Corporate and also individuals. Lets face it, this is the week of economic recovery that weve had since world war ii so seriously some things need to happen when it comes to tax reform. If it means giving that shot of economy and reductions in income tax and i think thats exactly what this economy needs right now to get back on his feet. Youre a democrat but are you on board with this . And cant we do both at the same time . I think its going to be difficult to do both at the same time. Here is why. I think we need to be cognizant of the fact that money doesnt grow on trees, even for the federal government. And when you create a tax reduction youre obviously creating a hole and that could obviously create a circumstantial increase in the deficit. If we are going prioritize these two things, i would say that individuals have reductions should take precedent over Corporate Tax reductions. It should be done in a more saved and incremental manner. Again on the individual front, elimination of the alternative minimum tax at amt is well overdue and i think with the simplification of the tax code from 7 to 3 brackets for individual, you know, taxpayers, i think is also we just need to be careful of the fact we got put money in peoples pockets first. We cant lift the bandaid off all at once or we might blow a hole and create an even bigger deficit. There are arms on the chair ooit im sitting in for fear we will fall on the floor and no offense, democrat, and worrying about the deficit. And worried about the federal debt. Weve got to pay for what we do, including tax cuts bp. Exactly, jonathan. But ill bring it back to that. These tax plans, you know, people talk about 150 dies tax reform for companies and individuals but these tax plans take so long to write for that very reason to make sure they dont cost that much money. Do you think that it has any chance, and well, you know where, of getting done . Thats ambitious. On this thanksgiving, we can celebrate the fact that we are bringing it up fundamental tax reform for the first time in 30 years. That tax reform of 1986, that president reagan signed into law, was a package that really started in late 1970s. It took many years of getting things together. So i think there is some caution that should be required to say this isnt getting done overnight but in terms of what our economy needs, the Corporate Tax rate is the highest in the world. Individual taxes are way too high. And we still have death tax on the books. And americans think that is fundamentally unfair. That does need to change , too. This is one area where i say im more moderate and ill tell you right now, we eliminated the estate tax in ohio. About three or four years ago. And it has made a significant improvement particularly for those that have Small Businesses for example. But again he, its got to be paid for somehow. And jonathan talked about doing the Corporate Tax first in order to raise the money, you bring that corporate money back from overseas at an even lower than 15 rate, maybe 10 rate that gives democrats money to spend on Something Like infrastructure. What do you think about that . The Corporate Tax is really where you get the biggest bang for the buck. You look at federal receipts and it is about 10 of federal receipts is all this the Corporate Income tax brings in. With the highest in the world we bring that down to 10 or 15 . Theres a reason that burger king is a Canadian Company and not an American Company isnt the fact that canadians like whoppers that much more than we do in america because tax rules are pushing American Companies overseas. I think starting there, does give you the biggest bang for the buck. If i may disagree on this point, American People need money in their pock tote buy that big mac. When you give them an individual tax break, more money in their pocket and you stimulate the economy from the middle out, not from the top down. Just something to consider. I think you just changed parties on this thanksgiving day. I dont know about that. Were talking about growing the middle class by putting money in peoples pockets. Not by having corporations but youre not talking about this event as end all be all raising the minimum wage for people either. Good to see you all. Happy thanksgiving to both of you. Thanks. Meantime, time could be ticking on obama care. Vice president elect pence saying the Trump Administration will work on repealing and replacing the Health Care Law right out of gate. That probably cant come soon enough for people looking at an average premium hike of 225 under obama care. Less choice insured disappearing. Betsy is here, author of the book beating obama care and youre smiling. Why are you smiling . Yes, this law is head together paper shredder. How in the heck did democrats president obama shoved it down, we are talking about tax reform, shoved it down peoples throats. He didnt get people on board. How did they think it would work . Clearly it hasnt worked. About 200 Million People are being hurt by this law. 200 million. You take the 155 Million People who have on the job coverage. You have seen their deductibles go up 49 since this law went into effect. Then youve got 11 Million People incurring huge penalties because they didnt sign up for obama care. Then youve got 55 million seniors hurt in their wallets and also getting skimpy care in the hospital because cuts to medicare pay for over half this law. And finally people who are parttime workers and saw their hours cut so that employers could evade the mandate. Over 200 Million People people have had to change insurers repeatedly because insurers left a lot of these markets in the exchanges. You have people who have less doctor choices and doctors dont take insurance any more. In terms of the repeal and replace, what do you start with . You have 20 Million People who have gotten Health Insurance under this law. So are 20 Million People going to lose it . No. That is the myth that unfortunately is scaring so many people in the country. Of the 20 Million People who gained coverage for the first time under this law, 16 million are enrolled in medicaid. The Public Program for low income residents. Certain states expanded medicaid and welcomed these 16 million m repealed, certain states wont do a 180. Those people are safe. That leaves 5 million additional people who gained coverage, they are enrolled in obama care plans, private health plans, and they are technically at risk. 5 million, not 20 million. Even those 5 million have something to gain from repeal because Donald Trumps plan for example will help most of them get much more affordable coverage. How . Those 5 Million People could are people getting subsidies . The subsidies will go away. So you give them a refundable tax credit . Here is the problem. They get a subsidy and technically they are covered but they still cant see a doctor because even the cheapest plan has a 6,000 deductible. They cant come up with the cash to see the doctor. The preexisting conditions qualify thats the most important. Do you keep it in youre in the Trump Administration . The people with preexisting conditions will be protected but in a much fairer way. The Obama Health Law does it in a very coercive way. It takes people in the individual market, only small number of them and forces them into the same insurance pool with people who need ten times as much health care and healthy people, you have to pay the same price. So none of their premium ever goes to cover their health care needs. All of it is sucked up to care for the chronically ill under the replacement plans. Chronically ill people are sold insurance. Insurance companies are allowed to charge them more. But then those people get a big subsidy from the taxpayers. The cost of their care is spread over the entire nation. Instead of being dumped on a very small number of people in the individual market. Youre going to see individual premiums and deductibles go way down when this change occurred. Good to see you. One thing we can see for sure, that changes. Goodbye obama care. Just throw the whole thing way. And thanks to president elect trump because he will finally do it. Thanks, betsy. Protest groups planning to go all out. Massive demonstrations planned in d. C. On president elect trumps first day. Are these groups helping or hurting the cause . And if you are planning to head out and shop today, many retailers reversing course to let families be together. Find out whos open and whos not. We asked a group of young people when they thought they should start saving for retirement. 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This is a total melt down for them right now. I dont see it ending. I think washington, d. C. Is going to have a tough time on Inauguration Day. We will see how it plays out but i wish Hillary Clinton would come out, tell people to cut it out. Property is being destroyed. Things are being thrown at police. She is the authority and she needs to come out and say something. Look at energy that people put into protests and particularly on thanksgiving, why dont you help somebody in need . That would be a wonderful thing to do. We are talking about protests two months in advance. Which means they will be big and this people transfer of power that happens on Inauguration Day is a hallmark of our democracy. This year it may not be so peaceful. There are protests planned on the inauguration route. Planned in front of Donald Trumps hotel. There is a womens march on washington that wants to march on the day of inauguration. We also see protests planned across the country. We have seen some of the protest turned violent after election day. There were shots fired in portland. It could get really intense, as you said. And it also takes a lot of resources from law enforcement. When there are protesters there, they need more police officers, more secret service, more plainclothed officers roaming through the crowd. It will drain a lot of resources as well. It is the protest, but also mike pence, Vice President elect getting booed at hamilton. Lectured from the stage. Some model wannabe something bigger than a mold mocking Melania Trump. I watched that and i thought, i wasnt angry, but when i saw that, i figured, if somebody did that and made fun of a latina womans accent, there would be outrage from the left about it. Okay, first off, lets all remember that protests are a right of american democracy. Agree with that. Peaceful protests. Yes, peaceful protests are. For heaven sake, im not condoning violence so dont get started on that. My particular point on the matter is, there are plenty of protests. Especially with how the tea party came into formation in 2010. For your point, i think when youre talking about gigi hadid, snl, these people are try tin to be comedic. They make fun of all races with the work they do. In regards to hamilton it is not something i want to do. When i want to boo, i go to a sporting event. Some chose to do it at hamilton. I was at a nascar race five years ago and the first lady and jill biden were there. There were a few isolated boos of Michelle Obama of the first lady, that is wrong too. I think it is wrong then and it is in bad taste when the Vice President gets booed in public. Of course. I will say that pences response is perfectly on point. And how he handled and how he spoke to his kids about it. This is the sound of freedom and democracy. I think he handled it very well. Ease president elect trump could take a page out of his book on that. Emily, i know what bothers you about it is that people on the left very often that they are breeding intolerance but preaching tolerance at the same time. Right. It is a complete double standard. Thats what is frustrating. Im glad we can all denounce various things and agree that mike pence had a great response. But im really sick of the doublestandard. Im sick of the way it is applied to the right and not the left. If you can imagine a Country Singer getting up there and mocking someones accent like you said, it would be nonstop outcry from the left for days and they would never get away with it. They do that on snl all the time. I will call her out by name, gigi hadid is not a comedian. It didnt come off as comedy. Because she is standing next to jay pharaoh on snl. That is his business. Thats his bread and butter making people laugh. They get away with these things because they are not called out by mainstream media. This is why the left lost the election. They lost the election because they are in a bubble where they are insulated and insulated from criticism. Dont get criticism from their own people. Atima, go ahead. I feel like it has been addressed all weekend. I was taking a bit of a break from the news but managed to get my news feed from other news when it happened. I was surprised. I forgot that she existed because i dont follow fashion that closely. To the point, i dont feel like there is a doublestandard here. I feel like all the time when we are talking about specifically trump, you know, everybody is wondering why is there this reaction right now . Okay, cant scream fire in a crowded theater and then start pandemonium and then wonder how it happened. When i talk about what the buyer is, i talk about mexicans being rapists, talking about people with disabilities being even after all this, he still was elected president of the United States. We cant rehash that. Here is my thanksgiving message to everybody. We have to go. Use your energy to help other people and better the country. I dont think just shouting in the street, your First Amendment right, but it is a waste of energy. Thanks, guys. Happy thanksgiving to all three of you ladies. Thanks for being here. Forget protesting. Investors outright celebrating president elect Donald Trumps win. How long will this rally last . And later, Melania Trump and her son, baron, wont be moving into the white house right away so he can finish the school year out. Some are criticizing. Others say it is a good sign of Good Parenting. As we spend the day with family, what do you say . The no. 1 choice of dentists. Compared to oralb 7000, Philips Sonicare flexcare platinum removes significantly more plaque. This is the sound of Sonic Technology cleaning deep between teeth. Hear the difference . Get healthier gums in just 2 weeks vs a manual toothbrush and experience an amazing feel of clean. Innovation and you. Philips sonicare. Save no