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I will take at. We will take it together. Tucker much more of that just ahead but tonight for the past two months, as you well know, a small group of powerhungry professional activists screamed at the rest of us about saving lives. They are trying to keep people from dying, they tell us. They say that with total certainty and of course maximum selfrighteousness. The rest of us, they tell us, just dont care about saving lives. We are selfish and immoral and we must be punished for that. The act of the show all of this at high volume. They have yielded for so long now, unchallenged that many otherwise sensible people have begun to believe it or take them seriously. The richest corporations have spent millions of dollars in the media praised them as heroes. The political leaders terrified and confused to do whatever they say. But where these activist telling the truth . Do they mean what they say . Do they actually care about saving lives . These are vitally important questions because they will determine the course of policies in the coming years. The total reshape of this country. It is worth finding the answers. To do that, turn down the volume and ignore the slogans screaming at you and the graffiti painting in your cities. Instead consider the evidence. Watch what they have done. Chicago, for instance like so Many American cities, activists have demanded the police stop enforcing the law. The police and laws are illegitimate, they claim. There was no evidence that that is true, but craze and city leaders in chicago have obeyed them anyway. And the police have been forced to stand down. So what happened next . Here are the results in chicago in the last month alone, literally hundreds of americans have been gunned down there. Just like last night for example, 15 people shot in a sie incident outside of a funeral home and some of that chaos was caught on surveillance tape, watch this. [gunfire] the first thing you notice about that tape come at the sound, it was light out. The killers pulled up in full view and simply started shooting people with impunity. Bodies fell on the sidewalk. The wounded screamed, but the gunfire continued. This wasnt baghdad, this was americas Third Largest city. It is hard to believe this is happening here, but the activists dont care. They made this possible. They did this, but they are not organizing marches to protect this violence. They are ignoring it completely. The white house is not ignoring it. The federal Law Enforcement agencies to chicago to restore order and stop these killings. The citys mayor a living parody of entitlement called Lori Lightfoot has promised to prevent the help from arriving. Under no circumstances she pleaded will i allow Donald Trumps troops to terrorize our residents. And Lori Lightfoot, chicago, lightfoot would be banned and only gang members to terrorize the population and they do. Sadly, once again the victims of chicago violence our kids. Today shooting injured cousins, two boys ten and 11. Is a vehicle pulled up and three men got out of that vehicle and started shooting on the block that was just filled with children. The with a fourth of july weekend marked by devastating gun violence across the country and in chicago, where the thin 75 people shot and at least 14 killed. Including the 14yearold boy and 7yearold girl. A third week in a row the children have died from gun violence in chicago. Tucker that is just awful. But nothing you just saw the picks Lori Lightfoot in any way. Lori lightfoot surrounded at all times by armed bodyguards paid for by her suffering subjects. She demands that. Lori lightfoot understands that chicago is a highly dangerous place. But the ordinary people who live in her crumbling city things are different. They dont have taxpayerfunded bodyguards. There chicago was a place for 7yearolds, may be there 7yearolds get murdered in broad daylight and local politicians like lightfoot do nothing about it. So for them in the face of violence like that, Law Enforcement isnt primarily a political issue. Cops arent Donald Trumps troops. The vital survival without them they died. Most are bluecollar americans who in some cases risk their lives to stop the murder of children. So watch what happens when a local tv Reporter Asks people in the streets of chicago what they think of sending federal Law Enforcement to their city. So President Trump and sending federal troops to various cities around the country. If you look over there, you will see some people in black and green. We need that. I give it a thumbs up because of the violence. Day in and day out, weekend, little children, it is just unnatural that all this violence and we are living in a war zone. Tucker we are literally in a war zone, he says. You hear that phrase a lot, but in this case, the menu just saw is not far off. When the cities are at war, law and order disappears and nobody is in charge. The only people with power are those willing to use violence. Parts of chicago look like that right now. Children as young as ten on the south side committed a dozen carjackings. Overall so far this year, 2,150 people have been shot in the city of chicago. 2,150 people. That is the equivalent of more than 13 fully loaded boeing 7 30 imagine lined up next to each other. It is more than the entire population of 21, separate texas counties. That is how many people have been shot in the city of chicago since january. And almost certainly there will be many more before the end of the year. This is a disaster, no matter what Lori Lightfoot claims. Chicago need help from somewhere. Anthony napolitano represents the northwestern part of the city. He joins us now. Holderman napolitano, thank you for coming on. Thank you for having me. Tucker this is chicago the city that built the rest of the country and the Third Largest city. It does seem like things are completely out of control and i never chose it. What does chicago need to save the lives of its own citizens right now . You know, kind of sum it up in a four step process. The first step is definitely take President Trumps help. If you dont want the beds on the street, have him with warrants, infiltrate the gangs, go after the drugs. We have 117,000 gang members on the street. Hit them where it hurts in the money. And the second thing we have to do, we need a states attorney that will actually press criminal charges. The state attorney celebrates a catch and release process. Criminals know that if you do the crime, you will not do the time. And we also have to get behind the officers. We have to get rid of this antipolice movement. We need to hold bad Police Officers accountable and praise the ones that are doing the work out there. These guys have a have a contract in three years. That will boost morale they want to be the police again. The first topic, what you said, we have a large silent majority here. As an elected official, though only when i hear is the radical socialist in chicago. We have a Sleeping Giant majority that needs to stand up and hold the rest of these elected officials accountable. You have what they want. Who have their vote. Do something about this. We need help. Let them bring the feds in and save the city. Tucker i think you are at the point it is a question of saving the city. The populating, chicago and people as you well know are leaving, going to chicago and the regent. They cant live there, too expensive and too dangerous. Do people around this, the mayor, do they understand that . They do. Coming up now and we are pushed and trying to get so many people to fill this out because our fear is when the numbers come in, they will be astronomically lower than usual. And we know it. I was asked a couple of days my begging my neighborhood to stay open. Everyone is retiring, anthony, we are getting out of here. There are better times ahead of us. Things have to change. They will change. This is chicago, a startup city. You just dont give up your. Tucker is a such a great city, a tragedy to see this. A beautiful, historic city. Lori lightfoot, you dont want to get political but i have to ask you, what do you think she is thinking . My job is to do the best of my ability to be a mayor. We might not agree 100 of the time but with that said, what she is thinking okay you tried to stand our ground but now its time to open our arms up and take the help from the federal government. Ive been saying this for months if not years, this has to be about people. This cannot be about the election in november. What ive been telling everybody, they do not want to let the president hope because when it is a success and we bring crime down, they are afraid he will look like a success and it will help the election. We have to get rid of that nonsense. We have to focus on saving the city and saving these lives because we are losing lives at an astronomical rate. It is not fair to the communities. Tucker amen. I hope you are the mayor, i do. Anthony napolitano, thank you. Thank you, tucker, thank you for having me. Tucker violent riots have rocked a lot of cities and on more than portland, oregon. Its been going on for 53 straight days. This is what it looks like. Gunfire[gunfire] these are not peaceful protests. These are the writers who have destroyed property, attacked Police Officers. They rated the federal courthouse in portland. They set fire to the headquarters of the police union. They turned down statutes including one of george washington. They spread graffiti all over the city. Portland leaders have done nothing to respond to this. In fact, they have egged it on and give them political cover to the writers by claiming the police. Now the federal department of security have dispatched hundreds of agents to the city. Oregons Governor Kate Brown is outraged by this. When i spoke with the director of the department of Homeland Security last week, i told him to go home and to take his federal troops with him. This is a democracy, not a dictatorship. We cannot have secret police abducting people into and putting them in an unmarked vehicles. I cannot believe that i have to say that to the president of the united states. I know that oregonians are outraged. Americans should be appalled. We went these people are fools and history will treat them harshly. In the meantime chad with the acting secretary of Homeland Security, the man in charge of the federal response to portland, thank you so much for coming on. So give us the facts to start, if you would. What is the federal response to the chaos in portland . Tucker, let me just comment on the governors statement there. I think it is absolutely ridiculous. It is an uneducated statement, and she really needs to understand what the department of Homeland Securitys mission there is in portland. We are there to protect the federal courthouse and other properties in portland. We need to do that. We need to make sure they are not burned down as the video showed just a few minutes ago. But we need local Law Enforcement to be a partner with us. We see this in every other city across the country. When federal property is targeted, we have local Law Enforcement partnering with federal Law Enforcement to address that, to investigate, and to arrest individuals. That type of assistance is not there in portland. We have no assistance from the local leadership there either from the mayor or the governor. So what does that mean . That means the federal agencies and the Law Enforcement officers from the department are left on their own night after night from midnight until 5 00 a. M. Every night, 53 nights in a rope we have 500 to 1,000 violent anarchists targeting that federal building, endangering the lives of our Law Enforcement officers. At this point, we have no support from the local leadership there. We are not taking it in the longer. We are searching forces in there and making arrests, Holding People accountable and they are committing federal crimes. We will continue to do that, but at the same time i beg and plead with the local Law Enforcement to partner with us and that leadership. But as you indicated in the comments the governor made earlier, she is taking this to be very political. Doesnt really understand how the system works. Tucker i mean, it does raise an allergic question. The rest of us in the country who dont live in portland, oregon, are paying for your attempt to help the people who do. But the leaders of portland seem to want to watch the city be destroyed and go up in flames can be defaced by graffiti. Has it occurred, maybe to let portland collapse in on itself . Well, tucker, i would say again if we have a mission in portland. We protect 9,000 federal facilities across the country. It is part of the mission of the department. Portland is no different. We need to protect that seed of justice. The court house is where it is centered. We let violent anarchists run that over a fan im afraid what that means across this country. Im not prepared to do that at the moment and the president is not prepared to do that. We will stand our ground and protect federal property. We will do our mission that Congress Gave us to do. We are going to do it professionally, but again we will individuals continue to target federal property. Most importantly, target federal Law Enforcement officers and others that work in the courthouse that are afraid of their lives everyday. Tucker im glad i asked that question because that is really a great answer that you gave. Secretary, thank you very much for coming on tonight. Great, thank you. Tucker we have our dr. Dr. Marc siegel who went to washington and interviewed the president in the west wing. That interview is next. Plus engaging in as if things are not crazy enough, seattle to shut down its jails. The police in denver to order to stand down when antifa attacked a police rally and started hurting people. Amazing, when colorado homemaker was on the scene when it happened. His account straight ahead. Save hundreds on your wireless bill without even leaving your house. Just keep your phone and switch to xfinity mobile. You can get it by ordering a free sim card online. Once you activate, you only have to pay for the data you need, starting at just 15 a month. There are no term contracts, no activation fees, and no credit check on the first two lines. Get a 50 prepaid card when you switch. 5g is now included with all new data options. Switch and save hundreds. Xfinity mobile. Tucker our own dr. Marc siegel took a break from his medical practice in new york and went to washington this morning to interview the white house, the president rather at the white house. Here is part of their conversation. Mr. President , great news today on vaccines. By his or her with a vaccine, 100 million doses purchased by the federal government for 2 billion. It seems like therapeutics and vaccines are really proceeding at a major speed to. They have done really well. I want you all the time. You are my guide to this because frankly you have a good take and you know how important it is. The vaccines are doing well and therapeutics. You tell me, but i would almost prefer therapeutics first. You go into the hospital and you make people better. We are doing very well with remdesivir and other things. The steroids are turning out to be good. Plasmas turning out to be good. We have a tremendous progress and that is where you see the death numbers, a horrible thing to save but that is where you see the death numbers really looking much better. More on vaccines. Im concerned about faxing complaints from the country. 30 said they would not take the vaccine. As commander in chief end of the free world would you consider one of the first to take the vaccine to send a message to the American Public . You know how it works if im the first one he so selfish he wanted to get the vaccine first. Other people would say, hey, that is a brave thing to do. I would absolutely if they want to meet you and if they thought it was right i would take it first or last, mark. You know if i take it first from either way i lose on that one, right . If i take it first. If i dont take it from he doesnt believe in the program. But whatever i think is best in whatever we agree is best, i will certainly do that. I will make a deal. I will take it. We can to get together. Talked about lockdowns. I am disturbed that you more than me disturbed about the economic physical, medical lockdowns. The democratic governors are talking about lockdowns. What is your view . You can almost see it on television. I watch these guys welcome i wont say because its not somebody you have a liking but a certain comedian locked in his f time. And hes like withered away. Hes lost the whole deal. Hes lost the with, so much. I almost would like to use him as an example but you can use more than him. It is hurting people. These lockdowns are hurting people. We did the right thing. I dont know if you agree but i think you do. We closed it down. We understand the disease and we didnt know anything about this. It came in and was new. We banned china from coming and which is a big move. Dr. Fauci actually said i saved tens of thousands of lives. If you remember, i was only one that wanted to do it. Nobody we had an office of 21 people and they said no, but ive got to do it. And then we banned europe from coming in which is good with italy and all of the problems. But we did it right. We closed it up, now we are opening. We have learned, for instance, we learned the elderly, especially and you can say this better than anybody, the elderly who have diabetes or heart problems, have a problem, they are really so acceptable. When people like to compare it to the flu, it is interesting because i see the flu numbers and they are very bad, but when i look at flu numbers. I never lost anybody to the flu. I have never all of my life, ive heard many people have the flu, the flu. But nobody died. I never remember anybody saying, yet the flu and died. I have lost five people, probably six, actually as of this moment, i think pretty soon. But i have lost five friends that went in about one of them tested come a great guy stanley, one of the top real estate people in new york. A good man too. Never into politics until i ran. He became a political wild man. He loved it. A great guy with a great spirit set i tested positive. And i said, well, that is too bad and you will be okay. He went to the hospital and two days later in a coma. How was he doing . Hes in a coma and two days later he died. You know, that has happened on a numerous occasions. Probably happen with people you know too. I never remember anything like that. It didnt. I never remembered this happening with the flu. This is a serious thing. But we learned people, stanley was an older guy. He perhaps could have lost a couple of pounds. Actually, im not as healthy, but other people are healthy. Age of such a big factor. When you look in new jersey and i happen to like but i get along with him well, the governor of new jersey. Governor murphy. He said with the thousands of deaths, they had one death under the age of 18. And i believe that young person had diabetes. But one death out of thousands of people. One death. And statistics, we would not have known that at the beginning. In all fairness, you didnt know the elderly would be so badly hurt. So we are really taking care of the Elderly Population right now. At a level that has never happened before. Are we going to beat this virus . We are going to beat it and we are timely going to be there. Over time it will disappear appear that is terrible. It is true. It will disappear. Before it disappears my think we can knock it out before it disappears. That is what i want. If i had my choice of therapeutics, give me therapeutics every time because i would love to walk into a hospital and give everybody something and they start walking out in two days. That is what i like. Vaccine is good longer term. But give me therapeutics and we give good work therapeutically. Tucker the president also describe some detail of cognitive test that his physicians are performing on him. They dont make if you think joe biden can pass a similar cognitive test, he explains in the next part of the interview e break. Tucker white house physicians monitor everything about a president including his cognitive ability. Most president s dont talk about that, of course, but this president was happy to in great detail when asked by dr. Siegel. Watch. President ial health or health of a can attempt will be on the table, of course, as it always is. Somebody always asking for that. I saw a lot about your health. What do you think should come out where the attention regarding Vice President biden . Well my think we have to be in good health. I tell you what, this is a very important job to put it mildly. There is nothing like it. And i will also say i have to work harder than others because ive been a tech like nobody has ever been attacked. A fake investigation, russia, russia, russia, ukraine, ukraine, ukraine and nobodys gone through and ive done more than any president in the history. No president has done what we have done, rebuilding the military, judges. We will be up to almost 300 judges including two Great Supreme Court judges at the end of this term. So what is really something that is been great. But you need stamina. You need physical health, and you need mental help. Because you have so much from every once in a while, first, they say he wants to take over the world. Hes going to take over the world, hes a dictator. The next world, they will say hes crazy. The next incompetent in the next day something else. So the last time i was at the hospital, probably a year ago or less than a year ago, i asked the doctor. Is there some kind of cognitive test that i can take . Because ive been hearing about it. Because i want to shut these people up. They are fake news. They make up stories. I mean, like i will go and with an interview with you and i didnt say you could ask dumb it cant ask me anything. I did one with Chris Wallace and he was nice enough to say i want to tell the audience there is no question off balance. And it was a good interview. I liked it, and he enjoyed. But i didnt say you can only ask this. If you are in the office of the presidency, you have to be sharp. So they are saying all these different things. Which ever stuck, none it stuck fortunately. One of the reasons as i took a test. I said to the doctor, dr. Ronnie jackson, is there some kind of an attack, acuity test . He said there actually is and he named it whatever it might be. It was 30 35 questions and the last questions are much more difficult. Like the memory question. It is like you will go person, woman, man, camera, tv. So could you repeat that . I said, yeah. Person, woman, man, camera, tv. Okay, that is very good. If you get it in order, you get extra points. Okay, now is asking other questions, other questions. And then, 10 minutes, 15 minutes later, remember the first question, not the first but the tenth question . Give us that again. And you go person, woman, man, camera, tv. If you get it in order, you get extra points. I said nobody gets it in order. Its actually not that easy but for me it was easy. That is not an easy question. In other words, they ask you, they give you five names and you have to repeat them and thats okay. If you repeat them out of order, it is okay, but you know, not as good. But then when you go back about 20, 25 minutes later and they say go back to that question and they dont tell you this. Go back to that question and repeat them. Can you do it . Can you go person, woman, man, camera, tv. They say, that is amazing. How did you do that . I do it because i have a good memory. Because im cognitive lead there. Now, joe should take that test. Because something is going on. And i say this with respect. I mean, and it will probably happen to all of us, right . Its going to happen. We cant take a chance of it happening. When you are dealing with russia and nobody is tougher than me. Nobody tougher on china than me, i can tell you right now. They would love to see joe biden instead of trump. We have taken in billions of dollars from china. They never gave us anything. They have the worst year before the plague came in they have the worst year and just about the history, 67 years. The worst year in 57 years before the plague. And we were doing great. We have the best economy. But we have to have somebody that is sharp. If this person is not sharp because i can tell you, president xi is sharp. President vladimir putin, sharp. You dont have any nonsharp people that you are dealing with. And we cant have somebody that is not 100 . And so what i did, you know, it is a public test. They said, you know, if you take this test, we may have to reveal this. Its all right. Is it tough . Tell me about it. Ive never heard of it. And i got a perfect mark. And the doctors said very few people can do that. Very people can do that. Its not that easy. Other questions that were tougher than what i just did. Its not that easy, but as soon as they announced my score and the test, all of this stuff went away about me. Remember, they are talking about the 25th amendment and nonsense. They said, wow. Even the enemies, they dont say that anymore. But they do say it about joe biden. And honestly, he should take the test. As i weigh in on all vocation because you to be able to show the country that the person thae are picking as a leader is sharg at people that want to do bad things to us if they have the chance. You have to be sharper than them. In a certain way, joe biden has two take a test like that one or something else. Tucker there is more to dr. Siegels interview with the president. You can catch it on shannon breams show tonight at 11 00 p. M. Next new levels of lawlessness and formally great cities, seattle, live reports from both after the break. Now, simparica trio simplifies protection. Ticks and fleas . See ya heartworm disease . No way simparica trio is the first chewable that delivers all this protection. And simparica trio is demonstrated safe for puppies. Its simple go with simparica trio. This drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures; use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. Protect him with all your heart. Simparica trio. Tucker American Forces conquered and recaptured seattles capitol hill autonomous zone a few weeks ago you may remember. It was a stunning victory. But the spirit of chop lives on within the government of the city of seattle. City politicians have decided to slash seattles police force and close the county jail. They have no plans to replace it. He has broken a lot of stories recently a recent fellow and joins us from seattle. Thank you so much for coming on. Tell me if i misstated those facts. Close the city jail. What would that mean . What is the reason and what would be the effect . This is coming on the heels of seattle working to reduce the Police Department by 50 . The new proposal is to close the county jail, the largest jail facility in the Seattle Metro area. And they will really reduce the jail capacity by 60 . So what is really a multifront war to destroy Law Enforcement, to destroy the Justice System. They will reduce police force and shut down the largest jail and my sources are telling me the Municipal Court is next. Tucker the Municipal Court. Okay so not just destroying the place but jails and courts. This is an attack on law. I guess you dont need to guess about the effect, do we . What is going to happen . The effects are actually quite simple. When you have 50 of your officers, 60 fewer jail cells, you will have a huge increase in crime. For everything but the most serious offenses, murder, rate, armed robberies, people will be booked and immediately released back on the streets. So you destroy deterrent for criminal activity and what happens when you create a void of lawlessness, that will be filled very soon with violence, with disorder and mayhem. With all that in a small scale in the chop in the last few months, but we will see it on a citywide scale. This is something unprecedented, never happened before in american cities, but they will be plowing forward with this radical agenda to essentially destroy the system of Law Enforcement as we know it. Tucker therefore the city of seattle. I say they will build a separate jail for a blm graffiti and hate crimes charges. Yeah, i dont think so. What is really going to happen is there is one small jail facility south of the city of seattle. They will basically say that is the only jail facility we have here they are eliminating all youth jails so if you are under 18, there will be no place to go to jail even for serious crimes. So what is going to be mayhem. My sources within the criminal Justice System are saying Correctional Officers are preparing for mass layoffs. It is total chaos. Really, this is something that happened very quickly. As little as four or five weeks ago, a lot of people in the Seattles City Council and actually need to hire more Police Officers. More capacity, but after of the kind of hard core anarchist and socialist movement started demonstrating in the streets, they started showing up at the doorsteps of the political leadership. They are running scared. They cant go fast enough to follow the lead of the anarchist and socialist groups that are rioting. What we are seeing is a complete collapse of leadership. And it will lead in the next few months, im afraid a collapse of law and order as we have experienced over the last few years. Tucker there are a lot of good people in seattle. Not everybody is crazy in portland, and all the best cocities. There have been many people for generations and they will leave. It is really, really sad. Thank you for following this. Appreciate it. So over the weekend, leftwing terrorists and they are from antifa attacked a propolice rally back in denver, colorado. Patrick neville spoke at the rally and he joins us tonight. Thank you so much for coming on. I read your preinterview and it made my heart beat fast. I dont know if we have enough time to go through the whole thing. Give us the kind of summary of what youve experienced this weekend at this rally. Well, essentially we went up there knowing it would be dangerous. We actually had volunteers. My company from my local gun shop my district, and michelle, and we were surrounded by antifa. We are talking out numbered 41. We were actually lower in elevation the way the facility worked out. And we were completely surrounded. And before i know it, we were on stage behind us one of my friends beaten down by four or five antifa members. And they had to kick folks off of him. And eventually, we had to eventually evacuate. Had it not been quite frankly percent when im met moments before ushered in my car come i dont know if we would have gotten out of there unscathed. We were pushed around, spit on and things throw at us. Lost issue, my friend was beaten and had a black eye. We didnt have a chance to speak and the band barely started playing. All of this occurred right on the stage of the facility where we were supposed to be having a rally. It wasnt like a minor scuffle on the outskirts of the rally. It was right there on the stage. Tucker you are a lawmaker. What country is this and more importantly where is the police . Why wasnt somebody protecting you . That is the concern. Im a House Republican leader, House Minority leader so if it can happen to me and they can prevent me from speaking, they can really do this to anyone. So what is concerning because i think the order probably came up to stand down. We have the police union chief actually saying there was a standdown order. I dont know if that came from the mayor or governor. We had a lawlessness and temper and to the point where you cant even show up to what should be a familyfriendly back to blue rally, properly permitted rally, and we were totally attacked by thugs committing total violence to try to silence our speech. Tucker you have Media Outlets in denver. It is a big city. Did this get any coverage, the violence against you . No, in fact actually the opposite happened. We had a local anchor kyle clark tweeting out and basically making fun of the situation and even said there was bonus points for those people who can identify me. And then on top of that, we just had this total lawlessness creeping into its not just in denver but actually the suburbs as well. Tucker that is just absolutely horrifying. What about other political leaders in the state . If they allow this if they allow sitting lawmakers to be attacked and driven away but with violence, you know, what happens next . What are they doing about it . They are doing nothing about it whatsoever. So i think we really need to appeal to the president. It is time we actually have an investigation about what actually happened, but not only that, i think it is time we have a stand your ground law in each state. The police were not there to protect us. Had it not been for the volunteers from the local gun shop and a former Police Officer come i dont know if we would have gotten out of there unscathed. We were the lucky ones. A lot of people came out with huge gashes and had to go to the e. R. Afterwards. A former soldier was stumped on them beaten down. This all occurred on the stage. The protesters came up and knock down microphones, knocked down speakers. And im not talking just for speakers but the actual property and pushed and shoved. Michelle and i around. It was a dangerous situation. I might combat veteran and this is by far the most dangerous situation i have been in since ive been in combat. Tucker it is so shocking, so shocking the Democratic Party is allowing and abetting this and normal people are going to get radical if this continues. I hate to say this but its true and we all know its true. Im glad you are okay. I am so glad you told your story tonight, thank you. Speak with thank you for having me. Tucker California Governor Gavin Newsom thinks that foreign nationals, people who have no legal right to be in this country or vote deserve more representation in congress. We will tell you exactly what he is arguing after the break. Tucker President Trump has told the Census Bureau not to count Illegal Immigrants with the purpose of the congressional seats. That of course makes sense why people are not allowed to vote have political power. But democrats are yelping about it and democrats are the key to their power they hope. That would include the governor of california gavin newsom. Fox news cheap breaking news correspondent Trace Gallagher has the whole story for us tonight, trace trace. Infect Governor Newsom called it a racist attack on the institution and every person should be counted. For clarity President Trump wants congress who oversees the senses to count all undocumented immigrants, but the president then wants to remove that information from the apportionmt base. He does not want to use to congressional representation saying my administration will not support representation to aliens who enter or remain in the country unlawfully because doing so would create perverse incentives and undermine our system of government. Because california has the most numbers of to lose, government newsom responding the latest action by the administration to exclude undocumented immigrants when determining representation in congress rooted in racism and xenophobia is a blatant attack on the institutions and our neighbors. As for legal challenges, the Supreme Court is never explicitly said whether Illegal Immigrants must be included in population counts, tucker. Tucker im sure they will, Trace Gallagher good to see you. A picture of the cruisers we sent to the white house today. Alastair mccaskill, alister pfeiffer, escobar and the best producers in college. We are proud to have them. Sean hannity now. Sean boy did i get in a bit of trouble last night over something i didnt even hear, which i apologized for it. I think i have the best producers and tv, just saying. A slight disagreement, great show as always, tucker, thank you. Welcome to hannity buckle up. A big announcement coming tonight. And by the way, we also want you to call all your democratic friends right now, ask them to learn the real, ugly truth about joe biden. Joe biden hit a new low today and also confusing moments again. We will expose the entire truth that the mob will never tell

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