Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your World With Neil Cavuto 2017102

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your World With Neil Cavuto 20171027

i want to stress, right now cooler heads are prevailing. madrid has been saying, this ain't going to fly. if we have to force the issue that catalonia stays, catalonia will stay. that's that. you know how things go when it comes to these dust-ups. they do escalate and they do scare investors. right now they're scaring them right back into our treasury notes and bonds. for example, a ten-year note where a lot of people park their money, the yield went down on that as the price goes up. that's the way that goes. let's take a look at the corner of wall and broad where stocks were racing. the nasdaq up 2% here. a lot of it on the heels of better than expected performance out of big technology giants like amazon and google alphabet and microsoft. apple now. you can get those orders in for the iphone. a lot of money here and a lot of it from over there. how long does that last? what are we looking at going into the weekend? ashley webster, financial analysts here with us. ashley, how big of a deal will this be? depends on how it escalates. >> that's the question we're in. unchartered territory. what will happen in catalonia? we know that france, germany, the u.s. have all said that we don't recognize catalonia's independence and we don't recognize this area as an independent state. we're in a bit of a show-down, a stalemate. what happens next? the prime minister has dissolved the catalonian parliament. are we headed to civil unrest? will the spanish bring in troops to take control of catalonia? from a spanish point of view, it's interesting. the spanish markets lost 1.5%. there's a lot of nervous investors in europe right now wanting to know where does this go. european leaders, the e.u. in particular, is worried about cracks, if you like, in the concrete. there's the basks and the northern league of italy. everyone wanting to perhaps stress their own independence, which is not good. a lot of money, big multinationals in europe. to your point, there's money coming back into the united states economy. there's been very good signs of growth and as a result the stock market grows and grows. >> neil: as well as the economy. we saw in the latest quarter, 3% uptick in growth, the likes of which we haven't seen since 2014. technology back in vogue. we have a new world richest man for the time being, jeff bezos things to an enormous run up in his stocks. write it in pencil, he's the richest guy in the planet. american investments are the big draw. when you look at that, heather, what do you think? >> this is going to impact the u.s. previously, it was a domestic issue. but as it puts pressure on the euro, neil, that will strengthen our dollar and may slow the economy. corporate earnings are up on a weaker dollar. may also put pressure on the federal reserve to keep our interest rates lower. keep an eye on investors overseas, fighting to get the flight to safety, flight to quality. but i think a weaker euro will lend to a stronger dollar. that's not good for us here in the u.s. >> neil: so what you're saying, a great deal of discussion about upheaval in the united states. but the -- we are the most stable of the bunch. if you look at the world right now, it seems that money finds an attractive home here. how long do you think that lasts? >> it lasts for a long time. i think there will continue to be political unrest in the euro zone as other countries take the path of -- look at a brexit or spain. the separatist move of the catalonian government. it's a broken system. look at greece. it's not worked. they need fiscal reform or the u.s. will continue to be the best place to invest in the world. >> neil: ashley, we learned from brexit, what britain went through, sometimes the worst laid fears never pan out that way. a lot of it depends on how it smooths out, if it does. play that out. >> it's interesting. you're right, neil. brexit came along and nobody thought it could happen. it didn't. there were predictions of the markets crashing, britain being the red-headed stepchild. none of that has happened. there's still negotiating their exit, which has been very painful. let's not forget donald trump and the predictions when he became presidents. the markets were going to crash and may never recover. look what they have done. >> neil: very good point. >> who knew? >> yeah. who knew. >> neil: happy friday. we're looking at the developments across the pond. they could turn into something or not. but essentially spanish voters are saying look, we would prefer to stay together if we could. in catalonia, they're saying if we had our druthers, we don't want to be with you. it's a breakup. a very, very emotional breakup. sometimes breakups go very well. sometimes they do not. all right. meantime, a partial release of the j.f.k. files re-igniting interest in an assassination that happened half a century ago. here's the thing though. some of those files that weren't released, they're spawning new conspiracy theorists as we speak. after this. look at this... a silicon valley server farm. the vault to man's greatest wonders... selfies, cat videos and winking emojis. speaking of tech wonders, with the geico app you can get roadside assistance, digital id cards... or even file a claim. do that.. yeah, yeah that should work. it's not happening... just try again. uh, i think i found your problem. thanks. hmm... the award-winning geico app. download it today. you or joints. something for your heart... but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brain-health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember. searching one topic. that will generate over 600 million results. and if you've been diagnosed with cancer, searching for answers like where to treat, can feel even more overwhelming. so start your search with a specialist at cancer treatment centers of america. start with teams of cancer treatment experts under one roof. start where specialists use advanced genomic testing to guide precision cancer treatment... ...that may lead to targeted therapies and more treatment options. start where there's a commitment to analyzing the latest research and conducting clinical trials-to help each patient get the personalized cancer care they deserve. start at one of the cancer treatment centers of america hospitals near you. the evolution of cancer care is here. learn more at appointments available now. >> neil: all right. a time for speed readers. new details emerging as thousands of documents, tens of thousands of pages on j.f.k. assassination, what led up to it, what happened after it all released. was a british journalist tipped off? did the russians fear they would get the blame? what did l.b.j. have to say? we're finding out so much but not everything right now. we're going to talk the a historian reviewing the documents in just a moment. first, deidra bolton on what we're learning now. deidra? >> if you went to the national archives website last evening, you could have seen the files. there's a range of information. president trump did decide to keep some of these records classified for possible release later. but here's some anecdotes. from what we can see, the kennedy administration considered creating a bouncy system that valued fidel castro at two cents. u.s. officials plan on dropping leaflets by air over cuba and encouraging americans to kill communis communists. a small english newspaper called cambridge news received a mystery call about 25 minutes before the j.f.k. assassination. the caller said the call the american embassy in london for big news and hung up. president kennedy was shot within the hour. one theory is that a free of lee harvey oswald made the call. nobody knows why the call was made to a regional newspaper and not a national one. another strange phone call, the fbi received an oswald death threat the day before his murder. in the files, fbi director j. edgar hoover said that jack ruby acted alone as oswald's killer. j. edgar hoover concerned that the american people would not believe that lee harvey oswald acted alone. he stated that he had seen evidence of oswald's guilt, but some historians say he may have wanted to avoid riots or diplomatic complications and purposely kept the public message simple. a lot still to go through. i think historians will be working on these files for a while, neil. back to you. >> neil: the other material if it's to be released, at least wait six months. thanks. and h.w. brands has been reviewing some of those documents. what have you discovered? >> i have to say, there's not a whole lot new. nothing new of substance. nothing that will change anybody's mind either for or against a conspiracy theory. there's details of what the fbi and the cia knew and what they were doing in cuba. in terms of the big questions of was there a conspiracy, we're not closer to that. >> neil: it always comes back to people's frustration with understanding how it is. a lone individual with all sorts of problems. could he shoot and killed the most powerful man on the planet. we like to say that doesn't seem possible yet in our history it has happened. i guess the question with oswald is did he have help? not in the shooting itself but the planning or what was he talking to in mexico city weeks prior. what have you learned from those documents? >> i haven't learned anything new from these documents. there's still questions surrounding that. the documents don't indicate either that the fbi or other american law enforcement agencies knew more about that. not from what we've seen. >> neil: okay. it was obviously on our radar earlier with these free cuba leaflets and passing them around weeks earlier. there is a lot of curiosity about him and who other parties could have had an interest in helping him. but there's nothing in the documents to indicate that now. so to the best of your knowledge, all of this other stuff that comes up that seems tantalizing but maybe apart like this call to this british media or other reports that there was advanced warning, nothing really to connect that at this point, right? >> no. there's really not. things like the report to the british paper we don't know -- >> neil: it's hard to tell. what does that mean? >> exactly. and how many other calls were there? that didn't have any connections? so these false positives happen all the time. >> neil: do you have any idea why not all of these documents were released? there could be the argument they would be embarrassing for intelligence officials. some might still be alive. what do you think? >> i think the basic reason that not all of them were released is the basic reason that most of them in this batch weren't released until now. that is that they don't put american intelligence agencies, the fbi, the cia and particularly in a flattering light. we're aware, we now know, that the fbi had oswald on its radar screen for a while. the fact that he was able to kill the president doesn't look good for the fbi. some of it i think is exactly what the cia and the fbi say. it will compromise sources. when we learn, for example, of what the soviet reaction was to this. anybody who is interested in that period can figure out what the fbi knew and probably figure out from that how they knew it. that's an important thing. >> neil: you know, there are those that say, we heard shots coming from other directions, so-called grassy knoll theory and all that. way too early to go through the thousands of pages of documents and photographs and whatever else is there. but we still haven't gotten any indication of that to this day, have we? >> no. in terms of the basic questions behind the kennedy assassination, we're really no closer to a final resolution than we were before this batch was released. >> neil: thanks. h.w. brands, thanks very much. i have a feeling you'll be busy this weekend. i think you're a speed reader. meantime, we have buck sexton on all of this. what can we glean from the cia and other entities urging the president to go slow on releasing everything right now? has to be a reason for that, right? >> yeah, he's federal agencies are aware of the fact that it's going to fan the flames of a lot of conspiracy theories that they're not releasing all the information here. it's over 50 years old. they have also been quite clear at least openly so far about why it is ney wouldn't release all the documents. that there are people who are named that they don't want to be associated with these federal organizations. there's people that could be harmed and it's really about protecting sources and methods. now, that's the open rationale from the federal government so far. i do think we have to keep in mind, neil, there's the other possibilities that could be a factor, not necessarily the determining factor. that would be possibility of embarrassment or also just the culture of secrecy in the federal government. if you have never worked in the federal government, it's hard to believe some of the things that they still think are secret. because everybody knows them. >> neil: exactly. some of the things that turn up are silly, a plot to kill castro by planting a large shell know where he would cuba dive that would blow up if he picked it up and other such gems. i'm not saying that makes these intelligence agencies look like keystone cops, but stuff like that would be embarrassing. the biggest embarrassment is how the intelligence agencies, as much of the guilt that they went through after 9/11, after a presidential assassination. the president of the united states was killed, and they didn't see it coming or didn't do anything to see it coming or worse in the ears of the cynical and jaded made it come. what do you think of that? >> i think the federal bureaucracies are clear to guard their reputations. there might have been -- this is some degree of speculation, neil. >> neil: absolutely. >> i haven't read through the hundreds of thousands of pages, no matter how fast you read. with an incident like this, there's a lot of communication between different people within the federal government. there might be some blame going around within the federal government, something that was missed and how could we let this happen and how could we be so foolish. that isn't necessarily helpful for us to know now. it would be a black eye for one of the agencies involved. so that could be the kind of information that they wouldn't want to get out there that may be redacted. i should note there are statutes that govern this and have to be specific rationale in the government that we don't necessarily get to see but for why that information is not released, which is way they have the 180-day review period as the president said. so there's a lot of -- so much information, so many pieces literally so many pages that there's difference reasons for why some won't be shown to us. for conspiracy theorists, this is the best possible situation. >> neil: they've had 25 years to prepare for this moment since they promised that this was going to be released in 25 years. at the last second, like me the night before a big exam, i'm coming up with all sorts of excuses to delay it. i'm wondering how that happens. obviously they gave enough convincing information to president trump to give him pause to release everything. what could that be? >> well, it's not a front burner issue for any of the main national security agencies that would have concerns here. so that -- >> neil: some people knew this, this is a deadline date, you have to be aware of this, get moving. >> you tend not to have the tip of the spear folks working on the document review 24/7. we're talking about the federal government here, neil. there's the possibility that it was pretty inefficient in the whole process. i think when they realize they had to look at this, the moment you're talking about -- to be fair -- the moment you're talking about sources and methods, the federal government, the cia, the fbi, all of the national security agencies do have to err well on the side of caution when it comes to national security. so this isn't a tie goes to one side or the other. this needs to be a gap that the public should know this. so i think we should give them the benefit of the doubt but keep an eye on it. >> neil: do you think oswald did it alone? >> you're asking -- yeah. i'm going with yeah. >> neil: okay. buck sexton, thanks very much. good seeing you. >> thank you. >> neil: the budget did pass yesterday. the closest vote going. 216 to 212. 20 republicans did not vote for it. 20 of them. meet one next. zar: one of our investors was in his late 50s right in the heart of the financial crisis, and saw his portfolio drop by double digits. it really scared him out of the markets. his advisor ran the numbers and showed that he wouldn't be able to retire until he was 68. the client realized, "i need to get back into the markets- i need to get back on track with my plan." the financial advisor was able to work with this client. he's now on track to retire when he's 65. having someone coach you through it is really the value of a financial advisor. i love hanging out. with my friends. i have a great fit with my dentures. i love kiwis. i've always had that issue with the seeds getting under my denture. super poligrip free. it creates a seal of the dentures in my mouth. even well fitting dentures let in food particles just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. super poligrip free made even the kiwi an enjoyable experience try super poligrip free. ♪ >> neil: you know, 20 republicans, 20 republicans besides all of the democrats in the house voted against that budget, that senate budget that the house voted on yesterday to clear the path to get tax cuts done. claudia was one of them voting for this. why not, congresswoman? >> first of all, we know tax reform is essential. this is a budget vote, of course, which will set us up to do reconciliation to surpass -- we don't have to supply with the 60-vote rule and pass tax reform in a simple majority. that being said, the tax reform package eliminating the state tax deduction in upstate new york needs to happen. to make this tax reform real for us. my taxpayers are at the mercy of the liberals like governor cuomo in albany and chuck schumer. they're the ones that have raised the taxes, put new york in a crisis and made it an issue for us. normally the state and local tax deduction is something you'd think about for itemizers, people in the higher income brackets. because our taxes are so onerous, it dips into the middle income families. 30% of the americans that are actually itemizing and using this deduction. in my district alone, over 62,000 filers are -- >> neil: that's understood. it's a big issue. one of the middle ground sort of compromises that has been apparently kicked around, congresswoman, all right, we'll phase it out for higher income folks. maybe cap it or stop it, you know, up to let's say $500,000, up to a million, whatever. but that it's still going to be there. this deduction is going. maybe just for the rich. how would you feel about that? >> well, the problem is, this tax reform is supposed to be for the middle income families. supposed to have middle incomes families that are -- especially those that use pass-through income, small businesses, that's is mostly who are the job creators in my community. that's what matters to me. looking at it in a holistic way, the whole tax reform families will help higher income families because you'll be doubling the standard deduction. eliminating the alternative minimum tax. the thing that everybody hates. so in this way, we're going to be protecting them but also protecting million income families if we provide the exemptions that you're talking about, up to certain income -- >> neil: in other words, you can tell before -- you can tell the rich constituents in your district that look, you might still get stuck with this deduction going away. but the offset is you're going to benefit from the others. many are looking at the possibility of an additional bracket and they might lose the deduction. some might end up paying more than they do now. >> and we don't know what the brackets are. that's the question. we're being asked to vote on something that we're not sure what the brackets are. another aspect of the tax reform, we're eliminating the estate tax on the federal level. so that would be a huge benefit to people that have higher state consequences. so that's something that a lot of people will like in that -- >> neil: and a lot of people dodge it and find ways around it. is that enough of an enwhichchia enchilada -- >> like my family business was almost affected by it. it's not just the rich, the estate tax. it hurts business. it's a double taxation just like the salt is. >> neil: so you -- just to be very clear, that's a draw for you, a pitch that you can make to the wealthy. the other quick thing and i want your thoughts on, removing the allowance you get for giving money to 401(k) or phasing it out again for the upper income. how do you feel about that? >> right. i discussed that in our meeting that we had after the budget vote. because obviously our leadership was concerned. we said look, we want to have a compromise at the very least. we would keep salt 100%. if not, we want to see the other options on the table. i asked chairman brady about the 401(k). we're going to encourage people to have 401(k)s. that's a nonstarter for me. we cannot do anything to hurt the 401(k). i encourage people to invest themselves and move into a 401(k). i had the co-sponsor in the bill that would take all public employees, at least elected officials, out of the system where they're getting pensions. so move them into a 401(k) status. so 401(k)s are important. they're good for savers and americans thinking about their future. we want to move in that direction and protect and preserve that. >> neil: thanks, congress woman. >> thanks so much. >> neil: the white house says if there was collusion with russia, i've has been paying attention to the wrong party. it's not the republicans. it's the democrats. it's not donald trump. it's hillary clinton. after this. >> neil: the national highway traffic and safety administration is investigating an 841,000 ford fusions from 2014-16. the steering wheels might fall off on the car. ford's stock down 2%. more after this. don't let these young guys see you fold. ♪ i'm only human ♪ i make mistakes get down! ♪ i'm only human ♪ it's all it takes ♪ don't put the blame on me thank you for looking after my son. we're brothers. we look after each other. thank you for your service. rated r. now playing. how much money do you think you'll need in retirement? then we found out how many years that money would last them. how long do you think we'll keep -- oooooohhh! you stopped! you're gonna leave me back here at year 9? how did this happen? it turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. we have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. let's plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. prudential. bring your challenges. >> our position hasn't changed since day one and i think we're seeing now that if there was any collusion with russia, it was between the dnc and the clintons and certainly not our campaign. we're starting to now see that all of the things that the democrats had accused this president of doing, they were guilty of themselves. i think that's a big problem that should be looked at. >> neil: i'm confused. pet me kettle, kettle me pot. ben stein is here, author of many best sellers. ben, i'm telling you, this is a mess right now. now you have the ranking member of the intelligence committee looking into this, oh, no, no, we don't want to hear from folks that might be allowed to speak to us. it's weird. >> very, very weird. it's become a nightmare of confusion. i don't understand what is going on. i don't understand how the media lets the democrats get away with this trying to pin the tail on the donkey when the tail belongs on the cow or belongs on -- well, it does belong on the donkey now. the democrats have managed to muddy the waters here so thoroughly that it's amazing. >> neil: what is so weird about this entire thing, this notion that the russians could infiltrate with so many. what do you think they were up to? >> i think first of all, to some extent it's been overblown. they bought 20% of one uranium company that was one of many uranium companies. they're not buying 20% of the entire u.s. stock of uranium. the u.s. has a great deal of uranium. russia haas been selling us their uranium that they take -- >> neil: do we put any provisos with that, that they not give it to third parties? >> that i don't know. but they've been selling it -- >> neil: why don't you know? >> i don't know everything. only you do. they have been selling us the rocket warheads for their rockets for us to use to power electrical power plants. so there's a lot of this trading nuclear material back and forth. what i think is so confusing, the whole thing is so confusing, somehow the democrats in their incredibly clever way working with the media, working with mueller, working with other people in the government have managed to make it seem that the republicans were in bed with the russians when in fact it was the democrats in bed with the russians. that's the part -- i don't think that will ever get unconfused. the democrats will keep managing to pin the tail -- >> neil: it's been labelled like a fixation of the right and the far right and all that. but this only thing i can see here is that if you want to argue for coziness with the russians and who is -- then they were fair and balanced arbiters. they sought obviously connections and influence beyond what we originally thought. do you think that this negates one side against the other or they both have to be investigated full throttle? >> i think what -- it raise as big question which is where is the media on all of this? where is the fbi on all of this? i do think that will -- but who watches the watch dogs? if the fbi can't be trusted to watch itself, who will watch them? who will watch anybody? obviously the russians pulled the wool over our eyes completely. the democrats help them completely. so who do we have now out there guarding us? we don't have that many people guarding us at this point except for places like fox news and if i may say so, my beloved spectator and news max. >> neil: there's an argument to be made, chris wallace, saying you could make a case for as much if not more democratic russian collusion than republican russian collusion. >> way more. >> neil: so even if you want to aggressively look into the republican one, have at it, fine. i don't see the zeal to look into this. they say there's nothing there. >> there's always more zeal against the republicans and the conservatives where the media is concerned and the entire academic committee is concerned. the only people on the side of the republicans are the voters. all the elites are against the republicans and all the elites are trying to do what they can to smear the republicans. only the voters see through it and see there's some truth to the idea that the republicans might be a loyal pro constitutional party -- >> neil: like attacks on both parties. >> shouldn't be that. the democrats started this rumor and dog and pony show about the republicans colluding with the democrats -- with the russians. they never made it clear what it was, what it was about, how it affected the election. it was just collusion. throw the mud, see what sticks. now it turns out, the mud should have been thrown at the democrats by the republicans. the republicans were asleep. the republicans don't have the energy, they don't have the zeal that the democrats have. the democrats are just genetically more energetic than the republicans. >> neil: how is president trump doing? >> he's doing fairly well. i mean, i disagree with some parts of his tax plan. in general, he's doing fairly well. he's doing a heck of a lot better than mrs. clinton. >> neil: now the week started out infighting with fellow republican senators what do you think of that? >> i think he's going to work it out. i think he -- people greatly underestimate his intelligence, greatly underestimate his ability to get things done. he's not rich or president of the united states by accident. didn't happen by a throw of the dice. he's a capable guy. when push comes to shove, he can get things done. he could use some benefit of how to win friends and influence people and learn to get along people from warren buffet who is a genius at that. he's doing better than could have been expected. here's a guy, no public experience whatsoever. he's been in office less than eight months and doing better than anybody thought he would. >> neil: compared to the way the media treated richard next son. >> they're treating him worse. they're treating trump worse. at the end, when the media went after nixon over what turned out to be nothing, what turned out -- water gate was nothing, just built a house of cards of lies and smears against nixon who did basically nothing wrong, very -- something wrong with little -- >> neil: covered up a lot. >> but that's nothing compared to starting wars. he was the ultimate peace maker. nixon was the ultimate peace maker. never got credited for it. >> neil: thanks, ben. >> god bless you. >> neil: continued success. you can catch him this weekend. apple stock is surging today. i don't know if ben order one. the iphone x, you can get that. but you'll be looking at a little delay. how big of a delay? 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>> neil, it's going to take weeks for people to get it. if you thought you could walk in and walk out on november 3 when the iphone x hit shelves, you're wrong. pre-order went live add midnight on the west coast. it sold out within minutes. the wait list is weeks long and getting longer. 2/3s of apple sales comes from the iphones. this $1,000 phone is the biggest change iphone users have seen in years from apple. there's a lot of hype over this new tech. but delivering on demand has been a challenge. apple has admitted that they faced manufacturing delays and issues with getting it user ready. apple says their demand for this phone is off the charts, this quick sell-out doesn't necessarily mean there's a massively higher demand with this model versus other roll-outs. analysts estimate apple is making three million devices available. compare that to the iphone 6 launch when they sold 13 million in the first weekend, neil. >> neil: wow. thanks, hillary vaughn. i'm told that millennials are the most cynical age group of all americans. so what do they think of the release of these j.f.k. documents and at the last second experts holding back? the government holding back? what do you think? find out after this. 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[laughter] i bet you get tweeted better by the press than anybody in the world, right? huh? i think so. congratulations, folks. you did a good job. >> thank you. >> you did a good job. i wouldn't say you did well here but -- >> neil: all right. the president of the united states with some very cute kids. the kids of the press corps. the ones that rake him over the coals. cute. adorable. >> i'm going to say it's cute to dress your kid up like princess leia. you have the resistance in the white house. >> neil: you have issues. he's yukking it up with the kids. >> olive branch. >> yeah. >> keep the kids out of there. >> it's like the christmas line. you go to the christmas party. say what you want about the president but he's there six hours. it's like you kids -- awkward. >> i like how he asked the kids, does the press treat you well? they're like no. i'm not sure how to answer that. >> i thought that was clever. >> probably the nicest day that the parents of those kids treated him. >> neil: yeah. it's funny. do you think the president is type cast? they say he doesn't get a fair break in the media. a lot of that is fighting back and forth. i think at the core, democrats, republicans, we're human beings. >> yeah. it does go over the line sometimes. he's his own worst enemy. >> he is. if you're president, you should expect an adversarial >> yeah. >> i don't know. it's nasty on both sides. i don't think he gets a fair shake. even when he tries to do something right. he gets hounded by the media. some of it is justified. >> neil: thanks, guys. want to thank you all. the president said you're sad. doesn't know what to do. >> candy? >> neil: we'll have more after this. as you get older. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. . . more savings on car insurance? yeah bro-fessor, and more. like renters insurance. more ways to save. nice, bro-tato chip. that's not all, bro-tein shake. geico has motorcycle and rv insurance, too. oh, that's a lot more. oh yeah, i'm all about more, teddy brosevelt. geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. >> markets are soaring, but are you hurt if you are doing a little bit of market investing? why what they are cooking up in congress impacts what tax you get. a very special edition of "cost of freedom" this weekend. we've got it covered. all of you, we will see you this weekend. >> hello, everyone. i'm dana perino along with kimberly guilfoyle, jesse watters, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." the long-awaited jfk files are out in part 2800 never before seen record assassinations of jfk released by the national archives, but hundreds remained classified. president trump said he had no choice but to heed warnings of the cia and fbi to keep some of the files secret from further review, releasing them unredacted could pose international harm to our security. here's what we learn from documents allowed to

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