Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20200813 : c

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20200813

the banks were nervous for a moment about the prospect that biden might pick stacy abrams, so they were thrilled when he chose harris instead. on twitter they cheered the news. the consulting groups sent them bulletins telling its clients to calm down and rest easy. the democratic ticket is under control. our control. last night, in fact, the dnc hosted a fund-raiser. so all is well on wall street. but how about the rest of the country? actual voters have never shown a lot of enthusiasm for kamala harris. in fact harris was so remarkably unpopular in the democratic primaries that despite nonstop media cheerleading she was forced to drop out before the first votes were even cast, before christmas. biden's handlers know this, obviously. they were there, they watched it, but they don't care. they are betting that you hate donald trump so much that you will make kamala harris president anyway. like their friends at google, the biden campaign understands it has a monopoly and they plan to exploit it. this is not the democracy we were promised. in fact, it's not a democracy at all. it's oligarchy and it has consequences for everyone. if candidates are only accountable to a small number of partisan executives in new york and san francisco, they are unlikely to care when your neighborhood police station is on fire, for example. they probably won't be too upset when packs of mentally ill homeless take over your screen or when your nephew overdoses on fentanyl. they have no incentive to improve your life, in other words. instead they can just lecture you about your moral failings, and they are. that's the system we have now carried kamala harris embodies it. it's all pretty sad and unnerving when you think about it. what if you had an election and no one cared what voters thought? we are about to find out, but before you get too depressed take this moment to enjoy the breathtaking absurdity of it all. the most oblivious politician in america has joined forces with the most calculating politician in america. hilarity ensues. neither one believes anything, but only one of them knows what day it is. when biden called harris yesterday, for example, there was a script visible on his desk, so the democratic nominee for president is unable to speak to his running mate without assistance. here's how it went. >> hi, sorry to keep you. >> that's all right. are you ready to go to work? >> oh, my god. i am so ready to go to work. >> first of all, is the answer yes? >> the answer is absolutely yes, joe, and i'm ready to work, i am ready to do this with you, for you. i just -- i'm just deeply honored and i'm very excited. >> tucker: that's just too great, we are keeping that on a loop in the tape department. i'm sorry to keep you, kamala harris says. not since elizabeth warren pretended to drink a beer with her husband has an exchange that fake been captured on video. there were a mexican soap operas more authentic than what you just saw. and if you still have to wonder how many times did they have to reshoot that scene before joe biden got his lines right, let's try again, mr. vice president, warm, personal conversation, take 11. it's going to be a deeply amusing three months. do your best to enjoy it. but as you do enjoy it, pay attention also to what harris says she believes. she will try to say not much about what she believes, public policy is the last thing the biden campaign wants to talk about. the plan is to skate by on harris' historic status combined with the relentless attacks on the incumbent. "the new york times" for one is on board. the times doesn't think you should worry about what harris plans to do to your country if she is elected. moments after harris joined the biden campaign, the paper declared her a "pragmatic moderate." so why did they feel the need to sum her up that way? while obviously to send a very clear signal to everyone else in the business. at this late stage in american journalism, "the new york times" exists primarily as an assignment editor for producers at cnn. if the times declares it, the 26-year-old bass or grads who decide what's on cable television faithfully repeat it. so expect to hear quite a bit about harris' pragmatic moderations in coming weeks. you probably already are. the question is we are considering, is kamala harris actually a moderate? let's see. here she is lester calling for congress to change the constitution of the united states so that 16-year-olds can vote. as you watch it, for the sake of argument, pretend that harris means what she said and then ask yourself, "what kind of person can make an argument like that, in public, without blushing"? only someone who had never actually met a 16-year-old. >> do believe that americans should have the right to vote at age 16? >> i'm really interested in having that conversation. i have to tell you that. i think that there is no question that if we are looking at what is going on in our country, we are putting more response abilities on people at a younger age and the larger number of people that we can involved in the electoral process, i think the more robust it would be. >> tucker: there is no question, harris says, that turning the government over 210th graders would make the country more robust. for sure. no more school, free dab pens for everyone. endless possibilities for more robustness. does harris really believe that? a few years ago she had this assessment of young people. watch. >> we mold and shape and direct someone to become a productive adult. what's the other thing we know about this population, and it's a specific phase of life, remember, ages more than a chronological fact. what else do we know about this population, 18 through 24? they are stupid. >> tucker: [laughs] she's right about that. so put together her two statements on the subject. young people are stupid, and that's why we need more of them to vote. and it makes sense, in fact, when the entire electorate is as passive as joe biden has become, you can pretty much do what you want. you can wield total control. that's what harris is arguing. say what you will about that position, but it is not in any sense moderate. it's radical. and many of harris' views are whether you like it or not. consider this tape in which she claims all the federal government should respond to the coronavirus pandemic. again, whatever you think of affirmative action, it's like you never imagined affirmative action would be applied to life-saving medical treatment, but kamala harris thinks it should be. >> the disparities that have long existed based on race are noww highlighted, so one of the things i'm calling for around this pandemic is that we make decisions about where the resources should go based on that issue. >> tucker: so we make decisions about where the resources should go to keep people from dying on the basis of skin color. so only people of a certain color get the vaccine, for example. that's what she's arguing. this is a lot of things. it's immoral. it's unconstitutional, obviously. but above all it is definitely not moderate. nor is this, by the way. here's harris and the senate from two years ago telling the acting director of ice that federal law enforcement officers are a domestic terror group. >> the clan was what we would call today at domestic terrorist group. >> why? why would we call them domestic terrorist group? >> because they tried to use fear and force to change political environment. >> and what was the motivation for the use of fear and force? >> is based on race and ethnicity. >> right. are you aware of the perception of many about how the power and the discretion at ice is being used to enforce the laws? and do you see any parallels? >> tucker: are you aware of the perception? and do you see any parallels between federal law enforcement officers in the kkk? harris wanted to know. but not really. the answer of course wasn't embedded in the question. ever notice you act a lot like hitler? she wasn't really asking anything. she was attacking and doing it in the sleaziest most passive-aggressive possible way. but don't fight back, don't even think about it, because the only people who criticize kamala harris are morally bad people. she's been making that very clear for years. she's even been willing to attack her fellow democrats. last fall as her presidential campaign began to collapse from lack of popular support from voters, harris suggested the real problem was that the democratic party, her party, had too many racist in it. >> what i described in what i believe to be the elephant in the room about my campaign. >> what is that? >> electability. electability. essentially, is america ready for a woman and a woman of color to be president of the united states? >> america was ready for a black man to be president of the united states. >> and this conversation happened for him. there is a lack of ability, or a difficulty in imagining that someone will we have never seen can do a job that has been done, you know, 45 times by someone who is not that person. >> tucker: is america ready? again, it's all pretty amusing, and yes, to answer her question, america is indeed ready for a black president. we elected one twice. but is america ready for a shallow, hectoring rich lady whose only real fans work at hedge funds and msnbc? that's the real question here, but don't expect anyone in authority to ask it. instead, expect more lying, more propaganda. we are seeing it everywhere just in the last 24 hours. in november, for example, "the new york times" described kamala harris as "an uneven campaigner who changes her message and tactics to little effect and has a staff torn into factions." but that's no longer true. you know why? because it's election season. it's time to take out the orange menace! so "the new york times" has revised its view. harris is now "a political warrior shaped by life in two worlds" and needless to say she's a pragmatic moderate. the media vehemently agree with this. in fact they were so excited about kamala harris getting a raise that for a moment faced forgot to scream at their makeup artists. >> i thought it was coming and it was incredibly exciting news when it came. >> just a remarkable moment to care about women's issues. she cares about equality deep within herself and she does have, kind of a charisma, i don't want to use celebrity, but in political terms, she does. >> as they had pointed out there, a remarkable rise and as you pointed out, she is a fighter. >> she's smart, she's quick on her feet, she's articulate. >> one of the pluses for kamala harris candidacy is her personal magnetism. >> this is a phenomenal pick tonight. >> people wanted to be around her. there was a charisma, a fascination, for lack of a better word, a bit of celebrity surrounded kamala harris. >> i immediately understood why people in california saw her as the female obama. >> tucker: she's remarkable. really the question is if she gives a campaign speech or my position of elevation, is it a sermon on the mound? news at 11. the anchors on cnn of course were especially supportive. in fact, kamala harris is the only politician, their boss, the tiny but secretive jeff zucker, has every publicly endorsed. when she ran for attorney general, he said this, "she's not just important for the city of san francisco, the state of california, but for the entire country." so according to jeff zucker, kamala harris is that important. existentially important, spiritually important. probably too important to cover as you would a mere politician who just wants to take over your country, so stop asking questions, obey. tammy bruce hosts "get tammy bruce" on fox nation, we are always happy to have her on. thanks so much for coming. i disagree with kamala harris on a whole bunch of different things, but in a normal year, you could kind of point that out and we would have a debate about those things and i think the country benefits from that. the system they set up right now is that kamala harris gets to say whatever she wants, but you can't complain or else you're kicked off the internet. how does this work? >> it's interesting. it's not just our perception that this has happened. my column that is hitting fox news tomorrow morning deals with a memo that democrat operatives, women, as surrogates for the biden campaign, hillary rosen, clinton operative, planned parenthood, et cetera, created an ad hoc group called "we have her back" and they sent this missive to media organizations telling them that that if there is a critique that they don't like, it's going to be racist and sexist and they are going to call it out and they are going to be watching and then they created a list of things that you weren't really allowed to ask about, because these were forbidden and that includes the question of whether or not someone was capable of leadership, and you shouldn't show pictures of this woman, whoever the nominee would be now, miss harris, senator harris, and any kind of emotional position, like if she was yelling or looked emotional because that is a stereotype of women. you also were not supposed to talk about appearance or even history or background, even if the candidate liked to talk about her background. you can do none of those things. and what this is meant to do, of course, is to make bookers, producers, anchors, writers, afraid of saying or asking anything about -- or being critical at all, lest you be in this environment declared a racist and/or sexist because that of course, as we know, you will be canceled, you will likely not ever work again, but they are trying to create, tucker -- that got biden in a literal basement. they are now trying to create a virtual bunker for senator harris at this point. i don't know what they are afraid of. >> tucker: this is someone who seeks to control the country and our children's future buried the future of our nation. don't we have an absolute moral right under the constitution to say what we think of her plans? it's hard to believe the media would go along with censorship in a moment like this. >> well, even more so, the real sexism is that memo itself. they are saying that a woman and particularly a woman of color, has to be treated like an infant, that she is too fragile or too weak to be able to handle sometimes the unfairness that will happen in the arena. they say when they talk about not being able to talk to her about -- or whoever the nominee would be, now we know ms. harris, about appearance, what are they doing to donald trump for the last four years? his weight, his hair, his hands. joking about the suppose it color of his skin and yet none of that is allowed for the woman. as a woman who things other women should have power, we earned it. you can become elected, but you become a leader when you can face the reality of the arena and now the democrats are saying don't talk to biden because he can't handle it, but don't you dare look -- even look, really, at kamala harris, because that's a little bit of weakness there. >> tucker: the most cynical thing i've ever seen. we are not playing along and you are not either. i appreciate that. tammy, thank you. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: if you watched last night's show, during the opening segment, we apparently unknowingly mispronounced kamala harris 'his name. it is pronounced like the punctuation mark harris. fine. it was a mistake. but it was treated as an act of bigotry. a grave offense against the honor of a sitting u.s. senator. cnn was outraged. all the things going on in the world said they wanted you to know that someone out there had mispronounced kamala harris' name. >> i want you listen to how tucker carlson, the best he could do was to somehow mangle her name. listen. >> tucker: just tell kamala harris what to say and she will say it. that is the whole point of kamala harris. >> i would call him -- carlson but it's an ethical term. >> or whatever, so it's like know, if not whatever. it is about you having to finally face what you have done to this country, to black people, to black women. there is nothing "or whatever" about this moment. >> tucker: we actually try not to play that tape like that very often, because it's not edifying and those people are so personally unhappy, they are already suffering, but this is just too amusing so we had to. by the way, all of cnn turned out to watch this show. one of them who was paid by cnn to watch this alleged conspiracy, tweeted that we claim this was unintentional but are show often does mispronounced the names of people we are critical of. it's the sort of thing on his show that seems pretty intentional! then of senior political analyst even claim to the pronunciation was an attempt to play the victim because kamala harris a pope to "didn't appear on the scene yesterday," whatever that. the bottom line is, any criticism of kamala harris is immoral, anyone who so much as mispronounced as her name is a racist. that's what they are telling you. so with that in mind, pretty amusing to watch old joe biden himself mispronounced kamala harris' name today, watch. >> i told him i wanted to be the last person in the room before they made the important decisions. that's what i asked kamala. >> tucker: [laughs] it's just too awesome! just when you think darkness is descending, old joe biden shows up in the sun begins to rise. it rescued again by joe biden. thank you, joe. what a bigot. the spectator usa cities editor, we are delighted to have them tonight. don't you miss pronounce name, chadwick, she may be a sitting united states senator, but she's a holy person. check your privilege, pal! >> i'm so confused by this because i thought this was over her last name, as we all know is actually pronounced [inaudible] it's very african. kamala, this is the height of disrespect. it's daring to pronounce a name i guess the way it sounds or the way it is spelled, rather. let's not talk about how she disrespects people, how the media disrespects a president constantly. if the only thing they can complain about is a simple mispronunciation, what about how kamala, i don't know, disrespected brett kavanaugh during that ridiculous hearing, she was a monster. what about how she disrespected her own running mate when she called him a racist? when she said she believes the women that accused him of sexual assault? is that disrespect -- >> tucker: good question. were you surprised that joe biden apparently didn't know how -- by the way, i'm taking this on faith that that's how you pronounce her name. if you were to ask joe biden like 20 questions on kamala harris, do you think you be able to answer any of them? >> i think we have 20 different pronunciations, i think we have 20 different names, to be honest. we might get a kamala once, kamala, however you say it. i don't think anyone is really surprised that he made that mistake and will probably make it many, many, many other times. i still don't really know how we are supposed to say it. but of course the media is going to ignore that. why would they give that any attention when they can try to dig up little barbs elsewhere? they've obviously gone head in, they've forgotten how she almost failed and how she did horribly in the primaries and now they have just sainted her. >> tucker: and how dare you put mr. nonsigning. chadwick moore, kamala, like the punctuation mark. we'll put that in our scripts. later in our show we will have a very respectful investigation into kamala harris' career as a prosecutor. thus, an update on the gym owners from new jersey who have been battling with the governor there to work. they join us next to give us the next installment in that saga. be right back. ♪ what happens when a wireless carrier puts its customers in charge? well, the good news gets shared. and it gets rated #1 for customer satisfaction. but don't just take our word for it. take theirs. it's your wireless. your rules. only with xfinity mobile. call, click or visit a store today. ♪ >> tucker: the gym in new jersey, like all gyms, is a place where athletes go to work out on machines, but it's also a metaphor for man against the machine. the gym, one of the few businesses in new jersey to defy the state's truck only and shutdown orders on gyms and fitness centers, we've brought you many updates on the story. i talked to the owners after they were arrested -- that was not enough to break the determination. now their business license has been revoked in a political vote called for by the mayor. they started living in the gym after a judge ordered the doors locked and as we promised, we wanted to bring you an update on where they stand tonight. ian smith and frank are the owners of the gym, courageous men both, they join us now. gentlemen, thanks so much for coming on. i will just throw this to both of you. what is the status tonight? are you still welcoming patrons into your business? >> absolutely. we had our business license stripped yesterday. we knew going and what the vote was going to be and it was exactly what we were told it was going to be from our sources. we were told it was going to be 5-1. i was present at the meeting while frank kind of held the fort down and it was very clear as soon as we walked in that they weren't there to accomplish the mission and that mission was to revoke our business license and enforce the will of governor murphy and once they did, we just got back to business as usual. >> tucker: as you've noted many times in the show. not a single transmission of the coronavirus has occurred in your establishment. there's no medical reason to do this, but you defied the will of an authoritarian governor and he's determined to crush you. so how do you think this will end? >> we believe it's got to end -- we have [indiscernible] on our side and we are mandating that he actually proved to us -- i would like to see his side to that. show that our jim in movie theaters and indoor dining are dangerous and on top of that i want to see the science that shows that a new jersey transit bus can have 60 people in 340 square feet and that you can actually have full contact sports outside and everybody evg else, show me the science and i will close my doors. if not, i'm here to fight until the end. >> tucker: so i mean, you guys started this as a gym, as a business and now you're embroiled in this nationwide controversy. what a just be easier to move to florida and by a franchise and forget all this? why are you continuing? >> you know, it would certainly be easier. but from the onset, this was about much more than just keeping our business open. we smelled that this was political very early on and our hunch was right. and we don't want to see the country that we love and the way of life that we love be ruined with a political agenda. so we knew what we were stepping up to. i don't think that we thought it was going to get this far, but we are not going to talk our tail and run on this one. we are going to see this all the way through because it is that important. >> it's about our constitutional rights, in a matter what and everybody's constitutional rights. >> tucker: that's right. you smelled that it was political early on, i think that's the key. a lot of people, including even the show kind of moved forward with total credulity that people would try to do the right thing for the country. you were smart to know that they are not. godspeed as always. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> tucker: keep us updated, thank you guys. democrats have a brand-new strategy, it's probably not what you'd think. kamala harris is a big part of that strategy. we will tell you what they're doing and why. it has a lot to do with torching wendy's. we will explain. ♪ >> tucker: joe biden's handlers picked kamala harris in part because she met their strict quotas based on her immutable characteristics. they said this out loud. it's wrong, it's unconstitutional, they did it anyway. but it's not the only reason they picked her. they picked her because they agree. both she and joe biden have seen blm for what it is, a way to get elected and a convenient way for the democratic party and its donor class to evade scrutiny while they're doing it. both biden and harris have embraced the democratic party's new pro-criminal agenda. they are not hiding that. when the conversations about race and policing, it's not about wall street corruption or amazon's tax rate, that's the point. it is cover for them. if they don't want to talk about economics. the country is getting poorer, they are not. they want to turn americans against each other so we won't have that conversation buried your member that back in june when riots inspired by the death of george floyd were destroying america's cities, kamala harris was working to help the instigators, the criminals, get out of jail. she tweeted this "if you're able to come a chip in now to the minnesota freedom fund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in minnesota." the minnesota freedom fund. what's that? well, it's apparently a nonprofit. it's received tens of millions of dollars this summer thanks in part to support of people like kamala harris. it's the same group, by the way, that joe biden staffers have given money to and done so openly. they brag about it on twitter. at the minnesota freedom fund is dedicated to bailing out criminals, some of them serious, violent criminals, and they've done it. according to a report by fox 5, among minnesota freedom funds satisfied customers, charged with second-degree murder after allegedly stabbing someone. also christopher boswell, facing charges of sexual assault and kidnapping. kamala harris helped get them out of jail. boswell, by the way, was prosecuted by the biden surrogate amy klobuchar for rape back into thousand one. right, he's just a protester. the kind of person that they would like wandering around her neighborhood. so it's not enough for democrats just to bail out criminals. they also have to prevent you from doing anything to protect your family. so the aclu, which has a long and in some ways noble history in this country, has transmogrified into merely a thuggish arm of the democratic party. now the aclu is trying to aluminate the proper security entirely. this week aclu called dhs "a loaded weapon that sits on the proverbial coffee table in the oval office." how's that for a metaphor? remember, the police are the clan, the people burned out and about our "peaceful protesters." everything is upside down. in chicago this weekend, democratic leaders -- whatever nonprotesting we may have seen was in fact a protest. it was a spontaneous reaction caused by social media posts. heard that before? your member when our consulate in libya was set on fire and americans were murdered. susan rice told us it was all in response to a video. that was a lie. this is a lie too. on monday, chicago alderman pat dowell told reporters this. "when i heard the people had u-haul trucks in downtown chicago, sledgehammers and precision glass cutters, that doesn't sound to me like it was a spontaneous situation." and in fact it wasn't. it was looting, it was staffed, it was crime. then it's something the media called a rally, a blm organizer called ariel atkins explained that the looting and the violence destroying downtown chicago are actually a form of reparations for slavery. watch this. >> they get upset when people start looting. people in the city are struggling through a pandemic. so i don't care if somebody decides to loot a gucci or a macy's or nike, because that make sure that that person eats. that makes sure that that person has closed. that makes sure that that person can make some kind of money because this city obviously doesn't care about them. not only that, that's reparations. >> tucker: i bet you a thousand dollars that woman went to some fancy school. don't know for a fact, bet you anyway. reparations? no. crime, stealing. you've seen stealing at these events since the very first day. since the very first day we are told "no, it's not stealing, it's justified." no, stealing is wrong, stealing is a crime no matter what you call it. now they are calling it reparations. but nobody is calling up b.s. on that. and what will happen if they continue to passively sit back to loot our cities, to steal? and unarmed african-american teenager had been shot by police. it turns out that was alive, like so much we hear up and that a 20-year-old man was wounded after he shot at police first. should that matter? no, blm says. the police shouldn't be able to exist, so of course they shouldn't be able to defend themselves. >> it doesn't matter whether this person had a gun or not. it doesn't matter whether this person -- this is a person. a civilian, they are supposed to protect. and they gunned him down. >> tucker: that's the blm position. looting, smashing the windows to the gucci store and stealing purses, shooting at cops, those are all totally justified. so the lady on the street with the blm's on, that's what she's supporting. democrat politicians, that's what they're supporting and anyone who said so is crushed, but we are going to say so because it's true. stealing is not a reparation, it's patronizing and wrong. self-defense is a real thing. it's part of natural law. but keep in mind even before blm's rise to political power, because it's a political organization, joe biden had promised to establish a commission. it looks like the commission had a few meetings, they reached the commission for the crime of looting a business or being a police officer, you need to pay up. the vandals are brazen, why? because they are allowed to be. because our politicians are seamless cowards. it mostly democrats but not all. you'll remember that mitt romney marched and showed his support. what does mitt romney think of the looting of downtown chicago? mitt romney for theft, for crime? most people aren't -- most democrats aren't. but no one is saying this. so instead of condemning blm they are getting rid of columbus day for juneteenth. if they are marching with blm. and think that? yeah. and when the dnc gets a prime time speaking spot to sandy cortez, maybe it's kind of an endorsement. you bet it is. a reporter tried to explain all of this to the mayor of chicago, lori lightfoot this weekend. and she didn't take it well. >> don't take it from me. just go by what's been done. i don't want to be her job for you but just go by what's been done. there were no consequences for the people arrested. >> don't bait us. do not bait us. do not bait us. >> not trying to bait you. just asking a question that seems -- >> asked and answered. do you got another question? >> tucker: don't bait us, shut up and obey. if don't ask questions, that's not your right. that's the position of lori lightfoot. they don't have to answer questions about their own culpability and destruction of one of america's great cities, chicago. the question is, we are all assuming that if joe biden gets elected this will stop, because clearly these are militia being used by the democratic party to win and election, but will it stop if biden is elected? will biden be able to stop it even if he tries? when we have any power at all? watch as congressman, a socialist, brags that she and people like her in the congress will run the biden administration. >> i will be pushing him. as soon as we get him in the white house, and even before, with these task forces that we had, we were able to significantly push joe biden to do things that he hadn't signed onto before, so he is movable, he is listening. >> tucker: oh, he's definitely movable, that's the whole point of joe biden. but the country is not movable. it's not just an idea, it's a physical place 330 million people live here, and have liver the most part for centuries and now a small group of unhappy people is wrecking it and no one is stopping them. this isn't about who gets elected in the next presidential election, it's about whether you're going to want to live here at the end, so it's time to stop lying about what's happening, start telling the truth and demand an end to this nonsense. because it's wrecking the country. san francisco has been giving out free hotel rooms to homeless junkies, real headline buried now two of them you're going to be surprised by this, have been arrested because they set up a meth lab. no one could have guessed it, really. we've got details. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: so the city of san francisco has decided to give free hotel rooms to homeless junkies because coronavirus. what happened next, anything great? erica sandberg lives in zimmer cisco, she covers that city and we are happy to have her. how did this experienc experimek out? >> not so well. it was basically a disaster. it's such a shame because it could have worked out. >> tucker: i can't resist asking, do you live there, did you get the free hotel rooms? did you get to stay at the mark hopkins of the four seasons? >> no, i didn't. that would have been nice. but the thing is, people were given rooms. unfortunately they were also given a tremendous amount of drug paraphernalia, so you're talking everything from needles to meth pipes, crack pipes, foil to smoke fentanyl with and because of that it turned into just a chaotic, horrible mess, and it didn't have to be that way. in fact, what we could have done is use these hotels as sober places. they could have been places for recovery, mental health issues, but instead, it was the opposite. so it turned out to be a complete disaster. >> tucker: i mean, who could have seen that coming? if you had a kid with a drug problem and you gave them a credit card in a hotel room, do you think it would end any differently? why would they do that? >> absolutely not. this was actually a recipe for disaster. you make sure that people can do these substances that are already ruining their lives just to keep them at the hotel room and far away from the general population, what's going to happen? i mean, the answer is so obvious, it's shocking that nobody kind of put those two things together. of course the rest of the community did. we knew, the city of san francisco new. it was the city leaders, the officials, the supervisors who kind of came in and said "we know better. we are going to do this and it's going to work out great." guess what? it didn't. too bad, because it could have and hopefully last scraps of this we can make it better, but right now it's suspended, no new hotel rooms, no new hotels in the city has kind of drawn back on its contract. >> tucker: i'm not giving any meth to my kids because clearly it doesn't work. thanks for telling us, great to see you, thank you so much. >> thank you so much. a-determiner >> tucker: up next to an investigation kamala harris' record as a prosecutor that she once was, we will be right back. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: senator harris, kamala, as her running mate joe biden calls her, spent seven years as san francisco's prosecutor before spending six years as the state attorney general in california. he joins us for report. praetor to peter, how did she d? >> not well at all. particularly on very sensitive explosive cases including child sexual abuse. from 2004-2011, she was san francisco attorney general. she did not prosecute a single case of sexual abuse involving catholic church priests. to put that in context, of the 50 largest cities in america, all 50 of them prosecuted at least one case during that time period, except for kamala harris. in addition to that, she inherited from her predecessor hundreds of pages of internal catholic documents that included the names of 40 current or recent priests who had been charged by parishioners with molestation. he was using those documents to build criminal cases and he was also planning to release them after redacting the names of victims. kamala harris actually deep-sixed that document and froze those documents and those documents disappeared much to the chagrin of victims groups. so it's a massive cover-up and a lot of the people that's financed her campaign to beat him were law firms and lawyers and people connected to the church hierarchy who did not want those documents to come out. >> tucker: so do you think it's -- i wish we had more time, i hope you'll come back, but do think it's possible, bottom line, that she did not prosecute child molestation because she got campaign donations? >> yes, and also some of the institutions we are talking about, like st. ignatius prep, and elite prep school in san francisco, has very, very high ties. jeremy brown, the getty family, were big backers of her, multiple generations have gone to that school. this report would have been deeply embarrassing to very powerful institutions. >> tucker: that is a scandal. peter, thanks so much for that. again, i hope you'll come back. appreciate it. >> sure. >> tucker: we will be back tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m., the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. it's like christmas but you know what's inside the rapine, it's the great sean hannity from the new york. >> sean: where you come up with this? welcome to "hannity" and tonight as we speak, fake news outlets all over the country, they are drooling over kamala harris. they are singing her praises. they are writing what are cringeworthy fluff pieces too of course please there are left editors, but while they lie to your face, again, we will bring you the truth. we will, as usual, do the job, the state run propaganda hate-trump media mob called refers us to do. tonight we are vetting kamala harris and it continues in just moments. we will call out her phony praise of joe biden. amazing what a day can

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