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Other tasks. Heres how mike pence described it in a speak at the smithsonian air and space museum in dulles on the 20th of august. Listen here. As the president has said, we all recognize, frankly true for decades, in his words, space is a warfighting domain. The u. S. Space force will ensure that our nation is prepared to defend our people, to defend our interests and defend our values. The vast expanse of space and here on the earth with the technologies that will support our common defense from the vast reaches of outer space. The Space Command will be held at the Peterson Air Force base in colorado springs. It will be moving sometime after that. The president signed the executive order creating the Space Command in december. Today hes standing it up. We also understand that hes likely to make some comments about Something Else during the ceremony as well. We dont know if that is about the hurricane, potentially his trip to poland or james comey. So stay tuned. Well have it from the rose garden. Neil thanks very much. John roberts. When the president speaks, well take you back to the rose garden live. Dorian is for real. After taking a swipe at the virgin islands, its setting its sights on florida. Forecasters tracking it closely. Could be a category four hurricane by the time it makes landfall possibly in florida, possibly on labor day. The storm is packing 85 miles an hour winds. Could be again if it gets to be a 4, 130 Miles Per Hour winds. Now theres the worries about torrential rains and dangerous storms conditions. Rick reichmuth following it all closely. Rick . How about possibly a category four . Im just going to add that one in on that. Yeah, i mean, the official forecast is a category four right now. Ill tell you, i keep on saying it, our ability to forecast intensity of hurricanes is not that great. The best guess at this point is a category four. A lot of our models thing that. Theres some things that could disrupt it a little bit. One of which could be slowing down a lot before it makes landfall. If it does that, it could weaken a little bit just offshore. That could be changed. That wouldnt change thing about what happens on shore. So this is a storm last couple images of our visible satellite before the sun goes down. We start to lose it. You can see the storm has been Getting Better organized all day. The pressure is continuing to drop. Wind speed, the susstained wind speeds have not gone up. It has two eyes at this point. Once that consolidates, well see it strengthen again. Our models look like its getting into better agreement here across central coast. That said, i want to show you this. The two models, we always talk about that we use and rely on a lot in this forecasting, earlier today they got pretty close in to alignment. That makes us have more confidence in the forecast. Now the latest run of this european model comes in. Heres monday afternoon. Had both of them making landfall monday. This slowing it way down. The european model doesnt bring it somewhere close to shore until wednesday or so. That model i have to tell you, hangs out in florida for about four to five days. We cant watch anyone single model run. I have to tell you, theres plenty of uncertainty around it. At this point, we go with what the official forecast at the National Hurricane center does. Brings it the a category four storm somewhere offshore and slows down its forward movement. Thats why we think the rainfall totals will be extreme here across really a lot of florida, definitely all along the coastline. So a lot of us watching it and a lot of tweaks that well continue to make. Neil . Neil thank you very much, rick. Meantime, this storm could be wreaking havoc on travel plans. No matter where you hit, you could be hit. Foxs Christina Coleman has more on that. Hi, christina. Hi, neil. Well, Hurricane Dorian could wash out plans for thousands of travelers over the holiday weekend. Some flights could be delayed or cancelled as the hurricane barrels to the eastern seaboard. American airlines is changes flights scheduled through september 3 and some locations in the caribbean. Delta is allowing cancellations and waiving the change fee. Southwest, spirit, frontier and jet blue are also waving change flees. If you plan on spending time on a cruise, check for last minute changes to your trip. This hurricane has cruise lines scrambling to modify itiniaries. Some shutting down private operations at islands. Royal caribbean and disney have already charged the stops their ships will make. Speaking of disney, dorian could crash the opening of star wars in orlando. If a hurricane warning is issues, the resort will allow cancellations. If youre thinking about buying travel insurance, its probably too late. Some require it 24 hours prior to the storm being named and some sooner. Neil a little late for that. Thanks very much. How is female preparing for this and the potential with it . Right now, the fema deputy administrator. Administrator, what are we looking at here . Well, what we know now, neil, dorian is a potentially life threatening storm if the forecast holds and that folks from the carolinas down through extreme southern florida need to be paying attention to this storm. Need to be taking action now to prepare themselves and their families if dorian comes to where they live. Neil so were talking about people getting frightened and all of a sudden they want to get out of dodge or out of the area right now. How is fema advising folks . So evacuations throughout the potential area impact are things that local and state officials will advise people on. Thats why its so important for folks to be paying attention to the warnings, downloading the fema app. You can put your zip code in, get alerts for where you live and the local and state officials have your best interests in mind. Most importantly, they know what the forecast means for their local community and theyre in the best position to advise people on how to protect themselves and their families. We always hear back and forth from fema has to deal with a lot and always pressed on its budget and all of this. Funds that were allocated are reallocated elsewhere. Are you financially ready . Femas Disaster Relief find is in a good position to support the recoveries and Response Mission for dorian. We were able to deploy to puerto rico and the u. S. Virgin islands to meet the needs that could very merged there and thankfully didnt. We wont be shy of putting resources in the area of dorian and were already moving people, equipment and supplies into the affected area. When you talk about the acted area, a lot depends on not knowing the path of the storm and its speed. Some storms make up for whatever they lack in power by just hanging around and just rains that pound and pound. What is more of a worry from femas view . A lot of uncertainty remains as your meteorologist led in with. Its so important for people to not wonder if theyre in the cone or out of the cone. They should take steps to get ready for whatever may come. Ask questions how will i take care of my family if im without power a few days. Do i have enough food and water if transportation is cut off or if Grocery Stores are not open for a few days. Are the storm drains clear, the generator have fuel. Questions like that can really get people ready to weather the storm itself and then to be okay for a few days after as the situation stabilizes. Wise words. Thanks very much. I know youll be a busy guy in the next few days. Be well, be safe. Thank you. My next guest is flying through Hurricane Dorian. On the the phone right now, richard henning, a hurricane hunter. Hes with noaa, National Oceanic and atmospheric administration. How is it looking, richard . Okay, neil. Were approaching the storm from the northwest. Were about 120 miles from the center. We have been dropping a pattern of instruments in the pathed that the storm is going to take towards the florida coast sampling the environment. What were noticing is that the atmosphere and the path towards florida is a lot more moist than what we were seeing in the caribbean. Why that is significant is that dorian struggled to organize down there because dry air being sucked in to a hurricane really inhibits the formation of the storm. Were starting to get out of that dry air now and thats not good news for florida. We also see less and less wind shear. Thats another thing that hurts the development of hurricanes. Severe decreases, the air gets more and more over the storm. Youre going over the very warm waters of the Atlantic North of the bahamas. The forecast intensification that everybody is talking about, right now we dont see anything in our data that contradicts that. The idea of it becoming a major hurricane prior to landfall looks more and more likely. Neil and its got ample room. No land really in its way for the time being. Just warm waters, right . Yeah. Exactly. One of the things that is a big consideration in hurricanes is land. A lot of times the hurricanes are coming towards the United States through the Dominican Republic and cuba and those islands tend to tear up hurricanes on the way. Whereas this has absolutely nothing to tear it up on the way. Its nothing but open water. Again, that water is very warm. Were talking water temperatures of about 86 degrees. So that is plenty warm to develop a category three, category four hurricane. Neil all right. Were watching it closely. Obviously not as closely as you. Brave man, richard. Richard henning in the middle of, this when we get any more information, well pass that along. Meantime, were also keeping an eye on the rose garden outside the oval office, the west wing of the white house where the president is going to be details. Were told a space force arrangement where hes going to describe what were going to do here back in space but in a defensive posture quite literally. Well explore that after this. But dad, youve got allstate. With accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Smart kid. Indeed. Are you in good hands . Doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacistrecommendeding . Memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. So chantix can help you quit slow turkey. Key. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting. 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Get p3. With a mix of meat, cheese and nuts. All right. The controversy over comey, the former fbi director, james comey, violating fbi policies by sharing official memos, according to the department of justice watch dog. Catherine herridge has much more. What have we learned . The long awaited report concluded that the former fbi director james comey violated his own agencys policies and employment agreement in his handling of memos and private conversations with the president. It reads the Inspector General found that there was seven memos documenting in part the private conversations with the president. They said they were not personal memos as Comey Told Congress but they were in fact government records and he had no authorization to remove them. His characterization otherwise was not supported by the law. To get the contents of a memo to the New York Times to start the investigation, the report found comey used a Columbia Law School professor as an intermediary. Earlier on fox, the former acting attorney general weighed in saying that he thought that it pointed to a culture at the fbi that was over seen and created by comey where leaking was tolerated. The bottom line for folks at home is this is not the major report that weve been waiting for, which is the fisa investigation that looks into alleged surveillance abuse and targeting of the trump campaign, this is a separate report that looks at the handling of the memos that kick started the special counsel investigation and the actions of the former fbi director. You cannot underscore this enough. An fib director is not every day that theyre investigated be i the Inspector General. Theyre held to a very high standard. Because they set the tone for the 35,000 employees at the bureau and he is considered the nations chief Law Enforcement investigator, neil. Neil thanks, katherine. James comey claims hes vindicated after the Inspector Generals report is. He . Lets get the read from republican congressman, andy big biggs. What do you think . I think weve rarely see something so delusional and selfserving as james comey in public life in america. I mean, hes just been scolded and caught twice by the Inspector General and called out for misconduct and hes demanding an apology. I rarely see Something Like that. I think the Inspector General is correct. He set a horrible example for the 35,000 folks in the fbi. But more over, hes kind of damaged the reputation of the leadership of the fbi. Thats really to his detriment. At some point he has to move away out of the limelight and graciously leave the national scene. Neil obviously he has a different interpretation of this. Hes not been punished for anything. The Justice Department has not recommended punishment for this. So he gets a pass. Well, he might get a pass in some respects on this, but his reputation is shot to pieces. Theres another report that will come out from the Inspector General in a few weeks. I would say james comey is not out of the woods. This is not the last weve heard of him. Well hear more neil im the same Inspector General horowitz. That has been a long time coming. Do you know, will that just cover how the report precipitated . What will that do . Thats supposed to be addressing fisa applications and the initiation of the investigation. So that should include mr. Comey since he reviewed fisa warrants applications. Neil would the Attorney Generals Office right now be aware of at least the broad outlines of that report . You make i make the assumption, not you, that the two have to be close together here, maybe not. What do you think . I dont think the a. G. Knows. He might have some broad idea what is going to be in there. Im not sure that its going to be more specific than what we have. I think the Inspector Generals operating totally independently on this. Neil do you think all of this is cancelling out . By that i mean, asking probably more political questions. Democrats still pushing impeachment and what have you. Republicans, this is what lead to the investigation. James comeys role early on in this investigation. Theres enough iembarrassment o both sides to say lets move on. I wish we could cease and desist and move on. Its not going to happen, im afraid. I sit on the committee with the chairman who is insistent on impeachment, this is related to his ambitions for impeachment. So i think were in for more mud fest for the foreseeable future actually. Neil what does that mean . It means well have more hearings. We might get to have mr. Comey come back in. Who knows. More hearings, rehashing the Mueller Investigation that the democrats are upset because it didnt say what they wanted. Theyll find a way to impeach this president. Thats been the motivation the last six or seven months. So nothing changes. Right. I agree with that. Thats correct. Neil okay. Congressman, thanks very much. Heres the president right now in the rose garden here announcing the space initiative. Lets listen. [applause] thank you very much, a great honor. A Beautiful Day in the rose garden. Please sit. Thank you. To ensure that all resources of the federal government are focused on the arriving song, i have decided to send our Vice President , mike pence, to poland this weekend in my place. Its something very important for me to be here. The storm looks like it could be a very, very big one indeed. Mike will be going. I just spoke to president duda of poland and expressed my warmest wishes and the wishes of the american people. Our highest priority is the safety and security of the people in the path of the hurricane and i will be rescheduling my trip to poland in the near future. Were gathered here in the rose garden to establish the United States Space Command. Its a big deal. As the newest combatant command, spacecom will defend americas vital interests in space, the next warfighting domain. I think thats obvious to everybody. Its all about space. Were joined by Vice President mike pence, secretary of defense, dr. Mark esper, acting director of national intelligence, joe mcguire, acting secretary of the army, ryan mccarthy, acting secretary of the air force, matt donovan, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, general Joseph Dunford and congressman mike turner. Were especially grateful to welcome the new leader of spacecom, general jay raymond a highly respected man in the milita military. Joined by his wife, molly. Congratulations, molly. Its great. Their wonderful family and several of their friends. General raymond, congratulations. So important. I know hes going to do a fantastic job. Thank you very much. [applause] the United States combatant commands were developed to join branches of our armed forces in common calls across diverse fields of battle. Each of the United Statess milita military combatant commands is from centcom to the most recent cybercom which we established last year to protect americans from the most advanced Cyber Threats and also to create very, very severe and powerful offensive threats should we need them. The dangers to our country constantly evolve and so must we. Now those that wish to harm the United States, to seek to challenge us in the ultimate high ground of space will be a whole different ball game. Our adversaries are weaponizing earths or businesses with new technology targeting american satellites that are critical to battlefield operations and our way of life at home. Our freedom to operate in space is also essential to detecting and destroying any missile launched against the United States. So just as we have recognized land, air, sea and cyber as vital warfighting domains, we will now treat space as an independent region over seen by a new unified geographic combatant command. The establishment of the 11th combatant command is a landmark moment. This is a landmark day. One that recognizes the centrality of space to Americas National security and defense. Under general raymonds leadership, spacecome will boldly deter aggression and outpace americas rivals by far. For 35 years, general raymond has been in every level in the u. S. Air force. Molly, i hope youre very proud of him. I bet you are. I am, too. Hes a warrior who is integrated Space Capabilities to make our military Even Stronger and to pave the way for a new era of national defense. Hes respected by everybody sitting in front of us, everybody in the military and everybody that knows him. Spacecom will be followed by the establishment of the United States space force as the sixth branch of the United States armed forces. Thats really something when you think about it. The space force will organize, train and equip warriors to support spacecoms mission. With todays action, we open another great chapter in the story history of the United States military. Spacecom will ensure that americas dominance in space is never questioned and never threatened because we know the best way to prevent conflict is to prepare for victory. From our nations first days, americas military blazed the trailed and crossed the frontiers that secured our nations future. No adversary on earth will ever match the awesome courage, skill and might of American Armed forces. Today we salute the heroic men and women that will serve in spacecom and keep americas horizons forever bright and for forever free. We have budgets since we came in to the Administration Since the election, 2016, since january 20th of 2017. We have done things with the military that few people would have thought possible. Budgets of 700 billion, 716 billion and now 738 billion. Nobody would have thought that that was possible. But we had them approved by republicans and democrats. That money is now building the most advanced equipment anywhere on earth, equipment that nobody even could have conceived of even two years ago. Its very necessary and hopefully well never have to use it. I would now like to ask secretary esper to sign documents formally establishing the United States Space Command. Thank you. [applause] neil youre watching the president of the United States right now. Hes launching his longpromised space force. It will act as an adjunct to some of the armed services. This will be like a sixth branch of military, a military focus on space because the russians and the chinese are doing just that. One of the things that has raised a lot of concerns is that there will be a militarization of space. But its already going on with what the russians are planning and the chinese are planning. Were following that very much here. Were monitoring these developments and continue to monitor on the south lawn and the rose garden. I do want to take a quick peek at the corner of wall and broad. We had some calm in the trade storm today. That had the dow up a little bit on hope that maybe trade talks ensue and the chinese wont retailate. All good on that front. The latest on that, the latest on dorian and the attorney general on the state of florida on how theyre dealing with it after this. From your allergy pi . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms from your allergy pi . Including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. Flonase. [fa mers bell] burke a rock and wreck. Seen it. Covered it. At farmers insurance, we know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum carrying up to 50 times its tbody weight. Essly marches on. It never questions the tasks at hand. But this year, theres a more thrilling path to follow. father kids. Change of plans vo defy the laws of human nature. 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Ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems allergic reactions, kidney injuries and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. Report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. In patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. The most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. If youd rather be home ask your doctor about neulasta® onpro. Pay no more than 5 per dose with copay card. Neil as if preparing for a category four hurricane, as thats what Hurricane Dorian could be monday, all the gougers that come out of the wood work to sort of stick to it the floridians that are trying to get out and get everything from gas, water and key supplies. Not if Florida Attorney general has anything to do with it. Ashley moody joins me now. Thanks for being here. Thanks for the invitation. Neil so how do you police this thing . Seems to always happen. Of course. Its a trying time. Floridians are nervous, scared. Obviously what theyre trying to do is protect their property and their family, make sure they have the right supplies. Any time theres a tense situation like that, people are ready to take advantage. So we have done Everything Possible to prepare for this, to make sure we can stop people that are trying to price gouge and take advantage of floridians. Neil so how do you do that . We in florida have a lot of experience dealing with these situations unfortunately. Part of the problem when theres chaos and people are trying to get gas and supplies and commodities to prepare, part of the problem is to have the information to follow up and stop it in real time. In florida not only have we activated a hotline, 8669noscam, we also have an app that can be downloaded to apple and Android Devices and that allows to us get the information we need. Floridians can take pictures of prices, put in narratives with sellers. It allows us to make contacts with those organizations or businesses or individuals right away to put an end to this behavior. Were told this doesnt generally apply because of the p. R. Risk, like lowes, home depots, the Big Box Stores that provide a lot of stuff that people need for a hurricane. Is this more the local merchant that might try to seize on a crisis . Let me say first and foremost, our office is prepared if any business or individual that is selling these essential commodities has questions about price gouging and what might apply. Were open and willing to discuss that and try to advise them on what would be considered price gouging to lead them. A lot of these individuals and businesses want to in good faith provide these essential commodities for floridians as theyre preparing for the storm. Its the bad actors that take advantage of a really horrible situation that were after. When floridians help provide the information to us, we can in real time put an end to that behavior. I can tell you we already gotten calls regarding price gouging. We have a investigators in the field. We made contacts with merchants and we have already stopped some of this behavior. We do it with the help of floridians that are providing thus information. All right. We look forward to that. Not the gouging but making sure it doesnt happen. Thanks, ashley moody, the attorney general of florida. And james comey is delighted with the finding that nobody is looking to punish him and nobody is saying boo about what happens next to him that is all except for robert wray on when happens now after this. Liberty mutual cs your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. I wish i could shake your hand. Granted. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. That life of the party look. Walk it off look. One more mile look. Reply all look. Own your look with fewer lines. 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But i need this out of my house. vo with fair, Transparent Value for every tradein. Enterprise makes it easy. Neil all right. James comey says hes exonerated. But the Inspector General concluded that the former fbi director violated policy. The Justice Department deciding not to prosecute him. This is what is releasing this stuff. Lets get the read from robert wray. So he claims exonerated. What do you think . Depends on how you view this. The one sense, i think the biggest concern everybody had is there might have been disclosure of classified information. Hes said that im exonerated because nobody found that i leaked classified information to anyone. Neil is that classified . I think they were careful enough to make sure that that didnt happen and didnt go beyond his lawyers. But doesnt change the fact that the Inspector General had found that this material should not have been released to anyone outside of government without prior authorization, which is what he did not do. Neil all right. And hes not going to be punished. Right. Its not the first time that the Inspector General has tagged him for not following the rules. You know, its a pattern of conduct. I have said to you on other occasions that you know, being a boy scout is fine and playing god is fine. The trouble with that though is that that justifies a lot of conduct and permits one probably too readily to ignore departmental policies and procedure thats your bound to follow. This isnt the first occasion and theres going to continue now to be further investigation. We still havent seen the end of this. He was investigated by the Inspector General with regard to the Hillary Clinton investigation and tagged there. He was investigated with regard to the unauthorized disclosure of what he claimed were personal memos. Nobody believes that. Theyre government documents and tagged there. And the third shoe to drop is going to be the review of the fisa Court Applications and the origination of the trump russia investigation. Neil that is by the same Inspector General. Yes. Neil so what that was expected to come awhile ago. This was not expected to come first what do you make of that . What i make of it is what we have seen in the course of the summer. That is that theyve got ten access to other people to talk to in connection with the conclusion of that now third and final investigation. If pass practice is any guy, hes going to get tagged in that one as well. Neil but could be a possibility that if he is tagged for someone on that one, that the Justice Department intervenes around this we will punish you. Maybe. The real question there, we discussed this all along is who knew what inside the Justice Department and who authorized a limited disclosure to the fisa court and gaining applications and authorization to intercept conversations involving the trump campaign. You know, that one is serious. Thats not just talking about memos that shouldnt have been released to the press. That is talking about using the full arm of the federal government to go to a court to seek authorization to do something where you know your conduct will be measured by did those folks know all that should have been known as the origins and derivation of that steele dossier and did they withhold pertinent information from the court. If that happens and higher ups knew about it, yes, i think there will be consequences in that one. That is significant to warrant the bringing of criminal charges if such knowledge exists. Neil you mentioned in the breaks, both sides are suspicious of him. That seemed to be the bottom line. His reputation has taken a hit of what happened here. Its now been in the context at at least two administrations. There was no love lost with the bush during the george w. Bush years. It happened during the Obama Administration and finally the trump administration. There you go. Robert ray, thanks. Former whitewater prosecutor, robert ray. Dorian is a category four by the time it hits florida monday. Could be wrong. What we dont know is how various cities are preparing for that well get the read from West Palm Beach coming up. Hi im joan lunden. Todays Senior Living communities have never been better, with amazing amenities like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros even pet care services. And theres never been an easier way to get great advice. A place for mom is a free service that pairs you with a local advisor to help you sort through your options and find a perfect place. A place for mom. You know your family we know Senior Living. Together well make the right choice. Ive done all sorts of research, read earnings reports, looked at chart patterns. Ive even built my own historic trading model. 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So were trying to basically encourage thing to do everything that they can now to prepare for the storm. You know, ive been through a few of these before with a lot of rain and wind. Its the life after the storm. A few days that you may not have power. May not be safe to drive. Were trying to get them to prepare as best as possible for life after the storm. What do you do, mayor, when you have to tell people to clear out and they dont . I always wonder how mayors and governors handle that. Listen, we try to encourage people. We have a system where folks can find out what the evacuation zone theyre in. Even this far out. Were telling people find out your evacuation zone. Learn and stay close to the radio, to the tv to find out if theres an evacuation order. If people dont heed the order, theres not much we can do. We cant risk the lives of First Responders to try to save someone that didnt heed the evacuation order. We have to thats one reason to have the order, to move people out of the very unstable places. If they refuse to do that, then theyre on their own. Neil what is interesting too and youre dealing with it head on, its a holiday weekend, labor day weekend. A lot of people heading to florida and a lot of people that might get out of florida. How do you deal with that and road closures and putting people in the reverse lanes to open up all lanes . All of that stuff. If we have an evacuation and most likely will, we will do what is necessary to make sure that that evacuation proceeds as smoothly as possible. At the state level, theyre removing any tolls on the turnpike to enable people to get out. There may be instances where we have as you said twolane roads and four lanes are moving one way out away from the danger. So if theres an evacuation, were going to do everything under our power to ensure that it proceeds smoothly. Mayor, this occurs at a time when a lot of people worry that, you know, about gouging. We had your states attorney general on a moment ago. I dont know how prevalent that is in west palm, but theres always a fear of that. How do you deal with it in your local . Theres a map. The attorney general has been on the top of it. Somebody went by a gas station. It was 2. 24. They claimed they didnt have regular gas, a few hours later, they came by the same station and it had gone up 50 or 60 cents a gallon. They took a picture and will turn it in. We hope people will appeal to their most honest instincts. One thing i learned about these storms and life after the storm, thats when most people really try to be their best neighbors and best citizens and reach out to their fellow man. Neil i hope youre right. Good luck with this, mayor james. Well have more and what the president has been saying. Plac. Leading them to discover were woven together by the moments we share. 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And that can lower your cost now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . I know you were critical of fox yesterday. Fox news heavily promoting the democrats. You are very upset. Im not happy with fox. Neil i think the president marches fox. I also think hes getting sick of fox which is weird because i think you get pretty fair coverage of fox but the president making clear to factcheck him is to be all but dead to him and a legion of supporters who let me know in no absurd terms and either with him totally or he nevertrumper bully. No middle ground. You are all in or out. Loyal on everything or not to be trusted on anything which could explain the president himself bashing fox news yet again, urging his supporters to stop watching the channel. Fox isnt working for us anymore. First of all, mr. President , we dont work for you. I dont work for you. My job is to cover you, not fun over you or rip you, just cover you. Call balls and strikes. Our job is to keep score, not settle scores. In my case, to report the economic numbers with their good and when theyre bad. But when the markets are soaring and with her tumbling. When trade talks looking theyre coming together and when they are look like falling apart. Its called being fair and balanced, mr. President. Its fair to say you are not a fan when the balance included stuff you dont like to hear or facts you dont like to have questioned. Youre human. I get that. Who likes to be corrected . Were the president , it comes with the job. Just like checking what you say and do comes with my job. Im not the one who said tariffs are a wonderful thing, you are. Im not the one is that mexico pay for the wall. You did. Just like im not the one who claimed rush i didnt metal on the 2016 election. You did. Sorry dont like the facts being brought up but they are not fake, because i did. What would be fake as if i never did. If i ignored all the times you said you loved your old secretary of state Rex Tillerson until you didnt. Had no plans to dump your Homeland Security secretary until you did. Called chinese president xi jinping an enemy just last week and a great leader this week. Sometimes you dont even wait that long. Last week you expressed an appetite for background checks before arguing just hours later background checks are already strong. These arent fake items. They are real items and you really said them, just like you never paid to silence a porn star until it turns out you did. Never ordered bob again to fire bob mueller until we learned you try. Fake is when its wrong, not when its unpleasant. Just lie it isnt and wasnt fake when you said the access Hollywood Tape wasnt real when it was her that you inherited a depression from barack obama when you didnt or that you ripped quantitative easing when he was president but are furious the Federal Reserve isnt doing the same for you now that you are president. Youre entitled to your point of view, mr. President , but youre not entitled to your own set of facts. We can argue over whether you ever wanted of buy greenland or disrupt hurricanes with Nuclear Weapons but were where seeds are planted, doubts are sown. You are right for a media isnt fair to you, that they are more inclined to report the bad than anything good about you so its no surprise you are frustrated but more everyone if fox might not be in lockstep with you. You might even think that that those who are work for you. They dont. I dont. Hard as it is to fathom, mr. President , just because youre the leader of the free world, doesnt entitle you to a free pass. Unfortunately just a free press. Good night. Juan hello, everyone. Im Juan Williams with emily compagno, jason chaffetz, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. Its 5 00 in new york city and this is the five. James comey broke fbi rules but the Justice Department, they will not prosecute him. A scathing new doj Inspector General report details how the former fbi director handled memos about president trump. They report laying out numerous violations by james comey, among them violating policy by giving a memo to a friend with instructions to share it with the New York Times. He also

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