0 serious dude you should really ringcentral. >> i was thinking oh i see we were just talking about you. yeah you should probably get out of here about the good evening and welcome to a special edition of tucker carlsonwe tonight . when was the last time you heard a democratic politician propose a solution to a problem no matter what the problem is that didn't make the democratic party more powerful. ponder that for a moment. polet's say, for example, that you really believe global warming was an existentialal g threat to humanity and that rising carbon dioxide levels were causing global warming. what would you do to fix it? well, you might think back to grade biology class co2, co2 don't trees consume huge amounts of co2 for photosynthesis? quick google check. why, yes, they do. so how about we plant a whole lot more trees all across the country and across the world? that seems like a natural solutionon with lots of upside's trees are beautiful. it might help fight globalig warming. oh , but no, there's a problem with that idea plantinge, more trees might help solve climate change, but it definitely will not enrichs your donors. trees are cheap. it's. hard to make money from treess and worse than that treel are impossible to regulate once you plant trees, they grow by themselves. they do not need federal help. trees definitely will not make you more powerful. so instead here's an ideatead, let'str invest trillions of dollars ofil other people's moneyey in batteries and wind farms and electric school busses. that way democratic politicians at fingertip control over thend entire u.s. economy and all of their friends get rich. sounds perfect. let's go with that idea that some democratic politicians think everyone so probablys should na surprise you that elizabeth warren has a brand new plan for rising gas prices and naturally goes without saying that plan ge would give elizabeth warren a lot more control over you and over the united states. well, hold on a minute. youu may be wondering why shoul elizabeth warren have controlro over anything? elizabeth warren isn't very bright. she's never created anything. in fact, she's a proven liar. t this is a person who exploited the suffering of american indians to get a job promotionni . the trail of tears means i need tenure. okay, so in every possible way i elizabeth warren is mediocre yet. and here's the catch. she's also a u.s. senator and that means she hase power. warren's latest plan to make herself more powerful is called the price gouging prevention act of 2020 two.il this bill would allow elizabeth warren to c decide what things cost in the united states so let's say you're paying six bucks a gallon for gasol and you may be theut obvious solution to that effect. the only solution to that is to make more gasoline because ifs there is more of something, it will cost less. that's not just basic economics, though. it is it'st also a law ofso a nature. it never l changes. but elizabeth warren wantssi the opposite. she does not want more gas. in fact, she's worked hard toor prevent the united states from producing more gasoline and that's a the the main reasos so expensive.li what elizabeth warren wants insteadzabeth war is controlry over gasoline and over everything else. and this bill will give it to her . see how this works and this isan why by the administration have shut down oils and gas leases in the middle of an energy crisis. and not just that they'rey crushing refineriesar. according to one analysis by hot air quotes, seven american refineries which formerly processed eight hundred and six thousand day havef oil per gone offline. some simply shut down while others are being converted to biofuels like ethanol to meet the demands ofemane the environmental lobby. these losses have left the united statese with one hundred and twenty four operating oil refineries. that is 10% fewerting refineries for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel that we had in 2016 even as demand has continued to c increase and see this is going no more oil gas for you and that's why you can't afford to fill your tank instead by the administration is demanding that states build that sound goodn' but unfortunately don'tt actually work. that's true . stto texas to see this firsthan. here's a clip from our documentary on the tragic buffoonery of wind power with no chance of being approved near malibu or granite's or the mountains ofas aspen, the development invariably happens in poor parts of the country that no one place for wind farms is texas. but the question is what happens when the turbines stop spinningng in the middle of nowhere in texas we're trying to find a place just to sleep tonight . everything is sold out. there's nothing available. it's n expected to be the larget insurance claim event in texas history. this winter storm totally overwhelmed the power system in texaslylyov. morning, but i can tell you this morning nearly four point two million texans still have noex electricity. texas has the most wind powerwi capacity in the united states. but the texas turbines which are not winterized up during a cold weather event in february of 2020 one electricity output collapsed. texas regulators ordered a rolling blackouts monday as ansa arctic blast has frozen wind turbines turbine water. as so the texas grid, like l the california grid hasik becoming increasingly unreliable and difficult to maintain , difficult to keep that power in a steady basis. this 20owst year turbine is leaking. oil doesn't look too green to me. the point >> so the point is an o energy grid is to produce and transmit energy has only one purpose and that purpose is being sabotaged on purpose by the by the administration and by wall street in favor of green energy, in favor ofk, windmills that don't actually work. as a result of that , we're facing the prospect of more blackouts this summer. we don't have electricity anymore. it's rici a first world country. but elizabeth warren hasix a fix for that quote it shall be unlawful for a person to sell or offer for sale of goods or services at an unconscious excessive price during an exceptional market shock. regardlesstre of the person'sup position on the supply chain or distribution network. izabeth wa so the argument here h this elizabeth warren's argument, the economy has been in the period i exceptional market shock since the pandemic began. therefore t prices set by every industry across the country would fall under the regulatory authority ofwo elizabeth warren most of the price gouging is limited to specific areas during natural disasters. but this one is not its economyy wide and it's forever now ae the question is how exactly does elizabethn warren define quote, unconscionably excessive prices because e they're not defined in the legislation. so it turns out the definition is up to can you guess, elizabeth warren, any business of gross annual revenues over one hundred grandnd a year, that means pretty much everybodyvery in the country mut now obey elizabeth warren. that meansns elizabeth warren read the power to save sethahe the price of, say, diesel fuel. that's what we use to fuel trucks that transport virtually everything that you buy orr consume the entire u.s. economy depends on diesel. as cbs reported recently, diesel prices are getting close to the point where truckers can't work anymore. whyhe producing fuel prices is like six dollars thirty 39 cents a gallon. imagine paying that for a fill up of more than one hundred a gallon of regular fill up would have been just say six months ago, about seven hundred dollars. now it's about a thousand. it's what truckers are facing across the country for diesel and you're paying the price according to oil analystst tom kloza. if you're ordering anything that moves by freight across country, it becomes the fuel surcharges, probably not the worst of the diesel surcharges that'llhe come next month. i just don't think there's anyma magic bullet at the moment. >> it's going to be tough. it's going to be a tough summer . so most projections suggest that this and by this we mean the price of energy is going to get worse. and that's exactly of course, what elizabeth warren is counting on your suffering. she hopes americans so desperaten,oupes that they go to her to set the price of diesel p along with everything elsete that's bought or sold in the united states economy. and when that happens,s, a what happens? t, a lot interesting question. so at this point a lot of money is floating aroundmy the u.s. economy and that's because of government spending, federal reserve prints money. the banks and then it filters down to wall street and they buy bigger housesho and at the same time supplies of essential goods are very limited. so when you impose price controls in that kind of environment, anyone, anyonee bidding wars startp and prices go up even higher. as the h economist alan cole put it recently, you'll never get ay scalper's paradise. government imposed prices will be low so they'll sell out fast of course. then you get a black market. we don't have to guess because this is happening every controlled economy in the history, the bolsheviks learnede this early when they imposed price controls. so what do you doy. next if you're a government imposing these controls? we cracked down on scalper's and that's what it was with warns bill would do. so you get a lot more lawfo enforcement to be a lot of people going to jail. but you g also get what the economist gregory grossman calls the second economy soec people do anythingon they can get the government approved lower price. the soviets traded favorsap established protection racket they call the system block which translatedd to polish meant someone who provides cover what youu get is corruption. corruption is the inevitable resultbl of price controls. evenhe the soviets learnedhi this after almost 70 years. it's why gorbachev abandonedol price controls in thes 1990s. nicolas maduro, though a prettya rigorous marxist, alsoba abandoned price controls in venezuela. he didhe 1 that three years ago in the 1970s, richard nixonou also realized can you imagine price controls don't work but only after he frozes all prices and wages in the united states and eventually, led to a massive spike in demand and double digit inflation. nderstand so people don't understand basic economic principles probably shouldn't fool around t with the economy, but they can never control themselves. that'sms why some of the biggest figures in the democratic party right now want to repeatep the mistakes we have seen countless times such as elizabeth warren. it's the supposedlyit moderate bob casey. sheldon whitehouse is not very bright and bernie sanders and ed markey and jeff merkley and tammy duckworth and dianne feinstein are all on board with this bill . and then the house you've gotth jerry nadler, david cicilline f of rhode island, the former mob lawyer katie porter ofof california wrote konna of silicon valley, bobby rush of chicago. they've all co-sponsored t legislation. so they're hoping if they do that you won't open wikipedia to findry out what happened when every other country in history triedhe this . they definitely don't want you s looking into the history ofha the soviet union and that's whyt that history is no longer t taught in schools. watchd, they want you to reports like this and in fear give them total controlol>> over your economy. the shifting and shrinking t school lunch menu, supply chain disruptions and the spiraling cost of key ingredients. as for school districts to pull back or makedi substitutions at some schools, no, more hamburgers or chicken patties sandwiches due to problems and the price of buying bunsbu and ketchup. a new survey of school districts nationwide reveals 90% joe biden percent of meal programs reported challenges with higher costs, while 98% acknowledge problems getting some menu items. the supplyte and the ingredientp costs are poised tooi rise again for us schools a july 1st when n emergency measure enacted at the start of the pandemic expires. uc so we're not shilling for bigen business here. we't don't work for joe biden we don't have to. in fact, we're often nightly critical of big l business. but let's be honest fordo a secondes. s doeser any serious person actually believe that hamburger and chickenn heavy manufacturers are holding back supplies of their products because they're greedyse with that money? we wish were what's happening t because you could probably fix that . but that's what we're tellingste you iss happening and they're telling you that so you'll believe it. >> they want you to believe it's the baby formula shortage isn't about supply. it's about pricing. unfortunately, s that's just not true . here's nbc with the latest l figures on the shortage. the fda telling nbc news it is concerned not having certain formulas available on shelves could pose life threatening risks for infants. mom s sidney galvin says she's been grappling with ala shortage for two months after their formula was recalled. r how areea you dealing? i'm not beginning day by day, to be honest. i'm unable to find her formula on shelves. she had nohe choice h but to suddenly switch brands. texas has been hit particularly hard. the formula out of stock right here is now 50%. oh , so the kiwan is the last one . the out-of-stock rate is now 15%. so they just don't have d the product because companieson generally if they have the product or eager to sell the product, they're in the businessly of selling products make money. but unfortunately if you have in economics atutu all, not even theoretical but practical like if your whole life w consists of lying to large crowds to get elected, to print more money, to pay yourself, give yourself the most generous retirement the united states, you probably don'tta how anything works and that would describe most leaders in the democratic party. so their solution not surprisinglyy. their is the sovt solution. it will make the the problem woe . make them more powerful. oh , do you not like that ? oh , we're sorry. we'd love to hear complaints but we're not available at the moment. we'vet, w won privately a global warming conference, but charlie hurt is availableres. our friend is taking over the washington times. he joins us tonight. re to see you.er every crisis incites peopleeo like elizabeth warren topl greater power lust soel is it really surprising that her solution to the inflation that the federal governmentna caused from mismanagement isve handing her more power over the u.s. economy? >> well, really, that's the big break between two democrats of today and the democrats back when they used to be successful is that you put your finger right on it. every solution to every single problem that they come up with , no matterbl what the problem is, always gives them more power and sendsm more money into government coffersey which they control. and that's what it'sas all a ben about. and you look back at the 20thpa century, you know,rt the democratic party was the most powerful party for0t the entire 20th century.y they controlled everything. in that they dide, that is because they paid attention to people. and a minute ago you wereer talking about the difference between you know, you're not a stooge of big business. business, i don't let anyone in the chamber of i don't think anybody the chamber of commerce is going to accuseccbe tucker carlson of being a puppet of big business, but it doesn't take a puppett of big business to realizeha that actually the government has becomet a lot of ways more nefarious than big business. at and it used to be the democratic party of the 20th century stood up to big business against little people . po that's why they were so wildly popular. and it's like whenpuike when bin left the white house he turned the lights out and just said here, you know, make it, you know, change all the dynamicsuy and then you wind up with a guy like barack obama and now joe biden.n. he's not even as coole as barae obaman, who who they don't belie in standing up to any of these forces and they instead use government use their power to accrue more power and get more money from those little people they used to stick up for to make themselveshe more powerfulms and more richero >> yeah, because you've got to ask chris i mean, huey long, for example, is one of thosemo popular democrats in the country might have been presidentstra c i mean, a thirty six had he not been assassinated. but you've got to ask if hueyy e long were here it's still in the senate, would he saye, stop oil exploration during ans energy crisis? i mean, it's hard toe imagine him saying that . yeah, yeah, exactly. exactly. it's huey long alive today.and t his name would be donald i trumt and that's why they hate donaldu so much because you know, after after 16 years of abandoninged their people, this guy named donald trump who actuallyyac yol know, if you think about it, there areet a lot of similaritis between him and huey long. youu know, donald trump comes along and completely steals their lunch, steals their message, steals their voter, steals everything for them.il and forl that they have to kille him. they have to destroy him. t that's so smart. with you i never thought of that before, but i agree with you completely. charlieet, thank you very much.i trying so if you're trying to live or trying to move, you may have noticed that housing prices have risen by 20 percent in then last year. rents are up around 12% nationally and way higherth in certain areas. nowis this is i happening in pat because companieses are buying e all the housing to turn them into rentals because you will and be happy to venture is backed by goldman sachs. just bought an entire community in florida for seventy five million dollars in places like phoenix jacksonville investors are buying up starter homesja, housl tricon and other investors arem, buying in places liket jacksonville are what might be called a starterr homes usually selling for f about thre hundred thousand dollars whenen one of those comes on the market, investors are w ready with all cash offers. all >> investors never look at the whole network they don't even look at they never look at it. that plus the fact that investors often wave inspection's puts would be first time home buyers at a serious disadvantage. home ownership is increasingly out ofin reach in our portfolio. >> the majority cannot buynn a home, cannot afford to buy a home or don't have the credit to buy the home. so >> so home ownership is the linchpin of american society and generations of leaders have understood that oururrs leaders don't seemo have any interest in it. why is that the trinity campins ,the founder of the campus something is a longtime expertt in residential real estate and joins us . thanks so much muc for coming o. thanks. so iss this as big a problem as it appears to be for people who just want to own a home>> home ownership tucker has been a pillar to the american dream for a very long time. because of the various different economic benefits that come with it, especiallys c the accumulation of wealth through building equity, reducingum w the housing of c the housing cost and accessing creditosdi, not to mention the x deduction incentive that you have. in addition to that ,he the stability and the accumulation ofand wealth that's attained through home ownership has been the primary mechanism through which the american people have been able to achieve sociall economic mobility for themselves and for their children. and that's all being challenged right now because they're competing with wall street. they're competing now with unlimited capital , chasing very low supplyh and these investors are paying cash. they're paying over asking price many times are we're waivg inspections and they're closing very quickly and it issihe in possible for the am