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Brought dean to congress to testify up on capitol hill. It not Richard Nixon, but about the Mueller Investigation. The Mueller Investigation . Baffling. John dean is 88 years old. He has nothing to do with Robert Mueller or his investigation. It dean hasnt worked in any of the last eight president ial administrations. When john dean last held a politically relevant job, Francisco Franco ran spain. It was a long time ago. So why was dean on capitol hill . Simple, he works for jeff zucker known as cnn contributor. If the democrats wanted to hear him talk like this. If i had to channel a little of Richard Nixon, i think hed tell this president is going too far. This is the o start of stuff ofa banana republic. This is what an autocrat does. Do you think this is proving that he is unhinged, concerns about that or parts about that . He certainly acts unhinged. Hes thinking like putin would think. What we are witnessing is a very public obstruction ofhe justice. He, as i see it, has already exceeded everything that nixon did. Youre saying in your opinion donald trump has gone farther than Richard Nixon did to obstruct justice . Thats exactly what im saying. I think trump is nixon on steroids and stilts. Tucker nixon on steroids a certain kind of dimwitted baby boomer, this kind of thing is totally irresistible. St reeses Peanut Butter cup pizza. At the hearing, dean admitted that he didnt have any relevant knowledge of anything thats happened in this century, but he is still 100 positive that donald trump is more evil than Richard Nixon ever was. The last time i appear before your committee was july 111974. During the impingement inquiry of Richard Nixon. Clearly im not here today as a fact witness. In many ways, the Mueller Report is to President Trump what the socalled watergate road map was to president Richard Nixon. Tucker i am not a fact witness, dean conceded. What other kinds of witnesses are there . Editorial witnesses . People who have no idea what theyre talking about but feel very strongly about it . [laughs] the entire hearing went like this and dean wasnt even the only cable news analyst there. Democrats invited a lot of them. They trotted out a fake expert, for example, called barbara mcquade. An msnbc legal analyst who was once u. S. Attorney before donald trump fired her. Since then, she has been on call to reassure jittery msnbc viewers the 2016 election wasnt actually real and in any case, big orange will be gone veryon soon. The conduct described in the report constitutes multiple crimes of obstruction of justice. If it is supported by evidence of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and im confident that t f anyone other than a sitting president committed this conduct, that person would be charged with crimes. Tucker it sounds so official. As expected, mcquade read from the improved script on sunday. She may have no relevant knowledge or expertise, none whatsoever, but she is neverthelessss very certain that donald trump is a criminal. T it could be that President Trump procured the presidency by fraud when immigrants cure their citizenship by t fraud, we strip them of their citizenship. The president procures his presidency by fraud, should we consider doing the same . Tucker it went on like this all day long, in case you missed it. There was no real discussion of Robert Muellers findings. Instead, for a few hours cspan looked like a cnn panel as people and make up thunder for impeachment. But in fact the whole show was an indication of how weak proimpeachment forces really are. If despite all the investigations, all the ranting you see on cable news, House Democrats still dont have the votes to impeach donald trump. The talking heads showed up yesterday to rally the base and to prod democrats towards an impeachment trial. Did it work . Not clear, probablyy not. But there was another reason for the hearing too, and we shouldnt overlook it. While democrats continue to borrow through the Mueller Report, trying to twist itsst hohum findings into high crimes and misdemeanors, the attorney general a will embark s Digging Deeper into the spine. The doj spying before and after the 2016 election. Where you know the fbi surveilled Donald Trumps campaign, now we are finding out how expensive that spying was and how flimsy the justification for it. Democrats know that barrs findings could be horrifying, embarrassing, and maybe even devastating. They could help President Trump get reelected so if youre on the left right now, its a good idea to muddy the waters. It takes calling john dean out of retirement, well worth it. Brit hume covered john dean the first time around and he joins us tonight f to assess dean this time. Great to to see you. Thank you. If people john dean yesterday. It might have been because his testimony and that of his fellow witnesses yesterday was knocked off the air by a Helicopter Crash in new york that killed one person. Otherwise, not that big a story, but big enough to knock john dean offir the air, which gives you an idea of the news value of it. John dean, as you pointed out, a convicted felon who did time for obstruction of justice. He wasnt really a watergate coconspirator, he was the mastermind before he was the watergate coverup mastermind, he was also the mastermind of a coverup of the itt spirits can scandal which preceded watergate, a story which i did a lot of work on. And in thehe course of doing th, the fbi found that this particular memo that set off the whole scandal was authentic. Dean tried to get the fbi to change the letter, asserting stomach asserting its offensent activity. It is the sort of chap john dean was and is best you can tell, thats the sort of chap he is, but he would be the star witness in a house hearing about donald trump is quite remarkabl remarkable, but remember, we earlier had a house hearing in which Michael Cohen was the star witness so i suppose we shouldnt be terribly surprised. Tucker so, do you think bernie made off will be testifying before housefi Financial Services on investmenu reform . I guess what youre saying is its a little odd to see john dean giving america lectures about ethics. Of course ite is. And it is a little surprising to me that our colleagues over at cnn have made him a contributor and have him on the air all thel time. I suspect that im old enough to have been around during john deans heyday as president nixons white House Counsel and coverup planner, but it seems to me a lot of people over at cnn perhaps warrant. He was able to seduce reduce his sentence, who anybody at that time would consider a good guy xpand least of all an expert on ethics. Tucker so maybe the idea was having someone on cnns air who could say trump is worse w than nixon, maybe that was worth paying him a contributor contract . Tucker sayingte things are worse than watergate is something that john dean has been doing for some time. He said that about george w. Bush. He did its what hee does. And i guess hes gotten himself on television doing that, but it add up to much of a reason to take them very seriously and thanks to the Helicopter Crash, americans were spared the experience. Tucker its interesting, the impeachment conversation. Clearly yesterdays of the theatrics were designed in order to spur democrats towards supporting impeachment. I dont know if its effective in doing that or not but weve been, for two months since the release of the Mueller Report been talking about whether theres going to be a move towards impeachment and its not clear that democrats have the votes, even now, why is that . Tucker i think they dont have the votes because the crime that everybody suspected that donald trump might be guilty of, the Mueller Report, pretty authoritatively knocked down, that is to say he was complicit withth the russians in trying to throw the election in his own favor. The Mueller Report simply did not find thatha and that of coue raises questions about what would have been the motivation for him to obstruct the investigation since it was the investigation into something that he evidently did not do. I think the reason to bring john dean up there was perhaps to try to recapture the drama of his watergate testimony and make no mistake about it, it was quite dramatic and he was a quite effective witness. If you couldve heard a pin drop in that Senate Caucus room, the famous room were so many hearings have been held there,. Meticulous witness, a prepared witness and he was effective against nixon. So i suspect that they were seeking to recreate some of those atmospherics, but given his record and given all thats gone before, he clearly was not going to happen, and it didnt. Tucker very quickly, what you think the odds area that alexandria ocasiocortez has any idea who john dean is . I suspect perhaps today she does. I dont know how much she knew before the last several days. Of course if she watches cnn a lot, she may be one of his fans, who knows. Tucker [laughs] and doubtless she s does. Ou great to see you tonight. Thanks. Tucker mark meadows a republican who represents North Carolina and he joins us tonight. Next very much for coming on. What was the purpose of this, do you think . Look, brit hume related out very well, they had to go out and find a witness and john dean has made a career of comparing everybody to Richard Nixon and everybody is worse than Richard Nixon according to him and here they come back with a cnn paid contributor trying to lay out an argument that actually fell flat. I think the biggest thing is this. There was that movie groundhog day with bill murray. This is a groundhog day kind of hearing. They cant get it right so they keep coming back over and over and over again trying to convince the American People that the president is guilty when indeed the evidence suggests otherwise. Tucker whats interesting is that one House Democrats want to convince the country from that the president should be impeached, they call not actual experts of ethical msnbc and cnn employees. Is that odd to you . Its very odd and interestingly, one of those witnesses yesterday tweeted out in 2017 that the dossier was a credible document that the fisa court obviously thought it was you and i both know that not only do we know that itsn not credible, and not only to the American People know that the dossier and Christopher Steele was not credible, but the fbi knew that before the very first fisa warrant and yet they are going to try to convince the American People with theatrics instead of the facts. And the fact that he said he was not a fact witness, there is not a truer statement thats been uttered on capitol hill and that statement by john dean yesterday. Tucker so taking off your partisan hat, just put on your prognosticator had, whatever that looks like, are they going to impeach or not . B obviously i dont think they impeach, mainly because if theyve looked at the same polls that weve looked at, the vast majority of americans believe that everybody who was waiting the Mueller Report to say was. Their collusion. When there was none, unaffiliated voters, Republican Voters all believed that impeachment wouldld be divisive and certainly you can even make the case that if they impeach, that it actually helps the president of thehe united state. I think its so divisive that we shouldnt do it, but in the end i think that theyre going to try to do death by 1,000 cuts and have hearing after hearing after hearing and try to inflict as much as much partisan damage as they possiblyy can. Tucker isnt that kind of a tough case to make to your own voters though . Nt for two years they tell us the president is a criminal, a trader, he literally has committed treason on behalf of a hostilet foreign power but no, e are not impeaching him . How does that make sense . It is very difficult when you try to lay out the case but heres the thing they know is coming, youve been talking about at night in and night out here at the 8 00 hour. You can talk about the fact that there is other information thats coming and im telling you, attorney general bill barr, john durham, they are on this case and what we will find is this whole conspiracy case and actually the whole case against the president in obstruction will start to fall apart as we look at transparency and make sure that the American People can judge for themselves. And thats what theyre afraid of. Theyre going to try to inflict as much damage as they can right now because there are better days ahead for the president of the United States as it relates to this particular investigatio investigation. Tucker someone should call obama up. The Obama Administration spied on arrivales president ial campan using federal agencies. That seems like a headline to me. No one else seems to think thatt great to see you tonight, thank you. Great to be with you, thanks. Tucker americans keep getting into trouble, often fatal down in the caribbean, we are tryingo to get to the bottm of it in the Dominican Republic. We sent someone down and spoke to the president of the dr and one of the main backers of tourism down there. Our Investigation Continues live from the Dominican Republic after this. Tuna like my favorite just tear, eat. Mmm and go starkist tuna, chicken, and salmon creations. Bravo but im more than a number. When im not teaching, im taking steep grades and tight corners. My essilor lenses offer more than vision correction with three Innovative Technologies for my ultimate in vision clarity and protection together in a single lens the essilor ultimate lens package. So, i can do more of what i love buy two pairs of essilors best lenses and get a 100 back instantly. See more. Do more. 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Tucker in the past two months mor tucker in the past few months more than a half a dozenr americans have been killed or attacked while in theub Dominican Republic. Weve teamed up with fox friends and sent Griff Jenkins down there to investigate what is happening exactly buried him joins us exclusively live from the Dominican Republic tonight. Hey, good evening. When it comes to finding answers, we find that the officials here are mostly stonewalling us. Hotels arent going on camera to talk to us amateurism minister is out of the country so we took the hunt to tell mike what his answer straight to the top. Danilo is the president of the Dominican Republic, been in office since 2012, groundbreaking event yesterday, we went with our questions, heres what happened, watch. Mr. President , mr. President. I want to ask you about the recent death of four americans here at resorts. Mr. President , just a comment, sir. One of the gentlemen youem se there that the president is talking to is frank ranieri, one of the wealthiest investors in tourism in the Dominican Republic. He was willing to speak to meli afterwards. He says that hes worried about the impact that these deaths may have on tourism. Here are some of what he had to say, listen. One people come to allinclusive and not an allinclusive hotel, people have the tendency to drink and eat, and thats where the problem begins. When you get everything free, then you make a party out of it. So sometimes some people may not be capable of drinking and eating as much and thats why you have heart attacks and things like that. But its not a problem president medina is a very responsible man and im sure hes involved personally and supervising and making sure that all this comes to an end and he gets a clear picture of why that happened. When it comes to the minibar, you heard him mention it there, hard rock casino and hotel that we showed you that video last night of the minibar where you had the full liquor in there. They are issuing a statement tonight sending their sincerest condolences to the families of mr. Robert bill wallace as well as David Harrison and said that the Ongoing Investigation will continue saying this. We can assure you the safety and health of our guests is now and has always been our highest priority. We currently implement beverage protocols including to including part to purchasing field and license from rfid for vendors as well as daily inspections from all products served throughout the hotel bars and in room liquor dispenser, so at least the hard rock there responding to our investigation, but it is going to be the final toxicology and pathology reports of the last four individuals that have died here, the americans that have died here. I can also add to this, the hotel resortin behind me, this s where that maryland couple Edward Holmes and cynthia dey were unresponsive, didnt check out on time, they were found dead in their room on may 30th. Theyre returning telling me about 30 minutes ago they just got the bodies back today to marilyn. He will do his own independent autopsy. And toxicology reports. Well find out what those results tell us when they are available. Tucker so those of the people he suggested to you may have eaten themselves to death because the food was free. Well, you know, hes clearly a billionaire on the island and has a big steak and all of this and he pointed out tucker didnt seem a possible acclamation. Im no physician. But thats pretty believable. It tells us one thing, and that is that they are scrambling in the wake of these tragic deaths and certainly hope no more happen. Tucker yeah. Thats pretty amazing. Griff jenkins, thanks a lot. We will see you w tomorrow. Our joint investigation with our friends at fox friends continues, more live reports throughout the week. You think its bad enough to kill children . Kirsten gillibrand says youre the bad one, youre no better than a clan member, youre a racist, for real. Weve got the tape after the break. I have a vision correction number, but im more than a number. When im not teaching, im taking steep grades and tight corners. My essilor lenses offer more than vision correction with three Innovative Technologies for my ultimate in vision clarity and protection together in a single lens the essilor ultimate lens package. So, i can do more of what i love buy two pairs of essilors best lenses and get a 100 back instantly. See more. Do more. Essilor its us. Millennials. Everyones favorite. Theres just one thing hurting us more than Student Loans Credit Card Debt. Sure, dad, call us irresponsible. Were only dealing with insane living costs and housing costs. Its just not right. But with a personal loan from sofi, you can consolidate your Credit Card Debt into one monthly payment. And get your future right. Get your money right with sofi. Tucker we are a long way from seeing the race to choose the democratic nominee, almost a year, but joe biden is acting like its alreadyng over. Biden is preparing himself, he says, for an allout war with President Trump. Today weve seen him carry this, and saint joe biden was ready to eviscerate the president. Turned out to be a fitting term. He didnt speak of trump like a politician or even a human being, he described the president as if he were the leader of an enemy country. Watch. I believe that the president is literally an excess dental threat to america. So i i think hes genuinely a threat to our core values and hes a threat to our standing to the world. I think theres a genuine threat to american democracy. Tucker it dana perino hosts the Daily Briefing with dana perino and she joins us tonight. Great to see her tonight. Thank you. Tucker so when you hear someone use thee phrase literally an existential threat to america, what does that mea mean . I could go to the dictionary and look up existential. So many people have been using this word for so long. Remember when greg gutfeld used to do band phrases on the five . And asked them, they are in this phrase, because one, does joe biden really think that america is under threat, that the democracy i understand that he thinks donald trump is a bad president and he can campaign on that, but actually, if youreyo worried about norms and the constitution and theut institution, actually, go issue by issue, they have held up pretty well. I would say this though, joe biden isnt the only one acting like this is a general election contest between biden and trump. President trump is actually doing the same. Elevating joe biden, and this is coming at a time just when other contenders on the left are starting to take little bites at joe biden and if i will President Trump, i would be sowing that chaos and let them feel comfortable going after biden. There is the hyde amendment, the flipflop on abortion. Theres china, that happened today, the iraq war. The crime bill. Its kind of a never endingut thing. I do wonder about going after biden so aggressively and then getting liberals to sort of coalesced behind biden because hes being attacked by President Trump. This early. Tucker maybe the white house thinks biden is the best challenger they could face. Actually i wouldnt think so out of the 20, i could pick someer other ones that i would y they would never become president of the United States. And i listen to people who think that biden would be a terrible candidate. It could be. But if the election were held today, actually, joe biden is in pretty good shape. From now in june of 2020, who knows what we will be talking about . But right now one thing thats interesting is that the end of his speech in which he did not eviscerate resident from, and by the way, if youre going to give a speech, dont tell people youre going to eviscerate someone. Like in one of you dont say i you dont have them call the president as they make sure to watch tucker because hes going to eviscerate someone tonight. What happens is you do your monologue and if people think that was an evisceration, then thats the kind of buzz that it gets, you dont pregame and evisceration. Dont ever do that. Little tip from the press secretary. Tucker also, these are verbal criticisms. You can devalue the language if you overuse hyperbolic terms like eviscerate. You know what i mean . You got one elderly politician criticizing another elderly politician. Exactly. Its too much. I would say this. Bidens path to the nomination is no sure thing and he even says that at the end. If he show me the falls. I know the polls are really good, but im not taking anything forg granted. Were going to know a lot more in two weeks. Im so excited i get you so much to be your program if you have me on the night of the first democratic debate, because that is going to show you who can have a moment, who will be able to snipe at him. A pretty good week in iowa, her favorability is way up. Shes one point behind Bernie Sanders. But i will President Trump i would let Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren fight it out to take on joe biden. He doesnt have to do anything right now. But he kind of cant resist. Tucker sot i can just take issue with one thing the president said, he said that biden is mentally the weakest is the field. It seems obvious to me that that prize would go every single time to bill de blasio of new york, wouldnt it . Bill de blasio. Theres this poll that came out, for those of you that dont know, the mayor of new york city, has thrown his hat in the ring for president. F turns out that he is actually less popular in new york state and donald trump, which is reallyll saying something, becae hatred for donald trump in new york state is kind of a given. So if bill de blasio is actually more disliked than donald trump, that is really saying something because people can see it with their own eyes, they can see what happening to the city, they get it. In some ways they probably think please, go to iowa and campaign for the next 18 months and leave us alone. Tucker i think its reallyrk been helpful for new york with him on the road. Dana perino, its great to see you and we will see you in two weeks if not sooner. To assess. Okay, thanks. Tucker there are more than 20 democrats running for right now and on most major issues they agree with each other completely. For instance example, all of them hate borders, at least at least americas borders, and want them to go away, but what do democrats actually agree on . What it is like most . The answer it turns out is abortion. Democrats previously said they wanted abortions to be safe, legal and rare. They dont say that anymore. Modern democrats want abortion to be late, common and subsidized by taxpayers. Its not even at the left denies that abortion is killing. On his liberals admit that it is in fact killing, they just dont care. Sophie lewis put it in precisely those terms, watch this. Abortion is, in my opinion, and i recognize how controversial this is, a form of killing. Its a form of killing that we need to be able to defend. I am not interested in where a human life starts to exist. Tucker so abortion is killing. Even sophie lewis, who is 100 for it, concedes that. What if that bothers you . What if you think its wrong to take innocent human life . Well, senator Kirsten Gillibrand has very strong feelings about that. She has an answer and if you disagree that abortion should be legal up until the moment of birth, not restricted in any way and paid for by tax dollars, youre not simply wrong, youre evil, you are on with racist, maybe even a nazis. Here senator. We have decided that the other side is not acceptable. Imagine saying that its okay to a point a judge who is racist or antisemitic or homophobic. Telling asking someone to appoint someone who takes away basic human rights of any group of people in america, i think that we are i dont think those are political issues anymore. V tucker the senator is very against taking away any basic human rights from anybody of course, and less those people are unborn and cant vote and therefore cant help her attain power, in which case they are not useful, killing them is fin fine. Founder of the Prolife Group live action joins us tonight. Thanks very much for coming on. Before i ask you about senator gillibrand, there was a report tonight that your organization was in effect censored by pinterest, the tech company and put in the same category confirm that, if you would. Sure, its been a busy day. Theres been an insider from the popular website pinterest, which a lot of women love to use, pictures of babies, wedding to core and prolife pins, bible verses, whatever youou want. Live action has been totally banned and its because they say we were originally a porn website, which we are not, obviously, now theyre saying its because we dwell in conspiracy theories and we h are harmful to t public health. At the same time, abortion clinics are on pinterest, same website, and they are running ads to promote selling abortions online. So its absolutely insanity coming from this Big Tech Company in San Francisco that is sponsoring the prolife message. Tucker okay, so this comes from wey couldnt verify thi, it sounds right to me. I dont know the answer, but this comes from you say a whistleblower. What happened to that person . He was fired today. Ive actually just been in contact with him. He was an employee. He bravely shared the news that pinterest is not being fair like they claim they are. They say they allow anybody to Share Positive messages or even serious political messages on the platform and yet this insider has now been fired after he broke the news this morning and live action has been now totallye. Banned from the websi. So its incredible to see the bias so explicit and so blatant from a website that claims to allow anybody toge share messag, whether prolife, prochoice, whatever you are. Tucker i dont know who this person is provided with this person is always welcome on the show. Hes brave. Tucker he is brave. Respond, if you would come into Kirsten Gillibrand, running for president after all, proclaimed that if youre uncomfortable with abortion, you are like a racist. Well, look, Kirsten Gillibrand has 0 z shes pulling at 0 but her comments unfortunately are held. This idea that its not even justified to have the prolifee position, you are a racist. That term is just thrown around today but saying that your even a racist to be prolife. Half of america is prolife and why are we prolife . Because we believe in human rights. She b invoked human rights. We believe in the right to life for every human being in theom womb and outside of the womb. Its our first human right, its in the declaration of independence in her position oft abortion through all nine months for any reason is held by all the Democratic Candidates for president. Every single one of them want t abortion through all nine months. Thats their position and its out of touch with the vastin majority of americans, including mostem democrats. They dont want abortion on demand for any reason, so shes completely out of touch and its astonishing for her to say this. Tucker i think theyve gone too far, even for them. Thank you, great to see her tonight. Thanks, thanks for having me. Tucker the left is always telling you how much they love immigrants as long as the immigrants are very quiet and agree with them. But if theyre not, well, they might wind up like the immigrant College Professor who was being attacked. Some are saying he should be fired because he opposes illegal immigration. That professor joins us after the break. Tucker creepy porn lawyers legal issues have put president ial ambitions on hold, at least for now. 20 to life, probably, but absolutely still on the campaign trail, at least in spirit. Today in iowa joe biden tried out a new slogan for his campaign, watch. Lets make America Great again, lets make America America again. Tucker that t sounded kind of familiar to us, so we routed around in our fox Video Archives and we found cpl saying exactly the same thing in New Hampshire last august, watch. We will make america respected again. And above all else, we will make America America again. Tucker its note the first time that joe biden has stolen someonebi elses words, and probably wont be the last. Plagiarism is forever. Creepy porn lawyer is a generous man. Hesaw not upset. He told the Daily Caller News Foundation he doesnt mind biden stealing his line, and thats a good attitude to have. For one, he is the last person who ought to complain about theft. Who knows, if biden wins, maybe he will be appreciative and give him a creepy porn party. Tucker a history professor at Georgia Gwinnett College atlanta. Exactly the kind of intimate we would want in this country. Is educated, he knows english well and he cares a lot about whats best for the b United States, his new country. But the professor is also a vocal critic of illegal immigration and for that, he has beenht attacked. Thought crime, some are calling for them to be fired. One lawmaker in georgia even voiced plans to write to his college to voice for concerns. An orwellian term. The professor says he wont back down and joins us tonight. Thanks very much for coming on. Thank you for having me. Im an associate professor with job security, my institution has an Academic Freedom, freedom policy. I teach students the difference between legal and illegal immigration. Lumping legal and illegal immigration together is not only long dormant wrong, its deeply offensive. Its like lumping pharmacists and drug dealers together and calling it illegal immigrant a undocumented immigrant is like calling a drug dealer an unlicensed pharmacist or a student who intentionally cheated onr a test and answer key borrower. Tucker if i had a professor like you were in college i s probably would have learned enjoyed it. What are your kids say . What do your students say when you peel off a line like that . Most of my students are against illegal immigration. I respect everyones viewpoints. I tell students you dont have to believe me. If you want to make a convincing argument, please provide evidence. Tucker do you provide evidence to back up your positions on immigration . Absolutely. There have been numerous studies, harvard professors have conducted the most indepth Statistical Analysis on the consequences of illegal immigration on the American Economy and how that directly lowers the incomes of high school graduates, those with less than a High School Diploma in the United States. Tucker so for saying what you just said, backing up an opinion with evidence, in this case by a harvard researcher, some are saying that you should be fired from her job. What does that tell you . Festival, i have job security. Im an associate professor. Mymy institution has an Academic Freedom policy. My perspective is everyones dentitled to their opinions. I dont know this lawmaker. Doesnt represent me. Ive never met her. She can say whatever she wants. So she can contact my institution, apparently she has some pro illegal immigration followers. Ive gotten lots and lots of messages, most of them are overwhelmingly supportive. I have a few that disagree with my views, but i respect everyonesev opinions. Everyone has the right to free speech. Tucker first of all i just want to say again, im so glad that y you moved to this country, i admire your bravery. I cant believe theres someone like you still teaching in an american university. What do your colleagues think of you . I think most of my colleagues know i antiillegal immigration activism and they understand my perspective as a legal immigrant and i feel like my colleagues respect my views and i respect their views. Tucker r do you really think they respect i hope youre right. T. So when you moved to this country and they told you that we had free speech here, you took that very seriously, i can tell. Heres what i will say, i always vote in every single election. Im a proud georgia republican. I vote in a republican primary and im going to work as hard as i can to help my friend, congresswoman karen handel get reelected in 2020 in in the gea sixth district. Tucker do you think your colleagues are okay with thatt too . It doesnt matter what their opinions are, i respect their views. Some of them live in my district, some of them dont. I assume more of them are liberal, some might be moderate, but at the same time, i respect their views and they understand where im coming from and i think they respect my views. Tucker do think the Democratic Party wants more immigrants like you . I dont know, but i will tell you this, in other countries like canada they have a meritbased points system where they give priority tol well educated legal immigrants who have College Degrees who can speak english and who have job skills that are needed. No country on earth has 12 million Illegal Immigrants and give birthright citizenship to the children of Illegal Immigrants. Tucker im for any program that admits more peopleop like u into this country. But wouldnt you think that democrats would be happy to have you . If they are proimmigrant, i imagine you must be getting calls from democratic lawmakers thanking you for expressingg yor opinion, have you . Im a republican, but i respect a lot of democratic lawmakers, so i think for one thing is the United States has 12 million Illegal Immigrants. No other country on earth has 12 million Illegal Immigrants and dems, gives birthright citizenship to the children of llIllegal Immigrants. You look at canada, you look at australia, they have a meritbased immigration system that gives priority to those with College Degrees, English Speaking skills and job skills that can contribute to their economy. Soga they have very few Illegal Immigrants. Tucker of course. If you cared about your country, of course he would have a system like that, it wouldnt even be a question. Professor, thank you, youre welcome on the show anytime. Thank you, thank you for inviting me. Tucker of course. Thanks. Up in canada, Justin Trudeau, who runs the country, sort of, just lost a trash war with the philippines and is expected to lose the next election too. Hes got a plan to save himself. Banning plastic straws. St by the way, not just plastic straws, other kinds of plastic. Tammy bruce here to assess that Campaign Strategy after the break. Just one free hearing test at his local miracle ear helped andrew hear more of the joy in her voice. Just one hearing test is all it took for him to hear more of her laugh. And less of the background noise around him. For helen, just one visit to her local miracleear is all it took to learn how she can share more moments with her daughter. Just one free hearing test could help you hear more. Laughter. Music. Life. Call now for your free hearing test from an Industry Leader miracleear. But im more than a number. When im not teaching, im taking steep grades and tight corners. My essilor lenses offer more than vision correction with three Innovative Technologies for my ultimate in vision clarity and protection together in a single lens the essilor ultimate lens package. So, i can do more of what i love buy two pairs of essilors best lenses and get a 100 back instantly. See more. Do more. Essilor tucker Justin Trudeau of canada is up for reelection. The polls dont look good. He has a plan to save himself. s government is just a announcd plans to ban singleuse plastic straws, bag, and silverware by 2021. Life will get a little worse and make no convenient. Make no mistake, when activists are complaining in canada, theyll try the same here. Tammy bruce is with us. Thanks for coming on. I sense a theme here. F politicians on the left, the analysis of new initiatives. I cant remember the last time their ideas made things better for voters. Not even neutral. E they make things worse. You hope for ambivalence. The theme is, we live in dumb times. Liberals control so much. Justin trudeau is interesting. He seems to be a man of the world. 90 of the plastic in the worlds oceans come from ten rivers. This is according to the World Economic forum. Eight of which are in asia, two of them are in africa. Its from no rivers in canada is this issue. So this is a problem with like a national narcissism. On this belief that we are responsible for everything that is happening. The fact of the matter, canada isnt, and neither arere we. Yet it placates people when you are telling them, if you dont get your plastic fork, you are saving the whales. He opened his speech by saying, what do i tell my children, we all of the ca animals, when theres a whale found at a nurs. If the canadians, this is china, you would talk to china about these issues, tell china to stop using plastic bags and straws. But they are not. By the canadians would actually stop killing hundreds of thousands of baby seals every year but they dont want to do that. Yet that could be a serious conversations that canadians could could make a difference on. This is classic. Its national narcissism. We all want to solve the problem. I am against this because again, the full compression that we are doingre something about the isse and the issue is in china primarily. Tucker exactly. In fact, there are parts of canada that have been totally destroyed by mining practices that continue. If you really care about the environment, maybe would reign in the nickel mines but they are not. It does seem like this is a very specific audience hes aiming at. A kind of affluent, well educated group who thinks everything is about them and want policies to make them feel virtuous. Exactly. Something you can do in your daytoday life without being too bothered necessarily but youre sacrificing, the struggle israel, tucker, they are sacrificing. What are you going to do about the straw that you cant quite wash in the sink . You are sacrificing in that regard. This is the absurdity of what wt think it is we are doing. There are real things we can do. Even, there is a story that was trying to get people to not want plastic bags in canada, so he was putting really, ridiculous logos on them, like, the colonoscopy coop. He would have to carry that around your town. He thought people wouldnt like that. The canadians loved it because it was so unique and limited edition and they wanted to collect all of the stupid plastic bags. So this is canadians, americans, the western world, we are entrepreneurs, we have enough information to know how to make a difference. This is a distraction, and its shameful, and its what the left does, and its why things get worse with all of their policies because they never make a real difference. Tucker consistently worse. Thats right. If you thought that was insightful, there is more, atammys new weekly show on fox nation called get tammy bruce, episodes every tuesday. Well be watching. Thank you very much. Tucker out of time. Back tomorrow, 8 00 p. M. , the te show that that is the sworn enf light, positive, smugness, especially groupthink. It is everywhere. Resisted if you can. Sean hannity live in new york rates be one great show, best to you and hannity. We begin with a fox news alert. We have major breaking news, breaking right now, as we now come on the air tonight, joining us with the story, Judicial Watch president tom fitton. Tom, the stress breaking, what ive been able to read in short order is incredible. What do you have . More documents out of the Obama State Department showing that Christopher Steele, glenn s simpson had special access to a person called Jonathan Weiner who was the libya guy in the john kerry state department, and he was working with Victoria Nuland and a

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