They are eager to stick knives in the front runner joe biden. He took hits for not loving abortion enough until recently and caucusing for fellow democrats 55 years ago. How does he get back in the good graces of voters . By saying lunatic things. Watch this. I think donald trump may have reawakened sensibilities in this country to say we can do just like our generation was awakened when dr. King and Robert Kennedy were anassinated. I am back in. Tucker thats unbelievable. Sitting across from al sharpton. Bidens weekend was still better than some candidates. We are joined now by lisa booth who has been covering this scramble for the democratic nomination. Hi from new york. Tucker good to see you. How was Pete Buttigieg we are far away. But we are getting reports back from the United States that buttigieg had one of the worst weekends i have seen any democratic candidate have in a long time. It was a tough weekend for him. On joe biden, what is interesting, joe biden has been ahead, but i think these comments and the flipflop flip on the Hyde Amendment will undercut the narrative he is the most electable candidate. Buttigieg went home to south bend to face a crisis. There was a Police Shooting of a black man. He went home and this is what he faced. Watch this, tucker. [shouting]. Sure. [shouting]. We are going to allow him to speak. If everyone can just calm down. I would love to be able to finish my reply, if thats okay. Obviously Pete Buttigieg facing a lot of criticism. The challenge is if you are launching your president ial bid on your mayoral record and you face this scrutiny back home it makes it difficult to run on that record. He talked about the rev revitlization in south bend. He faced criticism of lack of diver diversity with the police department. Logans mother expressed that publicly. Not a good look for the mayor. He is facing a lot of scrutiny. Tucker buttigieg is running as a military tough guy. From the clip you just saw, he sat there as people screamed at him looking like a weakling. Did he ever say stop yelling at me . He didnt. You are facing an unruly mob or angry audience, its tough to have a reasonable conversation. Thats what he tried to do but to no avail. It doesnt look depend. Another democratic that is challenged is mayor bill de blasio. Someone who struggled to find his footing. He was in South Carolina and only 15 people showed up to one of his events. He is not finding any traction at all as you can see there. He got the endorsement of the mayor of orange burg, South Carolina who is one of the 15 people there. Not that excitement for him. He is struggling. We will see if he can make anything of being on the stage this week and the democratic debates. He is struggling to get traction. Tucker reality Still Matters at least a little bit in the United States. Good to see you. A little bit. Senator Elizabeth Warren you would think would already have a way to stand out. She wants to break up big tech companies. But its not enough to win over the left. Over the weekend we went for identity politics hard. Tweeted out support for gay reparations. Heres the quote our government owes them more than 50 Million Dollars for the tax code left them out. We must right these wrongs. This is the president of the independent womens voice. Tammy, great to see you tonight. Reparations for gay couple who would have gotten married. 1, wouldnt this be a transfer of wealth from the middleclass to the richest people in america . B, what did barack obama and Hillary Clinton who stood in the way of gay marriage get a pass . Bill clinton and Hillary Clinton had the defensive act dont ask and dont tell. They ignore this. That is interesting is the foolishness of this. She is pandering to a group of people but its an insult on that group of people. She complains about peoples greased. Yet the left and the democrats are talking about who owes you more money or what you deserve from other americans. It service the left by reducing us to warring tribes. It makes you jealous of your neighbor and family members. When you can get married in a state but not at the federal level. Here argument is the 3 extra years we gave those individuals, she is saying it should go back to whenever you got married. Where does that end . For those of who never got married, maybe we would have 20 years ago, shouldnt we somehow get some tax break for never being able to do it . And the backwardness of laws . Lets say the death tax, it its retroactive and judged unconstitutional, wouldnt we want that to be retroaccive to every family that paid the deathtacts. Its a reason we dont have laws that are retroactive. Its isolating another group that the democrats say they own in pandering to individuals and its an insult to us. I think obviously i have always believed i know many people have in american that all americans deserve the right of every other american. The attempt to have us look at each other as the enemy has to stop. Thats what she is pandering to now. Tucker the interesting question, maybe senator warren will explain, will the gay couples who receive reparations still pay reparations to relatives of slaves . Great to see you tonight. A congressman caused a lot of problems for the Democratic Party. Reporters are taking a closer look at her past and they support the claims that omar created marriage fraud. First we come to you live from japan. We will hit the streets of downtown tokyo. The fish market in tokyo. Been here about 24 hours. We went through a minor earthquake and its monsoon season. Hence the slicker. We came down here for this. No idea what is the seasoning is. We are here for the g20. We will be in tokyo all week. Everywhere we go, ramen. Lots of ramen. Tucker welcome back to Tucker Carlson tonight live from toyko, japan, ahead of the president s visit to this country for the g20. Back in the United States the congresswoman from minnesota created problems for the Democratic Party. Reporters are looking at allegations from several years ago ignored in the media that she may have created immigration marriage fraud. She married her first husband only in a religious ceremony and legally married her second husband. Omar separated from him in 2011 and reconciled with persy. According to the Washington Examiner, they were still living together for her entire marriage to elme. So was that marriage a sham from the first day . Omar herself can probably clear that up, but so far her office has refused to answer any questions about the matter. Steve is a republican representative from the state of minnesota. He joins us tonight. I am not sure i explained that clearly to the viewers. Give us the quick overview of how likely it looks that congresswoman omar committed marriage fraud . Its very likely actually. A lot of these documents have been dug up. David steinberg and others have done a great job over the last 3 years. The minnesota failed to act. The minnesota media is liberal and attacked to the pc culture they are not doing their job here. I think it begins with the star tribune needs to take down their picture of omar posted on their office wall. Thats what we are dealing with in minnesota. I appreciate you covering this here tonight. This whole thing my involvement began a year ago when i discovered then state representative omar was find for the third time as a freshman representative here in the state of minnesota by the Campaign Finance board. Then i discovered she had taken money from the public universities in the state that the committee upon which she served made funding decisions. It was a direct violation of minnesota house rules. The interesting thing is representative omar covered the whole thing up by waiting a full 5 months and violating the law to cover it up so that she could make it past her endorsing convention which happened 3 days before she posted the information and avoided an inquire re. Tucker if he committed marriage fraud, what would be the motive . Some are saying maybe i know the leading thought is it might be the student aid fraud. Both her and elme were students at the university of minnesota. Some of the stuff the Washington Examiner covered yesterday, it actually showed that both of them and all three, omar, elme and hershey, lived at the same address on 2 different occasions. Two going to the inside north dakota state university. The media in minnesota is unwilling to act. Tucker you come to the country and you hate us and we cant say anything about it. Representative, thanks for joining us tonight. Thanks, tucker. Tucker the Trump Administration was close to launching a Major Military strike on iran. But at the lastminute the president pulled back and thank goodness he instead of being praised, trump came under attack for that. On the right a radio show host accused the president of being a weakling of not launching a trillion dollars war over a broken robot. What the president did yesterday. I called it a uturn. I think its very important for all of our Decision Makers to recognize the weakness is provocative. A world in which response to attacks on American Assets is to pull back or to accept the attack, is a world in which america wont be able to successfully defend our interests. Tucker so iran is going to invade new jersey because we have not started a war. Democrats denounced the president also. Try to follow the reasoning. From the beginning of the presidency, taking a course of escalation with iran. We pulled out of an antinuclear deal that gave us transparency into their nuclear program. Its like somebody setting a fire to a basket full of paper and put it out. He helped create the crisis and then stopped the attacks. There is no question in my mind that President Trump put in place a series of events that led to that event. Tucker thats Kamala Harriss position. It not trump that is eager to start a war with country after country its the rest of washington starting with the National Security advisor vanillate. John bolton. The president pointed that out on meet the press this weekend. I have doves and hawks. I have some hawks. John bolton is absolutely a hawk. If it was up to him, he would take on the whole world at one time. Okay. Tucker [laughing]. President trump are not typically that honest. Hes a liar he was honest there. This is an editor of the american conservative and called the president s decision on thursday the night donald trump game president. Jim, great to see you tonight. You have a president pulling back from war and is attacked by both sides. What is going on . The structure in washington is biassed in favor of war. When President Trump bombed syria twice pundits said that was the night donald trump became president and showed he was a real commanderinchief. All of these other people that say trump is a wreckless and out of control chief executive are doing nothing to restrain him or enforce congresss institutional prerogatives and that include democracy. You have people on the never trump right and the Democratic Party that say trump is unfit to command. Unfit to be president. They want him to oversee a major war in a country larger than iraq. Disappointed he did not commence the attacks and think there is no inconsistency to that without there be a permanent secretary of defense. Totally bizarre to me. Tucker so maybe they feel that way because they understand that the war would be prosecuted and it is being pushed by people who hate trump and this would be a triumph of permanent washington over the voters. It will be a ri trump. Triumph. Yes, they dont have a nuclear end. They prefer diplomacy to war. We have seen war after war where the things we set out to do to keep american safer from islamists were not accomplished and they became more powerful than they were before. Even when we had a military response to 911 in afghanistan. From afghanistan through yemen, we have seen results that i dont think Many Americans are pleased with. For washington to be calling for a war in iran is incongruous to me. These are the same people telling us we have to accept the populations of the middle east coming to our country. We can redraw the borders of every country in the middle east and we are inviting the world here at the same time. Its a head scratcher. It makes sense to people in washington. Its almost like they are trying to destroy our country. Its funny. Jim, great to see you. Good to see you. Tucker heres a weird story. Christopher steele who created the trump dossier held secret meetings with a state Department Official before the last election. Why was that official nominated for a spot . And the Police Release their first meeting with Jussie Smollett with the hoax noose hanging around his neck. Coming to you tonight from toyko, japan, ahead of the g20 summit. Well be right back. Libre 14 dam just scan the sensor with your reader, iphone or android and manage your diabetes. With the freestyle libre 14 day system, a continuous glucose monitor, you can check your glucose levels any time, without fingersticks. Ask your doctor to write a prescription for the freestyle libre 14 day system. You can do it without fingersticks. Learn more at freestylelibre. Us tucker there is news tonight in the Jussie Smollett case. Police in chicago released a body cam footage with their encountier with Jussie Smollett the night he faked his famous hate crime. The first piece of video shows the brothers heading to or coming from the area of the alleged attack on the night police say the two brothers were paid to pretend to beat Jussie Smollett. Another piece of video is the moment Chicago Police entered actor Jussie Smolletts apartment for the first time. A man who identified himself at Jussie Smolletts director led them the police up to smolletts apartment. The police ask if smollett wants to take the rope off and he said i just wanted people to see and then he said they poured bleach on me. Here is that moment. Do you want to take it off . Yes, i do. [inaudible]. [radio chatter]. We saw video of the brothers later being arrested. Last friday a veteran judge ruled that a special prosecutor will investigate this entire case and Jussie Smollett could be charged all over again. Smollett maintains his innocence. Tucker matt, thanks a lot man. Newly released documents show the trump dossier office Christopher Steele was in contact with a senior american state Department Official just before the 2016 election which is odd. According to the Deputy Assistant of state, when she met with steele he was either tore have this released before the election. Why was a state Department Official meeting with steele at all. We dont know the answer but congressman nunes of california is trying to find out. He requested any information they have about the meeting. Congressman nunes join us tonight. Thank you very much for coming on . I am sitting in your chair. Tucker oh, good. You should come to toyko. You have heard back from the fbi . Not yet but we gave them to friday. If they dont give it to us by friday i will refer it over to the state department. They knew we needed everything to do with Christopher Steele. This is in that lane without a doubt. Tucker you didnt have this information during the whole span of your investigation . Any legitimate reason they withhold that from you . No legitimate reason. Worse than that, tucker, its way worse. This is in october of 2016. Why is that date important . Thats right before they get the fisa warrant on carter page. This is more evidence that shows they knew before they went to the fisa court that Christopher Steele was a big problem. She pointed out things like in that the russian consulate in miami was running this operation to help trump. There is only one problem. There is no russian consulate in miami. Tucker well, this was a pretty open propaganda effort by Christopher Steele to influence the outcome of the election . The Clinton Campaign and democrats were paying Christopher Steele to do this. We were never able to interview Christopher Steele. The brits have a lot of answers to give to the United States. The guy was paid by the democrats. To do what . Dirty up donald trump and make it look like he had tied to russia. The only one who had ties to russians was the democrats themselves because Christopher Steele was talking to russians. Tucker of course. He said it himself. They always accuse you of what they themselves are doing. Congressman nunes, thank you very much. Keep us posted. The death toll in the Dominican Republic has reached at least 12 western torts. Tourists. A toxicologist thinks he may know the culprit straight ahead. Everyones got to listen to mom. When it comes to reducing th