Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20210115

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It was not an act of racism. It was not an insurrection. It wasnt armed invasion by a brigade of dangerous White Supremacists. It wasnt. Those are lies. Why are they demanding that you believe those lies . You should wonder about that. When your doctor claims thatbe your broken arm is stage fourbreak cancer you need a second opinion. When he demands that you get cheney, you need to run away. Because something very dark is going on. And inteed something dark is going on right now. What happened last week in washington wasg not new or unusual. It was sadly familiar. The right you saw was the perfect illustration why we should oppose all mob action always. Left uncontrolled, mobs boil over. Violence erupts, people get killed. That is inevitable. Thats what always happens. It has happened many times olbefore. Not just over the past year, but over the previous years and previous entries. In fact, all through human history. Thats the way mobs are. Wise leaders know that. Thats why they dont encourage mobs. Lets hope that everyone in washington has learned thatve lesson. But, of course, they havent learned it. Instead, they are trying to use this moment to increase their own power so they are lying about what you saw. They are calling it a precisely orchestrated coup attempt. They are telling you the chewbacca guy you saw on video the guy in the painted face and viking hat was the leader of super secret Commando Unit over to overthrow. Em yeah the man in the coon skin cap may have looked like he took a wrong turn packers game and wound up on the floor of the house of representatives. Dont be deceived. This man is a mastermind in the ways of the espionage. The chewbacca guy was the fact the tip of the insurrection spear hide the children marshall the federal troops. How absurd and insulting all of this is. First of all, its untrue. Its a lie. And yet its working and thats why they are saying it. They are using what happened last week to justify the most sweeping crackdown on cill liberties and free speech in the history of this country. N are you surprised they are doing sthat . You shouldnt be surprised. We lived through something similar this summer. We have seen the template for what they will do and what they plan to do. Over memorial day a man died in police i custody in minneapolis. There was dramatic video of that happening. People who saw it were upset. In the end, we learned that what we thought happened was not even close to what actually happened but by then it was too late. The usual frauds and demagogues have leveraged that moment to change this country forever. They used hysteria to subdue the population and to crush anyone who dared to ask questions about what they were doing. They tried hard to pull this show off the air for example. To this day, the same group maintains strict ideological orthodoxy through threats and fear. Not through argument or reason but through coercion. Heres an actual headline from the other day from the sports blog dead spin. Quote fans relationship phillys other trade for black lives matter hater batting practice pitcher sam coonrod. The article describes the sam coonrod as a maga guy and suggests that he is a racist. That sounds scary. Heres what sam coonrod actually said. This was his crime, quote i just cant get on board with a couple of things i have read stabout black lives matter how they lean toward marxism and they said some negative things about the Nuclear Family end quote. So sam coonrod isnt for marxism, sam coonrod likes the Nuclear Family so we better crush him. Meanwhile, and this was the point all along, a small number of genuinely radical haters and nihilists have stepped into the void where our National Conversation used to be and takennt total control of the floor. They say things that virtually no one in this country actually agrees with, but since no one else is allowed to talk they have a mop be monopoly on what we do next. Heres the dumbest and narcissist of all of them. Jammerring on actually because of the death of indianapolis we need to get rid of the police. If so if you are an elected official for any reason is on this call, im asking you to ask yourself what are you willing to sacrifice to make sure that over funded Police Departments are defunded. Tucker suddenly, let us know if this sounds familiar, a convicted felon dying of a Drug Overdose was a National Crisis as from any National Crisis you have got to make some sacrifices. And guess what . Every one of your sacrifices is going to make vacuous little totalitarians morons like sandy cortez more powerful thats how National Crises work. Something bad has happened therefore you have to hand the worst people in the world the keys to your life. See how that works . As if you needed moree evidence that its all about whats good for sandy cortez and her friende and not about whats good for you because nobody cares about that. Watch her new position, her revised position on defunding the police. This is from the other day. Many of us, um, nearly narrowly escaped death. There were members of capitol police, um, who were quite heroic, you know, we have many officers, um, and,po you know, there was. [clearing throat] also black and brown officers that were confronting White Supremacists and putting themselves not just to protect members but they put themselves in harms way. Tucker narrowly escape death. One of the most harrowing thing in life is pass freshman sociology at Boston University every day is a brand new drama. Sandys heart is still beating fast. She likes the cops now despite the fact that they are White Supremacists. What a difference a day makes. And sandy cortez is not alone. Congressman woman Ayanna Pressley of massachusetts has also for the moment changed her view of violent civil unrest. Here she was just a few ago. Hold them accountable. Make the phone call, send the email. Show up. You know, there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there is unrest in our l. Elives. Unfortunately there is plenty to go around. Tucker so there needs to be unrest in the streets, quote. Actually, we dont need unrest Ayanna Pressley has concluded. Up rest in the streets is now racist. Watch. It was a harrowing experience. They were terrorizing members of congress and all who work in the capitol. Feeling unsafe is not new and certainly being a black woman and feel up safe is not new. Tucker no, feeling unsafe is not new for Ayanna Pressley she felt particularly unsafe. Particularly in peril as she attended the single most private school in chicago growing up and it it was even scarier when she arrived like her friend sandy cortez on the mean streets of Boston University. So Ayanna Pressley know its well what its like to be persecuted and oppressed and that friends, is why you should no longer be allowed to speak in public or read the websites you like or watch this show. Just today the New York Times published a column by nic kristof that made that entirely sensible point quote i would like to see pressure on advertisers to withdraw from fox news so long as it functions as extremist madrassa and cable providers should be asked why they distribute channels that peddle lies. You wont be surprised to learn that the rest of the media, our competitors strongly agree with that sentiment. The government needs to shut down fox news, people who watch fox news, meanwhile, that would be you, need to be, quote, deprogrammed. Presumably in some kind of residential facility. Reeducation camps, if you will. Now we cant say specifically what the plan is, honestly we havent thought a lot about it. Msnbc though has thought a lot about it. There are millions of americans, almost all white, almost all republicans, who somehow need to be deprogrammed. Its as if they are members of a cult, the trumpist cult. And have to be deprogrammed. Do you have any idea how we start that process . Tucker did you hear that . They are almost all white. Do you have any idea how we start that process ask someone else on the set like its a perfectly reasonable suggestion and not at all dangerously insane. It turns out that Many Democrats do in fact have some ideas on how to start the process. Sandy cortez by the way has been thinking about this sincen sociology class at b. U. She has concluded we need ain Government Commission to shut down Media Outlets that might criticize her. There is absolutely is a commission thats being discussed. Several members of congress and some of my discussions have brought up Media Literacy because that is a part of what happened here. Were going to have to figure out how we rein in our media environment so you cant just spew disinformation and misinformation. Tucker you cant just spew disinformation like criticizing sandy cortez you cant do that in this country not like a free country with a First Amendment. No, not anymore. U this is all moving pretty fast. It always does move pretty fast. Dont you worry, its for your safety. Up in canada the heritage minister Just Announced this week that that country will introduce new regulations to ban social media posts that are deemed hurtful or offensive. We want to protect canadians online the minister explained. Of course they want to protect themselves, sorry, protect you by protecting themselves from criticism from you. See how that works . Itright. Youre protected when you cant speak. I bet you didnt know that dorsey knows that. Jack dorsey ceo of twitter he only looks like a pot head heou actually is the ceo of twitter. Jack torresy has the plans forrs the rest of us that will extend far beyond the trump era. Y silencing donald trumpe was just the beginning. Guess who is next . You are. Watch. We are focused on one account right now but this is going to be much bigger than just one account and its going to go on for much longer than just this day, this week. I dont believe this is going away any time soon. And the moves we are making today around qanon for instance one such example of a much broader approach that we should be looking at and in going deeper. Tucker this is quote much bigger than silencing just one man and its going to go on much longer than just this week. So maybe jack dorsey isnt so bright. He just admitted out loud what the rest of them are still denying. This isnt really about donald trump. It never was. Its definitely not about what happened last week at the capitol. It is about controlling you and the country you thought was yours forever. Sorry, there is a National Crisis going on and we have no choice. Miranda devine a columnist for the New York Post which itself was erased by d Silicon Valley before last years election. She has a post on what we are seeing. Thanks so much for coming on. Even if you approach this from the perspective we do, and im sure you do as well, its awful. Mob violence of any kind particularly against our capitol. I dont think i have ever seen a more cynical and sinister response to anything than what we are seeing right now. It really is incredible. And, you know, there is obviously method in the madness to try and exaggerate the threat to describe donald trump, you know, instead of just saying that what he did was wrong, you have to turn him into a complete monster, demonize him. Is he a white supremacist and from there its just a short step to call all his the people who voted for him, the 75 million americans and all their families they are white supremacist as well. And the reason for that is because once youve called them the worst thing that you could, you then are able to dehumanize them and you can inflict any cruelty you like on them within impunity because they are now nonpersons. They dont deserve to exist. You can destroy their lively hood, destroy their reputations, alienate them from society, andd it doesnt matter because they yare evil, White Supremacists. Tucker you have got to wonder where our defenders . Where are the people we spent money too over the last 40 years voted for. Why dont they stand up for the rest of us. At some point we need to hold them accountable. The people saying that mob violence is wrong, anyone who is saying that is correct, in my view. But a lot of the people currently saying it were for mob violence like about 20 minutes ago or am i imagining that . Its such an incredible back flip. You saw House Democrats on wednesday when they are voting to impeach donald trump again pointlessly and they are one after the other talking about how great the police are. You know, suddenly they are for police. Suddenly they are for law and order. They arepo for civility. They are for american history. They revere the founding fathers. They are they now like borders. They like walls when it actually they protect their place of work. They now think that its great. You need to bring the National Guard in to quell civil unrest when it is their peace being kept. They like guns when its their safety thats at stake. They have done an enormous back flip. And they seem to have zero selfawareness. They dont seem to realize that just not very long ago they were Demonizing Police aser White Supremacists ander racist. Now police are wonderful. And now mob violence, which they condoned and welcomed and spoke about as if it were some sacred duty now mob violence is evil and vile and its a symbol of white supremacy. And they get away with it. Thats what is so incredible. The double standards the hypocrisy, they just glide past it and the media allows them to because its amplifying the double standards. Tucker sure, anyone who disagrees or calls them to account is silenced. Thats why every day i wake up grateful that we work for a company thats not dependent on Silicon Valley to get its message to it viewers. I really mean that miranda devine, good to see you tonight. Thank you. Me too. Thanks, tucker. Tucker this is an amazing story. Eaan one of the people who went to washington last week to watch the president s speech, not to tbreak into the capitol. He didnt. Was a musician called aerial pink. Because pink attended that speech he can no longer make a living in this country. Were not overstating that at all. We spoke to him at some length just a minute ago. Ali we have the interview for you after the break. Its pretty moving and pretty revealing. Well be rightou back. Tucker ariel pink from los angeles and a trump voter. He attended the speech in washington and went back to his hotel room and take a nap. He did not go to the capitol he is opposed to violence. What he did was a crime. He attended a political rally and now he has been stripped of his livelihood. Pinks music label mexican summer dropped him completely. They wrote this on twitter, quote due to recent events mexican summer and it staff has decided to end our working relationship with Ariel Rosenberg s akaariel pink moving forward. Its a movement that tells you a lot where its going. We sat down with ariel pink a moment ago and had this conversation. So you are an artist. Artists do transgressive things. You did the most transgressive thing came out a trump supporter and went to a rally. What happened next . I went to the white house to see our president. And went to the hotel, took a nap. End the story. Tucker when did you find out that your career had been endestroyed . Well, about two days later. By that point and my label had written me already sort of to inform me that they were getting a lot of heat and a lot of backlash for supporting me and they reassured me that they were not going to tropic me. Tucker they always reassure you first, dont they . You know, i was just like, you know, i didnt make any apologies. I was just i felt like i hadnt done anything. But these articles obviously placed me at the siege. Tucker yes. Which i was not at. And of course i i dont advocate for violence. Tucker of course not. At all in any walk of life. Tucker i committed no llviolence while in washington. Of course not. I was there for a peaceful rally. Thats all it was to me. Tucker yes. But there was no factchecking or anything like that. These 130 articles went out in the course of 24 hours andt just the backlash was just they succumbed to cancel culture. Tucker what does your label say after reassuring you they werent going to drop you, what happened then . Then 24 hours later they wrote back saying that they texted me telling me that they were going to go public and drop me at that point. Tucker so if you are a recording artist, which you are, and you cant record, what does that mean . Well, and i cant tour either at this point. So, it pretty much leaves me destitute and on the street. So, yeah, i dont know. Im sort of overwhelmed rightst now and i dont know be exactly whati to do. Tucker so for going to a political rally, not participating in violence. Not seeing any violence. Not being aware there was violence when you went to bed in your hotel, for that your career disappeared inin one day . Yeah. Thats. Tucker your live live hood gone . Yeah. No apologies, no support. I have had my family has been getting death threats. They dont even know that im here. I had to sneak away because they were so terrified of me comingng on tv. They have been getting it all week. Me too, the hate is just overwhelming. And new articles being written just, just people are so mean. Tucker you have lived in this country all your life. Do you recognize it . Not at all. Not at all. I mean, im terrified. I mean, this is what i voted against. Tucker right. I didnt vote so much for trump as against cancel culture and this environment thats beeo blazing for about four years that is about to ramp up and get even worse. Tucker so im so struck by the fact that you are not a political person. Did you not sign up for this. Are you worried that it will destroy you as a person . No, im not so worried about that. I mean, i have been canceled before. I have been canceled many times. I know how the whole thing works. It doesnt really affect my ego. Tucker yes. Which isnt to say it doesnt hurt my feelings. It does. S. Tucker yeah. But i know that its not real. So i just, you know, i have got family. I have got a small group around me that sort of keeps me centered and i also believe in myself. I know i didnt do anything wrong. So there is no reason why i veshould feel remorseful about this. Tucker amen. So you know how unreasonable and scary and punitive a moment this is. You are taking a huge risk coming on this show. Why are you doing it . I dont have any other recourse like what am i going to do . Am i going to be able to get my statement out in magazines . I mean, who is right now the narrative is being pushed and there are not very many people that are going to let a counter narrative enter into the fold. I mean, there is nod nuance. There is no kind of i dont know what i dont know, man. I dont know what im going to do. Tucker you had no choice, basically, if you want to tell your story. I had no choice. I had no choice. There is nothing else for me to do. I cant even afford my lawyer right now. Tucker last question. What do you think the purpose of all of this is . Well, i think its desperation and fear that is driving this whole thing. I think i think there has been a very big effort to unseat the president or at least not let him have four more years which i think is fair. He lost. And i think he lost fairly. Im not disputing anything. Biden is perfectly fine with me as president. But i think that there was just no i think they are still scared and sore winners at this point. People seem to want to kick me down as well. Much like they have trump. Kick us down when we are down. You know, i believe are i dont even know what i dont know what the future is withno regards to the trump, but i think, you know, i dont know. I dont want to comment on that. Tucker they are sore winners . They are sore winners, yeah. Tucker good luck. When reasonable people like you are destroyed, all of us should take notice, so i appreciate your telling your story. Thank you. Thanks, tucker. Tucker so the life of a guy who did nothing wrong is just crushed. Just lets crush this guy because he said something we dont like. We have no ariel pink. Its awful. Decent people should stand up and say so and should fix it no one is because they are cowards. Happened everywhere. Happened to social Media Company parler. That was a massive effort bigger than just amazon and apple and google. We will tell you who is involved because you should know their names. When this is all over they should be held tobe account for what they have done not just to parler but to our national life, our intellectual life, our country. Plus, there has been a major urescalation in the governments war on the atilis gym in new jersey speaking of the strong hurting the weak. The gym owner will tell us what is happening to him straight ahead. Piano playing what the world needs now is love, sweet love its the only thing that theres just too little of what the world needs now is love, sweet love, no not just for some but for everyone. Tucker destroying the social media app parler and ripping it off the internet was a team effort. It took more than simply amazon apple and google. A chief policy officer joins us to tell which other companies were involved in this historic attack on free speech and our Civil Liberties because you should know their names. Amy, its great to see you tonight. Thank you for coming on. Im sorry parler is still not up, as im sure our viewers anknow. Tell us if you would, because we want to know who they are, who participated in this attack on the First Amendment and on your company . Hi, tucker, thanks. So other companies that were involved were thrillio who droppednk us. We are also having issues with acapta using any sort of acapta our program flurry dropped us. There is also people that you werent really aware of unless you were into the tech the people who actually connect you to the internet and provide nodes and the hosts who domain hosts, et cetera. Those are the people on the tech side that im not as aware of. There are a number of people involved. And whether they are all working together or whether they are all just caving in to the same cancel culture pressure. Obviously at parler we do think that we were singled out unfairly because this content that nobody wants on anywhere on their platforms, this inciting w content that is wrong, was unfortunately everywhere as you have read in stories this week from the Washington Post and elsewhere. Tucker i assume most of them are just greedy solace little robots who will do whatever it takes to continue to loot the country. Its not like they have ideological agenda. Whether they have an agenda or not, here is one of the things that i think is going on at least with the bigger tech companies, you know, people have been talking about collusion is there collusion involved . But what if the truth is actually a lot worse and that parler is just the latest casualty in a sort of it bargain that big tech has made with status government and by this i mean that big tech has made itself dependent on immunity with respect to its two major prongs for monetization that it depends on. So one of them is this content moderation removing pieces of fcontent. They have immunity for that under section 230, and that also includes the curation of feeds and algorithms that they use to engagement. They are all just immune from scrutiny and liability. And then the second, of course, is the data pillaging as we like to call it at parler we a dont believe that you should be making money by monetizing personal data of people and both of those things have become part of this bar began. C i dont know if you saw the wall street journal piece it was big tech vs. The constitution. Nd save the constitution from big tech and they talked about the fact that immunity of 230 when combined with the pressure from people in congress telling facebook and telling twitterke that they need to remove more hate speech and do more about misinformation this is in effect censorship by proxy. And then with respect to at aokk time that, if you look at the Consent Decree between the United States and facebook, the ftc and facebook from last year, you could see facebook was allowed to continue its data mining practices that help monetize it and then at the same time maybe the ftc and doj can get back doors into data under the terms of that Consent Decree. This is a very cozy relationship that i think is very disturbing. Parlers model doesnt depend on either ofoo those things. Tucker cozy doesnt even describe it. Its scary. Its really scary. Tucker apple helped write our current imforeign relation law. Some of the liberal children in the Current White House considered giving the president ial medal of freedom to tim cooke of apple. Ei who hates the white house and the country. I was going to tell you that with respect to this particular fight, i see apple as an ally. I dont know be if you saw that tim cooke has said that parler could come back on to the app. Storeco after we improve our content moderation. So. Tucker thank you tim cook. Im glad. Well hopefully he will wake up in a good mod tomorrow and grant us that favor . R . Who made these people god anyway . What world is this . Where tim cook gets to decide. At least they stand for privacy, tucker. At least they stand for privacy. Tucker well, amy, i appreciate your coming on tonight. Thank you. Thank you. Tucker well, the ynk governf new jersey is very determined to crack town on crime. Not murders and rapes but anyone who criticizes the governor of new jersey on fox news. And that would include the people who run the atilis gym. The owners of that gym have refused to stay closed this year. In november we spoke to the owner ian smith. So frank and i are currently being fined personally. Governor murphy has attempted to pierce the llc. He has fined us 15,497. 76 per day. Tucker per day . Per day, yes. Tucker well the atilis gym has not paid those fines but the state didnt wait around to litigate adjudicate. They just took 170,000 from the gyms bank account because they can do that because theyre the state. They dont have to ask permission. We asked the state of new jersey about this. They gave us this statement squote the state previously obtained a judgment from the court in the amount of 134,463. 08 which the state intends to collect. 8apparently the funds were a reference new reference were frozen as a result of bank live having been issued due to the states collection efforts part of the enforcement of the judicial order. Keep in mind that all sounds very legal. If you stop paying your rent how long does it take you to get evicted from your apartment probably in new jersey a year or htatwo . This happened like that. They targeted these people ian smith is one of them. He is the owner of the gym. He joins us tonight. Ian, thank you for coming on. Im sorry about this. Thank you for having me tucker. Tucker has the murder rate dramatically declined in camden. The state is focusing a awful lot of resource was. I think its higher actually. Tucker im sorry. I will stop ranting. Tell us what the state of affairs is tonight. So, as of yesterday morning, my partner and i checked the Bank Statement in the morning and we had no money in our bank account. I the state emptied out every single dollar that we have. This is in the middle of an appeals process and ongoing litigation in the matter of the fines and several other Matters Regarding the state including a lawsuit against governor murphy and judith kellyth herself. As simple ascii put it this is an interference to our right to counsel. This money in our bank account does not come from memberships. We have not charged our members since april 1st since we originally shut down. This is donations and tshirt sales that we have used to pay our bills and fights our legal battles it. Wn. Is a clear and it is a blatant violation of our Constitutional Rights and our abilities to defend ourselves in the court of law. Tucker how long do you think they will allow crypto currency to exist . Im sorry, just a thought. Probably not too long. They cant seize it from you. No. They cant. And thats actually one of the most f frequent recommendations for people who want to at this point to tone nate is to set up a cryptooo account. Tucker yeah, while you still can. So, now that they have taken all your money and you cant afford legal defense, whats your patha forward . We will be fundraising. We put out a video last night explaining the problems that we are facing and we put out a call to help to the many people who have supported us from the beginning and the many penal who have learned about our story along the way. And we have got 450 tshirt orders to fill and a lot of depositions coming in. So, from now on, we are going to pull all of our money out and go at it in cash and write checks as we go. There will be no money in our bank accounts. We will continue to fight this no matter what. Tucker i just want to very quickly remind our viewers of two things. You havent spread covid to anybody. Im reminding the golden sachs guy who runs your state you are being punished for trying to keep people healthy and trim in the middle of a pandemic that kills people who are overweight and out of shape. Doing more than he hasndc p to e peoples lives and of course you are being destroyed for it. Ian smith, thank you. Thank you very much, tucker. You. Cker thank well, you heard many times that every Single Person at the riot last week was a trump supporter. Most were. Obviously. Es but not all. The results of our investigation straight ahead. And then this political moment is having a serious effect on our children. One High School Students email puts it better than we can. We are going to bring it to you after the break. Tucker the Justice Department said almost immediately that there was quote no evidence of antifa involvement in the riot last week on capitol hill and of course virtually everyone in the media and washington has backed that up. T this was a right wing attack. Now because we are not liars we are going it tell you what you already know is most of thesein people seem like trump supporters. But not everyone was. Today a selfdescribed blm and antifa supporter called John Sullivan was arrested in the state of utah for his role in the riot and it was a role. He wasnt just there. He posted videos showing himself inside the Capitol Building. Said he was just there to record it what those dangerous right wingers were doing. He sat for interviews at msnbc to tell that story watch. Two people who were there join us now dave zacer and left wick activist John Sullivan. Jobeo request, you filmed this moment on your phone just can you describe what happened . Yeah. So, basically all the protesters kind of stormed to get into the chamber. We tried to get into like the main entrance right when you walk town the hallway. Tucker oh, but none of had that was real we now know. Turns out cnn was in fact interviewing an insurrectionist and spreading insurrectionistt propaganda. According to charging documents filed today John Sullivan the guy you saw getting sucked up to was actually participating in the riots. While in the Capitol Building sullivan said this, according to the charging documents, quote its our house and we are getting this explicative. So who is this John Sullivan, exactly . Authorities quote sullivan encouraging violence at a previous rally in washington quote we are about to burn this blank down. We have got to rip trump out of office we aint waiting until the next election we about to get that blank. Talks like a moron not surprisingly. Sullivan has been a professional agitator for a while now. Last year he founded a group called insurgency u. S. A. Following the death of george floyd the death that led to the whole country being rearranged on false pretext. Ll he led several antipolice and antitrump demonstrations and last year was arrested for rioting. His most commonly used something thats on twitter are blm. Antifa. Abolish the police and f trump. We want to be absolutely clear about this becauset again we are not liars and we are not going to insult you something thats clearly not true. A lot of people there were clearly trump supporters. They came from a trump rally. But facts matter all the facts matter. And we know now that cop be temporary to what we were told and what cnn told us, this guy was not. We were lied to not just by the media but by the government and should figure out why we were lied to and if there were more people like John Sullivan in thk capitol. We dont know if there were. Lets find out. Why not . We got it a pretty revealing email recentfully a kid called elliott morris. It was a copy of something he sent to his teachers the day of a last weeks riot at the capitol. Elliott morris 16 years old a sophomore at duck Berry High School in massachusetts. We want to read to you some of what he wrote dear mr. Donovan and mr. Kutcher that the toeh as the world was shocked by the unprecedented events in 20021 these events should be condemned and wakeup call as to our country to unify and bind together. As i sit on zoom listening to each teacher speak about these issues i feel more and more isolated from our community at Duxbury High School a view that may not be popular in todays day and age i feel there could be a more effective and better way to talk about what happened yesterday in a way that makes people like me feel more welcome. The First Amendment gives me as well as every american the right to freedom of speech. Everyone is entitled to say what they believe. Its inappropriate for teachers to impose their views on their students. I have now sat through four different classes and in three out of four have spoken about the issue of what happened eneryesterday. The negativity toward our 45th president and the events even those people that are americans like you and me made me realize just how divided our country is. Being on opposite sides of the spectrum in never crossed my mind until i went into a. P. Government to speak about the election and the protest. This topic is very tough to speak about and has many different sides. That being said neither side is right and neither side should take all the blame the one thing i do know for sure is that we are weaker, divided. Teachers seem to lead toward condemning conservatives and praising democrats in all different fields and for that reason i feel isolated from our community. And enraged that my opinion is viewed as wrong by some students and by some teachers. I am writing this email so my fellow classmates can live in harmony and so that i do not raise c my children in a society that is this divided. I wish that all opinions could be heard to their full extent whether people agree or disagree. It doesnt matter what race, religion, sexuality or political belief you come from, a school should be a safe haven for everyone to feel welcome. As of right now i feel others beliefs are being imposed onong. Im the eldest of four boys and my youngers look up to me. My brother was in first grade i noticed a drawing in his folder. I pulled out this drawing and heart broken my brother had drew a picture of President Trump and said trump should not build the wall. My 7yearold brother knows nothing about politics. He knows nothing about the real world. T he was being manipulated to believe something he should never even have known about. As a 7yearold he should have been focused on when the next time is he can play outside or read books, not about politics. Sincerely elliott morris. If i could be you and you could be me for just one hour if we could find a way to get inside each others mind if you could see you through my eyes instead of your ego i believe youd be surprised to see that youve been blind walk a mile in my shoes walk a mile in my shoes yeah before you abuse, criticize and accuse walk a mile in my shoes walk a mile in my shoes well before you abuse, criticize and accuse walk a mile in my shoes tucker you saw the last segment, the kid who wrote that was 16 years old. Pretty amazing. Great tribute to his parents. Where out of time, sean hannity has a full hour of time so we sent it to him. Use it all, we have a busy news nine. Sean welcome to hannity, big developments in a bombshell neww reports from foxnews. Com according to our sources tonight, a far left agitator has been arrested by federal authorities for his role in the violent january 6th reach of the u. S. Capitol. Oh, thats why you dont have the snap impeachment then rush to judgment like the mob and the democrats always do. Also a major announcement

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