Racist curricula in your kids school. Come on , theres no such thing. Youre a conspiracy nut. Better call the doj mandatory covid vaccines dontin actually work as advertised. Please, youre just imagining it. You mustyo be anust anti vaxxer us funded biolabs in ukraine. Shut up traitor. Thats pure russian disinformation and so on. They doo this with everything because it almost always works. You may be the injured party ine whatever disastery theyve managed to cook up, but by the time the Washington Post gets done explainingg youre a criminal for noticing it happened, its very effective. Y unfortunately for them it doesnt work within inflation. Inflation is just too obvious to deny every knows when inflation hits , when the prices go up because everybody goes shopping e. Soso when you get inflation, youre stuck with it. Bv leaders know this obviously. So their First Movement we got inflation is to reassure this. There was nothing to worry about because actually inflation is a good thing. Weve been longing for inflationng and thank god we finally got it. America needs higher, longer lasting inflation, declared bloomberg news. T well, when that didnt work because it was never going toit because apart from big institutional debt holders, no one in the world actually wants inflationtu. When that fails, they tried a new tack. Yes, inflation is not ideal, they admitted, but its like fog in the morning. Its inconvenient but temporaryr. It burns off and wont last long. The word they used to describe this was transitory and they used that word a lotot. Watch. Our economists have conveyed that they feel that the impact of our proposals will be transitory. All of the economists that theyi president has been relyinga on suggests that there is a transitory Nature Nature to n the inflation problem. Economists calll all these things transitory effects. This inflation that were experiencing is transitory. E it is not going to be heree long. Weve had several months of high inflation that most, economists including me believe will be transitory. We dont expect that those that upward pressure will produc substantially higher prices or that the effects will be persistent. We expecthat there will be transitory or temporary. So it wasnt just Maxine Waters and joe biden and joe bidens flak. None of of them can do math. Us obviously you just saw the heada of the Federal Reserve and the former head of the Federal Reserve tell young this was t gg to be transitory, transitory. That was the best they couldnd do. Behind the reassuring happy talk, they were in factic starting to panic because this was not at all what they had expected or predictedli in public. In fact, in september 17 winnersc. The nobel prizewa in economics, an awardre that suggests the winner understandsth economics, signed a public letter urging joe biden a to spend two trillil dollars more because inflation was no longer a concernge. There was no way we would get inflation and were quoting the bills. Better package wrote these economists will transform the u. S. Economy to be more efficient without presenting ann inflationary threat. So trillions in new government spending, were going toe make this country more efficient. But we would never get inflationieou. It was hard to see even to not t an economist how that could be true. So this spending these trillions were on top of trillions that joe biden had already spentt ability already signed. Thats many trillion. And it y turns out when you sped that much you get inflation. The fed has found that first bill rate inflation by at least three points because when you print more dollarswh, each dollr is worth less. You dont need to be anee economist to understanddd that , but these economists want an even more spending and they assured us it would not cause, inflation. But of course it did. It wasurse always going to and y march of this year that was obvious to everyone. So bloomberg news, which is evel this inflation was good now kinda got a more honest they wrote a piece offering tips on how to deal with inflation because now inflationd was bad. Bloomberg told his readers to eat lentils instead of meat and to kill their dogs because pets are expensive, i as bloomberg put it,t, quote w nobody said this would be fun and they were right about that. It hasnt been fun. In fact, inflation has been a disaster for virtually everyone except the bigy debtholders officially, according to numbers out today, the inflation rate is eight point three percent. But thats a fixed 8 a number. Its based on cpi, which is a rigged measure in every realized and the other ones that you go through when you buy things to live the numbers are much higher. For example, this year the price of breakfast here which many peopleth eat in the morning has gone up by 10f percent. The cost of Chicken Nuggets is eighteen percent. Stick to lentils, powell cannedl fruit and vegetables up more than 10 juice, snacks, id clothing for your kids up nine percent. The price of baby food if you can find it up 13 fertilizerli prices, fertilizer being the basis of basis of allll Agricultural Products up 61 er over last year. Corn, for example, was it five eighty nine a bushel at the beginning of9 this year . Its now at eight fifteen per bushel. Thats a thirty eight percent increase higher than the cpi one to visit your family. Want to take a vacation. N. Want t want to takeo ta a workke triple the average cost of an Airline Ticket is now up more than 33 for the year. Gas prices and you knowis this well for a fifty percent. E the average price of a usedwa van was in may of last year about twenty three thousand. Its now thirty four thousand. 47 increase in a real turkey you might have to buy a used van sant eight point3 three according to the cpi, the price of the used crossover suv is up from twenty two thousand to twenty seven thousand 27 increase. A housese . Well, youre in trouble. Median home prices up sixteen percent and the higher value zip codes are up a lots more , not hundreds of percentwa in a lot of places. Heres the badnt news for you if you want to buy one , the 30r year Mortgage Rate is a thirteen year high. So so t this really is worst case scenario. Interestst rates get high so t people can afford to buy houses at home. Values dont go down becauseup all the houses are being snatched up. A big investors which are converting them to rental units. So you will ownes nothing and be happy. These are very Distressing Trends and everybody feels and that explains why a recent poll from pew found a that inflation is att the very top of americans list of concernsy ukraine which everyone in washington is obsessed with Mitch Mcconnell told us its the single most important issue in the world is not even in the top ten concerns of american t citizens. So you look at a poll like that and many more like it and you reach the obvious conclusionss. You have no choice if you live in washington responsible for inflation to pretend that you careand about inflation and you think its bad, its pretty easy for joe biden to say this because you can blame food inflation just like you blame Donald Trumps election on Vladimir Putin. So thatsat is what h what hes. Im doing everything within my power by executive orders to bring down the price and address the putin price on. Let me start with the putin price hike. Igh gas pri high gas prices and Energy Prices, 70 of the increase in inflation and inflation was a consequence. Ke putin price right because of the impact on gas and energy p prices and doing everything i can to bring down the price to address putins price. So not only did Vladimir Putin single handedly hack the dnc and embarrass the democraticil party , which isl the greatest felony one can commit , but he wrecked our economybu. How did he do that from the other side of the worldor when he runs the economyld totallyy detached from ours . That good question. But thats really all they have at this point. And you can see given that why democrats are encouraging war in ukraine, why they want that war to last forever if the war in ukraine ever ended, e who would they blame for the effects of their deranged policies . They have to pick a new person, probably you. But in point of fact, Vladimir Putin, for all of his faults, did not cause, inflation in then United States. The people who run our economy in the u. S. Government caused inflation, the United States and they did it the oldf fashioned way by printing a ton ofmo money very quickly and that devalued our currency is t printing a ton of moneyin very quickly. Always does. Now the way this is measureshe with something called m2, thats the data set that the Federal Reserve uses to measure money supply are m2 money supply. Its not just going up. Te our money supply is going up faster than it ever has in american history. As of today, m2t stands at more than twenty two trillion dollars for reference on february 3rd. 2020 it was at fifteen point three trillion. That is if y h you have a calculator handy a forty three percent jump in our nations money supply in just over two years. So whats the result . Ou the result iss. Predictable and obvious. Inflation is going up much faster. The United States is in say europe where they didnt spend as much on stimulus. Whatever putin did or didnt do, none of this is his fault. This predates putins invasion of ukraineas and you dont need to be a right winger to d acknowledge that even cnn is acknowledgingwing biden called t the putin price hike. I mean, is the pain at the pumpn all because of the warar in ukraine . Not really right. They like to talk about the putin price hike, but of Course Energy prices were soaring even before the warga began. Inflation was an issue before we ever started talking aboutut ukraine. So there we heard that whitene house line. It is due to president putins price hikeid. One thing that ise still out there is whether or not this is working, especiallyy when it comes to a recent cnn poll that showed that less than a third of americans really feel that this partys economicv visions align with their own. So that is something a crushing thing for this administration to deal with as it really p prepares to take t on the midtem elections so everyonee understands whats going on here. Sorry, its not putins fault. Its the fault of the people currently in charge and that makes joe biden very much like. He created the disaster he now claims he will fix what just happened. Be here. Ill put it out. Biden caused this and not just biden, janet yellen, his wholeco economic teamno and by the way, the legacy economic team. This has been going on for a long time. Its not just biden, but he has made it much worse. Hes done it on purpose s by shutting down Domestic Energy production, the administrationti has canceld sales of federal oil leases. Why are they doing so . Why are they making it worse . Everything depends uponpr the price of everything you buy was trucked there or brought by ship or plane or rail. You need energy to bring you the products that you buy and if the price of energy goesy up, so does the price. Ri his products is really simple. You hike the price of energy which theyve done on on purpose your increasing inflation period, dont be an economist understand that much less a Nobel Prize Winning economist. Why are they doing this . For three reasons. First, they have to do it. Americas sovereign debt levelsh are way, way too high. We basically nationalized the debt which we transferred to taxpayers from the 08 meltdown. So weh have way too much debtue and the only way out of that is to devalue the u. S. Dollar. Otherwise the u. S. Governmenttsg will be able to afford the Interest Payments on the money that it owes. No one says out loud out but its absolutely true we have to have inflation or else the u. S. Government willis. You have to pay the price for their bad policies so the he who mismanaged the American Economy needho inflation. Thank you , janet yellen. The rest of us could have seen this coming ten years ago, but somehow w you didnt. The second reason is that rising Energy Prices justify their transition toea the green new deal. Nobody in america wouldld ever choose to transition to green energy, which is to say to put trillions of us tax dollars into the pet investment projects of democratic donors. No one would ever doy that voluntarily but their hoping that the price of w fossil fuels will go so high that you have no choice or you cant afford to fill n your truck. Yes, youre going to need a prius now and were definitely going to need to c control the thermostat in your home now if the that sounds too sinister to be real, it is real. Yes. It isfinistere. Its also real. And heres joe bidens commerce secretary gina raimondo,om who ran the state of rhodeme island of all places. Shouldnt that be disqualifying it should someone shes got a cabinet post here. She is still employed amazingly telling you that Climate Change is existential and therefore more important than your picayune concerns like putting clothes on your kids. Watch this. H whileth americans are struggling and seeing their paychecks shrink a twenty four percent increase over a fy21 levels for noaa doesnt really help families put food on the table or clothes on the back at a time when inflation is at four year high and you talkk about how this massive allocationll of funds helps to combat inflation or deal with supply chain issuesin i that yor say are so important. Yes. So we believe Climate Change is an existential threat. So you know, children t forget about clothes on their back. Theyre notot going to be able o have a life if we dont deal with Climate Change. Forget about clothes on your b back meaning your childrens backs. Forget about your children. En Climate Change is existential. We can use it to justify anything, any power grab, any failure, any disaster that we caused and should have stopped ntfore it got completely out of control and takero the economy, Climate Change, Climate Changeco. So pressing the u. S. Economy to the brink actually has uses fori the Bush Administration. They will use your economic suffering as a pretext forsu assuming control over every aspectctas of your life. And thats the third reasonco theyre doing this to our economy as samantha power. P theresow no grounding whatsoeve it even balancing a checkbook. Shes lady became famous for f writing a book that informed us that is bad religion. You know that smith discoverede is bad. She cares more than you as she put it just the other day. Quotet, never let a crisis go to waste. She actually said that out loud. Now democratsif in congress recognize that this is an opportunity its an opportunity for them not simply to get more power but to make certain their preexisting obsessions become law and of course alwaysi to lecture you. Heres congresswoman katie porter of california explaining that because inflation is so highay t, we need more abortion. Watchh the fact that things like inflation can happen and it can become more expensive to feed your kids and to fuel your car is exactly why people need to be able toab be in chare of how many mouths theyre going to have to feed. So i think the fact that were seeing this rampant expenses that were seeing people having to pay more in the groceryay store, pay more at the pump, pay more for housing is a reason h that people are sayig i need to be able to make my own decisions about when and if to start a family. Now she said that why on tv on the other side of the coin was a host called larry h odonnellos over at msnbc and se just said i as a member ofea congress saidh, yeah, i mean its to that you cant afford have children in this country. Y but the upside is s now you get to end their lives early enough to feed them so really there is kind of a Silver Lining in that cloud 1 of the economy to the american people, lady from california to have an abortion p. Answer . Thats her answer. What country is this when you a are even talking about thatsbo insane and so dark you can be certain this is the one thingou you can count on that the left will never propose a solution to problems, even problems that caused that in the end disempowers the democratic party. Every solutionwe makes them more powerful. How long before joe biden decides he canw lo that Retail Prices up . Set dont laugh it off. Its coming. Will cain is cohost of fox and friends weekend. Also a lawyer and a friend wered happy are that on tonight so wil weve gone from this not happening to it is happening. Its good to its happening and putin caused it to is terrible. Kill your pets and have abortions. Is this winning this . I dont think so. I and im laughing but im laughing. Tucker through astonishment at how how obviously bear is the evil. That clip from a congresswoman this isnt just some random news host drawing small ratings on competitive networks. This is an electedt. Member of congress who says, you know, kids can be expensive so theres a good rationale for murdering them, you know, in and play out rationale out. C you know, they dont get cheaper. I have a fourteenha year old. He has a lot of expenses that are involved in arriving at being a teen. You have college kids, it gets more expensive. Im curious is ha that rational hold true . Is it only up till eight i months, nine months . Is it into two, three, four . When does that congresswomans rationale end . Onim curious about when the child is too expensive to stop murdering. What was that isnt happening. It is what what shes saying is like shut up and work for amazon. Like let go of your desire to reproduce. Isnt having children like the main source of joy for most people . I mean,t isnt that like the most important thing in life . I would think so. Iv building a family, living in a community, contributing to t