen. so he's climbing in bed with anyone he can to better himself. >> neildo you give a thumbs up? >> a rand would like nothing more than a u.s. footprint out of syria that would allow them to establish a base they are to be closer to israel. and, a larger presence. i think the americans out of the way, it opens a floodgate of bad actors in that area. many of those people have long said that, you know, the united states, this president and even the president do not have tuesday and engage. we get tired and we get weak. i think that's what they have been waiting for it. >> neil: he could be happening as we speak. thank you very much for your

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your World With Neil Cavuto 20191009 20:00:00 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your World With Neil Cavuto 20191009 20:00:00

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no income verification, no appraisal, and no points. >> donald trump has violated his oath of office, betrayed this nation and committed impeachable acts. you know? he should be impeached. >> neil: now no doubt from joe, trying to deal with the president a blow and a big one. welcome everybody, i a neil cavuto and this is "your world." joe biden calling for the president to be impeached and it's the first time a democratic presidential hopeful has gone this far. he calls it once again illegitimate. with acting attorney general matthew whitaker on what he
makes to of it. >> neal, good afternoon. joe biden is going all in calling for the 45th president impeachment. >> in his actions, president trump has indicted himself by obstructing justice and refusing to comply with a congressional inquiry. he's already convicted himself. >> republicans here on capitol hill say democrats should have a fair process. >> if it's to be fair, >> that puts rights and procedures in place for the minority has rights and the president and his team has input into these process. >> things will really heat up when the entire congress is back. >> neil: let's go to the white house, the president is
taking questions on this dangerous situation in turkey. >> president trump: their bitter enemies have always been and possibly always will be. so we are out of there, we've been out of there for a while, no soldiers whatsoever. they are taking some of the most dangerous isis fighters out and have taken them out and are putting them in different locations. secure. in addition, the kurds are watching, and if the kurds are watching then turkey will watch because they don't want those people out anymore than we do. we've taken a a number of isis fighters that are particularly bad and wanted to make sure that nothing happens to them and i think we are doing a great job. i think the people in this country campaigned on endless wars, all over the country fighting wars. half the wars nobody knows what they are doing over there and i feel that we are doing the right
thing and i think the country feels that too. we've had tremendous support outside of the washington area, and even the washington people are saying, we are doing the right thing. at the same time we are dealing with both sides and we will see what we can do. >> since then it appears that there have been casualties on that side of. are you concerned about escalation and are you concerned that erdogan will wipe out the kurds? >> president trump: i will wipe out his economy if that happens, i've already done it once. i hope he will act rationally. you do have to understand they've been fighting each other for many, many decades. and it's time for the americans and we did a great job. we took care of isis, and i
believe it was 97 and 96% and that last three or four was the hardest part. they told me it would take a year or two years to do it and i did it in a month. and we did it two weeks, through two months. we've been watching over a lot, watching over the prisoners, some very bad people. so some of those people we have already taken. many of them came from europe, but they should go back to germany, france, and i spoke with boris johnson, and they came from various parts of europe. they didn't come from our
country, we said to france and germany, we said to various countries in europe, we would like people to take you back. well we don't want them, we don't want them, and we said we don't want them either but somebody has to watch over them. we did you a favor, take your people back. they didn't want to take them back. i give them one chance, another chance, i give them a third chance and even a fourth chance. not that i blame them too much, they are used to this with the united states, taking advantage of the united states whether it's trade or nato, they take advantage of the united states. but we think that maybe the kurds will do the job and if not the kurds then maybe turkey will do the job. but we have thousands of people. i don't know if you know that, we have thousands of captured
fighters, thousands and tens of thousands of family members. and we did a big favor to a lot of countries, and those countries didn't want to take them back so that's the way go goes. >> if isis fighters escape and pose a threat elsewhere, -- >> they will be escaping to europe, that's what they want to go. europe didn't want them for months. they could have bad trials were done whatever they wanted but as usual it's not reciprocal. you know my favorite word, reciprocal. that's all i want. and it's not reciprocal, steve. it's not a fair deal for the united states. when president obama took the pk k, they are mortal enemies of turkey and so when you bring them into a partnership, it's a tough situation. they've hated each other for
many, many years. for hundreds of years. it's amazing when you look at history and you look at culture but you look at the links of the time and the fighting for so long. so we imposed our self into it. i said it yesterday, the single worst country the united states -- if you take a look at what we are doing with countries and the relationships we have a countries, but may be putting it a different way. the worst mistake that the united states has ever made in my opinion was going into the middle east. it is a quagmire. we are up close to $8 trillion and we are bringing our folks back home. we have great talented military, and our military has never been stronger. but we are now acting as police. we are policing areas and doing jobs that other countries should be doing. we are doing jobs frankly that
europe should be doing, that russia should be doing, that iran should be doing, that iraq, turkey and syria should be doing. they should be doing this, we shouldn't be doing it, we are 7,000 miles away. >> mr. graham is talking about imposing economic sanctions, what do you think about that? >> president trump: i already told that to president erdogan, far more than sanctions. lindsay and i feel differently. i think lindsey would like to stay there for the next 200 years and then add maybe a couple hundred thousand people every place but i disagree with lindsay on that. i will tell you i disagree on sanctions but i think much tougher on sanctions. i have gotten him to stop from virtually the first day i was in office, but they wanted to fight and that's the way it is. and they've done it for so long.
>> so what is as humane a way as possible? >> president trump: we will have to define that as we go along. if you listen to erdogan, he wants to have people go back to where they came from and go back to syria. right now he is holding millions of people that would be all over the place if he wasn't holding them so he wants to repatriate, he wants them to go back into the area that he's looking at. but we will see how he does it. he could do it in a soft matter or a very tough matter but if he does it that way he will pay a big economic price. >> in a letter that you sent up to nancy pelosi, you appeared to declare war on the impeachment inquiry. can you tell us in your words why it's incumbent on the house to hold the boat and authorize the inquiry, and if they were to hold the vote and it were to be positive, would you then cooperate?
>> let me say that the republican party -- of the president and the republican party has been treated very badly by the democrats. because they have a tiny marriagmarginin the house and te eviscerated the rules, they haven't given us any fair play -- it's the most unfair situation people have seen. no lawyers, you can't have lawyers, you can't speak, you virtually can't do anything. then on top of that you have a guy named schiff and nancy pelosi knows this because she's just as guilty as he is. so you have -- i mean perfect. but they don't read that. he defrauded the american public and he gave his own words. mark meadows is here, and honestly mark ike can say that you didn't believe it when you heard it.
many of the people that we work with including democrats have never heard anything like that. he made up a phone call. he spoke about it a day too early. they heard a whistle-blower that came out with a false story. people say it was fairly close, it wasn't close at all but the whistle-blower report no relationship to the caller. we had a transcribed call done by professionals. and it was a perfect call, but schiff made it up. then we found out the whistle-blower was in cahoots with shift. then the whistle-blower is working with one of my opponents as a democrat that i may end up running against. the whole thing is a scam, its effects. we wrote a letter yesterday and it probably ends up being a big supreme court case. but the republican party has been treated unbelievably badly and unfairly by the democrats.
>> what of about the vote in the full house and authorized, would you cooperate? >> they would do, it just depends. but all of these crazy things, and even some of the reporters say it's not an unfair situation. they ask all the questions and then for instance, the ambassador that testified was a fine gentleman. he gave great testimony for us. but we don't get to do any of that or show any of that. so they brought out only the negative things, all which were knocked out by his other statements. it was a great witness for us, but if you would have listened to them it would have been a better witness for them. it wasn't even close. he was a fine gentleman and we saw that and, we said that was very unfair. >> there are reports that the chinese are lowering their expectations for a trade deal.
how are you also lower your expectations? >> president trump: i don't think so. i think they feel i'm driving a tough bargain but i have to. you know better than anybody, you do a good job over there, i watch you a lot. we are so far down in terms of where we started from presidents that didn't do their job for many years, since the world trade organization founding. in 2001 or so. china won, and it ripped off the world. i told that to president xi, i said this can't be a 50/50 deal because in a 50/50 deal, you are up there and we are down here. so the 50/50 deal doesn't work. you have to have a little balance, this has to be a better deal from the standpoint. and i think they fully understand it. one of the really good meetings i had today was with our people on opioids and drugs and fentanyl, and fentanyl in particular with respect to your
question. they said chinese leadership has a lot of respect for our president. and they are really being much more careful, it's a much different situation. we have some great drug numbers. if you are down 15, 16, 20 or 25%, it's still horrible what's going on in this country and the whole world. i think they have a lot of respect for us and it's a first time that you have ever respected us. i think china has a lot of respect for me and our country and what we are doing and i think they can't believe what they have gotten away with for so many years. >> is it wrong to be putting pressure on the nba? speak to the nba is a different thing. i watched this guy, steve kerr, he was so scared. he was like a little boy, he didn't know how to answer the question and he was shaking. he talked about the united states very badly. i watched popovich do the same
thing but he wasn't quite as scared. they talk badly about the united states but when they talk about china, they don't want to say anything bad. i thought it was pretty sad actually. it will be very interesting. >> are you okay then with the chinese government pressuring the nba over hong kong? >> president trump: they have to work out their own situation. the nba knows what they are doing. but i watch the way that kerr and popovich and others were pandering to china and yet to our own country, it's like they don't respect it. it's like they don't respect it. i said, what a difference, isn't that sad? to me it's very sad. >> mr. president joe biden came out for the first time today and said you should be impeached, your response? >> president trump: well, he's falling like a rock. we have him on tape with corruption. he's getting the prosecutor for -- i guess it was $2 billion, saying we are not
going to give the $2 billion or whatever the amount was. and then he says, lo and behold the prosecutor is gone. and that was the prosecutor -- 1.2 billion, not a lot of money. then, his son takes out 1.5 billion from china. by the way, the 50,000 per month he was getting looks like 168,000 split among him and somebody else. and also there's a payment of about $3 million to his son. his son just got thrown out of the navy. so, biden is dropping like a rock and i don't think he's going to make it. i didn't think he was going to make it for a long time and i guess this is when we can do it. he sees what's happening to him and he is no longer the front runner. but look, i feel badly for him because i know he's going through a lot. he has been hit and he has been caught red-handed. here is the man who is on tape
saying exactly what he's going to do in terms of corruption and he gets away with it. did that ever happened to a republican -- if that happened to a republican, they would be getting the electric chair right now. it's a whole different standard. what joe biden said on tape, this isn't like, gee whiz, we think. the fake media doesn't want to play the tape. they hardly play it. so i feel that it's too bad what is happening to him. he's thinking and his campaign is sinking. we look at the kind of numbers that his son who is at best incompetent. he got thrown out of the navy. i don't even want to say why. the subject that we just discussed. i don't want to say why. all of a sudden he's making a deal with the ukraine where they are getting 168,000 per month between the two of them? 168,000 and he gets payments
with all this money coming out. the kid hasn't no expertise or energy, you and i both know much more than he does. and then you walk into china and a couple days later, ten days later to be exact gets $1.5 billion out of china and he has no expertise and i have friends that are the smartest people on wall street and they say it's not possible. it's a pretty sad situation. >> i wanted to clarify something you said earlier. if lucy holds a vote on the floor for impeachment and commits to the rules of previous impeachment proceedings, -- >> president trump: if the rules are fair because i don't know exactly the definition. republicans get a fair shake, because republicans -- we were very nice to them. when paul ryan was the speaker, he really wouldn't give subpoenas. i'm not saying good, bad or
indifferent, here is a man who knows it very well. they go in with all of the corruption that they'd been reading about and all the things they've done wrong with comey and all of these people. when we wanted a subpoena, it was very hard to get it. nancy pelosi issued subpoenas, come on in and get them. gives them to nadler, this guy is one crooked guy. but yet, made up my phone call. in the united states congress, he made up my phone call. and i had people say, i didn't like the way you talked to the ukrainian president. i said did you read my speech? no, i heard schiff. let me see what he said, a lot of people saw that. and frankly, i don't know if anybody would have noticed or called him out. he took my really, believe it or
not, congenial and gentle words and made it sound like a tyrant. he defrauded the american public. honestly, i don't know what can happen but there are those that say he should be prosecuted for what he did. he should certainly be impeached but he should be prosecuted for what he did. i think he's a very bad leader of this movement. >> there is a new report out today that the whistle-blower said the white house officials came to him and said you committed a crime on that call. did any white house official express any concern to you or speak to you about that phone call? >> president trump: it's all a big con. the phone call, you have it. the transcript, you have it. what happened is if they would have seen the transcript early they wouldn't have had a whistle-blower because he wouldn't have said there was nothing he could say. all you could do is read the transcript, very calm. what's even more important than the transcript, because it was
really plain-vanilla, no emotion, no nothing. these are democrats headed up by a democrat lawyer. and even the world. the world is watching and they get it better than a lot of other people. and all you have to do is read the transcript. the president, he didn't even know what they were talking about. the foreign minister of the ukraine, there was no pressure.
and when you see what the whistle-blower said about the phone call, and i don't know another person that defraud the american person. >> the administration tried to bury that transcript -- >> president trump: i know, i'm not my lawyer. i assume this, i assume it was for leaks. and i've read that, and it doesn't seem like it's a big deal. we gave over that transcript just immediately, and only been doing that for three weeks. we gave that transcript up almost immediately. they heard schiff's phony
version, and i'd like to find, the whistle-blower and hearing about the conversation, the conversation was i think a perfect conversation. if that person exists, i'm not sure that person exists. i think it's important to find out who that person is, because you could have a spy. and we are negotiating with china and syria, and, i want to be free to make calls. i don't mind a misinterpretati misinterpretation. this is a fraud.
that bore no resemblance to what the call was. >> can we go back to the conversation from boris johnson, and american diplomats, and what did you decide? >> and it's quite a subject. a terrible accident, and a young man was killed on his motorcyc motorcycle. sounds like instantly killed. the woman the woman through diplomatic immunity left the u.k. to come back to the americas and what i'm going to try to do and see, i understand
where the people from the u.k. are. i was telling boris, we have a lot of americans that they sighed on the fact that you have two wonderful parents that lost their son. and that can happen. those are the opposite roads that have been. you get used to driving on a system and then all of a sudden on the other system, it happens, you have to be careful. a young man was killed. the person that was driving and as diplomatic community. we are going to speak to her very shortly and to see if we can do something. it was an accident. >> we are wanting to speak to her and we are going to see the
person driving the car. we will speak to her and see what we can come up with so that we can see some healing. there is tremendous anger over it and i understand that from the other side. >> were you in fact interviewing him for the position of the fbi, and rod rosenstein potentially becoming special counsel? >> president trump: to your second question, absolutely not and i had no idea he was doing that. second question he absolutely wanted to become the fbi director. i've been there for i believe it was 12 years and i said no. and it has since been proven that i was right.
and he was one of the people. >> that the potential conflict of interest? >> president trump: i knew about it but i wasn't going to accept him. that may have been one of the reasons. and we had a business dispute, and they had at least three basic conflicts of interest. we had a business dispute, and yet they say nobody respects the fbi more than i do. and i think if you took a vote in the fbi, they are a vast majority. this leadership turned out to be a disaster for this country, when you look at peter strzok
and lisa page and the insurance policy. you know she's going to win but just in case she doesn't we have an insurance policy. i turned him very nice respectively down, the other elements of your question, i never heard that until just recently when it's being reported. >> with china, are you optimistic there will be some sort of deal? >> president trump: i'm very happy right now. we are taking in billions of dollars of tariffs and despite what the news was saying, there is no inflation, and there is not a big price increase if any because they have eaten the tariffs. they have lost three and a half billion jobs and their chain is breaking up. at the supply chain is breaking up like a broken egg.
they want to make a deal. the question is, do we want to make a deal? the answer would be if we make the right deal, i would love to do it. >> they seem to be reluctant to make concessions on the ip. >> president trump: there are so many false reports, everyone is trying to guess. there's really only two people that matter on this one and that is president xi, and myself. we get along very well. i can imagine he likes me the way he did when i first became president because it has been a rough time for china. china has gone down many trillions of dollars, and we have gone up many trillions of dollars. since i've been elected, many trillions of dollars have increased the value of -- if you call it value, worth or value of our country, would increase not just the stock market but i'm talking our country. our economy is bigger and stronger. i believe if my opponent had gotten me and we would have had
a tremendous slide. there was euphoria when i got elected. we picked up a tremendous amount from the 9th of november and china wants to make a deal very badly. and if we want to make a deal, we want to make a deal. there is a very good chance. >> have you spoken at all mr. president about the incoming horwitz and inspector general report? >> we are a very highly principled man, and i did say 78 reports of the total kill. and i said that was horrible for
comey. but he was a highly principled man and we are living it up to them. >> >> president trump: he's been telling me that for two and a half years. he's ready to do it. they've been fighting for so many -- this is like israel and palestinians. maybe the hatred is even greater, is that possible? maybe not. this is a very, very serious hatred that has come over many years. >> the u.s. helped defeat isis, and by allowing this defensive, will this be more difficult in future times of deed to develop
alliances? >> president trump: it won't be at all. alliances are very easy. but our alliances have taken advantage of us. and it's a much bigger beneficiary than we are. our alliances in many cases have taken tremendous advantage of us. i got them to pay a hundred billion dollars more. the secretary general came out with a report recently that, because of president trump, the other countries, 27 not including us, they made it $100 billion more. so i'm very happy with that. but the united states is paying over 4% and germany is paying 1%. maybe a tiny bit more, but that might be the way you calculate it because you can look at it many ways and it's probably less
than 1%. france is paying less than what they are supposed to. out of the 28 countries, 20 of them are delinquent. you know what delinquent means, it's a hold of real estate term. he's delinquent with his rent or delinquent with their payments. the os a tremendous amount of money and they never pay us back because if germany doesn't pay, they don't add that up, they just say, that's okay. if they go back that way like the old-fashioned way, they don't pay and they just go into the next year. there was hundreds of billions of dollars. so i don't look at it that way. now, the kurds are fighting for their land. as someone wrote, in a very powerful article today, they don't help us in the second road. they mention names of different battles and they are there to help us with their land and that is a different thing.
in addition to that we have spent tremendous amounts of money on helping the kurds in terms of a munitions and weapons, in terms of money and in terms of pay. with all of that being said, we like the kurds. different factions in there and again, we have pkk which is a different faction. and they worked with us. we have spent a tremendous -- and we are fighting for their land. when they say we are fighting with us, yes. and the military-industrial complex, take a look at the white eisenhower. they've got tremendous power. they like fighting. they make a lot of money when they fight. but it's time to bring our soldiers back home so i see and i will tell you, the hardest thing i have to do by far, much
harder than witch hunt, and signing letters to parents of soldiers that have been killed. it's not only that, but areas where there is not a lot of upside, if any upside at all. in many cases there is no upside. in many times that soldier is killed in a blue on green attack which is the soldier being trained. he takes the gun and he turns it and we have many of them in afghanistan, and in particular in afghanistan. each letter is different, we make each letter different. last week i signed five of them for afghanistan, one in iraq and one in syria from two weeks ago. and sometimes i call the parents, sometimes i see the
parents. i go to dover when i can but, it's so devastating for the parents, that it is -- it's so devastating. when they bring that boy or young woman out of the back of those big powerful planes in a coffin, and the parents are there, they have people that do that. they work and they accommodate everybody. they do an incredible job and they said, the parents seem to be okay. i will get there early. the parents seem to be okay. well actually sir, they -- >> the way they are talking, they seem okay. >> server, you never know until the back of that massive cargo plane opens up, and they walked down holding a coffin with four or five great soldiers on either side of it.
they are smiling and saying, mr. president, thank you for being here. then 20 minutes later we will be outside when a big plane pulls up and that door comes down, and they are walking the coffin, with their boy inside this coffin with an american flag over the top and they are walking that coffin down this ramp. and i've seen people that i thought were really incredible. i didn't even understand how they could take it so well. they would scream, like i'd never seen anything before. sometimes they run to the coffin. they will break through military barriers come the run to the coffin and jump on top of the coffin. and this is on these endless wars that just never stop.
there's a time and there is a place, but it's time to stop. just to finish, last friday i went to walter reed and i gave out five purple hearts to incredible young men in this case. they took a beating. beautiful people. they took a beating. one couldn't be there because the beating was so great that he was in a totally different part of the world. he lost an arm and a leg. he had damaged beyond even with these young folks went through. but for me it's very hard when i see that. it's easy to talk tough, tough guys. all these tough guys, let's keep fighting. they had to go to walter reed where they do unbelievable work. i have to tell you, these doctors are unbelievable. it's easy to say, they are best in the world and i've never seen
anything like it. one young man last week had his nose rebuilt and they said it was in a thousand pieces. and i said so where were you hurt? and he said, my face, sir, was almost obliterated. and i said, you have a better face than i do. and he said sir, i had a doctor who was unbelievable. and they put it together. he set a thousand fragments and i don't know if that's possible but, a thousand fragments and they put it together. and his father came up to me and said you are not going to believe this. my son did not have a great looking nose and now his nose is better. so it's amazing. you see these purple hearts, and again, the doctors and the people do at walter reed, that's something to be commended. thank you all very much. thank you.
it's been one of the president dealing with a wide range of issues ending on why he is for getting our troops out of northern syria right now. a thousand strong and that leaves the kurds exposed and the president was addressing that in concerns that the turks under president erdogan will lead card ranch against them. loyal allies of ours in the fight against isis and the president essentially saying by visiting so many of our men and women who have been badly wounded and many killed in battle, and their families, that enough is enough. this is a response to america being involved in too many and too involved wars over the years. he is watching turkey very closely he says and there will be economic hell to pay if they go too far. in the case of china, he was also talking about the progress of trade talks that commences tomorrow and he's optimistic they will do well. again he is sticking to the grounds that he is back and forth on a limited deal, the whole deal, but he saying we will see what happens.
the chinese have already had lowered expectations earlier in the day and they were heightened expectations, and maybe they will agree on some broad parameters. those are some tires that are scheduled to kick in on october 15. the biggest issue and the one that dominated the most time not surprisingly, impeachment and the fact that joe biden made news saying formally, it is time to impeach the president of the united states. the president saying that all of this without a formal impeachment inquiry to kick off, he did not necessarily telegraph that even if nancy pelosi were to start that process, that he would necessarily cooperate because he thinks it tips the stack against him. with us now patiently waiting is matthew whitaker. general, great to have you. >> inks for having me. >> neil: on the impeachment issue, the president is hinting that he might have flexibility
not to cooperate, given that it is a stacked deck against him. what are the requirements there? right now he's bypassing subpoenas and demands for people to testify including the european union ambassador and he sticking to that. >> if you read the document that the white house counsel sent to speaker pelosi outlining what a fair process and what precedent would suggest shouldn't have i e been, they aren't following the president of any previous impeachments and really it's not fair and impartial. one of the tenets of american jurisprudence, which is supposed to be because i proved to make judicial procedure has been fair and partisan. >> so just voting for an inquiry. the boats are here and that's not enough to change the
president? >> obviously i can't speak for under what conditions the president might cooperate but fundamentally, this has to be a proceeding where the american people can hear the evidence. one of the most frustrating things for me is how this whistle-blower who is characterizing the evidence and created essentially a secondhand interpretation of this phone call that we have the primary evidence for, somehow has given any kind of weight in this whole proceeding. i read the transcript of the phone call and the department of justice has looked at it and said no crime was committed for the president. to some extent it feels like the democrats and at the house are by selectively leaking out and otherwise providing the evidence that they are trying to put their thumb on the scale of what is so inconsistent with the american legal tradition of fairness and impartiality. i would expect that until the president feels that it's a fair process that he can defend
himself with all of the evidence and what he outlined in this press conference, the ambassador that gave a full deposition, not just a couple lines, would be exerted. the entire interview would be provided to the american people's they could judge. as i watched it play out, i think nancy pelosi has been very unfair to the president and i don't know why the white house would cooperate at this point. >> there is a growing willingness to have an impeachment inquiry. not necessarily impeachment but inquiry including 3 out of 10 republicans who feel that way. what did you think of that? >> i was surprised. i did not hear people talking about impeachment especially republicans except in a very negative sense. what i hear them say is let's get the keeping the economy
strong and, all these kinds of things. gun violence is obviously important to people and the house seems completely focused. at least six committees have been working on some form of this impeachment. when i talk to republicans in iowa generally and places in the world world, what i hear them say is not that impeachment is the focus but making sure that this great run of the economy we've had under president trump is sustainable into the future for everyone. >> neil: you the former acting attorney general has been exploring and going around the world, trying to ferret out the corruption and the like and it might involve the cases involving joe biden or his son, hunter. on any level even if it might not be a high crime or misdemeanor, does that not make you uncomfortable? >> i think bill barr is probably one of the most experienced and
really respectable attorney general's we hadn't some time. in this regard. he has done it before, he's not trying to impress anybody, he's just doing the job. i think getting to the job of thbottom to the origins is very important. speak to you seek out whatever you find out but if it involves someone who could potentially be the president's opponent in the next election, it is involving a sovereign nation in what could be another u.s. election. on that level, it doesn't make you uncomfortable? >> there are several issues that get modeled here. i think the other issue is being against corruption worldwide and i've spoken many times about this. in order for the entire world to be successful and be more cohesive, places like the former soviet eastern bloc of countries, the ukraine and, the balkans and others need to rule
out corruption in their political systems. ukraine is a prime example where depending on who the ruling party is and what the sphere of influence is, they try to curry favor with those people. i think it's a very legitimate inquiry to look at, not the kind of why a hunter biting and what extremes he had to come in to receive all this money from ukraine. he should be prosecuted for all those things said and done. >> i think the statement he made were he essentially paraphrased of the president's phone call which was inconsistent with what the actual text of the phone call was a deplorable act. i was surprised and a member of congress -- we want you would assume that what he was saying was -- >> you would assume what he was reading line by line was a transcript and then we found out it wasn't at all. and that persuaded some people. >> i wouldn't want to cooperate with a person like that. and this needs to be a fair and
impartial process and the house democrats are not delivering that. matthew whitaker with the take on all of this from the rnc chair woman. tom perez, we were told he was unavailable but, hope springs eternal. ron, it's very good to have you. joe biden was saying what the impeachment began because this president should be impeached, what do you think? >> obviously the president shouldn't be impeached but i think the president is exactly right in putting this letter forward and saying, where his due process? the house of representatives is now essentially running an impeachment process without following the president, without allowing the president to have counsel, without allowing the president to allow or call witnesses or have subpoena power. even in a court of law in our country if you are accused of something you are allowed to
defend yourself. how can nancy pelosi and the democrats go back to the their constituents, and there is a growing willingness to at least consider an impeachment inquiry. that's the step before you got to it outright. it was shared by 3 out of 10 republicans, what do you make of that? >> i see it differently in these battleground districts where people are very much against the impeachment inquiry but you know it has been in the news constantly. you have some biased media. i was listening to another station today that was not talking about the fact that this is against precedent, they haven't had the boat and it's not talking about due process. i think of a lot of americans are confused by what's going on but at the end of the day, attorney general whitaker was correct. people want to see usmca pass. >> neil: but if we do have a process and do get a formal vote on inquiry, that's a different
matter? because the president seem to indicate that he doesn't necessarily think he should still cooperate with what is a stacked deck system. what do you think of that? >> i'm not going to speak in advance of the president but i am concerned that the whistle-blower did not disclose to the idea that he had previously met with adam schiff and his staff. we need to get to the bottom of the whistle-blower is that apparently worked with the 2020 candidates. what adam schiff has done lying on tv, saying he didn't talk to the whistle-blower when clearly his staff did talk to the whistle-blower and then that very false statement that he started his proceedings with trying to mislead the american public. there is nothing more critical that they can do aside from sending men and women to war the nullifying an election and impeaching a president. the way democrats have started this has been with such partisanship, vitriol and dishonesty that i don't know how you can participate in this type of proceeding. >> neil: i know you are the rnc chair but you are also the
niece of mitt romney, romney, who is concerned by some of the things that he sees going around the president. the president responded to this concern, and mitt romney's criticism saying, he never knew how to win. saying to your uncle, he is pompous and fighting me from the beginning except for when he begged me for my endorsement. when he begged me to be secretary of state, i didn't give it to him. what did you think of all that? >> i think they may not be sending each other christmas cards this year, no love lost. but, this is what your uncle was talking about and he called and asked. >> it has gone both ways. i'm not getting in the middle, they are perfectly capable of conveying what they think to
each other. what i will say is as the chair of the republican party, the party has 94% approval. if they want to see this president reelected and they know he has increase wages and brought jobs and that is what i see overwhelmingly as they travel the country. >> neil: i'm pushing my time here and they are going to kick me but have you talked to your uncle since this happened? >> no i haven't. very good to see you. in the meantime, it's turkey and syria and panic setting in among republicans and democrats who are saying come at this time the president might be going too far in pulling out. stay with us. >> we are not giving turkey a green light in congress and we are not going to abandon the kurds. if the president does so, we won't. >> president trump: i think lindsey would like to stay there for the next 200 years and maybe
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>> neil: all right turkey says its military assault has now begun. of course, that there are reports of those killed by turkish warplanes striking areas controlled by the kurdish, the president defending taking u.s. troops out of the region. in fact, he said the visits to those who lost children in battle and those severely injured justifies ending this constant american wars that don't end. the intelligence officer don bremmer, what did you think of the president's take on there? >> it was an interesting statement and in some point emotional when the president was talking about going to dover and going to visit our injured and our fallen troops. and having served in iraq, i have experienced it, lost friends, family members and it is a very painful, hard thing to experience.
and something even our foundation we continue to do to this day. so i understand where he's coming from come of it but that does not neglect we have a responsibility to our friends and our allies. speed six, so i think that is what you are implying here, we are sending just the wrong message to our allies and potenl allies, right? >> the kurds for example, they have been an ally for some reason keeps on forgiving. we have a abandoned them more than once in history. they have been sitting by us and also 11,000 of their own forces in this battle against isis. most important thing about this is that entire region is extremely fragile. and as these kurdish soldiers abandoned the prisons to go fight for themselves, they are leaving the camp unguarded. that is one of the fears that i have, these prison camps, isis fighters, you know there's a potential for a large prison break.
everything that the prison has accomplished to go away in a heartbeat. >> neil: so what happens now? the president has made it clear that certainly when the military response to turks to overdo it, overdoes it, that an entire economic hell to pay and may be sanctions, may be much worse but what do you think of that? >> the president certainly has a lot at his disposal. the one thing i do heed, we have threatened in the past, just earlier this year when the turks taught the missiles, the sanctions, and that didn't do us any good. and how will does they take a serious? we have seen that with the president and what he has his bounty. >> neil: up to your point with the russians, vladimir putin, do you think that speeds up now? >> i think it is already at a very high pace.
and reporting a lot of allies from the chinese and possibly even hamas. he has helped the iranians hide a lot of money that has been frozen. so he's climbing in bed with anyone he can to better himself. >> neildo you give a thumbs up? >> a rand would like nothing more than a u.s. footprint out of syria that would allow them to establish a base they are to be closer to israel. and, a larger presence. i think the americans out of the way, it opens a floodgate of bad actors in that area. many of those people have long said that, you know, the united states, this president and even the president do not have tuesday and engage. we get tired and we get weak. i think that's what they have been waiting for it. >> neil: he could be happening as we speak. thank you very much for your

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Wouldnt Give Subpoenas , Paul Ryan , Reading , Subpoena , Indifferent , Subpoenas , Come On In , Nadler , United States Congress , Speech , Sound , Tyrant , Crime , Officials , Leader , Movement , Official , Transcript , Concern , Big Con , He Wouldn T , Lawyer , Emotion , Foreign Minister , Person , Administration , Leaks , Doesn T , Phony Version , Conversation , Hearing , Spy , Negotiating , Calls , Fraud , Misinterpretati Misinterpretation , Mind , Bore No Resemblance , Diplomats , Accidents , Motorcyc Motorcycle , Woman , Americas , Sounds , Immunity , Uk , Fact , Mare , Parents , Roads , System , Community , Sudden , Danger , Healing , Car , Fbi , Position , Idea , Special Counsel , Rod Rosenstein , Director , 12 , Conflict Of Interest , Business Dispute , Interest , Conflicts , Reasons , Disaster , Majority , Peter Strzok , Case , Insurance Policy , Page , Lisa , Elements , News , Billions , Tariffs , Sort , Chain , Supply Chain , Inflation , Price Increase , Egg , Answer , Reports , Everyone , Concessions , Lip , Dollars , Trillions , Elected , Value , Opponent , Stock Market , Pit Value , Slide , 9th , 29th Of November , 9 , Report , Inspector General , Horwitz , 78 , Skill , Comey , Israel , Hatred , Palestinians , Times , Defeat , Defensive , Deed , Alliance , Cases , Secretary General , Beneficiary , A Hundred Billion Dollars , A Hundred Billion , 27 , 100 Billion , 00 Billion , Ways , More , 1 , 4 , Delinquent , Term , Hold , Brent , Real Estate , 28 , Pay , Cos , Someone , Land , Names , They Don T , Battles , Road , Article , Amounts , Being , Munitions , Weapons , Factions , Faction , Tremendous , Takea Look , Military Industrial Complex , Yes , Power , White Eisenhower , Areas , Letters , Witch Hunt , Signing , Upside , Blue On Green Attack , Soldier , Gun , Afghanistan , Five , Back , Everybody , Coffin , Planes , Sir , Talking , Cargo Plane , Server , Door , Plane , Flag , Ramp , Run , Barriers , Men , Hearts , Finish , Walter Reed , Tone Couldn T , Beautiful People , Beating , Arm , Leg , Guys , Doctors , Work , Nose , Pieces , A Thousand , Fragments , Face , Doctor , Father , Purple Hearts , Issues , Troops , Concerns , Turks , Orange , Battle Against Isis , Fight , Allies , Women , Families , Enough , Card Ranch , Shell , America Being , Progress , Grounds , Tires , Parameters , Issue , October 15 , Telegraph , Stack , Kit Tips , General , Impeachment Issue , Flexibility , Deck , Requirements , Counsel , Outlining , European Union , Document , Precedent , Impeachments , Tenets , Procedure , Boats , Jurisprudence , Proceeding , Evidence , Interpretation , Weight , Extent , Department Of Justice , Tradition , Thumb , Fairness , Scale , Impartiality , The American , Interview , Press Conference , Lines , Deposition , Point , Willingness , 10 , 3 , Sense , Kinds , Committees , Gun Violence , Form , Six , Cia , Places , Focus , Acting Attorney General , Like , Around The World , Hunter Biting , Level , Misdemeanor , Bill Barr , Attorney General , Origins , Regard , Thbottom , Election , Nation , Order , Eastern Bloc , Soviet , Balkans , Ruling Party , Example , Systems , Sphere , Influence , Extremes , Statement , Member , Text , Line , Needs , Rnc , Chair , Tom Perez , Iron , Hope Springs Eternal , Shouldn T , Due Process , Impeachment Process , Witnesses , Court , Subpoena Power , Law , Constituents , Battleground Districts , Step , Station , Whats Going On , The End Of Day , Usmca Pass , Stacked Deck System , Advance , Staff , Bottom , Candidates , Tv , Adam Schiff , 2020 , Proceedings , Talk , Partisanship , Dishonesty , Type , Vitriol , Mitt Romney , Criticism Saying , Niece , Uncle , Secretary Of State , Beginning , Endorsement , Love , Cards , Middle , Party , Approval , Wages , 94 , Panic Setting , Stay , Light , Item , Chairman , List , That Guys Scary , Advisory Board , Income , Life , Remaining , Child Care Options , Lifetime Retirement Income , Tiaa , Best , Pressure Cooker , Pressure Cooking , Foods , Inside , Spot , Crisps , Ninja Foodi , Tendercrisp Technology , Breakthroughs , Cancer , Innovation , Patient , Americas Bpursuing Life Changing Cures , T Cells , Breakthrough , Ones , Course , Military Assault , Region , Children , Warplanes , Visits , Don Bremmer , Dont End , Dover , Responsibility , Foundation , Message , Rally , Reason , Potenl , Forces , 11000 , Unguarded , Prison Camps , Prisons , Camp , Prison Break , Isis Fighters , Potential , Fears , Everything , Prison , Heartbeat , Disposal , Heed , Didn T , Serious , Good , Missiles , Bounty , Space , Russians , Vladimir Putin , Iranians , Bed , Climbing , Hamas , Neildo , Anyone , Footprint , Brand , Presence , Floodgate , Actors , Base ,

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