Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20221025 : c

FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight October 25, 2022

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i don't think so. so it's goin it's be abortion. they're going to take your abortions away. othat was the democratic message for the midterm elections.r th the onese midter that are cominn just a few days. >> but there was a problem with the messaging. just ended being entirely stupd and people not being entirely stupid still remember this very people, hasame democratic partye people had forced the entire population to wear papermaksn like children, and then to take the shot as a condition ofl thei going outside so women havedies the right to control their ownda bodies. >> they used tnds o tellof us to and then they fired thousandsta of nurses for refusing to submit to an experimental vaccin pe. en, as w >> so the phrase my body, my choice had been, as we say, in the news business, overtaken demoby events. clearly, democrats needed a newn slogan, a new way to talk aboutt abortion. hinkunfortunately, nobody could think of one . nour body, my choice. no, that wouldn't it was too real. so in the end, liberals just dusted off the same old talking. points and pretended like covid never happened. >> midterm election is now watch. three wee >>ks the midterm election is now less than three weeks away. e and in the final stretch, i'vene noticed that.d, i don't know if you've f t notie ,frankly, this the gaslighting of women voters. this message says, oh, you t yourt really care about your right to control your own body. steer's. it'sodies,r, it' the economy, s. you've got a media narrativeat n that says that women don'tion, really care about abortion, wo that women don't really mind if the states control their bodiese . >> they don't care about that. >>ey just care about the price of milk. yeah, woul tucd be aker: shame f states got to control people's bodies, like telling peopler wht what to wear in their faces orhe what drugs they have to be injected with . >> that'd be like like "han the handmaid's tale theocracdsy' >> next, they'llll be trying too control what you read on sociacl media. >> oh, wait, it's all pretty amusing. and the good news is that for once lines this preposterous are not working. >> abortion politics is a total fixation of democratic donors. it's the main thinors.g they cae about. why is that, by the way? it's a religion. >> it's a child sacrifice cult.o but not evert everyone feels tht way. even democrats is . the daily caller just reported polls show that, quote,op abortion is not a top priorityoi for femalela voters. t ab in fact, quote, most women support abortion limits that would have been considered unconstitutional under the roe v. wade precedent. wadeoh, so it looks like yellint contt abortion is definitely not going to be enough to keepsy democrats in control of the congress. that?are you surprised by that. no, of course not. did you live here. so how did the highly paid and admittedly pretty smart strategists who figure out whatu the issues are in the democratic party, so the this one ?atic well, they did what a lot ofe in us do. they forgot that not everyoneam is like them. not everyone in america is ashi miserable as they >> ieve n fact, therit oe are sl plenty of people in thisstill pe country, believe it or not, w who have happy marriages. stere are stilkids andl people e their kids and their grandchildren. so people who consider babiesil babies aa blessing, not just an obstacle to better vacation. cow, some ofe people, those pe, maybe a lot of thosens people might still consider themselves, quote, pro-choice, . but they're hardly pro-abortion. >> they don't think abortionnk o is a positive good. it's not they don't consider it liberation. recentitand they definitely done abortion as janet yellens the ar to our national economic recently claimed, as the answer. to our national economic problems. she said so her that. >> so here's how it works.speect janet yellen gets rich giving speeches to the companies she regulates. that's corruption. int she's never chargethat's cd she's still free.he in fact, she's the treasury secretary. and you yocretary.u get poorer. but we have a solution. you seem to have more abortions .sellin that's what she said.g. that's the message they're selling. tand maybe not surprisingly, it doesn't work. that's not what voters w has wantso what do voters want? what do they care about? well, if you, they look at the i they care about exactly whatso e you'd expect them to carey e about, which is the quality ofch their own lives. soey car they care about the ecy and they care about crime. this is veryth o obvious. y you don't even need to look atti polling to know but every poll showsimum ito with maximum clarity. o how does the media respond to t us ?they've done >> well, of course, doing their job, they've done imize both possible to minimize both issues, the economy r and crime. they've told us thece economy is not in a recession. no, not one . >> of course, by every measure, it is very much in a recession and on crime. they've told you don't even only r the onbout only racist's, worry about crime, racist's, the onern thing you don't want tohat? be called. so how should republicans respond to that? what we have video evidence. here's carrie lake, who's running for governor in arizona, deftly swatting awayngm that somehow people of color a reporter's claim that somehow people of color like crime. watch ot o. of peopl >> a lot of people of color feel like there are a lot of people of color, a lot of people. t th how many peoplate of color havea you talked to about that? >> i mean, if you look at surveys ,which surveys?ppy to loo i'm happy to i'm happy to look at those stats because. i will tell you this, that i talk to people of color. jutalk to althey're l arizonans they're all concerned about the crime just becausent y your skin isn't the same color t as yours doesn't mean you want your kids to be walking down the street in an unsafey arizonn neighborhood. every arizonan wants safet wantn and security in their neighborhood. it doesn't matte r whatll your skin color is . and i and if you look at stats,n you look and see that thattargep police do not target people of color. that is a lie that's been left n perpetuated by the leftd an and then spread and disseminated and spread in the media. >> check the stats. >> tucker: >> so great. the reporter says, well, peoplec of color are concerned about your crime. becauspolicies because, of cour, being a white liberal, allw white liberal. ight t no, if they know one thing that they have a right to speak for, quote, peoplquote, pe of color,o people of color, something, they really do, bubut for on behalf of people of color. kari lak >> se o like you stop saying tht really what people call if you talk to you, republicans, all! all republicans running for office should watch that video. republicans, running for, yo office, you watch that video. but in the end, you don't need i to convince people that crime too. is real because they live here to crime is everywhere in new york , crime on public transit is up more than 40% and not just pickpocketing. now, this is this video we'rew it just to show you is not an aberration necessarily. t soit just so happens it was ee caught on tape. but this is exactly the reason that people are afraidth to ridn the subway. this weekend, a man was pushed you can get the motive from watching thi onto the tracks. s kno you can guess the motive actually from watching this video. whatsoeverbut we know with no wg whatsoever. >> here it is . safet thirty two year old david martin is afraid for his safety after this random a attack. he's in physicalnd and emotional horrifs he continues to replay this horroyir. fine moment caught on camera over and over again in this video. guy in thee a guy in the yellowz hoodie shove them right ontoer the subway tracks. n e innocehe zeroed in on the it commuter and then charged right at him. martinin t ended up in the hospl just grateful to be alive. on oh, this random attack. there are a lot of random attacks on the internet. you may have noticed m. dom? are they random? really, the person who didth tho is not being sought as a hate bu criminal. you wonder whyt th. >> but the point is those kinds of attacksto didn't used to happen. now they're commonplace enough. you may no longe r be shocked by them, but if you live there,u you stay offlt. the subway as a result. completely out of control. for exampl crime in philadelphiae, is completely out of control. for example,t year last year, philadelphia recorded five hundred and sixty two murders. thatt homicide is the highest he be t total since nineteen sixty. that happens t yeao be the year the city started tracking homicide data this year in philadelphia. philadelp crimes like robbery with a gun are up 47%. accident now, why is this happening?s an is not an accident.ident. none of this is an accident. g crime is rising as a direct result. designed to of policies designed to makehe m crime rise. e and at the same time, anys effort by normal people, middle class people to defend themselves is immediately met with the full ferocity of the state. >> so this is an attempt, of t course, to destroy the americane middle class. ht it. let's just be honest about it. this is crime with a purpose. >> they don't want to have this conversation. ly and morally the people who did this,you br and that's why they attack you personally. so in philadelphia a lot and morally if you bring it up.n so i bn philadelphia, a lot, these crimes can be traced to one man's suspect, d.a. larry krasner, he's decided not to charge many robbers with crimes, arrest and charges for retail theft i philadelphia have dropped by about 70% over the past four years. in that same period, reports ofd robberies, more than 20%. you see how this works if you po stop charging people with certain crimes, they commit more of them. t >>that that seems like an obvios observation. and again, it's more evidence. y this is not an accident, is not. an idiot. none of these people aretrying t stupid. they're doing this on purpose. why o destroary. and why are they doing that? well, we can't guess as to motive, but they're definitelyoe doing it. >> so when asked about this, how does the president respond ? shut up. racist watch. "shu we're just lookingtu philly rigt now in a super heated election cycle. awe're part of the republican pl playbook, as you well know, diveo poinayt your finger at large , diverse cities and aless large , diverse cities are see t lawless. what we see herehe is th same e same old playbook, which is about coded and racist message. . it's about blaming the biggest city in pennsylvania, the moste diverse population for havingfo the same nationarl struggle thau we have with gun violence everywhere. oh shut up,diversity, racism, adversity, racism. >> shut up, shut up. shu. shut. e do you have another whit e liberal deputize ing himself to speak for people of color? against his political opponents? have you figured out how this works? you getting tired of it yet? t hi e you gettt yet?voters are gettd of this. so tired of of it that even some democrats have started to figure outt want actually maybe voters don't want to be shot,caa or carjackedtt and attackede it morally if they don't like it. for thhochul, who is in part responsible for the risinge w crime in new york , is now running last ditch adss promising to fight crime. >> oh, really? promising tokathy hochul. but it's probably too late for her. she's losing to a repub lockin in new york . >>o a pennsylvania is almosret, as democratic as new york is , the lieutenant governor now running for senate but the lieutenant governor nown running for senate there, john fetterman, is also losing for the same reasons. we guess. i >> his challenger is dr. mehmet oz, who joins us tonight. dr. thank you very much fork yo coming on . >> so be here. o in the case of fetterman, sincnt he is currently an office holder, he can be traced to very specific policiesn thate f have increased violent crime in the state of pennsylvania. >> did they not they not think that anyone was going to notice thatr when they put this man up for office? >> it's shocking when you hear well, it's shocking when you hear crotzer speak there about a city he thinkshi he's protecting. but i've been in philadelphia i a lot during this campaign.n t i live in philly. philly. i went to school west philly. want to and you actually talk tobe the people there. what they say is they don'tt want to be part ofof a white wak experiment as social experiment where they're leftwhere they'r e consequences. and fetterman, to your point, woid that ifif he , to he had ac wand to doul anything he wanted to, his goal would be to release murderers from life in prison. now that you ima can you imagind a magic wand to do anything you want? i mean, you could take care of hing you wan inflatiot?n, though.e care you don't need a magic wand for. that. but there's lots of things you could do. but releasing murderers frg mura life in prison without askingt y the families what they think, oftentimes voting against the other members of the parole board, even other democratt ths is not aligned with the values of pennsylvanians yet. that's the position he has taken so many pennsylvanians have died of fentanyl odean opioid more broadly, but , i would say specifically in the last year that it really is the numbers are almost beyond belief. and yet i don't think stopping fentanyl importation, dealing, punishing fentanyl peddlers is a feature of any, puni democratic campaign. >> why is that?shin because they're ignoring the humanitarian crisis they have created with feckless policies on the border. peddlers i cartels inadvertently who make money trafficking human beings. takehey take the the money by fa china. they don't say anything to china about that. by the way, the phantom was brought to america like pieces of candy. and unfortunately, ends up into people's mailboxes. but fetterman goes beyond that. that's wha ot all the democratsl do. fetterman says, i want tol legalize all drugs. drugs. i want heroin injection sites. and he actually embraceda me a measurasure in oregon, which s enacted two years agoag with exactly those rules. and listen carefullyo,nd 4rates. is critical, 40% increase in i overdose death rates. that's to be expected if youincr legalize all drugs. but here's the part thatease catches me 50% increase in lawle homicides. you create a lawlesssswhic environment. police aren't allowed to donfise their job, which is to confiscate narcotics is the . and this is the world thatered he's trying to create for us .s, and by the way, if you're bothee bothered by this, i was bothered up to run against them. please go to doctor has not come and support me becausehe the democratic party doesn't even know this about him. they're just trying to doesn't e fifty four senate seat . so they're pouring money into thseatpennsylvania. so dr. oz .com. we'r well, please give me some support against them, but we're going to wine mentione on the issues. just like all the republicans that you've mentioned today, the debate we're havind tothe dh tomorrow night's going to reinforce john fetterman radical positions, the momentum we have is a direct response ofe focusing on kitchen table table issues, crime, drugs, both issues, crime, drugs. order, and we've mentioned both with the border and , of course, the economy. cused oneveryone's focused on .r although if you're in are philadelphia right now, you're worried abou leavingt your life be and companies are leaving big chains, leaving the city ebecause they're done with thesn experiment. >> i got t'to as likk you and i i'm sure you don't like to go to motive, but it's just it's amazing to me. >> one hundred and seven thousand americans die ofg drug lords last year. and here's a guy promoting drugd legalization when we kno ow it o will result in more deaths. y we >> why would why would any p ide one push an idea like that at a time like this?ncerne >> becaused ab they'reou more concerned about the perpetrator or the criminal than the innocent.innocent and s and the victims.f moms t they'von't hear the stories that i've been witnessing as ie campaign moms telling me thatt on f they've found their children blue and dead because they wenat on facebook and signed up forn l a over-the-counter pain pill and ended up having fentanyl in. it. we confiscated seven times more fentanyl in pennsylvania this quarter than two years ago, according to the statimes e patrol. and by the way, and allay, gr the enforcement groups have endorsedou me because they know f fetterman doesn't have hav their back. and i'll fight hard to let them er their job. but, tucker, that's part of tal the problem. when you talk to the lefk tott leaning politicians on the far left, especially, they don't don want the police to't wan do their jobs. they don't want anyone to doanto their jobs and they don't want to. therefore, the deal withy the consequences of it. so they don't come downtown tocw the prayer vigil ts i've attended. they haven't gone to kensington, which is the largest open air dru g market inn the country that we created with these bizarre beliefs that you can give people drugs.yo and it's okay, believe me,drugsn taking heroin long term is not a good strategy. you're not going to do well. and because i know that and i love these people and i seem to the divine spark going up inputm their eyes, i want to take themd that when i' to detox, put them in rehabate. and i'll fund that one . i'm in the senate. why wouldn't you want that? and again, this is something we should all be rooting for. this should be an bipartisa n desire to make the country stable. c it's really stunningountry to m. i and it's also stunning is i nhink you're going to wi a senate seat in a democratic state because of the things you're saying right there. a dee ofand i appreciate dr. oz thank god bless. >> so if you're starting tocs sense that these are not ordinary midterm elections, you're right. you'rethey could determine the u of the country.'re righ for our original series, mh our documentary series, we embedded for months with one s campaign that's trying to flipto control the united states senate. the documentarcuy is cy is calle the candidate blake masters. it is out tomorrow and we goto h really remarkable access to the candidate. sta >> here's a look at it. ladies and gentlemen, pleased welcome to the stage endorsed candidate for senate in arizona, blake m.. thank you for your support for united making me your republican nominee for the united states senate. most americans know that mostamc progressive, all americans are sick.ick of j >> we are sick

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