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The same thing to america. Watch. There is plenty of money in this world. There is plenty of money in this country. Its just in the wrong hands. Im in a new yorker. I have known trumps a bully for a long time. This is not news to me or anyone else here. I know how to take him on. Donald trump must be stopped. Ive beaten him before and i will do it again. Im bill de blasio and im running for president because its time we put working people first. Tucker spoiler alert bill de blasio is never going to be the president of the united states. He is dumb. Is he unpopular. Is he almost comically incompetent. Is he exactly the kind of person who should not be smoking a lot of marijuana but apparently is anyway. Thats bill de blasio. The good news is he is also kind of entertaining if you dont have to live in his city. While we still can sit back and enjoy the buffoonery. There is a lot of it. He began today with his announcement video in which de blasio pledged to fight for working people while being driven by a chauffeur around the streets of new york. Even cnn which has been happy to promote transparent phonies like Kirsten Gillibrand and Pete Buttigieg was not impressed. There is a palpable lack of excitement in the streets of new york. Three quarters of new yorkers dont want him to run. One of the big problems with bill de blasio he is not showing up to work. He doesnt come in at all he comes in late. Disinterested in running the americas largest big city. Under water often in the polls a city 6 to 1 democrat. I dont have any friends excited about bill de blasio for president. Tucker so if you are bill de blasio, this has got to hurt, stings, cnn was supposed to be a critical ally in this race. Unfortunately cnn is based in new york city and that means its employees know exactly how incompetent at the present time their mayor is they have to weighed through pile of garbage to get to work every morning. Nbc is in new york too. Can you tell the way they covered his announcement, watch. He is not what anyone would call popular back in new york. Last month in a quinnipiac poll 76 of new yorkers said he should not run for president. What do you think about mayor de blasio saying is he running for president. I dont know. I feel like he has a lot of stuff to do in new york city, first. Im not encouraged by his policies in the city. About time a woman run this country. He should announce on the first of april. Why is that . It would have been a good april fools day joke. Tucker ouch. At this point if you personally are excited for bill de blasio presidency, please let his campaign know. You are likely qualified for a paid staff position. So obviously doomed everyone knows it including you would think ms. De blasio. Why is de blasio running for president. The same reason he ran for new york. Narcissism. Smug, arrogant, utterly hypocritical and lacking in selfawareness. This is the man who announced his own green deal but then took a helicopter to the gym. This is a guy who sent cops into the subway to shoe Homeless People out of the way before he rides it but lets the city drown in crash. He demands you stop eating hot dogs because they are bad but then promotes smoking weed. De blasio only person in new york who has no idea what an idiot de blasio is. Totally mediocre and completely selfconfident. Amazing combination. Less rare than you would think. De blasio is not going to be president but he will be on television for awhile. Our advice stay amused. Seth covers him for the city journal and joins us tonight. Seth barron, is there a reserve oreservoir for this guy anywhere . He is from new york city. Many people outside the city are more impressed by him than they are here. Thats his excuse. Seriously, among the top, you know, contenders for the democratic nomination, who among them has as much executive experience as he does . Nobody. Tucker thats a fair point. Running new york city is very, very hard. Its an impressive job. The point is he hasnt done an impressive job. He has not done a very impressive job. Yes. Well, he has been very racially divisive. He has his approach to the schools has been that the problem is that the schools are segregated. Now, of course, this is not true. And the schools are only 15 white. So, its hard to understand what he means by saying that they are racially segregated. He wants to take apart the best schools in the city, which, you know, you get into through a simple admissions test and he think that the test needs to be abolished because there arent enough minorities in it, supposedly, although there are more than 50 asian. There has been a series of antisemitic attacks in brooklyn which he has blamed on White Supremacy and President Trump even though everyone knows these are not committed by White Supremacists they are committed by largely black teenagers and in a few cases like an arab taxi driver. Ethically he is what ethically challenged he has run city hall like a ticket booth where his donors come in to, you know, file their donations and then his consultants come and collect them on the other end. Yet, there is two people there is people in two different federal jurisdictions, the eastern and Southern District of new york who are going to prison for bribing de blasio or people under him. This is, you know, seems pretty serious to me. Tucker not a good record. The quality of life problems in new york, i think, is what most of us who visit the cities in the right away. Its gotten dirty, really dirty. Has he acknowledged that . He sort of says that its not really his fault. And he and his wife, who are both, you know, have a very strong marxist past, they both they honeymooned in scas throws cuba. They both have nostalgia for the days when new york was grittier and more authentic in the 1970s and 1980s. Meanwhile he throws his hands up the subways which you see right there are filthy, thats not really his problem. Thats the governors problem. No mayor in history has been happier to disclaim responsibility for whats going on in the city. He always says look, if you dont like the subway us go, talk to the governor. If you dont like nitra blame it on ronald reagan. This is his method. Tucker is he a deck dents moron. Im sorry you have to live there. Seth barron, thank you. Thank you, tucker. Tucker bill de blasios Campaign Starts off haunted by a specter. The specter of death in 2014 the mayor tragically ended the life of new yorks groundhog day ground dog. Watch this. This footage from ground hog day 2014 shows freshly inaugurated mayor bill de blasio appearing to drop Staten Island chuck. The week after the ground hog did a few more events before being found zoo space deceased on february 9th. Tucker he killed the groundhog. He certainly couldnt be trusted to handle a groundhog. Are we ready to put america in his hands . Author and columnist mark steyn has been watching the de blasio phenomenon since the day he killed that groundhog and he joins us to answer that question. Mark, great to see you tonight. Are you ready to see this. America is going to end up like that groundhog if we survive to see a de blasio inauguration on whatever it is january the 20th, 2021. By the second week in february, were going to be like that groundhog, Staten Island chuck. Tucker slipping out of his hands onto the pavement doing a double i dont know why im laughing. Its horrible. No. And i feel for Staten Island, chuck. Because he would do a better job of running the city if he was still alive. The fact is though, fumbling the groundhog he actually fumbled the city and let it fall to the ground and he doesnt care about it. Buff the thing here, tucker, is, you know, the barfa entry into the democratic primary is now so low. If you look at de blasio, all his life he has had being mayor of new york is like the third most important position in america. People like mario cuomo all their career were talked about as president ial material. De blasio switches on the tv and he sees the mayor of some town called south bend, indiana is running for president. South bend, indiana has 100,000 people, give or take. New york city has 100,000 people who are homeless. And thats actually not an exaggeration. It has as many Homeless People as south bend has nonHomeless People. And from de blasios poison, the problem for his campaign is that every single one of those Homeless People on the streets of new york is polling higher than de blasio in iowa and New Hampshire right now. Tucker how can an adult man i dont know how old de blasio is, he is pushing 60, i think. How can a man get that old without having Anyone Around him who is willing to tell the obvious truth that no, you are not going to be president. The best you can do is humiliate yourself. Please stop. Why is no one saying that to him . Give me a break, tucker. Thats actually the essence of president ial politics, isnt it . I mean, i dont like to mock you for that question, but there is like basically seven dozen people running for president who none of them have Anyone Around. Beto orourke doesnt have Anyone Around. Tucker very good point. Dont reboot your campaign by getting a hair cut. The essence is failing upwards here. Beto is president ial material because he lost to ted cruz. De blasio is president ial material because he has wrecked new york. Stacey abrams is everybodys preferred running mate because she lost by 50,000 votes in georgia but is going around and pretending she hasnt. Failure is actually the critical ingredient for getting in the democrat primary. Tucker thats literally true. It really shouldnt surprise us in a world thats completely inverted where being a victim is the goal. It is bizarre. I wish i understood it better. Mark steyn, great to see you tonight. Thank you. Thanks a lot, tucker. Tucker well, speaking of that world view. The company that administers the sat has a new test. It does not measure what you know. It measures how are. Its a privilege test. I will tell what you it intels after the break. The latest innovation from xfinity isnt just a store. Its a save more with a new kind of Wireless Network store. Its a look what your wifi can do now store. A get your questions answered by awesome experts store. Its a now theres one store that connects your life like never before store. The xfinity store is here. And its simple, easy, awesome. Tucker the College Board is adding a new score to the sat. It doesnt measure aptitude in reading or grammar or math or any other academic subject. Instead the new category is called an adversity score. It will rate students from zero to 100 based on how much privilege the College Board believes they have. The formula for all of this is secret, of course. The people who came up with it know it is pure pseudo science and never withstand public scrutiny so they are highlanding it. According to the wall street journal, the test will calculate privilege based on 15 different factors. Some will draw a neighborhood statistic like the crime rate, poverty, home values, a Students High School will supply other factors like estimated curricular rigger and free lunch rate and factors that look at a students own family factors like Household Income and whether both parents live at home this is a pure inversion of the intent of the sat. From the first day the whole point of the test of the sat was that your background didnt matter. Devised to create as level a Playing Field as possible. Everybody took the same test. Grading was blind. It didnt matter where you came from. Nobody thought the sat was going to make everyone the same. Thats impossible. People are not the same. Some people have natural add van tangs, including on standardized tests and always will. You cant change that unfortunately. Any more than you could make everyone tall enough to play in the nba. What you can do and what you must do is ensure fairness. Everyone deserves to have the same rights. Everyone should have the same standards and be held to them in the same way. Thats the most basic promise of america. The College Board is explicitly rejecting. This on the new sat, it isnt ability that matters. Its where you rank on the privilege hierarchy. Its not hard to imagine the perverse effects on this. Under the new standards if you worked hard and the married for the sake of your children your kids will be punished for that david comey is the left wing social engineer who runs the College Board. You wont be surprised to know he is also the genius behind common core. He says the new standards are designed to address disparities of wealth reflected in the sat. It doesnt take a perfect sat score to guess who is going to lose under the system. It is who always loses the middle class. They have been told that america is a meritocracy, work hard, sacrifice for your kids and you will be rewarded. People like david comey know thats not true. They know it because they make the rules. They benefit from the corruption of the system. They pad their own kids applications with phony extra curriculars make up new heritage to benefit from the jim crow Racial Discrimination we have on college campuses. The new sat will only increase the opportunities to game the system. For example, the College Board plans to evaluate privilege based on home address. Well, parents already use fake addresses to send their kids to choice Public Schools in many places. Why wont they use fake addresses from tough neighborhoods to give their kids an advantage in College Admission . Well, of course they will. English language proficiency, Household Income, Family Education levels, these are all factors, too. So get ready for an awful lot of lying about those subjects as well. Wouldnt it just be easier to reward the kids who note most about english and math . Thats what you do if you cared about fairness or the future of your country. You would emphasize achievement over victimhood. Our decadent elites dont care so they do the opposite. Mcdonald is the author of the book the diversity delusion. We are happy to have her join us tonight. Heather, thanks very much for coming on. So the sat was created to prevent exactly what the new sat will ensure, which is a system where you came from matters. Right . Well, right. And i think what Everybody Needs to understand, tucker, is all of this is driven by the seemingly intractable racial achievement gap. Everything about diversity in our culture is a surrogate for that problem. If we could close the racial achievement gap and the way to do that is by changing culture, the whole discourse about diversity would go up in a puff of smoke overnight and we would never hear about this pseudo scientific concept again. The idea its privilege that drives sat scores and academic success generally as opposed to hard work persistence and selfdiscipline is completely ludicrous. We see every year in new york city that asian kids from poor immigrant background whoop everybodys ass regardless of their income levels because their families, their parents are so relentlessly focused on their students academic involvement. That is what is necessary to close the academic achievement gap. Until you get rid of the acting white syndrome, that stigmatizes academic achievement on the part of black students unless we get rid of the preferences that black students know about that sends the message that they dont need to work as hard in order to get admitted to highly selected schools overtheir nonstudent of color peers with better scores and we are going to be saddled with this scourge of diversity which is simply a way to dismantle precisely the standards that are a key to any societys success. The guy who runs the College Boards, who went to prestigious schools and worked at mackenzie, of course, im not surprised. He must know that there is not Science Behind it. There is no Peer Reviewed Science Behind any of, this as you said its pseudo science, its made up. How can someone like that bring this to us with a straight face and act as if its legitimate . Its not. Well, its too bad. The College Board has actually resisted for decades the charge that the sat is simply a function of White Privilege. Its not surprising. The only thing surprising is that they have held out this long the fact that he has caved and now thrown the College Board in full speed ahead into the excuse making grievance industry is simply what you would expect from anybody involved in Higher Education in this country. So, again, all of this all of this is driven by the fact that there is a standard deviation of difference in sat scores between blacks and whites. A difference that is not determined by family. According to the journal of blacks in Higher Education whites from households that make 10,000 or less on average score better than black students on the sat who come from households making 80 to 100,000. Again, tucker, this is all about culture and for the College Board getting behind the idea about White Privilege is completely fallacious and a tragic disservice to the country. Tucker it doesnt do a lot for our society at all i would say. Heather macdonald. Great to see you. Good to see you, tucker. Tucker left has preferred new angle on attack abortion laws in alabama, georgia and elsewhere. You can just guess what it is. They are racist. Womens march leader Linda Sarsour white women uphold the parishy and responsible for georgias heart beat law. Out of the closet racist but still taken serious for some reason. The laws perpetuate the industrial prison complex by preventing black women from getting abortions. Those are her words not our words. On the left keeping black children alive is racism. Aboarding black children is Racial Justice. Matt bevin is the governor of kentucky and recently appealed a federal Court Decision striking down one of his states law on abortion. Governor bevin joins us tonight. Thank you for coming on. Thanks for having me. Tucker what do you make of this argument . It is so empty. When you consider the fact that over 40 of all of the abortions performed in america are the taking of young black lives, that more black children, more blacks, period, are killed by abortion thank crime, accidents, cancer, disease, aids, every other cause of death combined does not add up to the number of blacks that are killed by abortion and for people to come out and say that it is somehow Racial Justice to be able to kill black children before they are even born is a remarkably empty argument. And highly offensive, frankly, to many people like myself. Tucker and you say that out loud. You are not embarrassed to say what you just said. So often republicans dont say that. They just sort of let this argument go unanswered. The people who are encouraging abortion in black neighborhoods are able to seize the moral high ground somehow. Why . Look where these abortion clinics are established. They are in minority neighborhoods. They intentionally prey upon minorities. The fact that over 60 of abortions are performed on people of color, this is everything that Margaret Sanger wanted when she started planned parenthood. She was you general miss. She preached eugenics. She wanted to see certain undesirable people were weeded out of the populist. And while they pretend they no longer espouse that that is exactly what theyre doing. It is offensive, it is genocidal in many respects but we are all instructed to turn a blind eye. The reason you are sighing all of this legislation now in states across america is because the more reknow medically the more we know scientifically the more it is clear we are killing human beings who do not have any voice and people are appropriately outraged. Tucker even now i would argue you hear people justify industrial scale abortion, which is what we have millions of abortions over the past 40 years, justify it in ways that suggest they dont think that people in poor neighborhoods, mainly africanamerican ought to have a ton of kids. Why is it not a racist argument . It a remarkably racist argue again, it is eugenics. They can couch it in any other term they want. We passed a law here in kentucky that says you are not allowed to kill a child in the womb based on its race or based on its gender or a disability. I was immediately sued by the aclu. People in planned parenthood they think that its inappropriate to be able to defend those who cant defend themselves. It is highly racist. Target people of color. This should be an outrage to people. Dont pee tend its not what it is. Blatant racism perpetrated on people who are defenseless. Tucker im sorry to chuckle. I would love to hear the conversation where you propose legislation or shepherd through legislation on kill people on the basis of skin color and the aclu says you cant do that why . The hypocrisy is rank. It really is. When you consider again, we use language specifically from existing federal laws. Those the civil rights laws and the ada, the americans with disabilities act. We have used language already in statute in this and immediately sued by the very people who pretend to be the defenders of that language for people outside the womb why know these are human beings. We know theyre being killed. We know they are wiping out entire generations of people of color in this nation. We are doing it for profit in places like planned parenthood and were expected to turn a blind eye. And myself and governors in other states and other people are fed up with it. Tucker you should be. You have every reason to be. Governor, thank you very much for that. Thank you and happy birthday. Tucker thank you. Even the richest cities in the country are struggling to deal with massive upsurge in homelessness. Whats a Small College town supposed to do when it happens to them . Our homeless in america series goes to eugene, oregon, after the break. My reputation was trashed online, i felt completely helpless. My entire career and business were in jeopardy. I called reputation defender. They were able to restore my good name. If youre under attack, i recommend calling reputation defender. And consider joining their groundbreaking campaign to give every american the right to remove old, inaccurate search results by going to righttobeforgotten. Org. If you have search results that are wrong or unfair, call reputation defender at 18778668555. Jushis local miracle ear t at helped andrew hear more of the joy in her voice. Just one hearing test is all it took for him to hear more of her laugh. And less of the background noise around him. For helen, just one visit to her local miracleear is all it took to learn how she can share more moments with her daughter. Just one free hearing test could help you hear more. Laughter. Music. Life. Call now for your free hearing test from an Industry Leader miracleear. Tucker in the San Francisco bay area, the housing crisis has become so severe that some have adopted a novel solution they are living on boats and not quaint boats off sauce iyachts. 100 people are living og tag flotilla of barges the paper describes as decrepted. Some hold jobs. One woman bought a boat for 15 ground because rent for studio apartment had grown to 3,000 a month. Do the math it, will pay for itself in half less a year. Might sound like venture its third world. Like tent camps arent designed to be lived on permanently. During storms endangers jerry lives and cause huge amounts of damage. These flotillas are illegal. Exploiting housing bay area doesnt seem interested in it or serious about fixing it. Whether its San Francisco or new york or seattle, when you think of homelessness you think of major cities. The homeless crisis is not limited to big population centers. Some of the hardest hit places are small cities and towns where even a small Homeless Population can put massive strain on public service. For the latest installment in our series homeless in america. Our producer went to oregon where one Small Charity is fighting to improve a desperate situation in eugene. Watch. Our first stop in portland, obamacare wasnt meant to be work related for breakfast in upscale fashionable pearl district. When we arrived we found a homeless man rifling through a crash can in the parking lot a dirty syringe. Homelessness in portland looks a lot like what we have seen in other cities. Lots of tents, lots of drugs. The citys permissive culture temperate climate and generous social services attract i have a grants and addicts from around the country. We met a woman called liberty hope off cloverleaf she says she came to the west coast because she needed medical treatment for her leukemia. She moved to portland after police towed her motor home. They towed my motor home. Got out nowhere to go. But i couldnt leave because i still had treatments i had to do. Tucker hope says she is blessed because the city shuttles her between Medical Clinic and her tent. She hopes to get back to home state of montana once she is healthy again. How long do you think you will be here. Im not too sure. I broke my foot this past winter so it kind of set me back. With my medical. But im a miracle so every day is a miracle. Tucker similar tent encampments line portlands iowas every open face in the city seems packed with People Living outside and using drugs. River front park downtown receptacle for used heroin syringes. Oregon is a small state but Homeless People more per capita than neighboring washington or california. To get a sense of the scale of the problem, we drove to eugene in the central part of the state. Eugene is a college with a politics to match. Not surprisingly it has enormous Homeless Population. Ultimately, however, even the generosity of a place like eugene has limits. On the night we arrived multiple People Living in this makeshift structure. Two days later the city had cleared the sidewalk and put up notices it was going to scrap the belongings inside. Eugene is trying to get a handle on homeless problem but there are road blocks. A major one, a ruling by the federal ninth circuit of appeals that has declared its somehow unconstitutional to shoe away Homeless People if there is no place for them to go. Eugenes leaders have responded by trying to erect tent cities on public land. One proposal envisioned homeless encampment parking lot at the center of downtown. So far those efforts have failed. A local charity called Saint Vincent depaul has stepped in with own solution. This is a mash tent. A structure that was used by the military in some of our foreign deployments. Tucker other cities on the west code have tried to provide housing for the homeless. Usually at remarkable compensation. San jose, california, for example, is spending 37 million on a building that will house just 83 people. By contrast, Saint Vincent depauls answer is simple and cheap. We put this whole section of tents up with a work crew in one day. Tucker residents are assigned a bed and given a place to store their belongings. They are expected to make their beds every day to instill a sense of pride and selfworth. The shelter is open to anyone, including drunks and drug users. Those who stay get treated for addiction. The strategy essentially is the opposite of what cities like seattle and San Francisco are doing. Saint Vincent Depauls goal is to get people off the streets and into an environment where they might actually recover. Of the housing isnt meant to be permanent. Saint Vincent Depaul tries to get residents cleaned up and ready for longterm housing in just a few months. For many the strategy appears to be working. What are the odds that in two years they are back on the streets . If they stay in programs and in association with people that are clean and sober, chances are pretty good that they are going to stay out. Tucker well the homeless crisis appears to be getting worse pretty much everywhere in america rather than try to fix the problem though elites prefer to attack its victims. In the city of seattle, one of the places hit hardest by this crisis, a woman has faced, believe it or not, backlash for seeking justice after she says she was raped by a homeless man with multiple arrest warrants. We will interview a documentary filmmaker who told her story tomorrow night as our series on homeless in america continues. We will be back in just a minute its time by the way for final exam. The question is can you beat our experts at remembering the weird things that happened over the past week . This week Jesse Watters vs. Kennedy. [laughter] hard to know who will win. Find out after the break on a john deere z500 series mower. Built to mow better, faster. Because sometimes. When you take a look around. You notice. Your grass is long. Your time is short. And theres no turning back. Nothing runs like a deereâ„¢. Run with us. Visit your john deere dealer today, to test drive a z500 or z700 series ztrakâ„¢ mower. Tucker time now for final exam where hardened professionals compete to see who has paid the closest attention to what happened this past week in the world of strange this weeks contestants two of the smartest people here at fox. Kennedy, host of the show named kennedy on fox business as you know she is everywhere. And, of course, can you see Jesse Watters every night at 5 00 on the five. I have no idea who is going to win this contest. Jesse its not going to be me. I have been watching Sports Center all week. Kennedy are there any sports questions . Tucker its hard to know. This is one of those games that doesnt always reward high levels of high level knowledge. We will find out. Jesse you dumped it down. Got it, good. Kennedy jesse warned me this was the dumb dumb version. Tucker contestants, hands on buzzers, i ask the questions. The first one to ho answers buzz in. Wait until i finish asking it before you answer. You can answer once i acknowledge you by saying your name. Every correct answer is worth a single point. If you get it wrong, you lose a point. Best of five wins. Make sense . Kennedy yeah. Tucker question one, multiple choice. You have to wait until all the options are presented. Kennedy contend how many options are there . Tucker i dont know yet. You know, this is new to me, too. Im reading it right off the prompter. Contend ceneld okay. Tucker this week we learned the most popular baby names of 2018 for the fifth year in a row the top girls name is emma. What is the top boys name . Three options. Is it a, liam, b, benjamin, c, may have been. Jesse tucker, im going to go with a, liam. Tucker Jesse Watters says its liam. Social Security Administration reveals the most popular baby names of 2018. Top five boys names are liam, noah, james and oliver. Tucker they dont have that on Sports Center is. Jesse i guess i paid attention. Kennedy his Favorite Movie is nell. Tucker not a multiple choice question. The democratic field of candidates in 2020 just keeping getting bigger. Steve bullock is the 22nd person to enter the race. Bullock is the governor of which mountain news state . Kennedy . Kennedy montana. Tucker montana. Is it montana . You heard the alert on ainsleys phone. Montana governor Steve Bullock announcing he is running for president. Jesse got me. Democratic governor of a state trump won by 20 points i dont have the luxury of just talking to people who agree with me. I m Steve Bullock and im running for president. Tucker there it is. Kennedy contend there is your next president. Tucker state bear grizzly of montana. Russian president Vladimir Putin was waving to admirers the other day when he fell. What was he doing that caused him to topple over . Jesse watters . Jesse he was ice skating. Tucker was he ice skating . And then there is this. Russian president Vladimir Putin tumbled to the ice while taking a victory lap after playing a hockey game. Putin did not see a mat that had been laid out on the ice. [buzzer] tucker they probably did. Kennedy they killed everyone in the stadium. Tucker still pretty impressive playing ice hockey whatever age he is. Kennedy scores 15 goals. Tucker if i could defend Vladimir Putin for a moment as is my habit. Question four, another multiple choice, jeff bezos the guy who owns amazon and the washington post, wants to colonize the moon by sending people there in his spaceship, for real. What year does he say this will happen . Is it a, 2020, b 2034 or c 2035 . Kennedy 2024. Tucker how would you know that . Is she right . Is it really 2024. For those of you doing the arithmetic at home thats 2024. Back to the moon this time to stay. [applause] tucker how would you know that . Kennedy because i already put my down payment on my moon condo. Jesse can i come visit . Tucker moon condo. Order on prime. Okay. Final question. The president as you know has given nicknames to a number of the Democratic Candidates running this year. What is the name he has given to the south bend mayor Pete Buttigieg . Kennedy . Kennedy alfred e. Neuman. Tucker alfred e. Neuman. Is that right . Do you know who in the white house continues to give nicknames to his rivals, calling democratic candidate mayor Pete Buttigieg alfred e. Neuman whose cartoon mascot of mad magazine. Tucker wow. That was a little tighter than i thought it was going to be. Decisive victory by kennedy. Jesse, thank you very much. Jesse im 0 for 2. Did you smoke me . Tucker was impressive on both your parts. Trying to be diplomatic here. It was great. Kennedy, you win, that entitles you to the coveted eric pimple mug send you by fedex as soon as we can figure out what our tracking numbers are. Kennedy works from d. C. To new york. Tucker actually really good point. Thank you. Jesse bye. Tucker those of you watching at home Pay Attention every week. Tune in next thursday to see if you can beat our experts. Well be right back. The russians are engaging in trying to divide us. Russian interference in places like facebook. No question what russia did. They medalled in our election. Tucker thats former Ohio Governor john kasich. He fell early and very hard for the russia hoax. Two years later he has still not recovered. Is he still yammering on about russia much to the elm bares arement of his friends. Kasich and his staff must be true believers they must really think that russia is existential threat to our democracy. But, of course, they dont really think that they are lying. We know that because last month john kasichs closest advisor, john weaver, signed a 350,000 contract with a subsidiary of wait for it russias state owned Nuclear Power company. John weaver also registered as a Foreign Agent to lobby against sanctions on russia. Keep in mind a few months ago like his partner john kasich, weaver was accusing the president of betraying his country to work for russia, which is precisely what john weaver himself is now doing. Pause and let the irony sink in. Marinade in it for a moment. Tonight john weaver is ashamed of all of that as if he is capable of shame. The rest of us should understand that john weaver never cared about russia. None of these people did. John kasich, bill crystal, the rest of them, all the hysterics on twitter. It was all fake. Nothing to do with russia. What they cared about was preserve ago system that they benefited from. And to protect that system, they tried to overturn democratic Election Results in this country using a hoax and a lot of lying and a ton of hysteria and shouting and accusations. They have been caught doing that there really ought to be some penalty for what they did. Lets hope there is. On a much happier note it is time now for the friend zone. We bring in one of our friends here at fox onto the program. Shannon bream works two doors down. She hosts the 11 00 p. M. Hour every night. A terrific writer a new book out this week. Unlike ed henrys book we told you about last night this book actually exists its called finding the bright side. The art of chasing what matters. We are proud to have Shannon Bream join us tonight. Happy birthday, tucker. Am i allowed to say that . Tucker no. I cant handle it. Thank you. The art of chasing what matters. What in the course of your long and varied and much more interesting, even than i realized life, what have you decided matters . Well, you know, for me my faith is the biggest thing. It is the center and the compass of my life. Like many human beings im easily distracted on a daytoday basis whether its chasing after a certain job or a certain guy, a certain whatever. A constant refocusing the things that are actually of significance, your relationship, your faith, whatever that maybe. For me that is really what it is. Sometimes you get your eyes off the real prize and easy to be distracted in this world. Tucker yeah. It certainly is. But you have remained faithful to who you are. You have been with the same man who is a friend of mine and a wonderful man for all these years. The one kind of hard pivot in your life though, you go from law to television. Shannon umhuh. Tucker why did you do that . Shannon you know what . I have always been a news junky. I love what we get to do. You meet the most interesting people. You travel around the world. You see history. I have always been into that. When i was in college, my dad, who is passed away now. He was a marine and undercover cop he was a tough guy. He said you are going to law schoolor med school you pick one and thats it. I knew he wanted me to have a good Financial Foundation but he didnt think of journalism as a real job. He thought it was more like entertainment tonight or something. Is he the was like be a lawyer so much more respected out in the world. I did that. I never got over the news junky thing. Crazy changes became 29. Grandma intern and everyone else there was 20 who was interning. I made coffee and worked overnight. I learned the business from the ground up. I made a lot of mistakes but i loved it. That passion has never gone away. Tucker are you glad you did it . So you write this book and you pause and do what most of us never do which is think about your life. Are you glad you made that choice . Absolutely. I love what i do every day. It feels like a blessing. It is the most interesting thing in the world. If our little bit add which i am. We are always learning new topics, meeting new people. You know, learning new policies. So, for me its a wonderful job. I hated being a lawyer. Im not going to lie. So i dont miss that at all, which is good. Its the truth. Im so excited every day when i get up and i come here to work to work with people like you and get to chase stories. Its endlessly fascinating to me and i really do love it. Tucker whats the weirdest, most unexpected thing you have seen in doing this. I would say getting fired from my first tv job was rather unexpected. I was told i am the worst person on tv and i would never make it in this business. That was very painful and humiliating. It keeps you humble which is an important part of the book as well. Its good to stay there. Tucker what market was that. I was in tampa where i interned and i somehow talked my way into being on air. The guy who had put me on air left the station and the new guy came in and said what was that dude thinking . There have been serious valleys along the way. If you are passionate about something just stick with it. For every person that tells you know keep going until you get to that one person who see some kind of glimmer who can see your passions and make your dreams come true. Tucker amazing. Have you done that beloved by everybody in the building. Congratulations on the book. Shannon thank you. Happy birthday. Tucker thats it for us the hour is over. Back tomorrow night 8 00 p. M. The show that is the sworn enemy and totally sincere enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and group think. Our show is followed b by the 9 00 p. M. Hour. The 9 00 p. M. Hour is hotsed by our friend sean hannity. Is he in new york city right now. Tes this is an fbi dplank pin. You want to know why i wear it . An fbi friend of mine gave it to me because he said i know you are going after these few at the top, thank you. And that you always say the 99. 9 that are putting their lives on the line for us, and i mean it. Tucker thank you. Sean its somebodys birthday today. Tucker mine. [laughing] sean my present is in the mail. Tucker, thank you. Welcome to hannity, glad youre with us. Tonight a lot of breaking news. Brand new developments, surrounding james comey. James clapper, john brennan, we have a monumental report from

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