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President s remarks. I want to share a little bit of the gaggle notes. The president is in the building. Hes not begun his speech yet. Very interesting. The president talked about his opposition, if you will, to Jeff Sessions decision to recuse himself from the russia investigation. He talked in length about Michael Wolff, calling him a fantasy writer. Wolff the author in the latest book fire and fury which has created so much of a controversy in washington and consternation for the white house. He also talked about an axios piece, neil, that was laying out his executive team. Im not sure if it was suggesting he didnt work hard. Its that he had more free time than other president s. He said he works as hard as any president ever has. As you pointed out, hes here in nashville expected to address this overflow crowd of the American Farm bureau in just a moment. Hes going to be talking about the importance of the new tax law and how it will benefit americas families and in particular, americas farm families. Lets show you an excerpt. This is just prepared from the white house. From now on, most family farms and Small Business owners will be spared the punishment of the deeply unfair estate tax known as the death tax, so you can keep your farms in the family. In every decision we make, were honoring americas proud farming legacy. As you know as we have discussed, usually events like this are backended by other policy initiatives and announcements and the like. Well see if that is the case. I can tell you this, given the venue here, it is a massive crowd. Given its a state that he won 60 to 34 and given the vips in attendance is a good bet he will be rolling out something. Well let you know what we find out shortly. Live coverage coming in a bit. Neil thanks, kevin. The president is firing back at his critics and invoking Ronald Reagan while doing so. He said i have had to put up with the fake news, and now a fake book written by a totally discredited author. Ronald reagan had the same problem and handled it well. So will i. The guy that used to work for that president , former regan campaign manager, ed rollins is. There a similarity here . Only from the date that Ronald Reagan was elected, they tried to dismiss him as a viable person. He was the oldest man to serve. Trump is the same age. They said he was a movie star. They forgot he was a governor for eight years in california. He won be a landslide in 1980 for governor. What happened regan didnt Pay Attention to it. He didnt worry about what was in the press and he didnt go crazy over it. He had a staff in the first term that was loyal to him. In the second term, he had a new staff, don regans people. That didnt work as well. After iran contra, he was d disturbed that that could happen on his watch. But every day, and i was with him until the end, he functioned effectively and he had a great sense of humor. He was shot the second month of his administration, almost called. He had colon surgery. A lot of things. But he was deaf in one ear. He was hard of hearing because of a gun that went off. Nearly blind. But he could write beautifully, speak beautifully and had a core of beliefs. Again, the key thing was he came in knowing what he wanted to do. Dishave disarray in the white house and to a certain extent, still they tried to take him apart. Neil you said a lot of profound things there. But the most was his sense of humor. He was thin skinned, he didnt show it. He let the critics and the criticisms just sort of roll down his back. I wonder if theres a lesson there. Some of our more effective president s have been able to turn what are seemed to be flaws, you know, by just joking or kidding about them. John kennedy saying that he wouldnt let his father his father told him he wouldnt pay for a landslide or even Ronald Reagan dismissing critics that say he wasnt too bright. He would famously say, im here, arent i . What could maybe a donald trump learn from that . He bristles at the criticism in this book and what happens to him, he goes out and he will have an event like today and have a cheering crowd. He will come back and read the papers tomorrow and basically wont be as praise worthy. He sees these as ratings where a lot of politicians have been around awhile and certainly by regan, they dont Pay Attention to it. You Pay Attention to the people you believe in like fox and other places. But the post and the New York Times will never write good stuff about him. But he likes to be loved. He reacts and overreacts sometimes. The key thing i think is you are growing to be measured by your programs. You had a great end of the year a great year this year and basically serve out this term and let history write the books about you. Neil what do you make of Michael Wolffs premise that the president is unstable and the people around him think hes unstable . Hes too nuts for the job. As if they would know or be able to qualify that. You know, theres hundreds of people that work in the white house. Who are the people saying hes unstable . Its not the general running the show at this point in time. Certainly not his cabinet. World leaders that sit down with him, nobody walks away saying this guy is not stable. We knew what he was when we elected him. He wasnt a professional politician. He had a unique personality. You know, basically got a lot of his support after his Television Shows and what have you. I think to a certain extent, hes a good communicator and he goes out and connects with audiences. He knows what he wants to do. Not necessarily popular positions with the mainstream media, but they are popular positions with his supporters. Neil maybe the lesson here, maybe Ronald Reagan first laid it out, others successful like john kennedy, never let them see you sweat. Never let them think that theyre getting under your skin. Theres some value in that. Tremendous value in that. I use a different term. I say never show pain. No matter how hard they hit you, never react like its no big deal. Regan was great that way. I asked him one time, i said dont you ever take any of this serious . He said i was a movie star for 25 years. I wasnt a great actor. He said i got panned every day, every movie. I basically just keep going on, appreciate what you have. Im grateful to have this country to serve and i basically care very much about the people and i think to a certain extent, thats where what drove him. He cared about the young people and he got up and did that ever try day. You talk about the people that serve him. The i was left the impression that hes surrounded by people that dont like him, trust him or are afraid of him. Theres none of the comradery and loyalty, for example, that Ronald Reagan enjoyed with his staff, cabinet officials, higher ups, people like yourself. That might be a wrong impression. What do you think . I think its very true. I read the book over the weekend, too. I didnt learn anything new having watched it closely. I was kind of amazed at the disa ray and amazing in a short period of time, before the chief of staff, they were getting even with each other. Everybody had the own Media Program and power center as opposed to being there to serve the president. One of the key things with a campaign, you do serve government, you serve the people that were there. Everybody lives off of reflected power. The bottom line, if you cant serve the people, you walk out. Neil were listening to sonny purdue, the agricultural secretary getting ready to introduce the president. I want to while youre here, get your sense of where the president goes to from here. If it wasnt for some of these lapses that are tweets or vexing with those criticizing him. He does have a record with the markets, the economy, the tax cuts that could be more substantial to the American People that have generally been given the case, that that would have him soaring right now. Hes turned this around. The chief has changed the general have very important and theres order there now. A great accomplishment. It was a learning curve. Hes never been in government. Neil absolutely. None of the people around him had been in government. His campaign was composed of bannon and those people. Never been in a campaign before. So to a certain extent, theyre like ducks. Every day is a new day. To a certain extent, he knew what he wanted to do and kind of a question working it out. And the Communications Office is much better now. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is loyal to him and hope hicks. A lot of people trying to serve themselves and always attendana tendency to tell the press im so smart and im the power behind the throne. The bottom line is youre there to help the person that won every day to move forward. Neil why cant he then leave surrogates or people say look at the markets, look at everything else. Maybe that is somebody that the president will remind people to do. He needs to do. The truth of the matter, every member of the cabinet, there ought to be a theme of the week here he comes. Let him carry his own speech. Neil indeed. Youd be a wonderful anchor if you wanted to take the step back there. I just want to be with you. Neil there we go. The president in nashville today. You people know real estate. They have rooms all over this beautiful building are packed. But youre here with us, right . And i say packed with our people. So its great. So thank you very much, secretary purdue, for the kind introduction. There could be no better person to be our secretary of agriculture. A man known, trusted and respected by your industry. Thats for sure. Im thrilled to be back in the amazing state of tennessee. [cheers applause] here as the state slogan goes, we see america as its absolute best, and youre doing well. Youre doing a lot better since november 8, i might add. At the same time, its true of the people gathered here today in our nations former and you know that our nations farmers are just the most incredible people and were doing a job for you. Youre seeing it like nobody else. Regulation, death tax, so much. Your a big beneficiary and youre really producing like nobody else. I want to thank you for that. [applause] and thats why im so honored to be the first president to address the American Farm bureau in more than 25 years. What happened . Where are what happened . [cheers applause] what happened . Where are they . And you know, this is your 99th year. So i was very disappointed to hear that. [laughter] you understand. 100 is so much cooler. I have to be honest. Ill be back next year. Ill come back. [applause] well come back. I want to thank Governor Haslam and mrs. Hasham along with the tennessee congressional delegation. I sort of have this beautiful list that i wrote. Some of us came in on air force one and there are great people and they are fighting for you. In addition to the governor and your great secretary, senator bob corker. Theyre out here someplace. Bob. [applause] senator Lamar Alexander is here. Senator pat roberts. [applause] thank you, pat. Does he love the farmers. Right, pat . Stand up, pat. Do you love the farmers, pat . Yes. [applause] he will come in. Were talking about a different subject. What about the farmers thats good. Thats why they love you. Representative diane black. Terrific woman. Representative Marsha Blackburn. Marsha . [applause] representative scott desjarlais. I love that name. Right from the beginning. Representative chuck fleischman. [applause] representative david cussoff. Representative phil rowe. [applause] i talk about zippy. I dont have to mention zippy duval. Ill talk about him. Tom nassif. Where is tom . Thank you. And mark morris, state Senate Majority leader. Ive done my job now. All right . Okay. [applause] did i do a good job . Did i leave out anybody . I hope not. Always trouble when you do that. You left out one person. Its like for the rest of your life they never speak to you. Its always very dangerous. Thanks very much. Im thrilled to see one of my good friends and early supporters and that is tom i just said tom nassi and i also want to thank the American Farm bureau. Zippy, im going to mention you. Youve been there from the beginning. The tractor that you drove during the inauguration was a very, very special moment. So i want to thank zippy duval. [applause] thank you, zippy. Thank you. A special day. From that day on, we have been working every day to deliver for americas farmers just as they work every single day to deliver for us, we know that our nation was founded by farmers. Our independence was were on by farmers. Our continent was tamed by farmers. So true. Our armies have been fed by farmers and made of farmers and throughout our history, farmers have always, always, always led the way. Are you surprised to hear that, farmers . I dont think so. [applause] you have led the way. Great people. The men and women in this room come from different background and from all across our land. But each of you carries the same title. Thats been proudly borne by patriots and pioneers, inventors and entrepreneurs. The title of, very proudly, American Farmer. Thank you very much. [applause] you embody the values of hard work, grit, selfreliance and sheer determination we need did you ever here this expression . Make America Great again. Has anybody heard that . [cheers applause] were seeing already, very early, 11 months, the incredible results. Weve created more than two million new jobs since the e electi election. Economic growth has surged passed 3 . Something that wasnt supposed to happen for a long time. Were way ahead schedule. Unemployment is at a 17year low. By the way, African American unemployment is the lowest its ever been in the history of our records. [applause] great. [applause] i told you. The stock market is hitting one alltime record after another. Boosting your 401 k s and retirement accounts for everyday americans. Everybody happy with your 401 k . If youre not, theres something very wrong. I had a policeman in new york come up to me. He said, mr. President i was shaking hands. Dont we love our police and uniformed he came up. He was taking pictures. A nice event. He said, sir, i want to thank you for my 401 k . I never thought in terms of this way. I think im going to use this. He said my 401 k is up 39 . Its so good. My wife thinks im dont forget, this is nine months when i met him said my wife thinks im an investment genius. Thank you, sir. Thank you. I said, you know what . Based on the stocks, 39 is not that good. Youre not doing well. Dont tell your wife that. The American Dream is roaring back to life and we have just signed into law the most significant tax cuts and reforms in american history. [applause] its a total of 5. 5 trillion in tax cuts with most of those benefits going to working families, Small Businesses and who . The family farmer. [applause] and i hate to say this, but your competing party wants to raise the taxes. They want to raise them. Cant let that happen. Weve worked to hard to get them. Businesses across america have already started to raise wages, and more than 100 companies have already given bonuses and other benefits to hundreds of thousands of workers as a result of these massive tax cuts. You see it happening every day. Today they Just Announced more. 1,000, sometimes more, per employee. Hundreds of thousands of employees and overall, millions of employees. We have over a million workers that have already received a tax cut bonus. Something that nobody even thought when we made the bill. Nobody thought of that. It happened. At t came out. Another one came out. Then they started copying. The ones that didnt get it, everybody is saying wheres mine . So theyll all have it. We never thought about it. That worked out fantastically well. Even before the february date where youll start seeing more money in your paycheck. Yet every democrat in the house and every democrat in the senate voted against tax cuts for the American Farmer and for the american worker. But republicans came together and delivered historic relief for our farmers and our middle class. And it wasnt easy. [applause] we cannot let anything happen to that. If the democrats ever had the chance, the first thing they would do is get rid of it and raise up your taxes, sometimes by 40, 50, 60 higher than youre paying right now. We cant have that. That will undermine everything that weve done. You can see the record business all over the world. Theyre talking about the United States again. All over the world. We cannot let anything happen to what were doing. [applause] under the really large tax cut, i always call it massive, sometimes huge tax cuts, but under our huge tax cut that we just passed, americans will be paying less in taxes and keeping more of their own money to do what you want. You can save it, spend it. Its all good for our country. Weve lowered tax rates, nearly double the standard deduction and doubled the child tax credit. [applause] its a big thing. Under this new law, the typical family of four earning 75,000 will see an income tax cut of more than 2,000 each slashing their tax bill in half each year. [applause] american businesses are going from the highest tax rate in the developed world last year, the highest in the developed world think of it to one of the most competitive this year from 35 , which is unacceptable, all the way down to 21 and on top of that, you have a lot of advantages. Small and mid size businesses will receive massive tax cuts. A lot of the folks in this room. [applause] theyll be able to deduct 20 of their business income. All american businesses, including American Farmers, will be able to deduct 100 of the cost of new equipment in the year you make the investment. That is something that is tremendous. [applause] that is something that will be the sleeper of the bill. You deduct it all in one year as opposed to over many years. A tremendous thing. From now on, most family farms and Small Business owners will be spared youll be spared and it is the word punishment of the deeply unfair estate tax known as the death tax, so you can keep your farms in the family. [cheers applause] that was a tough one to get. That was a tough one. Obviously you love your families. Otherwise you wouldnt be standing for that one. Not going to help you much. Going to help them a lot. [ laughter and applause ] whats been happening, you have a farm and it does well. But its value is more than the income really would justify. What happens is families were forced to take these farms and sell them at a fire sale price, and they go out and borrow too much money and then they end up losing the farm. Its not going to happen anymore, folks. Its not going to happen. I congratulate you. That was a tough one to get approved of all of them. [applause] every decision we make, we are honoring americas proud farming legacy. Years of crushing taxes, crippling regulations and its never been worse than it was before i got here. It was horrible. And corrupt politics left our communities hurting, our economy stagnant and millions of hard working americans completely forgotten. But they guess what are not forgotten anymore. No more. [applause] i used to call them the forgotten men and women, and then when everybody say them come to the polls, the other side said how do we get some of them . They were unbelievable. Theyre forgotten no more. Remember that. Youre forgotten no more. Were fighting for our farmers. Thank you. [applause] and were fighting for our country. And for our Great American flag. Were fighting for that flag. [cheers applause] we want our flag respected. We want our flag respected. We want our National Anthem respected also. [cheers applause] [chanting]. Theres plenty of space for people to express their views and to protest. But we love our flag. We love our anthem. We want to keep it that way. [applause] as we put money back in the pockets of all americans and including our farmers and ranchers, were also putting an end to the regulatory assault on your way of life. It was an assault indeed. For years many of you have in endured burdens and fines from regulators at the epa, fda and countless other federal agencies is that right, by the way . Thats why im proud to report in the first 11 months, my administration has cancelled or delayed over 1,500 planned regulatory actions or assaults. More than any president in the history of the United States. [applause] we have cut 22 regulations for every one new regulation. Think of that one. You remember when i would talk to you, when i came down to tennessee and different places. Id say for every new regulation, well cut one extra regulation. We did better. One and we cut 22. Instead of two, it was 22. So were very honored by that. [applause] if the democrats got their way, they would reinstate every single regulation that were cutting and add many more burdensome rules that dont do anything but hamstring our economy and burden our people and our farmers. My administration is in the process of rolling back a rule that hit our farmers and ranches very, very hard. The terrible waters of the United States rule. You know about that. [applause] it sounds so nice. It sounds so innocent. It was a disaster. You know that. It sounded so good. The title is so beautiful. Thats where it stopped. It was absolutely i have to say this. When i sign it, i say ill be killed on this one. You know what . People came to me and they saw me and they were crying. Men that were tough and strong, women that were tough and strong, they would see me, their tears coming down their eyes because i gave them back their property, i gave them back their farms. They couldnt use them. [applause] we ditched the rule. I call it, we ditched the rule. [cheers applause] were streamlining regulations that have blocked cutting edge biotechnology. Setting free our farmers to innovate, thrive and to grow. Oh, are you happy you voted for me. You are so lucky that i gave you that privilege. [laughter] the other choice wasnt going to work out too well for the farmers, i hate to say. Or the miners or anybody else. Because we know that our farmers are our future. So true. Were removing harmful restrictions on forestry so you can log or timber, plant more trees and export more Renewable Resources to other countries. Make money doing it. [applause] were restoring the rule of law and protecting our cherished second amendment. [cheers applause] that was another thing that would have been gone had the other side one. That wasnt so close. Didnt turn out to be. Remember . There is no way to 270. There wasnt. We got 306 or 304. There was no way to 270. We ended up with 304. After two were taken away from us somehow. I dont know we had 306 and ended up being 304. Youll explain that to me some day. To level the Playing Field for our Great American exporters, our farmers and ranchers as well as our manufacturers, were reviewing all of our trade agreements to make sure theyre fair and reciprocal. So important. On nafta, i am working very hard to get a better deal for our country and for our farmers and for our manufacturers. [applause] its under negotiation as we speak. Think of it, when mexico is making all that money, when canada is making all that money. Its not the easiest negotiation. Were going to make it fair for you people again. Now we want to see even more victories for the American Farmer and for the american rancher. Here today is Senate Agriculture committee chairman, pat roberts. Im looking forward to working with congress to pass the farm bill on time so that it delivered for all of you. And i support a bill that includes crop insurance, unless you dont want me too. [applause] thank you. I guess you like it, right . [applause] good. Because if i heard no applause, id say forget it. Give it up. Now i cant do that. No, were working hard on the farm bill and its going to go well. Were moving swiftly to bring hope and prosperity to struggling Rural Communities. Last april, i commissioned a task force to meet with farmers and local communities to find the greatest barriers to rural prosperity. Today this task force is releasing its final report. And i am taking action at that beautiful table right out of the hills of tennessee, right there, im going to be signing two very important bills. The task force heard from farmers that broad band Internet Access is an issue, a vital concern to their communities and businesses. Is that a correct state . [applause] that is why today in a few minutes, i will take the first step to expand access to broad band internet in Rural America. So you can compete on a level Playing Field, which you were not able to do. Not fair. I will sign two president ial orders to provide broader and faster and Better Internet coverage. Make sure you look up atrealdonaldtrump, right . I have a feeling you get that anyway. So the only way around the media. Fake media. [ laughter and applause ] i also want the thank congresswoman Marsha Blackburn who is here with her leadership on broad band. Very strong on it. Getting it to Rural America. Thank you, marsha. The task force also focused on the need to rebuild our crumbling rural infrastructure. We have already slashed harmful restrictions that delay Critical Infrastructure project for decades and decades. Hard to believe. Were ensuring that our Rural Communities have access to the best roadways, railways and waterways anywhere in the world. Thats what is happening. Were going to be spending the necessary funds. Were going to get you taken care of. Its about time. [applause] and these projects are going to be built like i do under budget and ahead of schedule. Okay . [applause] we are confronting the scourge of drug addiction and overdoses that plagues too many of our Rural Communities and claims too Many American lives all over our country. We are fighting the opioid epidemic, and we are proudly supporting the men and women of law enforcement, including our wonderful ice officers around Border Patrol agents. Incredible people that endorsed me during the campaign and they are incredible. Theyre doing a great job at the border, by the way. [applause] we are going to end chain migration. Were going to end the lottery system and we are going to build the wall. [cheers applause] every american child deserves to grow up in a Safe Community and to live a life full of dignity, purpose and hope that is the future we all seek. And we will fiercely defend for all americans. We see the promise of tomorrow and the incredible Young Farmers who have joined us today. Students who are achieving incredible things through amazing organizations like ffa and 4h. [cheers applause] great people. Great people. Thank you. Great people. The future of our country. Thats the future of our country. Great young people. Their devotion to our nation inspires us all. Really does. But to ensure that our young people reach their potential and our nation fulfills its destiny, we must remember and honor our history. We have to remember our history. Mostly good. Some not so good. You learn from it. We have to remember our history. That is why i want to close my remarks today by commemorating one of the most important days in american history. Today, january 8, the story began right here in tennessee and like so many of the Great Stories of american history, many of its heros were American Farmers. It was a Pivotal Moment in the war of 1812. At the time the british army seemed totally unstoppable. They had just beaten napoleon in europe and set fire to the United States capitol. But that did not stop a man named general Andrew Jackson of tennessee. You ever hear of Andrew Jackson from tennessee . A great general. A great president. His rag tag malitia of patriots ready to fight to defend american independence, in december of 1814, jackson and his Tennessee Volunteers had made their way to new orleans to defend that crucial port from the british. Through grueling winter weeks, horrible weather, icy rain, hunger and sleepless nights, a few thousand american patriots fought to hold back a British Force nearly twice as large and that everybody thought was totally unstoppable. Finally on this day, 203 years ago, the british launched their full scale attack. It was brutal. It was brutal. They expected to secure a swift victory and seize control of the mississippi river. And that would have been catastrophic for what we were doing. It wasnt the first time the british had underestimated the american spirit. You notice how so many people underestimate the americans . Theyre not underestimating us so much anymore, folks. [applause] but jacksons men proved them very, very wrong. Within a half an hour, an outnumbered force, the american force. Achieved victory over one of the worlds mightiest empires and the strongest armies ever seen. Tennessee, congratulations, tennessee. I like you too. I like you too, tennessee. The americans held their ground. Independent was secured. Andrew jacksons name was etched into history and those patriot farmers proved again in the words of Andrew Jackson, farmers are the basis of society and true friends of liberty. Great story. Love that story. Have Great Respect for Andrew Jackson. Today the battle of new orleans lives on in the american soul and lives on in each and every one of you. Our task is to preserve the freedom that american soldiers have fought for and died for in every generation. Our task is to uphold the values and principles that define who we are as a nation and as a people. Our task is to love, cherish and protect the flag and the constitution of the United States. If we do these things, if we rea waken the confidence that inspired jacksons victory our country is getting its confidence back again. The character that stormed the beaches of normandy and the courage that sent pilgrims across the ocean and astronauts to the moon, then there is nothing that we cant do. [applause] for america, theres no task too great, no goal too large, no dream beyond our reach. Were witnessing a new era of patriotisms prosperity and pride. At the forefront of this exciting new chapter is the great American Farmer. Thank you. A phrase that i have heard all my life but i will repeat right now, very simple but very, very accurate and concise, farm country is gods country. [cheers applause] so true. Thank you very much, tennessee. Thank you for the honor speaking this afternoon. Im thrilled to stand with you today and i will be standing with you for many years to come. Together we truly are making America Great again. God bless you, god bless everyone. Thank you. Thank you very much. [cheers applause] neil youve been listening to the president of the United States in nashville, tennessee. He will be putting pen to paper on two executive order that will expand broad band to Rural America. Thats a problem where they dont have the ease of use in urban areas. Putting a lot of agricultural communities to say nothing of those that just live in rural areas, they dont have to be farmers, at a disadvantage. You can see a whos who crowd of bob corker, looks like phil graham in the back there, a host of others. Who else is there . Marsha blackburn is there. On and on. The fact of the matter is, the president signing these documents, that through executive order he can unleash great deal. Hes doing just that here. Im joined by Charlie Gasparino and katie, gary. The president at some of these initiatives has been talking up just this. Listen. Streamlining and expediting requests to locate broad band facilities in Rural America. Might as well be efficient. Well do the other one. Nice job putting a mic at that table, folks. Supporting broad band tower facilities in Rural America and federal properties managed by the department of the interior. Those towers are growing to go up and youre going to have great, great broadband. Thank you. [applause] [cheers applause] [applause] [cheers applause] thank you, everybody. Neil all right. I note that Lamar Alexander behind him as well. Its bob corker that just amazes me right now given their war of words the last couple months. He joined the president on air force one and they struck up a friendship. The president is not too shabby of a golfer. They seemed to have buried a hatchet here. Whoever was in charge of the microphone at that desk has now disappeared. We cant track that individual down. Obviously, that was a big mistake. The president making light of it. He was reminding folks, look whats been happening in the markets and the economy and look at this 5. 5 trillion in tax cuts. We wonder where he got that figure. Thats the gross total of tax cuts offset by about 4 trillion in revenue raisers. You get the 1. 5 tax cut cost. It began in 5. 5 trillion and the number raises to offset that prompted all of this. Anyway, back with my guests, katie, did the president make good on just forcing that point across . Letting people know, there might be a lot of people paying attention to this Michael Wolff book. He did not. Maybe thats the way it should be. What do you think . This was a good time for him to get off twitter and be in tennessee. Its a savvy move. It reminds Rural America and rural families that trump is still seeing them, pays attention to them and he cares about them. Thats something that the democrats failed to do in the election. If they dont catch up to this, that trump is reminding the voters that you feel disenfranchised and im listening, theyll have a bad time. Really smart on trumps part. Hope he stays off twitter after the fact. Neil madison, i was surprised hes the first president 25 years to address this farmers group. Why is that the case . Do you know . The farmers love him. He wanted to go back there because this is part of his base. These are people that voted for him. They wanted to hear from him. The Strong Economy is really helping them. One thing he hit on is regulations. For every one new regulation, they cut 22. To put this in perspective, when Obama Left Office last year, we had almost 100,000 pages of regulations. That was an alltime high. This year, last year, 2017, as we came out of 2017 into this new year, 2018, we cut that by half down to under 62,000 pages. Which is just incredible. Only one year of work. People recognize that. Not only benefitted at the farm bureau but across the country in a diversity of markets and industries. Neil 1,000 pages sounds like one of charlies books. Yeah. Thank you for selling my book. Neil anything i can do, pal. The president was more or less getting back to this is one of the things that i can do alone, if i want to. The executive orders, executive memoranda. Whatever you want to call it, a lot of corporations, businesses of all sizes and shapes, this was the biggest burden to them. Before they saw the tax cuts, it was getting regulations off of their back and this was a reminder. That is something that a president can do. Its a de facto tax cut. What we reported on all year. Just by the fact that he hired more free market people, you didnt have to do anything on it. On top of that, he had executive orders. Thats why you see the markets and not just the markets, the economy. Remember, the markets and the economy were supposed to slow down after seven years. It was like a weak growth spurt. It was supposed to slow down. Thats the usual cycle and kept going. One of the reasons why, big reason, this whole thing with regulation. Ill say one other thing, neil, that was a very sane speech. We keep hearing that this man is insane from the democrats and from Michael Wolff, 25th amendment. No Insane Person gives that speak. That was a great speech. My one worry about president trump, if i was his political adviser, id say, he does some great stuff. Most of his best speeches are economic speeches. You have so many skills. Did you just pollute the water so much with so many people that you cant like get back in their good graces . Did all the tweeting just hurt him so neil we all know that for a while. But gary, one thing that the president can use in his well, if im crazy, its the crazy markets and the records that a lot of people seem to be relishing. If im crazy, then the world is crazily going along with this runup in paper wealth that not only weve seen here but spurred similar runups across the globe. He doesnt have to do that. Its risky signing the president and giving him the credit for something exclusively as that. When the markets go down, ill have to take the blame as well. He seems to be preaching to acquire that could say look, you know, truth be told, this has been a crazy but a very real runup. If thats crazy, we welcome it. Im sitting here and im watching and listening to him. All im thinking about, why isnt he doing this every day, talking about the numbers and the facts . After the close today, visa is adding to their retirement plans. A heck of a lot of money for their employees just in addition to the billion dollars in bonuses, the wages going up, investments. He has the ammo to get popularity but but he keeps undercutting himself with the tweets and the nuts because theyre using the verbiage that they shouldnt be using with dementia and alzheimers. Do more of this, less of that and watch what happens. This was a great speech and the more the better. Neil katie what do you think of that . Hes absolutely right. Less of the tweeting. More focusing on this, hard numbers, achievement, success. Rural america. He will be flying high for a while. Its not just Rural America. Its everywhere. Yeah. The economy this is the thing that blows me away. Economic cycles last seven years. It was a weak recovery. The markets were due for a construction, not a crash. But yet they extended the gains. Markets went to 25,000. More economic growth. You see better economic numbers. That is a major, major achievement. Most of it is because of him and what hes done. We never hear of it. We hear more about sloppy steve bannon than these numbers. Im telling you exactly. Makes no sense. Neil i did talk a little bit madison, maybe you can give me your thoughts on this. What ed rollins of Ronald Reagans fame, a big strategist. He said that regan was famous for having a sense of humor. Would the president be wise to do that . He is the one in the drivers seat in this economy and the markets, whether you want to credit him or not. Just to accentuate the positive and dont punch down on the negative. I understand what people say about his tweeting. At the same time, he needs to continue to tweet. One of the reasons why is this if he was putting out only his economic numbers, theres a lot of young people specifically millennials that wont care or Pay Attention to that. Neil thats your generation. They have an attention problem. A lot of people, what brings him to their page is what he is tweeting. Its hurt him. And then they see the numbers he tweets about. Its hurting him. I dont think its hurting him. If you want to say hes insane, thats the type of insane i want to see in the white house. Its working. Its not working. Heres the thing it is working. Why is his approval numbers as the economy is growing so lousy . That means its not working. What hes doing is helping americans neil charlie, you want to see more of this, right . I would love to see this. You could tweet stuff like this out. Its the other nonsense neil you want to see more. Gary, you want to see more. Its stupid if he does both. Look, he does have to answer some of the nonsense. But he should not be answering the nonsense 24 7. This should be the 24 7. He doesnt answer it 24 7. Neil i wish we had more time. So happy we do not. I want to thank you all. The markets were down today. The first down day weve had this year. The markets are up on the week and the month and so far this young year. So hes doing something right. Well see you tomorrow. Your Insurance Company wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. 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