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confirmed in that time are actually hostages? >> less than 10. >> that's not a number. i want a number from you. >> less than 10. >> why can't you give a number? >> i've given you an answer. what is your next question? >> you've given an answer. you've not been responsive. let the record show. the other question has to do with israeli warnings. the israelis have said their objective and they've been very explicit about it is to destroy hamas. from you and other administration officials, we hear the objective is to ensure that hamas can never terrorize israel again. those are two different objectives are. you having a problem with the israelis in terms of a clear communication here of their objectives or have their objectives appeared to change over time? >> no and no. >> how does -- does the united states support the goal of destroying hamas? >> we support what israel is trying to do to protect citizens from the threat of hamas. james, you know this. we're not on the ground fighting in this war. there's no intent to do that. these are israel military operations. they get to decide what their aims and strategy are. they get to decide their tactics and how they go after hamas. we're doing everything we can to support them including providing our perspectives and asking them hard questions about their ames and strategies. the kind of questions we'd ask ourselves. the question you'd ask me is better put to the real defense forces. >> thanks, admiral. >> just because of the events happening on the south lawn, we don't have much time. zeke? >> [question inaudible] what is the white house position on that? would the president sign an israel only supplemental request or is the president insisting that they move together? >> i want a lay-down here, this is incredibly important. when you think about hamas and putin, they represent different threats. both want to ally an enabling democracy. we've been clear about that. we can't afford to led that happen. that's what we've been clear about. making sure both israel and ukraine succeed in their fights for democracy against terrorism, it's vital. vital to america's own national security. so we must help innocent civilians devastated by putin's war in ukraine and a conflict between israel and hamas and providing life-saving assistance. there's a bipartisan consensus. we've seen it. we've seen that consensus in the senate. you have heard me say how the director of omb and our office of alleged affairs have been giving briefings in a bipartisan way to members of both the senate and the house. it is important. you know, we see a strong majority of republicans and democrats in the house and the senate as i just mentioned who both have been vocal on the record. i listed out a bunch of house members a few house members and senators in quoting them and saying what they have said on the record in supporting both ukraine and israel supplemental -- urgent national security needs. that's what we want to see. there's no reason, no reason why that should not happen. there's no reason why we as america, the united states of america, cannot make sure that israel and also ukraine has the funding that they need. >> is the president open to considering spending offsets for that money? >> i certainly will not get into hypotheticals from here. what i can say -- >> the house republicans are calling -- >> i understand that. i hear you. what we've been clear about, we want to see both move forward. we want to see both of the re-quests of the supplementals in the national security, it's vital. vital as those two countries are feiging for their democracies. >> any offsets is that at the table? >> these are emergency funding requests. we've been clear about that. like other emergency funding that congress has passed with bipartisan support. they do not require offsets. they don't -- they are emergency requests. >> [question inaudible] >> i'm telling you that they don't require offsets. these are emergency requests. nancy. >> thanks. i want to ask you about the new executive actions that the administration is taking place in response to anti-semitic threats. i saw the list. the doj involved, homeland security involved. given the sky rocketing number of threats with, is all of that going to be enough? >> so look. we've been very clear. the president has been very, very focused not just now but since the beginning of his administration on dealing with -- and unequivocate when we talk about hated and not being room for hate against jews or muslims. this is something that the president has been certainly steadfast on. look, the announcement that we make, we made, we'll have doj and other agencies certainly be a part of this, have conversations with the campuses and universities and to see what else -- this is the beginning -- to so what else -- there's other things that are needed. this is how the president is showing how important this is, how critical this is and how we have to take this seriously. just to list out a couple things. the second gentleman today, as well as the education secretary, miguel cardona and other people from the administration will discussactions to counter the uptick in reported instances of anti-semitism. so they have those conversations with the conference of. of major american jewish organizations. that's important. we'll continue to have other conversations here on the senior level as well later this week. you have secretary cardona to attend a site visit at university and hold a roundtable with jewish students. the department of education has conducted site visits in san francisco, st. louis and in maine to address and learn more about the anti-semitism at college campuses. we'll continue to hear directly from the jewish organizations. i said at the top, if folks have concern, i've listed out how they should be able to flag those concerns for us. so we believe what we announced just today is incredibly important. it's the first step. there is no place for anti-semitism. there's no place for it. >> does the white house believe that college administrators are doing enough to deal with this problem? >> that is for them to speak to. what we have been very equivocal about, anti-semitism has no place in this country. there's no hate -- there's no place or no room for hate. we've been clear about that. i'll refer you to them for them to speak to what they're doing on campuses. >> you may not have information ant it yet, but there was an individual arrested for making anti-semitic threats against a u.s. senator. do you have any information -- >> this that's the first time i'm hearing of it. we'll condemn any form of hate, including hate against the muslim community, islam phobia we've been clear about that. we'll denounce any form of hate. we'll continue to do that from here. that's the first i'm heard of that. >> doesn't biden think the anti-israeli protesters are extremists in this country? >> what i can say is what we've been clear about this when it comes to anti-semitism. there's no place. we have to make sure that we speak about it very loud and be very clear about that. remember, what the president decided -- when the president decided to run for president is what he saw in charlottesville in 2017. he saw neo-nazis marching down the streets of charlottesville, with vial anti-semitic hatred. he was very clear then and he's very clear now. he's taken actions against this over the past two years. he continues to be clear. there's no place for this type of violence and this kind of rhetoric. >> we hear you guys talk about extremists all the time. it's usually about maga extremists what about the protesters making jewish students -- are they extremists? >> i've been very, very clear. we're calling out any form of hate, any form of hate. it is not acceptable. it shouldn't not be acceptable here. we're going to continue to call that out and let me be very clear, this is a continues to have that fight in his office. when he repealed trump's muslim ban, that's something that this president did. he also established an interpolicy committee to counter islamophobia, anti-semitism and related forms of bias and discrimination. we have taken this very seriously. >> doesn't biden look at the anti-israel protests and think it's nice to see that the country's youth are so involved or does he think the next generation is doing it? >> here's the thing. there's no place for hate in america. >> i'm asking what he thinks. >> i'm telling you. there's no place for hate in america. we condemn any anti-semitic threat in the strongest terms. you heard me say at the top, i gave a message to students feeling under threat right now. you know, we're tracking these threats very slowsly. we're there for them. no student should have to be able to go to class. live on campus in fear. these incidents, these reported anti-semitic indenses shouldn'ts be. we have to condemn them. we have to. >> can you tell us more about the president's meeting -- >> martha: all right. the white house wrapping their briefing there. we hearing from karine jean-pierre taking questions from reporters including peter doocy asking are those anti-israel protesters are they extremists. she didn't answer that question. she did go on to confirm the president and the white house stance on their support for israel and against all anti-semitism that we are seeing pop up in this country coast to coast. she confirmed that senior administration firms are going to be meeting with jewish leaders and universities to discuss what is happening on college campuses in america right now. also john kirby, the nsc coordinator that also briefed in that room a short time ago talking about the incident at the airport in russia when a plane was landing from tel aviv. it was rushed with people chanting kill the jews. he called ate chilling demonstration of hate, bigotry and i intimidation. he also said he doesn't think a cease fire is for now. a lot of information out of the white house. all of this is happening as you're looking at the night sky at the israel gaza border. it's 10:12 p.m. there. israeli to forces are pushing deeper in gaza. so where is this all heading? welcome. i'm sandra smith in for neil cavuto. this is "your world." first, let's get to mike tobin on the southern -- in southern israel for us on ground forces getting a kidnapped israeli soldier out. what are we learning about how that played out? >> a remarkable be development. the private is back with her family after having been kidnapped october 7. what we know, it was actions of the elite real forces on the ground. we have no idea how she was rescued, but she's been checked out by doctors around reunited with her family tonight. prime minister ben minute netanyahu is resisting all calls for a cease fire. he said now is a time for war and saying civilized nations should be supporting israel. >> the united states would not agree to a cease far after the bombing of pearl harbor or after the attacks of 9-11. israel will not agree to a cease fire after the horrific attacks of october 7th. >> israeli forces are on three sides of the sprawling population center of gaza and the surrounding neighborhoods and pushing in the israeli forces tell us that they have made contacts with pockets of hamas resistance. israeli forces have been in the gaza strip and now there a fourth night. you can hear behind me, the cannons are thundering away in support of them. >> sandra: thanks, mike. i ran accusing israeli -- israel of crossing redlines. how should the u.s. respond? with us, lieutenant general jerry boykin. thanks. welcome to you. first off, what about iran accusing israel of crossing these red lines? how should we be responding to that? >> first of all, that is preposterous. they know that it is. i think the only people that impressed with it are the other terrorists in that part of the world. how should we deal with that? we've got carriers in the battle space now. it's a pretty good indication if we are provoked, we can respond with a lot of heavy metal. i think what we should do is basically ignore that kind of thing. even though they are also potentially a nuclear weapon holder, i think we should just ignore what they are saying right now. not pay attention to it. >> sandra: let me ask you about the status of this war and what we just heard from john kirby and karine jean-pierre on israel making every effort to avoid civilian casualties in this war. we're efforting more and more humanitarian aid in to gaza. we continue to get updates on that. as far as john kirby a moment ago, he said we do not believe a cease fire is the right answer right now. how do you see things proceeding in the coming hours and days as we have seen the night skylighting up there over gaza? >> yeah, sandra. there will be a major push for some kind of concessions that ultimately could lead to a cease fire. the israelis are not going to declare a cease fire. they're not going to cooperate on a any discussion on a cease fire unless there's some kind of concessions. if they do, obviously they are not going to bet what they want out of it. it's also probably going to create a situation that they have to deal with that is making this current environment more hostile. >> sandra: as far as what is happening in the response that we're seeing all over the world to this war, sir, what do you say when you hear that discussion happening in the white house? you can see the airport in russia with those landing from tel aviv rushed with people chanting kill the jews. in acts of violence. the white house calling that a demonstration of hate, bigotry and intimidation. what do you think as you see that happening as this war rages on? >> first of all, those are the same terms that i'd use. it's pure hatred. i'm sorry to see that i'm sorry the world hadn't come to a point where we can understood and accept that the jews are people, too. they've been chosen for many things. most of which has beenthey've been chosen for extension on more than one occasion. i think in america -- let me speak for a second on that -- any school that is taking government money that has people out on that campus protesting the fact that the jews are defending their homeland, which is only the homeland that they have, i think we ought to take their money. we ought to take every penny that they have and not let them get away with that. when this is all over with, i think that they should be held accountable. i hope someone is taking names right now. they should be held accountable. that school is irpossible if they don't get rid of those people and make a point and showing world that we're serious about standing with an ally of israel. >> sandra: really interesting to hear that, general. i'm looking at my notes from benjamin netanyahu. he spoke about two hours ago. he was out with a firm message to the world. he and his defense secretary says we will achieve victory. he said this won't be short or easy. he said the future of our civilization is at stage. he said it's us our hamas. we have to fight the barbarians because they're willing to fight us. he then called it, general a turning point for leaders and nations and said we will fight, we have to fight for hope and promise. i want your reaction to the prime minister's words. >> i think at least partially what he's saying is you have to make a choice. you have to choose. you have to choose between good and evil. he used that term. i think he's saying you have to decide whether you're on the side of what is right or you're going to be on the side of what's wrong. good versus evil. >> sandra: general, thanks for joining us. thank you so much. >> yes, sir. thank you. >> sandra: demonstrations against israel continuing on the heels of large protests. we'll have the very latest. first, fresh moves to decouple u.s. aid from ukraine and israel coming. aishah hasnie has more. >> house republicans just dropped the text of their stand-alone israel aid package. it will run in troubles not only with democrats but with some conservatives. i'll explain next. holiday shopping got easier on affordable décor and more. you know you can get these all at once, right dad? 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>> we're going to be releasing that shortly. my desire in the first draft is to take some of the money set assign for the billing and bulking up the irs. they have $67 well in that found and trying to 14.necessary for this immediate and urgent need. we'll deal with the rest later. >> some house conservatives may not be interested in this. before the text came out, thomas massey posted on x that he's a hard no even with cuts because he says today when congress says their new spending is paid for with cuts, what they really money is they're replacing spending on a project that is not paid for with new spending. so if johnson can get this done without colleagues like massy, he will face a bitter battle with the democrat-controlled senate where you have not just senate democrats but also gop leader mitch mcconnell and nearly half hoff all senate republicans that support tying ukraine aid to israel aid saying the conflicts are all connected. >> we're facing threat as cross the board. we have to make sure that a supplemental package will address those threats building up our own munitions programs that we need as a country, being able to provide for our allies and being able to especially to control our own border. >> sandra, the fight we're start in earnest wednesday. that's when the house returns back in action. sandra? >> sandra: thanks, aishah. let's get to it with house freedom caucus chairman, scott perry. where do you stand on this? >> well, i think it's a really great first effort. let's remember how this start. hamas' unprovoked attack to israel. israel is responding. they're asking for our help. we want to help israel. we all do. most republicans and democrats absolutely want to do that. we also have to acknowledge our own financial crisis here in america, the speaker has rightfully picked a place where we don't need to be spending money, no one in america says you can fix all america's problems or israel's problems if we just hire more irs agents. he's going to make the senate democrats and republicans and some republicans in the house and of course house democrats choose between the irs or supporting our greatest ally against an unprovoked terror attack on their soil. it's an easy choice honestly. >> sandra: let's get to the numbers here and see where you stand. johnson says my attention and my desire in the first draft of the ball is to take some of the money set aside for the rebilking of of the irs. he says we have about $67 billion. we'll try to take the 14.5 mess for this immediate and urgent need. is that the right number? >> if israel needs that to conduct their offensive operations, they're a sovereign nation, we ought to be support of that. they use our munitions in iron dome. if they need it, i'm if full support it and taking it from an unneeded, unwanted, unasked for expansion of the irs. this st. no to rebuild the irs. it's to expand the irs. no american citizen said we can fix our problems by putting more irs agents out there bothering american citizens trying to hang on to as much money as they earn. so if this what it takes, i think this is a really good first started. again, it acknowledges at the same time we want to help our friend and ally necessary real. we're acknowledging that we're $33 trillion in debt. we have to make difficult choices. i don't know that having more irs agents solves our spending p problem. since some of my friends on the left think it's important, let them make the choice. ly make the choice. >> sandra: sounds like it has your support on all levels there. thank you so much, congressman. i appreciate you joining us. thank you. >> thank you. god bless you. >> sandra: we have to get to this breaking news. general motors and the uaw have reached a deal a tentative deal. the final trout automaker to do so following six weeks of strikes against the big three. the g.m. deal following accords reach with ford an stellantis with the union winning record pay hikes to grady trimble on the news. what do we know? >> yeah, this deal with g.m. effectively ends the strike. just in the last five, ten minutes or so, i got a statement from general motors's ceo mary barra. she says g.m. is pleased to have reached a tentative agreement with the uwa that reflects the contributions of the team while enabling us to continue to invest in our future and provide good jobs in the u.s. she goes on to say we're looking forward to having everyone back to work, which i'm sure she is at 45 days. our understanding is the uaw deal with a template for stellantis and general motors. here's what's in the ford deal, a 25% pay raise over the four years of the contract to even more when you factor in cost of living adjustments. a quicker pathway to the top pay tier and the right to strike over future plant closures. today's deal is also a relief for president biden, the first sitting president ever to join striking workers on a picket line. president biden says he spoke to uaw president sean fane on the phone today. >> they want a record contract with over 30% increase in wages, created retirement security and more paid leigh. the commitment by the big three to create more middle class jobs and invest tens of billions more dollars in plants and factories, building automobiles future here in america. >> ultimately it will be up to the rank and file union members to approach each of the three contracts before the votes in the coming weeks, they will go back to work as the president mentioned in his speech and barra mentioned in her statement, fane has been trying to sell the contracts to members calling ford's a huge victory and he says he whole heartedly endorsed it. of course he would as someone that helped broketer deal. the estimated cost of these strikes more than $10 billion. something to watch for, sandra, for american consumers that might be looking to buy a new car, ford already says the new deal could add up to $900 per vehicle in labor costs. so we'll see if they pass those added costs on to customers which would make inflation even worse. sandra? >> definitely something that people do not want higher prices. grady trimble on that. the breaking news. thank you. meanwhile as israel's war as hamas ramps up over there, so are the protests here. here's alexis mcadams in new york city. she has the latest from there. a lot to report from there, alexis. >> hi, sandra. yeah a lot going on at all of these college campuses including columbia where we just talked the jewish students calling on the university to do more. the silence from the university's president makes them feel unsafe on campus. at cornell also in new york, a lot of incident there's leading to threats and possible violence. the fbi is now investigating this after someone posted online saying that they're going to go around campus and shoot up jewish centers and kill jewish students. the governor of new york was there today. the students said they're afraid to walk aroundch watch. >> i cam here with one strong message. we will not tolerate threats or hatred or anti-semitism or any kind of hatred that makes people feel vulnerable. >> in the series of messages read that people should follow around jewish students attack them and kill them on campus and threaten that jewish dining hall. it's not just on college campuses. in new york, hundreds arrested at grand central administration. they blocked the terminals during rush hour. the fbi continues to investigate over at cornell and water hearing about a possible lawsuit that could be filed against the university, too. they think they're not doing enough to protect the students. sandra, it was the other day that the cornell professor took a leave of absence because of his comments. >> thanks, alexis. peter doocy got a question in the briefing room. what was your take-away from that? >> sandra, the administration knows there's been this nearly 400% uptick in anti-semitic incidences. so they're tasking the justice department to address the root of these anti-semitic instances. while they know the college campus protests are now becoming problematic in some of the things that students are chanting and some of them are devolving into violence, they're not condemning the protests completely. >> doesn't biden look at these anti-israel protests on colleg e think the next generation is doing it? >> here's the thing. there's no place for hate in america. no, no, no. i'm telling you. there's e in america. we condemn any anti-semitic threat or incident in the strongest terms. >> they are also condemning the initial rush in response to this video you see on screen. an angry mob rushed into an airport to try to intercept a flight that had just landed from tel aviv in russia. >> you all saw what happened in dagestan, russia yesterday. what can only be described as a chilling demonstration of hate, budgetary and intimidation. we've heard crickets from the kremlin. nothing. no condemnation. no calling for a stoppage of hate discrimination and bigotry towards jews. nothing. i think that speaks volumes. >> top officials here are meeting with the saudi defense minister. they are trying to figure out how to stop the violence from spreading in the middle east. sandra? >> sandra: peter doocy on a very by afternoon at the white house. thanks, peter. more rockets fired at u.s. forces in iraq today. is the u.s. response against iran proxies forceful enough? we'll ask kansas republican senateor moran who will be questioning lloyd austin in a hearing tomorrow. tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders. all so you can trade brilliantly. she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need— instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. it's amazing what real food can do. >> the israeli government says this soldier is the first to be freed with the use of ground forces. that's giving a lot of hope to the hundreds of other families of hostages taken october 7th. i salt down with a woman whose sister was taken. she shared with fox when the sister was taken. i want to caution, this is difficult to hear. >> it's been weeks but the morning of october 7th keeps replaying for the families of the hostages. >> everywhere i go, i see her face. i can't imagine her taking care of other kids that were abducted as well. >> the family of 26-year-old romi shared with fox the phone call of when she was taken. >> after hours of her hiding, they had been certain that she was almost home to them safe. >> span -- squeaming because they were shot. >> it's those moments, the final moments that they shared with her shortly after that. they heard her crying and the voices saying that they were taking her. they traced romi's phone to gaza. >> martha: the night has fallen there, it's 10:43 local time for her. we heard from tel aviv earlier the prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying we will achieve absolute victory he said. talking to the world. he said this war will not be short, it will not be easy. what sort of reaction are you seeing and hearing to that tonight, alex? >> we heard a lot of frustration and concern from some of these families wondering would this ground invasion mean that they would have fewer chances of seeing the return of their family members back home safely. that was the main concern and they were bringing those concerns to the prime minister. is it safe to go in, will this prevent us from seeing our loved ones again. the prime minister responded saying no, this is a two-prong approach attacking hamas and also putting pressure on hamas to release these hostages. that is what we are seeing today with the release of this soldier back to her family. i have to tell you, it's a very different sentiment here in israel tonight. there's a sigh of relief that people are bringing together, finally seeing come home safely that was not a deal negotiated or brokered. it was soldiers going in, ground forces according to the idf to bring this person home, that was a major victory for this one family. it's a major victory for all of the families that i should note have been gathering day after day in front of city hall. they've been putting up displays. there's a headquarters where volunteers and these families come together and work for 24 hours a day looking through any footage that they could find making phone calls and working together to try to trace these people. it's a grass roots effort that the government is partners with them to be able to find some people. it's interesting to see if we can get information about if they were able to use -- the military could use that grass roots information. this is an all hands on deck effort and a major win for families here tonight. >> alex, thanks for your reporting and telling their stories live on the ground in tel aviv. thank you. with israeli forces able to security the release of one soldier during these ground operations, does our next guest think more hostages could be brought to safety? don mann join us. will we see more hostages come out safely? >> hello, sandra. i do hope so. i believe so. you know, the hostage rescue teams, the idf, the rescue teams, the u.s. support, navy seals, the fbi they're all over there supporting the israelis. they have a very difficult road ahead. used to be to get some intel, fly in to the target, surround the target, go in, eliminate the threats and grab the hostage and come out. now it's a different story. now you have all of these hamas animals waiting for the idf to come in and rescue hostages. but now this is another one that has been rescued. it's the second attempt. i hope there's more going to come out safely. >> sandra: you say animals. netanyahu said they're barbarians. we have to fight them because they're willing to fight us. can you give us some experience what these hostage rescues are like? >> yes, a hostage rescue is a lot, lot more emotional in a sense than just going in to battle. because human lives are at stake, not just friend and foe, enemy and and unknowns. they're trying to save a hostage. through the years i was in, it was normally one or two hostages. it's a whole different story now. now there's 230 hostages and tunnels. the enemy is set up. we don't have the element of surprise. we don't -- we have lost that. so we're basically going in to an enemy situation where the enemy is set up for the hostage rescue teams. they are hidden in 300 miles of tunnels. we don't know about the booby traps and ieds. the israelis number 1 priority is to get the hostages out. number two is get rid of hamas. the number 1 priority is hostage rescue. they have the best in the world supporting them with the u.s. and others. so i do hope. >> sandra: that's what we heard from john kirby. that is still the priority, getting the hostages out. also earlier, we did hear when it came to administration officials that the less said the better. that's difficult. that's difficult for everyone who wants more communication rather than less. that's part of it, right? these hostage rescue operations are top secret the way they're going in and how they need to get in. >> absolutely. the forces know that. they don't talk. they know they get the mission, they get the warning order. they're going into a target. doesn't get anywhere else but their small team. has to be that way. the times where news has leak out that there's a mission going forward, it's really hurt the troops. and the u.s. attacks as well. so yeah, it's got to be kept quiet. >> sandra: don, if i could take this big picture and your experience. we heard from the israeli defense minister saying we will achieve absolute victory. at a time when many are wondering what exactly that end game looks like and how that will ultimately be determined. as benjamin netanyahu said a short time following his defense min minister, we have reached a turning point for leaders and nations. i want your final response to that. >> yes, absolute victory. we have -- benjamin netanyahu is a very strong wartime leader. he has to say that. he has to feel that. he has to know that. his troops under him and everybody in the idf have to feel the same way. they're going against the biggest threat i've had in my lifetime that i've heard of. they have the right attitude, the weapons, the technology. they have the people and they have the support of the united states and other countries. with -- they have everything that they need to win. what the they have going against them is all of this pro palestinian propaganda that is going around the world. that is what they have going against them. they have to beat that as well. >> sandra: got it. don mann, thanks for joining us. thank you. >> thank you, sandra. >> sandra: to the middle east where u.s. forces are fending off more rocket attacks by iran proxies. we have brand new information on that. jennifer griffin has the latest from be pentagon. what can we confirm now, jennifer? >> we just heard about a 24th attempted attack on the al-assad bait in iraq. five rockets landed a mile from the u.s. base. no injuries or damage to the base. u.s. defense officials expect to be tested even more but i rainian proxies in the coming days and prepares to strike back even targeting iran if these proxies injure or kill an american soldier. we can now confirm u.s. forces in iraq and syria have been attacked as we mentioned 24 times since october 17. that includes an additional two times this weekend. many of the attacks have failed or were intercepted by u.s. military defenses, that according to a senior defense official. there were 14 attacks against u.s. troops in iraq and nine in syria in the past two weeks. not including today's attack. the u.s. military does not count rocket attacks on its bases and outposts that land more than a mile from the bases, which is true of many of these attacks. >> if american troops are attacked by iran and its proxies, we will respond. we did respond. if attacks continue, we will respond. i think the iranians understand our message. >> there's been three attacks since the u.s. f-15 and f-16 strikes on those weapons where houses on the border with iraq in eastern syria last thursday night. the failed drone strike on a u.s. base this weekend in northeast syria did not cause any casualties and cause no damage to the base infrastructure. the iranian drone landed in an open field field. the u.s. central command has deployed 26 marine unit to assist in the event of any evacuations of embassies or americans in the region. the marines will be on an am film use assault ship in the read sea. the u.s.s. eisenhower has entered the mediterranean having passed through the strait of gibr gibraltar. there's about 900 u.s. troops in syria keeping isis at bay and 2, 500 u.s. troops in iraq. they're all in danger as these iranian proxies continue to try to test u.s. resolve with these on going attacks against u.s. bases. sandra? >> sandra: jennifer griffin reporting live at the pentagon. thank you. u.s. forces in iraq and syria have now been targeted and at least as many attacks but i ran proxies. how should we be responding to these growing threats? jerry moran joins us now. thanks very much for joining us. how would you characterize based on the reporting at this hour the rent state of this war. have we reached a turning point? >> i doubt that. i think we need to make certain that point is soon and with we're determined to help our allies succeed in making that turning point. i ran is a significant add versy of freedom. iran spends more money on terrorism. the proxies are all around us and a dangerous threat to our allies and our friends to the west and even to the united states. so we ought to be front and center paying attention to iran. i would say that as a beginning point, we ought to make sure that we're enforcing sanctions that congress has passed in a bipartisan way over a period of time that have not been enforced to the degree that they can be and should be by this administration and we ought to make sure that the iranians don't escape with that $6 billion that the biden administration promised them. >> sandra: as far as this 24th confirmed attack on u.s. forces in the middle east, senator, this we learned within just the past hour. according to u.s. defense officials, there was five rockets that landed a mile away, president a mile away as jennifer just reported from the al-assad air base. caused no injuries to any u.s. or coalition forces or doing a the base. this is the 24th attack on u.s. forces in iraq and syria since october 17. these were not deemed a real threat to u.s. forces because of the proximity in which they landed. how should we respond based on the information that we have here. >> we should see a much more aggressive response by the biden administration, by perhaps by just chance they didn't land where they were intended to land. there's no question but what iran is attempting to distract the united states, to have us pay a price and all of this, our support and our interests in supporting israel is enhanced by our ability to push back on iran for things they're doing to the united states in our interests around the globe and in my view, it's not and unusual thing, it's not a happenstance that we have ukraine, china and russia and israel and now all of these proxies funding and trained by iran taking what is -- more than pot shots at united states of america. it requires a definite and firm response, not just words. it's a serious circumstance. >> sandra: senator, what do you think about this plan that speaker johnson, the newly elected speaker has unveiled? 14.3 billion israel aid package with cuts to the irs to pay for it? what do you think? >> well, i've called for hearings in the appropriations committee, which will take place. aim member of the appropriated committee. an appropriator for our intelligence services. we face tremendous challenges around the globe. russia and ukraine, china and taiwan. now iran. now the attack by hamas in israel. the clouds -- the dark clouds are aligning. and we need -- the reason for the hearing is to find out how that money will be spent. we're not going to just approve something that the administration sends to congress. we need to use a fine tooth comb and find out how to best spend the money to defend our allies and more importantly to make sure that the united states and our citizens are more secure as the money is spent. when we spend that money, we wanted to know we're getting our money's worth in defending the american people. >> sandra: senator, we'll see how that goes. could you weigh-in on this myment that we are seeing happen here in the united states, this rise in anti-semitism? the white house addressed it a short time ago. confirming that senior administration officials are agreeing now to meet with jewish leaders and universities at american campuses to discuss what is happening at american colleges and universities in the wake of this. are you surprised by this and what should be done to hold these people >> i wouldn't say i'm disappointed as compared to the surprise. oanti-semitism is something that we would not expect because of who we are as americans. we should not be capable of reaching these conclusions by stereotyping and attacking people based upon their heritage and religious views. this is a sad day. we certainly need to make certain that our universities are teaching and giving opportunities for certainly free speech. but teaching the truth, teaching the real story behind the history of countries including israel around the globe. terribly disappointing and something that i would wish that would never happen here in the united states or any place on the globe. >> you look at the crowd that assembled at the russian airport. as a flight was landing from tel aviv, the white house reacting to that today calling it a chilling demonstration of hate, bigotry, and intimidation. i have ten seconds left. >> i would just say that i would not be surprised to learn that those are orchestrated efforts outside the united states to stir the world in anger against israel at a time at which they are under attack and a time in which the united states needs to be strong in support of israel. >> neil will be back tomorrow. ron desantis will join him. you can get to me weekdays 1:00 p.m. eastern time right here on the fox news channel. "the five" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> i'm jesse watters along

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