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0 . where will they take you in silverado zaazou trail boss and custom trim boss because adventure is everywhere. welcome >> good evenintog. >> and we're going to tucker pos carlson tonight. we haven't taken a polsiblhis tt it's possible on this thursday evening you may be wondering what the is going on in some of try. qu there are so many unansweredth questions, some of them lingering. how , for example, did senild se hermit joe biden get 15 million more votes than his former boss ? rock star crowds for barack obama. >> results like that would seem to defy the laws of known physics and qualify instead of miracle. was the twenty twenty election a miracle? honestly, we don't know and we don't expect to get an answer to it tonight. an answ let's move instead to immediate questions like all these weirwed things shooting through the sky over the united states and canada that nobody seems abletate to positivelynoby identify. >> should we be worried about these things? thesand then what about our infrastructure, the steel and concrete parts of america that the bush administration has shown strange contemptthat , possibly because they were built by those dreaded white but construction workers that may or dislike so much our critical infrastructure appears to be falling apart. >> t is thatha a problemt ? or can we in the bright new transhumanist future, our leaderst futurs envision feh ourselves with mckinsey consultants alone? and if we can, how dou ma they taste? you may be wondering all of this, or maybe you're not wondering any of it because you have no clue whabecause t we'reh about, because the media hasn't told you about it. mes corps that's willing to spend a full week ignoring a sick mushroom clouohiod over o will ignore pretty much anything. >> so in case you're not up-to-a to date, here's a partial recap of events last night there was a massive and as yet unexplained fire at a plant nurser oy just south of orlandow the fire burned more than twoo acres of plastic planters, now burning plastic releases. >> a lot og plf baastid chemica including dioxins, which you don't want. >> and that's what you don't do, this in your when a single plastic beakered melted in stamford, science building last year, the schoolsl evacuated the area. >> but outside orlando, there was no evacuation. residents were told to stay in their homes. >> none ofe the environmentalist's in the biden administration. >> the people who claim ostentatiously to care about the environmene ostet said anytg about it. nor did they have a lot to say about what happened in tucson on tuesday. >>. a tractor trailer carryingt- nitric acitraid rolled over on s ten nitric acid is a carcinogen . >> within two hours of the crash, authorities evacuated a small number of evsidents. they told everybody living within a mile to shelter intold place. then two hours after that, they lifted the shelter in place. orde lifter. but then the next morning,shel authorities announced that they had, quote,te reinstated the shelter in place order forth a one mile perimeter around the incident. >>incident. and then they told residents ha to , quote, turn off heaters/o and or air conditioning systems that bring in outside er. outside er er for you.rst wellor why did they give this order. becausout wae the first order il turns out was wrong. it wasn't safe for people to move back into their homes. , >> so just as an east palazhchenko authorities, for whatever reason, expose people to dangerous chemicals. s is if i this is incompetence, therb agems to be an awful lot of it lately. >> then today it nearly happened again.ain. n de a freight train derailed about thirty miles west of downtown detroit. >>t. it's a norfolk southern train that's the same company that operated the train derailed in east palestine, ohio. tha >> thirty cars were off the tracks. we're fortunately, if the information that we are getting is accurate and we can't vouch that it is , the car containing liquid chlorine did not overturntainin apparently. >> so that is howeve r you slices an it, an awful lot of drama on our roads and rails in a single week. >> who'se week in charge of ours and rails anyway? >> well, that would be the secretary of transportation. that would be .ed abo inutt a judge, he's in charge. he was asked about it in response, he pointed outt that train derailments are not a big deal . c settle down. they're very commoommon trai n o derailments happen on average nearly three times every day that look rail that that has evolved a lot over the years. years clearly more that needs to be done, because while thisho horrible situation has gotten a particularly higha ye amount of attention, there are roughly one thousand cases a year of a train derailment. >> we espoused is a big deal .ot a thousand trains derail every year in the united states ,te bt says a judge who presumabltiy hs the stats on it. >> did you know that?it are you okay with thousanduntry? trains a year derailing and your countrya lo done?gerous a lot of these trains carry highly dangerous chemicals th areas.buttigpopulated >>ie yeah.put yourself i so if you were put to a judge,,n put yourself in his tiny position for a moment. >> if you were him, wouldn'tis o fixing that thisng ongoing not p disaster be your very firstet priority? >> will , of course it would be . but you're not put to a judge.lg >> but a judge doesn't carebout about trains derailing, cares about equity trains derailing. >> that' s fine.w >> you're fine. you're so fine that people showt up to test the air in the water after a train derailmentha wearing hazmate ai suits because the air and water are perfectly safe as long was wearing a hazmat suit. >> see, there'.s a simpleere's a solution to this. >> stop whining. now, what does norfolk southerne think of alls this? we'd love to know, but we don't know because the company skipped the town hal kl last n night in theseig palestine, ohie hundreds of locals had gathered to ask obvious and for the gm pressing questions like why are thousands of fisessing qh and as dying? >> why? bust executives in norfolk southern didn't show up at the event. >> why? because they were worrie d for their own safety here.s th >> because they're scared fored their safety. >> hundreds of anxiousus residents packed a school gym, here in east palestine on wednesday night looking for answer twos. almost two weeks after a huges train derailment released suintoous chemical their town, contaminating much of the surrounding area. >>ea but there were notable absences from the town hall, alsoing, including the rail operator, norfolk southern, also not attending transportation secretary pete buta, the mayor says he's had limited contacret with the white house, leaving folks here frustrated, angry and complaininformatiog at a lack of information from the feds and norfolk southern state officials in the epa say the water and air are both safe , but residents here tellsk a different story. they say they've been gettin, g petssick and so have their pets. >> it's so safe we're not going . >> there are oxygen tanks aree l empty. and by the way, there ardee elderly, low income people on crutches there. we don't feel safe around themlk . bus t from the perspective off o the people who live in these palestin ie, it looks a little different. >> you would think if yo foru le in the united states and you y tosend by force at gunpoint hf of your annual payd to washington, someonecare in washington would care when . your town is poisoned by a train derailment. >>t you gh but you thought wron. uko do you think you are? ukrainiaran. ? nobody cares about you. is this keeva? no, it's's ohi shut up. the >> the administration has other priorities by the way, like shooting down three hundred dollars weather balloons with four hundred thousand dollar missiles. >>yes, app that. and yes, appard that. >> joe biden himself admitted it today. t know yetwe don't yet know exat these three objects were, but nothing nothing right now suggests they were related spy to china's five billion programw or that there were surveillance vehicles froer m any other country. the intelligence community's current assessmentlligence is tt these three objects were most likely balloons tied to privat e companies, recreation or research institutions studiempd weather or conducting other scientific research. >> that's a quote, intelligence community. air quotes now required as the intelligence community's assessment. oh, they'r e sent a balloon up. and we sent a sidewinder after a mission accomplished. >> a lot of questions thatite nu emanate quite naturally from that bewildering announcement. >> but joe biden didn't take any of them. he scampered ed off off without takingtions. questions. >> bigon serve's like norfol be gone,k southern and mayor pete biden ss knows he doesn't have to answer the questions because whathe doe i'm going to do about ite, we can do about it. >> well, actually , they'r e starting to worry a little bit about what you might do aboutpi it. >> the people in charge are stupid, obviously, but they're not so dem. they don't understandue the consequencesnces o of seriay mistreating the country over a period of many years. >>. t they're starting to getle worried. >> they are afraid o f we kn the peopleow they govern. m how do wthe know that? because they're moving in high speed to disarm the people to govern. >> here's plastic surgery model gavin newsom of california last month. >> we've chosen this. this is artist decision to live. in. these conditions doesn't existln anywhere else in the world. e woso we've chosen this. we've accepted this. we can sit there and says th thoughts and prayers are we can look in the mirror, say thiswhat is the price, i guess, oevfthisi whatever , fill in the blanks n freedom. this is the pric freede. >> tuc >>ke freedom, freedom from want prayer. >> how stupid is prayer?n says gavin newsom, people who prayer idiots. >> i'm the only god here. bow down before me. you can no longeronly i defend yourselves. only i have the righe t to defet your life.e. >> i think about that from an it's not a reassuring message, really. >> anyone who stripse you oft to your basic god-given right to self defense is probably not your friend and anyone who does it. in a moment of cha chaos, the op who are living through chaos that people like gavin newsomy r caused on purpose. >> anyone who does that is probably your blood enemy . >> but gavin newsom is not alone. gretchen wittmer of michigan has the very same message.. >> stop praying and obey. watch. s too, >> firearms are getting more dangerous, too. 3-d printed technology calle thanks to 3d printed technology called glock switches. that turn semiautomatic weapons fully automatic. >> that's why we launched operation safe neighborhoods, taking hundreds of illegal firearms off the street before they could be used in the commission of a crime. buime, butt we must do more so the world our kids inherit is not more violent than the one we inhabit. [chethe time for only thoughts and prayers is over. >> another low iq plastic surgery disaster lecturing us about things she has no at gr understanding of. so laugh at gretchen whitmer, if you will , but then think about what she's saying. >> she's mockingg. prayer really well. >> now that you mentione migh gretchen whitmer, we might usee a little prayer right now. >> prayers work better thann, equity. prayers are safer than norfolk southern paris h, a more. comforting than kamala harris laugh. >> there's nothing wrongong with prayerswith . what we don't need any more of is more totalitarian atheists. with ill gotten political power and designs on our lives. >> we'vego gott enou enough of , including you. youthe havehey're telling that the two things you cannote have are gunths and prayer, you know, for a fact that those are the two things you need most. abanwe're seeing a lot of evidence of that lately. abandoned by their government to a world, politicians haveicar intentionally made chaotic americans protecting themselves. they have no choice. recen here's one recent and inspirintn g example from the state of arizona. >> if he g hadn't haund a gun, my gun never to come out. no, it's all there is to it. brian says it was around 5:1 five fifteen wednesday morning when the suspect walked into the chevrohewalkedn where he wod the graveyard shift. >> but i could hear him say, "rmoney, you know, so but in all reality, he didn't even say anything the moment he pointedit the gun at me, it was pretty p obvious what he was there for. >> suspect pointed the gun at brian , but thenbr brian says hd turned and pointed the weapon at a customer. act police confirm that's wheniohe t brian took action, when he turned around, the clerk got his own firearanm and shot>> i the suspect and was able'm to defend himself. at that time, i'm supposed to relieve him. and i saw everything go , oh,. my god. but luckily, my the other employees, okay, hads la the suspect walked iter,nehind thirty minutes later, brian says his coworker would have been behind the registesteo as terrifying as the situation was, he's glad he was the one mn to be there.t >> we're living througinhameric the most political moment in y american history, but storiesou like the one you just saw, transend politics, we don'tor, u know who anyone in that tape voted for, but k we know exactly how they felt as human beings, goveid and alone. and that's what happens when the government ceasesto conducting its most basic duty, which is to protect its citizens. and they won't they won't protect you. they've said that out loud. erybody and everybody knows it d no matter who they voted >> and so increasingly, you americans are having to defend themselves. and once again, anyone you fend youu can't defend yourself is your enemy . so here'les an example that is amazing. >> and we think you'll agreea wo that it is in tampa lastma monta a woman called initially olma was working out in her apartment complexes gym. >> and because she's a a kinho o person, she le t in a man who istempte trying to open the door. >> that man then attempted to her. e you're seeing the footage scree on your screen right now.n shelley zimmerman did not have g a gun. >> she was in a gym.ymaord buinart she's extraordinary toup and she was able to fight off the man who was trying to his name is xavier thomas jones. wd >> thomas jones was later arrested after he tried to another woman in the apartment complex. >> the resilience and the strength you see in that videoin is so inspiring. and so perfectly capturest the best part of america thatof we wante d to speak to michelleight. obama tonight. >> and she was gracious enough to agree. she joins us now . ank you >> ashleigh, thank you so much for coming on . anyone who watchesanyone that vn and again, it's not a political point, but it has to stand back in awe. vot at your ferocity. >> what how did you summon. so this man is bigger than youht and he's totally determined to hurt you. h off.whatand you literally fom off.? what what were you thinkin g in my head, you know, whenever it was happening, i was really fearful at all in my, it was just i got to fight him. i got to do something, you know, and he was equal to me. he wasn't bigger than me. he was anything more than my size. and i kind of do that to my. advantage, to my own head. him and i fought him. a momen >> well, there's a moment in. the tape i watched like four times. it's so interesting. he comes towards you and herabbed hasn't even grabbed you yet. and you determined thi y, s guy is going to hurt me.diatel he's an enemy y . him. you don't lie to yourself. theyjust immediately go after him. why? to and a lot of people don't do that. they lie to themselves. exy are you able to know exactly what this man's intention was? right is ?d because my mom always told me, proach don't anybody ever approach you or touch you if you don't knowas them? and as soon as hoon ase approac i knew i had to push him o off r do something. >> yeah, well, you certainlyr did. dodo something. did and the guy just said you are so ferocious with him that heyo imjust finally gave up. yeah. >> yeah. after a little bit of wrestling, on the ground, i yanked out hisu beard hairallys and he eventualy gave out. >> so what i mean, this is their scene, i think that thatly a loa of people, women particularly fear you're alone in the gym at night and some comes in and tries to you. >> what advice, having lived through it, would you watching? give people watching? like i said, some people forget their key fob and they do let people in further of their hearts, but always be cautiouatchs, always watchsit your back. and if you're ever in thatht situation, fight back a man.'s s >> hey, man, fight back . that is it's just wonderful.rata but thantik you for what you di. and congratulations on . >> thank you.studen well, more thatsn a week ago,t s studentsbu asbury university in the school kentucky gathered for a service in the school chapel. he one boy stood up unbidden and the most honest possible terms begit hon to reveal hise deepest personal flaws to the whole group in christian language. this is called confession. now, the moment the boy did this, the atmosphere changed palpably. people the room said they could feel a presenc e of spirit. they said that made them feel joyful and liberated and so they stayed. the church service never ended. it's still's going on tonight. . we told you about all this last night and we interviewed the school student body president after the show. >> we found ourselves still thinking about it. we didn'lthinkingt fully underst was happening at astbury and we don't really understand it now. >> we're not or anyone does understand it, but whatever isg going on seem wonderful. onseemed like a sort of thing wn badly need more of. so we started making plans to go to kentucky on friday, tomorrow to see the service for ourselvee ser oursels. and then thi.s morning, a remarkable thing happened. we got a call from astbury university asking us not to come. it's not personait's not perl. t they said they like our show, but the ongoing service at astbury is purely spiritual. >> it's got nothing to do with politics or business. no one one there is making money from it or planning a run for office. >> it's mostly is young people worshiping god , young people finding meaning and answers. inin a country that increasingly doesn't offer much of either. >> it'esn't ofs not really a plr tv cameras and we understood that. ion, in fact, we deeply respected a l it. when you work in television,ot o running into a lot of peoplemosv who want publicity, you almost never meet anyon we who doesn'tu want publicity. d and when you do meeto meet peopt who don't want publicity, doe doingut ther something wrong or ie nof all the rarest of all cases,nd s they're doing something right, something so right. and so beautiful and so trueance that media coverage can'tt. enhance it can only detract from it. we think that's what's happening as a university. god bless them for turning us down. s news tonight on senator john fetterman of fettdelvania's health, which is not reassuring. >> plus,n joe bidenwe wenntt iu a medical checkup today. >> the results just came in. we've got all of that for you straight ahead. (chiwhat if i can't see n person? 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get back at it there works works for fast muscle relief. therrell works, works available in stores everywhere. >> protesting bring spending after nearly a year billions in aid. and as americans struggle economically, go inside plans for a major rally in d.c.. >> tucker has the details. tomorrow, victims of mesothelioma and their families may be entitled to receive a cash award from the estimated 30 billion dollars in its barstow's trust funds now available. over $50 billion has been awarded already. if you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma or lung cancer caused by asbestos, call the number on your screen. now, we have served victims of mesothelioma and their families nationwide for over 30 years. we have successfully recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for thousands of our clients. even if a family member has passed due to mesothelioma, you may still be entitled to a cash award. so call now for your free evaluation. we want to help victims of mesothelioma and lung cancer and your families at the financial compensation you deserve from the estimated 30 billion dollars in trust funds now available. if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, call 1-800- five one nine two one four three now or visit us at misso fund .com. it's really been a gift having mom live with us. but as a nurse, my training told me she needed more help than i could provide, so i connected with the place for mom. my senior living adviser understood our unique situation. she quickly recommended communities and set tours. a place for mom helped us get to a decision and now mom is so well cared for. >> our service comes at no cost to your family. connect with us today several ps times, probably several hundred times over1/ the past six and a half years. we brought you updates on the ongoing disaster. that is mr. don lemon of tonight the cable news network. likand tonight seems like a perfect opportunity to bring you an update. fortunat unfortunately, there's just toon much. and so we just want to reassuret our viewers are waiting for the don lemon update that tomorrow night is the payoff. ep >> in the meantime, it's news to no one that john fetterman is unfit to serve the united states senate. he was notun fititedte to run fa office, but the cynical peoplerg around him, including his supremely cynica l wife, pushed lus him to do it because their lustd for power and because ofe the machine in pennsylvania, hei wound up winning, winning kind of a disgrace to democracy. really.e are. >> but that's that's where wem s are now. just a month into hi as term ash senator , we have yet anothern major and very sad update about john veterans health foxo trace gallagher has it for us tonight. a , tucker, when you read all the press releases baout the news articles about senator fetterman going back into the hospital, the word voluntaryal pops up a lot, as if letterman staffmphe is trying to emphasize that this was is 10 a hundred percent choice. we know that john fetterman is now at walter reed medicalal center being treated fornt reinical depressioer bein, whice reportedly has suffered on and off throughout his life. federation's office released a statement saying, quoting here, the doctors at walter, an reed told us that john is getting the care he needsd wi and will soolln be back to himself. the hospital nor his staff didol not elaborate on exactly what happens or what the processprocs is to get the senator back to being himself. t on they will only say the doctors recommended that fetterman get inpatient care. and remember, fetterman spentl three days last week in the hospital because he was feeling lightheaded. but doctors have ruled out r another stroke or a seizure. t you'll recall he suffered a stroke on the campaign trail in may of last year. fatacts ofit was nearly fatal. and the effects of the stroke,t mostly auditory processinge cami and speech issues were very prevalent throughout the campaign. e stand are still to this day.nb fetterman staff is now tellingti nbc news that his difficulties with communication have also an i impact on his tim relationship with his family. and so f has his time away from. them because of his senate duties. e th band of course, that bring the very same question many asked back in the fall was, whi is was becoming a us senator simply too much, too gal soon, tucker? >>re jusportint counterforce. vy thanks so much.cent p you ho course, every decent person feels sorry for john fetterman and hopes, sincerely hopes that he overcomes his cognitive problems, his physical problems and his mental illness. >> but there are still millionsias of pennsylvanians who were hoping he could represent thems in the united states senate. n n and they're now being a unrepresented because he's in js a psychiatric facility. what about them? it's not just about t hiabousjoe personaly journey of recovery.e it's about the millions of other people. so keep them in your prayers to joe biden speaking. i've hadca the seconl of hd phyf his presidency today. it was conducted at walter reed national military medical center, as it's now called.l >> according to white house physician, the physical demonstrates that joe biden is , when we're quoting-- a healthy, vigorous 80 year oldm male, which may seemxymoron, a little bit like an oxymoron, but whatever he is , a fib, spinal arthritis and a fewhe other conditions. apparently, he did not take notably a cognitive test. the white house is not makingfou the white house physician available for questiones s, of course. >> but we have, thank heaven,, r dr. marc siege. l to assess. >> he joins us tonight.lready doctor , thanks for coming on .o what do you make of this? tucker, you already got the keyc point, which is this physical exam is more significant foral s what it leaves out than what it actually tells us . and it tells us he's gotllergies allergies, he's got reflux, he's got spina l stenosis in hisying t spine, is arthritis in his spine.on and they're trying to sayear, on this physical something that he've been talking about for a year, which is where's the stiff gait he hag s coming from? and they're saying it's coming from peripheral neuropathy. meaning loss of sensation inis his feet, which they don't know where that's coming from. t,and artharthritis in the sping here's my problem with that. t they're basing out on a physical examination of multiple doctors, but no mri .ri i don't see anywhere in theree about an mri since the 1980s. i want to tell you, dr. o'connor, we just examined patients extensively and say no multiple sclerosis, no stroke, no problems with water bra on the brain. that could be causing cognitiver problems. we do an mri .i? read where's the mri? and also you already said it.te? where is the cognitive test?iv th have a cognitive error a day, at least from this president . 20,00who the other day saidll twenty thousand pounds of fentanyl was enough to kill a thousand people. how about four billion people? k or he calls kamala harrisr forg the president or he forgetset a congress person's name or one that he thinks is in i the audience. i mean, this is really extensive and it's getting worse. hi, who he named the cancer moonshot after he died in iraq. this has got to be examined. and then listen to this. stiff gait is sometimes a signan of cognitive problems. 80-ygnan mri , a cognitive test. now, listen, tucker, i 80 year olds that are operating still, we know 90 year oldsbu who are amazing, but it's not aboutol age, even though most americansa say he's too old to run again. >> i say it's about fitness, tucker. yeah tucker:, it's so obvious tt insulting really to the to the rest of us . >> we appreciate your expertise in analyzing these so-called results. dr. marc siegel, dral thank you. >> thanks, tucker. so if you could pickker. one demographic in the united states when profile thatst is universallyates reviled, hat, in fact, by the people in charge of the residents ofctivel these palestine, ohio's, they're effectively being ignored. >> jt vance is from that world.r he's not ignoring them at all. he went there today and will tell us what he found. >> gumpel, new king of late night commercial, ready to roll . i am a beautiful maiden. i am a beautiful made it this great. >> is this cultural appropriation action. >> hello, america. that's about what? has yoreu know, mine crisis inside yoreu know, mine crisis inside ukraine has reached a catastrophic level with the thlimit. >> go is she's freezing colnod. there's no electricity, nodren. heat, no water. winter is now a weapon of warur. used against the elderly. the mothers and the young children. >> they've been lined up here for hours. these are precious people who are hungry and they have nothing. if someone doesn't do something soon, a humanitarian disaster is coming up as so many jewishn. people who are just waiting, waiting for someone to care enough to pick up the phone. >> fears are growing that without an emergency full scale response, thousands will die. this winter.s your m >> the international fellowship fodsupp your monthlyli partnership gift of only twenty five dollars to help provide food, medicines and other lifesaving supplies for elderl call ory and familien ukraine to survive the cold ans ahead. >> please call or go online.n the fellowship has been here and across the former soviet union for decades. but the need has never beenn lie more urgent. we're talkinshg about the difference between life or death. >> christian , standing shoulder to shoulder saying we're here to heal. we're here to help. your ongoing support is urgently needed. your monthly partnership gift of only twenty five dollars helps provide food, medicines,h other life saving supplies forp elderly and families in ukraine. youre. this beautiful promises of the prophets scriptures set for display in your home. please call or go online right now. >> hello, i'm mike lindell. in light of the recently against, your 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senator from the state of ohio. he's also from ohio. >> and he had some questions. so he went to palestine, whicht seemed like a pretty simple step. a lot of people can'get manage >> but he did. and after visiting, he challenged the epa administrator, administrator, rather, michael regan, to drink a glass of tap water in the town of palestine. >> weirdlymichae, michael regan. not accepted that challenge. we grateful to have senator jd vance of ohio with us tonight. >> senator , thanks so much for coming of coming. >> i notice a lof peopt of the t who are reassuring us about how finace palestine is don'lyt really want to go there.there. in fact, they've avoided going there. do you thinkl drin i'll drink tp water? a lot i don't suspect that hetely will suffer at a lot of residents. unfortunately,are not mfortabl e comfortable drinking the tap water either. and it's easy no s whyt to see . tucker, the thing that i came away from after visiting todayrt shorne residents are very, very scared, obviously, but they ares also not getting answers fromwhs their authoritie bs about exact what's going on , what'spo being done to clean up the disaster and from that point in particular, tucker, the railroad has completelyp failed to clean up the toxicwaty soil that's leaking into the riverways, into the waterways and into the groundwater. so there's this question about e g, whether we're testing up the water enough. the question that i have is why haven't we cleaned up the contaminated soil that's going to eventually contaminate tethe groundwater no matter wha >> so you'veyo been criticized for suggesting that maybe people who are still in these palestine drink bottled water, and that's scaremongering because apparently we shouldwha' just follow the science and do what we're told. why would someone criticize youu for counseling? >> caution ? i thin you know, i have no idea, tucker. i think that theresal to d is a complete refusal to deal with the fact that a lot ofobviu residents are freakesld outwe as on the ground. >> obviously, people want to get back to their lives.fe they also want to know that they're safe . >> and the thingif you that's vy clear , if you talk to the epa ,if you talk to the cdc,clean th soey cannot tell us what a clean threshold is for the water. so on the one hand , you you hau to measure the water to know how much of this contaminantt wh is in it on the other hand ,conn you have to know at what level'e the contaminant is low enoughe n that it's clean water, that it's safe for humans to drink. we'vget e and completely unable to get a good answer from any federal authorities to thatr, question. and if i can't get that answer,e and i'm a united states senato y ,that suggests r that the people of palestine who want to be cautious have every right to do it. the simple fact is , tucker, that unlesunlesss we go in and y the effect of vinyl chloride on human beings, we're nevery wh going to be able to say with confidence what is going to happen to the residents ofto east palestine. they want to rebuild liy. communit they want to get back to normal life, but they can't do ituckert unless the government does itsni job. >> it's right. care ab by the way, if you say you're an environmentalist, and care about the environment, yousoil should care about the air and the soil and the water. you know, climate is not. the environment. i would say, gee, senator from ohio, who took the time to visit one of his own communities. >> we appreciate it. thank you. thanks. >> tucrtney miller lives their lives in east palestine, ohio. she saysker:an who l in she didy answers from last night's town hall meeting. she also saihall mee d the water in her pond is now rainbow colored and we can confirm that's not natural. courtney miller joins us tonight. courtney, thanks so much for coming on . so you wentt to the meeting lasc night, the now famous meeting that the administration in norfolh on. halk, southern, both boycotted for their own safety. >> what did you learn?. anything i did.t no what did you learn? answe we got nrso answers. yeah, nothing. people absolutely nothing. people were getting more upsetgt and we just got up and left. tol they told us that they were supposed to know what was on that train because it wase it hazardous material wass. and at first it was just one chemical and then it was two chemicals. and the paper that they gavet ha us last night had six different chemicals, hazardous chemicals, listed on the paper saying that weat's what was on the train. nobody knows what'sn arou on the train. we're gettinndg a runaround.f yo nobody wants to touch the water. and i'm not sure if you saw the twitter video. last i checked, itr vide waso. p to two point four million viewso in a couple of hours of me throwing a rock in the creek bed behind my house. the epa said that it was finewis to drink. the one said it waaiit wass fin and then all of a sudden now we have to drink bottled water. but who's paying for that bottled water? we are we have to pay for it and a lot of us are on welfare . a lot of, us don't have the extra money because it getss expensive, especially if thaivt does it get absorbed into your skin. do w e have to bath and bottled water? payi who's paying for this?ng we are. we have to . so when i threw that rock in that twitter video and you could see all of that disgusting rainbow colored stuff coming up, i made sure that i borrowed i borrowed it. i labeled it. i dated so dewine and the epa, here's o their bottle of water. o to they can drink while they'reuy making us go to the store. nand buy this bottled water thaa we have to drink. when i'm a single mother, i have two children and i don't have a vehicle currently. so i havo e to walthk to the ste and carry a case of water 9-yea and totaro to a nine year old a and a five year old walkinghelp to and from a store to get bottled water. where's our helpeopl? have ved what about the people who can't walk to the store,on who don't have vehicles? why is no one out here helping us ? wherryone?e is everyone? why is the one not doing hiswhys job? why is fem fema noa here? >> why aren't we getting anys answers? when we were suppose d to get answers, we voted forucker: mmike dewine. >> yeah, maybe john will show up. you guys voted for him. you put him there.maybe so maybe we will take time outsy of his busy schedule doing whatever he's doing for ukraine. schedu uto to show up at his pa. hope so. courtney miller, thank you so much tonight. appreciate your welcome. >> thank you. so four years now, we have been told and if you work at a big company, you are forced to declare your pronouns, declare your pronouns, well, obviously, it doesn't make an sense at all. it's insane. but there keep pushing people to do, in fact, demanding that people do. why? here? what's really going on here? what is the pronoun thing about? >> let's take a look at it next. you wake up in the morning, one day this hurts. one day another 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pronouns is as s ritual. actually , in some ways it'situ, a strictly enforced ritual with no obvious purpose. there'se's e, a purpose. >> pronouns, ia n fact, are a a kind of secret handshake thatd thrts everybody else iy n the cult that you're also a member. foundly, but more profoundly and thispros is the real reason they do it, declaring your pronouns as acla propaganda tool. it's an ideological weapon, p declaring your pronounronouns in attempt to sow uncertainty ityno order to undermine the reality of biological sex. so when you post your pronouns o on your twitter bio , what you're really saying is male and female are such fluid, suchmeaningless categories thatb it's entirely possible my could change tomorrow. lecoulso i better keep my twittr bio updated accordingly. just so you'll know that's whatl they're saying. but it's a liel. it's the most basic of all lies because is the most basic of all facts. , like height and eye color is fixed. it canno it be changed. d. you're born one and youn on will die that same sex no matter how you feel about that fact, no matter how many drugs you take, no matter how much plastic surgery you can pay p for, you are not in control of your . >> you're born with it. whether you're a man or a womane is obvious. it'sn obviousyo iurn your boneu structure. it's obvious in the way thatctuh your mine wamindd works. b yes, that's true. i your can be detected in a blood test. your is the most basic and unsafe changing prete biological fact about you. >> so pretending otherwise is ridiculous. >> it's also completely dishonest. anyone partici who participatesn a pronoun ritual is an idiotic herd animal and or a propagandist. >> so who does participate? and why? ase really needo w to know? kamala harris participates.part go to kamala harris, hisicip twitter page. >> you will see the answer.k yor you're seeing kamala harris, this picture on your screesen o and ask yourself, are youwoma looking at a man or a woman? well, come to think of it, weant can't tell. r bio. check her twitter bio . woman oh, she her. all right. she's a woman. n or w how about elizabeth warren? is they a ma a woman?u see for yourself. >> are you confused?rren well's, elizabeth warren's twitter bio helpfully tells o hope tus she, her and hers.wan elizabeth warren is a woman, i ladies and gentlemen, according to twitter, we haven't checked, ackipedia, but she's telling us sandy cortez, also a woman, according to her own twitter, ho page. in case you were wondering how confused where you putn. judge a man he uses he hims pronouns. >> see, it's really clear they all do. figu, not all of them, actually . the one kind of big time publinc figure in the democratic partyxu who does not include clarifying pronouns in her twitter bio . >> michelle obama, huh? well, if there's one good thing about the effort to stifleople i and censor comedy, it's thate the people doing it are not geniuses. >> and sometimes the effort to censor backfires in spectacular fashion. >> that's happened when twitter banned the babylon b for making fun of our trans admiral bab, rachel levine. that had massive ramifications for free speech in this countryo because elon musk saw it mad and was so mad that he boughttwe twitter.r. t work >> well, that didn't work well.r and made a documentary about the state of comedy. it's called the death of comedy questionmark. and we talked to the ceo of the babylon bee about that moment. >> here's part ostatf when the babylon bee became one of o the most popular satire sitesont in the world, big tech hated it. so in concert with the mainstream, the tech monopoliess moved to crush the babylon bee.e the raided this joke about. how cnn purchased industrial washing machine to spin faceb the news and before publishing h it. and facebook's fact checked ouet rated it false. and so we got threatened with demonetization and platforming. illy we continue to publish false news, which is just absurd. you know, it's a silly washingn. machine. it's not even that funny. what's funny is that they fact checked it. and the fact tha t he's flagged this for being insensitivelete shows their complete lack of self awareness. it seemed clear that there's o a political bias going on justth in the way that they wereedians treating us differently than other comedians and satirists. anwhen the onion would publish a story that would get factlish checked because it went viral, the fact check would w read something like, you know, oh, well, thisviral, came from the onion, the world's most famous satire site. it's a joke. you should laugh. . and then we would get fact. checked for saying, you know,yig the ninth circuit court had nin overruled the death of ruth bader ginsburg or somethinge det like that, or aoc goes on , the price is right and guesses toerything is free. we'll have these jokes fact t checked and rated false. you know, they try to cast itn' in some kind of negative light where these aren't just jokes,e they're not harmless jokes. they actually are likee an misinforming people and it's malicious. >> and that's actually our motivation. my concern ouron.>> m is when yt defining content that intense to degrade, my goodness, you know, big tech companies kind of leverage that.te they use that as a reasonformin, to threaten us with the platform, demonization demot whatever . wettho they work in concer with each other. so we've seeeen that we've beenw treated differently. and the difference is we haveffn different values, we have different views and we make mak jokes at the expense of the popular narrative instead narrn an effor it to promote the popular narrative. they either want you to bethey w silenced or they want you to join them in affirming theses things or celebrating these things and anything elsee>> is unacceptable. >> twitter censorshierp of'sp the babylon be caught. the attentio tn of a businessn u mogul called elon musk. when is rstood that they silence, the comedian's civilization is at stake. quirkiness basically just makeal comedy illegal. do we want a humorless society that is simply rife with condemnation and it wasn't boke he went and bought twitter to free the avalonbay from twitter jail. but what he did do was he bought twitter so that people like the babylon bee could have >> tice. documentary is called the death of comedy. we think it's significant. also pretty funny. it's out right now on fox station. we recommend id yot. bas >> well, we told you a story several weeks ago aboutca militaryte base in the unitedn a states not dedicated to defending the country from foreign invadersde'v, over five million of those, but thene spend its time trying to punish in local mother who complained about her kids school on facebook. >> well, turns out to be. inlittle more ominous than you thought. the military was far more deeply involved in censorship, th controllingip a domestic population than we even imagine. >> we've got an update next.e id hello, i'm mike lindell and 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love stories of the bible. >> big draws inspiration from the good and the bad of biblical relationships. reminds us that god's love will guide us love stories. >> the bible speak. preorder your copy. now, what if democrats decidedoc that the real purpose ofthe co the u.s. military is not to protect the country from foreign invaders? ut tbut to protect the people in charge from the u.s. population? back icemberback in december, w about a mother, new jersey, called angela redding. she gone on facebook to complain about her children's elementary school. e she wanted the school to stop sexualizing her children in response to this , shealizin institutionally protected speech, a military optiog n jersey called major chris schilling from joint base mcguire di chrx wakehurst publi declared redding was a threatw r to her community, an enemy . the now we're learning that the entire military base was involved in this political suppression. >> angela redding joinsning u us tonight to explain. s >> angela, thanks for comingyour back . what have you learned? thank you foned? hank your h. so you had the last time i wassd on , i assumed i think i said po military official and a policeli chief come goo find out after a government document request. requi was able to see behindctil the scenes that 16 government officials were actively trying to suppress my speech, call me a terrorist, an extremist,nd and even reported me to homeland security. ty, the the counterterrorism unt our state police and the county prosecutor, d.a.'s office. it's absolute insanity and it's scary that our government is treating law-abiding s the u.s. militaryzens t

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T In A Man , Stoup , Kinho O Person , Ymaord Buinart She , Ga Gun , Thomas Jones , Name , Resilience , Strength , Apartment Complex , Videoin , Wd , Part , Point , Avn , America Thatof , Awe , Ferocity , Ank You Ashleigh , We Wante D , Michelleight , Thinkin G In My Head , H Off Whatand , Off , Something , Size , Edo , Advantage , Head , My Head Ad , He Wasn T Bigger , The , Thi Y , Him , Momen Well , Herabbed Hasn T , Enemy Y , Theyjust , Me Diatel , Four , Mom , Intention , Proach Don T , Anybody , Hoon Ase Approac , Sexy , Ground , Heyo Imjust , Bit , Dodo , Wrestling , He Eventualy , Certainlyr , Hisu Beard Hairallys , Women , Scene , Advice , Tthatly , Loa , Back , Hearts , Thatht , Key Fob , Cautiouatchs , Service , Boy , Thantik , Odi , Congratulations , Thatsn , Zrata , The School , Thank You Studen Well , Ts Studentsbu Asbury University , School Chapel , Group , Christian , Confession , Presenc E Of Spirit , Terms , Atmosphere , Palpably , Room , Flaws , Begit Hon , Stunderst , Show , Church Service , School Student Body President , Thing , Plans , Risg , Sort , Thi S Morning , Eastbury , Ourselvee Ser Oursels , Onseemed , Money , Astbury University , Politics , Business , Sperl , Personait , Call , Office , Inin , Answers , Meaning , Planning , Run , Either , Tv Cameras , Wplr , Bion , It Esn T Ofs , Mie , It , Anyon We Who Doesn Tu Want Publicity , Peoplemosv , Meeto Meet Peopt , Cases , Meal , Doe Doingut Ther , No Running , Oenof , Rarest , D , Who Don T Want Publicity , Television , University , Media Coverage Can Tt , John Fetterman , News , Health , Iu A Medical Checkup Today , Fettdelvania , Joe Bidenwe Wenntt , Upbeat Music , I Can T See N Person , Tour , Chiwhat , Comedy , Society , Workers , Hallmark , Places , Relaxium , Comedian , Fear , Mind , Fun , Rules , Youtube , Iv Stand , Death , Girl , Stage Comedy , Job , Narrative , Originals , Establishment , Band , Planet , Superstars , Prime Time , Impact , Fox Nation , Com Knee , Friday Night Smackdown , Life , Licorice , Lover , Licorice Lover , Hater , Eastern On Fox , 8 , 00 , 50 , Lovers , Dental Implants , Desalegn , Com , Smile , Reset , Dentist Office Visits , Dentist , Teeth , Millions , Kit , Technology , Home , Dentists , Chewing Food , Material , 3d , Impression , Devices , Confidence , Muscle Cramps , Spasms , Thera Works , Works For Fast Muscle Relief , Relief , Victims , Stores , Spending , Aid , Therrell Works , Billions , D C , Rally , Details , Mesothelioma , Lung Cancer , Families , Trust Funds , Award , Cash , Barstow , 30 Billion , 30 Billion Dollars , 50 Billion , 0 Billion , Dollars , Family Member , Asbestos , Clients , 30 , Compensation , Cash Award , Evaluation , Misso Fund , 800 , Nine , Training , Gift , Nurse , Help , Senior Living Adviser , Family , Cost , Communities , Tours , Decision , Connect , Mr , Times Over1 , Don Lemon , Cable News Network , Likand , Six , Update , No One , Payoff , Viewers , Yep , Opportunity , Toon , Don Lemon Update , Unfortunat , Wife , Notun Fititedte To Run Fa Office , The Machine , Wound Up Winning , Cynical Peoplerg , Democracy , United States Senate , Disgrace , Blustd , Cynica L , Thei , Term Ash Senator , Really E , Wem S , The Press Releases Baout News , Hi , Articles , John Veterans Health Foxo , Trace Gallagher , Hospital , Senator , Word , Whice , Medicalal Center Being , Depressioer Bein , Letterman Staffmphe , Voluntaryal , Fornt Reinical , A Hundred , 10 , John , Day Nb Fetterman , Doctors , Saying , He Needsd Wi , Statement , Didol , Walter , Jan Reed , Federation , Fetterman Spentl , Processprocs , Inpatient Care , Stroke , Campaign Trail , May , Effects , Seizure , Fatacts Ofit , Processinge Cami , Nbc News , Speech , Communication , Difficulties , Relationship , Campaign , Tim , Issues , Question , Re Jusportint Counterforce , Duties , Ybe Th , Whi Is , Ivy , Too Gal Soon , Person , Thanks , Problems , Hopes , Mental Illness , Because , Recovery E , Anthems , Inn , Js A 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, Nile River , Sahara Desert , Keys , Adream Sheets , Mypillow Dockum , Stripes , It Mike Lindell Attention Medicare , Flannel Sheets , Oxygen Concentrator , Engine Oxygen Concentrators , Recipients , Yours , 807 , Line , Oxygen Units , Oxygen , Medicare , Make , Battery , Orange , Budget , Services , Unit , Breakfast , Energy , Grandkids , Indigent , Obligation , Friends , Insurance , Little , Oxygen Products , Antigen , Rights , Schools , Nation , Mention , History , Classroom , Bundle , Gift Bundle , Team , One Nation Under God , God Bundle , News Headlines , Headlines , News Business , Angle , Sirius Xm , Listen , America Is Listening , Fox News Radio , Weekdays , Deals , Stories , Miss , Dealdash Com , Kitchen Aid , Mixer , Fox News Channel , Robot Vacuum , Twenty Six , Forty Dollars , Twenty Six Dollars , Forty , Shipping , Ipad , Xbox , Tablet , Samsung , Bereket Smoker , Twenty Six Bucks , Eighty Three Dollars , Fifty One Dollars , Forty Three Dollars , Eighty Three , Forty Three , Fifty One , Wax , Ear , Buds , Don T Push , Wash , Spray , Triple A , Massage , Wax Buildup , Away , Rearwax , Cotton Swabs , Button Wash , Water Pressure , Press , Cleaning , Massaging Triple Spray , Tears , Wash Product , Ear Canal , Get Wash , Waste , Brand New , 15 , Sex , Somebody , There S Noh Question , Boat , Basice Biological Need , Saturday Night Live , Mostwh , Frome , A Million , Woman , Ways It Situ , S Ritual , Interestedrested P Partie , Forwo , Foundly , There Se S E , Secret Handshake , Member , Atia N , Thispros , Thatd Thrts , Everybody Else Iy N The Cult , Acla Propaganda Tool , Bio , Pronouns O , Pronounronouns , Female , Fluid , Categories , Sow Uncertainty Ityno , Suchmeaningless , Basic , Twittr , Most , My , Twliel , Lecoulso , Surgery , Facts , P , Control , Eye Color , Youn , Height , Drugs , Works , Blood Test , Womane , It Sn Obviousyo , Jb Yes , Boneu Structure , Mine Wamindd , Changing , Herd Animal , Propagandist , Oprete , Participatesn A 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The Price Is Right , Son , False , Ninth Circuit Court , Toerything , Byig , Somethinge Det , Aoc , Ruth Bader Ginsburg , Itn , Jokes , Content , Concern , Goodness , Motivation , Big Tech Companies , Each Other , Kconcer , Reasonformin , Demonization Demot Whatever , Platform , Wettho , Values , Heffor , Theses , Views , Expense , Bethey W , Mak , Rstood , Civilization , Censorshierp Of Sp The Babylon , Stake , Attentio Tn , Businessn U Mogul , Quirkiness , Wasn T Boke He , Condemnation , Avalonbay , Have Tice , Base , Fox Station , Unitedn , Aboutca Militaryte , Aid Yot , Kids School , Invadersde V , Inlittle , Five Million , Original , Military , Censorship , E Id Hello , Th Controllingip A Domestic Population , Slippers , Stock , Success , Ninety , Ninety Dollars , Sandals , Slides , Layer Design , Players , Stress , Life Insurance , Footwear , Heart Attack , 60 , Dollar Policy , Selectquote , Twenty Nine Dollars , Five Hundred Thousand , Five Hundred Thousand Dollar , Bad Guy , Twenty One , Twenty One Dollars , Nightmare , Tv , Tuesday On Fox , Angie , Hulu , Me On Flawless Second Skin , Eye , Ticket , Boyfriend , Daughter , Eyes , Lifelike , Twenty Four , Looks , Beyond Flawless Second Skin , Oh My God , Residue , Flaking , Younger , Makeup , Money Back Guarantee Order , Gifts , Dollar Value , Eighty Dollar , Therrell Works Relief , Eyeborgs , Savings , Works Avaie , Toll , Body , Relief Sk Therrellating , Forty Five , Turmeric , Brand , Inflammation , Qnol , Healthy Jointse B , Superior Absorption , Love Stories , Inspiration , Book , Shannon Bream , Best Selling Author , The Bible , Fox News Anchor , God S Love , U S Military , Relationships , Bible , Bad , Copy , Purpose Ofthe Co , School , Invaders , Population , Elementary School , Ut Tbut , Back Icemberback , Community , Shealizin Institutionally Protected Speech , Declared Redding , Chrx Wakehurst Publi , Military Optiog N Jersey , Threatw , Joint Base Mcguire Di , Chris Schilling , Suppression , Military Base , Po Military Official , Los Angela , Learning , Comingyour Back , Angela Redding Joinsning , Sfoned , Government Officials , Government Document Request , Terrorist , Chief , Extremist , Policeli , Requi , End , 16 , State Police , Law Abiding , Insanity , 2d A S Office , Militaryzens , Homeland Security , City , Counterterrorism Unt , County Prosecutor ,

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