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They decided to visit defend themselves, and for the that, the media vilified them. Last night, they explained what they have learned from this experience prayed the Democratic Party they said has declared war on the middle class americans who pay their taxes, mind their own business. Democrats want to punish people like this because they are too independent, theyre not obedient enough. To do that the Biden Campaign as pushing what theyre calling it a fair housing initiative. That would be more no more singlefamily zoning in your neighborhood. That means low Income Housing could be put up nextdoor. In other words, youve worked your whole life to raise your kids in the same place, but democrats can make it dangerous overnight if they feel like it, and they may. All of this only applies to middleclass neighborhoods. There wont be any section eight apartments built in aspen or in marthas vineyard, oh, no. Barack obama loves the idea of moving poor people from the cities to the suburbs, he just doesnt want it anywhere near him. Obama wants to live in the palest neighborhood he can find and thats where he does live. If theres one thing barack obama hates, its diversity. How do we know this . Check out his real estate purchases, they always tell the real story, no matter what they say. All of that is true and precisely because it is true, youre not allowed to say it. Cnn was outraged by the mccloskeys speech. They have no right to defend themselves, they have no right to private property, and neither do you, big it. Everything they said was totally untrue prayed cnns Fact Checkers were adamant about this, the falseness of the claims, and then nightfall came, and once again come at the mob descended on kenosha, wisconsin and we learned that the cnn paddle was lying to us. They are a threat to you and your family, heres what they did last night to the city of kenosha. That video is just the beginning of that. There are hours and hours of video like that on the internet. They crushed kenosha last night, they destroyed it. Anyone who stood in their way got pummeled. This was man was knocked to the ground unconscious. He 71 years old. He was trying to defend his story from arsonist bread watch what happened. This man got caught on fire paired when help this guy even if i get beat up hey, hey, no. No. Are you okay . Almost exclusively young people in the street is the fires burned, normal people carried in their homes. The city is home to hispanic epilation no they werent in the street yelling about the police or blm, they are here to work, thats what working people do, they work. They dont riot. It is a class war masquerading as a race conflict. That is executive what is pride the scale of the distraction became painfully obvious. The store owner and kenosha discovered everything that she worked for is gone. Became in here and ruined our community. It wasnt there is derouen. This is horrible. This was started in 1961. Reserve service everybody. This is so wrong. We service everybody, she says. You can hear the confusion and her voice, why did they do this to me . The short answer as because they could. Nobody stop them from burning down her business, from burning down the city. They can to Kenosha County Democratic Party didnt stop them, the Democratic Party decided to embrace the mob, they boarded up their local headquarters dickie in case their own voters mistook it for a wendys or a church and then they put blm signs on the plywood. Why is this happening . Why are mobs destroying kenosha . The outline of the story, on sunday, police shot a man called jacob blake and then in the first hours when decisions are made about how to respond, democrats assured us that blake was a completely innocent victim just as they told us george floyd was a completely innocent victim. Now we know it was more complicated than that. It usually is. Blake was wanted on a warrant for crimes, he had a history of violence including domestic violence. Nickens before he was shot, he was fighting with police. Thats clear from the rest of the video. Video we didnt see it until he started burning the city of kenosha. Police apparently told blake to drop that night afraid he had been arrested before for threatening people with a gun, but blake refused to surrender paired he went straight for his car and thats when police shot impaired the question, did blake have a gun in the car . That is the central question that authorities wont tell us the answer to that question, which is interesting. Wisconsin attorney general refused to say whether blake was armed, even when he was asked directly. Again, thats not a small point, thats the whole point. If jacob blake had a gun, officers were right to shoot him period. We should do that before more buildings are burned, and more 71 yearolds are beaten unconscious of the street. He want you to believe that blake was shot in the back by a racist crime for the crime and being black. Maybe thats true, maybe not. Maybe we have a right to know the details. He doesnt want the details public, he wants riots. Cnn wants rights two. Last night for a few seconds cnn told the truth about what is happening in kenosha. Watch as they scrub any reference to violence. Walk us is through what youre learning . Thats right, there are a lot of investigations playing out right now trying to figure out what led up to jacob late being shot. We know that people are angry, they have expressed that. Do you see it disappear . Its one of those old soviet photographs. Out, where is it, it was never there. Its remarkably revealing clip. Cnn committing journalism before they catch wind of it and shut it down. Before and after it they referred to jacob blake as unarmed. Unarmed . Do we know that he was unarmed . Know we dont know that. In fact, as we just told you, it appears the police believed otherwise. That is a lie, cnn is lying to you. Why . They are trying to manipulate you a great way got an election to win, nothing is more important than that. That would include democracy itself. Last week, we played you long clips, leading democrats including barack obama use the word democracy scores of times. The point is to defend democracy they told us. Hillary clinton just admitted actually democracy could be a speedbump on the way to what they want. Joe biden should not concede under any circumstances because i think this is going to drag out and eventually, i do believe he will win if we dont give an inch. And if we are as focused and relentless as the other side is. You shouldnt concede under any circumstances . What if he loses the election. No, he should never concede says Hillary Clinton no matter what the results are. No matter what voter want as expressed by their votes. We must rule regardless of what the population desires. If you dont like it, it may be they will send some Peaceful Protesters to your house. Mark meadows is the chief of staff at the white house and were happy to have him on tonight. Thank you so much for coming on. I have to ask you about the continuing violence in kenosha. It has reached a point where people are getting hurt huge amounts of properties being destroyed. It does seem out of control. Why is this being allowed to continue . It is out of control and it cant be allowed to continue. Obviously, i got a call today from the congressman that represents that district from senator johnson as well, really just pleading for help saying that the local sheriff and the mayor and police chief need some additional assistance. I got on the phone right away and offered assistance in the form of Additional National guard help, as you know, they are going to have you have to either ignore the problem which a lot of liberal governors are doing exactly that, they are ignoring the problem. Or you have to deal with it and consequently, when you deal with it, you have to make sure you have enough people on the ground to not let the writing go. You do not have a First Amendment right to loot into riots. What were seeing on the streets of kenosha really just breaks our hearts. The president was on the phone with the governor today as well. The general for that National Guard needs additional help, we are there to do it. But that request was denied by the governor. He is the governor of wisconsin, he should be ashamed, that in my opinion. I keep thinking, if these were right wing protesters and they were screaming racial epithets and intimidating democratic voters, the department of justice would not allow that to stand for three months for a why are they allowing this . I dont understand. I can tell you as weve gone in, a couple of things have happened behind the scene. Youre right, tuckered you have called it out very weve made actual 99 arrest in portland. In portland, they want even arrest people and if they arrest them, they let them out the next day. Its just a perpetual problem that you have. That is why when we look at it, we have to do a number of things. The president has been clear with me, with the attorney general, enough is enough, its time to make sure that we restore the safety of those communities setting up a task force to make sure that some of that federal rats rest that i just mentioned. Even in addition to that, people of kenosha, the president is willing to help, its time we take control. Hopefully the number of National Guard they have in tonight will actually restore peace. Am not optimistic. Thank you for joining us tonight, i appreciate it. Thank you, tucker, good to be with you. Corporate america as weve told you in some detail is sending tens of millions dollars to blm. What is blm doing with the money . Theyre trying to eat their meals and screaming racial epitaph. Very few have resisted, but if you have and we want to highlight their courage after the break. Plus a big night at the rnc head including surprise appearances from the president , his wife, and many others. Keep it right here on fox. We will be right back. Its pretty inspiring the way families redefined the word school this year. Its why, at xfinity, were committed to helping kids keep learning through the summer. And help College Students studying at home stay connected through our university program. Were providing affordable Internet Access to low income families through our internet essentials program. And this summer, xfinity is creating a Virtual Summer camp for kids at home all on xfinity x1. Were committed to helping all families stay connected. Learn more at xfinity. Com education. In the Nations Capital, mobs have been captured on videos for weeks and months. Demanding that diners pledge their allegiance to blm or they wont be allowed to eat in peace. Here is one example. White silence as violence they scream. Eating his lunch is now literally murder. Most people go along with this because theyre too afraid not too. To her credit that one woman resisted and another couple did the same. Watch. Put your mouse gone now. As we said this has been going on for a long time. Almost no one notices it, says anything about it, one person who has noticed consistently as matt walsh, host of the matt walsh show. What are the conclusions you are drawn from this parade what are we looking at here . Think its interesting how the idea of harassment has evolved because now we say its harassment if you send out a tweet saying only women can get pregnant but is not harassment if you scream in someones face with a bullhorn while their trainee dinner paired these people are emboldened. They believe as you said in the opening monologue that they can do whatever they want and they believe that and its both parties. The Republican Party is sitting there like hunks of meat in the refrigerator somewhere doing nothing. They are actively encouraging this, when you let people do it, theyre going to do it, but i hope the videos like this the way they stop this is to just quietly resist and refuse to go along with it. If you resist black lives matter as the organization and the movement, that doesnt mean that you are denying the statement that black lives matter. Obviously. It shouldnt beat need to be said, but it does predicate year would have the only people pointing out your dignity and selfrespect is at stake. Youre in adult american. You dont have to sit for this, but everyone does it seems like. Almost. The other thing i notice is you see some of these rioters there explaining why they are justifying it. They have insurance, its no big deal. We dont understand why it would be distressing for someone to see their whole lives work go up in flames. The rnc opens in just a few minutes from now. Lots of people are on the roster. Lots of people whose names you havent heard of with great stories. We will carry it live. Also we will check in with don jr. Later in the show. Welcome, todays discussion will be around sliced meat. Moms want healthy. And affordable. Land o frost premium no added hormones either. Its the only protein ive really melted with. Land o frost premium. Fresh look. Same great taste. Night two of the rnc is just minutes away. Literally about two minutes. Joe bidens handlers have declared that the Republican National convention is dark and ominous. Republicans trying to make it on the president of positive programming. That was under turned by the and apocalyptic predictions. The first night of the good dark dystopian built view of america should donald trump lose. A very strong very negative argument, a very dark vision. A dark vision of what that victory would mean for a. Dark outlook of how he sees the United States without him in charge. It was pretty dark. At some of the language they used, were zones, brutalized, radical agenda. The night of the convention it took a dark turn. To get there presented and his team were offering dark warnings about what would happen if joe biden won the white house. Pine, where onboard with this, were about to make a dark appealed appeal to the base by in inviting bag steve. How depressed did you feel after watching last nights rnc . You know, i suppose it depends on what you choose to focus on. I looked at the speeches like maximo alvarez, the inspiring cuban in it immigrants. The gop candidate from baltimore, not dock speeches, but not covered by the legacy media very much either. It depends on what you want to focus on. What im struck by every single time, i never learned to be not shocked by it. Its the uniformity of the Response Rate its is are talking point and everybody, they all repeat it. What do they get this memo . Well, i dont think its very hard when you spend a lot of time on twitter because its very clear with the spokespeople are saying, so its just kind of dark and that becomes the message of the night. Can you imagine wouldnt somebody have the selfrespect to say im not going to repeat the line . I wonder what night to will be. Will dark be that night to or will there be a new . That sounds racist. Thank you so much parade we will go back to you, but we go live to the Republican National convention kicking off right now. We hold these trees to be selfevident, that all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights and among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Without life there can be no liberty. Without liberty, there is no happiness. Without equality, there is no opportunity. America has strived since its founding to promote equality under the law, to correct injustices, and to ensure opportunity for all. It is a work in progress, not always perfect, some people look and see only problems. They want equal outcome not equal opportunities. They criticize without solutions, demand wealth without work. Thats evidenced by a prevailing darkness in every country that it has been tried. The American Dream inspired by American Opportunity and see the engine of entrepreneurship. To the inspiration to the greatest inventions, the highest achievements, and establishing a quality of life second to none creating jobs, creating futures, and fulfilling dreams. In america, opportunity deserves individual freedom. It leads to exceptionalism. It as a bright shining light, an example for all to see. Tonight, we explored together america. Land of opportunity. That was the open. Not dark and dystopian to the 2020 republican convention. We are about to hear the invocation, the opening prayer will be given tonight by the reverend nora robots oh, she has served for 17 years at a church in las vegas. She will be framing the convention with these words. Here she is. Im going to invite you to join your faith with mine and lets pray in agreement. Lord, we come before you to ask for your spirit of peace to come over heard in communities in wisconsin tonight. We pray for healing and comfort to jacob blake and his family. We pray for your protection over those who put their lives in harms way to bring safety and security to our streets. We pray that the truth and justice will be at the heart of all decisions that are made by our leaders. And that we as a people will seek reconciliation with you as we do the same with each other. Thank you, lord, for your goodness over our lives, for youre blessing over our nation. For your guiding hand over every person that calls calls the United States of america their home. Lord, we thank you for all that have gone before us and have sewed seeds of sacrifice. For our freedom, for our prosperity, and for our peace. Those that gave their lives so that we could live and achieve the American Dream. Your word declares in second corinthians where the spirit of the lord is come, but there is freedom. This country was founded by the people for their god. Liberty, freedom, equality, it is what we want in our country. Lord, we invite you into our homes, into our lives, give us revelation that will overthrow any enemies that stand against us so that we will be victorious in this next season. We need you. Let your kingdom come, let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We surrender to your plans and purpose for our lives. We asked bring heaven down to earth over every person here, and all those watching today. As we move into this next chapter in our journey to greatness, we ask for your presence to be with us. Lead us, lord, give us strategies from heaven i decreed the words of isaiah 11to over our president , Vice President , and all governmental authorities from every state in our nation. Made the spirit of the lord rest on him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding. This spirit of counsel and might. This. Of knowledge in the fear of the lord prayed i release a blessing over every person and every home. Lord, releasing health, healing, peace, strength, and courage. Let stand together in unity as we embrace another chapter on our journey to greatness. I decree and declare america the best is yet to come. And i ask all this in the name of jesus. Amen. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. That was leon ball leading the pledge of allegiance. President trump is expected to make an appearance in just a few minutes. We will rejoin the convention when that happened. Earlier if we mentioned how cnn responded to last nights Republican National convention and in particular this speech by mark and patricia mccloskey. Its worth seeing for yourself in case you missed it. I ask him how he felt about trump making him the face of white resistance to black lives matter, because thats what happen when trump put the video out there. Thats a matter of fact. At the time he so resistant and now hes at the convention. Obviously there is a racial component to it. Its not a coincidence that the mccloskey as were aiming their guns at black live processors processor spread. Having the mccloskey villain eyes black people bared. What they were talking about was an absolute fear that anybody who makes less money and who is browner them them should not belong in their neighborhood. There you go. The media pushing race conflict as they do incessantly. You should know, this is not fundamentally a race conflict. There are many races in this country that arent at war with each other. This is a class conflict where the people on top are crushing the people beneath them. Thats whats actually happening. No one says it, but its true. Meanwhile at cnn, they made certain under orders from the dwarf cling to portray the mccloskeys as villains. Steve is back with us tonight for analysis of the coverage. You lost last night, how did you think they were treated . As soon as they ended the speech on msnbc, they went to a red alert fact check which i understand the fact check politician, but its weird to fact check a couple from st. Louis. That was odd, but you played some of those clips there, it was very clearly for this situation. They mention the bullhorn to suburbia, this happened to us and it can happen to you. I think that message resonates and im not sure, they always have fear mongering, but i think its a message that resonates. That message is compelling. It is compelling. Thank you for that, great to see you. Great, tucker bread. Were going to join the convention. The president of the United States is expected to appear in just a few moments. Based off of my criminal history, there is the potential that a federal judge could sentence me up to 23 years in the maximumsecurity United States federal penitentiary. In that moment, i played lets make a deal with god and i asked god to climb into the role of that judge whether its ten years or 50 years, i am going to invest the rest of my life serving him. And i stood before that federal judge, judge may him, he took his glasses off, leaned back and said i dont know why im going to do this, but he said im not going to give you what you deserve. And he gave me a lesser sentence. As i laid on that above my feet. I heard god or good author into my eyes are at. My son i honored what you asked me to do. He said never forget the promise that you made to me. And ever since that day, i got up off that floor, and my life did a 180degree turn. When john got that sentence i shook my head and said you are destined for big things then prison. My name as Richard Beasley, i was an fbi special agent for about 25 and a half years. It was something about his demeanor when he walked into the room. I had the feeling like everything is going to be okay. When he got out, he said lets have lunch. So i met him at mcdonalds, and hes got i seen it before when guys have used a bible is a prop, it took me about 30 seconds to understand this wasnt a prop, he was a changed guy from the man that i arrested several years before. When i saw the way that he treated me fairly, i saw the man behind the suit. I started thinking man, if that works for me, how can i multiply that and get more Law Enforcement officers involved so that we can impact on a larger scale . President trump had made a bunch of promises. When he first started talking about the things he was going to do im thinking wait a minute here, is he serious because everything he was saying that he wanted to do, was the stuff that needs to be done. Before he walked out of the meeting that day, i promise i make it out to come speak it when your graduations, when he stood there in that graduation, and he went out of his way to shake the hand of every one of those 29 graduates, it set them on a whole other life because they had the office of the president of the United States, the promises that he made was promises that he kept. To years ago i was honored to tell jon ponders story in the rose governor on the national day of prayer. Today im thrilled to welcome him back to the white house. His life is a beautiful testament to the power of redemption. John grew up without his father. As he tells her to come out my mother was strong, but she wasnt able to keep us out of the gangs and off of the streets, and they were violent streets. At the age of 38, he was arrested for bank robbery. Well jon was in prison he started reading the bible in listening to christian radio. He heard billy graham proclaimed that jesus wants to be the lord of your life. On that day, john dedicated his life to christ. He spent the rest of his time in prison studying the bible. When he was released, he heard a knock at his door, it was the officer who put him in jail, fbi special agent Richard Beasley who said i want you to know that ive been praying for you. Now richard and john are best friends, and we are grateful that richard is here with us today. In the last ten years since john was released, hes created one of the most successful reentry programs, hope for prisoners in las vegas. I was glad to speak their earlier this year. As john says, hope for prisoners as a movement that began as a dream and a tiny prison cell and is now making a difference in the lives of thousands, truly bringing hope that there is an opportunity and a community that is waiting and willing to offer them a Second Chance john, we honor your devotion to showing returning citizens that they are not forgotten. We believe each person is made by god for a purpose. I will continue to give all americans including former inmates the best chance to build a new life and achieve their own American Dream and a great American Dream it is. Now id like to ask jon and richard to say a few words. I cant tell you how grateful i am to have the honor of opportunity to speak to you today. Not so long ago, my life was running from the police, fearing the police, and avoiding the police. Not because of anything the police had done to me personally, but due to the animosity i had allowed to grow inside of me making me believe that they were my enemy. Today, i am filled with hope. A proud american citizen who has been given a Second Chance. My transformation began in a prison cell where i found myself with a threetime convicted felon facing another sentence. I gave my life to jesus and i would spend the rest of my days helping the others like me. My first help and support came from the unlikeliest of places, the fbi agent who arrested me, Richard Beasley. He is now a dear friend and has been a source of encouragement to me throughout my entire journey. I am grateful for the men and women of the Las Vegas Police department who volunteer their time to people who are returning to our local community after incarceration. These are the real life heroes who put their lives on the line every day armed with the promise that they made to protect and to serve have made a tremendous impact in the lives of men and women we integrate back into a society. My hope for america is that incarcerated people will be afforded the opportunity to take advantage of the fact that we live in a nation of Second Chances. My hope for america is that Law Enforcement and people in the communities across our country can come together and realize that as americans, we have more in common then we have differences. My hope for our great nation is to continue on this path we are on it being the most prosperous country in the world. Im so proud of john with his lights turn around and all the lives hes helped to change. It may be hard to believe that as a retired fbi agent, one of my best friends is a person i arrested for bank robbery. When i met him, he was angry, scared, frustrated, and anxious about his future. On the drive to prison i stopped and bought him a coffee and a donut. After he was sentenced, he sent me a necktie and a note thanking me for treating him like a gentleman. Five years later when he got out of prison he called me and wanted to meet for lunch. He was a different man, he talked about serving the ranting program for a minute women coming out of prison. Over time, he earned the trust and respect of the Law Enforcement Community Many who volunteer in the hope for prisoners program. Im thankful for president terms commitment to criminal justice reform. He was the guest speaker at the hope for prisoners graduation this year. He stayed much longer than scheduled to hand out diplomas to 29 men and women who graduated that day. The most important man in the free world pledging his support to ex offenders. Their families were there, the community was there, what a great Second Chance. I always felt like i had strong support as an fbi agent but there is nothing worse then being secondguessed doing your job. In certain parts of our country right now, they dont have the support from their local leaders. Their being painted with a broad brush unfairly. But as President Trump does, the overflowing percentage of Law Enforcement professionals are good people doing their jobs very well. They can change the world working with people like john. Inc. You. Could gate now i like to invite jons wife, jamie to join us i am granting john a full pardon. So i dont know if you know that, jamie. Come on over here. You have done incredible work. Thank you, sir. All of las vegas and all of nevada, and every place in this country is very proud of the job youve done bringing people back in. I was supposed to be for five minutes and i stayed for an hour because it was so impressive to me. Congratulations to both of you. Thank you very much for the job you did. Fantastic. Okay. I think ill give it to jamie. What you think . [applause] president granting a pardon. Up next speaking is kentucky senator rand paul. Lindsay graham, the american first foreignpolicy man. Senator rand paul. I recall being struck by how down to earth he was. He seemed like just a normal guy. But who is counting. I was playing a medical mission trip to guatemala to perform charity i surgeries. We needed monday to fund the trip. Donald trump offered to help and immediately came through, but he supported my medical mission to water mall about contributed to another mission trip to haiti a year later were performed hundreds of cataract surgeries in both countries bright nothing is more amazing than removing the bandages from a persons eyes and watching them as they see their loved ones again. Donald trump helped me make that happen. A few years later, we were opponents, both running for president , we all know how that turned out. But i am proud of the job donald trump is done as president. I dont always agree with him, but our occasional policy differences are weighed by our significant agreements. More important than simple agreement is an accomplishment. President trump gets things done. When some in congress wanted a socalled revenue neutral tax plan, donald trump and i worked together to make sure that it was a true tax cuts. I brought the President Trump an idea for better, less Expensive Health insurance called associational plans. Donald trump overturned years of red tape and bureaucrats and he made it happen. While others talked about criminal justice reform, President Trump actually signed the first step act. The first real reform in a generation. And one that sought to undo the harm that others, like joe biden have done very for those of us who lament the biden crime bill that locked up a generation of young black men, remember, that biden bragged about a bill that still wreaks havoc among people of color. Im supporting President Trump because he believes as i do that as Strong America cannot fight endless wars, we must not continue to leave our blood and treasury. I flew with him to Dover Air Force base to honor two soldiers whose remains were coming home from afghanistan. I will never forget that evening. I can tell you, the president not only felt the pain of these families, but the president is committing to ended this war. President trump as the first president in a generation to seek to end war rather than start one. He intends to end the war in afghanistan and is bringing our men and women home. Madison once wrote no nation can preserve its freedom in the midst of continuous warfare. Im proud to finally see a president who agrees with that. Senator rand paul commending the president of the United States for trying to. Lindsey graham not been righted tonight. We go to donald trump jr. Who has been involved in the convention. What would you say the theme is of tonights presentation . Think youre going to see more at light. What i just all right now, it almost brought tears to my eyes for an american to be proud to see that story every dungeon that we just saw there it its amazing, these are the things that if joe biden actually cared about, he could have done it. Its not like he didnt have eight years as Vice President and 50 years is the loch ness monster of the swamp as i mentioned last night. Donald trump is doing all of the things and creating all of the opportunities that the washington, d. C. Establishment has squandered for decades and for generations. It seems like no one else in america is for. But because it is generating trillions of dollars for those people in the neocon, i guess so keep pushing it because they dont care about the rest of america. They have taken so much energy and its still not closer than it was, what does that tell you . Beyond that, its not just the energy to do it, its the attempt at sabotage to try to create a false narrative to prevent him from doing it. Doing it, oh, hes kowtowing to the leftist. The administration has more sanctions than any prior in American History on your russia yet they go back to russia, russia, russia, whenever they can. That the military Industrial Complex and thats the democrats, they are part of the party of endless wars. Donald trump as the antithesis of that. Again, the swamp has teeth, the swamp has established itself for a long time. Joe biden represents that fashion of washington, dc perfectly because hes been there for five decades. A half a century of failure, of disastrous policies, of doing nothing other than shipping our American Dream abroad, and our young men and women abroad to fight endless wars where our own people, our own generals cant even give us a reason why we are still there. If you are looking for something dark, that is dark. Why is that not considered dark i wonder . I wonder as well, tucker because what i saw last night when i talk about i saw the messages whether its matt alvarez or sean parnell or herschel walker, we go through the list, i mean this was a message of hope about how Great America is. What i saw last week was a never ending zuma call about how terrible america is and if you like any aspect of it youre a racist, homophobe, or whatever it might be. It was brutal. Ive never seen anything this ridiculous in my life. Ever since Harvey Weinstein went to president prison, they lost their ability to produce something even palatable to the american people. Thank you so much for that. Going back to the convention, and man named jason joyce from swan island, maine, he is set to speak to that convention. We will go there now. I really do. Good evening, my name is jason joyce. And im an eighth generation lob stir fisherman from swans island, maine. I make my living from oyster swimming farming and echo tours in the beautiful waters in the Canadian National park where i have over 200 years of family history. I have to confess i didnt support trump in 2016. Skeptical that he shared my conservative views, i expected him to flip flop on his campaign promises. But he has followed through on his promises, including last week when he brokered a deal to end European Union tariffs of maine live lobsters and 20 on Maine Lobster products which is great news for maines lobster men and women. I live on an island with 370 residents and lobstering is how we provide for our families. Maines lobstermen are true environmentalists we practice conservation every day if we didnt we would be putting ourselves out of business. Four years ago the Obamabiden Administration used the antic quits act order thousands of miles of ocean off limits to fishermen they did it to cater to environmental activists. Although maine fisher men dont fish there. It circumvented the fisher councils input. President trump reversed that. Reversing the rules stockholder input. He seeks and respects fishermens views. As long as trump is president , fishing families like mine will have a voice. But, if biden wins he will be controlled by the environmental extremists who want to circumvent long standing rules and implement long standing that hurt our communities. I strongly support President Trumps reelection. When he sees something isnt right is he fearless in fixing it. He listens to working people. He nominates judges who respect the constitution and the right to life. He keeps his word like eliminating european tariffs and moving the embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. I hope you will join me this time in voting for President Trump. Stand up for your country. Thank you. Tucker jason joyce a lobster man from the state of maine. Now featured on stage a dairy farmer from wisconsin called Chris Peterson takes the podium. Good evening. My name is Chris Peterson, my husband gary, our family and i milk 1,000 cows on a dairy farm in grands ford wisconsin, a small middle american town. Truth be told, until i married my farmer a long time ago i was a city slick from her minneapolis which is about 70 miles south of us. Donald trump became president in the middle of the Great Depression for Dairy Farmers in wisconsin. In 2016 prices were horrible and longtime generational farms across the nation were going out of business. In 2017, our 120yearold barn, which served as our milking center caught fire and burned to the ground. Our cows were spared but because they needed to be milked three times a day, farmers friends and complete strangers from all over northern wisconsin helped hall l them to other farms where they stayed until we could rebuild. By the end of 2018, we had a new state of the art robotic milking facility that allows our cows to milk themselves three times a day. At about the same time President Trumps economic boon became helping Dairy Farmers across the nation. As a businessman, President Trump understands that farm something a complicated capital intensive and risky business. More than any president in my lifetime, he has acknowledged the importance of farmers and agriculture. Thats support and focus on negotiating new trade deals. Tucker there it is, the Republican National Convention Night two. We will turn it over to sean hannity for the next hour. Hey, sean. Sean all right, tucker, thank you. Welcome to hannity. We begin tonight with a fox news alert. Were broadcasting live from the newly renovated rose garden at the white house in our Nations Capital where First Lady Melania Trump is set to be the headliner tonight and deliver remarks in just a few moments. Breaking moments ago, President Trump he issued a pardon for john convicted bank robber started a nonprofit that helps enter after prison. Why didnt they do that during the biden obama years. Night two of the National Convention the theme is appropriatelyam

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