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Conservative and female. Now, no less than mitt romney not letting up. This is really characteristic of this campaign. I find it very interesting that republicans across the country i campaigned with i have been in states campaigning for senate candidates, gubernatorial candidates, congressional candidates. Each of the people in the republican side is coming out with issues, with position papers, with policy that they want to implement. Describe a new direction, and the republican excuse me the kimcrat campaign with few exceptions are coming out with attacks on the republican candidate. Personal attacks, war on women, war on poverty, war on one thing or the other. All of these are focused on trying to demonize fellow americans. This is wrong. Its time for the Democratic Party to talk about policy and not attack, and the attack on ooni ernst on a personal basis, appearance basis . This is really out of character with the way this country ought to be choosing the people who represent us in washington. More from mitt romney in alaska on the cold front democrats are feeling in iowa today. First, to the fast and furious harkin. He has been regretting and whether his dialing it back is working. Peter barnes at the white house. Well, neil, republicans are charging sexism in this battle over the senate seat in iowa. One new poll out today from quinnipiac has joni ernst and her opponent net, bruce bailey in a dead heat. Another from the Des Moines Register has her with a solid lead. Theyre fighting to replace retiring democrat tom harkin, who in a newly posted video, suggested last week that voters might support ernst because of her looks. Ive been watching these ads. And theres sort of this sense that well, Joni Earnhardt is really attractive. And she i got to thinking about that. I dont care if she is taylor swift. Or as nice as mr. Rogers, but if she votes like Michelle Bachmann she is wrong for the state of iowa. Now, today, harkin said her comments were wrong, a mistake, that he is only human, he didnt want to hurt or found nip but never specifically apologized to ernst, who was a National Guard lieutenant in iraq. She, on the other hand, tried to rise above the controversy after taylor swift released her concert schedule for 2015, and, guess where she is going to play . In des moines next october so ernst tweeted out today, excited to see taylor swift in des moines on october 8th next year on her tour. Must have been mumusic to her ears. Peter barnes, thank you very much. Amazing what can happen in the final hour0s of the campaign. Despite theodicy u dustup democrats are sounding confident theyll hold on to the senate. Is governor mitt romney just as confident . Governor romney welcome. Were getting indications that the white house is very confident it will keep democrats in charge of the senate. Do they know something you dont . No, they dont look at any polls different than the ones the people across america are looking at. And what theyre trying to do is to the arrest is the democrats are going to lose a lot of seats in the senate, a lot of seats in the house, seats in legislatures and governorships. Theyre going to lose bigtime in the elections tomorrow, and theyre trying to say, oh, but the republicans may not get control of the senate. Well, thats hard to predict atf seats. Time will tell the number and that will other depend on turnout. You get any less in six know, ya will say its a disappointment if this were any kind of year for the republicans to gain control of the senate, this is the year. So it would be seen as failure. Do you agree with that . I actually think we are going to get the senate, but i dont have crystal ball. Cant be entirely accurate who will turn out to vote, state by state. A lot of races thatter very close and turnout will make the difference. I do think that were going to pick up a lot of seats and picking up whether its four, five, or six seats in each case, thats a big win, and the same in the house. Well pick up a lot of seats in the house. This is a victory and i think a complete rejection of the obama administrations agenda. This really is, i think, the last chance for the American People to pass judgment on the obama agenda. And they are doing so doing so very clearly cross the country. Governor, you proved to be the most requested politician to stump on behalf of candidates in your party than any other. In fact almost than any other combined. And im wondering if, in this potential kingmaker role, whether that goes back to rumped nixon in 1966, he cumulated a lot of chits in that election for a future white house run, so, too Ronald Reagan in 1978. I think you know where im going here. Would that be very tempting for you, knowing you had a big hand in electing a lot of republicans who clearly wanted you to be the guy to put them over the top . Well, let me tell you, neil, why im doing this. First of all i care very deeply about the direction of the country. Thats why i ran for president in the first place. Secondly, a lot of people out there who helped me, who really went to work to help me in 2012, and i figure i owe a lot of these races shares some folks in some cases that are kind of way behind but im still going to show up and campaign for them because they really helped me in other cases these are Battle Ground stated and were at the razors edge of victory and im hope i my effort will pick up a few votes here and there. This is about 2014, ask as to 2016. Im not planning on running. This is about getting a new course for this country with the election that happens tomorrow. Hair what youre saying, nevertheless when i spoke to your wife, she whenned asked if jeb bush decided not to run, she said, will you . She said, well just have to see, wont we, neil. Now, many read a lot into that and she tried to say later there was no intense of another romney run. Unequivocal on your part,or out, period . Ive learned, if i change any words whatsoever in this topic it becomes a whole story in and of itself, so ive learned to say this time and again, im not running, im not planning on running, anticipate i will be out working for our nominee. I dont know who that will be. We have 10 or 15 people looking at the race and were getting ready to help one of them. Do you think that this past week Chris Christie hurt himself with the infamous shutup comment . I think that was unfortunate. I think it cast chris in a light which is not the way heed like to be seen. But i didnt hear what the other guy was saying, so its hard for me to know how offensive it may have been, but these are times when a lot of people are under a lot of stress, and i just hope we can concentrate on the 14 race and get some good folks elected that can take the country in a new direction. I never remember you once telling anyone to shut up. Even me. Im afraid your right. I may have done that in my own home once or twice, at much to my regret, and again called on the carpet by my sons who would have said, daddy, thats a bad word. If sarah palin was blessing your comments about looking at Immigration Reform, saying that was blanket amnesty. She went on to say, where the heck of these g. O. P. Establishment types referring to you been during this election season, that any reform that youre talking about would be akin to blanket amnesty. You stay what . Well, actually when we talk about Immigration Reform, im talking about securing the border and making sure we do secure the border, and then, number two i think we have to move ton say what are we going to do about the people who are here illegally . Number three we have to say are we going to make the system for coming here legally more transparent so people dont have to hire lawyers to be able to come here legally. Were going to have to change our immigration system. Id like to see us bring in more people that have high leveled of skill and education. Id like to see us stopping the flow of Illegal Immigrants immid those are postures which people across the political spectrum can agree upon. Your comes at a time when youre campaigning for ted cruz of all people, a no and then critic of yours, who thinks the Greater Party good is to help the Greater Party nominee. What do you think . I think you have seen republicans across the country come together. Anytime alaska today. Campaigning with dan sullivan, ted cruz has been here. Rand paul has been here. Im obviously here. We recognize how important this is for changing the direction of the country. Does every republican agree on every issue . Of course not and there will be debates amongst us as we consider the road ahead but we wont be able to have a new road ahead if the democrats are able to hold on to the senate, and its my hope theyre not able to do so. Do you think i mean, i had jack welch on this weekend talking about the next big campaign, and speaking very highly of you, maybe there should be some thought given to the ted cruzs or dynamic up and coming members in the party because establishment types, whether thats a label you liked or not, he was referring to guys like you and Chris Christie even jeb bush just will not be able to do it, to carry republicans to the white house. Leaving yourself out of this, as you just did, what do you texas of that argument that going to the tried and true i guess for lack of a better term, mainstream candidate, governor, isnt going to cut it. The term main stream is a better term that establishment because there are lot of people who are mainstream candidates who maybe never even won a race before and theyre thinking of looking at the president ial race or people who won one race and looking at the race, but their views represent the largest number of republican voters. Theres an alternative, which is to say lets go for someone who represents a small share of the republican voters. Dope think thats likely to be as successful i if you have as broad a tent as possible. Well galaxy to hear the different voices and most people will make a decision based upon whose policies and whose vision they agree with, and threat one part of the party or another, time will tell. Governor, said in iowa she did she wasnt so sure that she would elect Mitch Mconnell as the republican leader, whether minority or majority capacity. Others have said something similar, and democrats to be fair said that about whether they would make harry reid their leader. What is going on here, particularly month the republicans, what the concern might be with Mitch Mcconnell. I cant beginning to survey the republicans in the senate to know where they line up. I expect that if we see a very successful tuesday night, and you see republicans picking up a lot of seats, not just the majority but anymore than the majority, people have to tip their hand and say Mitch Mconnell did quite a job of helping organize this, but thats for them to decide. Meaning the members of the senate. As to who they think would do the best job in sheparding through legislation. If we win the senate thats uncertain but if we win the senate the American People are going to look to see if the republicans can get job done and we have to showey have ideas on immigration, securing the border, ideas as well on tax reform, on jump starting the economy, that we also are going to pass legislation to try to fix obamacare, so, for instance, people can keep the insurance they were promised they can keep. These are the things they want to see come from a Republican House and Republican Senate, and even though were unlikely to have 60 seat i think youll see republicans able to find consensus with democrats and get this legislation moved forward. Speaking of the 60 votes, Mitch Mcconnell telling me that obamacare is not going anywhere. Does mitt romney agree specifically with that . You wont believe what he has to say about the president s plans for amnesty, all but a given, and he says the republicans tonight at 8 00 p. M. On Fox Business Network. Meanwhile, democrats suggesting race as the election goes down the wire. Will that strategy work . Has in the past. Former obama fundraiser on that and what he fears from that after this. So i can reach ally bank 24 7, but there are no branches . 24 7 its just im a little reluctant to try new things. Whats wrong with trying new things . Feel that in your muscles . Yeah. I do. Try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. train horn vo wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. Norfolk southern. One line, infinite possibilities. Dont put off checking out your Medicare Options until 65. Now is a good time to get the ball rolling. Medicare only covers about 80 of part b medical costs. The rest is up to you. Thats where aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plans, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company, come in. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they could help save you in outofpocket medical costs. 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I think that really doesnt have a place today in the political discussion, and i think that the Democratic Party needs to look at what Current Issues are and current challenges facing all americans, especially africanamericans. If you look at africanamericans, unemployed amongst high school dropouts, for example, unemployment is 50 . If you look at overall africanamerican unemployment its almost 12 . If you look at africanamerican teen unemployment, for example in chicago, its 92 . So, we ought to be talking about issues that really affect peoples lives. So i think looking backwards, or injecting frustration or anger into the political process in order to get reelected doesnt have a place today in our government. She has not taken those comments back, and other democrats have come forward to say the president feels this way, that race has been a big factor. Do you agree with that general statement, that there is still this underlying racist view of minorities, of africanamericans in general . I think that we are thriving as a country for a more perfect nation and have made a lot of progress. Racism and antisemitism exist, as does it not helpful for that to be the core of a political discussion. The Democratic Party, as quiet as its kept, does not have a monopoly in terms of looking forward as our nation and looking to takes support americans. We are an Aspirational Society and all looking for a better life, and africanamericans should no longer be taken for grant bid the democratic part. Going back to the 1970s, 1969, when Richard Nixon who created the office of minority businesses, and also Richard Nixon started affirmative action. So i think africanamericans need to take a step back now and start judging our candidates based on the candidates, novelty the party, not the rhetoric, and to ask the tough questions, how are you going to create a more equal opportunity environment . Because thats what this is all about. Access to equal opportunity. Let me ask you regardless of the economic environment, on an almost lockstep, 59 plus, africanamericans vote in sync with the Democratic Party, to your point, and others who have been on here, they said, well, theyve not always been wellserved by the Democratic Party, but why is that . Why is that still a base that is fairly reliable for democrats . Well, i think, one, it dates back to the civil rights movement, but as quiet as its kennedy of. Many to of the oppressors in the south were democrat and bolted the Democratic Party during the civil rights movement. Many of those democrats left and they went to the republican party. I think there went the bigger divide in terms of party. Because if you look at dr. Martin luther kings father, he was more of a republican than a democrat and endorsed john kennedy late in the electoral process in the campaign against Richard Nixon. Might have tip he race. The arrested is africanamericans need to look at who the best candidate is for an environment of equal opportunity. Don, thank you very much. What kind of nice is this going to be for him . We could get the first signs from what happens to them. In North Carolina. This could be everything because when North Carolina polls start closing should everybody be watching . This senate race could be a very early indicator how the rest of the night will go for the president or republicans or democrats. But with new numbers showing democrats leading early voting is the Republican Senate candidate tom phillips worried . Most of the polls have this race virtually dead even. Mr. Phillips with us right now, senator haggan was able to join is although we requested repeatedly. You know the score, speaker, and the argument that right now the get out the vote, early on in North Carolina, has worked the way democrats wanted it to work. Does that give you pause . No. Actually, were very pleased with the way the early vote turned out. Were looking right around the same sort of trend as 2012, and in 2012, north carolinians rejected president obamas policies and elected governor romney after having elected president obama in 2008. So were very comfortable where we will start tomorrow morning when the polls open at 6 30 and were optimistic about our win tomorrow. When you look at this race and what is at stake, a lot of people say it could be an early harbinger of things to come. If youre having a tough go, do you for for fellow republicans the rest of the evening or not see that happening . Im very confident we win a majority. I think that the states like south dakota, montana, West Virginia, arkansas, alaska, all trending in the right direction. Colorado, iowa, i dont see any scenario where we dont get a majority. The question is can we get sufficient numbers to where we can really get things done and demonstrate we can govern. Senator haggan has done her best to separate he was from president obama. You have done your very best to tie her at the hip with president obama. Ill ask you the same question and reverse. Should you make it to the United States senate would you choose mitch mccome as your leader mcconnell as the leader, whether in minority or majority. I would vote for leader mcconnell. We have some great leaders there that worked hard to get to us this point. We have to have experienced leadership to go in there and get to work. Im looking forward to going there and getting bills sent to the president s desk on very short order. Bills that produce regulations, and create jobs. We have to have experienced leadership to do that. Everybody in the caucus will have differences on one issue or another but we all agree we have to demonstrate to the American People, its time to get the congress to function again. And senator haggan has voted with harry reid every step of the way, and the president 96 of the time. Theyve shut done the senate and its considered one of the least effective senates in our nations history. We the American People deserve better than that. When i first talked to senator mcconnell on the issue what you do if you come to power in the majority, he said it would be up really isic to assume you can repeal the healthcare law. Shy of the 67 you need to override a veto, so more do able thinks would be removing the medical device act. Do you agree with that, that repealing the health care law, might be a worthy goal, isnt doable . I think were making the promise we will pass a repeal bill. We should follow through on the promise. If the president vetoes it we may have to go to the options like repealing the medical device tax, delaying the mandates causing employers to be uncertain about whether or not they should hire more people and at what numbers. So there are a number of other things we can do as a recourse to a veto but i believe were making promises to the American People. I am in North Carolina. I intend to fulfill that promise. All right, well watch very closely. Thank you again. Thank you, neil. So, if republicans are in, you obama care is out . What has some business titans flipping out. Not enough. Home depot legend is one of them and is next. Woman everyone in the nicu all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. Everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. I wouldnt trade him for the world. Who matters most to you says the most about you. At massmutual were owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. If youre caring for a child with special needs, our innovative special care Program Offers strategies that can help. Itch republicans tike the senate will repealing obamacare be a priority. Beie marcus isnt so sure. And even if the senate doesnt change the president needs to . Why some democrats are saying so. If you have medicare i have three things you want to hear. Theres an all in one Medicare Advantage plan from humanna. It may save you money in so many ways. Its all in this book, and if it takes 60 votes in the senate no one thinks well have 60 and it would take a president ial signature and no one thinks well get that. Senator mcconnell saying that outright repealing own obamacare doesnt look good. Bernie, he was looking at the math. That it still be likely shy of the 60 votes needed to sort of get the debate going at the very minimum, and well shy of the 67 to overturn a veto. So, was he just saying the obvious . No. Theres no question about it. Being a businessman, you try to get the most you can. You have one impediment and that impediment is the president of the United States. He can veto anything that comes down the pike. I think there are some real bad issues out there that are really affecting everything. Look at the job market today. You look every month and you see that jobs how many jobs are created. What you dont look at is how many are parttime jobs, and i can tell you for a fact i know this for a fact that Many Companies that are hiring today are hiring people under 30 hours a week. Now, thats a very big impact on the people out there trying to get a job. Why are they doing that . Because they dont have to provide health care under the new law . Right. Under 30 hours. Thats the key. You looking at the fastfood industry, its across the board. And i can tell you a lot of the seasonal jobs that are coming up, you heard about seasonal jobs, tens of thousands of them. Many will be parttime workers. So what have you done, mr. President to increase jobs . People need these jobs to take care of their families and we seem to be more concerned about the slogans than taking care of people. Now in this area and i think Mitch Mconnell is right. We should try to do piecemeal and hit it where we possibly can. One issue is the parttime issue, the 30hour think, which i think is hurt everybody across the board and hurting just millions of people. Bernie, there are people who are listening to you and know your Business Success and how you started home depot, and that things arent that bad today. If things are so bad today the market wouldnt be on fire and angst wouldnt be what they are, that youre just a wet blanket and you and your buddies are just criticizing everything democrats are doing. What do you say to that . You know, neil, things are great for you and myself, but for 25 Million People out there, that have given up the job market, its not so good, and so when you reach a certain level you have to start looking back and remember where you came from. Remember where i came from. And i have to tell you something. I remember the years that we started the business, i remember how much struggles we had, and i remember what young people went through at those days. I used to be young, and i remember what it was like in those days. And to have this the rug pulled out from under your feet, on something you have no control about, this is something that is affecting america and i think we have to be concerned about it. So, when people look at myself and i say, youre a fat cat, you have a lot of money, and you dont really need this anymore, its not true. Im older, im thinking about people like myself in those years when we started out and what they need to get along in life today. To be an entrepreneur today is so tough and very difficult. Why is it tough . You said before it would be much tougher to get home depot off the ground in this environment ban when you started, which was not a great environment. What this toughest thing for businesses today that you would urge republicans to focus like a laser beam on today . I would tell you that the big r. The big r. Regulations. Its across the board. Doddfrank. Sore baines oxly. The nlrb, regulations. The labor depth regulations, the fcc, regulations, across the board theyre strangling business. I think about 1978, we started the home depot. I think government helped us. I think that government wanted us to be great, wanted us to succeed. Today you have bureaucrats, people sitting in little rooms without windows, who are trying to figure out regulations to strangle businesses and make it more difficult for people to succeed. I just think its so hard today, and when i think about young people starting out today, unless youre a wiz kid, mathematical genius and you can come up with an app tomorrow and make 2 billion overnight, the real world is a lot tougher, and its getting tougher. Its not getting easier. So, i feel for them. And i think that in this case, with Mitch Mcconnell and obamacare, they have to do something smart. Lets stop with the slogans and that nonsense the American People are struggling. Lets do something that we know this president can agree to. Theres not much he is going agree, to but sometimes youre going to get colleagues in the democratic side that will agree to it also and then it becomes more difficult for him. So, i think that is what they have to do. Be smart for the first time. Not a bad idea. Bernie mark cuss, youll be with us on Fox Business Network with our coverage, i walls wonder what happened to you, bernie. I knew you were a billionaire success story. November i know. Bernie marcus, calls them as he sees them. Back to what democrats are thinking the president should do. What if told you some are saying, how about less of this . The guy on the left, he is with us. After this. Virtually all your important legal matters in just minutes. Now its quicker and easier for you to start your business, protect your family, and launch your dreams. At legalzoom. Com we put the law on your side. Maybe all that golf isnt working, 47 of democrats say the president needs to change how he is leading the country, maybe by playing less golf. To a guy who is a frequent golf partner of the president , robert wolf. What do you make of all of this . Well, he is a better golfer even though Michael Jordan i heard what Michael Jordan said. Its clear that the next 24 hours will show that being an incumbent, being in washington, is not in vogue right now. So, the president what debt democrats calling him on the golfing thing, too much. Cool it. You know, listen. What people do on their free time and their vacation everyone neats but he is the president 4 7. How does it work when he calls you . Someone told me youre his most frequent golf partner. Thats not true. Does he call you or his people sends me an email, lets play golf, usually vacation time, but lets be blunt here. When youre the president , you dont need to be in the oval office to be president of the United States. Its a 24 7 job. So people with phones and the bag. Its not a big deal to you. But next two years people say, less of that. Whatever youre saying, and more nose to the grindstone, i guess. What do you if the republicans take the senate how does the president change . Either way. If the president s take the senate, which seems to be leaning that way, although anything can happen. Im not going to put a romney bet on it but maybe a dollar bill. I think that the two book ends is Corporate Tax reform and Immigration Reform. Both sides want it. The country wants it, and we need it, and i think that there should be a happy medium where we can get there not going to get where the president wants to go, not going to get where the republican side wants to go but where the people want to go and we have to get there it would be a travesty to not get those things done. When you have someone like a sarah palin blasting mitt romney for talking Immigration Reform, ceding am necessary city, and then those on the left warning the president , be careful about falling into the republican trap, yadda, yadda. How do you get past that. Theres a few things. Everyone agrees with protecting the border. Most agree with some sort of path to citizenship. You think if the president pushes this rumored stopping deportation lower the deportation he is going to call for four million of them. At this point theres a north of ten Million Immigrants here without the right i known ive had republicans on the shove say if he does Something Like that, thats an impeachable offense. He has to use executive action for what the United States people want youre a good businessman. At the end of the day do you think four million deportations, stopping this, is likely after the election, is a wise step to get the reform youre talking about. You have to put real harsh things on the table to get movement. That would stop it. But i think that, first of all, during if the republican side takes office, theyre going to want Immigration Reform as well. They will not win a National Election but theyre not wanting to give four million i didnt say theres go to be an immediate am necessary city movement. Gist saud at the end of the day just said at the end of the direpublicans have zero shot at the National Election if theres no immigration movement. Theyre going to be doing pretty well in the environment thats notes really true because the republicans will win the right. The democrats will win the left and the same swing states. The swing states, obama won, like michigan and minnesota, virginia, the democrats will win. The republicans are you dont see this shifting away from democrat, whatever is going on now is short lived. Thats just not actual because of the 24 states that are up, obama lost 80 of them. So this map is just not a good map for the president. On the flip side, think some of the democrats have not really run a great race. Lets just take colorado. Its clear to me the president should have been out there inco, getting out the people. That is not a place where you detach from the president. What do you you have been a loyal president of the president. Not wishy washy. God bless few for fat. A lot of democrats have not been. What does that say about them, they can turn on a dime. Not unique to democrats just seems to be front and center. I think that the republicans have had their section with conservative, moderate and Tea Party Republicans and right now now theres a Democratic Movement that is separate as well. You have left of center and then you have very progressive, and at any but Barack Obama Bren helped these guys get elected. Lets look at who is up for election. Most are in red states. He did not get arkansas elected. He did not get West Virginia no matter where they he did not get montana im just saying those states arent president calls you up tomorrow for golf, you say. Sure, why not. Robert wolf, thank you very much. Forget fighting the president. Republicans win, could they actually be fighting themselves . Why would republican just told me has conservative donor very worried. You do a lot of things great. But parallel parking isnt one of them. Youre either too far from the curb. Or too close to other cars. 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Sounds like Mitch Mcconnell wouldnt be a guarantee for wil have those same discussions. Sounds like Mitch Mcconnell wont be a guarantee for you. Maybe not a guarantee, but i will have to talk to a number of people, hear what their stance is, right now its about winning iowa. Megagop donor, to see what he makes of all of this, much adieu about nothing in. I believe all these people who have campaigned on these same issues, they will want to have a leader who will be consistent on what they campaigned on. So all the new senators, they have a right to make a selection. But i dont see any senator standing uto challenge Mitch Mcconnell, so if we win the majority, Mitch Mcconnell i believe will be the winner. If for some reason we dont win the majority, then there will be a little angst and we will need a change in leadership. The only way that Mitch Mcconnell wont be the majority leader is if we dont win the majority. Senator cornyn told me himself last week on this show, that hes not interested, that he would vote for mcconnell. But you race an issue for what the losing side potentially does, democrat who is might turn their back on harry reid, especially if they were relegated to the minority. That would be remarkable. I dont know who would replace him. Some people like senator schumer will, but harry reid is quite an interesting character, i have had a chance to meet him personally and his wife. If you didnt know who he was, hes such a delightful friendly sort of a guy. But he gets me very itchy on his policies. Youre not the only one there, i guess among certainly republicans. Among the fields of possible president ial prospects, of course you were a big backer of santorum the last go around, will you be this time . Im a brother from another mother. Rick and i, from the very time i met him, he has out of a try sense of serving his god and serving his country and serving his family and of course im also very partial to karen and so i pick president ial candidates by how great a wife they pick. By that, hes doing very, very well, and he does have a wonderful family. Many argue that hes too conservative for the party, you say absolutely not . I think people try to paint him into a corner, nobody would ask him a question, and he raised his hand and said ask me a question. If you take all of the possible 15 candidateses, name me one that knows more about what ahmadinejad and all these jihadis did, one of the main things were facing now is the threat of what Bibi Netanyahu what about his views on gay marriage or what he thinks about right to life, many in the party, theyre all meritorious positions but theyre going to kill him on a general election. Thats not true, neil, because if you look at the advent of science with these ultrasounds now, im told that the country has shifted to more pro life, and you meet many people who with theed advent of ultrasound say i understand that this is isnt just an embryo, this is a real life person in there. Nicky haley was being interviewed and she said, well, its not an issue to our voters, theyre interested in health care and education, and rachel m madow said, did he ever whisper once about taking contraceptives away . He has is same position on contraceptives as mother teresa, but he didnt impose his will on the American Public unlike obama did, president obama imposed his will, and said you will, regardless of how you feel, you will pay for contraceptives. Walter freed, its always good having you. Its the interview youve got to hear, because what he says the president has got to no next will probably raise hackless. 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We have got lou dobbs, charles payne, charles gasparino, you dont get that kind of blend of superbrainiacs anywhere else. And for those who want to know how in the new York City Marathon yesterday, i placed seventh, just seventh. But i was driving, the car just stopped. All right, its a live feed tonight, live tomorrow, were going to be live around the clock, but we think this is important, we know this is important. On all the other business networks, we think its important, but were kind of going to mail it in. If it matters to you, it matters. If it doesnt but it does. Im eric, along with kimberly, dana and greg. This is the five. With 24 hours to go in the drudge headline says it all, it looks like the gop may take the senate and in the very latest polling, momentum is serving from atlanta to anchorage. Here are the numbers from real clear politics. We highlighted the ten most interesting races. Remember, republicans are widely believed to pick up seats in West Virginia, south dakota and montana. Given these remaining ten seats, republicans need just a net of three. Were going to start in the northeast, head south and then out west where thing

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