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Statement about the democrats making a surprise out for tomorrows hearing. The key line is at the bottom saying the move could jeopardize tomorrows session. Aarons ugly as counsel for Robert Mueller Robert Mueller and according to the roof both can statement could advise him privately and simultaneously testify alongside him. We are told that the late ad may violate house rules about notification. The lawyer also acting as a sworn witness is a gray area. A lastminute addition to the witness rip list with now jeopardize whether tomorrows hearing complies with the rule of the house. Thats unsurprising and democrats have a repeated attempts to circumvent the rules and procedures governing this committees business. Also a Senior Justice Department officials sent their special counsel a letter advising him to limit his public testimony to the report in his statement about two months ago after the report was complete. It reads in part should you testify because at muellers decision is a private citizen, the testimony regarding the work of the special counsels office will be governed by the terms you outlined on may 29th. Specifically that the information you discussed during her testimony appears and then does not go beyond the public version of your march 22nd 2019 report to the attorney general or to your may 29th public statement. In laymans terms that means no classified information, no grand jury material, nothing about the redacted portions of the report. And more so significantly, nothing about what they called uncharged at parties. In this case the broad exemption of what includes a president of the United States. Attorney general william barr said mueller had asked the department to get specific about the boundaries. As you know at his press conference bob had said he intended to stick with the public report and not go beyond that. In conversations with the department, his staff was reiterating that that was their position and they asked us for guidance, in writing, to explain or tell them what our position was. So we responded in writing and sent the guidance that they had requested. What can happen between now and tomorrow morning, because as you know, neil, 15 hours as an maternity when it comes to this particular story. So where does that leave things . What do you think . This testimony tomorrow has been called the most anticipated event in decades. I think it will be similar to when geraldo opened the safe, for those that recall that. It will be a huge disappointment. Guess what, big surprise. Bob mueller will do exactly what he said he would do. Mueller requested it, so they are not muzzling him. He will stick to what he did in the public record. Doing anything else would be dangerous and reckless. Neil so if he has asked to elaborate a little bit more on neither deciding one way or the other on obstruction of justice, how does he handle that . Sticking to the script is one thing but he leaves it openended. I think he handles it by saying what i wrote in the report is as far as i can go because of certain privileges. One of them is the deliberative process privilege which is referenced in the letter from the department of justice. And you know who invoked that . Eric holder. And he was held in contempt even though he stuck to his guns. Prosecutors cant talk publicly about why they do certain things. It would just be a dangerous precedent and, ive heard that both sides are practicing how to ask questions. I would hope that representatives would be able to ask pointed questions. Reacting to this socalled letter, i want you to react to this. Think its incredibly arrogant of the department to try to instruct him as part of the ongoing coverup by the administration to keep administration away from the administration. Mueller is restricting himself, and he is following the law and accepting. If they want to pursue an impeachment, thats up to them. They can subpoena witnesses and could do it with their own if needed. Its grandstanding and it will be a colossal disappointment. A lot of this will be news to them. These revelations, and im wondering whether or not you think coming from you as a lawyer looking at this, whether that will move the needle one way or the other. I think that i as a citizen, i would love for him to answer every question in the world because im curious. But its not going to happen. What they want really, its going to be the movie and that his theatrics. That show business and media hype, not going to get it. They will get a huge audience in the beginning and then i think people will fall asleep or put down the remote to go to the soap opera. Neil thank you very much. No one seems at all worried about the government spending. This from Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell a short time ago. We think it was the best possible deal under the circumstances. When you have a divided government, both sides have a seat at the table and both sides have the ability to take an agreement and we all rose above that. Neil thats not the only thing rising. 320 billion beyond what is already in place, so should we be concerned about that . We have rob smith, democratic strategist kristin hawn. You could go on all day and blame both parties for the excess. Usually, and he keeps that government lights on for a couple of years. But it gets to be to be a lot of red ink. No one is looking at the fundamental feature of our deficit budget and theng that next decade. 11 trillion of that is coming from social security, medicare and medicaid. So how did republicans respond . They say, we will just talk on another entitlement in the form of a paid Family Leave Program to social security. So i just think the whole tea party promise, republicans have shown that they are deeply furious about spending your money. We are looking at trillion dollar deficits, and next year likely the year after that. This president has been bashing the administration for regulating debt. It does seem like a bipartisan vent here. I think you look at a very positively. Everything is so polarized, i love it when people can come together to do something even if it does mean spending massive amounts of money. I understand why people on the left arm out about this and i understand why some conservatives have paused but, i really look at two things. As a veteran i will always be a major proponent of defense spending. When you think about defense spending, everyone thinks about making the fighter jet stronger but its really supporting not only are veterans but are activeduty troops. President actually talked to the largest groups of conservative teams today, i brought up what we are doing with the military and he brought up something, the va choice act. This is something that helps get veterans private care when they do not live close to a va facility. So when we are spending money on this, thats a good thing. And the second really good thing is it helps them reprogram funds for the border wall. If youve been to a trump rally or trump speech, they want that wall. If if the bill passes, we will be able to get more funding for the wall as well. We will have the opportunity to reprogram funds for the wall without restrictions. I guess to robs point, the fact that the party had decided to deal with this the way they dealt with it, maybe not showing the most for school zeal to get under control, they got it out of the way. And im wondering what you make of that. I think, with democrats and republicans its really hard to rein in spending. But we have to remember that a lot of this was about honoring our dads and then the money already spent. Thats something that automatically has to get done and democrats and republicans know that it has to get done for the good of our economy. I think folks were right. Whenever we have to raise the debt limit which we do, republicans and democrats, they love th to point fingers and tak about which presidency that debt raised more. But the fact of the matter is, its everybodys fault. They add to the democrats that have to prioritize domestic spending. Everybody has to come together and deal with entitlements, and both sides need to get serious. Neil good luck on all of that. I want to thank you all very, very much. Record territory for a while today with the dow finishing just shy of it, 177 points. A lot of it on yields of report that we are flying in delegation over to china to get hopping on this china trade deal. No indications of what will come of that, and that 9 11 compensation matter has now passed the senate. The fallout from that with the major that the president is expected to sign by days end. More on that, after this. Humira patients, you inspire us. The way you triumph over adversity. And live your lives. Thats why we redesigned humira. We wanted to make the experience better for you. Now theres less pain immediately following injection. Weve reduced the size of the needle and removed the citrate buffers. And it has the same effectiveness you know and trust. Humira citratefree is here. A little change can make a big difference. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. 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Critical to world stability and to Great Britain standing in the world is, whats he going to do about the fact that the Islamic Republic of iran has taken control of a british tanker without cause. Neil that was Joe Lieberman on my fox business show talking about the pressure is now being faced by the new british Prime Minister who assumes office tomorrow, Boris Johnson, and that everyone has been so focused on what he does about brexit and they have lost sight of the immediate concern which is, how to get back that u. K. Oil tanker. Lets go to Jennifer Griffin with the latest from the pentagon. We just received a statement from a centcom spokesperson. , earle brown, who says u. S. Officials do believe that they brought down to iranian drones by that u. S. Worship transferring the state of hormuz last thursday. Cruise on the uss boxer saw one drone go down and the others disappeared from radar and was thought destroyed. Cbs first quoted the head of Central Command frank makinzy said there may have been more. Both drones were taken out by this new marine corps antidrone jamming device strapped to the deck of the uss boxer without firing a shot, frying the drones electronics. New satellite images show that british flag to oil tanker as it was circled by on a rainy and fast boat and it now port. Irans foreign minister says his country sees the tanker after it hit a fishing boat and the vessels Parent Company pushed back saying we can confirm that we are not aware of nor is there any evidence of a collision. The 23 crew members aboard the british out oil tanker continue to be detained by Iranian Forces for a fifth day in britain says that is joining american out allies to form a protection force. Neil so what is the United Kingdom to do . This is more of an immediate issue for Boris Johnson, what do you think . It is. I think the iran issue will be the very first issue that the new Prime Minister Boris Johnson asked to deal with. Of course the bigger issue living in the background is the brexit issue but immediately on his desk hes going to have to deal with the iran situation. And, you have a british flagged vessel that is being detained by orion. You have 23 sailors that have been held hostage by the iranians. This is a completely unacceptable foundation and you need to see very firm British Action being taken. Unfortunately theresa may has been incredibly weak kneed on this front so far and the new Prime Minister has to demonstrate some real resolve in leadership. I would like to see britain joining with the United States actually and taking clear action of the defendants or waterways of the strait of hormuz. This is the idea that it will soon be some sort of European Coalition guarding the waterways which i think is pieinthesky right now. The europeans are simply lacking the willpower to do anything, nor in most cases do they actually have the military power to do so. And its time for the United States and the United Kingdom i think to Work Together here, to take action against the iranians. So the new Prime Minister has to demonstrate real leadership and completely break away from theresa mays failed policies on iran. Britain needs to get out of the jcp iran new dual agreement and enforce sanctions instead i ran alongside the United States. Neil but they have to be more than just sanctions. You work for Maggie Thatcher and she raised eyebrows and startled folks around the world. Her response to the falklands and claiming those islands were therlayers and she went to war r it. She said it was something that had to be done but times are different now. I think the reality is, the Iranian Regime which is a fiber, barbaric organization, we need to see more british warships defending shipping. We need to see the iranians handing over this british flagged tanker, which is completely unacceptable. The next time the iranians dare to even consider the sort of action, there should be the threat of a British Military response against any iranian vessel that threatens a british ship. The british must be prepared to defend that vessel and we need to have a robust british presence. There is only one there that is a destroyer on the way. We cannot allow this kind of barbaric intimidation and piracy by the Iranian Regime. This is simply unacceptable. Neil we will see what he does but it will be his first act one of the other. So i will see you are 15, let me raise you to 20. One lawmakers minimum wage push despite rumors of maximum pain, after this. Maria ramirez mom maria Maria Ramirez. Mcdonalds is committing 150 Million Dollars in tuition assistance, education, and career advising programs. Prof Maria Ramirez mom and dad Maria Ramirez to help more employees achieve their dreams. 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We help protect them online. This is beyond wifi. This is xfi. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity. The future of awesome. Neil all right. Is that it stops at 15 an hour . The fight over hiking minimum wage is raging again, this time calling for a 20 minimum wage. Congressional Budget Office saying the minimum wage of 15 an hour would cost about 1. 3 million american. Justin, we begin with you on the impact of this if it were to come to be. I dont understand why the democrats were putting so Many Americans out of work. We have a growing economy and a Record Number of people that were being employed in this proposal would certainly cost hundreds of thousands of not millions of jobs in the u. S. And that doesnt make any sense. We have to do everything we can to get this economic expansion growing and it doesnt make any sense. I dont know how many more capri have gone on board with this. We where do you think thats going . I certainly i dont think its going to the United States senate and its not going to pass. I will take a little bit more of a measured approach to this. I try to analyze things in a logical manner and i think we can all acknowledge there are thousands if not millions of americans that are trying to support their family on one, two, or three minimum wage jobs. A standard of living, a place like new york may need 15 or 20 an hour minimum wage but a place like ohio may need 10 an hour. I would say it needs to be decided regionally as far as minimum wage increases and i think that Small Businesses need to be exempt under 50 employees. Now walmart as a whole different story, those guys need to pay more and give more hours for their employees are not relying on things like medicaid, and tax dollars. But didnt we see, it was now essentially agreed to do so but we will not cutback peoples hours. Isnt that part of the problem . It is part of the problem. The cbo said they raise the minimum wage up to 3. 7 million jobs will be lost. I did say its hard to tell how the u. S. Economy and companies in the u. S. Economy would react. We have anecdotal evidence of seeing companies that are laying off workers when not onesizefitsall cookiecutter approach does go into effect, certainly in rashida to leave home district in michigan you would possibly see job losses. The restaurant association, a lot of workers there could see their jobs cut. And we saw that with amazon, when amazon raised its minimum wage. What did it do . It starts to cut bonuses and stockbased pay and it moved more to robots. A lot of people on the left like to cite nordic countries but nordic countries do not have a minimum wage. We are talking sweden, finland and denmark. Its a onesizefitsall approach thats not working, different cost of living in different parts of the country. So the federal topdown approach might be the wrong way to go for the u. S. Economy. Neil as capri pointed out, the house passed on the 15 in federal minimum wage but they were willing to accept the standard rate for everybody without distinctions and being in cheaper parts of the country, or kids versus adults. Leaving that aside, im wondering if republicans then look like they are fighting this. Also i would say the congresswoman is among a couple even mentioning this figure. Is it a big issue for them at all . I think republicans can rightfully say they are protecting from Economic Growth thats taking place under this administration and thats a good argument to take the people. We want to keep jobs growing. We dont want to kill jobs or assent jobs offshore overseas and that is what the 20 an hour minimum wage proposal would do. I think the republicans have a strong argument to the American People to say, we are about growing more jobs and we want more people working in the u. S. And not going overseas for cheaper labor. Neil i want to thank you very much. We are getting breaking news on what may be thrown upon us when bob mueller testifies in the committees tomorrow. I he says he may try to stick to the script, what does that mean . Yeah, and we could save a bunch too. Antonio fetch computer antonio . Ill get it. Get to know geico and see how much you could save on renters insurance. Priceline will partner with even more vegas hotels to turn their unsold rooms into amazing deals. Delegates, how do you vote . cheering yes, yyyyes, yes. That is freaky. applause i had a few good tricks to help hide my bladder leak pad. Like the old tunic tug. But always discreet is less bulky. And it really protects. cause it turns liquid to gel. So i have nothing to hide. Always discreet. Ive always been im still going for my best. Even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. So if theres a better treatment than warfarin, ill go for that. Eliquis. 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C. , it took a lot of fighting back and forth but the United States senate as it voted to extend the 9 11 victims conversation fund. The fallout from that, after this. Service makes more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. But dad, youve got allstate. With accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Smart kid. Indeed. Are you in good hands . Cant see what it is yet. Re . What is that . Thats a blazer . Thats a chevy blazer . Aww, this is dope. This thing is beautiful. I love the lights. Oh man, its got a mean face on it. It looks like a piece of candy. Look at the interior. This is nice. This is my sexy mom car. I would feel like a cool dad. Its just really chic. I love this thing. Its gorgeous. I would pull up in this in a heartbeat. I want one of these. That is sharp. The allnew chevy blazer. Speaks for itself. I dont know who they got to design this but give them a cookie and a star. Neil if they are going to try to get him off his talking points but Robert Mueller will try to stick to the script tomorrow when answering questions for the First Time Since the relief. Good to have you. Thanks for having me on. Neil what do you want to hear out of mr. Miller . What i want to hear is already in the report, there is no obstruction and no collusion. Mueller himself has said he will not go beyond the report so i will say it again, no obstruction and no collusion. Neil so he didnt say unequivocally that there werent grounds to appear to be obstruction of justice type conduct. How far do you think that gets . I dont think its getting the democrats very far but what its doing is distracting the American People from the democrats far left radical agenda. As long as they are talking about mueller, theyre not talking about banning airplanes are getting Illegal Immigrants free health care. They arent going to worry about the far left agenda, and its also distracting the American People from the redhot economy and the president is finally Holding China accountable. Neil so when you hear and read the final report, and very few people read the report, it will be news to most americans who hear that the president was exonerated . In some of your words, other points on the obstruction of justice. It wasnt that blackandwhite, but the mueller folks decided there wasnt enough for or against. Im wondering how you think that is received by the public . I think most americans are ready to move past the mueller report. Mueller had over two years and literally millions of dollars at his disposal and who wrote a report that was over hundred pages. Ive read the redacted version of the report and nowhere in there is there collusion or obstruction. And, i couldnt go so far as to make charges on obstruction because of the sitting president , et cetera, et cetera. But you can. These are the crowns i sparkled for you and its up to you if you want to do something with them. I cant speculate on what mueller was thinking that i can tell you that he said over and over, everything he will testify to tomorrow is in the four corners of that report. Nowhere in that report was their conclusion or obstruction. But they are just wasting time frankly. I said over and over on the committee that we are chasing ghosts. We should be doing something to fight the Opioid Epidemic but instead we are just wasting time. Like i said it, chasing ghosts. Neil so when you hear your colleagues say that russians interfere with degree, do you want to hear out of mueller that it is not . I do think we have to explore exactly what russia did and hold him accountable. There are two bills in front of the judiciary committee, one introduced by John Ratcliffe who is on the committee. At the democrats nothing and im very focused on what led up to this investigation to begin with. We have to remember that the Obama Administration weaponized of the fbi to spy on a Political Campaign and that is really troubling to me. That should be very troubling to the American People. Neil neil with it troubleu as well that this administration might have been even talking innocently to the russians . I dont think any of that impacted the elections but what troubled me is they bring weapons to the fbi. And im very troubled by a lot of what led up to this investigation and thats where i want to focus. Neil after much back and forth, the 9 11 Compensation Fund has been extended by an average of 2 billion per year, over the course of the package here and that will not put a limit on the thousands of workers that were affected by the dust and debris and the noxious smoke and fumes from that fateful day. They, their supporters are saying, where they are when america needed them. In america respond in kind. 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The president ial signature that indicate support that the 9 11 condition victims fund will not be depleted and will be restored and will last for a good decade, at a minimum here, and beyond if necessary. Chad pergram with the boat that went down in the United States senate. You dont see many votes this overwhelming. It was 972. They said we want to help these 911 victims but they were concerned the fund could go until 2090. Its been an emotional day on capitol hill as they finally lugged of this across the finish line. Let me read you something from chuck schumer, Senate Minority leader, and what he set about this. He said we are now at the end of a long struggle but the struggle does not end for those who are sick or those who might get sick. And for their families, at least we are giving them some help because they gave us help on that horrible day, 9 11. President trump has indicated they will sign this bill. We dont know when that will come but the house of representatives passed this overwhelmingly a couple weeks ago. The concern about the overall cost of this i try to ask Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell about that. These were two things that lee and rand paul has designed his sake, lets try to cut some of this funding and be responsible. But Mitch Mcconnell not wanted no part of my question. He basically said we will be compassionate, we will help those who worked on the pile shortly after 9 11. Neil just to spell this out, this provides 10. 2 billion in funding including roughly the 4 billion for claims already filed. In this is something that has grown exponentially in the process. Remember 200 more wood perished after 9 11 with illnesses contracted at ground zero. There are reports that more than 16,000 could be eligible for claims being processed now and, as he indicated this will be going to the president s desk where he is expected to sign it. You know, when you think of the votes, in the house it was 4212. Our gambit fell on deaf ears. This is something that we can agree on. The fact that rand paul signed the bill, its devastating. I understand the ideology and this is not the sword to die on. This now gives democrats a way to say, look why republicans are heartless. You want these kids to be taking care of infant in perpetuity. If we cant run and help them hear when they ran into literally save our lives on 9 11, we have problems. Neil and its a case of, and that is as long as and wide as the eye can see. He should be, but not on this one. I understand that they are contrarian and i understand that they have their ideals that they need to stand up to, but this isnt one. Im not blocking anything, simply seeking ways to pay for it. That may make sense on paper, anything we commit ourselves to is that important and we should be balancing it out. But that again fell on deaf ears. At the same time, we know exactly where he stands. We are going to be able to pay for things going forward. And for me thats a good strategy. Now he will be known as something. He will be known as something, maybe its responsible and may be as heartless but, he will be known as something. But republicans did not want to go down as opposed to being something that tugged on the nation. These were people that didnt waste a nanosecond thinking about the risk that they were doing for themselves and money was never an issue. They were voting against that and i was making jokes earlier, but its not the thing that they should be doing. Thank you very, very much. As they have done on countless issues, including Disaster Relief and funding, i will always take a stand against borrowing more money to pay for programs rather than setting priorities and cutting waste. And this was bigger than that. More after this. United rentals. Yeah. Yeah, this is nice. Hmm. How did you make the dip so rich and creamy . Oh its a philadelphia family recipe. Can i see it . No. Philadelphia dips. So good, youll take all the credit. Front slams on his the hbrakes out of nowhere. You do, too, but not in time. Hey, no big deal. Youve got a good record and Liberty Mutual wont hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. You hear that, karen . Liberty mutual doesnt hold grudges. How mature of them for drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because their first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Neil all right. I. C. E. Is upping the ante, review our releasing new figures on the crackdown of Illegal Immigrants and more importantly, the employers who hire them. The first operation, that resulted in 35 arrests. And they also wanted ordered deported by a judge. So i. C. E. Has accelerated the work site enforcement issuing 3,200 notices to businesses, which usually force illegal labor to quit to avoid apprehension. We will pursue all hosts of charges with regard to illegal employment of aliens to include tax fraud, money laundering, tax evasion, both against the company as well as against the employee. In a second operation i. C. E. Arrested nine migrants, some with a similar session. There was a 1996 law targeting recent immigrants, and in the past they had simply issued detainers for migrants simply convicted of Violent Crimes but now those arrested with say, a dui or theft, domestic assault, they will become a priority. Democrats overwhelmingly supported that but now many consider it harassment and overreach. Neil thank you very much. William la jeunesse. When we come back, Elizabeth Warren unveiling a plan to eliminate student debt. The question is, who pays for that . New align whole food probiotic. 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Lets go to radio host mike gunz woman and weve also got kent. Whatever point you can make about trying to pay for everything, this was i think you are saying not a hill worth dying. What do you make of that . I understand that these people are pretty consistent deficit hawks but im somebody who is also among them. When you are talking about this issue, its not the best look to vote against this. I dont understand with their political angle is here, and people look at this and it looks heartless. I think its terrible arctics all around. Of all the issues, you are going to go with something who didnt choose and to run into those towers to save people who are still after all these years being affected by it . Thats not a good look. Not this hill. And the timing was bad, the agreement that will include worsening the deficits by we are talking 330 billion that were already in place. I dont know how these gentlemen vote on that matter but, the fact of the matter is they have wasted far, far fo more money. Its good rhetoric and i understand the debt is getting out of control, clearly. But you have to pick and choose the issues to go with. Neil when i talk to rand paul, he said we are not blocking anything. We are simply seeking a way to pay for it and that is a consistent argument that both of those senators. I understand that and its consistent and often times i agree. All i can say is i couldnt imagine a real worse look. There are still many ridiculous things that our government spends money on it, this is not one of those things. You wonder though with there have been a better way to frame that . In other words we are all for this, if we find something else. Maybe it would have been powerful to say we will take it out of defense, or something. I dont think that they thought this out. How they didnt expect this type of backlash when its a nobrainer, when it really comes down to it and when you are wasting so much money there are countless articles about how much and what the government waste on weathered salmon salmon studies or neil its your generation that will be stuck with that. Or the defense is eating all this lobster, may need a turkey sandwich every once in a while. The one these people didnt even think for a Second Coming out and doing what they knew, the dangers were there. Jon stewart, he is funny. I dont always agree with him politically that he has really done a great job here protecting these people. The one i thought all these guys were very powerful and emotional gout level to say some things are bigger than just money. At this and sending an example, what is . I asked one if he would do it again and he said, in a second. Now it is up to the united statepresident ofthe unis expected to sign it, and now after all these years, there is help. Here is. Jesse on Jesse Watters along with my coworkers. While they are obsessively clinging to the collusion narrative thats been debunked, President Trump is shrugging off of the left mola and mueller me. In studies focusing on what really matters. With democrats distracted the president is using the moment to rail mostly him or his opponents as our lef

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