Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20200604 : c

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20200604

worry about at this point. after we watched what's happened over the last week, how do we put this society back together? can we? we don't know that either. if you are grieving for america tonight, you are not alone. millions feel the same way you do. so many of our leaders, by contrast, are not grieving. they seem exhilarated, they feel nothing as our nation descends into anarchy. they see a chance to solidify their control to increase their market share to win our collections. they have no interest in talking about the details about what is actually happening out there on our streets. in fact, they are hiding those details, demanding that you forget what you saw. don't forget it, remember all of it. every bit because it's proof of who they are. this is who they are. [sirens] >> no justice, no peace! >> tucker: that's what they're defending. that's what they're encouraging. it has nothing to do with civil rights, it's violent and the criminals you just saw on the screen are not protesters. the people cheering them on from their tv studios have no patience for real protests, for real protesters. just in april, democrats in new jersey arrested a woman for trying to plan a rally, a protest at the state capital. "the new york times" it said nothing when they did that because they approved. that's how they really feel about any political expression they can't control, they crush it. what they support is more powerful themselves and they are willing to use gangs of thugs to get it. here's one of their protesters. >> [bleep]! [bleep]! no justice, no peace. >> tucker: nbc news wouldn't show you that video ever, neither with cnn under any circumstances. no justice, no peace, they chant as a man tortures a dog. these are the worst people in america and our leaders have let them do whatever they want. so of course they want more. their latest demand is that we eliminate the police entirely. no more law enforcement in this country. that would mean more power for the mob. they can do anything. it would mean never ending terror for you and for your family. that's why they wanted. watch. >> our city council members and all of our elected officials, d fund of the police! >> d fund the police! >> tucker: no sane person would dare to have said something like that in public just a week and a half ago. now a member of congress has endorsed the idea, rashida tlaib. what would happen to our country if we eliminated law-enforcement? of the mayor of los angeles, the second-biggest city in america, his city would devolve into a murderous health scape within hours if the police left. but he won't push back against this idea, instead he kneeled and subservience before the people demanding it. >> l.a. mayor eric garcetti joined protesters moments ago, what he had to say? >> he came out this morning and he took the time to come out and come out among the protesters, he knelt while he was out there saying and showing his solidarity for the movement, for the protesters here today and i can tell you that today, this daytime protest has been very peaceful, very calm, lots of chanting, singing. >> tucker: he kneeled. our leaders are kneeling before the mob. the atavistic ritual of self abasement, of defeat. suddenly many are performing this ritual including police around the country. the mob wants victory but more than that, it wants the total humiliation of its enemy. >> i work for black lives matter, i'm sorry that i scared you. but since i work for that company, my ceo has told me to come out today and to bring you on your knees because you have white privilege so if they see that a white person is getting on their knees, that shows solidarity for the situation. the situation, could you just please apologize for your white privilege? just apologize. >> i'm trying to think of the right words to say. >> it's big. it's large in this country. >> tucker: why do we kneel? we kneel because we've lost. we kneel before our victors because they have won. we've put down our resistance, we beg for their mercy but mobs rarely forgive. we are on your side, we shout. we are in solidarity, spare us. but they never do. >> we are on your side! we are on your side! we are on your side! >> tucker: we are on your side, as the rock comes through the window. do you think the mob cares? no. why are americans surrendering to violent mobs? because they've been told they have to. everything we are now watching, the looting, the arson, the killing has a purpose. the purpose, we are told again and again is to end racist police violence against african-americans. we are told that that is the single greatest courage in this country. >> for the past 400 years, this has been a of black people in this country. >> i'm sick and tired of seeing black men and women be killed and nothing be done about it. >> stop killing us! stop killing us! stop killing us! >> tucker: "stop killing us." it's chilling and if you believe it and you're a decent person you will be moved by it. because it's awful. no american should ever be mistreated by those in authority, much less killed. the abuse of power is always and everywhere a sin and its increasingly common here. we should always work to end it. in this case, the death of a man at the hands of police in minneapolis turned out to be a metaphor for abuse of power. that death has led to demands that we fire the nearly 700,000 police officers who work in the united states and that we free the million and a half criminals who are now behind bars. in america, joe biden told us recently, "just the color of your skin puts your life at risk." senator cory booker of new jersey strongly agreed with that quote. we have so many people in our country, booker said yesterday, open african-american men, mostly unarmed being murdered by police officers in no way of holding them accountable. so many people murdered by police officers, unarmed." you're hearing a lot of people in authority tell you that every day, every hour. one group of pro athletes just announced that "it seems like every week a new tragedy unfolds before our very eyes where people are being killed by police violence." each time we tweet, we pray, we mourn only to repeat the cycle a few days later." in the words of the lawyer representing george floyd's family in minneapolis, "we are witnessing here in america is "." if you believed that you might understand the riots now in progress. there is nothing worse then genocide. is this happening, is it true? we found the numbers and we are going to go through them with you in some detail tonight because it's worth it. since 2015, "the washington post" has maintained a copper hands of database of fatal police shootings in this country. last year the post logged a total of 1,004 killings. of the 802 killings in which the race of the police officer and sub suspect was noted, 371 of those were white. 236 were black. the vast majority of those killed were not in fact unarmed, the vast majority were armed and african-american suspects were significantly more likely to have a deadly weapon then white suspects yet more white suspects were killed. overall there were a total of precisely ten cases in the united states last year according to "the washington post" in which unarmed african-americans were shot by the police. nine men and one woman. as we said, a lot is at stake. the country is at stake. we want to take the time now to go through these case-by-case. into the specifics. the first was a man killed by an knoxville police officer called daylen williams. according to williams, he attacked him, choked him and used a taser on him before the officer shot him. five eyewitnesses corroborated the officer's claim and the officer was not charged. the second case concerns a man called marcus mcveigh, by any definition of a career criminal. at the time he was killed he was wanted on drug dealing charges, a texas state trooper pulled him over. he fled on his car and then fled on foot into the woods, there he fought with the trooper and was shot and killed. the officer was not charged in that case. female police officer arrived and ordered the suspect toward her car, he charged her and knocked her to the ground. at that point she shot and killed him, the entire incident was caught on body camera, the officer was not charged. being approached by two l.a. county deputies when he backed into one of them with his vehicle, the deputy was caught in the car door, he and his partner opened fire, the deputies were not charged in that case. melvin watkins of east baton rouge louisiana was shot by a deputy after he allegedly drove his car towards a deputy at high speed, the deputy was not charged. isaiah lewis wasn't just unarmed, he was completely naked. he broke into a house and attacked a police officer. the police tased williams but he kept coming at them and attacking come of the officer shot him, they were not charged. tatiana johnson -- jefferson was shot by a fort worth deputy. a neighbor called a nonemergency number after seeing her door open. police arrived, johnson saw them approach from a window and was holding a gun at the time. according to body camera footage, the officers shot johnson within seconds. jefferson. that officer has been charged with homicide. christopher whitfield was shot and killed in louisiana, he robbed a gas station. debbie declan simpson said his gun discharged accidentally. sims, who is black himself, was not charge in that killing kevin mason was shot by police during a multi-hour stand off very mason turned out not to have a gun, mason claimed to have a gun, claims to be armed and vowed to kill police with it. they believed him, mason had been in a shoot-out with police years before. and finally, the tenth case concerns gregory griffin, shot during a car chase. the officer claims he saw someone pointing a gun at him. later, a gun was in fact found inside the vehicle and the officer was charged anyway with aggravated manslaughter. those are the facts. that is the entire list from 2019. last year. ten deaths. in five deaths and officer was attacked just before the shooting occurred. that is not disputed. one allegedly was an accident, that leaves a ful total of four codeaths in pursuit or a standoff. an two of those cases, the officer was criminally charged. is it possible that more of these officers should have been charged, of course it's possible. justice is not always served, that's for sure. but either way, this is a very small number in a country of 325 million people. this is not genocide, it's not even close to genocide, it's laughable to suggest it is. the number police killings is dropping. in 2015 during barack obama's presidency, 38 unarmed black americans and 32 whites were slain by police, overall totals have fallen since then and fallen far more dramatically for african-american men. last year was the safest year for unarmed suspects since "the washington post" began tracking police shootings. the safest year for both white and black suspects. at the same time this country remains a dangerous place for police officers, 48 of them were murdered in 2019 according to fbi data. that's more than the number of unarmed suspects killed of all races. one final number for you because it matters. in 2018, 7,407 african-americans were murdered in the united states. in 2019 continues on a similar trajectory and we hope it doesn't but if it does that would mean that for every unarmed african-american shot to death in the united states by police, more than 700 were murdered by someone else. usually by someone they know. again, those are the facts, they are not in dispute. our african-americans being hunted as joy reid recklessly claimed on msnbc recently? or something else happening? is our nation being ripped apart by a total and complete lie, approvable lie, ally used by a cynical media manipulators and unscrupulous politicians who understand that racial strife raised hatred as their path to power even if it destroys the country. you have the facts now and you can decide what's really going on. heather macdonald is the author of the book "the war on cops," she joins us tonight. heather, you wrote a book on this end because so much is at stake and because people have died and are dying in the country is being ripped apart, we want to be sure that we have these numbers right. we bow to you, someone who just wrote a book on this, are the numbers we just read correct and what do you make of them? >> absolutely they are correct, tucker. this is a narrative that is both false and dangerous. in 2015 and 2016, when we went through what now is in retrospect a minimal amount of civil unrest and riots throughout the country, 2,000 additional black males were killed because cops backed off of policing. right now we are already seeing crime going to the roof, we've seen the assassinations of cops and i fear were going to see more and who are the people who are going to be hurt when these cops back off, if we defund emac defund the cops. the delegitimization is so great, the hatred being arrested when they arrest gang bangers, gun toners, people who have just shot innocent children in the city, the hatred being directed at officers is extraordinary, who is going be hurt? of the thousands of law and abiding residents in inner-city neighborhoods, people like a cancer amputee in the bronx who told me, please send more police because the only time she feels safe to go into her building lobby is when the cops are there because it's otherwise colonized by trespassing youth selling drugs and smoking weed. there was an elderly lady in the 41st precinct of the south bronx who stood up in the middle of the community meeting and said, how lovely when we see the police, they are my friends. these are the voices that the media deliberately silences because they completely undermine their phony narrative about systemic police racism and white supremacy in this country. >> tucker: i mean, phony doesn't begin to scratch the surface, i would say. we are being told by demagogues on television, officeholders, people who run the country are telling us genocide is occurring, there is a never-ending wave of racist attacks on african-americans by police officers in which many are dying. we came up with ten in 2019, how can they say something like that? when there are no facts to support it. >> the irony is "the washington post"'s own database collects the statistics, but "the washington post" doesn't write that. here's another interesting fact, a police officer is 18 and a half times more likely to be murdered by a black male than an unarmed blackmail is to be murdered by a cop. or killed by a cop. so there are so many facts about crime, about policing, we should not racially profile blacks for any crime rates, we should also not racially profile cops for one absolutely horrific arrest. the cops desperately want more tactical training, they want more help in de-escalating and controlling stress but they are not systemically biased. >> tucker: we need to decelerate, de-escalate the rhetoric here because this is actually threatening the country. great to see you, thanks so much. >> it's not the country, it's civilization itself is now at risk. >> tucker: barack obama and joe biden helped create the myth that police are violently racist, now obama is lecturing america about the great opportunity that looting and rioting. that's next. ♪ you doing okay? yeah. this moving thing never 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street, they say they are not satisfied by the developments, they will keep demonstrating until an undetermined point in time. tucker? >> tucker: of course they will. mike tobin, thanks so much. also hints of something going on in washington d.c., live pictures from the nation's capital monitoring the situation. their hand across the country. now with a round up of what is happened in your country, we check in with trace gallagher. hey, trace. >> after a barrage of criticism for failing to stop several days of looting, the police put departments in the nation's biggest cities have decided to utilize the national guard and crackdown on looters. it's not stopping the problem as witnessed in new york where roving gangs of criminals steered clear of manhattan's major avenues and instead targeted side streets including a well-known clothing store. new york has arrested hundreds, but most if not all have been released without penalty. we should know los angeles also saw more looting albeit on a smaller scale. tucker? >> tucker: trace gallagher, thanks so much. why exactly is joe biden running for president? i'd love to tell you, can't remember at the moment. not a great message, though. his handlers created this ad for him, he's not going to be commander in chief, he's going to be uniter in chief. >> i look at the presidency is a very big job and nobody will get it right every time and i won't either. but i promise you this, i won't traffic in fear and division. i won't fan the flames of hate. i will seek to heal the racial wounds that have long plagued our country, not use them for political gain. >> tucker: it's a noble sentiment. is there a single person who wouldn't like to see the country united as it was before, say, barack obama became president? joe biden was the vice president in that administration so it's all a little hard to believe. barack obama was elected twice in this country, a majority white electorate both times and yet despite that in the obvious evidence that maybe it's not the racist country they said it was, obama did more than anyone in memory to promote the lie that this country is racist to the core and that police are agents of that racism. even now that he's left office, obama is continuing to promote that lie that benefited him so much. today obama emerge inexplicably, stop giving overpriced speeches to lecture the rest of us and explained that if police officers want to prove that they aren't racist, they need to switch sides and join the protesters as riots burned down thousands of cities, obama described the chaos that's wrecking america, as in fact, a great opportunity. >> as tragic as the past few weeks have been, as difficult and scary and uncertain as they've been, they have also been an incredible opportunity for people to be awakened. do some of these underlying trends. and they offer an opportunity for us to all work together to tackle them, to change america and make it live up to its highest ideals. >> tucker: dana perino, host of "the daily briefing," i'm not going to give you my obama lecture but for a guy who invited al sharpton to the white house to tell us we need a national conversation on race, it's a little much. but tell me as a political matter, i feel better now. as a political matter, why is barack obama emerging from high paid speech land today? >> it's interesting, listening to that, tucker, if you were to pull up the speeches that president obama gave after the ferguson riots and after baltimore, you might hear the exact same language. it's very vague, it's relatively reassuring and it's kind of hopeful and not quiet anything concrete and i don't think it necessarily met the moment today. i can imagine he is under a tremendous amount of pressure. maybe personally but also from friends and family, perhaps, perhaps other elected leaders in the state saying we need you to come out and say something to help try to call calms things down. what's remarkable about his remarks tonight is that they were so unremarkable, there's very little news that came out of it but as a former president that was actually right, there's only one president at a time, we are also in the middle of a presidential election and he should not try to get in president trump's way, there will be plenty of time to campaign but the president of the united states has command of the crisis at the time the time. >> tucker: this is bipartisan and i mean it, this applies to a lot of republicans as well as democrats, why doesn't everybody preface the statement with "i'm sorry, you're not allowed to burn things, you can't steal things that don't belong to, you can't spray paint the world war ii memorial," why is that so hard to say? >> thinking back to ferguson and baltimore and other incidents that happened in the previous administration, president obama did that. i think he use the word "thugs" at one point as well paid one of the things, republicans can look at the obama administration and very clinically as her republicans love an excel spreadsheet and say, these results did not get done during the first black president administration in terms of reducing racism, et cetera. for african-americans i think they have great affection for him for many reasons but one of them is the all important question asked in every political campaign, does the candidate or the president understand and feel for people like me, does he care about me? and i think for a lot of his voters and people who still support him, yes, i think that answer would probably still be asked for him. >> tucker: man, i'm just so beyond that, nothing to do with race or any specific slice of the electorate but you can't burn the country down and i don't know why no one says that, i really don't understand. dana, great to see you tonight, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> tucker: police have arrested hundreds of rioters and looters. but almost none of them are in jail. why? because of the laws they systematically put in place since the last midterm election, now the better truth emerges. we've got details on that next. ♪ the 100s of people have been arrested and riots around the country but thanks to criminal justice reform, stopping rioters will be impossible in many places and it shows. in new york city, the nypd has arrested about 700 people for rioting and looting, violence and vandalism, wrecking our country but almost all of them will be set free immediately without paying any bail. why? the state's brand-new reform law, if the word reform is in it, it almost always means we are going backwards. rioters there, we'll get similarly away. watching all of this of close and personal, u.s. attorney for the district of philadelphia, federal prosecutor and he joins us tonight. thanks so much for coming on. we are watching this happen, i saw fires in center city the other day in philadelphia. it sounds like you all can't do that much about it. >> it has been a rough few days in philadelphia, tucker. we are at an important moment in philadelphia's history, we can go down 1 of 2 paths. go down a positive path, peaceful protests, respect for democracy, racial healing or we can go down a destructive path, crime and lawlessness and bending to the mob and i know what path i want to go down, i know what path the federal government wants to go down and u.s. attorney's office wants to go down so we are working very hard to step in and make sure there is accountability and punishment for their rioting and of the looting and the arson that we've seen. >> tucker: i have to pause this, so off-topic but i can't control myself. as an american do you think if we take the path of chaos and lawlessness and mob rule, people will live here? who would live in a country like that voluntarily, seriously? >> i think that the vast majority of people want to take the positive path. >> tucker: yes, i agree. >> we are seeing a small percentage of people try to hijack our democracy and it's important that we stand up and it's important that we condemn the apps that we are seeing and not with sugarcoating it or making excuses, or hedging but full throated, unequivocal condemnation and that's certainly what i'm trying to do and i think what my brothers and sisters in the federal government throughout the u.s. attorney's offices across the country and with that apartment of justice are also doing. >> tucker: that's exactly right but you are up against people who are totally determined to subvert our system, our democracy, as you just said. >> well, we have a specific problem in philadelphia as you alluded to, he's actually scolding the media in philadelphia for showing the pictures of the rioting, the looting, the arsons, the burning of the police cars and the like because at steps on his narrative that this is all legitimate protest and he's not at all interested in putting any of these people in jail or having any accountability so again, the federal government is having to step into that accountability vacuum because i think we do speak for the majority, the vast majority of america. >> tucker: exactly right. i'm really glad you've come on the show, you have them on the show and continue to. thanks so much. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: it was just the other day it seemed like that the governor was threatening people with the wrath and in some cases doing it. now those same leaders are encouraging people to burn those businesses down. could the riots we are seeing increased coronavirus cases? they don't seem to care but we are going to assess that after the break. ♪ bottom line is, moms love that land o' frost premium sliced meats have no by-products. [conference phone] baloney! [conference phone] has joined the call. hey baloney here. i thought this was a no by-products call? land o' frost premium. a slice above. i thought this was a rudy got older and suddenly stopped eating...t, then we found freshpet. now rudy's 13, and going on 3. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: well, four months, recently, all of us were told of the bill of rights had been canceled, our most basic rights. free speech, political assembly, freedom of religion, all of it was being suspended. try to organize a political rally, not people arrested. why? coronavirus, public health, nothing is more important. that's what they told us. they were lying. it turns out they didn't want us talking and challenging their power. it turned out to be absolutely right, we know that because now that a movement has emerged that will increase their power, the same people aren't just allowing protest in the street but encouraging them. he threatened the residents of los angeles with punishment if they walked on dry sand, we showed you the tape. yesterday, he said he kneeled with protesters, prostrated himself before them, begged their forgiveness. he even touched some. where was the social distancing, eric? none. the coronavirus didn't vanish. the question is, could it spike in cases leaders previously warned us. will it? professor marc siegel has some thoughts on that, he joins us. doctor, thanks so much for coming up, is this bewildering? unravel it for us if you would. >> it's not bewildering, tucker. i have to tell you, i'm coming to you from the heart of new york city tonight in my office where i am only allowed because i'm essential medical personnel, the entire city of new york is locked down, also of course under a curfew, what an eerie feeling but i'll tell you the heart of the problem, you've already alluded to it. it's our leadership. can we believe leaders, mayors and governors who one week say you have to be locked down because of covid-19 and the next week they totally forget about covid-19 and as you say they are getting together with protesters who are not obeying social distancing, that are in anger and i have to tell you in my book on fear i point out that when you are angry, when you are having a lot of emotion and passion you know what you do? you don't take precautions. so they are handing out masks, right? jacob frey in minneapolis is handing out masks to everybody and their rubbing their masks and spitting to their masks and touching each other. minneapolis, minnesota has seven cases on june 2nd, they've dropped all the way down to seven cases in the whole state of minnesota. up to phase two reopening, so we are waiting to see, tucker, what is going to happen to minneapolis now? we are all for the first amendment for protesting, of course, but wasn't jacob frey didn't like the idea that we were going to reopen churches and put 25% of each church open which is also first amendment. i'm wondering what's going to happen to minneapolis now with all these protests and no social distancing. 25 centers, hot spots around the united states according to the associated press are worrisome for the issue of what's going to happen with all this protesting, all this congregating together. what's going to happen a few days from now, just a few days from now what will happen? will we see a spike in cases? i want today something interesting, tucker. to me this is a public health experiment, you and i have been saying from the beginning, we don't believe lockdowns work, we think they are draconian and unnecessary, but guess what they're doing, our leaders are relieving the lockdowns by allowing people to congregate so i'm going to be able to come on the show next week and tell you, lockdowns helped or they didn't because they are being violated all across the country and if we don't see a spike in cases as a result we will know that the media and our politicians were overhyping the lockdowns to get political gain. they made a mistake, they shifted over to first amendment rights to protest and forgot about covid-19. well if covid-19 comes back they are going to look awful foolish and if it doesn't come back they're going to look foolish, tucker. >> tucker: it's just very different because before people wanted to worship god in church which is obviously immoral, now they are looting the apple store which is, needless to say, civil rights. you can see it's very different. good to see you tonight. >> thank you, tucker, stay safe. >> tucker: something very odd and ominous is happening in this country. a new religion has emerged out of nowhere. people who believe they have the wrong skin color and who hate themselves because of it. bow down in public and to beg forgiveness for their privilege, happening mostly in affluent neighborhoods. the d.c. suburbs seem to be the epicenter of it all. we will tell you about this new dimension of our cultural revolution in progress after the break. ♪ ♪ >> there are two people that are destroying this country and that is guilty white people and angry, rich, entitled blacks who continue to play the race card and then, they don't have to live with the consequences of their advocacy. >> tucker: most decent people try really hard not to be bigoted. we are told not to be bigoted and it is true. so the best of your ability, you really do try to treat other people fairly and not consider them a member of the group, but as individuals created by god each unique. most people try to do that, but in america, it is not enough. if you want to placate the world, you have to humiliate and degrade yourself. at the beginning of the show we saw a woman ordered to her knees to apologize for her privilege, which of course she dutifully did but outside of washington, d.c., in the suburb of bethesda, the individual sacrament has been replaced by a mass ritual. watch this. >> [inaudible] >> i will do everything in my power and everything for my community. >> tucker: so this is a religion, obviously, that is the liturgy with creed. what is it about? is this religion about atonement and forgiveness and reconciliation? no, it's not. it's about dominance and submission, degradation, humiliation. the culture was filled with rituals like this. watching from twitter, an african-american woman summed it up this way which tells you a lot, "this is weird and uncomfortable and i'm 99% certain most people of color feel the same way. y'all are getting weird like jonestown weird." amen. forrest cooper is cochair of author 21 how trump is making black america great again. forrest cooper is joining us tonight. thank you for joining us tonight. >> so what is this, do you thi think? >> this is an example of an evil that persists throughout all of recorded history. there has always been a group of people who want to claim they are better than other people. today's mob needs to apologize to connor. all they have done is sort of substituted who is supposed to ingratiate themselves, but the concept is the same, and evil one. our american system is an entirely different one. we are all americans are equal under the law. >> tucker: exactly and if one day this group of rich people in bethesda decides that when race is better than the other and one race has to apologize to the other race, they are perfectly capable of flipping that around. >> absolutely. >> tucker: it should make you nervous, right? >> absolutely this is what history shows. my grandfather oscar johnson when he was a young man, he was forced to ingratiate himself. he was forced to do things to humiliate himself, but we know that it was wrong. not because he was black, but because he was a citizen of the united states! what our friends in the media, what those in academia, the so-called woke community need to understand is this principle of equality was hard to fault. when america formed and promoted it, it was something unique on the planet. >> tucker: i can add to that so i appreciate using it. forrest cooper, thank you for joining us tonight. >> tucker: those are words to think about. this is a scary moment and we need to think a lot, a lot is at stake in so much is coming at you for a reason. they don't want you to think clearly. shake it off and see america as it really is. have a great night. speaking of great, the great sean hannity live from new york. >> sean: why am i stupid enough to be here? that is a great question. in fact, i don't have the lowest taxes are the best government representation either. anyway, great tucker, tucker. welcome to "hannity." we are tracking several breaking stories, one the media mob is totally, completely ignoring and that would be rod rosenstein's appalling eye-opening testimony from earlier today. we will show you a breaking report that shows how the group "black lives matter" is planning to trained domain train or a militia on holy spirit incredibly disturbing but first, once again cities all across the great country of ours bracing for yet another night of utter chaos.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20200604

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worry about at this point. after we watched what's happened over the last week, how do we put this society back together? can we? we don't know that either. if you are grieving for america tonight, you are not alone. millions feel the same way you do. so many of our leaders, by contrast, are not grieving. they seem exhilarated, they feel nothing as our nation descends into anarchy. they see a chance to solidify their control to increase their market share to win our collections. they have no interest in talking about the details about what is actually happening out there on our streets. in fact, they are hiding those details, demanding that you forget what you saw. don't forget it, remember all of it. every bit because it's proof of who they are. this is who they are. [sirens] >> no justice, no peace! >> tucker: that's what they're defending. that's what they're encouraging. it has nothing to do with civil rights, it's violent and the criminals you just saw on the screen are not protesters. the people cheering them on from their tv studios have no patience for real protests, for real protesters. just in april, democrats in new jersey arrested a woman for trying to plan a rally, a protest at the state capital. "the new york times" it said nothing when they did that because they approved. that's how they really feel about any political expression they can't control, they crush it. what they support is more powerful themselves and they are willing to use gangs of thugs to get it. here's one of their protesters. >> [bleep]! [bleep]! no justice, no peace. >> tucker: nbc news wouldn't show you that video ever, neither with cnn under any circumstances. no justice, no peace, they chant as a man tortures a dog. these are the worst people in america and our leaders have let them do whatever they want. so of course they want more. their latest demand is that we eliminate the police entirely. no more law enforcement in this country. that would mean more power for the mob. they can do anything. it would mean never ending terror for you and for your family. that's why they wanted. watch. >> our city council members and all of our elected officials, d fund of the police! >> d fund the police! >> tucker: no sane person would dare to have said something like that in public just a week and a half ago. now a member of congress has endorsed the idea, rashida tlaib. what would happen to our country if we eliminated law-enforcement? of the mayor of los angeles, the second-biggest city in america, his city would devolve into a murderous health scape within hours if the police left. but he won't push back against this idea, instead he kneeled and subservience before the people demanding it. >> l.a. mayor eric garcetti joined protesters moments ago, what he had to say? >> he came out this morning and he took the time to come out and come out among the protesters, he knelt while he was out there saying and showing his solidarity for the movement, for the protesters here today and i can tell you that today, this daytime protest has been very peaceful, very calm, lots of chanting, singing. >> tucker: he kneeled. our leaders are kneeling before the mob. the atavistic ritual of self abasement, of defeat. suddenly many are performing this ritual including police around the country. the mob wants victory but more than that, it wants the total humiliation of its enemy. >> i work for black lives matter, i'm sorry that i scared you. but since i work for that company, my ceo has told me to come out today and to bring you on your knees because you have white privilege so if they see that a white person is getting on their knees, that shows solidarity for the situation. the situation, could you just please apologize for your white privilege? just apologize. >> i'm trying to think of the right words to say. >> it's big. it's large in this country. >> tucker: why do we kneel? we kneel because we've lost. we kneel before our victors because they have won. we've put down our resistance, we beg for their mercy but mobs rarely forgive. we are on your side, we shout. we are in solidarity, spare us. but they never do. >> we are on your side! we are on your side! we are on your side! >> tucker: we are on your side, as the rock comes through the window. do you think the mob cares? no. why are americans surrendering to violent mobs? because they've been told they have to. everything we are now watching, the looting, the arson, the killing has a purpose. the purpose, we are told again and again is to end racist police violence against african-americans. we are told that that is the single greatest courage in this country. >> for the past 400 years, this has been a of black people in this country. >> i'm sick and tired of seeing black men and women be killed and nothing be done about it. >> stop killing us! stop killing us! stop killing us! >> tucker: "stop killing us." it's chilling and if you believe it and you're a decent person you will be moved by it. because it's awful. no american should ever be mistreated by those in authority, much less killed. the abuse of power is always and everywhere a sin and its increasingly common here. we should always work to end it. in this case, the death of a man at the hands of police in minneapolis turned out to be a metaphor for abuse of power. that death has led to demands that we fire the nearly 700,000 police officers who work in the united states and that we free the million and a half criminals who are now behind bars. in america, joe biden told us recently, "just the color of your skin puts your life at risk." senator cory booker of new jersey strongly agreed with that quote. we have so many people in our country, booker said yesterday, open african-american men, mostly unarmed being murdered by police officers in no way of holding them accountable. so many people murdered by police officers, unarmed." you're hearing a lot of people in authority tell you that every day, every hour. one group of pro athletes just announced that "it seems like every week a new tragedy unfolds before our very eyes where people are being killed by police violence." each time we tweet, we pray, we mourn only to repeat the cycle a few days later." in the words of the lawyer representing george floyd's family in minneapolis, "we are witnessing here in america is "." if you believed that you might understand the riots now in progress. there is nothing worse then genocide. is this happening, is it true? we found the numbers and we are going to go through them with you in some detail tonight because it's worth it. since 2015, "the washington post" has maintained a copper hands of database of fatal police shootings in this country. last year the post logged a total of 1,004 killings. of the 802 killings in which the race of the police officer and sub suspect was noted, 371 of those were white. 236 were black. the vast majority of those killed were not in fact unarmed, the vast majority were armed and african-american suspects were significantly more likely to have a deadly weapon then white suspects yet more white suspects were killed. overall there were a total of precisely ten cases in the united states last year according to "the washington post" in which unarmed african-americans were shot by the police. nine men and one woman. as we said, a lot is at stake. the country is at stake. we want to take the time now to go through these case-by-case. into the specifics. the first was a man killed by an knoxville police officer called daylen williams. according to williams, he attacked him, choked him and used a taser on him before the officer shot him. five eyewitnesses corroborated the officer's claim and the officer was not charged. the second case concerns a man called marcus mcveigh, by any definition of a career criminal. at the time he was killed he was wanted on drug dealing charges, a texas state trooper pulled him over. he fled on his car and then fled on foot into the woods, there he fought with the trooper and was shot and killed. the officer was not charged in that case. female police officer arrived and ordered the suspect toward her car, he charged her and knocked her to the ground. at that point she shot and killed him, the entire incident was caught on body camera, the officer was not charged. being approached by two l.a. county deputies when he backed into one of them with his vehicle, the deputy was caught in the car door, he and his partner opened fire, the deputies were not charged in that case. melvin watkins of east baton rouge louisiana was shot by a deputy after he allegedly drove his car towards a deputy at high speed, the deputy was not charged. isaiah lewis wasn't just unarmed, he was completely naked. he broke into a house and attacked a police officer. the police tased williams but he kept coming at them and attacking come of the officer shot him, they were not charged. tatiana johnson -- jefferson was shot by a fort worth deputy. a neighbor called a nonemergency number after seeing her door open. police arrived, johnson saw them approach from a window and was holding a gun at the time. according to body camera footage, the officers shot johnson within seconds. jefferson. that officer has been charged with homicide. christopher whitfield was shot and killed in louisiana, he robbed a gas station. debbie declan simpson said his gun discharged accidentally. sims, who is black himself, was not charge in that killing kevin mason was shot by police during a multi-hour stand off very mason turned out not to have a gun, mason claimed to have a gun, claims to be armed and vowed to kill police with it. they believed him, mason had been in a shoot-out with police years before. and finally, the tenth case concerns gregory griffin, shot during a car chase. the officer claims he saw someone pointing a gun at him. later, a gun was in fact found inside the vehicle and the officer was charged anyway with aggravated manslaughter. those are the facts. that is the entire list from 2019. last year. ten deaths. in five deaths and officer was attacked just before the shooting occurred. that is not disputed. one allegedly was an accident, that leaves a ful total of four codeaths in pursuit or a standoff. an two of those cases, the officer was criminally charged. is it possible that more of these officers should have been charged, of course it's possible. justice is not always served, that's for sure. but either way, this is a very small number in a country of 325 million people. this is not genocide, it's not even close to genocide, it's laughable to suggest it is. the number police killings is dropping. in 2015 during barack obama's presidency, 38 unarmed black americans and 32 whites were slain by police, overall totals have fallen since then and fallen far more dramatically for african-american men. last year was the safest year for unarmed suspects since "the washington post" began tracking police shootings. the safest year for both white and black suspects. at the same time this country remains a dangerous place for police officers, 48 of them were murdered in 2019 according to fbi data. that's more than the number of unarmed suspects killed of all races. one final number for you because it matters. in 2018, 7,407 african-americans were murdered in the united states. in 2019 continues on a similar trajectory and we hope it doesn't but if it does that would mean that for every unarmed african-american shot to death in the united states by police, more than 700 were murdered by someone else. usually by someone they know. again, those are the facts, they are not in dispute. our african-americans being hunted as joy reid recklessly claimed on msnbc recently? or something else happening? is our nation being ripped apart by a total and complete lie, approvable lie, ally used by a cynical media manipulators and unscrupulous politicians who understand that racial strife raised hatred as their path to power even if it destroys the country. you have the facts now and you can decide what's really going on. heather macdonald is the author of the book "the war on cops," she joins us tonight. heather, you wrote a book on this end because so much is at stake and because people have died and are dying in the country is being ripped apart, we want to be sure that we have these numbers right. we bow to you, someone who just wrote a book on this, are the numbers we just read correct and what do you make of them? >> absolutely they are correct, tucker. this is a narrative that is both false and dangerous. in 2015 and 2016, when we went through what now is in retrospect a minimal amount of civil unrest and riots throughout the country, 2,000 additional black males were killed because cops backed off of policing. right now we are already seeing crime going to the roof, we've seen the assassinations of cops and i fear were going to see more and who are the people who are going to be hurt when these cops back off, if we defund emac defund the cops. the delegitimization is so great, the hatred being arrested when they arrest gang bangers, gun toners, people who have just shot innocent children in the city, the hatred being directed at officers is extraordinary, who is going be hurt? of the thousands of law and abiding residents in inner-city neighborhoods, people like a cancer amputee in the bronx who told me, please send more police because the only time she feels safe to go into her building lobby is when the cops are there because it's otherwise colonized by trespassing youth selling drugs and smoking weed. there was an elderly lady in the 41st precinct of the south bronx who stood up in the middle of the community meeting and said, how lovely when we see the police, they are my friends. these are the voices that the media deliberately silences because they completely undermine their phony narrative about systemic police racism and white supremacy in this country. >> tucker: i mean, phony doesn't begin to scratch the surface, i would say. we are being told by demagogues on television, officeholders, people who run the country are telling us genocide is occurring, there is a never-ending wave of racist attacks on african-americans by police officers in which many are dying. we came up with ten in 2019, how can they say something like that? when there are no facts to support it. >> the irony is "the washington post"'s own database collects the statistics, but "the washington post" doesn't write that. here's another interesting fact, a police officer is 18 and a half times more likely to be murdered by a black male than an unarmed blackmail is to be murdered by a cop. or killed by a cop. so there are so many facts about crime, about policing, we should not racially profile blacks for any crime rates, we should also not racially profile cops for one absolutely horrific arrest. the cops desperately want more tactical training, they want more help in de-escalating and controlling stress but they are not systemically biased. >> tucker: we need to decelerate, de-escalate the rhetoric here because this is actually threatening the country. great to see you, thanks so much. >> it's not the country, it's civilization itself is now at risk. >> tucker: barack obama and joe biden helped create the myth that police are violently racist, now obama is lecturing america about the great opportunity that looting and rioting. that's next. ♪ you doing okay? yeah. this moving thing never 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street, they say they are not satisfied by the developments, they will keep demonstrating until an undetermined point in time. tucker? >> tucker: of course they will. mike tobin, thanks so much. also hints of something going on in washington d.c., live pictures from the nation's capital monitoring the situation. their hand across the country. now with a round up of what is happened in your country, we check in with trace gallagher. hey, trace. >> after a barrage of criticism for failing to stop several days of looting, the police put departments in the nation's biggest cities have decided to utilize the national guard and crackdown on looters. it's not stopping the problem as witnessed in new york where roving gangs of criminals steered clear of manhattan's major avenues and instead targeted side streets including a well-known clothing store. new york has arrested hundreds, but most if not all have been released without penalty. we should know los angeles also saw more looting albeit on a smaller scale. tucker? >> tucker: trace gallagher, thanks so much. why exactly is joe biden running for president? i'd love to tell you, can't remember at the moment. not a great message, though. his handlers created this ad for him, he's not going to be commander in chief, he's going to be uniter in chief. >> i look at the presidency is a very big job and nobody will get it right every time and i won't either. but i promise you this, i won't traffic in fear and division. i won't fan the flames of hate. i will seek to heal the racial wounds that have long plagued our country, not use them for political gain. >> tucker: it's a noble sentiment. is there a single person who wouldn't like to see the country united as it was before, say, barack obama became president? joe biden was the vice president in that administration so it's all a little hard to believe. barack obama was elected twice in this country, a majority white electorate both times and yet despite that in the obvious evidence that maybe it's not the racist country they said it was, obama did more than anyone in memory to promote the lie that this country is racist to the core and that police are agents of that racism. even now that he's left office, obama is continuing to promote that lie that benefited him so much. today obama emerge inexplicably, stop giving overpriced speeches to lecture the rest of us and explained that if police officers want to prove that they aren't racist, they need to switch sides and join the protesters as riots burned down thousands of cities, obama described the chaos that's wrecking america, as in fact, a great opportunity. >> as tragic as the past few weeks have been, as difficult and scary and uncertain as they've been, they have also been an incredible opportunity for people to be awakened. do some of these underlying trends. and they offer an opportunity for us to all work together to tackle them, to change america and make it live up to its highest ideals. >> tucker: dana perino, host of "the daily briefing," i'm not going to give you my obama lecture but for a guy who invited al sharpton to the white house to tell us we need a national conversation on race, it's a little much. but tell me as a political matter, i feel better now. as a political matter, why is barack obama emerging from high paid speech land today? >> it's interesting, listening to that, tucker, if you were to pull up the speeches that president obama gave after the ferguson riots and after baltimore, you might hear the exact same language. it's very vague, it's relatively reassuring and it's kind of hopeful and not quiet anything concrete and i don't think it necessarily met the moment today. i can imagine he is under a tremendous amount of pressure. maybe personally but also from friends and family, perhaps, perhaps other elected leaders in the state saying we need you to come out and say something to help try to call calms things down. what's remarkable about his remarks tonight is that they were so unremarkable, there's very little news that came out of it but as a former president that was actually right, there's only one president at a time, we are also in the middle of a presidential election and he should not try to get in president trump's way, there will be plenty of time to campaign but the president of the united states has command of the crisis at the time the time. >> tucker: this is bipartisan and i mean it, this applies to a lot of republicans as well as democrats, why doesn't everybody preface the statement with "i'm sorry, you're not allowed to burn things, you can't steal things that don't belong to, you can't spray paint the world war ii memorial," why is that so hard to say? >> thinking back to ferguson and baltimore and other incidents that happened in the previous administration, president obama did that. i think he use the word "thugs" at one point as well paid one of the things, republicans can look at the obama administration and very clinically as her republicans love an excel spreadsheet and say, these results did not get done during the first black president administration in terms of reducing racism, et cetera. for african-americans i think they have great affection for him for many reasons but one of them is the all important question asked in every political campaign, does the candidate or the president understand and feel for people like me, does he care about me? and i think for a lot of his voters and people who still support him, yes, i think that answer would probably still be asked for him. >> tucker: man, i'm just so beyond that, nothing to do with race or any specific slice of the electorate but you can't burn the country down and i don't know why no one says that, i really don't understand. dana, great to see you tonight, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> tucker: police have arrested hundreds of rioters and looters. but almost none of them are in jail. why? because of the laws they systematically put in place since the last midterm election, now the better truth emerges. we've got details on that next. ♪ the 100s of people have been arrested and riots around the country but thanks to criminal justice reform, stopping rioters will be impossible in many places and it shows. in new york city, the nypd has arrested about 700 people for rioting and looting, violence and vandalism, wrecking our country but almost all of them will be set free immediately without paying any bail. why? the state's brand-new reform law, if the word reform is in it, it almost always means we are going backwards. rioters there, we'll get similarly away. watching all of this of close and personal, u.s. attorney for the district of philadelphia, federal prosecutor and he joins us tonight. thanks so much for coming on. we are watching this happen, i saw fires in center city the other day in philadelphia. it sounds like you all can't do that much about it. >> it has been a rough few days in philadelphia, tucker. we are at an important moment in philadelphia's history, we can go down 1 of 2 paths. go down a positive path, peaceful protests, respect for democracy, racial healing or we can go down a destructive path, crime and lawlessness and bending to the mob and i know what path i want to go down, i know what path the federal government wants to go down and u.s. attorney's office wants to go down so we are working very hard to step in and make sure there is accountability and punishment for their rioting and of the looting and the arson that we've seen. >> tucker: i have to pause this, so off-topic but i can't control myself. as an american do you think if we take the path of chaos and lawlessness and mob rule, people will live here? who would live in a country like that voluntarily, seriously? >> i think that the vast majority of people want to take the positive path. >> tucker: yes, i agree. >> we are seeing a small percentage of people try to hijack our democracy and it's important that we stand up and it's important that we condemn the apps that we are seeing and not with sugarcoating it or making excuses, or hedging but full throated, unequivocal condemnation and that's certainly what i'm trying to do and i think what my brothers and sisters in the federal government throughout the u.s. attorney's offices across the country and with that apartment of justice are also doing. >> tucker: that's exactly right but you are up against people who are totally determined to subvert our system, our democracy, as you just said. >> well, we have a specific problem in philadelphia as you alluded to, he's actually scolding the media in philadelphia for showing the pictures of the rioting, the looting, the arsons, the burning of the police cars and the like because at steps on his narrative that this is all legitimate protest and he's not at all interested in putting any of these people in jail or having any accountability so again, the federal government is having to step into that accountability vacuum because i think we do speak for the majority, the vast majority of america. >> tucker: exactly right. i'm really glad you've come on the show, you have them on the show and continue to. thanks so much. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: it was just the other day it seemed like that the governor was threatening people with the wrath and in some cases doing it. now those same leaders are encouraging people to burn those businesses down. could the riots we are seeing increased coronavirus cases? they don't seem to care but we are going to assess that after the break. ♪ bottom line is, moms love that land o' frost premium sliced meats have no by-products. [conference phone] baloney! [conference phone] has joined the call. hey baloney here. i thought this was a no by-products call? land o' frost premium. a slice above. i thought this was a rudy got older and suddenly stopped eating...t, then we found freshpet. now rudy's 13, and going on 3. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: well, four months, recently, all of us were told of the bill of rights had been canceled, our most basic rights. free speech, political assembly, freedom of religion, all of it was being suspended. try to organize a political rally, not people arrested. why? coronavirus, public health, nothing is more important. that's what they told us. they were lying. it turns out they didn't want us talking and challenging their power. it turned out to be absolutely right, we know that because now that a movement has emerged that will increase their power, the same people aren't just allowing protest in the street but encouraging them. he threatened the residents of los angeles with punishment if they walked on dry sand, we showed you the tape. yesterday, he said he kneeled with protesters, prostrated himself before them, begged their forgiveness. he even touched some. where was the social distancing, eric? none. the coronavirus didn't vanish. the question is, could it spike in cases leaders previously warned us. will it? professor marc siegel has some thoughts on that, he joins us. doctor, thanks so much for coming up, is this bewildering? unravel it for us if you would. >> it's not bewildering, tucker. i have to tell you, i'm coming to you from the heart of new york city tonight in my office where i am only allowed because i'm essential medical personnel, the entire city of new york is locked down, also of course under a curfew, what an eerie feeling but i'll tell you the heart of the problem, you've already alluded to it. it's our leadership. can we believe leaders, mayors and governors who one week say you have to be locked down because of covid-19 and the next week they totally forget about covid-19 and as you say they are getting together with protesters who are not obeying social distancing, that are in anger and i have to tell you in my book on fear i point out that when you are angry, when you are having a lot of emotion and passion you know what you do? you don't take precautions. so they are handing out masks, right? jacob frey in minneapolis is handing out masks to everybody and their rubbing their masks and spitting to their masks and touching each other. minneapolis, minnesota has seven cases on june 2nd, they've dropped all the way down to seven cases in the whole state of minnesota. up to phase two reopening, so we are waiting to see, tucker, what is going to happen to minneapolis now? we are all for the first amendment for protesting, of course, but wasn't jacob frey didn't like the idea that we were going to reopen churches and put 25% of each church open which is also first amendment. i'm wondering what's going to happen to minneapolis now with all these protests and no social distancing. 25 centers, hot spots around the united states according to the associated press are worrisome for the issue of what's going to happen with all this protesting, all this congregating together. what's going to happen a few days from now, just a few days from now what will happen? will we see a spike in cases? i want today something interesting, tucker. to me this is a public health experiment, you and i have been saying from the beginning, we don't believe lockdowns work, we think they are draconian and unnecessary, but guess what they're doing, our leaders are relieving the lockdowns by allowing people to congregate so i'm going to be able to come on the show next week and tell you, lockdowns helped or they didn't because they are being violated all across the country and if we don't see a spike in cases as a result we will know that the media and our politicians were overhyping the lockdowns to get political gain. they made a mistake, they shifted over to first amendment rights to protest and forgot about covid-19. well if covid-19 comes back they are going to look awful foolish and if it doesn't come back they're going to look foolish, tucker. >> tucker: it's just very different because before people wanted to worship god in church which is obviously immoral, now they are looting the apple store which is, needless to say, civil rights. you can see it's very different. good to see you tonight. >> thank you, tucker, stay safe. >> tucker: something very odd and ominous is happening in this country. a new religion has emerged out of nowhere. people who believe they have the wrong skin color and who hate themselves because of it. bow down in public and to beg forgiveness for their privilege, happening mostly in affluent neighborhoods. the d.c. suburbs seem to be the epicenter of it all. we will tell you about this new dimension of our cultural revolution in progress after the break. ♪ ♪ >> there are two people that are destroying this country and that is guilty white people and angry, rich, entitled blacks who continue to play the race card and then, they don't have to live with the consequences of their advocacy. >> tucker: most decent people try really hard not to be bigoted. we are told not to be bigoted and it is true. so the best of your ability, you really do try to treat other people fairly and not consider them a member of the group, but as individuals created by god each unique. most people try to do that, but in america, it is not enough. if you want to placate the world, you have to humiliate and degrade yourself. at the beginning of the show we saw a woman ordered to her knees to apologize for her privilege, which of course she dutifully did but outside of washington, d.c., in the suburb of bethesda, the individual sacrament has been replaced by a mass ritual. watch this. >> [inaudible] >> i will do everything in my power and everything for my community. >> tucker: so this is a religion, obviously, that is the liturgy with creed. what is it about? is this religion about atonement and forgiveness and reconciliation? no, it's not. it's about dominance and submission, degradation, humiliation. the culture was filled with rituals like this. watching from twitter, an african-american woman summed it up this way which tells you a lot, "this is weird and uncomfortable and i'm 99% certain most people of color feel the same way. y'all are getting weird like jonestown weird." amen. forrest cooper is cochair of author 21 how trump is making black america great again. forrest cooper is joining us tonight. thank you for joining us tonight. >> so what is this, do you thi think? >> this is an example of an evil that persists throughout all of recorded history. there has always been a group of people who want to claim they are better than other people. today's mob needs to apologize to connor. all they have done is sort of substituted who is supposed to ingratiate themselves, but the concept is the same, and evil one. our american system is an entirely different one. we are all americans are equal under the law. >> tucker: exactly and if one day this group of rich people in bethesda decides that when race is better than the other and one race has to apologize to the other race, they are perfectly capable of flipping that around. >> absolutely. >> tucker: it should make you nervous, right? >> absolutely this is what history shows. my grandfather oscar johnson when he was a young man, he was forced to ingratiate himself. he was forced to do things to humiliate himself, but we know that it was wrong. not because he was black, but because he was a citizen of the united states! what our friends in the media, what those in academia, the so-called woke community need to understand is this principle of equality was hard to fault. when america formed and promoted it, it was something unique on the planet. >> tucker: i can add to that so i appreciate using it. forrest cooper, thank you for joining us tonight. >> tucker: those are words to think about. this is a scary moment and we need to think a lot, a lot is at stake in so much is coming at you for a reason. they don't want you to think clearly. shake it off and see america as it really is. have a great night. speaking of great, the great sean hannity live from new york. >> sean: why am i stupid enough to be here? that is a great question. in fact, i don't have the lowest taxes are the best government representation either. anyway, great tucker, tucker. welcome to "hannity." we are tracking several breaking stories, one the media mob is totally, completely ignoring and that would be rod rosenstein's appalling eye-opening testimony from earlier today. we will show you a breaking report that shows how the group "black lives matter" is planning to trained domain train or a militia on holy spirit incredibly disturbing but first, once again cities all across the great country of ours bracing for yet another night of utter chaos.

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