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All this is a Democratic National committee is facing pressure to open up the primaries and hold debates and we are on top of all of it. Im sandra smith infer neil cavuto, we have Fox Team Coverage in washington and three more republicans ready for launch. Of Jacqui Heinrich in the white house where pressure is mounting on the president to begin debate. The field of republican candidates is growing fast today, former Vice President mike pence made it official hes good to be challenging his old running mate former President Trump for the revoke a nomination, he will officially unveil the campaign on wednesday he files paperwork today and will be delivering remarks in iowa, the former vp is expected to campaign heavily on his faith, his record and policies he fought for during the trump administration. Im very confident that whatever things look like right now, that republican primary voters are going to look at the field and think very deeply about who can best carry our message and carry majorities to victory. Hes not the only one joining the field this week, former new Jersey Governor Chris Christie will announce tomorrow night in New Hampshire and the governor of north dakota will be announcing hours later. South carolina senator tim scott generating considerable buzz after he appeared on the view. This interview was notable after multiple cohosts recently claimed the senator couldnt understand how black americans feel because hes a republican. Today he fired right back. One of the reasons why im on the show is because of the comments on the made on this show b the only way for an African American kid to be successful in this country is to be the exception and not the rule, that is a dangerous, offensive, disgusting message to send to our young people today. Speak of the senator already has turtle set of endorsements behind him but he and the rest of the field of trail both the former president endorsements and in polling, today New Hampshire governor chris sununu announced he is not good to be running for president next year hes made it clear hes not a trump supporter but he also stopped short of endorsing anyone so far, the field is getting bigger yet also a little bit smaller. Mark meredith, thank you so much, not a Jacqui Heinrich on the growing pressure democrats are facing to open up the primaries and hold debates. What are we hearing . Tomorrow is going to be six weeks since President Biden announced his reelection bid, he has not yet held any Campaign Events and we are told that is coming soon but i did get a chance to ask the president in the oval office today when his first rally would be he definitely heard me and he did not answer. Republican candidates are out on the stump increasingly as we just saw, capitalizing on age concerns which is a top issue in the polls lately. Nikki haley said in a town hall last night that people know a vote for President Biden is really about 4a preside president harris. I was able to ask Karine Jeanpierre what the white house reaction to that is a short while ago, she downplayed those concerns and refer to an article where republicans were complaining about the president outsmarting them, that was the white house answer to this. That being said, there are reports other officials are acknowledging they have had to make some accommodations to the president over his age so as not to physically tax him. The New York Times writes they make reasonable accommodations for his schedule occasionally. According to the messenger, one form or by an official said of the president s fall at the Air Force Academy last week, its not great, it created a flurry of email and text traffic, didnt inspire confidence, reinforces something that people already thought to. One democratic challenging the present for the nomination is upping his Travel Schedule Heading to the Southern Border tonight. Over the next three days, meeting with people from the Border Patrol and elsewhere to try to formulate a plan that will seal the border perma permanently. Stressing the school systems, stressing social Service Systems for people who are for americans who are already struggling. It needs to be turned off. That was rfk saying if you were president he would seal off the Southern Border. Twitter founder jack dorsey added his voice to calls for democrats to open up the primaries and debates. And of course theres no sign thats going anywhere. Sandra very interesting from a Jacqui Heinrich live at the white house, thank you so much. A lot to get into on both sides, to the g. O. P. Primary field getting more and more crowded by the day is New Hampshire governor chris sununu writes its only going to help donald trump. With us now National Political reporter meredith mcgraw, Chris Anderson at fox news that she is a desk and it g. O. P. Pollster lee carter, welcome to you both. Ill have you kick this off for us, what does this push for the dnc to hold primary debates what does that mean for joe biden . I think for joe biden commit means hes really at risk. 70 of americans dont want him to run again, they dont want him to be the candidate, weve seen rfk, hes gotten a lot of momentum, some polls have him as high as 20 points, thats something worth discussing. In a country that is really focused on hearing from everybody and giving everybody a voice increasingly, its going to be hard for joe biden to say hes not willing to enter a debate and there is precedent for such a thing. Jimmy carter debated ted kennedy in 1980, the challenger for him. I think this is something weve seen before, not something we frequently seen but the pressure might increase for him to get on stage. Sandra really interesting. Ill ask you the question as well, is this something that would help or hurt joe biden . I think its important to first ground ourselves in the fact that biden has a commanding lead in the democratic primary, the fox news poll we conducted last week had him at 62 and rfk at 16. I question the premise that hes feeling a lot of pressure right now. I think rfk clearly is getting some advantage from his name which certainly resonates with certain democratic primary voters. Im not surprised he would rather compete in New Hampshire than in South Carolina where its a smaller state, less money can go further. I think his libertarian antiestablishment streak will probably resonate with a segment of the live free or die state voters. As of now, im seeing rfk jr. Probably having a ceiling thats not too far above 20 where he has topped out already because his positions on the issues are just really out of sync with democratic primary voters who believe it or not overwhelmingly approve of the job joe biden is doing, on covid, on ukraine where rfk is put down his biggest take of difference. Sandra ill certainly let meredith to respond to that time also the question of whether or not with chris sununu exiting the race it only helps this g. O. P. Growing field, it only helps donald trump, do you think thats the case the bigger this field gets, does this only help the former president . Thats certainly what the former president and his aides believe, the more the merrier, the more republicans get in, it only seems to be to his benefit to. There is this Working Assessment that trumps base is around 30 te hard for some of these other republicans to tap into this. New hampshire governor sununu said in that oped, he thinks the more there are in the race, that only goes to trumps benefits. There have been some calls, people who were pulling in low percentages should drop out later on in the race. Sandra very interesting, we have Chris Christie jumping in tomorrow, mike pence is expected on wednesday, his first interview will be on America Reports On wednesday afternoon, to infer that. How are those two jumping into this race, how is this going to affect the overall g. O. P. Field . Its really unclear, Conventional Wisdom says this gives more attention to donald trump and the rest of the boat gets splintered to. The question you have to ask is what lame are these candidates trying to fill . With Chris Christie i cant help but wonder we have two candidates who are professed fighters in donald trump and ron desantis, both trying to say they are fighting for the American People. Chris christie notably a fighter. What is his role . Is he in there to fight and try to take down donald trump . That could be what he views his role as. Mike pence im not sure hes going to get traction, hes really trying to get some attention out there, he spent some time riding a motorcycle this weekend i think you you try to change his image a little bit but im not sure what his lane really is thats going to draw a lot of attention. I think all eyes, you cant help but look at certain candidates. Donald trump, ron desantis, tim scott getting some attention but im not sure about the rest. Sandra who to democrats for the most right now in the g. O. P. Field . I havent heard too Many Democrats talking about that because it feels like donald trump really has a stranglehold on the republican nomination at this point. Our poll last week we had him at 53 , ron desantis at 20 and hes white and his lead since february. I think any Candidate Polling 3n the primaries is probably going to win unless the field really narrows down to one or two. I think democrats im talking to are seeking the most likely outcome being a trump rematch with biden. Sandra i find it hard to believe nobody is talking about the other candidates in the field. You can say that if you will. Meredith, weve got the picture of mike pence jumping on that motorcycle, we the republican primary revved up, theres bikers out there, barbecues. They rallied the crowd, there was no mention of the expresident by name. What does that tell you about the state of the party as we get closer and closer to this election day . I think some of these republican candidates dont want to swing too hard at trump and risk alienating some of his supporters but that roast and ride in iowa for these republicans, iowa is going to be so critical to them, for mike pence, hes really relying on the evangelical vote in iowa, ron desantis as well, getting out there ground game and getting their supporters to caucus for them, they really see that as crucial. The joni ernst roast and ride as one the first steps to getting them there. Its going to be an exciting week, the field as good a change quite a bit with those announcements coming in and also learning that governor sununu is out to. We appreciate all three of you joining us this afternoon, thank you. New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu bowing out saying a crowded field is helping out donald trump, does 2024 candidate Asa Hutchinson agree . He is here next. In the wake of new aggressions by china, House Intelligence Chair mike turner is sounding the alarm, he is here too. The Investigation Underway after an f16 chase leads to a sonic boom ringing out over d. C. Why ® helps whats going on inside. Qulipta® gets right to work. In a 3month study, qulipta® significantly reduced monthly migraine days and the majority of people reduced them by 50 to 100 . Qulipta® blocks cgrp a protein believed to be a cause of migraines. Qulipta® is a preventive treatment for episodic migraine. Most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and tiredness. Learn how abbvie could help you save on qulipta®. Lowes knows you never come in for just one thing. So weve got to know a lot of things about a lot of things. Like which mower makes the cut. The mulch that finishes the look. And picking a color that pops. You got this. We got you. This is our premium platinum coverage map and this is consumer cellulars map. I dont see the difference, do you . 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To see you, what is your reaction to that . He says hes out because hes having too many in the field is only good help donald trump . Your reaction. Im a fan of chris sununu, the fact that hes out really opens up New Hampshire again. Im excited about going there and making my case in New Hampshire as well as coming back from iowa. Whenever you look at the field youve got to remind yourself this is a june, the iowa caucus is in february i believe. You are going to have a long history of ups and downs between now and then. Six months is a lifetime in american politics. If you say you want to narrow the field to only one candidate taking on donald trump, who is that going to be and who is going to be able to survive . Thats with the voters have got to figure out and i think the fact that we have probably half as many candidates now as we did in 2016, means we are going to have a robust debate, and nothing could be better for American People and for the Republican Voters to listen to these candidates talk about what is your position on supporting ukraine . Which i support, what is your position on americas Global Leadership . On Border Security, what is your experience in solving these issues . Thank goodness we are good have candidates in they are talking about the future of the party and the future of our country. Sandra good discussion youre looking forward to it. In that crowded field, how do you set yourself apart . For those watching and listening saying hes a long shot . What is your plan . Hope is not a plan governor. The plan is to be on the bait stage, but also to look at the answers that we have, when you ask what distinguishes myself, ive been a governor for eight years balancing a budget, thats important, lowering taxes, creating jobs, then you overlay that with my experience in Border Security as head of the dea and addressing some of the toughest challenges we face in drug use in this country. Then after 9 11, having to work internationally on the security of our country, these are experiences that i challenge any candidate to match and there is a breadth of experience. A very unique experience i bring to meeting the challenges that we face in america today. Sandra the rnc announced their criteria youre putting a lot of importance on these debates and the potential for you to be in one and be heard, the candidates must pull at at least 1 and at least three National Polls and one state poll from two of the early voting states which include iowa, New Hampshire, nevada, and South Carolina, what did you think of that . I know you have pledged to support and vowed to meet whatever criteria is met, do you like those . I would prefer a different set of criteria which i suggested, and they are more onerous criteria than we have had in the past debates, including what the Opposition Party has offered for their debate requirements. The 1 of the National Polls, we have made that and we will continue to make that and move up. The 40,000 donors, it takes a lot of investments to create that online capability. We will do that but its a huge investment. I would prefer particularly in the early debates for it to be wide open. Lets not be more restrictive, lets get candidates on there to present their views and probably some candidates want to be able to make that criteria, but we are going to make it and we are working hard to do that. We have to have a lot of support in 20 different states which we are already generating. Part of that is your message and get people knowing you and other places as to your background and optimistic vision for this great country, belief and national character. Sandra i will give you an opportunity to give some hard specifics, that is probably what will be a number one topic for the American People and American Voter and that is the economy, we are living in a moment were so many, have a pessimistic view of the economy, where things are going in the future for the hardworking American Families out there. Twothirds of the population living paycheck to paycheck, its a tough environment but would you say specifically on the debate stage that will grab headlines and get peoples attention, what are you going to do . Youre absolutely right, the economy is in a one issue that we face because it hurts our families. First of all im going to reduce federal Nondefense Employment by 10 , that saves us money at the federal level. It gets the bureaucracy under control. Secondly, its about a progrowth energy policy, where we are producing energy again. Weve just seen where saudi arabia is going to reduce their production of oil by 1 Million Barrels per day coming up in july, this is going to hurt us at the pump again. Im going to have a progrowth energy policy. Then youve got to have the ability to make sure we can produce things in the United States of america through worker training, bringing more people into the workforce. This all helps our economy control federal spending. Progrowth energy policy, lets produce jobs here in this country through the private sector. Sandra very interesting, thanks for joining us, well be watching. Thank you, good to be with you. You are looking life at the Port Of Los Angeles not a lot of action there today, find out why and how it could lead to higher prices for you at the store. Talk about a pain in the gas, g. O. P. Lawmakers turning up the heat over possible plans to limit using gas stoves in your home kitchen, whats cooking with that now . My name is brian delallo. I teach ap and honors economics in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. Financial wellbeing to me is knowing that i can be free to do the things that i love to do. I hope when i retire someday, they say, that guy made this place a special place to come to school and gave as much as he could to help the community. We got the house you did pods handles the driving. Pack at your pace. Store your things until youre ready. 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The longshoremans union shutdown Port Operations at select terminals this weekend across the west coast because some 22,000 dockworkers have been working without a contract for 11 months. Fridaysaturday, some Rank And File workers called in sick, walked off the job closing simple terminals from seattle to l. A. Long beach, meaning ships could not dock nor their containers offloaded to. The union this morning issued a News Blackout but did issue a statement saying its unfair the shipping Companies Made some 500 billion during the pandemic and refused to share that with workers who made it happen, negotiations have not broken down, there is no strike vote and none scheduled. That could happen, however, retailers have already started rerouting goods from asia because a strike would leave their goods stranded at sea. Its the enemy of business, the enemy of supply chain, thats why youre seeing a lot of shippers pull away from the west coast and not planning to return until we see a tentative agreement reached and approved by the Rank And File. Speak of the Ripple Effect would be outrageous, you see the rising prices, fueling inflation, unemployment would come to a standstill with the truckers, you would see would see shortages and construction of new homes because you couldnt get the appliances, roofing or flooring. The point of being here, talks continue but this is a Shot Across The Bow by unions, the last strike with 2002 and went on for 11 days. Sandra something we will definitely keep watching, William La Jeunesse on that for us. G. O. P. Lawmakers burning over possible restrictions for gas stoves, the House Rules Committee debating a bill that would put a chill on the new regulations. Weve got the latest on that. Will not keep it going, House Republicans are turning up the heat to try to block President Bidens efforts to recommend and restrict gas stoves, two bills introduced in the house are meant to prevent the Biden Administration from regulating gas stoves out of existence. The first bill is the gas stove freedom and protection act, that would bar federal dollars from going towards revelatory efforts to ban gas stoves, the second bill called the Save Our Gas Stoves act would specifically block the Department Of Energy for making this change, the House Rules Committee hearing today on the two bills became heated to. Im sure my friends in the minority will dismiss these two bills as addressing a petty concern but its not a petty concern to Hardworking Americans who will be impacted, as americans already suffer under the rampant inflation thanks to democrats out of control spending, the last thing they need is to have the Biden Administration Green New Deal regulatory Assault Reach their kitchen appliances. About 96 of current gas stoves would not meet the new rules drafted in february and updated in march, the Energy Secretary maintains that number does not reflect the full range of Stove Cooktops which include electric models and the democrats tried to reassure the hearing that existing gas stoves would not be confiscated. Contrary to the rhetoric out there, the government is not coming for anybodys gas stoves, a pervasive falsehood thats been used to stoke grievances and now being pressed to push this legislation in congress. If you need to update your kitchen you would have to follow new rules if everything passes. It could possibly be voted on by the full house this week. Sandra thank you so much. First a chinese jet and buzzes by one of our planes, now a chinese warship just did the same with one of our destroyers. House intelligence chair Michael Turner on what he wants to see us do in return, he is here. The latest on the f16 chase that led to a sonic boom ringing out over d. C. Son, holy spiri. Amen. Lord jesus, come to us now. Help us to surrender ourselves completely to you. Help us to listen to your voice. Even when were distracted or tired, we pray this in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit. Amen. Thank you so much. I just want to encourage you that if you want to join me in more prayer, check out hallow its the number one prayer app in the world. Whoa. Okay. Easy does it. We switched to Liberty Mutual and saved 652. 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This could be a stretch, but i think its cause they wanna get paid correctly. I like getting paid correctly. [boom] sandra a sonic boom sounding out in d. C. As fighter jets are deployed to respond to a small aircraft flying into restricted airspace. Fox News National security correspondent Jennifer Griffin has the details for this story for so many of us who saw this happening they are like what is happening . What do we know . This sent shock waves to the capital yesterday, we have now learned the u. S. Sent six f16 fighter jets in total to intercept the unresponsive Cessna Aircraft heading toward the capitol on sunday. Two f16s from the d. C. National guard and took off from Andrews Air Force base while the president was playing golf sunday. Another two from the Atlantic City Air National Guard base from egg harbor new jersey an additional two f16 deployed from mcintyre base in South Carolina, the sonic boom that shook the windows and it scared d. C. Residents shortly after 3 00 p. M. Eastern could be heard as far as maryland, as the d. C. National guard to try to intercept the cessna whose pilot was under responsive. The intercept took place 20 miles northeast of Ronald Reagan international airport, the citation took off from tennessee and was en route to long island, new york, when it abruptly did a 180degree turn in new york and began flying back down the east coast. The pilots tried to get the cessna Pilots Attention unsuccessfully for 30 minutes before it went down in Southwest Virginia. Flares were fired to get the Pilots Attention, he was unresponsive. Norad that says it did not bring down the plane which appears to have run out of fuel in the end. On board the flight, adina is, e was the daughter of john and Barbara Rumple who served in the Executive Committee of the nra Womens Leadership Forum and wrote the following message on facebook. My family is gone, my daughter and granddaughter, the plane on autopilot went down to the mountains of Southwest Virginia Near Montebello in the George Washington National Forest come at the crash site a large crater and no survivors. The ntsb is investigating the cause of the crash, preliminary report is expected within ten days. I was going to ask you, you have kids as well, you live in the d. C. Area, did you experience this, did you hear this yourself . I do have kids and i cant imagine the pain of this family and the loss for this family, i was at a Swimming Pool with my eighth grader and his friends, it was so noisy at the pool i did not hear it but my producer was in washington, d. C. , she heard it, it was very loud, people said their windows shook, they could feel the walls of their houses shake. It was very dramatic and is certainly scary for those on the ground. Sandra quite a scary moment for those who heard that sonic boom. Thank you so much for joining us, appreciate it. The sheik is about to hit the fan, saudi arabia Cutting Oil Production to boost prices there, that could have drivers pay more at pump here. Jeff flack is on it for us. I like it. Im out of the refinery where they are girding for a price increase, will it happen . We give you our best guess when your world continues in just a moment, stay tuned. Me. Is this oak . You could save a ton with progressive by bundling your boat or rv with your home and auto. Hey, guys free bags lowes knows you never come in for just one thing. So weve got to know a lot of things about a lot of things. Like which mower makes the cut. The mulch that finishes the look. And picking a color that pops. You got this. We got you. Hey, dad. I got an a on my book report. Thats cool. And i went for A Walk In The Woods and i didnt get a single flea or tick on me. You are just the best. Right . Im great. You are great. Oh, brother. This flea and tick season, trust americas 1 pet pharmacy. Chewy. Believe it or not baby. 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We will help get you the best result possible. The barnes firm, Injury Attorneys call one eight hundred,est resul Eight Million sandra attention summer drivers, pain can be coming to the pump Oil Prices Rising as saudi arabias slashing production by 1 Million Barrels a day. Jeff flock is at an oil refinery in paulsboro, new jersey, what can you tell us do you have the crystal ball . Are prices going up or down . I can take a guess as well is the next guy, the pbf refinery typically as you know when they Cut Production, prices tend to go up. I cant promise you that, right now gas prices are actually in pretty good shape. At. 355, we have been there for the last month or so, several months in that vicinity, a whole lot cheaper than it was this time last year,. 45 on this day one year ago, the analysts do seem to think this is going to lead to some kind of price bump, the question is how much . The last time the opec folks cut, gas prices went down a little bit. Thats when President Biden was releasing oil from the Strategic Petroleum reserve, this probably wont happen this time. The Administration Says is optimistic about the future melissa john kirby. What were going to stay focused on is making sure there is a balance between supply and demand come you can see the price of oil is not dramatically affected by this announcement of these additional cuts. The price of gasoline continues to come down. That is true as of right now, as you know oil hit 75 today before coming back down again. Well and see how that all turns out. As i said the last two times they cut was in october and is a price cut in april, neither time had a huge impact on prices. Ill leave you with this if youre thinking u. S. Production ought to be higher and the future may be bright, heres the count from baker hughes, this is the number of oil rigs in operation in the u. S. , less than 700, down 15 rigs in the past week and down 72 since the start of the year. If youre looking for help at home which a lot of people think we could give, maybe thats not coming. Nobody could tell those stories like you, thank you so much. Live in new jersey. Lets bring in our Oil And Gas Guru phil flynn, hes on all of this for us. You and i have had this discussion enough over the years to know Cut Production come with saudi arabia announcing its doing and prices go up. Exist on many different . Is not good to be any different unless demand falls off as you know, as demand collapses which a lot of people are betting on based on if you look at where the speculators are with the price of oil, they have been on economic doom and gloom, im afraid of that doesnt happen you better watch out at that gas pump, we could see a significant rise later in the year. I think jeff flock made a great point, over the past couple of months when opec Cut Production, they were meant to barrel by barrel from the Strategic Oil reserve, that ends this month and the u. S. Is going from a seller to match a buyer, that changes the dynamic and it could lead to higher prices. Sandra he did make that point the last time this happened prices did go down but thats when we were tapping the Strategic Petroleum reserve and we were doing so multiple times. So a significant rise he just predicted . We are looking at. 355 regular come as a national average, where are you saying its from here . I think by the Fourth Of July we could see prices up another 0. 20 per gallon, when the realization comes we arent going to see that supply on the market. Today, oil prices did pull back a little bit because we heard some whining out of the saudis today, there was words they were complaining there was too many people in the cartel that werent making their quota, they were whining that russia hasnt been transparent enough about the production cuts. That led to the speculation that we might see the cartel group fall apart in the future. Make no mistake about it, saudi needs higher prices so they will follow through with the cuts that means higher prices at the pump. Sandra ever member when we were hoping for 2 or over. 250, we were down just two years ago, down ten bucks from where we are today. Gone are those days at least for the moment, well and see how things play out as we enter the summer driver season, thank you and good to see you. With china Aggression Escalating, what House Intel Committee mike turner says the u. S. Should be doing, next. The question about whats happening on the high seas of china has to deal with the aggression china is showing. Theres been to clarice and incidences. The second happened on saturday, the warship intercepted the u. S. Guided missile destroyer. Ten days ago the first incident was the chinese fighter jet that closely crossed paths of u. S. Surveillance plane. It bounced the pilots in the plane as it went to the jet wash. White house Spokesman Says the administration is prepared to face beijings growing aggression. A displeasure about our presence in that part of the world. Is the president said clearly in hiroshima, we are a pacific power. We are not going anywhere. Was congress congressman mike gallagher, says that the breeze and stunts move scene are parts of the strategic efforts to undermine our forces in the pacific and says the white house needs to increase our military presence, increase arms sales to taiwan including antiship missiles and cut some economic ties with beijing. Not interested in being friends, not interested in peace and stability, they are increasingly aggressive, revisionist power bent on displacing us as the dominant power in the pacific and i believe globally. Gallaghers committee is marking the 34th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre half an hour from now on washington with some of the dissidents and activists who were actually there. You may recall that 19 v9 regime troops opened fire on student demonstrators, demanding democracy. The result, hundreds if not thousands of those students were killed in this iconic image of the tank man facing off that line of chinese tanks. Despite the anniversary, john kirby pushed back against criticism that u. S. Officials were meeting today in beijing. He says the trip by those officials from the State Department has been long planned. Back to you. Sandra eric shawn for us. How should the u. S. Be handling this question on House Intelligence Committee chairman and Ohio Republican congressman mike turner joins us now. Mr. Chairman, thank you so much for joining us. You see the china Aggression Escalating clearly with the latest developments. Tensions are mounting. How should we be responding Question Work youre right there aggression is being evident in the Taiwan Strait but its even evident here in the United States. Let the chinese balloons that traverse the United States, they had Actual Police stations operating stations in the United States, intimidating United States citizens and residents in the United States. This shows china knows no bounds. International waters, international airspace, even our own sovereignty has been addressed. The anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, we thought there might be some ability for china through trade. They are going further. As they have said, they want to go back to change that hasnt happened in 100 years. The fight between authoritarianism and democracy. This Administration Needs to chstand up to china in every wa. When the president looked thoughtful and go all the way across the United States before he took action, he gave them a permissive environment. Same things with Police Stations where they continue to operate without any real action. This permissiveness has got to stop. Sandra you have chinese jets buzzing by hours, warships in front of our destroyers. The president says he seeks competition, not conflict. How do you respond . Hes already in Conflict Purity Category Tapping with china. We are missing he sees this as an opportunity to join with putin and as he said put back a change that doesnt happen for 100 years. The administration is already in conflict. If they want to get to cooperation theyre going to have to put significant pressure on. Sandra the economic discussion. You heard mike gallagher. Theres going to be a big discussion of the election. I asked Vivek Ramaswamy in the last hour, last couple hours about how far hes willing to go to cut off china. Listen. Do you believe any u. S. Corporation should be doing business in china . How far are you willing to go . Speak im willing to go the dirn of total decoupling. I would ban most u. S. Businesses from doing business in china unless and until the ccp reforms its behaviors. Im talking about actual real measures. No data theft, no intellectual property theft, no more turning our own companies into your geopolitical ponds to do your bidding. Sandra are you willing to go that far, mr. Chairman . I think those statements are premature. Part of president ial campaign rhetoric. Currently we need to make certain our Supply Chains are protected, that we restore critical infrastructure. At the same Time Engagement with china is currently part of our economic structure. Its not part of our structure is this permissiveness, allowing their aggressiveness. While there are no consequences in the economic side. We need to make sure that the Administration Stands up to the United States, not just going to concede our sovereign territory. Sandra very interesting. One would assume its going to be a big part of the debates and overall president ial election coverage coming up shortly. Thanks so much to you, mr. Chairman, for joining us. Mike turner. All right. That about does it for us. Neil will be back tomorrow. Catch me at 1 00 p. M. Eastern time along sign john roberts for america reports each and every weekday. So glad to be here with you today. Thanks for joining us. The five starts right now. Dana hello, i am dana perino with judge jeanine pirro, jesse watters, jessica tarlov. Its 5 00 in new york city. This is the five. Republican president ial candidate tim scott going into the liberal lions den and the ladies of the view. Racially charged attacks from ag whistle

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